View Full Version : Shattered Star (Pathfinder, IC)

2019-03-31, 06:43 PM
The next morning, Henri greets you at the entrance to Heidmarch Manor. "Mistress Heidmarch extends her apologies, but an important guest arrived about half an hour ago and required her attention. If you could please wait in the foyer, she will be with you shortly. Again, she apologizes for not being able to receive you as previously arrainged."

After a few minutes, Sheila and a half-elven woman emerge from the library.

You recognize her as Koriah Azmeren, one of the most famous Pathfinders in Varisia and is a well known expert on the Darklands.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Koriah here has just returned from an expedition to the Darklands and has been debriefing me." Sheila says. "We still have a few things to discuss, but there is something you can do while you wait."

She leads you all into the library. The walls are lined with bookshelves, while several tables in the middle of the room are heaped with scrolls and books. One table in the center, however, supports only a single object— an ornate cubical stone coffer covered with runes.

Once everyone is seated, Sheila says, "Again, I apologize for the delay, as I must conclude my business with Pathfinder Azmeren before we meet.

In the meantime, though, I thought you could help us with another minor issue. This stone coffer is an ancient Thassilonian puzzle, a cunning feat of magical engineering known as a paradox box.

As you’ll see from even a casual investigation, what appear to be seams on the sides are only shallow grooves—there’s no obvious way to open the thing. Each paradox box has its own secret method of being opened. Essentially, a paradox box substitutes hidden catches and magical triggers for a lock. Given time, anyone clever enough could figure out how to open a paradox box, just as given time, a locksmith can open any lock.

This particular box was among those items recovered by Koriah—the scrolls next to the box are her preliminary notes on possible triggers or methods of opening it, but she’s not yet had a chance to sit down and properly investigate the thing.

So... why don’t you put your heads together and see if you can’t do that for me? Even if the box is empty, as I suspect it probably is, knowing the method of opening it makes it a valuable find anyway. I’ll return shortly, and I hope to see that box open! Think of this as an audition, if you will—because the actual task I want to speak to you about soon will require as much wit as it will brawn!"

With that, Sheila and Koriah disappear through the door on the side of the library opposite the one they came in.

The OOC thread for this game is here: OOC Chat (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?584675-Shattered-Star-(Pathfinder-OOC)&p=23814361#post23814361). In there you will find a link to the games discord channel as well as links to the character sheets of the party. I will use this thread to log rewards and exp earned as the game progresses. Also links to other documents will be recorded there as well.

2019-03-31, 07:00 PM
Mili's face crumples as she focuses on the puzzle, "I'm afraid I've never had much of a knack for things like this. Let me know if I can help at all but I think I'll leave it to you more well read folks."

2019-03-31, 09:33 PM
Asher looks at the box unsure on how to help. "Mhh….we could try to open it with some magic." Asher suggests considering the information they received. "Unfortunately, I dont think I have any kind of spells that could be used to potentially open this box." Asher adds a Little embarrased of the current position that he was left in.

2019-04-01, 12:56 AM
Hisako chants a quick spell and takes a close look at the box. If there is any kind of magical aura on the box, it should be apparent... not that the aura alone would give a clue to the method of opening the box, but still.

2019-04-01, 01:19 PM
Whisper stands in the room with the rest of her fellow companions. She had wanted to travel with the worshipper of Sarenrae not for personal reasons, but because healing was seen as a boon in the eyes of Pharasma. This new group would serve her needs same as any other would, and she was neutral in this aspect.

The box on the table was a strange device. Whisper begins sifting through the layers of information she has stored over her unnaturally long life.

Snow sits on her shoulder looking somewhat smug in himself with being able to avoid unnecessary travel time in his duties.

It's not long however before Whisper realizes this device is unlike anything she has seen before.
"We dont know what this is." the crow says from his perch.

2019-04-01, 04:09 PM

Dala looks at the box as everyone crowds around it to try and open it with magic. Deciding that she can look at it later, she instead picks up the scrolls next to the box and tries to read Koriah's notes to see if there's a good starting point in there. "Alright, before we try all sorts of magic on it that might set off all sorts of nasty traps, how about we read these notes first to see what's already known about this thing?"

2019-04-01, 05:38 PM
You are able to sense a faint conjuration aura coming from the box

Your inspection of the box reveals a magical triggering mechanism

I have spent some time studying the paradox box. I have noticed that the most common tune on the box is that of ‘wrath’, though depending on the age of the box, it could be ‘kindness’ instead. I believe this rune is not key to this box’s opening, but merely indication of its provenance as having once belonged to a citizen of Bakrakhan in the old Thassilonian empire.

I have gotten another chance to investigate the puzzle box. I have noticed that 5 of the sides are identical. The sixth must be key. The runes on this face spell out the Thassilonian word for "cruel". I believe this is also key though I am not sure how. When two runes are touched, they swap places, though they revert back to their original order if left alone for an hour."

2019-04-02, 01:25 AM
With Sheila out of sight, Hisako becomes notably more proactive instantly; reading through the second note, she blinks, than takes the cube and rotates it in her hands. "Five runes... swapping places... just over a hundred possible combinations. It can be opened it ten, fifteen minutes tops, I recon, even without knowing the language... sounds almost too simple, but... mind if I try, while we're waiting?"

2019-04-02, 09:07 AM
"I see no reason why you shouldn't. Show us what you think you know young Elf." the crow squawks in nearly perfect elvish. His accent and tones seeming as if he was an actual elf himself. He flutters off of the womans shoulder, and drifts towards the elf. "I will watch." and lands on his shoulder, feeling almost weightless.

2019-04-02, 11:21 AM
Your familiarity with languages tells you that this is probably and anagram and that the key is probably another word that can be created from these letters.

To solve the puzzle each character can make a linguistics or intelligence test each round. Each round consumes about ten minutes of game time. Once five successful tests are made, the puzzle will be solved. If your character can read thassilonian script, you may add +4 circumstance bonus to your rolls if you decide to take the check route.

