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2019-03-31, 09:20 PM
Phoenix Academy. Lifeblood of the city, gateway to greatness, largest collection of martial knowledge in all of White Cloud City, charged with training the stars of the next generation. And while all of that was mostly true, the more mundane reality of the classroom didn't quite measure up to the stories that sometimes were told. The classroom was arranged much like an amphitheater, with rows of desks arranged in a half-circle with each level elevated above the row that came before. There was a good amount of open space between the front row and the writing-board covered wall, perfect for demonstrating a technique if it became necessary to do so.

And though the teacher hadn't arrived yet - there was still time before the start of class - your fellow students had already started to trickle in. A trio of girls were giggling conspiratorially in one of the front-row sections, their well-cut silk clothing announcing them as nobility despite its ostensible nondescriptness. A number of other students had been filling up the seats in the back row. Largely dressed in functional clothing bereft of extravagance, their was little to give away any of their origins. The same could not be said of a black-haired boy reclining with his boots on the desk in the middle row near the wall who wore an extravagant jacket. Said black haired boy cast the occasional smug look at the kids behind him and to his side, few of whom would meet his gaze for long.

And thus, the first day of Phoenix Academy begins. Where are you and what are you doing?

2019-03-31, 09:41 PM
In the leftmost corner of the classroom sits two short, wispy white-haired teens, a boy and a girl. The boy has pulled his chair all the way to the extreme corner of the room and sits with his back pressed against the walls, gazing over the room with too-wide pale grey eyes. In his hands are several sheets of parchment and a small inkpen; he is scribbling over the parchment furiously, barely glancing down at his writing as he does so.

"Three in front, together--or pretending, or just meeting, or--several in back rows, why always back rows? Not in the corners, corners make sense, safer in the corners--" A constant stream of muttering issues from Shiori's mouth as he writes, not minding the volume of his voice in the slightest. As he reaches the end of each page of parchment, he tosses it in the direction of Hitomi, who is sitting next to him. "Boy in fancy jacket, middle row, black hair, seems confident--how can anyone seem confident, when--oh right they aren't supposed to--they can't--others know him, maybe important, probably not important--"

2019-03-31, 10:14 PM
"Your jacket is very well made."

Adarata, the farmboy with a solid right hook, was dressed modestly. There were a few old dirtmarks on his baggy worker's pants, and underneath them, his feet were done up in wraps. Even so, he wore a jacket that looked like it could deflect a bowman's missile. It was crafted from thick leather of a deep brown shade, and yet it seemed to be thin and forgiving in all the places you would want it to be. A quality piece, and clearly ancient, if the reparative patch on the back was any indication.

Yet his attention wasn't on his own clothing, but on the even more spectacular jacket that the black-haired boy in the classroom was wearing. As if this shared feature meant for camaraderie beyond reproach, he had made his way over to this fellow, and sat down beside him. Adarata had no notes or papers to put on the desk in front of him.

"Could I ask you where you got it? Mine is an ancestral heirloom."

2019-04-01, 03:45 AM
Sitting separated by at least a few seats about one-third of the of the way from the front, the boy with disheveled light brown hair hastily pulled back into a mess of a ponytail glances across the room before adjusting his glasses and returning his interest to the book splayed open in his lap.

"Hmpfh," he mutters to himself. For all the prestige and educational opportunity associated with Phoenix Academy, so far, the boy was unimpressed. What was next after this droll meeting? A pep rally?

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-01, 04:26 AM
Tsugiharu had chosen a seat in the in edge od the back row, opposite to the door - a seat from where, no matter where he was looking, he would give his back to no one. It, however, hadn't really been a purposeful choice, though not really unconscious either; it was simply the default choice his upbringing had ingrained into him. His clothes, clearly tailored towards ease of movement rather than fashion and elegance and a dark shade of grey (because that's the actual colour one needs to blend into the darkness of a city, not pitch black), were hardly the attire of a noble, but at the same time the excellent make and careful placing of the many pockets bespoke of something more than a commoner's vests: in other words, the impression one would get just by looking at him would be very subjective. The fact that he wore his chain shirt - made from precious mithral, harder than steel yet much lighter - concealed under his outer garments did not help.

Still, fact was that he probably wasn't going to be looked at anyway. He had quite the feeble pesence, and in a classroom with much flashier people he was bound to just fade into the background...but he didn't really mind. He wanted to make friends, of course, but he saw no reason to rush into it: there would be plenty of time to socialise when forming groups to spar, or after the dorm rooms would be assigned, etc. His gaze swept across the room, as he tried to get a rough idea of what his classmates were like; lingering briefly on the two figures muttering after dragging their chairs into a corner (were they ok? That really seemed...odd), it fell on the smug guy and the other one who approached him with a question out of the blue. Half to get a reading on both of them and half to see if the over-friendly guy was going to get burned (he definitely didn't remind him of his brother's charismatic manners, no sir), he focused his hearing on the pair.

Also, Knowledge (Local/Nobility) [roll0]+4/+2 on the smug guy, because why not. 11/9. Not foreboding at all.

2019-04-01, 08:06 AM
It was her first time in any real kind of classroom.

Though it was short and shorn, her silver hair was a rarity--the other kids have at most only seen three or four other students sporting it--and stood out against her rather dark olive skin. Her shiny eyes matched and they were mostly looking forward to the empty 'stage', though now and then she darted them around with an overly eager energy at random targets. Most of these students ignored her. The tomboy was also dressed rather curiously, on her part: her almost black tunics, and pants were all but shapeless and looked vaguely like stagehand gear but draped over them was a gaudy rust-brown scarf and sash that probably is, or was, part of a stage costume.

The color is extremely unlucky if one were superstitious and it seems to have earned her a mild ostracism she's probably not even aware of-- nobody is sitting near her and a few students keep giving the ragamuffin strange looks. Whether it's over her hair, or her outfit, though, isn't clear.

2019-04-01, 10:10 PM
The Crazy Corner

Hitomi snatched her brother's parchment out of the air and hunched over it, adding her own scribbles, circling some parts and underlining others. "Back row safe, back row far from teacher, from attention, won't be noticed. Good. Won't draw attention-" She broke off her own stream of muttering to underline one line particularly vehemently. "Jacket boy thinks hes important -- Doesn't know -- maybe--"

A boy sitting near the pair of them slowly turned to look at them as their muttering continued, head tilted somewhere between confusion and alarm. "Are... you two ok?"

Middle row

"Oh, that explains it," the dark-haired boy responded, looking Adarata up and down. His smug grin was replaced by a concerned and friendly smile that didn't touch his eyes. "Please forgive me, but for a moment I thought that old work coat was the best you had, but now I see you're wearing it in honor of your ancestors."

One of the girls in front giggled and glanced back, but the other two didn't react at all.

Yes, he's not really trying to hide that he's mocking you, he's just doing it in a way that isn't technically an insult by phrasing it as praise.
There isn't any mon or design that announce's the boy's identity, but the color scheme is clearly the clan colors of the Kaiu Clan - one of the city's Great Clans. The Kaiu boast that "We Are The Wall", and they make good on that claim as some of the city's foremost builders, engineers, and stonemasons. They maintain the city walls and are experts in fortifications.

But they're not only builders of fortifications - as the foremost builders in the city, they've constructed significant portions of the city over the years and are major landlords. Much of their political power comes from owning marketplaces and being able to decide which businesses to rent space to.

To be clear, the classroom isn't so large that your characters cannot be aware of what's happening in other sections or move around. I'm differentiating by location to keep the post organized since several conversations may be progressing at once. Feel free to decide what your character is aware of / paying attention to.

2019-04-01, 10:30 PM
Adarata looked as if he were still piecing together what the other boy was trying to say.

"Are you trying to offend? They're just, er...they're just coats."

2019-04-01, 10:41 PM
Shiori breaks off scribbling for a moment, glancing through the boy's eyes. Whatever he sees there, it frightens him. "...No," he whispers, his eyes darting around the room and seeming to notice all of the people for the first time. "No, of course not."

Shiori bends once more over his scribbled parchment, his mutterings silenced by the awareness of the slowly filling room.

2019-04-02, 12:00 AM
His eyes passing over the students once more, the boy spots the extravagant jacket in familiar colors. A bead of sweat drips from his hairline and down the back of his neck, thankfully obscured by his hair. He suddenly spots the lone girl with the silver hair and strange black clothes (tonberryking) sitting only a few seats away.

"Hey, kabukimono," he stage whispers towards her as he turns slightly towards her. "Come sit over here."

He points quickly at the seat to his left and then returns to pretending to read his book, waiting to see what she'll do.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-02, 04:20 AM
Taking 10 on Bluff for 11. Uh...is there a reason why Sense Motive isn't on the list?

Thought so.

Yet the young man seemed unfazed by the insult, and Tsugiharu couldn't really tell he if it was on purpose or the guy was just naive.

...should I stop this before it escalates? Logic screamed 'no, you're not involved, stay out of it', but no one else looked like they'd intended to step in. And, if the guy was indeed a commoner like he seemed to be, no one likely would.

Weighing his options, he kept observing.

2019-04-02, 06:29 PM
"Hm?" Her ears twitching in a curious way, the silver haired girl looks over at Cōngmíng.

Nobody else has paid her much mind, though she suspects the well dressed girls in front mentioned something about her hair--she assumes they're commenting on how garishly short it is or something most other girls comment about herself-- so she isn't sure what to make of it.

"Hey thanks. You wanted something?" she asks, taking the offered seat without a hint of suspicion.

2019-04-03, 09:35 AM
As she takes a seat, he furtively makes eye contact before returning to his book. Steadying his nerves, he tries to make a good impression.

"Want something? Not really. You just seemed... alone. No reason for that on the the first day, when this is the best chance to make make... acquaintances. You see the posturing peacocks," he flicks a thumbs towards the jerk in the flashy jacket, "happy hens," a nod to the giggling girls in the front row, "and the skittish squirrels," an eyeroll in the direction of the two nervously taking notes. "The day hasn't even started, officially, and they're already. Already forming groups that are going to last the year, if not the the rest of their lives. So, which animal are you going to be? As for myself..." he flicks his wrist to cause a softly glowing, white potion to appear in his hand and makes eye contact again with a smirk, "I've always been a fan of the jade rabbit."

With a light snap of the fingers, he makes the potion disappear once more into his storage ring.

2019-04-03, 12:56 PM
There is an obvious twitch of the silver girl's eye when the final animal is named; it's an alright attempt at a poker face otherwise but it would not be surprising to learn she was only a stage hand (...and fencer...) rather than an actress. Still... she seems to be able to keep a secret if only by giving a technically true response:

"Oh, I'm not a rabbit, definitely," hares are different from rabbits after all, but nobody needs to know that right now, "But... if we're talking of this menagerie, you may call me Kotestu." Well that either means little iron or tiger iron...iron tiger? Strange coincidence that she came prepared with such a name, but Kotetsu sits back a little, only cautious rather than on full alert, feeling satisfied with her response.

"And what's your name, jade rabbit? And... can you tell me if all schools are like...this?" she gestures with one hand wrapped in canvas--both black and rust-- in a sweeping motion over the classroom.

[roll0] Sense motive. Kotestu is wondering if Cōngmíng knows--regardless if he has like a magical hengeyokai radar or some other trick up his sleeve, what she is, or if the universe is messing with her.

2019-04-03, 01:38 PM
She's confident he has no clue what she is.

The jade rabbit is the mythological animal that lives on the moon, known for its alchemy skills, particularly in creating the elixir of immortality. Hence his flashing the potion as he said that.
Chuckling somewhat at her awkwardness, he feels some of his own melt away.

"Ko-er, I think we'll get along just fine. You may call me... Congming," he says after only brief hesitation. The corner of his mouth curls in a smug smirk as he finally settles on his academy name.

"I don't really know what most schools are are like, though my... sect's school was much more focused on... combat and... spirituality, cultivating of the self. And yours?"

2019-04-05, 11:54 PM
Middle row

"Che," the boy replied with condescending eyes on the dirt stains covering Adarata's pants. "I'm not trying to offend you, I'm offering to help you. See, piety is admirable, but you wouldn't want to get mistaken for a peasant now, would you? Even though the academy is gracious enough to take them in and fill their heads with hope, they still won't amount to anything. Its quite a cruel reality."

His smile took on a subtle shark-like tone. "But if you follow me from now on, I can introduce you around and show you how to train the right way. How about it?"

"Oh! Hey bro!" The voice belong to another boy who'd just entered the classroom, wearing a similar jacket in the same colors as the boy Adarata was talking with. He approached the table and was tall enough that he loomed over Adarata. His nose was slightly crooked as though it had been broken once before, spoiling any softness his face might have had. "Bro, is he giving you trouble?"

The sitting boy just looked over at Adarata, expectant.

He is offering for you to be his underling. Adarata can reasonably expect rewards for doing so - the brothers are clearly from a wealthy clan - but you would be obligated to take orders from them. If you accept and carry it through the adventure, you will gain a Complication to represent this. If you refuse, you run the risk of drawing these bullies' ire. You will gain 1 VP.

The Crazy Corner

"If you say so," the boy replies, clearly intrieged. He eyes your parchment, and you can all but see the question forming in his eyes at why start writing before class has even started. Then they abruptly light up in understanding. "Oh, are you writing a story? Cool! What's it about? Can I see it?"

2019-04-06, 02:22 AM
"You're being underfooted with me!"

The expression on the farmerboy's face grew wider, still mostly just confusion - but now there was a bit of hurt as well.

