View Full Version : The Darkest Dungeon IC

2019-03-30, 05:59 PM
OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?584529-The-Darkest-Dungeon-OOC&p=23811535)

Combat Sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rskpKe7lpr4wNqiCCi3APMSKTleb1V0ihwZWgRHOhjQ/edit?usp=sharing)

You've come to a village with no name. Well--it does have a name, but it isn't important. This is merely the last stop on your journey before you reach your destination. The call for adventurers, sellswords, ruin-delvers, and the like has reached far, and many of you have traveled far to get here. The ramshackle buildings, the muddy, rutted streets, and the dirt-smeared faces of the villagers don't seem to provide a fitting backdrop to begin such a lofty endeavour.

The people watch you as you enter town. Strangers coming heavily armed--it isn't hard to guess why you're here. They seem to pause in what they're doing, regarding you with the dispassionate curiosity of one watching a doomed man go to die. A few exchange whispers. Most are too low for you to hear; a few are not. "Fresh batch o' fools, looks like. Wonder how long these'll last."

There is a single inn in the town. A tattered sign hangs by the door, much like those you have seen far and wide calling for volunteers. This one is different, though: "The carriage stops at this point weekly." It's scheduled for tomorrow evening.

The innkeeper, a human man who seems less scrawny and dirt-covered than most people you've seen here, waves absently as you enter. "Come in, come in. Here for the manor? Won't have long to wait, I reckon. Unless the carriage gets attacked again. Anyway, make y'self at home." The inn seems quiet; there are a few other travelers who trickle in through the course of the day and a handful of locals who come to drink. They keep their distance from you, alternating between curious stares and apparently pretending you do not exist. The food is simple but edible, the ale is cheap, and the only thing that can be said for the rooms is that they're better than sleeping on the ground--marginally. The night is marred only by fitful dreams and a vague sense of unease in the back of your mind.

Around midday, a black carriage arrives in town from the twisted forest road, a road you have not seen used since you arrived. The villagers shuffle off hurriedly, as if they are afraid to linger too long nearby. As the carriage pulls up in front of the inn, you can see the driver is a haggard old man, dressed in clothing that was once fine, wearing a madman's rictus grin on his face. "New volunteers! Volunteers for the manor! Come along, don't be shy." He lets out an unsettling giggle.

If there's anything you want to do in town before the caretaker arrives, or if you want to interact with him or the other party members, go for it. Or if you want to say anything about how your character got here. Don't worry about the cost of room and food.

2019-03-30, 11:52 PM
Derevi found his way towards a table, sitting down and looking around the room as he waited. Occasionally he'd stare at a single occupant for a while, taking in their appearance, and hazarding a guess as to their remaining lifespan. Anyone could die any day, certainly. A stray arrow, a rusted nail that becomes infected, bad milk. But a person's lifespan was more about how long they'd live barring the freak accident. And much in a person's appearance could give you clues. Relative health was only one aspect, too. How well they groomed themselves said much about their general level of cleanliness, which could extend or reduce their life. The kind of people they sat with. Clothing often said much of a person's wealth, and therefore access to medicine.

Guessing how long someone would live based on these factors was a little game he played to pass the time. It's not like he could tell if he was right or wrong, he wouldn't be keeping track of them to find out, in fact he'd likely forget the faces before he left the building. It sometimes felt like Kangee knew, but if so then Kangee never said. Maybe it was a rule, to know and not tell. That made sense. Knowing would make the game less fun.

When the serving girl arrived Derevi caught her gaze and put up a hand to forestall her questions, inevitably 'are your parents coming?' or 'are you here alone?'. They were not, but he was not. He placed a coin on the table and whispered to Kangee on his shoulder, who turned to the girl.

"Food! Meat and water!" it cawed, louder likely than the nearest table would have preferred but still an impressive level of control for a bird. To confirm for the girl he pushed the coin across to her, eye contact unbroken.

"27 if she stays here, 42 if she moves away." he half-whispered to Kangee. Kangee, maybe knowing, said nothing.

2019-03-30, 11:57 PM
Kazrag walked into the bar, found a table where he could sit with his back to the wall with good visibility to the door and the rest of the room, and he sat down, his gun still in reach. He raised an eyebrow as the bird let out a loud scream of words and handed the serving girl a coin as she walked past. He didn't much care what she brought him.

2019-03-31, 03:52 AM
Dolmir walks in and sits down at Kazrag's table, not caring that he has his back to most of the tavern.

"Food. Beer, and lots of it" he snaps at the waitress. He punctuates it with a long, raspy cough, and spits a gob of suspiciously dark pleghm on the floor.

2019-03-31, 02:04 PM
Walking into the inn, Cardon was a little disquited by the locals' reaction to him and the other new arrivals. The other travelers would probably be more friendly, and he should probably try to learn something about them, as they'd be working together after all.

He made his way to the table the newcomers seemed to gather around. "That seat's not taken, is it?" without waiting for a reply, he plopped down in a chair, leaning back with a contented sigh.

"I figure we're here for the same thing," he said. "It's good to meet you. I'm Cardon."

Another sigh followed as he took the first sip of his beer. The fare and the board might be humble, but it was still good to get off his feet.

Should the evening prove otherwise uneventful, Cardon would tuck in for an early night. There would be work to do in the morning.

2019-03-31, 02:06 PM
Elsabet had been coming to dives like these for as long as she cared to remember. Since she had joined the cult of the Old Ways, establishments like these had become necessary parts of her life, meeting contacts, finding components, things all of the like. All it had ever taken was a flash of the mark on her palm and she generally got whatever she wanted. Born with the Eye of the Elder as a birthmark, she had been viewed by many as a threat or curse, and a few as a portent of things to come. She had learned quickly what the mark meant - what it would get her in life, and where, exactly, it could take her.

And so, here she had ended up. In this festering corner of the world, where they needed brave volunteers - or stupid volunteers? - and she was one of the first in line. When the call for the carriage came, she wasted little time in leaving the dingy tavern and making her way outside, along with a few other. An interesting lot, indeed... she wondered if any of them were as insane as she was.

2019-03-31, 03:07 PM
Midday finds Dolmir Palen sitting outside. His stubby fingers are busy re-bandaging his hands. He hasn't removed his helmet. As the carriage arrives, the dwarf simply stands up, hefts his earthbreaker, and climbs aboard.

2019-04-01, 01:38 PM
Frederick advanced lofty through the town, his armor tucked amongst his belongings for comfort in a clear misunderstanging or indifference to the place he was headed towards.

He scarcely payed attention to the ramblings of the dirt-born doomsayers that would soon bow to him, and made his way to the tavern, deliberately avoiding interaction, not that anyone was likely to look for it with him; and buying the most expensive and so barely palatable drink and food the village could muster.

Fully armored in the morning, he smiles at the coach man like no one had likely done before, no one walking above the earth at least. And entered the coach with anyone else, leaving the man to handle the mechanics of moving his mule through a speedy journey. He let himself catch some sleep in the dull seat of the coach, grumbling at the perpetous bumps on the road.

2019-04-01, 06:40 PM
You board the carriage, along with several other strangers--it appears their purpose is the same as yours. Unsurprising--it seems there is little else to draw one such as yourselves to this place. The six of you make a tight fit, but you settle in as best you can and the carriage begins to move.


You will arrive along the old road. It winds with a troubling, serpent-like suggestion through the corrupted countryside. Leading only, I fear, to ever more tenebrous places. There is a sickness in the ancient pitted cobbles of the old road and on its writhing path you will face viciousness, violence, and perhaps other damnably transcendent terrors. So steel yourself and remember: there can be no bravery without madness. The old road will take you to hell, but in that gaping abyss we will find our redemption.

The road is twisted and winding. Pits and rocks show how little it has been maintained, and as the pair of jet-black horses pulls the carriage faster and faster you feel every jolt and twist, as you are bounced in your seats or tossed against one another. Frederick finds it exceedingly difficult to get any sleep under these conditions. You hear the carriage driver muttering and mumbling, presumably to himself, though the sound is drowned out by the rattling of the wheels as you continue to pick up speed. On several of the twisting curves the carriage tilts alarmingly, yet continues to pick up speed... Until your driver does take a turn too fast, and the carriage tips onto its side with a thunderous crash. You are all tossed to one side and forwards, stunned for a long moment by the impact.

As you begin to regain your wits and your bearings, you push open the side door, now facing upward, and climb out. The carriage has tipped and come to rest perilously close to an embankment. A little further and you may have had a significant fall to deal with as well. As it is, you are scuffed and battered but overall unhurt. The horses are less lucky, it seems. Pulled over with the carriage, one's leg is jutting out at an unnatural angle, and the other is pinned beneath the weight of its fellow--you cannot tell at first glance if it has suffered serious harm. Both let out cries of pain and alarm, looking about with wild eyes. Cases of supplies which were stacked on top of the carriage are strewn about, some broken open, some still intact. Of the driver there is no sign. You are on your own to complete your journey to the hamlet.

Everyone takes [roll0] damage from the crash. As usual this comes from your vigor points unless you're out of those (which no one should be).

There are [roll1] cases of supplies still intact, containing basic supplies such as food, bandages, torches, and vials of various liquids. Some small amount of supplies can be scavenged from the other cases which have broken, but most of their contents have been ruined. Each intact case weighs 15lbs, and they are bulky--unless you can devise some other way of transporting them each will occupy a hand, or you can hold one in both hands and stack others on top of it (subject to your strength, of course). These supplies will likely be useful to the hamlet, though it is up to you how much effort you put into recovering them.

You do not know the state of the road or precisely how long you have left to travel. It is early afternoon as best you can tell--the heavy tree cover makes it difficult to tell precisely.

2019-04-01, 07:28 PM
Kazrag pulls himself off the ground, silently rolling his shoulder to make sure its not broken. Finding himself in one piece he quickly goes over his gear, checking it for any breaks or damage. Finding his ammo and gear intact he gets up and pulls the locket out of his armor. He pops it open and allows himself the luxury of looking at the unblemished picture for a bit.

With a sigh he puts it away inside the safety of his armor and pulls out a rope. He ties one end around one of the boxes and slings it over his back.

"We should get the rest of the gear on that mule, though I'd be careful to overload it."

2019-04-01, 07:44 PM
Frederick gathers himself after the abrupt awakening with a groan. Dirty and slightly bruised but alive, He climbed outside the carriage with obvious strain and went about inspecting Matilda and his possesions, grabbing the crossbow and bolts with a grunt of effort.

He nodded at the hobgoblin's suggestion and added a "Good thinking..." the silence asking for a name, yet after the comment he stayed near the mule gently petting it, with seemingly no intentions of picking the crates or littered contents himself.

2019-04-02, 12:37 AM
"I guess we're walking, then. Some of you longshanks pick up the small stuff.". The dwarf takes out his own rope, and lashes the remain crates together in one stack, picking them up with a grunt.

2019-04-02, 06:23 AM
After righting himself, Cardon made a beeline to the fallen horses. One of them would clearly be lamed for life, but they might be able to save the other one. They'd need them calm to untangle them though, they were liable to lash out at anyone getting close as it were.

