View Full Version : (IC)Rage Across the South Coast

2019-03-30, 04:46 PM
Snow thaws on the peaks of the San Gabriel mountains as spring returns to California. The Caern of Stone Bear, as the Uktena named it long ago, has weathered a bitter winter. Many of the sept's elders have passed into legend over the last two seasons, some in herioc battles, others joining the spirits of their kin in the Umbra.

The sept is buzzing with rumors of war as sightings of evils that have long been absent from these lands, or hidden away for fear of the Garou, once more prey upon the land and its spirit.Tonight a moot will be held to usher in the new season, and perhaps a change among the sept. Who will rise to meet the encroaching darkness?

2019-04-01, 02:58 AM
The wolf padded around the inner bawn, sniffing here and there, searching for anything out of place. Not big, but neither was it small, just whip thin, corded muscles evident in every movement, with slightly longer ears and a bit more taper to it's snout. Also, it was the color of jet, not a single hair of it's fur was a shade lighter than pure black. Maybe the eyes were what made it stand out. They were bright yellow, almost luminous in their vibrancy. Finally finding something not to it's liking it stopped and pawed at the ground as though to rub out the offending speck.

Perfection...Growth returns...All sept...Clean... Thoughts pure and simple befitting it's mindset.

2019-04-01, 04:03 AM
The Irishman saunters through the Inner Bawn, his lazy attitude belying his careful attention to what's going on around him. He's not overly muscular, or overly slim. Just, average. Almost so average you'd ignore him, which is just what he likes, being underestimated is a very useful skill he has learnt to exploit in people, even if it's mostly his ability to drink...

2019-04-01, 05:22 AM
https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1f/e1/c4/1fe1c4f1ec23ee12a4e0d5433070b661.jpg Valen "Braves-Fire"

Compared to the other two, Valen was big. Easily the size of a star professional wrestler wit his broad, well-muscled physique and chiseled blonde face, Valen cast an imposing image as he sat in a half-slouched position, an alcoholic drink in one hand. His dark brown pants and green shirt marked him as a member of the Park Rangers that looked after this very wildlife preserve, and he had gone to good lengths to ensure that the Moot tonight would be undisturbed in its activities.

Still, the tales he'd been hearing were...disturbing, to say the least. His wolf-mind had a remarkably simple way of synthesising information from the world into a mere black-and-white decision; fight or flight. But his human half wanted to wait, gather intelligence and plan where he could hit hardest.

2019-04-01, 06:16 AM
Adam moved to the site of the meeting, checking the exact time on his smart-watch. In the second hand, he had the newest iPhone, looking at his emails and social networks accounts - hey, it was a lonely walk, and he wanted to be entertained!

He was looking quite average, at least when it came to his build. However, he was quite handsome and in his bright blue eyes shone with intelligence and curiosity.

- I wonder when I will meet the others - he murmured to himself, walking still forward.

2019-04-02, 02:04 PM
Trying to fit in in a new country is part of the Garou experience and Max is absolutely going to make it work.
People may not believe it, but wearing the Hawaiian shirt with a blue dragon on purple background below the sash carrying the sun symbol of Helios is part of Max fitting in. He arrived as early as possible and started by being visible while inquiring who wanted to bring a challenge to this moot. Little doubt that things would change, but for now it is his duty to make sure that that change is brought upon in accordance with the traditions of our ancestors.
After the challenges have been scheduled there will be time for max to consider some of his more innovative strategies in fighting the coming darkness.

2019-04-03, 06:46 PM
One of the State Forest Campgrounds has been vacated for the moot. The mountainside grounds are as near as possible to the Caern's Heart which overlooks the site from higher up. Standing guard above is Stalks the Summit, the eldest (and next to last) Red Talon in the sept. He's stretched out in front of the cave leading to the Heart, watching as the Garou gather, as is usual in his role as Keeper of the Land.