"You must be able to tell that I'm from the peasantry, but you still said those things as if you didn't know any better. That's all very insulting. I'm not sure if I want much to do with you or any of your business."

He welcomed the new boy with a slight wave, looked back to the first one to respond, and looked surprised to see that it was on to him to explain.

"Oh, it's all quite alright. Your brother's not very fond of me and I'm not sure why, but I don't mean to make a fight of anything. Erm, I will have to decline the offer, though."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-06, 04:57 AM
Well, the situation wasn't looking good for the commoner boy. And now one of the smug guy's cronies had arrived. What to do? He could offer the commoner boy a seat near his own, but it was likely that would be viewed as an admission of defeat; he himself didn't care, but he knew most other clans did. On the other hand, though, he couldn't imagine the boy would have an easy school life if he kept the seat he'd chosen.

*Sigh* ...I'm going to regret this...

Tsugiharu quietly raised from his seat, and with silent steps he weaved through the desks to approach the group. He wasn't actually trying to hide, of course, but between his natural tendency to not attract attention and the fact that "silent" was his default walking mode, it was entirely possible that no one would notice him until he spoke up from besides them.

Taking 10 on Stealth (@+3 from stance) for 25.

"We're all equal inside the academy. The professor is going to arrive soon, can you just drop the matter?" he said, trying to pacify the situation, the turned to the commoner boy. "Uhm, there's still a few seats free up there, if you want."

Diplomacy [roll0]

2019-04-07, 08:05 AM
Shiori's eyes snap to the boy in sudden suspicion. Is he--can he be--

He controls his breathing, looking down at his hands to count his fingers carefully. He glances at the piece of scrawled paper in front of him, reassuring himself that the words are perfectly legible (at least to him). His eyes sweep over the room, looking for any odd corners, any bits of nonsensical imagery or movement... like the boy suddenly appearing next to the two rich boys and the commoner boy. Shiori begins to breathe more quickly in fear, controlling his breath again with an effort. He starts the whole sequence over again, noting the boy to make sure that he doesn't disappear. It's not a dream--or, I think it's not a dream. He's not one of THEM. Probably. Maybe. I don't know. I don't think so. Yet.

Shiori glances back at the boy next to him with a shock, suddenly remembering that he was there. "It's not a story," he answers shortly, then pauses. "Or, maybe it is a story, but it's not my story." His voice takes on a low sing-song quality. "The world is a story that's telling itself, and we only can see a page or two at a time--unless we cheat. And so we try to understand the story, without context, and the story sometimes seems like it could be happy on our own little page in our own little corner in the middle. But the context... I tell the story that I see in my own words, and I hope it isn't a horror story, even though--even..."

Gently, Shiori takes his pages back from Hitomi, tidying them slowly away in his backpack. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you read my story," he says to the boy, grave solemnity weighting each word. "You're telling your own story, and if you use my context, it will be... bad. Your story will end better if it isn't mixed up in mine." He smiles slightly, bitterly, for just a moment.

Diplomacy to get the boy to believe that Shiori isn't just trying to blow him off--he legitimately thinks that he's trying to help him: [roll0]

2019-04-07, 08:59 AM
Adarata had one last look at the two well-dressed boys before eyeing down the third one with a little more weariness.

"Oh, well, alright. Let's go." He stood and went, but not without politely waving to the nobles. As he was on his way with the darker-dressed boy, he leaned in close for a whisper.

"Thanks for retrieving me from that. I wasn't sure if I was saying the right things or not."

2019-04-08, 02:10 PM
"Well, Cōngmíng, my schooling as it were was just some...basic studying with other kids in the theater troupe. An older playwright made sure all the kids could read, and handle math and measurements but he kept throwing harder and harder stuff at us to make sure we got it. Can't have someone be looking over the wrong script (not that I'm much of an actress) or someone working the ticket counter getting short changed. We got more than enough to get by, but you know it was hard keeping the same kids in the room all at once..." she looks over the classroom, clearly surprised any sort of master teacher would be able to corral a room full of kids this size... However this was a martial academy, so...

"My father trained me with the sword, though. Personally, but he told me stories of places like this and other dojo so I would know a little of what to expect." though it may not have been enough. The slight altercation by the rich looking boy and the other two leaving his side caught her attention briefly, but she tries to remain polite and attentive to the boy who asked her about her past.

2019-04-08, 04:04 PM
Middle Row

The sitting boy's smile turned contemptuous at Adarata's answer, but both he and his brother blinked in surprise at Tsugiharu's voice and unexpected intrusion into the conversation.

"Yeah Benjiro, please forgive him and let the matter drop," piped up the girl from the front row who'd been giggling earlier. The sitting boy swallowed whatever reply he'd been about to give and looked to her, reconsidering. "Its the first day - I'm sure its just a misunderstanding."

"Very well, Kaede" Benjiro settled on, turning back to Adarata and Tsugiharu. "I agree to let this go. Let's all work hard and enjoy our time here together!" With his back again turned to Kaede she couldn't see the slightly sinister grin that he paired with his friendly declaration as the pair moved to walk away - one that promised that he, at least, had ideas about what enjoying his time here meant.

The Corner

"Oh. Well, alright then. I guess." The boy looked disappointed at the rejection, but quickly shifted his attention to the far side of the room where the drama with the four boys was playing out.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-08, 04:32 PM
Tsugiharu mentally noted the two names that came up, then gave a polite nod before turning his back on the group and returning to his seat with the commoner boy. He did not fail to notice the grins, though...

...well, I figured.

He wasn't particularly worried, though...if they were in the same class, they ought to be more or less matched in power, and if Benjiro and his cronies intended to fight unfairly, well, too bad for them they were up against a Kuroda. For all the doubts Tsugiharu harboured about the ruthlessness with which they were supposed to be applied, he did not have any particular misgivings towards the methods themselves; if they poked the bush, the snake would come out to bite.

"There wasn't a right thing." he answered his potential new friend once they were seated. "Anyway. Sugimoto Tsugiharu." he introduced himself.

2019-04-09, 04:49 AM
"Izuka Adarata, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope we can be friends," he trailed off a little at the end there. He seemed to be aware, at least, that he was within a social situation that he did not fully understand.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-09, 12:16 PM

It was earlier than he anticipated, and definitely not the way he anticipated, but he made his first friend at the academy. All considered, Tsugiharu's day was off to a good start. Well, he might have stepped on a couple toes in the process, but still.

"So, uhm..." He struggled for a moment to find something to keep the conversation going, his people skills being what they were, then remembered what started the whole thing. "You were saying that's an heirloom?"

2019-04-09, 12:55 PM
"Well, Cōngmíng, my schooling as it were was just some...basic studying with other kids in the theater troupe. An older playwright made sure all the kids could read, and handle math and measurements but he kept throwing harder and harder stuff at us to make sure we got it. Can't have someone be looking over the wrong script (not that I'm much of an actress) or someone working the ticket counter getting short changed. We got more than enough to get by, but you know it was hard keeping the same kids in the room all at once..." she looks over the classroom, clearly surprised any sort of master teacher would be able to corral a room full of kids this size... However this was a martial academy, so...

"My father trained me with the sword, though. Personally, but he told me stories of places like this and other dojo so I would know a little of what to expect." though it may not have been enough. The slight altercation by the rich looking boy and the other two leaving his side caught her attention briefly, but she tries to remain polite and attentive to the boy who asked her about her past.He suppresses a chuckle as Kotetsu says his new academy name. That's never going to get old.

"Playwright, eh? I suppose that explains the costume. A word of advice though, from from personal experience, unless you want to be the center of attention, you might want to to find some clothes a bit more... subdued. While everyone is trying to work out their position in the social the social hierarchy, drawing too much attention is only going to cause problems... unless you plan to push everyone around and be top dog..." he adds with a hint of warning in his voice.

2019-04-09, 06:08 PM
Shiori stares into the middle distance for a few moments, before the scene between the noble boys, the commoner boy, and the boy who hopefully isn't a hallucination caused by his nightly pursuits draws his eyes. He notes the first noble boy's sneer, a fragmented memory of his early diplomat training surfacing for a moment. That one probably isn't going to let things lie as it is; he probably realizes it, but I can try to warn the commoner boy all the same... Shifting from his seat, Shiori walks carefully across the room, striding as though he is walking on a thin pane of glass rather than solid floor.

"That isn't really fair to dogs, though; they're usually fairly careful about treating their pack well," Shiori breaks into the conversation between the other two people as he passes, speaking as though he had always been a part of their group. "And dogs dream of hunting and playing with their masters, so they're all pretty gentle." He continues past the two without ever breaking stride or looking towards them.

Finally, Shiori stops in front of the commoner boy,staring at a spot just to his left. "He still doesn't like you," he says bluntly, pointing at the noble boy who started the whole mess. "I thought you should know, though you probably do already." Nodding to himself, Shiori turns and begins heading back to his seat.

Shiori pauses, then spins around suddenly and abruptly pokes the other boy in the upper arm. His shoulders sag with relief. "Oh, good. You're real." He turns back around and begins walking carefully back towards the corner again.

2019-04-10, 05:35 PM
"Right, well, my father-"

He did not get to speak before another stranger arrived, this one the most unusual of them all.

"Uh, thank you, yes. I'll have to do what's in my strength to reconcile with that fellow." He spoke with his mouth, but his eyes were wide, not conforming to his politeness.

After Shiori was going on his way, Adarata leaned over to Tsugiharu.

"I have to ask you something in particular. Is this all quite ordinary to you? That boy from the Kaiu clan, and just now this prophetic fellow, have to be the two strangest folk I've ever met. And in one room! Is it the case that many people like them will be around here? Where I come from I'd thought that all people were about the same and believed in the same kinds of things."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-11, 01:43 PM
Tsugiharu watched with the corner of his eyes the strange kid approach, but he didn't look ill-intentioned, so he didn't really think anything of it. Sure, he wasn't sure why he came all the way there only to tell something that was pretty obvious, but-


He was poked. After all the "I'm not really worried", this random guy came and poked him before he could react. Metaphorically staggering from the heavy blow to his ego, he just watched Shiori return to his seat, not uttering a word until Adarata spoke to him again.

"I...well, sadly, I don't think nobles looking down on commoners is too rare. But him...I mean...do I not look real?"

2019-04-12, 06:51 AM
"A few moments ago it was as if you had appeared from out of thin air. Perhaps you gave them some sort of fright?"

Aware of the slowly-filling classroom, Adarata cut the conspiracy short with a polite nod, leaning away from his friend to pay attention to what would happen at the beginning of the proceedings.

2019-04-14, 06:10 AM
Now it's Kotetsu's turn to act indignant.

Sort of. A slight crease of the brow, an almost frown; she doesn't get very upset, but just a little defensive.

"What's wrong with my clothing? Black is very utilitarian, you know. The clothes aren't constricting nor binding so as long as I can more around and it's not something garish, I don't see the problem. Better to wear something you can work in, I say."

2019-04-14, 08:34 PM
The students' ambient chatter ground to a halt with the arrival of their instructor, a woman in the light blue robe common to academy instructors that introduced herself as Shiba Enko. The lesson itself proceeded smoothly, although there was a certain amount of groaning from some of the students - mostly commoners - who hadn't known what to expect when Shiba Enko discussed expectations and it became clear that the students would be spending nearly as much time in classrooms as they would at the training grounds. That groan was offset by the revelation that there would be regular beast hunts. After all, she explained with a smile, the best experience was firsthand experience.

So it was that a week later the entire class was on its first beast hunt and the students found themselves jogging through one of the city's many mountain tunnels. For, while the mountains shielded White Cloud City and augmented the city's impressive defenses, over the centuries the denizens had carved an elaborate network of tunnels. While some led deep underground to the mines and some led to (heavily fortified) connections to natural cave complexes (and both the treasures and demon beasts within them), many simply were simply carved tunnels that connected the various fertile valleys of the mountain range.

The class emerged from the tunnel into the morning light of the site of today's hunt, Goldendew Valley. Sensi Shiba led the class to a clearing and guestrued for everyone to gather around, which they did with varying degrees of lungs burning from the morning exertion of running here. The students were directed to form into hunting groups - as they'd discussed in class, Goldendew Valley was home to few beasts that should be able to seriously threaten them a small group of adepts. The students had until sundown to hunt, but if they collected 5 soul gems they could leave early.

"Any questions?" Finished Sensi Shiba.

Both ends of the tunnels are sealed by heavy stone doors, which are covered with an inscription pattern. To open the door, one simply places their hand on the door and speaks a command. While simple to open, it prevents demon-beasts from also using the tunnels. The tunnels that connect to White Cloud City are also guarded just in case, and the tunnels can be collapsed to seal them in an emergency.

As per class discussions, Goldendew Valley is home to several notable varieties of demon beasts. The most common are the hives of Giant Ants that dot the valley. Most of the hive consists of Worker ants which are individually weak, being about the size of a large dog with underdeveloped claws. Solider ants, which are larger with better developed claws and projectile acid, protect the hive. Each hive has a queen ant which all but never leaves the deepest part of the hive, and the students were instructed to avoid killing regardless.

Goldendew Valley is known for being inhabited by non-agressive varieties of demon beasts, such as the giant ants, that make it an ideal place for young adepts to train. The ants themselves are a particularly good fit. They defend the hive but are otherwise largely non-aggressive. The workers are numerous and sent out to forage for the hive, so they can be ambushed away from the hive without needing to be drawn away. The direction for the Queen to not be killed comes from a conservationist mentality - if the queen is not slain, the hive will fairly rapidly replace any workers or soldiers that are slain, but killing the Queen will lead to the collapse of the hive.

