View Full Version : So...Say you impale someone with a bear...

2019-03-29, 07:52 AM
I hand you a spear. That spear is a polymorphed bear. You also have some means of sticking that spear in to something. (Perhaps the Lancer sphere's Impale ability (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/lancer)? Who cares for the specifics!)

So, you impale someone with the bear-spear.

And the polymorph effect ends.

What happens to the bear? What happens to the guy the bear was stuck in to?

2019-03-29, 08:09 AM
I don't know, but either way it's going to be a grizzly scene.

2019-03-29, 08:10 AM
The bear appears in the square next to the guy and both take 1d6 damage? You might not want to take this too seriously, but I based it on Dimension Door. There a few more spells with clauses like this one. They seem to be mainly put in for balance, or to avoid screwing over the players.

2019-03-29, 09:08 AM
I don't know, but either way it's going to be a grizzly scene.

Such a wound can bearly be survived.

2019-03-29, 09:13 AM
To further complicate matters I touch attack to bearly hit the target. The spear does no damage the bear appears to sit on the creature in question. Roll for grapple and pin.

How often can I post this?

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair.
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy was he?

2019-03-29, 09:50 AM
The impalement is broken when you lose control of the weapon used for the attack: presumably "It turned into a bear" qualifies as you losing control of it. I would otherwise take a cue from Enlarge Person and entitle the bear to a strength check in situations where, for example, the bear was swallowed whole by a creature that's now smaller than it. Curiously, Shrink Item provides no provision for this situation, and neither does Reduce Person.

2019-03-29, 10:20 AM
Such a wound can bearly be survived.

Healing potions might help you claw back some hitpoints.

2019-03-29, 10:35 AM
So...Say you impale someone with a bear...

The single most intriguing (and awesome) title for a thread I have ever seen on these forums.

Oh how my imagination ran with this.

2019-03-29, 12:19 PM
The bear can't share your space, so it must either grapple you or leave. Rules Compendium:


If you’re Small or larger, you usually can’t end your movement in a square occupied by another Small or larger creature, effectively sharing a space with that creature. You can share space with a creature that is helpless or one that has a special ability that allows it to share spaces. You can also share spaces with a creature you’re riding or carrying, or a creature you’re grappling. If you have a special ability that allows you to do so, you can share a space with another creature. Regardless, you still provoke an attack of opportunity from a creature whose space you enter. Tiny and smaller creatures can freely share space with other creatures (see Size, page 116).

If you’re in a space with a helpless Small or larger creature that ceases being helpless, and for whatever reason that creature can’t share spaces with you, it must remain prone, attempt to grapple you, or leave your space at its first opportunity. It provokes attacks of opportunity as normal for what it does.

2019-03-29, 01:29 PM
The bear can't share your space, so it must either grapple you or leave. Rules Compendium:

On the other hand, if the bear is surrounded by your character, as things impaling other things tend to be, wouldn’t it make more sense for your character to be grappling the bear?

The text also made me think of a new question. If a bear is polymorphed into a lance, e.g., does the bear count as helpless while it’s so polymorphed?

Inb4 someone answers “bearly.”

2019-03-29, 01:52 PM
You might take a page out of the Fatemaker ICOC build Gar Hogchoker and apply the clause from the spell Righteous Might:

If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, you attain the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using your increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process.
Thus the Bear makes a strength check to explode whoever it's impaled within!

2019-03-29, 05:53 PM
The impalement is broken when you lose control of the weapon used for the attack: presumably "It turned into a bear" qualifies as you losing control of it. I would otherwise take a cue from Enlarge Person and entitle the bear to a strength check in situations where, for example, the bear was swallowed whole by a creature that's now smaller than it. Curiously, Shrink Item provides no provision for this situation, and neither does Reduce Person.

Later on in the same paragraph that says impalement *can* be broken when there's no one else controlling it: It also has a provision for moving around while impaled by a weapon not controlled, implying, at the very least, that it's not an automatic unimpalement, if you let go.

2019-03-29, 06:01 PM
As much fun as these bear puns are, you do realize you don't need to polymorph the bear first, fight? Just have the Living Weapon (slam) talent from the wrestling sphere to use the bear to impale someone.

Though if you really want to go overboard with it, you could also get the Twin Tie-Up and use it to impale a bear with another bear.