The other two elders, Hunts Secrets and Walks the Dusk, are making themselves visible among the other Garou, but keeping a good distance from each other. The two women, though growing older, are clearly in good health if a bit ragged. Hunts Secrets smiles and greets each newcomer as family, while Walks the Dusk watches as the fire is prepared, stoically accepting greetings from the others as they pass.

A pack of younger Cliath had arrived early and seem to have staked out a pair of benches for themselves right in front. Though often too willing to push the limits of proper behavior, the pack has proven their worth against a nest of vampires over the winter. Nonetheless, the give Valen a wide berth and even offers him one of their benches.

The sleek black wolf finds himself being followed by a young lupus, intent upon his every move. It's not the attention of a challenge, rather one who is trying to learn.

Max is busy hashing out the details of a challenge of leadership between a man and woman of another Cliath pack as the Irishman strolls past.

Adam is just about at the edge of the clearing, with a few younger Garou a ways behind.

It is about an hour before nightfall and the start of the moot.

2019-04-04, 03:41 AM
Kevin simply watches what is going on, nodding to those he knows and who know him, his waistcoat has his phone poking out of a pocket, and he takes it out and switches it off, getting ready to listen to the moot and what is said.

2019-04-05, 12:53 PM
- Oh, it seems I have arrived - said Adam. He was kinda suprised - could he get lost in his toughts? Or maybe the phone was "sucking" all his attention?

He bowed slightly to his companions, staying in the corners of the area. It was important to be here, bus as he wanted to show everybody that he does not wanna any kind of extra attention, he preferred to keep to himself unless forced otherwise.

2019-04-07, 01:22 AM
After noticing our Irishman I greet him with a slight nod while finalising the details of this battle. After the details have been settled. [ A physical combat or Battle of Wits?] I take the liberty and walk over to Walks the Dusk.
"Claws of Stone and Howls with Sunlight have decided to settle the Alpha decision with a [physical combat or Battle of Wits?]. I have scheduled the fight shortly before the general opening, hoping that after the tension is relieved the pack will be able to focus better on contributing to the caverns well being."

If I hear nothing back, I will assume that the plan has the approval of our eldest Philodox keeping the Litany intact.

2019-04-13, 03:50 AM
https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1f/e1/c4/1fe1c4f1ec23ee12a4e0d5433070b661.jpg Valen "Braves-Fire"

Valen doesn't have much to physically do as the preparations for the Moot are underway. One of the benefit of getting his work done during the day was now a few hours of "relaxation", relatively speaking.

When one of the younger Cliath pair offers Valen a bench, the towering Get gives a simple nod in appreciation as he accepts, placing his large self in a comfortable position as he sweeps his gaze over the slowly coalescing gathering. He wasn't entirely sure what the central discussion of the Moot was going to be...being in the woods on the outskirts of LA, Valen wasn't as 'keen' or aware of the slow encroachment from the south upon the suburbian areas of the wolves holdings in the region. As such, most of what would get discussed tonight would be news to him.

(To the best of the players knowledge) Valen wasn't on familiar terms with Adam or any of the others, as he mostly kept to himself after his prior pack had moved on. But should any look in his direction he would return the look with one of his own, offering an acknowledging nod if any where offered.

2019-04-15, 07:43 PM
Sorry, didn't clarify what type of challenge- it'll be a Battle of Wits.

Walks the Dusk pulls her attention away from your choice of shirt with a grin before replying. "A wise decision, the challenge I mean. If I were to gamble, which I don't, my money would be on Howls with Sunlight for this challenge. Proceed whenever they're ready."


Talk stirs among the younger Garou about the leadership challenge between Claws of Stone, an Ahroun Uktena and the current alpha, and Howls with Sunlight, a Child of Gaia Philodox. The Battle of Wits between the two is set to commence any time now, to be over before the moot begins.

2019-04-17, 03:15 PM
Adam sat down, intent to watch the show. He believed it would be interesting. He moved a little in the general direction of others, so they could communicate if they would be willing to.