Alternatively you can solve the anagram and give the sequence of moves made, swapping two letters at a time, to achieve your answer. Going this way, every 5 moves constitutes a round as described above.

2019-04-02, 11:29 AM
"I'll watch as well, sounds like you've got it figured out!" Mili adopts a more cheery attitude with the prospect of solving the puzzle in sight.

2019-04-02, 12:16 PM
Asher is glad to notice two things and possibly be of use considerinhg the situation. "There is a possibility that the combination might involve ananagram of the Word given as a clue. We would have to use the runes in a special order to create a word using the same letters." Asher points out to the rest. "We just need to find the word."

Linguistics: 1d20+6

Asher thinks of something to have other be more ready to participate. "I can cast a spell on anyone to increase anyone´s capabilities for a single moment. I can cast it on anyone who asks for it."

2019-04-02, 12:46 PM
"Oh is that how it works then? Well I suppose I could give it a try, let me see it here. Perhaps with the guidance of your god I will figure it out."

2019-04-02, 03:21 PM

Having read the note, Dala decides to take a step back. Might as well see how everyone else reacts to this before solving it. She's pleasantly surprised to see Asher figuring it out in no time, and decides to join in the fun. "Alright, let's have a look."

Linguistics check: [roll0]

2019-04-02, 03:44 PM
Seeing that the others in the room seem to be noticing a pattern Snow gets upset with himself that he does not. He takes off from the elf's shoulder and flys the circumference of the room 2 times before landing on Whisper just as Asher finishes speaking.

A word puzzle....Whisper thinks to herself. She was pretty good with language already and as Snow relays to her telepathically what he had read on the scrolls she begins to formulate a possible solution.


2019-04-02, 07:15 PM
An audible click can be heard as if a deadbolt was released.

2019-04-03, 12:39 PM
"Well, I think we did it. I suppose we should wait for Sheila to come back and show her the results. Maybe an extra bonus on the side is on the way." replies Asher with a proud smile about the achievement and what it could mean for the future of the mission. He wonders about the contents and exactly what Sheila is hoping to find inside the boxes. There was still more information left out.

2019-04-03, 04:20 PM

Dala looks at Asher. "Shouldn't we maybe actually open it to see what's inside? I'm curious."

2019-04-03, 04:52 PM
"Ha, Pharasma be praised it is open. Look inside, look inside." the crow now fluttering around everyone's head is visible excited. The woman Whisper stands with no notable reaction.

2019-04-03, 04:55 PM

Dala looks at Asher. "Shouldn't we maybe actually open it to see what's inside? I'm curious."

"I dont know. Since we are pretty new and we need to gain the confidence of Sheila. I think it is better if we wait." replies Asher thinking a bit about the current situation and the risks involved.

2019-04-03, 05:34 PM
The sounds coming from the other room suggest that Sheila and Koriah are still deep in conversation and it will be a while before they are done.

2019-04-03, 05:41 PM
"Sheila said she wanted to see the box open, so lets open it up!" Mili says, excited at the mystery of the box.

2019-04-04, 04:03 AM
"Until the box is open", Hisako mentions, "we can't say that it's open. There might be a second layer to this lock, after all... so, in fact, not trying to open it would mean failing a task we were given, no?"

2019-04-04, 09:33 AM
"I suppose you are right. There could be more to the box." replies Asher after Hisako brings up a fair point of the situation. "Well, then, who wants the honour of opening the box?"

2019-04-04, 03:01 PM

Dala grins. "That's my cue." She steps forward and takes a good look at the box to make sure there's no traps. Then, she gingerly lifts what she assumes to be the lid of the box very gently.

Perception to check for traps: [roll0]

2019-04-04, 05:42 PM
As the lid is removed, there is a crackle of energy and a flash of light. Two tiny humanoid shaped creatures with dog shaped heads leap from the box and onto the bookshelves that line the walls of the room.


The room is circular in shape and 15 feet in diameter. The center of the room is occupied by the table and chairs you are now sitting in. Moving through them counts as difficult terrain.

When ever you make a check requiring a D20, roll it twice and take the worse roll


2019-04-05, 10:18 AM
"Gah! What are those things?!" replies Asher in surprise to the appearance of the creatures. He thinks that the situation requires immediate atention regardless of his feelings about the current situation. He could just hope that those things werent what Sheila was looking for. "Whatever the case, those things dont look friendly at all. Be careful, everybody!"

As a move action, I draw my morningstar.
Then I cast divine favor.

2019-04-05, 02:59 PM

"IT'S A TRAP!" Dala yells out as she makes a grab for her axe. She swings it wildly at one of the creatures, trying to keep it away from herself.

Move action to draw greataxe
Standard action to attack the nearest creature:

Attack: [roll0]

2019-04-06, 09:00 AM
Dala's attack misses the first creature wildly, taking a chunk of wood out of the bookshelf next to it. Seeing the axe blade land so close to it, the creature turns on Dala and slashes at him with its dagger and grazes him lightly.

The second creature, ignoring what is happening on the other side of the room starts to carve words into the bindings of the books near him.

You no longer need to roll twice for attack rolls

I rolled the second d20 for you (10). Also, take 1 point of non-lethal damage. (rolled 13 to hit, 0 damage)

2019-04-06, 12:21 PM
The birds surprise at the new assailants is evident, lifting up in a flutter of shock that hadn't been seen prior, by his new traveling companions at least. It doesnt take long to adjust though, as he begins to circle Whisper above. For the first time in a while Whisper moves, with a purpose now she reaches into the folds of her cloak and produces a single cotton ball.The bird mutters some words in a language few surface dwellers understand so as to not give away the intentions of the duo.

Whisper points a finger at the dog faced attacker that sits carving words, fearing that he too may be casting a spell or something similar. The cotton ball disappears from her hand without a sound as Snow's gaze focuses on the absent minded foe.

Whisper would of been against the wall from prior to the enemies appearing anyway as that is her usual place she prefers. Casting Daze on the non involved enemy.
DC=14 Will save negates.
The language spoken was Protean.

