View Full Version : need a list of spells, feats or special abilities

2019-03-31, 02:47 PM
as the title suggests I need a list of spells, feats or special abilities that are RAW 1st party legal, that increase skill ranks & base attack bonus above what is normally possible for any given level.

I know about Favored and primary contact via cityscape +1 rank to X allowing above for normal class level

IE level 1 max skill ranks 4 looking for ways to get over that
IE level 1 max bab 1 looking for ways to get over that

I am looking for other spells, feats or special abilities only in the above areas thanks

2019-03-31, 02:57 PM
(edit: not at level 1, sorry, missed that part of your post)

The cleric spell Divine Power and the wizard spell Transformation (I think it’s Rary’s, I’m away from books right now so am checking srd) both make your base attack bonus equal to your character level temporarily. I haven’t used them but it seems like a significant boost (note that Transformation stops you spellcasting for the duration, so stock up on buffs beforehand)

2019-03-31, 03:04 PM
no level 1 was the example..
looking for
ways to increase skill ranks & base attack bonus above what is normally possible for any given level.

Divine Power does not actually boost beyond the character level equal to a fighter so never above max bab for level

2019-03-31, 03:05 PM
I believe the Transformation is Tenser's.

2019-03-31, 03:10 PM
I believe the Transformation is Tenser's.

yeah tensers and same issue "Your base attack bonus equals your character level" equal to that of a fighter not above

was hoping for a way to work like favored and primary where it explicitly says above...

2019-03-31, 03:11 PM
So what exactly do you need this for?

Inspire Greatness (the Bardic Performance) adds HD temporarily, and acquiring Lycanthropy is an immediate HD buff.

2019-03-31, 03:12 PM
I have a gm that is refusing to allow favored and primary for skill ranks due to guild bits and disputes divine power ability to be made perm and so I am looking for alternates

2019-03-31, 03:14 PM
I have a gm that is refusing to allow favored and primary for skill ranks and disputes divine power ability to be made perm and so I am looking for alternates

But... What do you need the higher ranks and BAB for?

And, follow-up: If your DM is disallowing something that EXPLICITLY does what you want, why would they accept anything else?

2019-03-31, 03:14 PM
simple early entry X PRC

2019-03-31, 03:15 PM
simple early entry

Can you tell us what you want to enter early?

Seriously, the more details your provide, the better.

And you'd probably be better off just asking your DM directly, since they've already disallowed one thing.

2019-03-31, 03:19 PM
Can you tell us what you want to enter early?

Seriously, the more details your provide, the better.

And you'd probably be better off just asking your DM directly, since they've already disallowed one thing.

they actually asked me to find other ways because of the guild religious bits in favored and primary from cityscape.

example beastmaster handle 8 ranks with the 2 feats entry at level 4 is possible
example any prc that is bab 5 with feats or low skill ranks - looking for ways to get that bab 5 at say level 4 where it would not normally occur.

I am not going more specific than examples sorry

2019-03-31, 03:22 PM
they actually asked me to find other ways because of the guild religious bits in favored and primary from cityscape.

example beastmaster handle 8 ranks with the 2 feats entry at level 4 is possible
example any prc that is bab 5 with feats or low skill ranks - looking for ways to get that bab 5 at say level 4 where it would not normally occur.

I am not going more specific than examples sorry

Why not? Because it kinda seems like you're trying to use the rules as a cudgel to brow-beat your DM into doing what you want, instead of using them as a common framework to have a good game and fun times.

I mean, if you're trying to get into, say, Survivor early, you could probably just ask a reasonable DM "Can I start as a Survivor?" and they'd allow it, unless they were worried you'd be TOO BAD, in which case they'd say no.
But if you're trying to early-access Metaphysical Spellshaper, of Incantatrix, or Dweomerkeeper... That's less needed, and more likely to upset the power level of your table.

2019-03-31, 03:28 PM
nothing like that at all actually but this is off track so back to the hunt for spells feats abilities or the like htat might cause skill ranks or bab to exceed the normal for any given character level

2019-03-31, 03:30 PM
nothing like that at all actually but this is off track so back to the hunt for spells feats abilities or the like htat might cause skill ranks or bab to exceed the normal for any given character level

Why do you need it? There may be other ways to accomplish what you're looking for, but we don't know what you're looking for.

2019-03-31, 03:34 PM
broad spectrum permenant +1 or better boost to bab and or skill ranks that would work for any given prc under normal conditions

2019-03-31, 03:50 PM
Primary Contact is the only one. Sorry.

2019-03-31, 08:49 PM
The one bit I've seen heard of, which apparently works by RAW, is Dusk Giant Polymorph --> Psychic Reformation, which I understand works like this:

Polymorph into a Dusk Giant. Start cannibalizing creatures of 3+ INT. This grants additional hit dice, which in turn and in accordance with the Improving Monsters rules, grant additional skill points. And raises the max skill ranks due to the additional temporary HD.

You then have a friend manifest Psychic Reformation on you. Raise your non-Dusk-Giant-increased skill ranks beyond maximum level cap. The temporary Dusk Giant HD go away, but your new permanent skill ranks beyond max level cap don't.

2019-03-31, 11:02 PM
Item Familiar (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/itemFamiliars.htm) can get you above but its a bonus that allows you to sink skill points into the familiar for a bonus on the skill on a 3-to-1 basis, along with some other goodies, but you need to be 3rd level. It doesn't break the cap but it uses skill ranks for an unnamed bonus to that skill.

2019-04-01, 12:42 AM
I think 1st party has been exhausted and the extra HD mechanics of Lycanthropy and Dusk Giant explained.

Third Party Official

Dragon magazine and the Dragon Compendium has the Shaper of Form PrC. It's class feature at level one allows you to change races as long as your type does not change and you select a race with +0 LA. You also retain your ability score modifiers. Take the Otherwordly feat if available to make yourself a native outsider and play a race with racial HD and nice ability modifiers (anthropomorphic animals work nicely). Then later change to human, still an outsider because of the feat. Those racial HD and any LA now become reassigned class levels. Just make sure you are already in your desired PrC and you have enough BAB/skills from advancing that class that the PrC self qualifies.

Legacy of Blood from the Ravenloft campaign setting (Sword and Sorcery) is another official third party source. One of the family's has an increased skill cap in exchange for not being able to cast divine spells ever.

2019-04-02, 05:16 AM
You need extra HD to this end. Inspire Greatness (there's no limit to how long a bard can perform), Awaken loop (Polymorph into something Awakenable and Awaken yourself), Dusk Giant, Shapechange or Polymorph + Assume Supernatural Ability into Barghest, Shapechange/Wildshape + Enhance Wildshape or similar into Shambling Mound and keep pounding yourself with lightning... All of those let you increase your HD total and then you just Psychic Reformation (through Limited Wish or whatever) your skill ranks into whatever you want. BAB, same story, though if your ability to keep e.g. Divine Power on permanently doesn't count as permanent, it's a bit more tricky (though there's no language in PRC qualifies that requires permanent states). You can get a Skillful weapon to treat your BAB as 3/4 and just get enough HD I guess. After you're done, you can just level drain your HD away. You can also combine this with thought bottles, restoration and such for even more fun.