Making sure to approach them from the front, Cardon tried to calm them down. "Shh... Whoah there. I know it hurts. It'll be okay."


2019-04-02, 09:08 AM
Derevi picked himself up from where he'd been thrown, checking on the condition of his bow, Kangee, and them himself. When none seemed in immediate danger he carefully climbed up onto the overturned carriage to get a wider view of the area they'd found themselves in while the others saw to the supplies and horses. The dwarf's suggestion to gather up the remainder was met by a flat look and promptly ignored, returning to his vigil. He carried everything he needed to survive. He wasn't being paid to be a porter, and if the supplies were so vital then they should have hired a more reliable driver.

In order: Perception, Survival, Knowledge(Geography)
Purpose: Check the immediate area, signs of potential dangers (presumably wildlife), and identify where we are relative to our destination

Perception: (1) + 11 = 12
Survival: (15) + 6 = 21
Knowledge(Geography): (1) + 4 = 5
If it's at all possible to take 10 on those I will, especially that last one. I was not expecting to roll quite so badly on something as simple as 'Where are we?'

2019-04-02, 11:01 AM
Elsabet dusts the dirt from her armor, getting to her feet with a frown on her face. As glad as she is to be off that death trap of a carriage, it's a shame the thing wrecked. She's not nearly so upset about the disappearance of the driver. Crazy man just about got them all killed, so what if he was a casualty of his own foolishness?
"We keep moving," she speaks with authority, taking no care for the horses or the broken supplies. The dwarf was already carrying a good deal of what they could salvage - good on him. She made a mental note that he might be worth keeping around. "Who takes point? And can all of you see fine in the darkness?" she asks.

2019-04-02, 11:31 AM
Derevi scans the area from his vantage point. He sees no sign of predators about, either one lurking nearby or tracks where one has passed by previously. The crash did heavily disturb much of the dirt in the area, however. This is not an area he’s particularly familiar with—the manor’s location was remote, even before it fell to ruin—but you could see the ruined house on its perch when you set off, so you can estimate how much further there is to go. Your best guess is that it will take another 2-3 hours by foot, more if you are laden with supplies.

Frederick is unsuccessful in calming his mule. The animal shoes away from him, weakly yanking on its halter and looking about wildly. Cardon has somewhat better luck with the horses—they recognize an experienced handler and calm down at least partially, though they are both on edge.

2019-04-02, 01:05 PM
Derevi jumped down off the carriage to land near Elsabet, speaking in a rough half-whisper that likely didn't reach anyone other than the half-elf woman. "Can see fine until full dark, then I have light."

Pausing for a moment Derevi looked in the direction of the manor. "Three hours to reach town if we leave the supplies and move now. Maybe four if we don't but push hard. Longer if we find trouble." Derevi's eyes returned to Elsabet's. "If we are still on the roads after dark we risk finding night predators. If we do then the animals will panic, run off, and die regardless. Weigh the risk against your confidence."

Placing his thumb and forefinger against the undersides of his eyes he dragged them downward and a dark film covered the exposed whites, until they were as black and shiny as those of the raven perched on his shoulder. At the same time a sense of mild unease spread across the clearing, as inexplicably said bird seemed to take on a menacing aspect without actually seeming to change in appearance whatsoever. "I will scout the path ahead. Kangee will call out or return to you if there is danger. We should leave soon."

Derevi is casting See Hazzard (-1 SP). I get a free perception check when coming within 25' of a trap or hazard, whether natural, magical, or mechanical. Lasts for one hour, I will recast as needed (3SP remaining) until we make it to town.

Kangee is casting Greater Serendipity (Concentrating as a move action each round). +1 luck bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws of allies within 20', and -1 penalty to same of enemies within 20'.

2019-04-02, 01:57 PM
"Just give me a minute here," he tells Derevi absently, as he begins trying to untangle the remains of the reins that keep the horses attached to the remains of the wrecked carriage.

2019-04-03, 10:01 AM
With a reluctant sigh Frederick muttered something about incompetence and went to inspect the broken boxes himself, remembering to clean himself up with a couple of flickers of his hand.

When passing the mageknight he pondered for a moment before remembering his name, and deciding to see if he was more disposed to help the common good (that may or may not involve making him look good) "Carton, right? mind trying with my mule, it'll do us good if she doesn't run off with whatever goods we gather."

Perception to search the broken crates: [roll0]

2019-04-03, 09:04 PM
Cardon eventually gets the horses free, though the one with the broken leg appears unable to walk or stand. With several strong backs you are able to get the other horse free from beneath the first and back on its feet. It takes some time for the group to calm Frederick's mule, but eventually it seems to wear itself out and allows itself to be untied without attempting to bolt. Both animals are still on edge from the pained sounds coming from the injured horse. Frederick gathers what he can from the broken crates, though most of what he finds is no longer usable; he recovers perhaps half a crate's worth. The sun slips somewhat closer to the horizon.

Derevi slips ahead of the group a bit. The road seems to be clear in the immediate vicinity, which is probably fortunate--you can hear the sounds of the Cardon trying to free the horses and the others gathering supplies carrying for a fair distance.

With the elf moving ahead and giving no warning of immediate danger, the rest of you may gather up what you've recovered and set off, unless there's something else to do here at the carriage.

Marching order, please.

How much do you load onto the horse/mule? As of right now I believe Kazrag has one hand occupied and Dolmir both, unless you offload some things.

Are you going for a hurried pace to get there as quickly as possible, or taking things slower to give you more time to observe and potentially pass by whatever you might encounter without being noticed?

2019-04-03, 09:26 PM
Kazrag tosses a pair of crates over the horses back, like a saddlebag, not wanting to put more on as the thing was skittish enough already. Kazrag then took up point position, his rifle heald at a low ready, a normal cartridge already loaded.

Kazrag will take point and he'll move a t a brisk, but not overly fast pace. He'd rather take a bit longer instead of rush and possibly hurt themselves.

2019-04-04, 01:32 AM
Dolmir nods his head further down the road, and sets out a steady pace.

2019-04-04, 03:44 AM
"It's Cardon, yeah. Can you take the animals ahead? We'll have to put that one down, it'd be cruel to leave it. I'll be right with you."

As soon as they were out of sight, Cardon knelt down between the lame horse, blade in hand. Putting one hand on its coat to soothe it, he plunged the dagger deep into its neck, sending its heartsblood spurting into the dirt.

As he rose to follow the rest of the group, he caught a glimpse of his own reflection, distorted in pooling crimson. He hurried away, cleaning his blade as he went.

Doing a coup-de-grace on the horse. As for marching order, Cardon is probably ideally situated near the front. I say we make haste as much as we can, with the animals speeding us up we might still make the town before nightfall.

2019-04-04, 08:13 AM
Returning to the clearing Derevi saw the others gathering to head out, and whispered something to the bird on his shoulder. A moment later "Clear!" rang out from the bird, and he turned back.

Staying a short distance ahead to check for any obstacles, with Kangee flitting from tree to tree to get an overhead view, he would occasionally fall back into sight to ensure the others of his continued presence (and lack of immediate danger) to allow them to focus on the animals and making all possible haste.

Derevi will be a short distance ahead in a scout position, with Kangee moving between tree branches within 20' of him.

I will move as fast as I can based on the group's collective speed to stay just out ahead of them, though the preference is for faster until dusk starts making things a bit more trecherous.

2019-04-04, 08:18 AM
"Sure thing"

Frederick dumps his meager cargo on the mule and heads merrily to a suitable position amongst the other volunteers, there is something about getting a new horse that made a man chipper.

He cared to hurry everyone non-verbally to a decent pace though what he could keep up as a "decent pace" was likely entirely too slow as he was quickly repelled from actually mounting the horse.

I'll take somewhere middleish to the back like fourth, and will advodcate for a glacial pace for the sake of character, but really better to go steady without just blazing through the forest.

2019-04-04, 10:49 AM
Elsabet decides to bring up the rear - not only because her heavily armored backside can take a beating from anyone that sneaks up behind them, but also because she's walking at about the same pace as the dwarf. "Stay together, now!" she calls, as much for her sake as for everyone else's.

2019-04-06, 02:38 PM
The group sets out, making decent time despite the poor road conditions. Kazrag and Cardon are up front in the main group, Dolmir with his stack of crates reaching perilously up past the top of his head in the middle, and Frederick and Elsabet bringing up the rear. Up ahead you catch brief glimpses of Derevi and his raven, and hear the bird occasionally call out that the way is still open. The forest around you is quiet, showing no sign of predators which may be stalking you.

It's too quiet, actually. The normal animal sounds you'd expect to hear are worryingly absent.

Up ahead, Derevi pauses suddenly as you get a feeling that you should check your surroundings more closely. Sure enough, you see four ropes leading from the edges of the path up into the trees, and the dirt up ahead seems freshly spread as if something might be concealed beneath.

Derevi is about 10' from the trap (the See Hazard talent specifies you get the perception check 10' from the hazard, not 25'--do you have something I missed which modifies that distance?). The rest of the group is roughly 50-60' behind, I'll say. Far enough to keep them out of immediate sight of any threats you might spot, close enough to get there and help quickly. The rest of you have not yet noticed anything untoward.

2019-04-06, 06:19 PM
Spotting the imminent, and intentional, pitfall Derevi pauses and scans the area for any further telltale clues. After a moment his patience was rewarded as he heard a slight shuffling sound, followed by another across the way. Nodding to Kangee he turned back and silently returned to the group. When they came into sight he raised a finger to his mouth to forestall any questions until he could draw closer. "There's signs of some form of trap on the road. Likely a pit, possibly spiked. At least two people, armed, waiting nearby to catch whoever springs it. My guess is they expected to crash the wagon, then attack while we were disoriented."

Although he speaks to the group he seems to be looking to Elsabet more than anyone else.

2019-04-07, 12:54 AM
Dolmir: (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1867081)

"It's quiet. Too quiet". *Cough* *wheeze*

2019-04-07, 10:45 AM
"A trap?" Elsabet asks, looking forward along the road. Now that Dolmir mentions it, she supposes it is a bit quiet... but she's not up enough on the natural world to be able to infer the danger from that. She moves towards the front of the group when Derevi looks to her. "What would you have me do?" she asks.

2019-04-07, 12:06 PM
"If I were alone, I would either skirt around them or spend the next hour harassing them from the treeline." Derevi glanced at the bulky armor of some of the others. "That isn't an option. The group is too loud, and our time too short. We must draw them out. These aren't predators, they are scavengers. If we present them an easy target they will take the bait. One or two people, and perhaps one of the animals, advance. Some blood on the forehead or a slung arm to make it seem like they are too injured to fight would help. At least one of the supply boxes should be visible to sweeten the draw. If we respond to their ambush with overwhelming force we may be able to subdue them after the first one dies, or at least drive the cowards off."

2019-04-07, 05:02 PM
"The Dwarf is right, its far to quiet out here."

Kazrag readied his rifle and walked up to Elsabet to listen to the child's words. He grunts after listening.