The ants form the basis of the ecosystem for this valley being the preferred prey of its other denizens.

Goldendew Valley is intentionally undeveloped as its proximity to the city and the relatiely weak and non-aggressive varieties of demon beasts that inhabit it make it a good hunting and training ground for novices adepts. As such, it is under the purview and management of Phoenix Academy.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-15, 04:02 AM
Tsugiharu had good stamina compared to a normal person, but his training had always been more focused on burst speed than long distance run; he wasn't at the point of wheezing once the group arrived at the Valley, but it took more than a couple deep breaths to clear the fatigue away. He looked for Adarata to group up with him, then the teacher asked about questions.

Well, he did have one question...but he was reclutant ask, because what he wanted to know was what would happen if a group interfered with another - was it allowed? What to do if soul gems were stolen? Had he been in the shoes of Kaiu Benjiro, the hunt would have been the perfect chance to do something...but if he was the one to bring the subject up, then he'd likely be the first suspect in case something happened (or someone claimed something happened). They'd just have to stay vigilant, and cross that bridge if it came to it. I guess.

After forcibly removing himself from that train of thought and focusing back on how to quickly catch five Ants (but possibly one at a time). Then an idea occurred to him, and he raised his hands. "Sensei, what do the Ants eat?" Surely finding an isolated group was better than assaulting an Ant in front of its hive.

2019-04-17, 10:29 PM
"The ants are omnivorous," Shiba Enko answered. "They mainly forage fruit from the valley's fruit trees, but if they can get their claws on carrion or smaller animals they'll take those back to the the hive as well. They'll even eat other ants if one dies or if another colony tries to move in on them."

While the Sensei was answering, the other students were wasting no time finding friends to pair up with. The Kaiu brothers hadn't even needed to move even though they were breathing only a little hard. Over the past week half a dozen other students had fallen into their orbit and were constantly hanging around them. Some of them seemed to genuinely share the Kaiu's disdain for commoners, but a few of them had evidently decided its better to be with him than be his target.

Another group was forming around Kaede, who was all but doubled over catching her breath. Her two friends that sat with her were varying degrees of better off. The taller of the pair - Satomi - was the best off. In fact, she seemed to barely be breathing hard at all, and seemed somewhat amused at her friend's evident discomfort.

Yet another group was forming near the back of the gaggle, this one made up largely of students who had grabbed seats in the back rows. Despite some ability to blend in during class, their equipment largely marked them as coming from commoner families. Over the past week they seemed to have been drifting together, perhaps united by sitting next to each other or perhaps under the idea that banding together would make them less easy to single out by the Kaiu gang.

All told, the number of students still looking for groups to join was dwindling rapidly.

2019-04-17, 11:05 PM
Kotetsu seems no less worse the wear, either, oddly, though she's still wearing a black kabukimono and that odd scarf. If she was sweating buckets underneath it, the dark colors hide that. There is little to hide about her weapon of choice though: a slim katana-shaped blade though the dueling sword's hilt is a crescent piece of iron carved into the shape of a three eyed demon. It looks...well it looks like a prop weapon other than the oddly expensive looking ring in its pommel.

Her hand rests on it when she approaches a few steps away from Kaede's group, seeming more curious than anything, her short bushy silver hair barely moving in the breeze.

"Well, hi. Would you ladies want an extra blade by your side?" she hails them congenially, giving the group's leader a moment longer to catch her breath.

I dunno if I need to roll diplomacy here, but let's see how bad she screws this up:


2019-04-18, 12:42 AM
Horribly out of shape for such a run, Congming practically collapses onto the ground, leaning against a convenient rock as he forces his breathing to calm. That was not fun. Aware that groups are mandatory, he doesn't even bother trying to find a group, satisfied with whatever group he eventually gets lumped into. Besides, actually trying to find a group would require walking... which would require standing. Yeah, no. Not going to be doing that.

2019-04-18, 01:34 AM
Seemingly clear and fresh after the run through the tunnels, Adarata smiled warmly at Tsugiharu's approach. He did not turn to listen as Shiba spoke; instead, he quietly scanned the area for lone people. His eyes landed on the weaker fellow who seemed about to lose consciousness altogether.

"You're Congming, aren't you? Would you be interested in joining our group?" He watched the grounded boy closely, his keen eyes scanning up and down the figure and outfit.

2019-04-18, 10:26 AM
"Yeah, sh. Shure," Congming manages without gasping for air as his breathing finally starts to level out. He gives a half smile and touches two fingers to his brow in a lazy salute that ends up in almost more of a peace sign than a true salute.

"Sounds good. Let's let's do this."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-18, 12:37 PM
Hmm. So they could be everywhere, but zones rich in fruits are more likely. And we might be able to set a lure after we kill one...maybe. Hopefully someone will have hunting experience.

Tsugiharu thanked the teacher with a bow, then followed after Adarata with silent steps. "Welcome, then." he, well, welcomed the new recruit, before taking a look around. "Uh...we just need two more. Do you have anyone in mind," he asked both of them, "or should we just wait?"

Joining larger groups was, as far as he was concerned, out of the question. He felt like they'd end up attracting too many beasts, while keeping the numbers to the required five would let them be, at least somewhat, stealthy.

2019-04-18, 12:53 PM
"Does not matter to to me."

Congming remains seated until it's time to leave or he's forced to follow in search of other party members. He's not tired. Just... conserving energy. Definitely that.

2019-04-18, 03:54 PM
Despite his slim frame and small stature, Shiori barely seems to have noticed the hike to their hunting spot; in fact, given his distracted air an onlooker could be forgiven for thinking he had simply wandered by accident into the group of students instead of being one of them. He began raising his hand when the Sensei asked for questions, but decides against it. After the first few days of class, Shiori has finally remembered that when someone asks "any questions" they are usually asking for questions relevant to the subject they were discussing beforehand, and asking their Sensei "How can you smile?" probably wouldn't be appropriate at the moment.

Finally noticing that the students seem to be pairing off, Shiori looks around for Hitomi; she's likely nearby, but if he doesn't see her he isn't too concerned. Part of the goal of the Academy is to make them more self-sufficient, after all, and even if he doesn't really like being separated from her he can't really expect her to hang around him all the time. Instead, after a few moments Shiori drifts towards the boy who asked what seemed to be a relevant question. Now that Shiori is at least somewhat certain that the boy isn't just a figment of his imagination, his ability to move around without being noticed is just about the only thing Shiori knows about... any of the people in his class, other than his sister and himself. Best to build off the familiar. Harder for THEM to take you by surprise if it's familiar; or was it easier?

2019-04-20, 11:05 PM
"Why would you want an extra blade at your side?" Asked another girl approaching Kaede's group. She wasn't particularly big or tall - in fact, she was probably a year or two younger than most of the other students. However, you'd never know it by looking at her weapon - massive glaive that was obviously way too large for her, yet from the way she handled it almost idly it somehow wasn't. You vaguely recognize her as someone who often sat in the back corner of the room. Here usual look - like she wasn't looking at someone so much as past them to something behind them - even when there was nothing there - was gone. In its place was what seemed honest curiosity behind the question.

"If your extra blade is at your side, does it really help you in a fight? You should keep it out in front of you. Unless you're planning on getting surrounded? Then if you have weapons on all sides you can fight them off!"

Kaede managed to wheeze out a laugh from her doubled over position. She looked up and managed a fun-loving grin for all of a moment before she went back to wheezing out a response. "That's. funny. Sure, you two. can join us."

"Kaede, we already have 4. We don't have room for them both," Satomi interjected apologetically.

"Oh." Kaede responded, her breathing becoming more and more under control. "Then how about you join us now," she said, pointing to the glaive-carrying girl. "And you can join us next time?"

2019-04-22, 08:47 PM
Say what you will about the student group, tired as they were they hadn't wasted much time pairing up. The initial flurry of activity was already slowing down as groups solidified. In almost no time at all the class was divided up - except for a small handful of students left alone.

"Looks like almost everyone has found a group. Shiori! Kotetsu!" Sensei Shiba called, making a slow round through the group. "Why don't you join this group over here?" she, well, it was spoken like a suggestion but had the feel of a direction.

"Good! It looks like everyone has a group now! Remember everyone, you'll each need to gather at least 5 soul gems. As long as you have that minimum, you can leave early if you don't wish to continue the hunt. You'll find that the ant hives tend to be clustered around the outer edges of the valley by the sides of the mountains. As Tsugiharu was right to inquire, the workers will often be scavenging fruit from near the valley's several ponds. And of course, if you need medical attention I'll be waiting right here. If there are no more questions, let the hunt begin!"

2019-04-22, 09:13 PM
Shiori stares at the sensei in surprise for a long moment before drifting the rest of the way towards the three people in a group. His eyes suddenly focus on them intently, flicking between each face as well as the figure of the last member moving towards them in a constant loop. As Kotetsu nears them, Shiori nods to himself. This should be close enough.

Each of the other four members of the group experience an odd sensory experience at the same time: a series of three light raps, as though someone was knocking on a door situated on the inside of their skull. A moment later, their brains are flooded with a sense of presence; each of them can suddenly sense where Shiori is standing relative to them in a rough way, though the sense doesn't quite correspond to any of their regular senses.

The words come a moment later. Soul Gems... do they contain actual souls? What are the repercussions if we're killing souled creatures, do you think?
No one ever talks about that... still, five isn't much, compared to the amount of creatures that die all over the world each and every day, so we can't be tipping the scale too far against us. Why, whole civilizations wither away from our neglect every morning when we wake, only to be reborn in a different way the next time we close our eyes... well, if we're lucky.

Oh, We can all talk faster here, and as long as I can see where you are and you're... a little less than 150 feet away from me, I can keep this going. I'm not one of--I'm not really in your minds right now, see; it's more like I've made a dreamsc--a, a crossroads, or a town square. Yes, town square works. All of our minds are the houses that border the square, but all of the doors are still locked. The only thing anyone else can see is what you choose to display in the town square.

The voice falls silent for a moment, before abruptly starting again. Oh, manners, yes. Manners state that we are introduce ourselves first if we're initiating a transaction. My humblest apologies for my rudeness. My name is Ish--no, wait, that's not true anymore, it's Ya--no, no, I'm not supposed to say that one, even though it's now the true one, I'm supposed to lie, but not lie with what used to be true, um, ummm--Nyx! Nyx Shiori. Hello, my name is Nyx Shiori.

Spending a Standard Action to activate Collective once everyone's in range. Everyone, Collective is willing participants only, so if your characters choose to opt out they can do so at any time as a free action on your own turn.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-26, 12:10 PM
As a pratictioner of the Veiled Moon, Tsugiharu wasn't exactly a stranger to the supernatural...but a sudden voice in the head was nonetheless quite startling, especially when it opened with phylosophical-sounding musings.

Still, he was quick to adapt and, after the various mutual introductions, was quick to grasp the tactical usefulness of a telepathic link.

~Uh, so by talking here no one can hear us, and we can coordinate faster? That's...nice. And at a distance...150 feet? Not a lot, but I think that's enough to scout ahead. I'll be doing that, by the way. Uhm, I'd like to find some lone ant to attack, or at most a small group. Is that ok?~

2019-04-28, 09:29 PM
With the groups set, the students did what students always do when let loose on a field trip. They scattered and disappeared into the valley. The valley seemed to accommodate, as while the valley and its gentle hills and scatting of ponds looked peaceful from the rise where they'd rested, the forest swallowed the groups in no time.

Tsugiharu had little difficulty navigating the forest. The forest had its own atmosphere, alternating between more open old-growth forest with thick, towering trees and sunlight peeking through inter-spaced with denser and noticeably darker new forest. Whether it was from creatures or from generations of students, the entire forest was criss-crossed with trails that weren't especially difficult to follow. And for one trained by the Kuroda, moving unseen was almost child's play when there was this much cover to choose from.

The group made good time, and the sun had only moved a little bit when Tsugiharu spotted movement ahead that was too big to be another squirrel. Maneuvering for a better view, he'd found a gang of ants. He counted 4, marching down a trail that paralleled the students' own, but on the other side of a small creek. Each was about 5 ft long, with the middle two working together to drag something - an animal carcass? Those two and the ant leading the way matched what he knew of the worker ants, but the ant at the rear was different, with bulkier front legs and claws the size of daggers - a soldier ant. Regardless, the ants hadn't seemed to notice they were being watched - yet.

2019-04-29, 10:56 AM
Congming readies himself for battle, flicking his fingers to summon a potion vial into each hand and settling into his Hydraulic Overdrive stance.

For when the battle actually starts...
ManeuversAnimusGranted Thought Shield - 1st Psychogenic Shield - 1st Dismiss - 1st Devouring Page - 2nd5 (+1/round)
Options: Enhance Maneuver Increase DC Elemental Glyph (I)ExpendedWithheld Brew Alchemy - 1st Sage Strike - 1st

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-29, 11:56 AM
Drawing his weapon, Tsugiharu reported the sighting through the psychich link. ~And I know I said we should shoot for a lone ant, but on second thought this is probably the smallest group we're going to find. So, uhm...ready? ~

Assuming an affirmative answer, while the rest of the team closed the distance (he was, after all, scouting ahead) he drew his weapon and started advancing further, briefly disappearing at the edge of the creek to reappear on the opposite bank shortly after. His aim, to circle the ants from behind and reach the other side, so that when they'd turn towards the source of noise that were (likely be going to be) his teammates he'd still be hidden and behind them - and hopefully would mange to still get the jump on them.