2019-04-17, 04:33 PM
Kevin nods to any who nod to him, and just watches what's going on. This ought to be an interesting turn of events.

He takes out a small hip flask and takes a quick swig, before putting it away.

2019-04-18, 07:50 PM
Talk settles down as Walks the Dusk sets up a folding table for the hand of poker which will decide the leadership of the young pack. She steps away and proffers a deck of cards to Max as he, Howls with Sunlight, and Claws of Stone approach the table. The deck is remarkably old and tingles with the faintest hint of energy.

2019-04-20, 03:37 PM
I position myself on the side of the table opposed to the benches in abut 2m distance and stand there watching both players just so nobody tries to do a card trick or two. Not conventional but part of the job.

2019-04-23, 10:29 PM
Howls with Sunlight, as the Challenger, shuffles the deck and deals. Nothing seems amiss to Max as both Garou pick up their cards and stare each other down for a tense moment.

"We already know the stakes, show your hand." Claws of Stone practically growls, clearly ready to be done with the. Howls lays down her cards, revealing 3 jacks. Claws frowns as he puts down a pair of kings.

The other two members of the pack, a pair of Bone Gnawers who may be brothers, have remained nearby but silent until now. They seem conflicted and are whispering to themselves as Claws of Stone cracks his knuckles loudly, then offers Howls with Sunlight a deferential bow.

2019-04-24, 05:19 AM
Kevin smirks at the situation, but looks completely nonchalant, as if none of it makes any difference to him one way or the other.

2019-04-24, 05:31 AM
https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1f/e1/c4/1fe1c4f1ec23ee12a4e0d5433070b661.jpg Valen "Braves-Fire"

Valen watches with a beer in one hand, his eyes keen and alert as the two Ahrouns faced off. A battle of wits might not be too bad, he thought. He'd heard the rumors of an encroaching menace, so perhaps a witty, insightful leader would be well-placed to spot the threat so that more...violent wolves like Valen could help stop it.

2019-04-25, 10:44 AM
In a louder announcing voice:
"It has been decided.
In the eyes of this Sept, in the eyes of our ancestors you Howls with Sunlight will be first among equals.
Born from Gaia, alive for Gaia, blessed by Gaia.
May your Pack serve Gaia well."

*Max bows slightly and looks at Claws of Stone if a challenge to this result were possible, it should happen now or never. *

2019-04-29, 07:32 PM
Claws of Stone displays honor and accepts his loss gracefully, bowing to Howls with Sunlight before making his way to the rest of his pack. Howls turns to Max "We will serve Gaia's will." she says through a smile before also returning to her pack.The Bone Gnawers that round out the pack offer Claws a conciliatory welcome as he joins them, and congratulate Howls. The transition of leadership seems to have gone smoothly.


Talk begins to settle back down as the sky darkens, signalling the coming dusk. A sort of expectant energy gathers around the assembled Garou, many of whom are new to the sept. The fire emits a comforting glow, as though it secure in the knowledge of its part in driving last remnants of winter from the caern.

Hunts Secrets moves to stand near the lean black wolf as the sun dips below the treeline. "It's nearly time... We should select a Master of the Howl soon, would you do the honor of preforming the moot rite tonight?" The pup that has been following him perks its ears up and sits at attention behind the two.

2019-05-04, 02:31 AM
https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1f/e1/c4/1fe1c4f1ec23ee12a4e0d5433070b661.jpg Valen "Braves-Fire"

Valen watched quietly, and when the winner of the competition was announced, he gave a curt nod in acknowledgement of a new leader.

As dusk came upon them and words were spoken about performing the moot rite, Valen remained quiet - as usual. His beer was almost empty and his attention was focused on the leaders.

2019-05-20, 01:22 PM
I quietly move back into the background and take a seat behind the elders.

2019-05-21, 06:04 AM
Adam looked up eagerly. When all the werewolfey stuff was done, it was time for discussion, planning and decision-making, right? And this was something he felt good with.