2019-04-06, 04:46 PM
Hisako's trademark expression of the dream-like unawareness disappears the moment she creatures appear. Immediately, she rushes towards the nearest imp, her hand reaching for the katana on her waist and drawing it in the same smooth motion she then swings it towards the creature...
Drawing a katana, attaking the creature:
[roll0], [roll1], damage [roll2]

2019-04-06, 06:54 PM
Mili draws her Falcata and attacks the small beast going after her companion Dala

power attack worse of [roll0] [roll1] damage if hits: [roll2]

2019-04-06, 08:11 PM
Mili's swing is wide of the mark, taking a chunk out of the bookshelf under creature attacking Dala. Hisako's attack draws a shallow gash across its arm of the other creature.

It feels like the attack should have done more damage than it did

Roll a d20 plus your caster level to see if your spell hits. D20 special rule applies

2019-04-07, 11:46 AM
Whispers spell seems to dissipate upon hitting the creature.

That is the end of round 1. Asher and Dala are up again

2019-04-07, 12:03 PM
Feeling charged up being divine energy, Asher prepares to attack. He decides to help taking down the most aggressive of the two beasts. "Know your place, foul creature!" He swings his morningstar and tries to strike the creature that attacked Dala.

Attack the creaure!
Damage roll!

2019-04-07, 03:27 PM

Cursing as her first swing goes wide, Dala is about to hit one of the things when it manages to land a hit on her. She growls and takes another swing, then snaps her impressive tusks at the creature.

Full attack on the nearest kobold (still with the two rolls, I presume?):

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [rol]1d12+4

Bite: [roll2] [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2019-04-07, 04:56 PM
Dala's axe however, finds its target, cleaving halfway through the creature. The hit creature falls limply from the shelf it was perched on dead.

Need new action from you as the creature you were next to is dead.

2019-04-07, 10:55 PM
"I suppose that ends that. Well, I suppose its time to takecare of the other." Asher replies with a combination of relief and disappointment. Still, there was one other creature to take care of. He had gained divine power afterall, so he should at least help with fighting. He then tries to attack the other being with his morningstar.

Attack: [roll0]

2019-04-08, 11:33 AM
"And here..." Hisako states, setting her blade back into the sheath, "is why it was important to check this thing thoroughly before presenting it to Heidmarch-dono. I suppose now we can say with full certainty that the box is both open and isn't trapped..."

2019-04-08, 06:12 PM
Asher's morning star leaves a visible depression in the creatures skull as he kills it out right.

With all the commotion, Sheila and Koriah enter the room with weapons drawn. As Sheila realizes that the trouble is already sorted, she looks a bit less annoyed. "What happened?" Not waiting for an answer, she continues. "I should have guessed there was more to the box than a simple lock. But it seems you handled it quite capably. I would like to keep hold of the box, but anything in it is yours. You deserve that much for minimizing the damage these Pugwampi could have caused to my library."

"It seems we missed some excitement" Koriah adds. "I hate to leave so soon, but I have business elsewhere that needs attending. I will finish my debrief with you later, Sheila. Take care adventurer's." With that said, Koriah leaves and shuts the door behind her.

Sheila settles herself into a chair. "“First, allow me to apologize for that unpleasantness regarding the gremlins—but it does provide an excellent object lesson. The life of an adventurer is not one for the weak-hearted. That you not only took care of the gremlins but also got the box open in the first place is all the confirmation I need that my gut was right—you’re the perfect group for the job I have in mind.

You see—I’ve recently had trouble with one of my informants here in Magnimar, Natalya Vancaskerkin. She’s a half-Varisian who recently approached the Pathfinder Society with an offer to serve as a street informant. She runs with the Sczarni—I’m not sure with which group. A week ago, Natalya sent me a cryptic hint that her gang was on the verge of uncovering an item that would be of great interest to the Society. Since the Sczarnis’ methods of uncovering something often involves an armed robbery or breaking into somebody’s personal chambers, we thought it prudent not to press for further details and instead wait to see what it would produce. Suffice it to say, she hinted strongly that it pertained to Thassilon, and promised to meet with me to discuss this find three days ago.

She never kept that promise—instead, she seems to have simply vanished. Initially, I assumed that the acquisition of this item was simply taking longer than expected, but now I’m hearing rumors that the Sczarni are looking for her as well.

It seems likely that Natalya has absconded with this item she’s discovered. And this is where you enter, my friends. I want to know what it was that Natalya and the Sczarni found. In fact, I’m more interested in that than in what happened to Natalya herself. For now, I’d like to keep all of this quiet—if you can find out what happened to Natalya without letting a lot ofpeople know she was also working for me as an informant, that would be preferable—that’s a big part of why I’m coming to you, as new members of the Pathfinder Society, with this task. You don’t yet have a reputation in Magnimar, and as such, the lowlifes and criminals you are likely to encounter may be more likely to talk.

So... go out there and look for Natalya. Find out what happened to her, and to this item she and her gang discovered. If you can secure the item, all the better—bring it back to me and I’ll have a reward of 500 gold pieces for you. And if you can bring Natalya back alive for me to speak to, I’ll double that!"

The items in the box are: three garnets (50gp each), a masterwork silver dagger and a ring of feather falling. Also award 200xp to your characters

2019-04-09, 08:13 AM
Mili is clearly upset at how ineffective she proved in combat, sheathing her blade in disappointment. "We will find this Natalya and return her unharmed. Iomadae will guide us to her, the Sczarni will not stop us. I admit I am at a loss of where to start though as kicking down the doors or gangs and bashing heads in likely won't work for this mission, at least not at first."

2019-04-09, 10:58 AM
Asher was glad that the fight was over and yet the excitement from the battle left him wanting a bit more. "It was no problem. The five of us here could handle the situation quite well but thanks for the concern." He wonders about the situation with Natalya after being brought up as the next mission. "Well, where should we start?" Heasks his fellow companions in hopes of suggestions especially to those who lived here.