Using Veiled Moon Style to teleport on the other side of the creek, then hide among the vegetation there at [roll0] keeping at a Move action's distance from the ants, ready to attack.

2019-04-29, 08:49 PM
Adarata nodded and circled past the group, deftly hopping over the creek and sneaking through the vegetation near the ants. His thick legs were surprisingly light on the muddy grass, and he fearlessly interposed himself in front of their trail. He did not make for his weapons, not yet; unarmed, he held his position ahead of the monsters.


I'm going to sneak in front of the ants, maybe within 20 feet, in a position where I can run a Line through them.

Stealth [roll0].

2019-04-29, 10:06 PM
Tsugiharu circled the ants with the methodical grace of an expert. The training of the Hidden Clan started young, molding the clan's warriors into masters of the shadows and remaining unseen, even from the sharp eyes of other adepts. Compared to the stalking 'games' played within the clan, creeping behind a group of ants and getting into position for an ambush was even less than child's play.

Izuka likewise crept through the forest, jumping the river and sneaking into position in front of the ants. Or at least, that was how he'd envisioned it happening. As he landed his jump across the river his foot slid in the mud and sent the young adept sprawling into a nearby bush and causing an unholy racket.

The farm boy recovered his feet in a flash, but it was too late. The ants heads snapped up and compound eyes focused on the boy. They let out hisses as they gathered themselves to charge the human who'd dropped himself into their lap.

All PCs are on Turn

2019-04-30, 01:01 AM
Congming shifts into position, moving closer to the ants (S20) while muttering quietly to himself.

"Stout warrior, heed my call. Guard our strength. Grant your resilience.
Beloved mother, heed my call. Lift our spirits. Grant your caress."

An alchemical glyph flickers into place on the chest of each member of the party. The circle with a pointed arrow crossing through it could be interpreted as a crudely drawn shield and spear. Everyone feels sturdy and unyielding as their natural armor increases by 1 (5 rounds).

Conming activates the Spoils of War stance, causing anyone in the party to heal 4 points each round if they make a successful attack in battle.

Actions: Move: Move to S20 Move: Activate Elemental Glyph (-1 Animus) Swift: Change stance to Spoils of War
Ongoing EffectsSpoils of War – Allies within 30 feet heal 4 hp when they hit with an attack, 1/round. [Stance]
Elemental Glyph (I) (Metal) – +1 to party's Natural AC [5 rounds]
ManeuversAnimusGranted Thought Shield - 1st Psychogenic Shield - 1st Dismiss - 1st Devouring Page - 2nd5 (+1/round)
Options: Enhance Maneuver Increase DC Elemental Glyph (I)ExpendedWithheld Brew Alchemy - 1st Sage Strike - 1stGranted: [roll0]

Hyperbolic sine
2019-04-30, 03:17 AM
As much as Tsugiharu was assuming someone would get noticed, he certainly wasn't expecting Adarata to faceplant into a bush...but nonetheless, he was ready: as soon as the ants were alerted by the noise, he flickered past the trees and closed in on the soldier. His weapon enveloped in corrupted and poisonous ki - which would overcome the ant with dizziness and threaten to sap its strength - he stabbed at a joint between two exoskeleton plates and twisted the blade to aggravate the damage, before flickering on the other side of the creek (an excellent barrier against charges).

Surprise Round
Move: I7 -> K10.
(If there is no suprise round, this is Round 1 movement.)

Round 1
Swift: Use Dizzying Venom Prana.
Standard: Attack S1 with Sting of the Asp at [roll0] Rerolled, 27, crit! (+4 if flat-footed). On a hit it's staggered for 1 round and takes [roll1] 20 piercing damage (+[roll2] if flat-footed), 2 Strength damage (Fort DC 19 to halve) and
2 Wisdom damage (Fort DC 18 negates). If it fails the DC 19 save, additional 1d6 damage and 2 Strength damage next round.
Move: K10 -> N9. (If no surprise round, ignore this.)

Active effects
Body of the Night, Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-04-30, 04:00 AM
Adarata sighed as the insects came after him, but he did not cease his movement for long, wiping the mud out of his eyes as he swiftly darted down the bank of the creek and away into the woods. Still, he did not go for his weapons! He ducked down in a patch of vegetation, practising deep, calm breaths as he tried to keep his eye on the monsters.

Swift Action: Take Momentum.
Move+Standard: Double moving to C30 (2 Speed Increments for next round).

Momentum: 1.
Manoeuvres Readied: None.

2019-04-30, 10:33 PM
Tripping is difficult to do in dreams. As such, Shiori spends a long moment gaping in surprise at Adarata's sprawl into the dirt, before coming back to himself with a start. Right! Right, time to fight the large insects... in the real world... right. unlimbering his flail and shield, Shiori begins to run towards the ants, sprinting across the stream as though it was solid ground.

Move + Standard: Double Move to L23. Shiori is in Unbroken Stride, allowing him to walk across water as though it was solid ground.

2019-05-01, 05:49 PM
Perhaps not sure what to make of the glaive-girl's remarks and feeling a little spurned, Kotetsu is quite company until the ants are spotted. She watches the others make plans and hangs back a little too long, perhaps having expected to be given orders but as soon as the ants hiss, she's bounding towards the action, trying to take the stream in one leap.

Koutetsu has
Mizuchi x2
Crawling Ivy Strike
Crimson Mirage
Lesser divine wind strike

Prepared and is considered to be in her Phantasmal Blade stance (hereafter referred to as PBS) so she gets +1d6 skirmish damage

She's going to move slightly less than double as her round action and attempt to jump the creek, landing on O20: [roll0] Athletics

2019-05-01, 08:15 PM
The soldier ant raised his head and emitted a series of clicks and cackles, the meaning of which was made clear when the workers dropped the carcass they'd been dragging and charged after Izuka - but no sooner had they gone a dozen steps when the soldier's clicks abruptly morphed into an inhuman but recognizable wail of agony. Tsugiharu's blade had found its mark, piercing deep into the join between the creature's abdomen and thorax. The apprentice assassin danced away and blinked over the river, well out of range of the soldier ant's retaliatory flailing. The ant collapsed to the ground - but it wasn't dead yet. The soldier gathered its feet and rose again, focused on Tsugiharu. It drew back its head then spat a sizzling liquid glob at its assailant.

The worker ants, meanwhile, continued to charge down the trail after Izuka, who quickly pulled away from them. But Izuka's allies took his place as they crossed the river and closed with ants - and the ants obliged by abandoning the fleeing farmboy to rush his nearby allies with snapping jaws.

Soldier 1
Move: -
Standard: Attack Tsugiharu with Acid Spit: [roll0]. On hit, [roll1] Acid damage Miss

Worker 1
Move: To N19
Standard: Attack Kotetsu with Bite: [roll2]. On hit, [roll3] Miss

Worker 2
Move: to N20
Standard: Attack Kotetsu with Bite: [roll4]. On hit, [roll5] Miss

Worker 3
Move: to K22
Standard: Attack Kotetsu with Bite: [roll6]. On hit, [roll7] Miss
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)
PCs are on Turn

2019-05-01, 08:58 PM
Adarata braced behind his cover, waiting for the monsters to arrive...


"...friends?" He peered out from under the vegetation, and his eyes went wide as he saw them fighting without his help.

Then, he went for his weapon. The long walking stick on his back suddenly became a dangerous killing tool in his hands, and in a single bound, he had leapt out from his hiding place to survey the field.


Sprinting across the forest, Izuka made his way back up the trail and to where his ally had attacked the enemy formation from. There was their soldier, their accursed champion, injured but not beaten. In no time at all Adarata had crossed the distance between them, and he jumped, using gravity and his speed together to slam the striking shaft of the weapon onto the back of the bloodied creature.

"Sorry! I ruined our advantage," he called to the bushes.

Free Action: Ready Sudden Leap.
Swift Action: Sudden Leap to E30. Can't fail the Jump check.
Full Action: Charge into I12 while drawing Quarterstaff. For fun, another Jump check, just to see much of the last few dozen feet was in mid-air. Jump [roll0]. Attack [roll1] on the Soldier Ant for [roll2] Bludgeoning damage. Adarata takes -2 AC for one turn, but selects the Soldier Ant for Dodge.

Momentum: 3 (Maximum).
Manoeuvres Readied: None.

2019-05-01, 09:06 PM
Kotetsu is fairly quick to act herself, but perhaps brazenly and boldly. She tumbles in the air, (hopefully) rolling over the back of the first Worker Ant before her sword escapes its lacquered sheath with a satisfying hiss of the steel. Even more satisfying is the whistle of not one, but two swings forming an arcing X-ribbon of movement at the giant insect.

Acrobatics check to try to get to M19 without drawing AoOs: [roll0]

Burning one Mizuchi to get off an attack as a swift action [roll1] Damage:[roll2] Skirmish:[roll3]
And then another attack, also with skirmish: [roll4] Damage:[roll5] Skirmish:[roll6]

2019-05-01, 09:20 PM
Shiori swivels his head, taking in the battlefield with wide eyes. He absentmindedly bats the worker ant's snapping mandibles away from his head with his shield, in the same motion swinging down with a heavy blow from his flail. Well, this is definitely awake life. Things are going well.

Move Action: None.

Standard Action: Attack Worker 3; no maneuvers used at the moment. [roll0] on a hit, Damage: [roll1]

Also on a hit, Shiori's Zeal is activated: everyone gets a +1 morale bonus on their attack rolls for one round.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-05-02, 04:35 AM
In hindsight, thinking the soldier ant wouldn't have any way of attacking at range had been naive. But I suppose that's what field training is for. Tsugiharu thought, dodging the acid blob; then, a sympathetic smile creeped up on his face at Adarata's apology, bringing back some old memories - even for someone talented as he was in going unnoticed, the road to get where he was now was still paved with failures.

"It's not like it didn't work out!" he replied, blinking across the creek for the third time and closing the distance with the nearest worked while gripping one of the circular blades hanging from his belt.

Still...guess I should have known from before, but he's sure fast.

Then, he focused his ki to briefly shift to the Ethereal plane, and his figure suddenly became hazy; it lasted only an instant, but once he returned fully visible it would be too late for the worker ant to dodge the oncoming chakram.

Move: N9->M10->M14->N14.
Standard: Attack W1 with Dimensional Strike, making it flat-footed, at (@+4 from BoN, +1 from Zeal, -4 for melee) [roll0]. On a hit:

Chakram [roll1]
BoN [roll2]
DS [roll3]

for a total of 11 slashing damage.

Active effects
Body of the Night, Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-05-02, 01:26 PM
Seeing that the others seem to have their targets well in hand, Congming hesitates to act. There's no reason to do much when there are others to resolve things. However, on scanning the battlefield once more, he realizes that Shiori isn't dealing quite as much damage as the others.

Congming moves west into Q10 and points a finger towards Worker 3.

"Mighty brute, heed my call. Flex your might. Repel my foe."

[roll0] (touch) - [roll1] - [roll2]. If trip is successful, the ant is bull rushed with the same result.

A flicker of light flies towards the ant from Congming's outstretched finger. Those paying close attention might have a brief glimpse of the flickering, ghostly visage of a heavily muscled, if somewhat overweight, warrior charging the ant with his shoulder lowered.

Actions: Move: Q10 Free: Enhance maneuver (1 animus) Standard: Dismiss vs Worker 3.
Ongoing EffectsSpoils of War – Allies within 30 feet heal 4 hp when they hit with an attack, 1/round. [Stance]
Elemental Glyph (I) (Metal) – +1 to party's Natural AC [4 rounds]
ManeuversAnimusGranted Thought Shield - 1st Psychogenic Shield - 1st Sage Strike - 1st Devouring Page - 2nd5 (+1/round)
Options: Enhance Maneuver Increase DC Elemental Glyph (I)Expended Dismiss - 1stWithheld Brew Alchemy - 1stGranted: [roll3]

2019-05-02, 06:30 PM
The soldier ant, already crippled by Tsugiharu's ambush moments ago, was fatally slow to react to Izuka's lightning quick strike. The blow took the ant square in the back and the creature's carapace gave way with an audible crack. The beast collapsed to the ground with its life blood pooling beneath it.

No less fast than Izuka was Kotetsu, who drew her blade in a flash and punished the worker ant's lunge by carving an "X" in its thorax with the blink-and-you'll-miss-it speed of an iaijutsu practitioner - but the ant barely had time to stumble back in pain when Tsugiharu's chakram materialized out of nowhere to take it in the throat. The worker ant collapsed like a marionette whose strings had been cut.

Meanwhile, Shiori stood her ground admirably against that ant the chose to charge her, even batting it back a little with her shield. The brief separation allowed Congming's overweight ghost warrior to tackle the ant, knocking it to the ground and away from the dreamwalker.

But the ants weren't done yet. The remaining ant menacing Kotetsu rushed her again, mandible snapping. The other ant, meanwhile, regained its feet and threw itself at Shiori one more time.

Worker 2
Move: -
Standard: Attack Kotetsu with Bite: [roll0]. On hit, [roll1] Miss

Worker 3
Move: Stand
Free: 5ft step to K22
Standard: Attack Shiori with Bite: [roll2]. On hit, [roll3] Miss
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)
PCs are on Turn

2019-05-02, 06:41 PM
Undeterred by the difficulty of the last attempt, Kotetsu tries again to tumble away from the ant's pincers, as another arc of two too-quick blows mark their trail with an X at the monster's body.