"Sounds like a good plan. I say the Dwarf and one other head up the road with the horse. I'll hang back and cover them with anyone else who is capable."

Survival 23
Perception 24

2019-04-07, 09:34 PM
The dwarf grunts, then sets out to continue down the road.

2019-04-08, 03:09 AM
Cardon touches his hand to the hilt of his sword, sending faintly luminous golden streaks running through the hilt and disappearing into the scabbard.

"The Light be with us in the strife ahead."

Causing my sword to Glow for the next minute, so it's ready to be made into bright light.

2019-04-08, 02:04 PM
Frederick nodded in a agreement and readied his crossbow with effort, thinking for a moment about using an illusion as bait but deciding against it. He could easily hear his breath under the wighting silence, there was no way they wouldn't notice the victim's lack of noise.

2019-04-09, 08:32 AM
Once the bait moved forward Derevi made his way into the underbrush and began carefully picking his way towards where the confrontation would occur, careful to stay far enough back that they wouldn't feel Kangee's 'presence'.

Hiding in the treeline, staying about 50' back from the ones pushing forward. 18 Stealth.

2019-04-10, 12:57 PM
Dolomir keeps carrying the crates. He listens intently for the telltale sounds of rushing steps.

2019-04-10, 01:08 PM
Elsabet remains behind, staying as still as possible.

2019-04-10, 07:58 PM
Dolmir and Cardon make their way forward, trying as best they can to look like unsuspecting victims and keeping their eyes open for signs of the trap. Derevi sneaks through the brush behind them, and the rest of the party waits a bit further down the road, listening intently for signs of trouble. The stillness hangs heavy in the air, as if the forest itself is holding its breath for the coming confrontation.

As the two move forward, Dolmir picks out the ropes that Derevi described, though very nearly too late. He draws up short suddenly, the motion making Cardon pause as well. In taking a moment to decide how to respond, you hear a voice from alongside the road.

"****e. They saw it."

There is a rustling sound, and several armed men emerge from the brush to either side of the road. Two carry clubs, two carry large-bore, stubby firearms, and one--the leader, apparently--brandishing a pair of short swords. They appear haggard, as if they've been out in the wild for an extended period of time, and the hard looks on their faces show that they are perfectly willing to use their weapons. "Look 'ere," the leader continues. "Sure, you saw our little trap. Good fer you. There's still five o' us, an' only two o' you. So hows about you drop all o' that stuff--yer gold, too--and maybe we won't have to beat you up in the bargain, eh?"

So, a brief note on how I do initiative: I will roll for everyone at the start of combat. People who beat the enemies can go in any order, then the enemies, and then everyone else. Rinse and repeat. Within those groups, you may post in any order, so as to minimize getting hung up waiting for one player. In general I'll assume everything happens in the order it's posted, though I am somewhat flexible on that if need be.

Elsabet: [roll0]
Dolmir: [roll1]
Kazrag: [roll2]
Cardon: [roll3]
Derevi: [roll4]
Frederick: [roll5]

Enemies: [roll6]

Cardon and Derevi get the first actions here. Once they post I'll do the reaction for the enemies, and then the rest of the party can act.

For the battle grid I will be using a google doc located here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rskpKe7lpr4wNqiCCi3APMSKTleb1V0ihwZWgRHOhjQ/edit?usp=sharing). I've placed you on the map; feel free to tweak your exact positions within reason. The combat sheet will be where we keep track of damage, attacks on enemies, etc. You should be able to enter your attack roll in the column corresponding to the defense you target, and it will tell you whether or not you hit. You can then add the damage you do. This sheet was originally built using normal HP and I'm still in the process of converting it over to wounds/vigor. Let me know if anything's unclear.

2019-04-11, 07:45 AM
"There's still five o' us, an' only two o' you. So hows about you drop all o' that stuff--yer gold, too--and maybe we won't have to beat you up in the bargain, eh?"

A ghost of a smile pulled at Derevi's mouth as he sighted down an arrow at his first prey.

'Let us see where the balance lies in a moment...'

The only warning the fools had was a sudden birdcry as Kangee invoked a curse over Dolmir, a spectral bird appearing on his shoulder promising pain to any who dared ignore the omen. When his prey's eyes twitched away from him in that moment he loosed one then quickly another arrow, nodding in grim satisfaction as both struck true.

Move: Cast Totem of War[Totemic Aura] on myself. +2 damage for myself and specified allies (currently only myself)
Standard: Barrage special attack on B3, extra attack at -2 accuracy. Penalty offset by Kangee's aura.

Attack 1: (16) + 3 = 19 attack for 4 damage
Attack 2: (15) + 3 = 18 attack for 5 damage

Kangee Move: Maintain Greater Serendipity (+1 luck atk/save/skill to allies within 20', -1 to same for enemies)
Kangee Standard: Cast Vindictiveness mandate between Derevi and Dolmir. When either is hit by an enemy, the other gains a +2 morale bonus to attack/cmb against that enemy for one round.

2019-04-11, 08:25 AM
Cardon runs across the road, trying to get himself thoroughly into melee with the bandits where they'd have a hard time hitting him with those guns for fear of hurting their allies. As he draws his sword, it explodes into clear white light, sending shadows dancing across the gloom of the old road.

"The Light has come for your sins!" he roars as he does his level best to behead one of them.

Move Action: Move to M33 and draw sword. Should not provoke unless B1 has Combat Reflexes, since they haven't acted yet.
Free Action: using the Glory talent to make the glow effect on the sword increase to Bright Light in a 5ft. radius around Cardon and his sword, without requiring concentration to maintain the effect. Spending 1spell point to activate Luminous Smite as long as the bright light persists, giving +cha to hit and +1 to damage on attacks against evil creatures.
Std Action: Attack with Longsword against B1. Wielded in two hands for more str bonus, power attack on.

To hit: [roll0](+3 more if evil) for [roll1](+1 more if evil) damage.

I'm not entirely clear myself on whether or not Cardon had his shield out already, so let's just say he'll ready it on the next round.
Status: V8/10, W28/28, SP 3/4, Glory + Luminous Smite on sword. AC 16 without shield / Touch 11.

2019-04-11, 06:41 PM
Cardon reacts swiftly as Derevi's arrows arc overhead, charging forward before the bandits have time to act. Derevi's target staggers back, one arrow lodging in the armor over his shoulder and the other being barely turned aside by his buckler. Cardon aims a mighty blow at their leader, bringing his glowing blade down into the man's side. His leather cuirass absorbs much of the strike's energy, but you notice a slow trickle of blood seeping from the wound.

"Damn it, more of 'em! Come on then, you worthless louts!" The leader collects himself and launches aggressively at Cardon, both blades flashing. The others seem taken aback by the sudden attack, but move in to engage nonetheless. One of the firearm-wielding bandits shifts to a better position through the brush, levels his weapon, and with a roar fires it at Cardon and Dolmir. One of the club-wielding bandits rushes at Dolmir from the other side of the road, and the other closes in behind Cardon. The final blunderbuss-wielding bandit moves toward where Derevi shot from, trying to locate the source of the arrows.

So Cardon's attack does hit, since the bandits haven't moved yet and you're targeting flat foot AC. Derevi's arrows both hit, as well. Cardon knocked out all of Bandit 1's vigor points and got into his wounds, Derevi's attacks all went to vigor (thus the description that he mostly shrugged them off).

Enemy actions:
Bandit 1: attack Cardon with both weapons
Short Sword: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus 1 bleed
Dagger: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] plus 1 bleed

Bandit 4 (before the others move up):
Move action to get to L33 (provokes AoO from Cardon)
Fire blunderbuss (scatter, 15ft cone) along the M33-N33-O33 axis (also provoking AoO, technically)
Attack rolls (targeting touch AC):
vs Cardon: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
vs Dolmir: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Bandit 2:
Move action to P33
Attack Dolmir: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Bandit 3:
Move action to N34
Attack Cardon: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Bandit 5:
Move action to T34
Ready action to fire at anyone coming within 15ft

EDIT: wow, those rolls were bad

I just realized I'd set the sheet to view only. It should be set up that y'all can edit now, so you can enter your own attack rolls, see the results, and put in damage. Let me know if you still can't access--that link I had might only allow viewing, I may have to give y'all a new link that allows edits too.

Elsabet, Dolmir, Kazrag, Frederick, y'all are up! Once they've posted Derevi and Cardon can go again (or you can go ahead and post, but I'll process the others' actions first).

The leader seems thrown off by his injury, and Cardon is able to parry his attacks with ease. Neither of the club-armed bandits are able to land a solid hit, and for all the sound and thunder of the bandit's blunderbuss Dolmir only takes a grazing hit from the pellets. Somehow the blast missed Cardon altogether.

2019-04-11, 06:57 PM
Cardon's blade flashes a cut as one of the bandits maneuver past him.

To Hit: [roll0] PA, Luminous Smite for [roll1] against bandit 4.

2019-04-11, 06:59 PM
The knight's sword lashes out once more with remarkable speed, drawing blood and throwing off the bandit's aim just before he fires.

2019-04-11, 09:16 PM
Kazrag runs up and aims at one of the bandits at the side of the road, firing with his musket.

Moving up 30ft to get in range of B5 and then firing

Attack roll (touch attack as it's within the First Range Increment)


2019-04-11, 09:31 PM
Elsabet rolls her shoulders and cracks her neck as she draws her scythe. "Here we go," she hums to herself, before bending the distance around her and appearing behind the bandit aiming at her compatriots.

Spending a spell point and a standard action to warp myself into the fight!

2019-04-12, 12:53 AM
Dolomir carefully sets down his stack of crates. Then he unslings his greathammer, plants his feet in a wide stance, and looks at the bandit attacking him.

2019-04-12, 09:44 AM
"DOOM! DOOM THE INTERLOPER!" came the violent cry of Kangee as Derevi rushed out onto the road to gain a better angle on his prey. Before the man could reload his loud, unwieldy weapon Derevi quickly glanced over his armor and placed two arrows into the gap of unprotected flesh.

"Surrender or death." Derevi rasped out to Kangee, who echoed it unfortunately as "SURRENDER TO DEATH!" Most of the time the bird would relay simple messages quite well, but there were other times when he suspected Kangee knew exactly what he wanted to say and chose to ignore him.

Free: Spend SP to maintain Totem of War for 2 rounds [2/4 remaining] (CL currently 2 due to Inspired Sequence)
Move: Move to O-37
Swift: Use Scout on Bandit 4 (Sequence is now at 2 Links). I don't expect any actual weakness/resistances from this guy, it's basically just to tick up my Sequence.
Standard: Barrage special attack on B4, extra attack at -2 accuracy. Penalty offset by Kangee's aura. Additional +1 atk/dmg from Inspired Sequence. Additional +2 atk from Vindictiveness.
Note: I forgot to add my +1 atk/dmg from being within 30' on Discord. Those numbers have been reflected in the below roll summary as well as on the battle chart.

Attack 1: (12) + 7 = 19 attack for 6 damage
Attack 2: (12) + 9 = 18 attack for 9 damage

Bandit #4 is staggered due to damage.
Sequence is now at 3 Links.

Kangee Move: Maintain Greater Serendipity (+1 luck atk/save/skill to allies within 20', -1 to same for enemies)
Kangee Standard: Maintain Vindictiveness mandate between Derevi and Dolmir. When either is hit by an enemy, the other gains a +2 morale bonus to attack/cmb against that enemy for one round.

Note: Most Bandits and several allies are now under the effect of Kangee's Greater Serendipity. The following Magical Sign is now noticable:
"Friend and foe alike feel a malicious entity watching over them within the range of Fate spells."

2019-04-12, 02:46 PM
Cardon shudders as the crow's hoarse call heralds the coming of a looming presence at the back of his thoughts. Dark wings, dark words indeed.

All thought of his shield discarded, he turns his sword on the leader.

Taking my action at the top of the first round as per the last post saying I & Derevi should.

Stnd Action: Power attack vs B1: [roll0], for [roll1]

2019-04-12, 05:06 PM
Frederick approaches just enough that he may get a decent shot, and with ox-like grace shoots his crossbow at the blunderbuss using bandit, the recoil clearly weighting on his shoulder as he screams. "Submit or find your end, scourge!"

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2019-04-14, 10:37 AM
Cardon's sword blow and Derevi's arrows strike home, both drawing blood. The leader redoubles his attack on Cardon, gritting his teeth against his injuries, and the gun wielding bandit reverses his grip on the weapon and attempts to use it as a club. The other blunderbuss-armed bandit just manages to duck into cover from Kazrag's shot and Frederick's arrow, and wheels about at the sound of Elsabet appearing behind him, triggering a blast from his blunderbuss directly into her.

Bandit 1:
Staggered due to being below Wound Threshold.
Attack action vs Cardon with both weapons (it is a standard action instead of full round with the Dual Wielding sphere).
Short Sword: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] plus bleed
Dagger: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] plus bleed
Constitution check or fall unconscious for taking a move or standard action: [roll4]

Bandit 2:
Attacking Dolmir with his club (flanking with B3)
Club: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Bandit 3:
5ft step to reach a flanking position with B5 and B2 (and becoming flanked himself)
Attacking Cardon with his club
Club: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Bandit 4:
Staggered due to being below Wound Threshold
Using his blunderbuss stock as an improvised club to strike Cardon (flanking with B3)
Blunderbuss: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Constitution check or fall unconscious: [roll11]

Bandit 5:
Shot into Elsabet (scatter shot but no one else is within the area of the blast)
Blunderbuss: [roll12] vs touch
Damage: [roll13]
Move to V36 to make some distance before reloading
Both the shot and the movement provoke AoOs from Elsabet

Wow, these guys have been rather ineffective.

Cardon shrugs off the rain of blows, deftly parrying with his sword or taking hits on his armor. The bandit attacking Dolmir is thrown off by the dwarf's somewhat unsettling mask and deliberate stance and makes a cautious attack which is easily deflected. The shot at Elsabet was rushed and most of the pellets go harmlessly into the forest.

Party's up!

2019-04-14, 02:02 PM
Dolmir points at his adversary, wordlessly promising him doom. And then, he delivers a rib-cracking strike to prove his point.

Free action: Berserk
Move action: Challenge B3
Standard action: heavy swing at B3: [roll0], [roll1]
5' step.
If B3 attacks Dolmir, he will use Bloody Counter as an immediate action. Because B3 is battered, Dolmir's attack resolves first: +4 to hit, 2d6+5 damage, and the bandit must make a DC 13 fort save or be dazed for one round; if he is still capable of attacking, his attack hits automatically.

2019-04-16, 07:39 AM
Quickly shifting position Derevi lets fly two arrows, seeing one take the nearer bandit in the eye but turning before the second could land, and released two more at the one trying to press in on the dwarf's exposed flank.

Free: Abandon Focus (lose Martial Focus as a free action to gain 1 Sequence). Sequence is now at 4 Links (Maximum).
Free: 5' step west
Standard: Finisher(Barrage). One attack per Link in Sequence, no more than half against any one target. Targets: B1, B4, B2, B2

Attack 1: (19) + 8 = 27 attack for 10 damage
Attack 2: (1) + 8 = 9 attack (Nat 1, Miss)
Attack 3: (16) + 8 = 24 attack for 7 damage
Attack 4: (18) + 8 = 26 attack for 11 damage

Bandit #1 is now dead.
Sequence ended (0 Links).

Kangee Move: Maintain Greater Serendipity (+1 luck atk/save/skill to allies within 20', -1 to same for enemies)
Kangee Standard: Maintain Vindictiveness mandate between Derevi and Dolmir. When either is hit by an enemy, the other gains a +2 morale bonus to attack/cmb against that enemy for one round.

2019-04-16, 10:17 AM
Elsabet takes a swing at the retreating bandit, cursing under her breath as she misses and the man runs out of her reach. So, she turns instead to another of their would-be ambushers, moving forwards to strike at him. Unfortunately... today does not seem to be her day, whatsoever.

2019-04-16, 11:29 AM
Cardon pivot's to lash out at the club-wielding brigand.

Attacking bandit 3 with power attack. [roll0], [roll1]

2019-04-16, 04:37 PM
Kazrag quickly pulls a cartridge from his bandoleer and reloads his gun with lightning speed before he takes aim and fires again at the same bandit.

Reloading as a Free action with the cartridge

To hit: 19
Damage: 5

2019-04-16, 07:56 PM
Frederick sluggishly goes about re-loading his crossbow, remembering with no fondness the him that denied being trained with a bow.

full-round: reload

2019-04-17, 08:50 PM
The party keeps up the assault. Most of the bandits are now bleeding from various injuries, and their leader falls to the ground, clutching at the arrow lodged in his throat and gurgling. The remaining bandits pause, clearly taken aback at the ferocity that their would-be prey have shown. Two toss down their weapons and begin to flee the field, shouting in alarm; the others continue to fight back but with increased desperation. Cardon staggers back from a punishing blow from the stock of the bandit's firearm, though the exertion and wounds seem to get the better of him and he collapses in a heap, and the club-wielding bandit lands a hit on Elsabet's head with a sickening crack.

Bandit 1 spends his turn being very dead.

Bandit 2: Attacks Elsabet
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Bandit 3: drops his club and flees, provoking an AoO from Cardon and Dolmir (cannot take a Withdraw action since that's a full round action and he's staggered), moving to R31. This does take him over the trap but it does not immediately trigger.
Constitution check for taking a move action: [roll2]

Bandit 4: Attacks Cardon, still using his blunderbuss as an improvised club
Attack: [roll3] *I think I entered this wrong last round, but it didn't hit either way so it doesn't really matter
Damage: [roll4]
Constitution check for taking a standard action: [roll5]
Bandit 4 is unconscious.

Bandit 5: drops his blunderbuss and flees to AA34.

2019-04-17, 09:07 PM
"Oh, no you don't!" Elsabet calls, taking a quick step back, before disappearing from the battlefield and reappearing in front of one of the fleeing bandits.

2019-04-17, 09:48 PM
Frederick shoots his now reloaded crossbow, sweat dropping from his brow as he attempts to down the bandit that dealt Elsabet the blow.

attack [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2019-04-17, 10:02 PM
As Derevi surveyed the field he acknowledged the bandits wise, if delayed, decision to run. Rather than chase them down he focused his attention on the one that still felt confident enough to return fire, quickly loosing two arrows at him.

Move: Cast Totem of War for +2 dmg
Standard: Barrage special attack, both attacks at B2. New sequence opened (1 Link).

Attack 1: (16) + 4 = 20 attack for 9 damage
Attack 2: (6) + 4 = 10 attack (Miss)

Kangee Move: Maintain Greater Serendipity (+1 luck atk/save/skill to allies within 20', -1 to same for enemies)
Kangee Standard: Maintain Vindictiveness mandate between Derevi and Dolmir. When either is hit by an enemy, the other gains a +2 morale bonus to attack/cmb against that enemy for one round.

2019-04-18, 08:24 AM
Cardon cuts at the fleeing brigand, taking a blow across his back before he leaves the now unconscious warrior behind him to bleed out in the dirt. Suddenly left without enemies to fight, he moves to engage with the bandit left behind by Elsabet.

AoO vs B3: [roll0] for [roll1] damage. Power Attack, Luminous Smite and Derevi's buff.
Move: Walk up to B2.
Std: Attack vs B2: [roll2] for [roll3] damage. Power Attack, Luminous Smite and Derevi's buff.

2019-04-20, 12:23 AM
"You are next", Dolmir growls at the wounded bandit nearby. Then he steps in, swings his hammer, and knocks the bandits ribs through his lungs and out through his back. The bandit collapses like a side of pork slipping off the butcher's hook.

"Oi. Club guy! You are next!", he shouts, pointing to the bandit menacing Elsabet.

5' step. Free action: Berserk for 4 temp hp. Move action to Challenge B2 (+2 to hit Dolmir, -2 to hit others). Standard action for a Heavy Swing: [roll0], [roll1]. Swift action: Spend Focus to Challenge B5 (+2/-2).

2019-04-20, 01:05 PM
The last bandit still fighting does down to Dolmir's blow, and Cardon cuts down another as he attempts to flee. The last one still on his feet rounds the tree, only to find himself face to face with Elsabet. He yelps, stumbling back and falling to the ground. "Don' hurt me!" he cries, raising his hands. "I-- just let me go, and I won't bother you no more! I'll even show you where we hit our loot--it's all yours if you let me go!"

Combat is over! 200 xp to everyone. You have one unconscious bandit who will bleed to death soon if left unattended, and one who has attempted to surrender. I will leave it to you what you choose to do with him--you might be able to recover some of what these bandits have stolen in the past, or it might be a trap. Or you could not bother with it, and either let him go or kill him now.

The bandits each have a leather jerkin (leather armor). The leader has a short sword and a dagger; the club-wielding bandits have a club and a buckler each, and the last two have a blunderbuss, a dagger, a powder horn (9 charges of powder between the two of them), four bullets and six loads of pellets (again, in total between them). They don't appear to be carrying anything else of value.

2019-04-20, 03:38 PM
Frederick is almost retroactively besides Elsabeth. Glaring at the bandit with more than the usual disdain while the weight of the crossbow by his back almost lends him a proper chest-out stance.

He seemingly ponders for a moment before stating with authority "I'll allow it" putting his hand and more importantly his house's signet ring near enough for the surrendered party to kiss.

He waits until the bandit does so, or he gets exasperated enough to mutter something about pathetic manners, whatever the case he speaks at no one in particular with an order of "Tie him up" before going to get the mule closer.

2019-04-20, 06:40 PM
Derevi passes by the bleeding bandit without a second glance and approaches the one blubbering for his life. Crouching down so that he and Kangee are at eye level with him he stares him down for a moment before speaking. "Their encampment should be closer than the manor, and fortified against local wildlife. Perhaps he leads us there, I investigate while he stays behind with the rest of you. If they protect their base as well as they bait their traps I'll notice anything they try, and as long as there are no surprises no one has to end up in dead today."

