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Duke Malagigi
2007-10-01, 01:03 AM
Any undead slaying tips or tricks you can think of can be posted here. But first my tips on slaying vampires.

1. This is for fighting vampires only. Take a bag of holding and start filling it with large quantities of small pebbles, grain, rice or any thing else incredibly small. When you face the vampire or a group of vampires throw the bag of holding at one of the vampires, as long as he or she has a bladed weapon. If you're lucky, the vampire will try to stop the bog of holding by swinging his or her sword/other blade. If all goes according to plan the vampires will spend their time counting individual pebbles or what ever other contents of the bag instead of attacking you or innocent bystanders giving you ample opportunity to slay them without much of a fight. Just make sure you have a dedicated bag of holding with the words "against vampires only" stitched on it.

How does this work? According to some Romanian folk lore vampires have an instinctive drive to count large quantities of small objects and other symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder. Talk about unholy compulsions. :D Also if you rupture a bag of holding from the outside, all of its contents spill out instead of being lost.

2. Rearrange the vampire's belongings. See, when someone becomes a vampire his or her very soul is warped and twisted causing descent into evil and mental illness. And to be more specific, obsessive compulsive disorder.

2007-10-01, 02:16 AM
2. Rearrange the vampire's belongings. See, when someone becomes a vampire his or her very soul is warped and twisted causing descent into evil and mental illness. And to be more specific, obsessive compulsive disorder.

Well, um... wouldn't this only result in the vampire falling into an inarticulate rage? Resulting in a low-level party-wipe?

2007-10-01, 02:24 AM
3 - Always bring a Small Thermonuclear Device, it helps. Failing that, bring a cleric, it has pretty much the same effect either way.

2007-10-01, 04:48 AM

Portable Hole - 20,000 gold pieces
16,909 Flasks of Holy Water - 422,725 gold pieces
Bullrushing a vampire into a portable hole filled with holy water and closing the top - Priceless.

2007-10-01, 05:01 AM
Bleach your hair. Vampires can't resist blondes (of either gender), and they'll be hopelessly distracted.

2007-10-01, 06:16 AM
5. bring a bludgeoning weapon, the number of times PCs in my campaigns have been overpowered by skeletons because they didn't add a club to their inventory is staggering. it doesn't even cost anything!!

Kurald Galain
2007-10-01, 07:57 AM

Eat it, wear it, bathe in it.

Vampires won't be able to stand you. Then again, neither will anybody else, but that's a small price to pay to avoid being bitten.

2007-10-01, 08:44 AM
How does this work? According to some Romanian folk lore vampires have an instinctive drive to count large quantities of small objects and other symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder. Talk about unholy compulsions. :D Also if you rupture a bag of holding from the outside, all of its contents spill out instead of being lost.

This also happened in a very memorable episode of the X-Files :smallbiggrin:

7. Cover up one of your party member's faces, let the vampire bite her, then reveal that the party member he just bit was Mialee. The vampire will likely kill himself.

8. Keep a backup shield that has a polished mirror on its front. Should help keep the vampire at bay.

2007-10-01, 09:25 AM
9. Be a Cleric
9a. For added affect specialize against the undead.

2007-10-01, 09:37 AM
If you're a spellcaster, try to get the spells Command Undead or Control Undead.

I'm no expert on D&D, so I'm not sure how well either would work against vampires, but just a thought.

The ironic thing is that I was watching the black-and-white version of Dracula just last night, so you may want to try wolfsbane as well.

2007-10-01, 10:31 AM
Make sure your party names are Buffy, Willow, and Xander. A mentor named Giles is just gravy.

2007-10-01, 10:48 AM

Portable Hole - 20,000 gold pieces
16,909 Flasks of Holy Water - 422,725 gold pieces
Bullrushing a vampire into a portable hole filled with holy water and closing the top - Priceless.

How long would a party need to play to aquire that much wealth, becausse thats my next longterm party goal.