Acrobatics to tumble to 021 before using Mizuchi again: [roll0]

Attack 1: [roll1] Damage: [roll2] Skirmish:[roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4] Damage: [roll5] Skirmish:[roll6]

2019-05-02, 06:50 PM
The farmboy shrugged.

"Suppose so!"

Wheeling about on a dime, he took off down the trail again, disappearing among the trees and vegetation. Whirling between the vines, he stumbled upon Shiori's brawl. Without a second thought, Adarata crashed the haft of his weapon across the shape of the ant. As he swung his weapon, tongues of static electricity coursed through it from his slowly-building speed.

"You alright over here? It's Shiori, isn't it?"

Free Action: Ready a Manoeuvre - Static Strike.
Move Action: Move 10 spaces to K21.
Standard Action: Static Strike on Worker 3. Attack [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning damage.

If this hits, I get to Bull Rush with +4 from Improved Bull Rush and +3 from Momentum. Bull Rush [roll2]. I am choosing not to move with the defender (no movement left), so if it succeeds we both just move down one square.

If the bull rush is successful, the Worker takes an additional 11 points of electric damage. In addition, the forced movement provokes an Attack of Opportunity from Shiori.

Momentum: 3 (Maximum).
Manoeuvres Readied: None.

2019-05-02, 09:56 PM
No, Shiori responds conversationally over the mental link, too busy staring at the glowing overweight warrior that appeared out of nowhere to notice the ant's jaws snapping an inch away from his head. He finally turns to look at the worker ant in front of him, his brow creasing in faint concentration.

All right, make the ant more real, and then--wait, no, no, more real is bad, more real than us is bad, make it less real, and us more real--no, that's not right either, I can't make them more real, nobody's real anyways--or was everyone real? Oh, right; everyone's real but the ant. Okay. No, that doesn't seem right either-- caught in his own musings, Shiori sweeps his flail in a crushing blow at the side of the worker ant's head, his weapon humming with a disconcerting energy.

Move Action: Nah.

Standard Action: Attack Worker #3 with Harmony-Shattering Strike. [roll]1d20+7[roll] Rolled a confirmed crit in the OOC. On a hit, Damage: [roll0] Also, Will save DC 15 or for the next round Worker Ant #3 takes 1d6 more damage from all of Shiori's allies.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-05-03, 03:16 AM
Yes! Two down, two left.

Closing on the second worker, Tsugiharu bent his arm at a wierd angle before swiftly thrusting at the ant with a movement reminiscent of a striking snake.

Move: N14->N19
Standard: Attack W2 with Hunting Serpent Blow. Heal [roll0] vs AC to make it flat-footed, on a failure -2 to hit; attack at (@+2 for flanking) [roll1], either +4 from BoN or -2, crit on 27+. On a hit:

Weaveblade [roll2]
If flat-footed:
Maneuver [roll3]
BoN [roll4]
DS [roll5]
for a total of piercing damage. Yay for nat 1s! Again.
Swift: Switch to Leaping Spirit Stance

Active effects
Leaping Spirit Stance (+2 dodge AC, +2 Ref), Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-05-03, 01:13 PM
Congming moves to M23 but makes no attack, as he has no meaningful attacks this round that won't also hit his allies.

Actions: Move: move to M23
Ongoing EffectsSpoils of War – Allies within 30 feet heal 4 hp when they hit with an attack, 1/round. [Stance]
Elemental Glyph (I) (Metal) – +1 to party's Natural AC [3 rounds]
ManeuversAnimusGranted Brew Alchemy - 1st Thought Shield - 1st Psychogenic Shield - 1st Sage Strike - 1st Devouring Page - 2nd6 (+1/round)
Options: Enhance Maneuver Increase DC Elemental Glyph (I)Expended Dismiss - 1stWithheld Recover Maneuvers and Reset

2019-05-03, 08:30 PM
The ant menacing Kotetsu pulled away from Tsugiharu's snapping strike, but though the assassin's attack had been neatly evaded Kotetsu matched the ant move for move and tumbled ahead of the creature before lashing out with lighting-quick strikes of her own that carved deep cuts into the monster.

The remaining ant, meanwhile, chittered loudly to its ally before diving away from its encirclement by Izuka and Shiori and took off running down the trail.

Worker 2
Move: -
Standard: Attack Kotetsu with Bite: [roll0]. On hit, [roll1]

Worker 3
Full Round: Withdraw: K22 > J22 > H22 > G23 > Follow trail to E37.
Movement from J22 > H22 triggers AoO from Izuka. If this AoO hits, attack gains +1d6 damage from Harmony-Shattering Strike

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)
PCs are on Turn

2019-05-03, 08:45 PM
"Ha!" Another swing went wide, and the ant escaped from Adarata's clutches - but for a moment. Checking over his shoulder to make sure everything was alright, he leapt from the bushes back onto the trail, and sprinted down it at the very same breakneck speed that he had come up. Again he brought his fighting stick down over the back of the monster with intent to finish it off.

Swift Action: Prepared and used Sudden Leap in the OOC.
Full Action: Charge Worker 3. Attack [roll0] for [roll1] Bludgeoning damage. Izuka has -2 AC this turn.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-05-04, 04:10 AM
With a disappointed grimace at the ant dodging a perfectly aimed attack - though perhaps it was exactly because it had been perfectly aimed - Tusgiharu lunged to stab at the creature's throat, then flickered on the other side to match Kotetsu's highly mobile fighting style in case the attack was evaded again.

Standard: Attack W2 (@+2 for flanking) at [roll0], crit on 27+. On a hit, [roll1] piercing damage. :smallfurious:
Move: N19 > O21.

Active effects
Leaping Spirit Stance (+2 dodge AC, +2 Ref), Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-05-04, 08:48 PM
Shiori blinks in sudden surprise as the Worker Ant turns to flee, his flail hanging limply at his side. After a few moments, he shrugs and drifts over to where the last ant is still standing, sliding between a tree and Kotetsu until he is close enough to whip at the Worker Ants long, segmented legs with the heavy, barbed end of his flail. Things go so well when I'm awake... why do people sleep, again?

Move Action: Shift to O21.

Standard Action: attack Worker 2 with a basic attack. [roll0] On a hit, Damage: [roll1]

Also on a hit: Zeal activates again, giving everyone a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls.

2019-05-07, 04:31 PM
Kotetsu may be out of the trick that served her well so far, but she can still try to tumble, attempting to lunge ahead of the worker, before swinging one, hopeful, final strike between the eyes.

Okay, so lesse if tumble fails again: [roll0] attempting to move to O19 so I can continue to flank

Attack: [roll1] Added 2 for flanking [roll2][roll3]

2019-05-09, 06:35 PM
Izuka's staff came down on the fleeing ant's head with a sickening CRUNCH and partially caved it in. The ant dropped to the ground, its flight brought to an end.

Meanwhile, Kotetsu, Tsugiharu and Shiori teamed up to swarm the remaining ant - but the ant's panicked flailing managed to keep the trio back and unable to land a solid hit.

But while it may have succeeded in holding off the adepts for the moment, the ant wasn't entirely witless - even a cornered beast could sense when its end was near. The ant lunged one more time at Kotetsu, trying one final time to catch the swordswoman in its mandibles.

Move: -
Standard: None. Gongiang carries no weapon and is not proficient in unarmed strikes. As such, he cannot initiate an attack without provoking an AoO. Per my rules, I will not expend any of his consumables.
End of turn: No withheld maneuvers remain. Maneuvers reset. All Maneuvers become unexpended.
Selected the following 3 granted maneuvers: Dismiss, Brew Alchemy, Devouring Page.
Currently Withheld: Thought Shield, Psychogenic Shield, Sage Strike

Worker 2
Move: -
Standard: Attack Kotetsu with Bite: [roll0] Hit. Crit threat. Not confirmed. On hit, [roll1] damage
PCs are on turn

2019-05-09, 08:19 PM
As the Worker Ant lunges at Kotetsu, an odd doubling occurs in everyone's vision. Superimposed over Kotetsu is Shiori's form, looking down at the Ant with an oddly terrible expression. A moment later, the sense of doubling increases again, just for a moment, though neither Kotetsu nor the doubled form of Shiori glaring down at the Worker Ant seem to change in any discernible way. "No harm to those I protect," Shiori's voice comes out of the doubled-vision's throat, despite the fact that the real Shiori standing next to Kotetsu has not even opened his mouth.

The Ant's mandibles close over the doubled form of Shiori and Kotetsu; Kotetsu, instead of feeling it's crushing mandibles, instead feels a distant sort of pressure that quickly subsides. A moment later, the doubling subsides as well, and mandible-shaped bruises appear on Shiori's arms as he swings down his flail at the Worker Ant once more.

Immediate Action: Activate Fear the Reaper as a counter to the Ant's attack. Intimidate (DC 21): [roll0] if it matches or beats the DC, the attack instead misses and the Worker Ant is Shaken for one round. Failed

If the Intimidate fails, activating Martyrdom to take all 7 damage from Kotetsu and apply it to Shiori instead, and spending 2 Power Points to negate 6 Points of damage, knocking it down to 1 Damage done to Shiori.

Move Action: None.

Standard Action: Attack the Worker Ant with Shiori's flail. [roll1] on a hit, Damage: [roll2], and Zeal activates, giving everyone a +1 on their attack rolls this round.

2019-05-10, 07:39 AM
The ant hesitated just a moment as its jaws closed over the ghostly figure covering kotetsu, like it was biting into something that didn't taste right. That hesitation proved fatal. Shiroi's flail connected squarely, crushing the ant's chitin. The and collapsed to the ground and curled around the crushing wound, twitching a few times before it stilled.

And like that, the skirmish was over.

Battle is over! Everyone gains 1 VP. Feel free to make any adjustments to your character sheets.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-05-10, 11:03 AM
That one ant had put up quite a resistance, dodging blow after blow...but it was, in the end, still an ant (and a worker at that), and it died like one. It almost felt anticlimatic (though it was probably the frustration of missing twice in a row speaking).

And regardless, they dispatched all ants without anyone being injured (almost? Kinda? That thing Shiori did at the end was wierd. And Congming had done stuff, but had yet to pull out a weapon. ...the team was full of wierd), so it was good.

"Well, this makes four out of five." Tsugiharu said, crouching down and starting to carve the ant's boy with surgical precision to extract the soul gem. "We make a good team."

2019-05-10, 11:52 AM
"Well, that was interesting. Doesn't even seem that any of you were so much as scratched..."

Congming looks to Shiori with a shrug. "Well, almost without a scratch. Looks like it's already better though," he says somewhat smugly as he indicates the insignificant damage Shiori took from that last ant bite as the faint blue glow fades away from it, revealing perfectly healed skin.

With another shrug, Congming begins to loot the bodies, searching for any useful components.

Whichever of these are relevant.
[roll0] - Attempting to find/harvest any useful alchemical reagents.
If needed:

General loot checks.

2019-05-10, 11:19 PM
"They're not all that much of a threat, I think."

Izuka had made it back to the group with his prize, and he tossed it into their midst; the carcass from his kill.

"We got a perfect catch, each of them slain. And we also have their game which they killed. So we can design some sort of trick where the carcass is made for bait."

2019-05-11, 12:11 PM
Kotetsu seems a bit perturbed that she came so close to being struck, and after gently sheathing her blade she runs a hand over her short-shorn hair in a sheepish motion.

"I was careless back there; thank you for aiding me," she bows her head slightly towards Shiori, though she doesn't lower her eyes. She fidgets pensively; the ants are not stage mechanics or blocking dummies rigged to strike at her, these are very real and dangerous threats. Not that she voices this aloud but her body language seems to imply she's learning something today.

"So... do we pry the part out of their corpse we need? Oh--if we're going to use that...animal as bait we'd best move it away from here lest more ants can smell their dead brethren."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-05-15, 11:31 AM
"Sensei said they eat their dead, too. But even if they have a keen smell, I'm not sure a single corpse will do much as bait..."

But, of course, neither was he sure they weren't smart enough to suspect an ambush. And they'd have no control on the number of ants.

"I don't know." Tsugiharu said, with a shake of the head. In a way, he was glad he hadn't proposed the bait idea back when he'd thought about it, since he'd be pointing down the holes in his own idea. "Does anyone have hunting experience? We'd need to find a good place, or it'd end up being a waste of time."

2019-05-16, 12:15 AM
Producing a small flask from within his ring, Congming extracts acid from the glands of the solider, excited by the prospect of harvesting materials in the field.

"Alternatively, we could just head towards a nest. There will be more ants near the nest for certain, and moving closer could speed things up quite a bit," offers Congming as he stares in the direction the ants were carrying their kill.

2019-05-19, 07:47 PM
Led by Izkuka, tidying up the battlefield went smoothly. While some at the academy were already giving him a hard time for his origins, his experience outside the city walls proved useful here. The former farm boy arranged the fallen ants and their prize as one big smelly lure to draw in more ants, even cutting sections from the ants' foraged food and dragging it up and down the nearby trails to spread the scent further.

The lure worked splendidly and the team was able to pick off several more foraging ants, drawn in to investigate the scent but fallen upon by the aspiring hunters. But this tactic had a limit, for whether it was due to growing wise to the trap or the area being hunted clean, fewer and fewer ants were drawn in as the day wore on. By midday, having totaled another dozen soul gems, the team was forced to concede they needed to move on to new hunting grounds.