2019-04-09, 03:09 PM

Dala rubs her side. It's a bit sore from where the creature hit her. Still, the fight went pretty well all things considered. These people seem to be able to take good care of themselves. As Sheila explains, Dala listens intently, occasionally nodding. "We'll find her. Don't worry about that."

At Asher's question, she ponders for a moment. "Well hmm... I'd say we find a tavern in Sczarni territory and find someone willing to talk to us. Say we're looking for Natalya for a totally unrelated reason. Maybe she owes one of us money, or she's a long-lost relative of one of us?" She nods at Mili at her last suggestion. "If we find someone drunk enough, who knows what we may find out."

2019-04-09, 06:08 PM
Whisper was elated someone had died. She loved sending souls about there way to Pharasma'sJudgment. She never hoped for anyone to die, but she definitely wasnt sad about it either. She moved from her statuesque stance as the fight was over and drew spirals over each creature. She had no idea how they would be judged, only that they, like every mortal creature that dies, would be. Snow eyeing Sheila as she talks takes a spot in front of her, his unblinking gaze set. Whisper continues, undaunted as Sheila describes what she needs from the group.

2019-04-09, 06:19 PM
"There are many sczarni gangs in the city. Unfortunately I don't know which gang Natalya ran with. Part of our agreement gave her quite a bit of freedom to manage as she saw fit. The main gangs in the city are the Creepers, Doolun’s Lads, the Gallowed, the Tower Girls, the Washside Wringers, and the Wreckwash Blades. I believe the Gallowed are the largest though.

She initially contacted me through an old fortune teller in Washer's Row. The Amazing Zograthy was what he goes by. Perhaps he knows how to find her?" Sheila thinks for a moment. "Oh, and I have heard rumors of Nidalese slavers abducting people off the streets by the docks. Or, perhaps she got picked up by the guard. Asking around the Arvensoar might provide useful."

2019-04-10, 01:51 PM
"Guard..." Hisako says, "Will want their own questions asked before they answer ours, I suspect. And slavers... even if they know something about our target... would have to be found themselves. Of course, we always can get lucky, they can... volunteer to be qustioned by us... but besides that, the fortune-teller seems the most reliable source of information. Washer's Row... where is it?" she looks at her companions, expecting them to know the layout of the city better.

2019-04-10, 06:53 PM
Campaign Google PowerPoint (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1h6vIjl7zxovAh2QGhqIhnKoE2D7cwGz-PAxPXzroosE/edit?usp=sharing) Started a google presentation with a map of Magnimar with the areas of interest pointed out. This will be a living document with maps added as we go. It is open to edit. (so you can move your characters during battles mainly) Feel free to add slides to keep notes on ect. When ever I make an update I will post the link in a spoiler as well

2019-04-10, 07:09 PM
Mili takes a moment to mill over her companion's suggestions. "The fortune teller sounds like the better bet to me, although I'm not entirely certain why. Perhaps it is Iomadae's guiding me."

2019-04-11, 02:55 PM

Dala nods. "Sure. We can talk to the amazing Zograthy. If he knows Natalya, he may know more about where to find her. Also, if we're contacting only one person, it's less likely everyone and their dog will find out someone's looking for her."

2019-04-11, 07:34 PM
Whisper finishes her task and stands back to her face down, head covered usual position, though she does show slight interest when Iomadae is mentioned. She knows the goddess Iomadae holds a long standing, near eternal grudge against Pharasma, for things that happened more than a lifetime ago.
Snow, being the ever passive aggressive antagonist decides it best to well......antagonize.

"A worshipper of the great and powerful Iomadae huh?" his sarcasm is blatant. "Tell me, does she still hold it against others when they simply perform the tasks they are supposed too?" he cackles and circles overhead of Mili.

"You will cease, I enjoy the company of these people as of now. If you insult any of them again you will be sent back to the Boneyard and explain to Morigna why I seen it necessary to do so." only audible to the bird, and in his own head, but if others could hear it, it would sound like one of the most threatening yells they had ever heard. Whisper was serious too.

2019-04-11, 08:54 PM
Mili almost lashes out at the bird flying about her but restrains herself, "If those tasks are in support of evil then yes, watch that you do not cross that line little bird."

2019-04-11, 09:23 PM
Asher tries to redirect the conversation back to reaching the actual goal. "I agree with the plan of searching for this fortune teller. We can sort out the details when we get there. Lets just hope we can make an appealing deal with her." Asher replies pondering about the situation and the posible difficulties that they may face.

2019-04-12, 07:24 PM
After making your way across the city, you arrive at Washer's Row. The smell of cleaning chemicals from the open air laundries that give the street it's name hang in the air. Residents move through the street quickly, either doing business with one of the laundries or heading to the southern end of the street.

At the southern end of Washers’ Row, a tattered banner hanging over the entrance to the small side street advertises “Professor Callivario’s Stupendous Exhibition of the Outrageous and Sublime.” Beyond this overly exuberant advertisement is a squalid setup consisting of little more than a series of rundown sideshow booths and carts with assorted games and amusements of the meaner sort. To one side, urchins pitch pennies at lily pads floating in a small, scum-covered fountain while a bored carnie looks on. Nearby, the sound of cats hissing and fighting arises from behind a cart where a small crowd of ne’er-do-wells has gathered to cheer and place bets. Everywhere lurk faces pinched with suspicion or hunger—expressions worn by carnival workers and visitors alike. This is not the sort of place to be careless with a coin pouch.

2019-04-12, 10:26 PM
Asher has mixed feelings about the place. The smells came out as a bit strong for someone with strong senses like him. Asher decides to ignore his feelings for the time being and start asking around for the direction to the fortune teller. He imagines that since there is many people on the streets, it shouldnt be too hard to be guided into the right direction. "Excuse me. Can you help us? We are looking for a fortune teller that goes by the name of Zograthy." If the person doesnt know or isnt interested in speaking, he thanks them for their time and moves on to the next one.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2019-04-13, 01:52 PM
"Zograthy? He can be found in his tent over there" the pedestrian points at a ragged looking tent made of blue cloth with stars and moons sewn on the fabric.

2019-04-14, 12:42 PM
Mili will try to be in the front of the group as they head towards the tent. She calls out at the front of the tent. "Zograthy, are you there?" and waits for a response before doing anything.

2019-04-14, 10:31 PM
Asher follows Mili to the tent. He wonders about the appearance of their mysterious contact though he couldnt think much considering he still was trying to withstand the strong smells in the area. I just hope we leave this place soon. He thinks while they wait outside the tent.

2019-04-15, 08:25 AM
While Mili waits fir the response, Hisako just hangs around, pretending to be just a curious foreigner... which, admittedly, doesn't take much pretending.

2019-04-15, 11:50 AM
"Come in! Come in! The Amazing Zography knows all. He knows your past, present and future!"

As you enter the tent you see an aged bald Varisian man seated behind a table. The table is covered in a dark blue cloth with a star and moon motif. On it are a dusty crystal ball and a dog-eared harrow deck. The rest of the tent is cluttered with various odds and ends.

"The Amazing Zograthy sees all and knows all. A double fist of silver for a turn of the cards or a vision in the crystal; a treble fist of gold for the secrets of the multiverse."

The presentation (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1h6vIjl7zxovAh2QGhqIhnKoE2D7cwGz-PAxPXzroosE/edit?usp=sharing) has been update with a picture of Zography

2019-04-15, 04:20 PM

Dala hangs back for the moment. Mili and Asher seem to be quite willing to take the lead, and so the half-orc just falls into her natural role of looking intimidating and not saying much. She keeps her eyes peeled for any possible threats or unsavory people that might do them harm.

2019-04-15, 07:08 PM
Whisper had followed the group to the tent in utmost silence. Even her footsteps seem to make little noise. Snow enjoyed the day soaring above, scoping the city layout from a different view. Everything he sees Whisper also sees.

Whisper waiting outside the tent while to more talkative of the members go inside. She wonders if this place holds a Temple to Pharasma. Snow gives a stern eye to find one.


2019-04-16, 09:17 AM
Her interest piqued Mili indulges the Fortune Teller before getting to business. "Very well, give us a turn of the cards. Lets see what the deck says."

2019-04-16, 05:51 PM
"A turn of the cards. Excellent choice. The gods do like revealing their secrets in the deck." Zography takes the deck of cards in his hand and gives it a quick shuffle. He sets the deck down. "Be warned. What is about to be revealed is for your eyes only. Be it good or bad, only the gods know and I am but their humble speaker."

Zography smiles as he turns the first card over. It depicts a star. "Ah, the star. One of you will soon face a test of your faith" He looks at Mili and then to Whisper before flipping the next card, which shows a tower. "Hmmmm..... Chaos will be upon you. For good or ill, I cannot say. But to make it out, you must embrace it." Zography looks up and gives Dala a wink. He flips the third card over and it depicts a magician. "Relics of great power are within your reach. Are they the cause of the chaos and questions of faith I see?[color]" He looks at Hisako and then to Asher.

"[color=purple]Now is there any other business? The Amazing Zography is a busy man."

You can see the tell tale signs of Pesh addiction about the man

2019-04-17, 12:47 AM
"interesting", Hisako says, "I wonder if you knowledge can be used to locate someone, Mister Zagrathy? A certain resident of this town, say..."

2019-04-17, 06:01 PM
"Information? That comes at a price. 50gp to be certain." Zography extends an open hand.

2019-04-18, 02:41 PM

Dala frowns. Fifty gold pieces is a seriously steep price to pay for this information. Still, she decides to wait it out for now, letting the others handle things and staying in her role.

2019-04-18, 11:25 PM
"Information? That comes at a price. 50gp to be certain." Zography extends an open hand.

"Oh great Zography! We have come to you from distant lands to receive your guidance on a matter of upmost importance." replies Asher as he speaks with Zography. "I understand that your grand wisdom comes with a price but I come from a far away land and my resources for the moment are pretty limited after such journey. Can you offer me a small discount considering the circumstances? Think of this as the beginning of a long business relationship."Asher replies trying at least reduce the price a bit.

Diplomacy roll to make a request

2019-04-19, 03:09 AM
"Fifty gold is a lot", Hisako says thoughtfully, "but I suppose not an unfair one for a good information... but", she tilts her head, "that makes me wonder... if true information is worth that much, then what exactly do you sell for a double fist of silver? Are you saying your predictions are only one fiftieth as good as true, Zograthy-dono?"
Aid Another on Asher's check, if allowed.
update: or, you know, we can treat it as a roll in it's own right...

2019-04-19, 12:37 PM
"Alright, alright. 15gp and you will have answers to your questions. That is the best I can offer.

2019-04-20, 01:45 PM
"We are looking for Natalya Vancaskerkin. Could you tell us where we could find her?" Asher decides to leave the details behind about why they were searching for knowing that it was better if less information was given out unnecessarily.

2019-04-22, 05:34 PM
"Natalya? Haven't seen her in a while. Nor have any of my contacts among the Sczarni. Don't know where to find her either. Not my business you see. Folks have been disappearing down by the harbour and from underbridge though. Rumor has it that it's Nidalese slavers. I don't hang much faith on that though. I can say it isn't the Sczarni gangs that are making folks disappear though. They're keen to find out who's doing it though, not that they are asking for aid. Getting harder to get a hold of the top dogs these days."

2019-04-23, 03:50 PM

As Asher and Hisako seem to have the negotation under control, Dala moves back outside to stand beside Whisper. She leans over to whisper at her slightly odd companion. "Anything interesting going on out here?"

2019-04-23, 04:46 PM
Once finished, Asher decides to thank Zograthy for the information before paying the money for the service. After that, he meets with the rest back outside and starts explaining the situation. "We might need to search for her on the harbours. It seems people have been disappearing there and she might be one of them. I must also inform you that we might be facing slavers if the rumors of what he told us are to be believed."

2019-04-23, 06:51 PM
As Asher and Hisako turn to leave, Zogarthy coughs and holds his hand out.

