View Full Version : Rules Q&A [3.5] Flat-footed Rules

Gen Melchett
2019-03-31, 09:08 PM
Ok so I know this topic has been discussed in other threads, but I couldn't find clear answers to some basic questions.

So to start with, what does being flatfooted actually represent in the game and when should it be applied?
The descriptions in the PHB 137, DMG 301 and RC 15 state that the flat-footed condition means you are not yet ready to react normally to danger. I don't have any problems with this when it comes to being flat-footed before your first action, but it becomes strange for other effects which cause the flat-footed condition or deny you your dex to AC.

For example: why are you treated as flat-footed while balancing but not while blinded. I would argue you are far less able to react to danger when you’re blinded than when you’re balancing and therefore the flat-footed and no dex to AC should be swapped for the two conditions. So is this an example of sloppy ruling, a way to balance certain effects or is there some reasoning behind it?

For most things the distinction doesn’t matter but for something like hit-and-run tactics (DotU) which gives you a bonus on damage rolls against flatfooted enemies equal to your dex modifier it’s a big deal.

And what about hiding? The hide skill description in the PHB says nothing about denying dex to AC or causing the flat-footed condition, though it's usually house-ruled to mean you're effectively invisible to them. The issue is officially addressed in the Rules Compendium (everyone’s favorite book) on page 92:

If you’re successfully hidden with respect to another creature, that creature is flat-footed with respect to you. That creature treats you as if you were invisible (see page 76).

This seems reasonable and makes hiding worth a damn. It also means that if you choose to hide while invisible (a condition which usually only denies your target their dex to AC) the foe you attack is considered flat-footed. This makes sense to me but because it depends on rules from the RC and makes invisibility significantly better I was wondering what people’s takes on it are.

2019-04-01, 12:19 AM
It makes some degree of sense to be flat-footed while balancing but not while blind. When blind you can still be in a combat stance and moving around unpredictably (you just can't dodge specific attacks from things you can't see, hence losing Dex to AC). When balancing (without training - you're not flat-footed if you have 5 ranks in Balance), you have to put great care into your movements and are not in a combat stance. Since the reason for "flat-footed" at the start of combat is that you're not in a combat stance yet... makes some sense. That said, this view would also apply "flat-footed" to immobilised opponents and those making Climb checks.

The thing about hiding in the RC is 100% BS, though.

As an aside, while Hide's own description doesn't mention losing Dex to AC, the description of Dex to AC itself implies very strongly that you wouldn't get it vs. a successful Hide check.

Gen Melchett
2019-04-01, 06:33 PM
Ok, well the RAW here is clear I think (though dependent on whether you use the RC or not). Other than the hiding example most things just tell you which condition they cause; flat-footed or denied dex to AC. As far as I know there aren’t many abilities which care whether your target is flat-footed or simply denied Dex to AC, so this isn’t a widely impactful distinction. However, I don’t believe the current definitions make sense in all cases, so I was wondering if the following house-rules seem reasonable:

The two conditions are redefined as:

Flat-footed: You are incapable of reacting normally to a dangerous event for mental or sensory reasons. This may be because you are unaware of an attacker, have lost a sensory ability you rely upon to locate threats or have been influenced by a mind-affecting spell or ability.

Have not yet acted in combat
Attacked by a hidden foe
Attacked by an invisible foe
Attacked by a foe under the effect of the blink spell (PHB 206)
Attacked while blinded
Attacked after failing a sense motive check to oppose a feint attempt
Attacked after failing a save against a mind-affecting spell such as distract assailant (SC 69)

Denied Dex to AC: You are incapable of reacting normally to a dangerous event for a physical reason which hinders your ability to shift your positioning and avoid attacks.

Balancing with fewer than 5 ranks in the balance skill
Climbing without a climb speed
In a grapple
Lifting or dragging double your maximum load
Have failed a save against a spell or ability which physically restrains or hinders you such as ray of ice (SC 167)

The helpless condition might fall under both categories if for example one of your mental ability scores has been reduced to zero, or under only the denied dexterity to AC definition if you are paralyzed.

So does anyone have a problem with these (other than that they are not RAW), or think they might cause significant game imbalance?

2019-04-01, 10:52 PM
Balancing with less than 5 ranks is straight flatfooted, not just dex denied.