He looked back for a moment at the results of the exceedingly one-sided battle the fool had provoked before shrugging. "Well, no one else."

2019-04-21, 10:46 AM
Kazrag loads his rifle and ***** the hammer back before pointing it at the surrendered bandit. "Sounds like a good plan Bird Boy."

2019-04-21, 12:29 PM
Elsabet shoulders her scythe, a smile on her lips at the successful bout. She looks over to the bleeding man, knowing she can save his life - and she elects not to. The man would not have given them the same courtesy.

2019-04-21, 01:07 PM
Cardon takes some time to clean his sword, allowing the rest of the group to decide what to do with the surviving brigands. He doesn't sheathe it though, keeping it in hand so it keeps shining.

2019-04-21, 01:49 PM
"Loot, eh? Let's have at it". Dolmir, too, disregards the dying man.

2019-04-21, 06:18 PM
The bandit's eyes grow wide as he stares down the muzzle of Kazrag's gun. He gulps, then tears his eyes away from the weapon and turns to address Derevi. No surprises, you can count on that. Only one of us that's not... only other one left is Arnault. 'E's the one who was gonna spring the trap. Probably scarpered when the shooting started--always been a d--ned coward. Come on."

The bandit sets off into the brush. At first it seems like he's just heading randomly into the forest, but you do pick out the hints of a trail--the brush is less thick, and the dirt seems more packed. Occasionally you spot a notched tree, as if someone has carved a mark into the trunk to mark the way. "Ol' game trail. Leastways, that's what Rosco called it. Musta been an old one, I ain't seen no normal wildlife here since we got 'ere." The man's voice has a twinge of fear to it, and he looks around the undergrowth nervously as you go. "Just up 'ere. Not far now."

After about ten minutes of following the trail, the bandit stops and points down a steep bank. "Jus' over there. Head down the bank an' go through that patch o' undergrowth--there, you see? Just in there. Some alarms strung up aroun', but no traps." He glances between you nervously. "You take what you see an' let me go, yeah? Won't trouble you or yours no more."

Derevi sneaks down the ravine and, sure enough, spot some ropes strung around at about ankle level in the brush. You don't hear any movement within, and as you push through you hear the faint tinkle of bells--presumably connected to the ropes. Once you get through the brush you see a small camp concealed by the vegetation. Six tents are set up in a rough circle; five with bedrolls and other simple effects still in them, one that looks like it's been emptied in a hurry. There is a wooden box sitting on its side in the middle of camp, and two more sitting within one of the tents. Inside, you find coins and gems in two, and an old marble bust, worn with age, in the third.

Unless someone states that they are going to or would have disarmed him, the bandit still has a dagger at his belt, though he's made no move to go for it.

You'll need more than a cursory glance to determine how much coin there is and an appraise check for the value of the gems and bust. Once we get to the hamlet, I expect the biggest part of gold to be spend on investments in the hamlet, which will allow you to upgrade your gear and get access to more stuff. There won't be normal shops per se. You might find heirlooms as well, which won't upgrade buildings in the normal sense, but can increase the prestige of the hamlet, which will also attract more useful NPCs who can help out in one way or another. The increased status might also attract more negative attention, as well...

2019-04-23, 10:29 PM
Derevi would have made sure the bandit was disarmed if no one else did.

Finding the area sufficient to their needs Derevi returned to the group.

"Camp's clear. A bit of loot, we can toss it onto the mule in the morning. I recommend turning in soon, get an early start. I'll cover first watch."

Turning towards their prisoner he nodded his head towards the abandoned tent. "In. You'll be given a blade and some supplies in the morning. After that, your survival is your own business."

If there's a way to do so I'd like to secure the bandit's restraints in some way, such as trying them to a tent support or maybe a solid tree root.

2019-04-23, 11:59 PM
Frederick nods in approval, his legs aching at the effort of walking this far. He gives the gold a cursory glance but unable to really tell anything apart from the fact that shiny rocks were extra valuable he drops it on his mule and goes about setting up a tent.

2019-04-24, 03:52 PM
"We should set up watches, these woods are hardly safe. I'll be happy to take the first one."

2019-04-24, 07:46 PM
Kazrag simply sits down on a log and faces the woods with his back to the fire pit. He'll take the first watch.

2019-04-25, 03:17 AM
Dolmir strips off his armor and rolls up in his bedroll.

2019-04-25, 09:37 PM
The party beds down in the tents of the defeated bandits, regardless of the macabre irony. Your prisoner spends a somewhat restless night outside, under the careful eye of whoever appears to be on watch at the time. There's a chill bite to the air, moreso than you would have expected, which seems so whisper its way in past your blankets and into your clothing. The camp's concealment seems to work, however--those of you on watch hear the occasional rustling of motion in the forest outside, but nothing comes close enough to sound like a threat. The morning dawns chilly and grey, and you prepare yourselves for the last leg of your journey to the manor.

The last remaining bandit is given back his dagger and a handful of food--enough to last the day, maybe two or three if he stretches it out--and turned loose. He appears to open his mouth as if to say something more to you, but thinks better of it and disappears into the brush with a simple nod. The rest of you find your way back onto the road, backtracking the trail from the previous evening. The corpses appear to have been chewed during the night by something--dogs, perhaps, though you haven't seen any other sign of them around.

One of the bodies has traces of yellowish discoloration around the nose, eyes, and mouth, almost like some sort of mold growing on it.

The rest of the trek to the manor is largely uneventful. You arrive midmorning, dusty and perhaps a bit tired but otherwise victorious. You find yourselves in a hamlet of sorts, a haphazard arrangement of ramshackle buildings scattered about a central square of sorts. There is a church, though the steeple and roof are both broken, and a blacksmith's shop sits abandoned, the forges cold. Other buildings seem equally dilapidated, though their purposes are not as immediately obvious. The only building that seems to be in use other than the homes is the tavern--smoke drifts lazily from its chimney and there seem to be a handful of people milling about.

Outside, a few people can be seen going about their business, though they seem as downtrodden as the hamlet itself. Whereas previously people watched you in morbid curiosity, these seem to ignore your arrival--as if they know you won't be around for long. Most appear to be workmen of sorts; you notice very few signs of families being established here.

In the center of town you see two men conversing near the dry fountain that marks the center of the square who seem to stand out. One is rather portly, with snaggled teeth; though he wears a ruffed collar and a jacket that once could have been called fine, his bearing makes the apparel seem out of place, like a pig who has been stuffed into a fine suit. The other, however, is younger, with a noble bearing to match his dress. They pointing to a large sheet of paper held between them, then gesturing to various structures in the hamlet. You aren't close enough yet to hear what they are saying.

You have arrived!

You can go talk to these two at the town center or go into the tavern, it's up to you. Or you can investigate something else.

State of the Hamlet:
Abbey: Disrepair
Blacksmith: Abandoned
Guild: Abandoned
Sanatarium: Abandoned
Stage Coach: Disrepair
Tavern: Disrepair

2019-04-27, 11:51 AM
Frederick looks at the hamlet with not a hint of his usual disdain towards the common folk but with a sigh of resignation, this were to be his new subjects after all, and he was no stranger to rolling his sleeves back and directing people to work.

Frederick approaches the two men calmly, his armor resplendent under what little sunlight it can catch amongst omnious clouds. He waits for a moment, waiting for their conversation to be over before properly introducing himself, but listening in anyway.

2019-04-28, 01:31 PM
As they enter the township proper Derevi leans in towards the others and croaks out "I have supplies to replenish, and surveying to do. If they ask I'll be posted up in there-" he points towards the clearly abandoned forge. "-once I return."

Derevi is about to split off when he looks back at the others for a moment. They held their own well enough, and none of them were outwardly antagonistic towards Kangee (or vice-versa). And if they survived they would likely be working together again at some point. "If someone could ask the schedule for resupplies, and who we talk to for specific orders, I'll be cooking whatever I find on the perimeter. I don't trust food in new places. Especially not in a place so desperate as this."

2019-04-28, 05:08 PM
Kazrag cradles his rifle as he glances around the town. It's in pretty bad shape, but its sturdy enough for the moment and thats what counts.

2019-04-28, 11:26 PM
Dolmir sets down his crates, then marches up to the two men discussing their paper. "Are you the guys looking for adventurers? Your stagecoach tipped over down the road".

2019-05-01, 07:58 PM
You catch the tail end of the two men's conversation. The better-dressed one is speaking and pointing to the paper with some finality. "Yes, I'm sure, the blacksmith first. I think even Reynauld can appreciate the importance. The abbot will have his workmen, but he will have to wait." The other nods, rolls up the paper, and glances your way. He departs quickly, with no more than a brief nod in your direction, just as Dolmir speaks.

"Ah, you have made it! Excellent! I was worried when night fell and you still hadn't arrived." He glances over the group. "Frederick? Is that you? By the Light, I think it is! I was starting to think no one in the family but father and myself wanted anything more to do with this place." He gives Frederick a warm handshake, then brings his attention back to the others. "Forgive me. My name is Petr Austesis, owner of this place, such as it is." He motions around himself at the hamlet and the manor resting ominously in the distance. "The previous owner was my father's uncle, and he inherited it when the old man shot himself. Father didn't make it long once he got here, unfortunately, so it falls to me. I've done what I can, but there's still work to be done."

"I am pleased you made it. We haven't had many answer the call, yet. Only a handful--they've had some success so far, but we need numbers if we are to cleanse this place. When the caretaker came back alone and without the carriage, I feared we had lost our first batch of new recruits in far too long. I hope you will forgive him, he is... well, I fear his long-standing duties here have... affected him."

"We've set aside a building for our adventurers, feel free to take whatever rooms you wish. There are plenty that are unoccupied. The second floor isn't fully cleared out yet, we still have work to do before it's ready." He indicates a slightly less run down building, which shows signs of recent repairs. Many of the windows on the upper floor are broken or missing, and you see tools and timber through the open ones. "The inn is where we've been serving meals. There are also other diversions there, if you find yourselves so inclined. I believe our current batch of adventurers are there now, making final preparations for their expedition in the morning. Perhaps you want to introduce yourselves to them. Otherwise, make yourselves at home--I'm sure your journey has been tiring. In the meantime, it seems I have business to attend to, if you'll excuse me." With a grimace, he glances over to where the portly man now appears to be arguing with a robed priest.

Petr is Vasily Austesis' son, about three years younger than you. You met him when you went hunting with him and his father. He seemed like a fairly determined sort, one who would do whatever it took to get what he wanted.

2019-05-02, 10:29 AM
Frederick is quite surprised when he finally recognizes petr, and shakes the hand back with vigour, replying with a smile "Can't let our holdings fall to ruin now, can we?"

He grows a bit sullen when hearing about the death of his uncle, he was after all the first sign that he should come here, still one less on the line... He didn't let such thoughts change his concerned expression, and his condolences were genuine "Sorry to hear about your father, let the light watch over him."

He listens to the rest, waving aside any concerns about the caretaker as if leaving them to day was barely a noteworthy offense, no matter how he actually felt about hearing the despicable man was still alive and likely not wipped.