2007-10-01, 11:26 AM
find wildroses and touch the vampire with it fort or die

2007-10-01, 11:33 AM
10-when all else fails...throw potions of cure X at the vampire...especially if you cant bypass his DR with your weapos!!Tried and true technique...though a healing domain cleric would do a quicker job of him

P.S. works against all undead...even multiple undead(maximized, empowered mass cure critical wounds:smallwink: )

2007-10-01, 12:00 PM
11. Give it a Fenix Down.
11a. After it sits there, confused, beat its head in with a club and stab it through the heart with any wooden object. It should explode into dust.

2007-10-01, 12:32 PM
How does this work? According to some Romanian folk lore vampires have an instinctive drive to count large quantities of small objects and other symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder. Talk about unholy compulsions. .

I believe "Sesame Street" predates Romania by a good 700 years..

Mr. Moogle
2007-10-01, 12:54 PM

Portable Hole - 20,000 gold pieces
16,909 Flasks of Holy Water - 422,725 gold pieces
Bullrushing a vampire into a portable hole filled with holy water and closing the top - Priceless.

Or fill a 'hole with water diverted from a river and have your cleric cast bless water 16,909 times :smalltongue:.

2007-10-01, 04:26 PM
12. Use a whip.
13. Use magic silver weapon of some sort.
14. Use a sling shot and holy symbol shaped holy water grenades.
15. Throw it a new source book for Vampire: the Brooding for a distraction.
16. Convince your DM that crossbow bolts are just very aerodynamic stakes.
17. Throw a river at it.
18. Whack it with the Sun.

The last two are impractical but fun to imagine.

2007-10-01, 05:20 PM
Or fill a 'hole with water diverted from a river and have your cleric cast bless water 16,909 timesSame cost. Holy water is sold for the same cost as the silver powder needed to make it, since good temples are happy to help folks destroy undead.

19: The gnomish method. Rig up about 50 mirrors to reflect sunlight through all of the twisty passages of the vampire's lair into its sanctum.

2007-10-01, 05:26 PM
20. Use a cleric, and turn the damned thing.
21. Bring an Anne Rice fan into its lair, The stupid fangirl will be so busy writing crappy goth poetry and love stories and trying to molest the vampire that it wont have time to notice you sneaking up behind with...
22. Maxwell's Silver Hammer

2007-10-01, 05:47 PM
23. Make the cleric bite it, it'll turn into a mama's boy.

2007-10-01, 06:13 PM
Any undead slaying tips or tricks you can think of can be posted here. But first my tips on slaying vampires.

1. This is for fighting vampires only. Take a bag of holding and start filling it with large quantities of small pebbles, grain, rice or any thing else incredibly small. When you face the vampire or a group of vampires throw the bag of holding at one of the vampires, as long as he or she has a bladed weapon. If you're lucky, the vampire will try to stop the bog of holding by swinging his or her sword/other blade. If all goes according to plan the vampires will spend their time counting individual pebbles or what ever other contents of the bag instead of attacking you or innocent bystanders giving you ample opportunity to slay them without much of a fight. Just make sure you have a dedicated bag of holding with the words "against vampires only" stitched on it.

How does this work? According to some Romanian folk lore vampires have an instinctive drive to count large quantities of small objects and other symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder. Talk about unholy compulsions. :D Also if you rupture a bag of holding from the outside, all of its contents spill out instead of being lost.

Wouldn't it still work and also be cheaper if you just used a regular bag?

2007-10-01, 06:20 PM
24. Be an epic cleric with the sun domain. And specialize against undead. Nothing short of a draco-lich or a demi-lich will be able to stand against you.

Duke Malagigi
2007-10-01, 06:20 PM
Wouldn't it still work and also be cheaper if you just used a regular bag?

Yes, but could you fill a regular bag with 12,000+ tiny pebbles? Now do you understand what I'm saying?

2007-10-01, 06:29 PM
find wildroses and touch the vampire with it fort or die

I though wild roses just prevented it from leaving the coffin.

8. Keep a backup shield that has a polished mirror on its front. Should help keep the vampire at bay.

19: The gnomish method. Rig up about 50 mirrors to reflect sunlight through all of the twisty passages of the vampire's lair into its sanctum.

