View Full Version : Rage Across the South Coast (OOC)

2019-03-30, 02:46 PM
Welcome to the OOC Thread for the W20 game Rage Across the South Coast!

We'll use this thread to keep track of PC's (and any significant changes to them), NPC's, the caern as a whole, in-game sites of interest, general plot information, and anything else that seems relevant.

I'd like to have all the current players post their characters here. Unless I'm mistaken, that should be: BananaPhone, Hackulator, ShadowImmor, Kaworu, justanotherhero, and drayden.

The first Chapter (which I'll post the IC thread for shortly) will detail the formation of the pack and attracting their pack totem.

2019-03-31, 01:54 PM
My character, Adam Smith: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bwgNKeSjNO0E6SqqQV9hmu_fDZmhKwooKRY42T3ALaU/edit

2019-03-31, 03:00 PM
Max Fall or as he is known:

Short Background Idea:

Maximillian Otto von Pfalz-Sulzbach,

Garou are strong and courageous for Max that does not mean they have to be stupid or suicidal.
Max has started a fight with some Vampires in Europe and decided that they understood how he operated, so it was time to leave. At least for now the local Vampires in Malibu do not know him and Max intends to keep it that way until they are dead. He decided it should be Malibu because he heard about the local troubles and believes he can help. Being raised in the Old World seeing the New World will be a new and exciting experience.

Sept Position
Sept Position wise my Character would of course accept if he were invited to be Master of the Challenge or Guardian. Both would I believe fit for a traditional thinking Silver Fang Ahroun.

Character Sheet
Name: Maximillian Otto von Pfalz-Sulzbach,

Deed Name: Pierces Darkness
Breed: Homid
Tribe: Silver Fang
Auspice: Ahroun
Pack: Malibu
Age: 21 Height: 6'4"
Profession: Hunter

Physical: Strength 2, Dex 3, Stamina 5
Social: Cha 3, Man 1, App 2
Mental: Per 3, Int 1, Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 1, Athletics 1, Brawl 3, Intimidation 1, Primal urge 3, Empathy 1, Athletics 1, Expression 1, Streetwise 1
Skills: Survival 1, Stealth 3, Drive 1,
Knowledges: Enigmas 1, Occult 1, Rituals 3, Academics 1, Computer 1, Investigation 1, Technology 1

Backgrounds: Pure Breed 3, Resources 2, Totem 1, Ancestors 5, Spirit Heritage 1 (Fire Elementals),
Homid (1) : [(Starting Gift) Apecraft`s Blessing], Master of Fire,

Ahroun (1) : [(Starting Gift) Spur Claw`s], Razor Claw`s
Silver Fang (1) : [(Starting Gift) Sense Wyrm],
Silver Fang (2) :Luna's Armor,


Rage: 7
Gnosis: 1
Willpower: 8

Merits and Flaws:

3 Enemy Surviving Toreador of the Club „Red Sky“ that I Burned down
2 Curiosity

3 Lucky
1 Ancestor Ally
1 Language (englisch)


2 Rite of Summoning
3 Rite of the Fetish



Stealth+2 (4)
Rage +2 = 2
Will + 5 = 5
Backgrounds: Totem 1, Ancestors 5, Rituals 5 Spirit Heritage(Fire 1)
Kinfolk 3 =25

25 Total

Master of Fire, 3
Int 2 for 4 XP
Razor Claws 3
Luna`s Armor 6
Manipulation 2 for 4 XP
XP: 20

2019-04-02, 06:02 PM
Here is Two Lives (http://sheetgen.dalines.net/sheet/modify/52248) character sheet.

I have a question for all of the other players, especially our Philodox and Galliard. Are you taking any rites? (I don't look at other player's character sheets unless asked, so I don't know anything about anyone's character.) I am taking as many rites as I can, but there are just too many rites necessary for use in a sept/caern for me to know even at rank two. There are some rites that are more appropriate for other auspices e.g., Punishment Rites for a Philodox or Rites of Renown for a Galliard. I am looking at 30 levels of rites, 33 with minor rites, and I don't know how many our ST will allow me to start with as Rituals and Rites cannot be bought any higher than I have them. If anyone else is looking at having any rites, please feel free to chime in. Some I have to have as a Theurge and Master of Rites, but I would happily overlap on others.

As an example, I'm going to role play it that Two Lives just became the Master of Rites. I will have only recently learned the Rite of Reawakening (the Spring Seasonal Rite), but I will have yet to learn the other seasonal rites and need to do that in character as the year progresses because the summer and winter rites are rank two, but the autumnal rite is rank three and I just don't have seven more points to spend on rites that only see use once a year (oh, how I miss scrolls from D&D right about now).

2019-04-03, 04:22 PM
That is an awful lot of Rites! I'm okay with you starting off with more than the standard amount, especially as some are usually things reserved for the role of an NPC to deal with. If you have some in mind that you'd rather not learn, I am building an NPC Theurge that can pick up some of the Rites that you don't. PM me which ones you can't (or don't want to) learn right away.