He saw the ramshackle building he was expected to live in, and was appalled with the imagined conditions (much better than the real ones). Still, he knew there wasn't going to be the greatest acommodations.

With an internal sigh he took a point to secure the best lodgings as soon as possible, but delaying the inevitable decided to ask his cousing while gently guiding him to move along soon "Mind if I come along? we can catch up, and I'll like to get acquainted with the place."

2019-05-02, 11:48 AM
Following along with the group, Elsabet is relieved when it seems they've finally found familiar faces and places, at least for one member of their party. So this is the hamlet? It isn't much to look at, she thinks. Breaking off from the group, the cultist heads straight for the church. If anyone's going to have information on the types of creatures they will encounter in the days ahead, it would be there, wouldn't it?

Elsabet is going to attempt to gather some information on the eldritch creatures we will likely soon be facing.
[roll0] EDIT: Aaaaaah, uhm, am I allowed to take a 10?? :smallredface:
She can also make some knowledge checks untrained so long as they have to do with the eldritch, so here's a bunch of 'em.

2019-05-03, 02:27 AM
Cardon looked forward to spend some time at the tavern, meeting the adventurers who'd come before their party, but he had his priorities. He was somewhat surprised to find himself trailing along after the half-elf as she headed towards the chapel.

"I didn't take you for one of the faithful," he mused idly, attempting to strike up a conversation with her. "But it's good you are, we'll certainly need the Light to watch over us in the times ahead."

If we end up skipping ahead, Cardon will be spending an hour in prayer at the abbey, then head off to inspect the facilities in the hamlet, see if there are any stores and that sort of thing. After that he'll go have a look at the tavern.

2019-05-03, 09:44 PM
Kazrag wordlessly heads over to the Inn to grab some food, making sure to drop off the few boxes he was in charge of alongside the Draf's pile.

2019-05-04, 09:19 PM
Most of the group trails off toward the chapel. When Frederick offers Petr his condolences, you see the mask slip for a moment, weariness and fear flashing across the young man's face. "Yes. We were unprepared when we first arrived. Woefully. Of course we'd been warned, but we thought the rumors were exaggerated, They weren't--the opposite, in fact. We came here, set up a camp, and headed to scout the ruins on the path up toward the manor." He motions in the direction of the ruined house sitting high on the hill. "We were attacked, of course... and father didn't make it out. I barely did. That's when we put out the call for adventurers, mercenaries... anyone willing to fight for us." The steel comes back into his voice. "Our first foray back into that place, we brought his body back, for what small consolation that offers. At least he wasn't left to rot down there, or worse."

Frederick and Petr insert themselves into the conversation going on between the two already here--the one in the robe being the abbot, of course. "Petr, what is the meaning of this? " the abbot cuts in without preamble or introduction. "Surely you realize the importance of having a proper place to worship, especially in a place like this? I can appreciate your... material concerns, but the blessings and protection of the Light are far stronger than steel.

Petr listens impassively, waiting for a chance to cut in. "I do appreciate that, trust me, Erhard. But tough decisions need to be made, and a blacksmith can't do his job here with what we have right now. And surely your sermons are just as effective regardless of the condition of the building... or does the Light only offer its blessings to those with a suitable building?"

The abbot's face flushes, and he opens his mouth, closes it, and huffs. "Fine. As you wish. We will make do here." He turns and storms back into the building. Petr shakes his head and lets him go. "The abbot is a good man. He really is. But his priorities are a bit off at times. That went better than I expected, honestly.


Cardon and Elsabet enter the abbey as Petr and the abbot have their conversation. The inside of the building is just as ragged as outside. It was once an opulent chapel, but all of the valuable relics and artwork have long been looted or broken, the carpets are filthy and torn, and many of the windows are broken. The roof sags and leaks, and the air is damp and musty. Inside is another man in a robe, sweeping over the floors, though he just appears to be moving the filth from one place to another. He glances up as the two of you enter, giving Cardon a warm welcome and Elsabet a bit of a sidelong glance. He is, however, able to direct Cardon to the transept, and answers Elsabet's questions to the best of his abilities--though he still doesn't seem happy that she's there. You both hear the sounds of a lash snapping, and a mad cackle which sounds quite a bit like it could be from the caretaker who was driving the carriage.

Sure, you can take 10. They have reason to help you, after all, even if they don't agree with your methods.

Between the questions you ask to the priest and the documents, records, and books you're able to study, here's what you piece together:
The ruined castle midway between the hamlet and the old manor has been best explored, though they've only scratched the surface so far. The expeditions have reported skeletons walking the halls. In general, skeletons aren't dangerous except in numbers, but these sometimes seem to show more than the rudimentary intelligence that most skeletons have. There have also been markings found, which the adventurers and clerics haven't been able to identify--though you do recognize them as arcane sigils of power, the kind used to commune with the darker gods. The skeletons might have been the ones to draw them, but likely not.

The other areas have less information. The roads out of the hamlet have reported infestations of bandits, as you have already found out. The forests had always been a refuge of the desperate, but as word got out that gold, supplies, and ancient relics have begun to flow in and out of the hamlet, they have come in greater strength. The old cellars and aqueducts which once served the hamlet, the manor, and the surrounding settlements have not been opened since Vasily and Petr arrived, but something has been heard moving down there. The cove which once supplied the manor has been avoided by the local fishermen, and rumors of aggressive fish-people are recorded--though the priests seem to have dismissed those as the product of sailors' overactive imaginations, you have heard stories of ancient undersea civilizations which sometimes make forays onto the land--perhaps something like that is at play here?

Of what might be waiting in the manor itself, you have no clues.


Kazrag enters the tavern. This building, at least, looks to be reasonably well kept up. A burly, bearded man cleans glasses with a rag behind the bar, and nods to Kazrag as he enters. The tables are mostly empty, save one. Four people sit around a table, half-empty drinks and plates of food scattered about, discussing what appears to be a sketched out map. One wears a tabard with the symbol of a crusading warrior, one is dressed in the habit of the order of the Vestals, one is dressed in the distinctive protective clothing worn by doctors in plague-ridden areas, including the unsettling beak-like mask, and the last is wearing simple clothes and a sturdy coat--you notice a pistol tucked into his belt. They look up towards the door when you enter, and the man in the coat speaks up. "Ah, new blood! Welcome to the next best place to hell itself. Care to join us?" The crusader and vestal shoot the man an angry glance, and the plague doctor seems to simply be studying you.


Derevi splits off and makes his way into the blacksmith's shop. The door is blocked by stacked planks and tools, but you're able to move them aside and get in. The ceiling and walls have holes which need to be repaired, and the floor is scattered with debris and broken glass. You find a cracked anvil, a furnace which has been dismantled to the point of unusability, and a few old tools. Still, for something as simple as making new arrows, you could perhaps make do. It would be a fairly uncomfortable place to sleep, however.

If you want to try and forge metal arrowheads, you can, but you'll take a -4 to craft checks for the poor conditions.

2019-05-04, 11:11 PM
Kazrag nodded taking a seat at the table, saying nothing and simply nodding to the other men at the table.

2019-05-05, 02:17 AM
Dolmir sets down his supply crates and walks into the tavern as well. "Food. Ale", he barks at the tavernkeeper. He doesn't remove his helmet, or even the face-plate. Some might see that as rude. Knowing the features beneath that mask, others might see it as kindness.

2019-05-05, 02:25 PM
I had meant to address the supply crates in the last post, but I forgot to. Petr would have gotten some workmen over to take them to a storage building, and thanked you for salvaging what you could.

Dolmir and Kazrag sit down at the table with the others. The tavern keeper complies with Dolmir's request (command?), wordlessly bringing over two glasses of pale, watery beer and two plates of dried meat soaked in a thin gravy and chopped, near-unidentifiable vegetables.

"I suppose some introductions are in order?" the man in the coat continues. "These two dour folks are Reynauld and Furnival." He gestures toward the man in the tabard and the vestal in turn. "A bit uptight at times, but even I'll admit, not the worst to have in a fight. Don't get them started on anything religious, though, you'll be listening to them all day." Both of them stare daggers at the man, but don't say anything. "That lovely lady over there--yes, there is a woman under all those robes--is Ansgot. Doesn't talk much, I don't think I've heard her say more than a handful of sentences since I got here. Never seen her eat or drink anything in public either, come to think of it." The woman continues to stare at the two of you through her mask, still saying nothing. "And I"--the man speaking indicates himself with a dramatic flourish--"am Dismas. I like to think I'm the brains of this little operation we have going here."

Reynauld snorts into his mug of ale at this comment. "Yes, you do, don't you?"

"Anyway," Dismas continues, ignoring the comment, "we're doing a little trek into the ruins in the morning. Been mapping things out, and we think we've got one of the crypts where these undead nasties are coming from. We go in there, these two do their mumbo-jumbo with their incense and sprinklers and things, and bam, those corpses quit wandering about and causing problems. Easy."

"Not as 'easy' as you seem to think, if our last few expeditions are anything to go by," Furnival, the vestal, says. "I think we've gotten everthing useful we're going to do here, so if you'll excuse us, Reynauld and I are going to the abbey. We have to prepare for the cleansing." She stands, followed by Reynauld, and the two leave the inn without so much as a glance back. The woman mutters something you can't quite understand, but you do catch the phrase "faithless heathens."

Dismas watches them go, then turns his attention back to you two. "So... what brings you to a place like this?"

2019-05-05, 04:38 PM
Kazrag eats silently as the man goes on with introductions. He seemed a nice enough sort, and the religious ones where exactly what he expected. The doctor was odd and he stared back at her as he at.

"Vengeance" Then remembering what his dear departed wife would tell him about manners, he stuck his hand over to the man "And my name is Kazrag"

2019-05-05, 08:24 PM
Elsabet is surprised when Cardon addresses her - and seems even more surprised by his words. She offers the man a half-smile. "One of the faithful... I suppose, in a sense. But I seek knowledge beyond what your Light reaches. And I believe that concrete knowledge will be more useful to us, in the days ahead, then dependence on some abstract and absent power that dares not tread where the eldritch resides," she says, her smile growing all the more as she speaks. She wonders if her words have made Cardon uncomfortable. If they have? She's not bothered. Many people find her disturbing, including the abbot, it seems. Nonetheless, the information she gathers is worthwhile. The skeletons will be noisome. They don't bleed, they don't have flesh, they will be difficult for her to manipulate.

As she finishes up her research, she looks up at the abbot. "You, preacher," she says, getting to her feet. "Tell me where I can get a sling and some good, smooth stones for it. This place is horribly run down, I don't expect you have a merchant?"

2019-05-05, 09:08 PM
Frederick looks resolute, despite the warnings, his uncle was after all not built for combat and likely inexpirienced in it (he failed to grasp the irony behind those thoughts comforting him).

Still, he listened to the tale of his cousin, nodding appreciatively at his practicality, even as he held a gasp at the disregard of the clergy, but it was only natural after all, they were in charge here after all.

He smiles at the remark "Meh, not everyone can see the bigger picture." He did though, and it was a picture of great swiping strokes, starting with his arrival "You said another group came behind ours, right? Any hints of a previous smithy we can salvage the parts from?" he hoped there was such a thing, it'll be a shame to start draining their wealth and relics for such a common cause...

2019-05-10, 09:48 AM
After deeming the run-down smithy acceptable, if only barely, Derevi cleared off a section in the corner to leave a few belongings he wouldn't need in the next few hours (mentally deeming their potential theft an acceptable loss if it warned him that even within the village limits his belongings were unsafe). Propping the boards back up as he left he made a direct path towards the woods.

Once clear of the buildings Derevi unslung his bow and sent Kangee into the trees to search for signs of trails. A stream would be a good place to start. One decent sized buck would make this a quick hunt. Having to individually hunt down enough rabbits and squirrels would be an annoyance. With a caw he conveyed his thoughts to Kangee, and the pair made off deeper into the forest, the young elf occasionally halting to chop free a sturdy branch for arrow shafts.

Nothing specific I'm looking for, just want to have a grasp of what the area is like around us in case I need that info later.
Knowledge(Nature) : 12 (untrained)
Knowledge(Geography) : 16

Gonna take 10 on survival to find some food (preferably wild deer or large birds) while surveying the local area. With Kangee's help (Aid Another and Luck Aura) my Survival result would be 20 (enough to feed myself and six other people for the day).

And while I'm doing math, even with that -4 penalty I can hit a 12 on Take 10 which is enough to pass the DC on arrows. 12 * 12 = 144 / 7 = 20.5 silver worth of work in a 'day' (8 hours). Because this is double the value of 20 arrows I can complete it in 4 hours.

2019-05-12, 08:36 PM
Dismas takes Kazrag's hand, regarding him appraisingly for a long moment. "We've all got our demons, eh? Suppose it's as good a reason as any. The old man's not picky about who he takes, so long as they're willing to fight. And you'll find plenty of that down there." He jerks a thumb up towards the ruins. He seems to trail off into his own thoughts, nursing his beer. "Me, I just got no place else to go." He sounds... bitter? Regretful? Angry? It's tough to pin down. "Too many bodies behind me out there..."


The priest seems surprised at Elsabet's question, having been studiously ignoring her presence. "I--ah--" He clears his throat. "No, merchants don't travel this far. They barely get as far as the outlying towns. Sling's simple enough to make, though, just a bit of leather or cloth and some strings or rawhide straps. There should be some leftover materials in the old smithy, I'd wager--scraps enough to make something passable. As for stones, there's a stream that runs through the hamlet. That's where I'd find them." He looks around, as if searching for an escape from the conversation.

Since slings are pretty simple, Elsabet can spend some time scavenging materials and make it without making a check. It might not be pretty but it'll work.


Petr shrugs. "Everything left over is in there. It's not much, I'm afraid. We might find something usable out there in the ruins, but I wouldn't count on it--mostly just gold and valuables to fund things. Been precious little of that so far, but there should be enough hidden away to keep this operation running. The family has always had a habit of squirreling away gold and jewels, eh?"


Derevi sets out along the little stream which provides a bare trickle of fresh water to the hamlet, for certain definitions of "fresh." There is less game available than he'd expect from a place like this, but with Kangee's eyes aiding you manage to bring down a scrawny deer and a brace of small rabbits, as well as a handful of berries and fruits which appear edible. The two of you manage to keep clear of anything that seems potentially predatory. Working the steel arrowheads is difficult as you cannot get a proper furnace fire going, but you spend some time working and are rewarded with arrowheads which will, at least, pierce flesh.

2019-05-14, 11:48 AM
With an acceptable number of workable arrows stacked up Derevi cleared out the forge and set up the game he'd hunted down on a set of criss-crossed tongs. While the meat cooked he set about clearing out some more space to make the building somewhat livable, occasionally rotating the boar and flipping over the rabbits.

When the food was nearly done he called for Kangee, beak still red from the rabbit that had been it's own dinner. "Inform the others. Food."

With a flutter of wings the black bird was gone, quickly finding the other members of the group. At each location he dove in through a window, calling out "FOOD!" before swooping back around and disappearing just as quickly.

Gonna take 10 on a Profession(Chef) untrained check on this food, because right now Derevi doesn't particularly care how it tastes beyond just being edible.

2019-05-14, 05:52 PM
Kazrag grunts as he looks the man over. In another life, they very well could have been sitting in different seats.

2019-05-18, 01:08 PM
In the morning, the town is awoken by the few uncracked bells in the abbey's tower. A small crowd has gathered on the steps of the abbey, centered around the abbot and the four adventurers who Kazrag met at the tavern the previous evening. The abbot is offering blessings, sprinkling holy water over their heads. "Go in the Light, and the darkness will flee before you. You are the Flame, bearers of the holy fire which will cleanse this tainted place. Have faith, my children, and you will prevail no matter the odds against you." Reynauld and Furnival seem focused on the priest's words, Dismas is idly scanning the crowd, and Ansgot is unreadable as ever. The ceremony continues for a few minutes, in which the abbot reads several verses pertaining to courage, faith, and the duty of the faithful to stand firm against the forces of darkness, and prayers are offered for protection and victory. Petr shares a few quiet words with the group and the caretaker, who seems to not have been seriously injured by the carriage crash, brings each of them a pack of supplies. They set off towards the ruins with determined faces. The crowd disperses, quietly muttering between one another or simply returning to their work.

Petr approaches you. "The abbot tells me that a cleansing ritual in the crypts will put an end to the undead which seem to plague the place. In their last trip they managed to find one of the crypts, and with the Light's grace they will cleanse it. If so, that would give us some valuable breathing room for future expeditions. I am certain there is more than one source of these things, but every little bit helps.

"In the meantime... It would be best to get the rest of you up to speed. I have been hesitant to send my warriors away from the hamlet for too long, but with you here in case something goes wrong I feel more confident in sending a group off for longer. I would appreciate if you could see to the defenses of the hamlet. It seems infrequent patrols through the woods keeps the nastier things away. There's an old training hall which you can use to practice if you wish, though it's in as poor a shape as the rest of this place. There isn't much there, but it's at least a place you can spar or practice your spells in relative safety."


The next few days pass by fairly uneventfully. You occasionally set off into the area around the hamlet, clearing away the encroaching brush. You don't see signs of much in the way of dangerous animals or the like approaching the hamlet. The work continues around them, though slowly--most of the trees here are twisted and ill-suited for construction, so much of the material has to be imported. Still, the work does progress on the old blacksmith shop and the buildings which act as impromptu barracks for your group and many of the workers.

Four days after the other group departed, you are on one of your patrols around the hamlet when you see a figure approaching from the direction of the ruins, staggering and stumbling closer. As it gets nearer, you realize it's Dismas, badly injured and limping back to the hamlet.

"Furnival... dead..." he gasps out. "Reynauld probably... Ansgot got separated... Find them..." he collapses, his clothing soaked with blood and his breathing shallow and ragged.

2019-05-18, 01:39 PM
Without wasting much time - seeing as Dismas is not a stranger, nor a bandit, and really, quite useful to have around - Elsabet kneels down by the rogue, drawing out a human skull from her supplies and holding it over his body for a moment. The blood ceases flowing as she whispers a rite under her breath in the abyssal tongue, and in a matter of seconds, Dismas' bleeding stops, the wounds coagulating.

2019-05-18, 10:17 PM
Kazrag kneels down next to the man who had been quite nice to him. He heads to his room at the Inn to get all of his things and heads back outside, his rifle in hand and his bandoleer full of ammo.

2019-05-18, 10:27 PM
Once Elsebet has staunched the man's wounds Derevi crouches down to Dismas's side. "Maps. Did you make any maps? If we are to find anyone before they succumb we cannot waste time retracing empty passageways."

2019-05-23, 07:40 AM
Frederick once again smiles at his team's initiative, is like they didn't even need him! preposterous as the notion was. He raises an eyebrow at the abyssal speech and proficiencies of Elsabeth before shrugging.

He then excuses himself from the wound treatment to go inform Petr of the situation.

2019-05-26, 11:43 PM
Before long the ruckus attracts attention, others coming over to help bring the unconscious man back into town. The hamlet doesn't have a proper doctor yet, but one of the priests does have some basic medical knowledge--Petr directs you to bring Dismas to the abbey once he gets there. He is laid on a pew, where one of the robed men begins cleaning and stitching his wounds. He requests a heated iron, and the smell of burned flesh fills the musty hall.

A few hours later, Dismas regains consciousness. The priest hovers over him protectively--his condition is still uncertain--but allows you to ask some questions.

"We were almost there--a couple more rooms, maybe. You could tell we were getting close by the stench. Few bruises and scrapes, but we hadn't seen anything we couldn't handle. Come around a corner and that thing surprised us... big b*stard, skull for a head. Bigger than the other skeletons down there. Was a buncha ghosts or something too, I think. I saw--" he glances to where Petr is standing nearby, then cuts himself off. After a coughing fit, he continues. "They got Furnival pretty d*mn fast. Ansgot paniced, Reynald told me to run, that he'd buy us some time and then be behind me... Didn't see him again. Stayed behind Ansgot for a while, but I lost her in the corridors. Barely made it out past the normal skeletons and such myself." Dismas does not have a map of their exact route, but he does have the maps they entered with, with a rough path drawn out towards the crypt they were trying to cleanse.

Petr looks troubled. "They got overconfident... we all did. But it sounds like there's at least a chance one or both of them might still be alive--I know it's a lot to ask, but if there's a chance they are still down there I think it best we try and rescue them. Perhaps you could even finish the job they started while you're there?"

2019-05-26, 11:47 PM
Gonna go ahead and make a couple checks to see what I can find out about that monster based on Dismas' description.


2019-05-26, 11:52 PM
Based on Dismas' description, it is almost certainly not a normal skeleton. In fact, it's probably not an animated corpse at all. From what details you're able to pick out of him before the priest shoos you away to let him get some rest, it definitely showed signs of intelligence, and seemed to be directing the other creatures with it. Dismas also mentions it was wearing a robe of sorts, but what is under it he seems unwilling or unable to describe.

The creatures with it might be ghosts, somehow tied to it. If that's the case, non-magical weapons will be far less effective against them. Even magical weapons will do lesser damage.

NOTE: I mentioned that I may be tweaking some PF monsters to better fit in the campaign and the Darkest Dungeon feel. The ghost-like undead are perfectly capable of being harmed by normal weapons in the game, it seems, so I'm going to reflect that here.

2019-05-27, 10:42 AM
Elsabet ponders the information which she is able to come up with, resolving to share it with the others before they set out to the damned place where the others are lost. They will need holy water, certainly... Such blessed items often proved more effective than steel against incorporeal undead. As Petr charges them with finding the lost heroes, she looks to the others. "Seems a challenge we can only face if we stick together. What say you lot?" she asks.

2019-05-27, 06:12 PM
There is a strange glint in Derevi's eye as Dismas relates his experiences, though it's gone by the time Elsabet addresses them. "It is why we are here."