This sounds like something out of The Legend of Zelda. Get the Mirror Shield after beating the miniboss, then go through a series of complex light-reflecting puzzles...


25) Plane Shift to the British Empire. The sun never sets there.

2007-10-01, 06:34 PM
Disintigrate: Vampires have no constitution score and therefore automatically fail fortitude saves that they aren't immune to, like poison or death. So Disintigrate is pretty much an auto-win. I think... is that right?

2007-10-01, 06:50 PM
Arent undead immune to everything that requires a fortitude save?

Duke Malagigi
2007-10-01, 06:54 PM
Arent undead immune to everything that requires a fortitude save?

Undead are immune to anything requires a fortitude saving throw unlees it affects objects. Disinergrate still works.

2007-10-01, 06:57 PM
26. If you think you have enough stakes for all the Vampire Spawn, buy another.
27. Get a powerful vacuum cleaner. You'll thank me when they try to use Gaseous Form to escape.

2007-10-01, 07:28 PM
Disintigrate: Vampires have no constitution score and therefore automatically fail fortitude saves that they aren't immune to, like poison or death. So Disintigrate is pretty much an auto-win. I think... is that right?

Any living creature has at least 1 point of Constitution. A creature with no Constitution has no body or no metabolism. It is immune to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect works on objects or is harmless. The creature is also immune to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain, and automatically fails Constitution checks. A creature with no Constitution cannot tire and thus can run indefinitely without tiring (unless the creature’s description says it cannot run).

Nothing in there about auto-failing Fort saves that it's vulnerable to. Of course, being undead, vampires have lousy Fort saves. Disintigrate's still powerful against undead.

2007-10-01, 07:45 PM
20. Use a cleric, and turn the damned thing.

or rebuke/command it...

Party fighter, "what did you find this time cleric?"
Cleric "just another undead, can i keep it, please?"

2007-10-01, 08:04 PM
25) Plane Shift to the British Empire. The sun never sets there.

I love this idea. The best one for sure. If only there were a way to sig it in context...

2007-10-01, 08:36 PM
Show a vampire Felius' sig. That could one-shot a solar.

2007-10-03, 09:33 AM
Either have the cleric bless a vial of blood, to make it holy blood, have the vampire drink it, then all the holy water will attack his insides...
Failing that spike a vat of blood with holy water. Cause you know good heroes always carry around vials and vats of blood, just in case:wink:

2007-10-03, 09:43 AM
26: create the spell summon hellsing organization...at IX it summons alucard and seras, smile for the photo op...

2007-10-03, 10:10 AM
27. beads of force to trap 0 hp gaseous vampire in bubble until it expires
28. potions of protection from evil to block dominate ability
29. stoneshape scroll to block off escapes in gaseous form and prevent children of the night from arriving
30. a wand of cure x wounds is very useful against undead
31. potions of hide from undead are great against mook undead
32. bait

Raven T.
2007-10-03, 10:13 AM
33. Take ranks in Craft (Weaponsmithing) and (Alchemy.) Forge a shotgun. Kill zombies.

2007-10-03, 10:23 AM
33. Take ranks in Craft (Weaponsmithing) and (Alchemy.) Forge a shotgun. Kill zombies.

Better yet.
34. Take ranks in Craft(Weaponsmithing) and Knowlege(nuclear physics) and build a fusion bomb. After all: vampires are vulnerable to the sun. The sun runs on fusion. Thus, a vampire would be vulnerable to a fusion bomb.

Of course, I suppose most things are vulnerable to a fusion bomb.

2007-10-03, 12:52 PM
Of course, I suppose most things are vulnerable to a fusion bomb.

Not incorporial undead. Fusion bombs deal nonmagical energy damage and don't deal force damage. Not very useful against creatures of that subtype. May also be ineffective against someone with Improved Evasion and a super-high Reflex save> :smallwink:

35. Wand of Chain Missile
36. Manyjaws

2007-10-03, 01:05 PM
37. Holy Hand Grenade!