2019-04-23, 07:13 PM
Whisper hears her allies question but instead of answering she points to the white bird circling the sky. Despite not looking up from the ground and wearing the dark hood, her finger not only points perfectly to the bird it follows him as he soars above.

2019-04-24, 01:39 AM
"Oh, right", Hisako taps her forehead as she reaches into the purse. "Right, it somehow slipped my mind..." she drops the coins into the fortune-teller's hand and joins the rest.
"Seems we will have to seek out the slavers after all..." Somehow, she doesn't seem displeased with the idea.

2019-04-24, 05:33 PM
"One more thing. Natalya used to run with a sczarni gang called the Tower Girls. She seems to have pissed them off though and they are searching for her too." Zography smiles as he quickly pockets the second payment.

2019-04-25, 09:45 AM
"Thank you very much for the information." Asher replies to Zography. He the turns to talking to his teammates. "Well, if everyone is ready, we can go to the harbours and begin our search of her."

2019-04-25, 03:13 PM
"Indeed we should", Hisako nods. She seems calm, but those watching carefully would notice her hand reflexively reaches towards the hilt of her katana. "One more thing... Tower Girls. Did anyone heard of that gang? WE might look into them as well... after the slavers are dealt with."

2019-04-25, 03:59 PM

The half-orc rubs her chin thoughtfully. "That name doesn't ring a bell, no." She turns in the direction of the harbor. "Let's get moving, then. No point in hanging around here."

2019-04-25, 05:46 PM
You arrive in the harbor district of Magnimar. The docks are full of fish mongers selling the days catch and sailors loading and unloading ships. It seems that every other building along the docks is a tavern, with raucous noise coming from inside.

2019-04-25, 06:08 PM
Asher feels quite better after leaving Washers’ Row. The strong smells had finally left him and he found the new smell nice by comparison. "I love the smell of fresh fish. The smell of the water is also pretty nice." Asher replies while he enjos the change of scenery. "Where would you ladies like to search first?" He decides to ask his companions.

2019-04-27, 04:28 PM
"How does one find slavers?" Hisako asks, "Surely not by asking around... well, we can ask around about other people who disappeared, I suppose... no need to mention Natalia..."

2019-04-28, 03:41 PM

Dala rubs her chin. "Asking around for disappeared people sounds like a plan. Maybe we should start in the tavern?"

2019-04-28, 07:23 PM
"Good idea. Then lets begin getting information at the tavern." Asher replies feeling ready to help gathering information for the group. He begins talking around with people at the bar, imagining that those would be more open to conversation than those at the tables. He decides to approach one the people that look less busy. "Hey! You ook like you could use some company. I am new here and I would love to have some nice talk. I´ll invite you your next drink. You know, I just Heard some pretty interesting rumors about disappearances at this shore. Have you heard anything?"

Diplomacy roll: [roll0]

2019-04-29, 04:47 PM
"People disappearing? Well, I know there is a cargo pickup tonight at midnight at the Puffy Pelican. Doesn't take a genius to figure something fishy is going on, being the time at the middle of the night and the fact that the Pelican has been shut down for years. Don't know if its slavers, but could be worth checking out. But you didn't hear it from me." With that the woman wanders off.

2019-04-29, 11:43 PM
"People disappearing? Well, I know there is a cargo pickup tonight at midnight at the Puffy Pelican. Doesn't take a genius to figure something fishy is going on, being the time at the middle of the night and the fact that the Pelican has been shut down for years. Don't know if its slavers, but could be worth checking out. But you didn't hear it from me." With that the woman wanders off.
Asher whispers to her "Thanks for the heads up." before reuninting with the team. "We might have a lead. We will need to wait until its midnight though." Asher explains to the rest.

2019-04-30, 03:06 AM
"Well, you can make a rooster cry, but you can't make a sun rise", Hisako says, "If it's midnight, than midnight it is... meanwhile, unless anyone wants to talk to the city guard - or to seek out the Tower Girls - I suppose we can rest and prepare?"

2019-05-01, 10:45 AM
The rest of the day passes without incident. You are able to find pretty much anything you need in the local shops.

Around midnight you arrive outside the Puffy Pelican. The exterior looks weatherworn and in need of a new coat of paint. Broken windows are boarded over. It is clear the building hasn’t had a tenant in quite some time.

Roll perception

2019-05-03, 06:39 PM
"Well, its almost time. We should get going." replies Asher to the rest. Asher heads near the given location and waits.

2019-05-03, 06:52 PM
When you arrive at the location, the building still looks abandoned. After careful observation, however, a faint light can be seen coming from inside through the windows.

2019-05-05, 03:27 PM

Having arrived at the scene, Dala sneaks forward to take a peek through the window.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2019-05-06, 02:12 AM
Watching Dala sneaking upon the house, Hisako places her hand on the hilt of the sword... just in case. There is always a chance things won't go as planned, after all...

2019-05-06, 09:41 AM
Asher sees Hisako grabbing her weapon and decides to do the same. It was important to remain quiet while they waited for the answer of his teammate.

2019-05-06, 06:01 PM
You can see some lit candles placed through out the space to give it a dim lighting. You can tell who ever lit the candles entered through the back as you can see out the other side of the building through an open door. You don't see anyone inside, however

2019-05-07, 06:06 PM
"Well, if there is only one entrance, then we dont have much choice. I dont have any spells that may help us in this situation.". Asher wispers to the others after thinking about the situation. Then, he decides to offer an strategy to the others. "The one with the most confidence on his skills to move unnoticed should lead on. The rest follow her. And we wait inside for signs of life." Asher suggests.

2019-05-08, 11:40 AM
"Stealth... not my forte, I'm afraid", Hisako shakes her head. "But then, if there's only one entrance, then once someone enters, they do'nt have a way out, right? We might as well wait outside..."

2019-05-08, 11:34 PM
Stealth wasnt his strength either. Maybe Hisako was right about the situation and wait outside. Whenever he had to face those challenges while working with the defense of the pathfinder organization, he always left the warriors take charge for the combat situation. "I suppose that is true. hat do you think Dala?"