Walking to a nearby window he lets out a shrieking caw, the first sound above a whisper he has made and indistinguishable from the cries of his raven, who moments later appears and lands on his shoulder. "I am already provisioned. If the man cannot provide maps then we had best leave quickly."

2019-05-27, 07:35 PM
"Point me where we need to go and I'll put a bullet in anything that gets in the way."

2019-05-28, 10:18 AM
Frederick patted Petr shoulders "Is the least I could do, I and the ones that arrived with me can head out as soon as supplies are ready."

Frederick is quite lucky that most of the group seems happy to go ahead without any prodding on his side, and he spends any time before heading out sharpening his sword and getting the mule ready to carry supplies.

2019-05-29, 09:28 PM
Supplies are quickly gathered--food, torches, shovels, holy water--enough to keep you going for most of a day. There will be no wood in the dungeons to make camp, at least nothing suitable--if you wish to rest there you will have to pack firewood before you go. Spending too long without even the meager security of a fire is not recommended.

The abbot quickly goes over the process for blessing the crypts with Cardon, deciding he's the only one really suited to carrying out the task from your group. As you depart he repeats hurried blessings and prayers.

You make haste to the ruined castle, the air turning more sour and the landscape more twisted and dead as you get closer to the cursed manor upon the hill. A miasma of death hangs around the structure, but the scene is otherwise eerily calm. Quickly locating the entrance used by the other group, you prize open the rusted iron gate which locks most of the dead in and step inside, into the murky darkness of the broken halls. Faint hints of noise, of sinister scraping and otherworldly moans, dance at the edge of your hearing, though it's tough to tell whether it's just in your head or the sounds of threats moving further inside.

Welcome to the Ruins!

I will need a marching order, and stealth/perception checks if you wish.

Do any of you have trapfinding or a similar ability?

Someone needs to hold the torch, as well. Or if you have another light source, that works too.

You have a rough idea of the route the previous party took--at least enough to know which direction to head from here. That said, it's entirely possible that if either of the other two are alive, they haven't exactly backtracked the way they came. I'll try and have a more detailed map worked up by tomorrow, but I assume for now you're following along how the others went?

2019-06-02, 05:44 PM
As they came to the manor entrance Derevi looked over his shoulder and waited a moment for the others to draw near enough to hear him. "Like the forest, watch for Kangee. He is your sign to advance." Even as he spoke his eyes became darkened, and then glazed over with black. The raven on his shoulder took on a haunting aura, as though amused to be overseeing their fate. "If we disappear for too long, assume we are already dead. Do with that what you will."

Without another word he turned and pushed open the door. Pressing onward with an arrow knocked, cautiously making his way from one side of a room to the next, then going deadly still as he listened intently before repeating the process.

Casting See Hazard (25' free perception check against hazards and traps). [3/4 SP]
Kangee is casting and maintaining Greater Serendipity (+1 luck bonus to atk/save/skill within 20', -1 penalty to enemies).

Staying roughly far enough ahead of the party to be outside of normal light, but within the range of low-light vision.

Perception: 31
Stealth: 14

2019-06-02, 09:16 PM
Derevi sneaks ahead with the rest trailing behind. You move swiftly, tracing along the route which the previous group took, not taking time to examine rooms thoroughly as you pass. In the first room you enter, you see the evidence of a battle--bones scattered about, showing marks of sword swings and scorch marks, rusted weapons lying abandoned on the floor. It seems Dismas and the rest dispatched these easily enough, at least. You advance through the halls, worn statues and faded paintings staring disapprovingly from the walls.

Up ahead, Derevi spots a group of skeletons milling about--at least four of them that you can see in the immediate vicinity. Their weapons have seen better days, but they still appear sharp and sturdy enough to cause harm. They do not appear to have noticed you yet.

I have added a dungeon map tab to the google doc. Locations and distances are approximate, I didn't have a particular scale in mind. Derevi is a little ahead of the rest of the party, about 40-50ft away from the group of skeletons. You'll get a surprise round, then we'll go into combat (unless someone flubs a stealth check to get closer or something).

The route that the others took is marked--they proceeded along the numbered rooms, and were attacked somewhere near the crypt (either in room 4 or the corridor between there and the main crypt, from Dismas's description. You have not seen any sign of the others so far.

Let me know if you have any questions about the dungeon map, and what you'd like to do before/during the surprise round.

2019-06-02, 11:31 PM
Spotting the undead Derevi returned to the group to report his findings. "Skeletons, four of them. The way forward is clear enough until then. I'll put an arrow in the skull of the nearest one, be prepared to meet their charge."

2019-06-04, 07:24 PM
"I'll fire just as you do." Kazrag drops to a knee and aims at one of the skeletons.

2019-06-05, 08:35 AM
Frederick hesitates for a moment before putting out his help "I can... sing you a battle hymn, it seems to get the marksmen steady when is needed.

2019-06-05, 11:05 AM
Elsabet readies the sling she brought with her just for this purpose. She figures she can aim it safely enough from the back of the group. "Shall we try to surprise them?" she asks.

2019-06-06, 07:36 PM
Cardon simply draws his sword, nodding in determination and quietly whispering a prayer under his breath.

2019-06-08, 03:42 AM
Derevi nods before turning back and taking aim.

"Begin." he whispers, loosing a pair of arrows at the one holding a crossbow. As the first arrow went wide, and the second barely chipped off it's bone, he tisked to himself in annoyance. "Weak."

Kangee maintains Greater Serendipity (+1 luck to allies atk/skill/save, -1 to enemies; 20' radius)

Standard: Barrage vs S4 (preferably modified by the bardic music Fred mentioned)

Attack 1: (8) + 3 = 11 attack, Miss
Attack 2: (14) + 3 = 17 attack for 2 damage.

Link Opener(Attack) : Sequence is now at 1.

2019-06-08, 10:52 AM
Frederick Starts singing an old battle song, with a pleasing sound refined by training and practice rather than any natural talent, it is a song about glorious victories and valerous war, the voice knew neither.

starting inspire courage +1. And keeping the torch held high.

2019-06-08, 07:03 PM
Elsabet, still in the back of the group, lets loose a bullet from her sling, launching it towards the frontmost skeleton.


2019-06-09, 09:38 AM
Kazrag aims and fires at the front skeleton



2019-06-11, 09:48 PM
The party lines up their various weapons, tension building for a moment before it is broken by Frederick's song and the thunderous roar of Kazrag's weapon, deafening in the close confines. Elsabet's stone and Derevi's first bolt go wide, but two of the skeletons stumble back in surprise at the sudden barrage. The undead creatures turn towards you and begin shambling forward, raising weapons and moving with alarming speed, their bones grinding sickeningly. The rearmost takes aim at Cardon and fires a heavy bolt from his own crossbow, before lowering the weapon to winch the string back. The others advance, weapons ready. The club-armed undead swings at Derevi, and its sword-bearing companion charges up beside it. Two more opponents also come into view--another skeleton, this one wearing what was once fine court clothing, and surprisingly enough a normal human wearing an iron mask, with unsettling sigils carved into his chest.

These marks are those of various dark gods. You notice several pertaining to patrons of death and the undead, commonly worshiped by necromancers and death cults.

S1 club vs Derevi: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
S4 crossbow vs Cardon: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

For encountering an undead creature for the first time, make a DC 10 will save or take 1 sanity damage.

Cardon advances, sword raised. "We are the flame!" he shouts, as his sword is wreathed in a faint glow, then bursts into a point of radiant brightness. "And you will burn!"

Moving forward, causing his sword to glow as a standard action then using the Glory talent to make bright light within 5ft as a free action without using a spell point. This will last for a minute.

Again, Cardon will be an NPC until Get returns or the end of the dungeon, whichever is first.

2019-06-12, 11:15 AM
Seeing a flesh and blood creature makes Elsabet perk up just the slightest bit. A wicked smile on her lips, she lifts the skull she always carries with her, directing its gaze towards the cultist as she whispers under her breath in Abyssal.

Attempting to form a Blood Link with the cultist. He needs to pass a Will Save DC 15 or begin suffering 1 bleed damage per turn.

[roll0] DC is 10.

2019-06-13, 06:39 AM
Kazrag rapidly reloads his rifle before shifting to his right and aiming at the fleshy person who had just entered his rifle range.

Standard action reload, 5 foot step to the right.

2019-06-13, 08:03 AM
As the skeletons advanced on them Derevi met their charge, easily sidestepping the clumsy motions. A subtle motion of his free hand sent Kangee into motion behind him, withdrawing further into the crowd for safety. A pair of ghostly crows sat astride Derevi and Cardon waiting for the mindless creatures to invoke their wrath.

Sidestepping back into the now vacated space Derevi quickly knocked and launched two more arrows in quick succession, but once more the projectiles went wide.

Save vs Undead Presence: 26 (Nat 20)

Swift:: Scout S1 (Identify weakness/resistances)
Free: 5' step south
Move: Cast Totem of War anchored on Derevi (+2 circumstance bonus to weapon damage for all allies within 55')
Standard: Barrage vs S1, S1

Save: (20) + 6 = 26, success
Sequence Link (Save) : Sequence is now at 2.

Scout: (19) + 13 = 32, Success
Sequence Link (Scout) : Sequence is now at 3.

Attack 1: (5) + 5 = 10 attack, Miss
Attack 2: (4) + 5 = 9 attack, Miss.

Move: Maintain Greater Serendipity (+1 luck to allies atk/skill/save, -1 to enemies; 20' radius)
Free: 5' step east
Standard: Cast Vindictiveness mandate on Derevi and Cardon (+2 atk/cmd to one against targets that hit the other)

2019-06-14, 06:50 PM
The young noble brought his crossbow to the front, battle hymn raging as he took aim at one of the hideous creatures, but careful aiming tended to have the side effect of needing to focus on a particular target, to get every detail, every bit of anguish of profaned bones whose original owner was likely trying to do exactly the same as he was, the music faltered for a second, and with a shaking finger a bolt flew out to meet its target.

Shooting the most damaged skeleton with the crossbow.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2019-06-20, 07:49 PM
Derevi and Frederick's shots clatter down the corridor as Elsabet chants in Abyssal and the cultist begins bleeding from his eyes.

The skeletons focus their efforts on Cardon, as he is currently blocking their path forward. The crossbow-armed skeleton reloads as the others close in. The newest skeleton tosses a goblet of vile-smelling liquid at Derevi.

S1 and S2 attack Cardon
S1 club vs Cardon: [roll0]
S2 club vs Cardon: [roll1]

S5 ranged touch attack vs Derevi: [roll2]
Fortitude and Will save from Derevi, please (Fort save (DC 12) vs becoming sickened and Will save (DC 15) for sanity damage (1d6 if failed, 1 if successful)

S4 reloads. Other enemies move


Cardon brings his blade down on the skeleton opposite of him, his blade flashing into light as he does so.

Spell point to activate Luminous Smite (3/4 SP)

Attack: [roll3] (+3 Luminous Smite, +1 for each of Frederick's Inspire Courage and Kangee's Seredipity)
Damage: [roll4]

2019-06-23, 08:37 PM
Kazrag fire's at the person who has just entered the fight.