2019-04-03, 05:10 PM
The Caern of Stone Bear

Type: Strength
Bawn: 1,000 acres
Moon Bridge: 6,000 miles
Gauntlet: 3
Totem: Stone Bear

Benefits: Opening the Caern can provides two benefits. First, the ritemaster may add successes to Strength or Stamina, evoking the power of the surrounding mountains. Alternately, resting within the opened caern overnight allows Garou to heal the pains of battle scar-inducing injuries. While the battle scar will remain (along with any Renown gained for it), the Garou may act until the following dawn without penalty from it (within their physical limitations, missing limbs/organs are still gone).

For many, many years this caern was known as the Caern of Sleeping Bear, named by the Uktena who lived here for centuries. It was a far different place, and served as a Caern of Enigmas. It is only this past winter that Sleeping Bear awoke, when the remaining elders of the sept sought out visions to save their home. Sleeping Bear answered, telling them that war is coming and he cannot dream until it has passed.

The Caern and it's surrounding Bawn are located entirely within the Angeles National Forest, and is home to wolf Kinfolk of the Red Talon, Uktena, and Get of Fenris Tribes. Many human Kinfolk reside nearby in Los Angeles County, and frequent the caern, primarily kin to Bone Gnawers, Glass Walkers, Children of Gaia.

The caern's Heart is located a bit below the summit of a mountain within the park, in a rather large cavern that opens to the western sky.

2019-04-03, 06:16 PM
Caern of Stone Bear, Figures of Note

Council of Elders:

Stalks the Summits (Lupus Ragabash Red Talon)- Once a member of an all-Talon pack that defended the grounds almost to the last, Stalks the Summits enjoys prowling the park's mountains and spends a great deal of his time climbing them to watch for danger. Which is quite a feat considering he's never been know to take Homid or Glabro form.

Evie, Hunts Secrets (Homid Theurge Bone Gnawer)- Referred to by both vagrants in LA and the septs cubs as "Bird Lady" (only one has ever made the mistake of adding "Crazy"), Evie has been a grandmotherly figure since before she was a grandmother. There are rumors that Raven himself owes her a debt. She has been filling in as Ritemaster until quite recently, and is looking forward to stepping down from the role. Evie and Mary are the last of their pack remaining. Though they'd both willingly die for each other, the whole sept knows that they fought bitterly before waking Sleeping Bear.

Mary, Walks the Dusk (Metis Philodox Uktena)- Mary grew up in the Caern of Sleeping Bear, taken in by nearby kinfolk at her parent's request. Nothing more is ever said about her birth. She spent her youth learning the Litany and her middle years fighting to uphold it. Now that Sleeping Bear is awake, as a vision told her must pass, she knows her time is almost spent and has put a lot of work into ensuring that the sept will survive the loss of it's last elders.

2019-04-06, 02:17 PM
This does highlight why I feel Rites have always been handled strangely in WtA. It almost seems to penalize players for trying to be functioning members of a sept. I'm going to institute a house rule to try and alleviate this. I'm going to grant a selection of Rites to characters that take an office within the sept at no cost.

These Rites will be ones that are integral to that particular role in the sept. They'll still need to meet the requirements to perform it, but will not have to pay XP or use their normally allotted Rites to acquire them. I think this will not only ease the burden somewhat, but also provide an incentive to get involved within the sept.

@Drayden, as Master of the Rite, go ahead and take the following Rites for free: Cleansing, Moot Rite, Opened Caern, Totem, and all 4 Seasonal Rites.

@justanotherhero, as Master of the Challenge, I think some of the Rites of Renown and Punishment Rites are most appropriate. Let me know what you think.

I'll make decisions on other sept roles as it comes up, I'm of course open to input.

Unrelated, I'm going to try for 2-3 IC posts per week at least until I can get a new computer. I'm picking up a second job soon, so it hopefully shouldn't be too long.

2019-04-07, 12:53 AM
@justanotherhero, as Master of the Challenge, I think some of the Rites of Renown and Punishment Rites are most appropriate. Let me know what you think.

I think in an optimal case a Master of Challenge should have Rites:

For Punishment Rites maybe:
Rite of the Omega Wolf may be appropriate to prepare for leadership challenges.
The Stone of Scorn, or Rite of Satire for use on those that cheat during duels.

For Rites of Renown:
The Rite of Accomplishment for those that reach enough honour.
The Rite of Boasting to teach it to others.

Did you have other ideas?

2019-04-08, 01:49 PM
Sorry, Ominous, I just saw you tried to pm me. I've cleared out space for ya! Also, thanks for the ruling. I'm adding in those rites to my character sheet as well as the ones with my Rites and Rituals dots.

2019-04-10, 06:33 PM
Posting today. Sorry about the delay.

2019-04-15, 07:21 PM
@justanotherhero: That selection of Rites sounds appropriate for Master of the Challenge. Those are the ones we'll go with for that office.

You're welcome drayden!

I'm sorry for the silence over the past week. I started a second job over the weekend, now that the orientation stuff is done it shouldn't interfere with my posting schedule. I expect that my usual days to post will be any two (or more if I can manage) of Monday-Thursday. I'll try to not to post back-to-back days to keep them spread out.

2019-04-19, 07:26 PM
I'm posting today. Been distracted these past few days.

2019-04-24, 11:17 AM
Hm, I kinda do not know what to write in my post, would it be ok if I'd skip a few posts? :)

2019-04-29, 07:34 PM
That's okay @Kaworu, and everyone else too, jump in when you think is most appropriate.