It didn't take them long to encounter more slain ants as they progressed deeper into the valley; apparently their fellow students had also been having success. It just meant they needed to keep going to find an untapped area. As they traveled clouds started to roll in; not the black ones promising thunder and fury, but the solid sheets that didn't promise rain but still hid the sun. They turned the already shady forest into something like twilight.

It was Tsugiharu that heard it first. A thrashing in the underbrush behind the party. Some large animal was crashing through the forest somewhere behind them and to the side, drawing nearer. From the sound of it it would cross the trail somewhere behind them. One by one the others started to pick it up too. But something was off. Either it was really big and didn't care how much noise it made, or...


...it was another student.

2019-05-19, 10:47 PM
Shiori has drifted back and forth during the battles with the Ants, providing support whenever he can. He is simply astounded at their good fortune; everything seems to be going... well.

A scream of terror, therefore, is much more in line with his prior expectations. Oh, there it is," he says with a sigh of resignation. He turns towards the screaming and crashing and begins to trudge in that direction. "No use trying to get away from it; it'll just follow us if we do," he continues offhandedly to the rest of the group.

Perception to see if Shiori can learn anything more about the situation with the crashing student: [roll0]

2019-05-19, 11:44 PM
Izuka wheels about and pauses, frozen in time until Shiori moves and speaks. Then he nods, wheels his staff from its sling, and barrels into the brush with his incredible strength.

"Where are you, classmate?!"

Hyperbolic sine
2019-05-20, 04:34 AM
Tsugiharu didn't react immediately to the movements in the underbrush, to fool the ambusher into thinking it hadn't been detected yet - it soon became clear, however, that it was no ambush. The rational part of his mind told him that, not knowing what was chasing the student (surely it couldn't be a single ant), they should approach carefully, even if that meant arriving too late; on the other hand, how could he willingly leave someone to die, especially when there wasn't really anything preventing his intervention?

Besides, the others were already on the move. Throwing caution to the wind - meaning, of course, trading some stealth for speed - he followed after Izuka, weaving from cover to cover and blinking through obstacles.

Activate Veiled Moon Style.
Stealth (@-5 for full speed) [roll0].
Perception [roll1].

2019-05-20, 06:07 AM
Kotetsu seems... oddly, almost disturbingly indifferent to the cries for help as her ears make an odd little twitching motion. Though it was a big outdoors place, she seems a little surprised at all that they didn't encounter any of the other students until now... And she's been trained to recognize stage cues. It may not reflect well on her, but her first inclination is to keep her guard up and suspect this is a trick...

She takes a long, deep breath, "Boys, don't be too hasty. We need to form up to deal with this," she chides before attempting stealth herself.

She may not be an actress but she knows alot of stories where the hero's journey has stumbling blocks or humiliations at the start:
Sense Motive against the cries/set up to see if this is a trap- [roll0]
Also stealth in general: [roll1]

Maneuvers prepared:
x2 Mizuchi
Aerial Leap
Crawling Ivy Strike
Swift Stride
Stance: Phantasmal Blade Stance

2019-05-20, 03:40 PM
"Of course this was going to happen," sighs Congming. "I suppose we'd better get moving if we're going to intervene."

He starts heading quickly in the direction of the noise at a slight angle to try to intercept them, only glancing over his shoulder once to see if anyone follows.

2019-05-20, 09:23 PM
Alerted by their classmate's cries, it wasn't long before they caught glimpses of the fleeing student. Tanaka Nezu had been at least somewhat memorable during the past week, as he'd demonstrated a confidence bordering on arrogance with his bow. That attitude was nowhere in sight as he fled for his life through the underbrush, his modest shirt battered and torn in several places to reveal the armored shirt beneath - and blood in a few places the armor hadn't protected him.

It took a few more moments to follow his line of sight back to the monster (https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/012/927/866/large/ng-hanyang-bat-monster.jpg?1537226029)he fled from. There it was, gliding through the trees to latch on to the thick tree behind him and gathering itself to leap after its prey.

Izuka [roll0]
Congming [roll2]
Kotetsu [roll3]
Shiori [roll4]
Nezu [roll5]
Monster [roll6]
The creature known as a Hanyangi, and its considered quite dangerous. They're ferocious carnivores with powerful claws and sharp senses. Like the oversized bats they resemble, they have sensitive ears and noses and make up for their lack of eyes with both Scent and Blindsight (via constant echolocation). They also possess an ability to fire a concentrated burst of sound to temporarily stun their prey, although they need a few seconds between bursts. Although encountering one here is a bit strange, as they're generally known to dwell in caves.

In fact, its very unusual to encounter the Hanyangi above ground. Although it isn't impossible for them to come to the surface, they live in the cave complexes deep under the mountains. Its also unusual to encounter them alone, as they live in large groups - its one of the reasons they're considered so dangerous. A colony will consist of between 20-30 of the creatures. While they are known to hunt in family units, they will return to the colony to rest. And although this creature is about the same size as an adult man, Hanyangi adults are half again as tall as this one.

Izuka, Tsugiharu, & Kotetsu are on Turn
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)

2019-05-20, 10:29 PM
Adarata paused for just a moment when he heard Kotetsu. He looked at her with a furrowed brow.

Then Naoko's screams took his attention again. As Izuka laid his eyes on the monstrosity in the woods, his hesitation was no more.

"Another student is in all that danger!"

His legs carried him even faster than before, and in no time Adarata found himself on the scene of the attack. His mighty running jump took him so far that he landed himself between his classmate and the beast, and he groaned.

"What a monster."

Gripping his weapon in both hands, he shouted a quick "Keep running!" over his shoulder and then reasserted his fighting stance.

Free Action: Prepare Leaping Dragon.
Two Move Actions: Double Move, while drawing Quarterstaff, into T24.
Swift Action: As per the OOC, Leaping Dragon into X27 (or W27 if the line has to be perfectly straight).
Free Action: Apply Dodge to the monster.

Manoeuvres Readied: Leaping Dragon.

Current Stance: Outer Sphere Stance.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-05-21, 10:38 AM
Tsugiharu's eye twitched at the sight of the monstrous, well, monster. He had no idea what it was, but since it resembled a bat, he had to assume it possessed some kind of echolocation - there was no real drawback to try to remain stealthy anyway, so he did, but he wasn't really confident it'd be meaningful. Blinking through the vegetation in front of him, he kept running...though really, compared to Adarata, it was like he was leisurely walking.

Movex2: H7>K10>M10>Q14. Stealth (@-5 for full speed) [roll0].
EEDIT: Just for the records, I forgot to specify it earlier but the weaveblade was already drawn. Not that it matters, since it could be drawn this round anyway.

Active effects
Body of the Night, Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-05-23, 02:57 PM
Running as fast as humanly possible, Koutetsu hauls it, starting in a dead run and the moment before her feet would tread upon the overgrown terrain she leaps into the air, and then seems to kick off the sky itself. She's aiming for the closest tree in her path.

So, with a running start she gets +4 to this first check [roll0]

But not this second one, using Aerial Leap: [roll1]

Aiming for the tree at K11

2019-05-26, 08:47 PM
Nezu's eyes fill with hope the moment as Izuka bursts through the forest. That hope is dimmed when he realizes that its only Izuka and dashed when Izuka runs past him.

"Are you crazy?" He shouts as he passes by Izuka. "That's a Hanyangi! There's no way you can handle it alone! We need to run!"

But rather than keep sprinting, he spits something under his breath and skids to a halt, turning and knocking an arrow. He lets out a deep breath and the tip of the arrow he bursts into flame as he draws and looses the pot-shot at the creature. "Come on!"

Meanwhile, the bat creature peels its lips back from its fangs in an evil smile as more prey arrives. It launches itself from its perch and dives on Izuka, its terrible claws flashing as it plummets down on him.

So Kotetsu's goal is to climb the tree at K11 and then be able to jump from tree to tree. Kotetsu can move to K10 and jumps 4ft high with her first move action, then initiates Aerial Leap to jump 2ft higher. With a second move action she can climb the tree at 1/4 of her move speed (10ft), reaching the Understory in K10.

Cannot beat Tsugiharu's Stealth.
Move: to T27
Swift: Change Stance
Standard: Attack Hanyangi. . Hit On hit, [roll]1d8+1d6+1 7damage
Nezu has changed stances to Stance of Piercing Rays (lv 1 Solar Wind). Solar Wind is a common discipline for ranged weapon users. It is a widely known within the city and taught at the Academy.

Full Round: Dive on Izuka. Move to Y27 and attack with Claw: [roll1]. Crit Threat On hit, [roll2] damage.

In response to Hanyangi's Dive attack, Nezu Initiates a Counter. . On hit, half of [roll]1d8+1d6+5 3 damage. Hanyangi Fort DC 16: or have movement stopped at Z27. Hits, Hanyangi fails. Movement stopped at Z27

If movement is halted, use Sonic Screech. 30ft Cone. Izuka & Nezu (Fort [roll]1d20++ 18) take [roll5] damage and are Stunned for 1 round. Fort DC 17 halves the damage and negates the stun. This ability can be used again in [roll6] rounds. Nezu Resists

Nezu Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=23934821&postcount=70)
Nezu initiated Halting Arrow (Counter) (Falling Star).

All PCs are on turn

2019-05-26, 11:48 PM

When the sonic screech blasted him, Izuka went to his knees. His stick went to the dirt. He was defenseless, but again he looked over his shoulder to see Nezu.

"No, there's four more coming, better fighters than me. You don't got to stay here, classmate!"

Hyperbolic sine
2019-05-27, 03:59 AM
Tsugiharu winced as the sonic blast hit Adarata - a tree was blocking his sight, but he could feel it reverberating in his bones. He had to hurry.

"Ṣ̶͕̞͍͙͍̀̓̇͗̚p̵͍͍̼͇̖̹͔̌̍̔͛̚͝r̷̢̙̬̠̯̞̔̓́̆̍͡ͅi͐̓́̓̍͆ ̸̧̙̞͔͕̒̈́͢ñ̢̢͖̹̲̰̭́͒̋̆̃̑̿͘̚t̷̝̟̥͓̩̜̂̍͂̍̅̀̆́͝ " he whispered, dashing towards his left; roused by the command word, his boots lent him speed, but even then - and despite blinking right through some of the densest foliage - he barely reached his destination in time to attack before the monster could again.

But reach he did, and if he judged the distance correctly - even if hiding from supernatural senses wasn't something esily learned before spending some time at the academy, fighting demon beasts, the Kuroda had still laid the groundwork, and he knew that very rarely did such senses extend beyond five dozens of feet - he was in a position to spring a suprise attack on the beast: as he let loose his ki-infused chakram, all he had left to do was hope.

Swift: Activate Acrobat Boots, spending all three charges for +20 ft of speed this round.
Move: Q14>U14[T>]V13[T>]W13>Y13. Movement marked as [T>] is teleportation. Stealth (@-5 for full speed) [roll0] (unless I can keep that 30 :smalltongue:). Also draw the chakram.
If did my homework correctly, from the lower-right corner I have unobstructed LoS to all four corners of the target square, so no cover for the Hanyagi. Here's hoping its blindsight is only 60 feet...
Standard: Attack with Sting of the Asp (@-4 for distance) [roll1], +4 if flat-footed. On a hit:

Chakram [roll2];
Maneuver [roll3];
If flat-footed:
BotN [roll4];
DS [roll5]; Too far.
for a total of
8 (14 if flat-footed) slashing damage;
2 Strength damage, Fort DC 20 for half. On a failed save, 1d6 damage and 2 Strength damage next round.

Active effects
Body of the Night, Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-05-28, 01:15 AM
Too far away from the battle to do anything. Congming runs to I27.

Ongoing EffectsHydraulic Overdrive – Draw alchemical items as a free action. [Stance]
ManeuversAnimusGranted Brew Alchemy - 1st Staunching Strike - 1st Dismiss - 1st Iron Gaze - 1st6 (+1/round)
Options: Enhance Maneuver Increase DC Elemental Glyph (I)ExpendedWithheld Psychogenic Shield - 1st Devouring Page - 2ndGranted: [roll0]

2019-05-28, 04:58 PM
Shiori takes in the sight of the odd bat-creature with barely a change of expression, but his eyes widen in dismay as Adarta manages to run right out of reach of his collective and immediately be set upon by the foe. No wait--I can't protect you if-- He dashes forward, attempting to close the distance as quickly as he can.

Full Round: Double-move to O11.

2019-05-29, 10:17 PM
Amid the webs of branches and leaves, Koutetsu tries to throw caution to the wind and moves as fast as she can through the trees, having to try to make some hefty leaps in the process.

Part of her just really, practically screams to let out her true form, but the rest of her keeps a clamp on it. It's too early, too risky...and the boys barely know her.

[roll0] taking the -5 to try to move through as many tries as I can, gingerly trying to get to S16...

2019-05-30, 08:05 PM
Nezu glanced around wildly at the news that more students were on their way and hope blossomed again as he confirmed more students racing through the underbrush and a chakram sliced into the beast out of nowhere, drawing blood and a pained roar.

But even that wasn't enough to stop the beast, which was already back on its feet after being grounded by Nezu's earlier arrow. Nezu turned like he was about to take the defenseless Izuka's advice and keep running but hesitated. With a curse under his breath that perhaps only Izuka could hear he turned back. "You stay away from him!" he shouted at the monster as he knocked and loosed another arrow.

Undeterred, the Hanyangi surged forward, massive claws outstretched. This time it would not be denied it's prey's blood!

...except that as its claws scythed down on its hapless prey, Nezu released another arrow right into the monster's path, forcing the creature to break of its attack once again!

Move: -
Standard: Attack Hanyangi initiating Called Shot. Using Deadly Aim. [roll0]. On hit, [roll1] damage + [roll2] fire damage. Miss

Move: to Y27
Standard: Attack Izuka with Claw [roll3]. On hit, [roll4] damage. Hit, but...
If Hanyangi's attack hits, Nezu will initiate Intercepting Shade. [roll5] vs Hanyangi's attack roll. On success, attack is nullified. Attack is Nullified

End of turn: [roll6] damage from Tsugiharu's Sting of the Asp

Called Shot is a Falling Star maneuver. Falling Star is not a commonly known discipline
Intercepting Shade is a Solar Wind maneuver. Solar Wind is a widely known and used discipline among ranged weapon users.
Falling Star can actually refer to 4 distinct Disciplines, each practiced by a different Clan that all claim to be descended from the hero Gojo Sabaru. Each claims to be the True inheritors of the Falling Star discipline, and compete fiercely with the others.

PCs are On Turn

Hyperbolic sine
2019-05-31, 03:51 AM
A martial adept should never rely on hope, but it looked like this time it worked out. Unfortunately, Tsugiharu no longer had a clear view of the beast, which moreover had engaged Adarata; ranged combat not being an option any longer, he dashed towards the Hanyangi.

Move x2: Y13>Z14>Z24.

Knowledge (Martial) DC 11 [roll0].

Active effects
Body of the Night, Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-06-01, 03:24 AM
Back to his senses, Adarata wedged a foot under his fighting stick and kicked it up into his hands. His rise to face the beast was complete just as the beast's next blow was foiled. The boy stood still for just a precious moment, defiantly holding his ground against the monster, and then he whirled into action. Before, his attacks had demonstrated an impressive degree of strength. This time he was fast. At once he went to slam an end of his staff into one of the Hanyangi's terrible fangs, and then he was on the other side, striking its open mouth again with the other end of the weapon.

"Ha! Hyahh!"

Last Turn: I should have still readied a manoeuvre from movement, let's say it was Swift Claws.

Move Action: Retrieve Quarterstaff.
Standard Action: Swift Claws on Hanyangi, allowing me to attack twice. Attack [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning damage, and then Attack [roll2] for [roll3] bludgeoning damage.
Free Action: Re-apply Dodge to the Hanyangi.

Current Stance: Outer Sphere.
Manoeuvres Readied: None.

2019-06-02, 01:45 AM
With a clear line of sight, Congming uses Iron Gaze [roll0]

Congming then moves to N27 twists his fingers into several well practiced patterns, and chants under his breath. An invisible wall of force flashes into being through his use of Psychogenic Shield, forming an impenetrable barrier on the edge of T27 between the best and its prey.

Actions: Swift: Iron Gaze. Assuming the Hanyangi has 16 or fewer HD, Congming gains +2 on attack rolls against it for the next 3 rounds. Move: Move to N27 Standard: Psychogenic Shield between T27 and U27
Ongoing EffectsHydraulic Overdrive – Draw alchemical items as a free action. [Stance]
Iron Gaze – +2 attack vs the Hanyangi [3 rounds]
ManeuversAnimusGranted Brew Alchemy - 1st Staunching Strike - 1st Dismiss - 1st8 (+1/round)
Options: Enhance Maneuver Increase DC Elemental Glyph (I)Expended Psychogenic Shield - 1st Iron Gaze - 1stWithheld Devouring Page - 2ndGranted: [roll1]

2019-06-04, 02:49 PM
Shiori continued to run towards the bat-thing. Almost... almost... there! The slight young man suddenly stops dead.

Adarata hears a familiar mental knock, while Nezu would hear the knock for the first time. A moment later, everyone would be mentally connected once again, with Nezu added to the mix. Could... could everyone stay a little closer? Re--er, running... isn't my strongest thing.

Move Action: Shift to Q16.

Standard Action: Add everyone who is currently not in Shiori's Collective back into his Collective. Shiori can have people in his Collective up to his Initiator bonus (Charisma) plus his maximum Zeal, and he doesn't count towards the maximum number in his own Collective. with Nezu, 5 people are in his Collectiv,e which is the max.

2019-06-05, 03:53 PM
Kotetsu wishes she could leap faster and farther, scrambling through the branches as fast as she dares, compensating for the lack of safety and routine of hire wire acts only as much as she trusts, trying to take one final flying leap towards the biggest tree closest to the monster. She hopes she's in time, still not daring to shift.

Acrobatics and Athletics check respectively to try to clear a leap towards X-23, in hopes that with my next turn I can..uh... X-23 this monster. :V Hope that joke doesn't curse my rolls"


2019-06-06, 09:43 PM
The hanyangi roared in pain and frustration as Nezu's arrow pierced its clawed hand. The creature snatched its arm back for the moment it took to clench its hand and snap the arrow shaft, which fell broken from the wound. Izuka's staff thrust exploited the moment and took the creature square in the jaw, snapping the monster's head back. But even wounded, the creature was still a fearsome opponent and it hopped backward out of range of Izuka's follow-up strike with inhuman quickness.

Despite the creature's ferocity moments before, it didn't charge forward immediately, instead growling menacingly as it circled the staff-wielding student. One ear flicked toward the approaching Tsugiharu like a radar dish before swiveling toward Kotetsu. The eyeless beast could tell more humans were closing in on it.

<Hey, I can hear you in my head! Wait, can you hear me too? Cool! I'm glad you all showed up, now we can take this thing down! I bet we'll get all kinds of extra credit for this!> Ah, yes. There was the bravado from earlier in the week.

Still, he matched the bravado with another arrow, smoothly drawn and fired in one motion.

The Hanyangi seemingly took the 'twang of the bowstring as some kind of signal and pounced on Izuka again with its terrible claws.

Free: happily use Congming's force wall as cover
Move: Activate Flanker's Gambit
Standard: Attack Hanyangi, Deadly Aim. [roll0]. On hit, [roll1] piercing and [roll2] fire damage, and recover 4 maneuvers, and Nezu is considered Flanking the Hanyangi. Hit

Free: 5ft step to X28
Standard: Attack Izuka with Claw. [roll3]. On hit, [roll4] damage. Hit

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit?usp=sharing)
PCs are On Turn

2019-06-06, 10:01 PM
The moment she sees that she's been spotted, Koutetsu just throws all caution to the wind--as well as herself! Literally she leaps out into space and then drops like a stone, face first at the creature, her hand locked firmly into place around her sword hilt. Suddenly, as she approaches what would be an assured death from either the ground or the monster, she starts to spin, and draws the sword--the momentum of her falling twirl backing it up.



Her ribbon of steel sings out as she slashes, and hopefully doesn't face plant in the process...

Burning Mizuchi for this charge


Skirmish Damage if either hit:

Acrobatics check to take half of any fall damage:

2019-06-06, 10:07 PM
Not quite close enough to--but I can still--

The odd doubling appears again, reality strangely warping and superimposing the image of Shiori over Adarata as the claws flash down. A few seconds later the image fades, leaving Adarata unscathed by the bat-creature's claws.

Pressing his left hand over the long, shallow gashes on his right forearm, Shiori continues to sprint forwards, finally getting close to range with the creature attacking the rest of his team.

Free Action: Use Martyrdom to redirect all 10 points of damage from Adarata to Shiori. Spending no Power Points, so Shiori takes the full 10 damage himself.

Full Round: Double move to V25.

2019-06-07, 12:43 AM
Adarata paused as the Hanyangi's attack washed over him, looking over his shoulder into the woods again. The look on his face said fear and confusion - more fear, and more confusion, than he seemed to feel about fighting the beast. Even so, he turned his attention back to the task! Every ally that arrived on the field was another ox on his plough against the Hanyangi, and the fight wasn't a death wish like it had been a few moments ago. With a graceful flip, he retreated quickly from the monster's claws, turning around to leave Kotetsu...but it was not as it seemed! Switching back from speed to strength, the farmboy jumped and rolled his way up the forest trees, turned back around, and now lunged at the monster from above and with a running start.


Swift Action: Change stance to Momentum.
Move Action: Tumble [roll0] out of the Hanyangi's reach. If successful, Adarata is going to do 30 feet worth of Parkour and then end in the space that he started in. If Tumble fails then I will choose not to move rather than take the attack (I think I can do that?).
Standard Action: Attack with Quarterstaff, Power Attack 2, Flanking. Attack [roll1] for [roll2] bludgeoning damage.

Current Stance: Momentum (+1).
Manoeuvres Readied: None.
Distance this Round: 30 feet if Tumble succeeds.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-06-07, 02:00 AM
Tsugiharu pondered for a moment whether he should say somethin to Nezu, but decided against it. Still a better attitude to have than if he had just fled.

Appearing besides Adarata with a "You ok?", his arm weirdly bent, he unleashed a quick - but potentially very vicious - jab aimed at the creature's vulnerable armpit.

Move: Z24>Y72
Standard: Attack with Hunting Serpent Blow. Heal [roll0] vs AC, flat-footed on a success. Attack at (@+2 for flanking) [roll1], crit on 27+, +4 if flat-footed, -2 if Heal failed. On a hit:

Waveblade [roll2];
If flat-footed:
Maneuver [roll3];
BotN [roll4];
DS [roll5];
for a total of
11 (28 if flat-footed) piercing damage.
Swift: Switch to Leaping Spirit Dance.

Active effects
Leaping Spirit Dance (+2 AC, +2 Ref), Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-06-07, 01:37 PM
"Beloved mother, heed my call. Protect your children. Grant your caress."

Congming moves to T28, shifting stances in the process, and sending a surge of energy into the Hanyangi. If the attack hits, Congming directs 8 points of healing to the most injured person.

Ranged Touch: [roll0] - [roll1]

Actions: Swift: Shift stances to Spoils of War Move: Move to T28 Standard: Staunching Strike, using 1 animus to Enhance Maneuver for +2 Attack.
Ongoing EffectsSpoils of War – Allies within 30 feet heal 4 hp when they hit with an attack, 1/round. [Stance]
Iron Gaze – +2 attack vs the Hanyangi [2 rounds]
ManeuversAnimusGranted Brew Alchemy - 1st Dismiss - 1st8 (+1/round)
Options: Enhance Maneuver Increase DC Elemental Glyph (I)Expended Staunching Strike - 1st Psychogenic Shield - 1st Iron Gaze - 1stWithheld Recover Maneuvers and Reset

2019-06-07, 02:56 PM
The Hanyangi seemed to hesitate for the briefest of moments as its claws slashed into the unexpected resistance of Shiori's projection, but it wasn't enough to drive the beast away.

Kotetsu leaped in from the trees like a thunderbolt, summersaulting over the creature and slashing with lightning speed as she passed. Her blades bit deep, carving wounds that bled freely. The bat creature lurched forward and screamed, spittle flying while Izuka dashed away, only to double back and take advantage of the opening to launch a heavy thrust with the end of his staff. However, even wounded as the creature was it managed to twist aside from the thrust...

Right into the waiting sword of Tsugiharu, appearing at Izuka's side by teleportation. But whether by chance or fate, the young assassin's strike was just a little bit off. The blade didn't strike square and failed to pierce the Hanyangi's thick hide, sliding aside harmlessly.

Rizban's energy bolt had no such problem, striking the monster true. The energy slammed into the creature and drove it to its knees, coughing blood all over the forest floor. The energy bolt shattered into a dozen pieces which seemed to rebound to Izuka. Rather than slamming into him, they enveloped him and his wounds seemed to feel less painful.

The monster tried to rise but immediately collapsed again, spewing more blood. The collective pummelling and wounds it had taken in its frenzy finally catching up to it. But if any of the assembled students had any pity for the creature, Nezu had none and loosed another arrow. <Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!>

Swift: Initiate Eye of the Needle
Standard: Attack Hanyangi with Called Shot, DA. [roll0]. On hit, [roll1] piercing and [roll2] fire damage.
Move: Why ruin a good position?

The arrow found its mark, sinking deep into the creature's chest where its heart should be. The Hanyangi's ceased its struggles and collapsed entirely. The demon beast made one last weak attempt to rise, but its efforts slowed and stopped.

Battle over! All PCs gain 1 VP

2019-06-07, 03:15 PM
Shiori stops his headlong rush as he sees the bat creature die. That went... well... again. Wow. Huh.

He remains silent for a long moment more, idly ripping part of his shirt into strips to bind the shallow gashes on his arm and stop the bleeding. I wonder if its soul will still be angry with us... or maybe hungry? Was it hungry in the first place? Killing it might just make it hungrier, he muses silently in the shared mental space.

2019-06-07, 06:37 PM
Adarata swiftly re-sheathed his stick at the fall of the monster, distracted but not knocked off-guard by Congming's golden lights. He stared straight ahead for a second, breathing heavily, before looking to Tsugiharu with red eyes.

"It's alright, yes, it's all alright, go and check on that bowman!"

He jogged away from it all and over to Shiori, where he pressed into the cover of the vegetation with him.

"You took my injuries away. Onto yourself."

He wasn't exhausted, but he was still breathing heavily. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Why would you do that?"