2007-10-03, 08:56 PM
If you're lucky, the vampire will try to stop the bog of holding by swinging his or her sword/other blade. If all goes according to plan the vampires will spend their time counting individual pebbles or what ever other contents of the bag instead of attacking you or innocent bystanders giving you ample opportunity to slay them without much of a fight.

Saw that used in a movie once. It was some recent, cheesy Vampire movie, maybe 'Dracula 2000' or something like that. They had the Vampire strapped down to a table, drawing blood from it (trying to learn the scientific secrets of Vampiric blood, for purposes of long-life and healing). Just in case he built up the strength to break his bonds, they also had him covered with a rope net. Why the net, you ask? Because it was hand made, with each cross-connection of the net tied with a knot. Vampires are obsessive compulsive, and have to untie knots, so he'd break his bonds, then be busy untying knots while the good guys can react.

Problem was, Dracula was slowly, quietly, reaching each knot and undoing it carefully, while keeping it appearing like the knot was together (sort of redoing each knot into a loose slip-knot). So when his strength was built up enough, he busted his bonds, stood up, and with one quick whip of the net, every single slip-knot undid itself, and the rope fell to a coil at his feet! :smallbiggrin:

Well, our heroes had a final trick up their sleeve! The "Vampire Legends Expert" picks up an open bag of sesame seeds, and flings it, spraying seeds all over the place! That should hold him, right?

Problem was, the Vampire was not just obsessive-compulsive, he was also Savant, like Rain-Man. We see the seeds spray out from the bag, in slow motion, and Dracula stares at for a second, transfixed. Then, as the seeds were still falling, he calmly says: "Seven Thousand, Four Hundred, Sixty-Three".

Camera focuses in on the bag, still held out by the Vampire Expert, and we see another seed fall out of the open end. Dracula ammends: "Sixty-Four".

Best scene of an otherwise B-grade movie!


So, moral is, let your players defeat a vampire or two with the obsessive compulsive thing, but when you've got your Vampiric BBEG on the line, make him also a Savant. Pull that line on them, and watch them squirm! :smallbiggrin:


2007-10-04, 07:19 AM
38: Just for a change to the normal Turn-and-Burn tactic, play a Cleric with the Air and Water Domains. A friend of mine suggested this, reason being that he should be able to cast Bless on a cloud and then force it to rain. Instant, near-endless supply of Holy Water :smalltongue:

39: Build a "Clay" Golem, using consecrated earth from a temple or graveyard and mixed into mud using holy water. Congratulations, you now have a creature that is immune to level drain, immune to Dominate and should theoretically deal Divine damage with every touch of it's huge, bone-smashin' fists.

40: This last one is a bit of a rule-bend, but in theory it 'could' work if you can twist your GM to like the sound of it. Or he just doesn't mind if you break his campaign beyond recognition...

Quite simply, have your nearby Wizard research a new spell: "Mass".

The theory is sound - there are already spells like 'Mass Invisibility', so you should be able to isolate the difference between that and normal, singular Invisibility, and then you can attach it to any other spell you like. "Mass Melf's Acid Arrow", "Mass Skull Trap", "Mass Finger of Death", whatever you like.

This sounds a bit moot when you consider that the best anti-undead spells already affect multiple targets - Sunburst for example. But if you're thinking that, you're missing the point.
Mass means that the spell is cast on ALL targets within the area of effect - therefore, if you cast "Mass Sunburst", you should in theory cast it once PER TARGET, and ALL of which will effect every target within range because Sunray is an area-effect spell.

So, you walk into a room and find 10 Vampires looking back at you. Cast "Mass Sunburst" once, and each vampire will be hit 10 times by your friendly neighbourhood 8d6 damage (Reflex Save for Half), with 10 chances to be destroyed if they fail even ONE save. Then double for weakness against sunlight.

So that's roughly an average of 480-520 damage to each of the 10 vampires, assuming that all of them pass all 10 Reflex Saves. And then they're blind. At the lowest possible level that the spell can be cast.

"And what have you brought to the fight, Mister Fighter? A pointy stick? How cute!" :smallbiggrin: