View Full Version : DM Help teamwork

2019-03-28, 07:54 AM
hello all. it has been a while since my last post. i was working on a campaign where the players try to take on the full might of the roman empire. they are part of a rebel group that wants to over throw the roman society and replace it with chaos. what i am needing is some feat info.i remember reading a book that had team work feats. i can not find the team work feats in the SRD so can some one tell me which books have team work feats for d&d 3.5 and or for pathfinder. i probably have the books as a pdf if not i know where i can get them i just don't remember which books i need. thanks for any help. also thanks to the devs of GitP for the bday wishes in my email

2019-03-28, 08:34 AM
There's a section on Teamwork Benefits in Player's Handbook II, starting on page 157.

Uncle Pine
2019-03-28, 10:35 AM
Heroes of Battle has other teamwork benefits starting from page 115.
Exemplar of Evil also has two ceremony feats (only one of which requires an Evil alignment) that can grant benefits to large number of allies.

2019-03-28, 04:14 PM
thx guys do you know of any other books that may have more teamwork feats i think i saw some in miniatures handbook. i'm guessing that most of the team work feats are not opengame license

2019-03-28, 04:55 PM
Pathfinder's teamwork feats start with the advanced players' guide, but there are more in other works too.


2019-03-28, 09:14 PM
Some points in Craft (Debasing Coinage of the Roman Empire) might assist in this quest...

2019-03-28, 09:16 PM
Dungeon Master's Guide 2 and Dragon Magic have them as well.

Or was it Companion Spirits on these?

Oh well, they both work for an entire team.

2019-03-30, 03:44 AM
you guys are all awesome thx for the various books with feats.if any one can think of any other team work based feats or abilities please post them so i can check it out

2019-03-30, 07:24 PM
This handbook might provide some further resources: The Spartan Handbook (http://bg-archive.minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=4963.0).