2019-05-09, 10:37 AM

Dala nods. "That makes sense. Seems like a good plan to me."

2019-05-10, 02:10 PM
You wait for an hour and nothing happens

2019-05-13, 05:42 PM
Another 15 minutes pass and the lights inside the building go out. A moment later they return all at once.

2019-05-13, 08:42 PM
Asher was starting to feel sleepy after all the iting had bring no results. "I dont want to be the one to be negative about it but it seems like we are getting nowhere. Maybe, we should handle this in a different perspective. Maybe entering was the right choice. What do you all think about it?" He speaks his thoughts to the others hoping for different perspectives.

2019-05-14, 03:14 AM
"Well, seems we don't have much choice..." sayiong that, Hisako heads straight towards the door. After all, if there's no other exits... no need for discretion.

2019-05-14, 05:45 PM
As Hisako enters the main room of the former tavern, she sees dancing lights, but no candles. There is no person visible in the room.

As you enter, please indicate your position in relation to Hisako. I am assuming she has walked about 10 feet straight in from the door.

2019-05-14, 10:09 PM
Asher decides to follow her. He had to join in, in case there was a confrontation on the way. There wasnt much point in hesitation. He then make his way into the building and stopped just by the right side of Hisako ready to face whatever showed its face.

2019-05-18, 08:38 PM
Dala enters the room and stays back, near the door in case some thing hiding tries to sneak out.

Suddenly a spray of color flashes out, engulfing Hisako and Asher. As the spary comes out, a skinny man in once fine robes appears. He hair looks as if it was done by himself, poorly. "The Consortium will pay well for you."

Roll initiative and will saves (DC15)


2019-05-18, 11:41 PM
Dala enters the room and stays back, near the door in case some thing hiding tries to sneak out.

Suddenly a spray of color flashes out, engulfing Hisako and Asher. As the spary comes out, a skinny man in once fine robes appears. He hair looks as if it was done by himself, poorly. "The Consortium will pay well for you."

Roll initiative and will saves (DC15)


Asher was caught by surprise by the sudden attack. This wasnt exactly how he expected things to turn out. With all his energy he tried to resist the power udes against him.

Rolling initiative: [roll0]
Will Save: [roll1]

2019-05-19, 11:03 AM
Sisako, despite expecting an ambush, still got surprised... but at least managed to compose herself, her hand still on the hilt of her katana, ready to make the ambusher realize the foolishness of his actions.
Init 9, Will 18, rolled in the OOC thread

2019-05-20, 07:41 PM
While Hisako is able to fend of the assault, Asher takes the full brunt of it and falls to the floor, unconcious. The man quickly scurries in a circular path and lets forth another spray of color, engulfing Hisako and Dala. Dala is able to shrug it off, just. (rolled 16)

Hisako needs to make another DC 15 will save. If successful, she may act. Asher is unconscious for 6 rounds, blinded for 7 and stunned for 8

2019-05-22, 01:27 PM

While Dala is taken by surprise, she's used to various dirty trucks and manages to shrug off the magical assault.

She draws her axe and slashes at the skinny man, hoping to dissuade him from casting any more spells.

I'm assuming I can get in range to attack. If not, feel free to limit my actions to what I can do.
Move action to draw weapon.
Standard action to attack

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2019-05-22, 04:36 PM
Dala's axe misses the man. Realizing his danger, he takes a quick step back and lets some magic bolts fly into Dala.

Man takes 5-foot step back and hits Dala for 2 damage from Magic Missle

2019-05-23, 04:51 PM

Gritting her teeth under the magical assault, Dala steps forward and slashes at the man, then tries to bite him.

5ft step towards the enemy, then full attacking (weapon + bite secondary)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Bite: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2019-05-23, 05:13 PM
The axe blade creates a large gash across the man's arms and leg. He immediately drops to his knees and holds his hands together. "Please! Don't kill me. Have mercy on a poor soul. I didn't mean anything by this. Just a bit of cash is all."

2019-05-25, 05:02 PM

The half-orc bares her tusks and growls at the man. "Wake up my companions before I rip out your small intestine and make colorful balloon animals with it," she barks, " then you can tell us what you know about someone named Natalya Vancaskerkin."
Intimidate: [roll0]

2019-05-27, 08:33 AM
"Th.. They will come round in a few moments! Promise!." the man sputters. He looks at Dala a bit of fear in his eyes "And I d..don't know anyone by that name. I never even sold anyone to slavers. It was just a ruse to get the Pathfinders interest. See, I figure the Aspis Consortium would pay top coin for some of its competitors agents."

The man looks up pleadingly "Those that went missing... They just had a minor spell that makes them forget for a while. They'll come to in a day or so... If they haven't already. See no harm done. Could you just let me be on my way then?"

2019-05-28, 04:31 PM

"I don't think so." She glares at the man. "First, if you won't wake up my companions we're going to wait until they come 'round. Then, we'll decide what to do with you. If you've got good information we might even let you keep all your parts."

2019-05-30, 10:13 PM
Asher finally reawakens. "What just happened? I cant remember much after the lights…." Asher replies as he notices that his companion has managed to snag victory. "Thanks! I am glad to see it didnt end with all of us shipped away. And sorry for the failure." Asher replies with a bit of nervous smile.

2019-05-31, 03:10 AM
"What... my head is spinning..." Hisako raises from the floor and reaches for her sword... which, of course, isn't there anymore. So, instead, she pulls a fan from the other side of her belt and clicks it open, aimong it towards the man who charmed her, waiting for any reaction.

2019-06-01, 10:33 AM
"The reports of people missing? Its all me. I kidnapped vagabonds and prostitutes. A few children. I gave them potions that adle their mind for a few days so they wouldn't know who they were or where. Took them to different parts of the city and let them go. When they come round they will return home. They won't know what happened. No harm done. Then I started rumors that Nidalese slavers were about, hoping to get the attention of the pathfinders."

The man continues to grovel. "I swear, I only ment to rough you up a bit and deliver you to the Aspis consortium in exchange for membership. This Natalya you ask of I have never heard of. I swear on the gods!"

2019-06-01, 03:05 PM
"I wonder", Hisako muses, addressing no one in particular, "If he were to repeat the tale he just told us to the Watch, would it buy us enough goodwill to ask some questions of our own in return?"

2019-06-02, 11:35 AM
"The one thing that annoys me is that we are back to square one. Was our source really that wrong and unreliable? I cant believe we paid for useless information." Brac declares annoyed considering the situation they were left in. Brac stomped the ground in annoyance a couple of times to reléase the anger he felt. "So, what do we do now?" He replies to his teammates.

2019-06-07, 08:09 PM
Once you get the sorcerer's hands bound you lead him to the headquarters of the City Watch, the Arvensoar. At the entrance the clerk asks why you are here.

2019-06-08, 01:07 PM
"Well sir", Hisako, looking as innocent as she can manage, points at the captive with a point of her folded fan, "You see, it seems that man wants to share some information about the late missng people..."

2019-06-09, 05:59 PM
"Name?" The clerk asks looking at the bound man. Realizing the man isn't going to easily cooperate the clerk sighs. "Take him up the stairs and enter the first room on your right. An officer of the guard will be there shortly to take your statements."

After a few moments of waiting in the interview room, a woman in an officer's uniform enters. "I am Kasadai. I am told you have the person responsible for the missing persons?" She studies the bound man. "Not what I expected. Anyway. The reward is 100gp. Also, since you were so nice to bring him here, I will let you take any items confiscated from him." She steps out and returns with a guard who then takes custody of the man and leads him away. "It will be a few moments before his belongings are inventoried and confiscations are determined. Is there anything else I can do to help you while you wait?"

2019-06-10, 01:27 AM
Asher wonders about the situation. Since they were left with no clues, it wouldnt hurt to ask if he had heard anything about Natalya Vancaskerkin. "Actually, we are looking for someone but we havent been able to find her. Do you think you could assist us in the search of Natalya Vancaskerkin? Have you heard anything about her? It would really be appreciated if you could provide us with any information."

Diplomacy roll:

2019-06-10, 05:51 PM
"Oh, Natalya? Yeah she is known to the watch. She is a petty burglar who runs with the Tower Girls. Can't say I know where to find her. She hasn't been picked up recently though. So either she is keeping her nose clean or has gotten better at her work. I'd go with the latter. If she is missing though, that would be news to me. The Sczarni tend to deal with their own issues internally. I'd ask them." Kasadai, states the information plainly, but it is also clear that she isn't about to give information that isn't related to the question asked either.

2019-06-10, 07:37 PM
"Thanks anyway." Asher vows slightly to show his appreciation. Whatever they could dig could be useful. At the very least, they had found out that there was a group that they could try to find to locate Natalya. Afterall, any kind of leads was better than just running in circles and they were running late on time. "The Sczarni, do you know where we could find them? We would like to try our chances talking to them." Asher asks.

2019-06-11, 05:54 PM
"Its hard to say where to find a particular group. Though I have heard the Tower Girls recently abandoned their headquarters. Probably due to inter Sczarni fighting. It is said that they have been seeking the help of a man named Fenster the Blight who lives in an abandoned warehouse in underbridge."

2019-06-11, 10:37 PM
"I see. Thanks once again for the information. I suppose we Will just wait for the delivery of the magic ítems and then we Will be on our way." Asher replies. He didnt think much of the current situation but they had a new possible lead. Hopefully, it would be a fruitful one this time.

2019-06-13, 06:03 PM
The watchman returns with a small bundle and lays it on the table. "Here is the seized property of one Plutivarch Dremis"

In the bundle you find potions of cure light wounds (2), potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of invisibility, masterwork dagger, darts (6), pouch with 35 gp and an
amethyst worth 250 gp.

2019-06-16, 04:25 PM

Dala looks at the others. "Right. So, now what? We find this blight fellow?"

2019-06-16, 07:14 PM
"We could try to gain some insight on our next move. As an Oracle myself, I have some talent in the divination arts though its a bit limited right now." Asher replies thinking about how they should go about their next try on reaching the objetive.

2019-06-17, 01:51 AM
"That would be helpful", Hisako nods, "But if it doesn't work... I propose we head to the Underbridge and ask where to find that Fenster. Of course, that would mean he would learn we're seeking for him, so... let's leave it as a last option."

2019-06-17, 11:33 PM
"Well, I will trance to see if our search of our new search of this Fester guy would bring positive results."Asher explains to the other two. "I Will need a few minute so please be patient."

I will use wisdom of the ancestors ability. It works as augury with 80% chance of success. It will take 10 mins.

2019-06-20, 06:23 PM
During your trance you are able to locate the warehouse in which Fenster makes his home.

2019-06-21, 12:33 AM
Asher is surprised by the visions given to him in the process of his trance. When he finally reincorporates, he speaks to his teammates. "I think I know where we need to go. Follow me please." He then start guiding them to find Fester.

2019-06-27, 07:07 PM
Inside the rundown warehouse where Fenster makes his home is a large open area. crude shelter from rowboats (one or two of which might still be almost seaworthy) and timbers leaning against the warehouse’s frame. The entrance to this hovel consists of a pair of skiffs leaning against each other to create a triangular “arch” from which a moldering remnant of a ship’s sail hangs like a curtain. Sitting next to the entrance is an old sea chest with a broken lid. A sign leans against the front of the chest—“LEEV A GIFT AND WATE OUTSID.” A dented tin platter sits on the ground before the sign.

2019-06-28, 01:00 AM
Hisako stares at the sign in confusion, then, after several seconds, reads it in a whisper, "Leave a gift and wait outside, weird way to spell... So what would be a fitting gift for someone leaving in... such a conditions?"

2019-06-28, 08:03 PM
"I suppose we could consider giving something of monetary value. It could be a like jewel. At least, that is my only guess." Asher replies giving his suggestion on the matter. Still, considering how weird he worded it, maybe he was looking for something with a different sort of value.