2019-06-07, 07:00 PM
Shiori looks up at Adarata in surprise, confusion written on his face. After a moment, his expression clears, and he puts his right hand on the other boy's shoulder, meeting his eyes for the first time. "It's what I'm here for." His expression flickers, his smile growing sad. His eyes flick down and away mere moments after meeting Adarata's gaze. "It's all I'm here for, as long as I can. So... try to stay in the Collective, okay? I'll--I'll get faster, so that I can keep close enough."

Dropping his hand from the other boys shoulder, he turns and wanders off without another word, almost as though he'd forgotten the conversation entirely.

2019-06-07, 08:48 PM
Adarata was frozen for a moment as Shiori floated away. He spoke again, but not before there was nobody left in ear-shot.

"But I'm just a..."

Still frozen. He quietly raised his hands, staring into his own thick, calloused worker's palms.


2019-06-07, 10:02 PM
Congming turns to Nezu with an appraising eye.

"How did you end up in a situation like this? Fighting creatures like this one is not the assignment. Where is the rest of your team?"

Looking him over, he takes note of the significant injuries.

"Hmm. You're quite injured. I have an item that can heal you, but... it's one time use... and expensive."

If needed... [roll0]

2019-06-08, 07:25 AM
Straightening up, Koutetsu prods the monster with her sword, in particular around the neck before flicking her blade free of blood. Well... most of the blood; a glance at the blade and subsequent wiping with a rag reveals that trick doesn't actually work as well as she'd hoped.

"Yes, where are the rest of your group? Are they hurt? Trapped? Stuck somewhere?"

She asks this while studying the corpse, wondering where to cut in order to get any orbs from it.

[roll0] Knowledge nature on where to harvest the monster orb...

Hyperbolic sine
2019-06-09, 04:34 AM
Tsugiharu watched Adarata bring Shiori aside, pretty sure that he wasn't alright. But it probably wouldn't do to meddle, so he went to retrieve his chakram before approaching Nezu in silence, waiting for his answers.

...at the very least his attitude meant no one was dead. Right?

2019-06-09, 08:59 AM
Nezu pumped a fist in a victory dance when the creature died, seemingly oblivious to his own wounds. At least until the fist pump ended in a wince.

"Well," he answered with poorly concealed embarrassment, "I'm not really sure where they are right now. We ambushed a few ants together totally crushed them. It wasn't even worth calling it a fight. So we did that a few more times, but then we got the idea that since the ants were just so easy to take down that we'd split up. Hey! It wasn't like anyone needed help fighting them. We'd could cover more ground, gather a ton of soul gems, and meet up again at the end of the day before we head back."

Money aside, gathering more soul gems than any other team would make for good bragging rights and maybe get some recognition.
"So, after we split up, I started following the ant trails. I caught a few more," he said with a quick grin, "but there were so many trails around that I figured I had to be getting close to a hive. So next ant I saw, wounded it and let it escape so I could follow it back to the hive. It worked perfectly."

"So I get to hive. But instead of buzzing with ants, there were a bunch of hanyangi slaughtering the hive. So I did what anyone would do and took cover to keep watch on the situation."

While not an inaccurate description of his actions, the slight hitch in his voice gives you the impression that "I hid for my life" is probably more accurate to his motive.
"The way the ants were trying to flee the hive, I figure the colony must have opened a tunnel into the caves below. Hanyangi probably came up through there. Anyway, once they finished they started screeching at each other. The adult claimed the hive and started eating, and the four young all wandered off into the forest. Once they left I snuck away. I figured I'd get some help, but I crossed paths with that guy first," he said, nodding at the dead hanyangi.

"And well, you know the rest."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-06-09, 09:36 AM
Liar liar, shooting arrows on fire. Minimum Sense Motive check result is 7.

"I guess now you know why splitting up doesn't really work." Tsugiharu let escape, glancing at the dead hanyangi that was apparently only a "weak" young; he wasn't really speaking Nezu, but he probably didn't spoke quietly enough not to be heard.

"So what now?" he asked, this time actually addressing the boy. He didn't really want to leave him alone in the forest, obviously, but he wasn't really keen on having to split soul gems six-ways until they could dump him to someone from his original group, and maybe having issues arise on which group those gems actually belonged to.

And, maybe, a tiiiiiiiny part of him just felt that Nezu's bravado would be a pain in the neck. Anyway, better to let the guy himself make the first move.

2019-06-09, 06:14 PM
Now, Kotetsu has pulled out a simple wooden handled knife from the back of her sash and cuts into the Hanyangi. Her face makes a few grimaces and looks of sheer disgust-- she's obviously not used to what she's doing, but the girl has shown again and again how determined she is and she keeps to her task.


With a squelch, she removes the thing's Soul gem and hastily grabs for the rag she cleaned her sword with, getting as much (but not enough) gore off her hands and effects with it, speaking with nary a quiver in her voice once the reward is in her hands. And then, with utter brazenness, she tugs down her scarf and stuffs the gem down around the bust of her clothing. Presumably it's secure...

"Now? We should head back, or at least get out of here. If what he says is true, there may be more of these things afoot and it was trouble enough to kill one. Did your team have a rendezvous spot picked out? If not, we head back to the proctors and alert them that one team has split up."

Something seems to have changed in her demeanor; Kotetsu doesn't seem concerned with Nezu's teammates any more after spending more time with just him, or she's learned to prioritize...

"I intend to see that the six of us get credit for that gem, but I cannot say who should get to keep it at the end of the day. We all had a hand in slaying the beast, after all."

Kotetsu passes the Sense motive and given the guy's previous bravado... she just doesn't trust him.

I'm still rolling sense motive, though in case she can get a feel for him, to see if he'd try to actually steal the gem or take full credit given that he's clearly embellishing his story.


2019-06-10, 01:38 PM
Minimum Sense Motive of 11...

Slowly and obviously putting away the healing scroll he previously offered, Congming flatly states, "Well, since you're obviously quite good at at this, I guess you won't be needing the healing after all..."

He hesitates only briefly to see if the kid actually wants healed.

2019-06-11, 08:01 PM
"Hold on now, I can still fight, but if you're a healer that'd be awesome! I'd really appreciate it. I'm hoping I can join the medical class once they open up - I know some basic first aid, but nothing on the level of a healer and learning some of that seems like a really good idea right about now. If you're a healer then I'd be in your debt."

"Sounds good to me," he nodded to Kotetsu. "We all helped kill the beast, sounds fair that we all share the spoils."

He shook his head at the mention of a rendezvous. "We have a meet-up place, but none of them are going to be there till the end of the day. They don't know those the hanyangi are out there - they'll be in danger if the hanyangi find them. And speaking of fighting the hanyangi alone, can I join your team for now? You've seen me fight - I can carry my weight."

"It'll take too long to get all the way back to Sensei - those things are in the forest right now. They might find our classmates before we can return with Sensei. Or worse, that adult might go back through the tunnel it came from and tell its pack about this valley. We need to find them and warn the other teams. That, or I don't suppose any of you might be able to collapse that tunnel? That might be another option. The ones already out there are bad enough, I'm not crazy about more of those things pouring into the valley. The whole valley might be overrun."

2019-06-11, 08:16 PM
Unfurling the small scroll, "I'm not opposed to healing you, but these aren't cheap. And using it on you means I don't have it to use on my teammates. If we're talking debt, then know it's not just the price of the scroll I'm risking here."

Congming slaps the ofuda on Nezu's chest and mumbles a chant, hopefully causing the text to activate.

[roll0] (DC23) - [roll1]

If that doesn't work, he repeats the chant a few times.
[roll2] (DC23)
[roll3] (DC23)
[roll4] (DC23)
[roll5] (DC23)
[roll6] (DC23)

2019-06-11, 11:14 PM
"Yes, Nezu, you have to join our group! Actually, that's how we can solve all of this!"

Adarata's voice came from nowhere. He'd quickly jogged over to the group, apparently stirred from his musings.

"I don't remember how long an adult Hanyangi feeds for or how long it will take for more of its colony to arrive, but I'm pretty sure those two things don't happen very fast. So the tunnels aren't an immediate danger, but the young Hanyangi definitely are, especially if there's lone students roaming around. To protect all of our classmates we should go looking for them. But once we find them, we can convince them to join our group as well. Anybody who's travelling in a big group with us will be very safe against the monsters, and we'll be safer too. But also, if we have a large unit of people who can fight, we'll be able to go and confront the adult beast. So if you think about it, time spent dealing with the adult is more time for the young to hunt our friends, but time spent looking for our friends doesn't make the problem of the adult any worse, because we'll get more fighters to balance out any more young that come from the colony."

He scratched his head.

"...I think that's the right of it, anyway. We should at least find all of Nezu's friends, and then I think we'd be in a good position to go and deal with the problem in the tunnels."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-06-12, 03:16 AM

Tsugiharu was thinking on what to do, and so he didn't react in time to Congming using a valuable scroll. "-t. Er, I have some healing supplies." he said, pulling out an ointment from one of his many pockets. Perhaps he should have said from the beginning that he was a decent healer...well, hopefully Congming would forgive him.

He beckoned Shiori to come over. "Let me see those bruises." he asked, beginning the treatment with precise though pondered movements - betraying good knowledge yet lack of practice. "Well, that seems like a good plan." he replied to Adarata's proposal mid-treatment; he wasn't thrilled at completely derailing their task, but they very well couldn't leave people to die. Then, tended to his roomate's remaining wounds, and after that Nezu's, completing the scroll's work.

Taking 10 for 20 Heal. That should heal all 10 points of Shiori's damage over 5 rounds. Then 2 rounds to heal Adarata's 4 points of damage, and then up to 6 go to Nezu.

2019-06-17, 03:58 PM
Kotetsu shakes her head.

"I don't disagree that we should warn the others but I'm not sure about banding all together in one big group. Maybe there's safety in numbers there, but I don't want to see a bunch of kids like us all bunched up. The Adult Hanayagi could notice us all and just drop on top of us and people would definitely get hurt even if we could all form up and kill the thing."

2019-06-17, 06:54 PM
"Yeah, I agr..."

Izuka's response seemed automatic, but he cut himself off halfway through. There was that distress in his face again.


He looked at Nezu, and Nezu's many patched injuries. The sight made him clench his teeth and his fists. Then his eyes went back to Kotetsu.

"...hang on. If we know where the adult is and that it will not move for a while, and we know that there will be signs in the natural environment that will make it easy to avoid that location, isn't it really unlikely that it will prey on us before we choose to take it on?"

He paused again, fighting himself behind his eyes. But then...

"Also, if we're already planning on defeating the monster to collapse the tunnels, and we're planning on having extra students so that we can face the monster and its backup from the tunnels at the same time, and we know that this monster doesn't hunt or share with its young, then isn't getting attacked by the monster really good for our goals? We're gonna fight it anyway. But that way, it won't have any extra hanyangi with it, but we will have our extra students. Isn't that all just a very convenient and desirable outcome which would be a very likely safe victory for us, if we provide that we were gonna take it on alone anyway, which we have to do in your version of it?"

2019-06-19, 10:24 PM
Nezu's wounds started to knit together in a flash under the light of Congming's healing scroll. The healing light faded as quick as it had arrived, leaving the student's wounds not entirely healed but far less painful. He gave a quick bow to Congming with a grateful smile. "I understand. I swear I'll..." he trailed off when Tsugiharu revealed his own healing kit.

While Tsugiharu set about tending his teammates with obvious skill, Nezu cast Congming an oblique look. It wasn't hard to follow the boy's train of thought - with a trained healer in the party, Congming had no need to use such an expensive scroll to heal him. Had it just been a ploy to put him in Congming's debt? At last he offered Congming a terse nod. Regardless of the truth, he would repay Congming with an equal favor.

With the party in agreement and Tsugiharu having finished tending to the wounded, the party set off through the forest to hunt for the other students. The procession made its way down the trails with purpose, eating up the distance. Their search didn't take long - maybe 15 minutes later a shout rang out from somewhere ahead of them - it too far away to make out much from the intermingled battlecries, but clearly more students were under attack!

The group rushed ahead and the sounds of combat got louder as they approached. And the battlecries were starting to sound somewhat familiar just as the forest abruptly opened up into a clearing...

...and the party was greeted by the CRACK of a Tetsubo smashing in the last ant's head. The lifeless ant toppled to the ground and Namba Benjiro howled in victory.

And he wasn't alone. He and his group of cronies were all present, surrounding a small pile of 4 ant corpses. The group had apparently fallen on the ants and made short work of them. A few of them bore scratches but no serious wounds.

"Hey Bro, we got company!" called his brother Tatsuya from several feet away next to his own dead ant.

Benjiro followed his brother's line of sight to the newcomers and laughed at the sight of the new arrivals. It made for an uneasy contrast with the ant gore that had splattered onto his heavy armor. "What have we here? Not trying to poach our kill are you?"

2019-06-20, 12:05 AM
Adarata strode swiftly into the clearing, lowering the hand that had been on the haft of his weapon.

"I offended those two boys at the classroom," he muttered over his shoulder to the crew. "If we're going to make a group with them, I best not be the one to ask them. It might not be a good idea anyway. Of all the groups, I think they're pretty safe on their own."

Standing tall, he waved to the other boys.

"Benjiro! That's all of your own hunting, man, none of us would come to take any of it from you. But listen! There's been a big accident. Do you know the demon beasts, the hanyangi? A clan of them has broken into one of the ant colonies, and now there's a small pack roaming the forest. The young monsters can be beaten on their own, or maybe even in a pair, but it's on good chance that soon many of them will reach the surface and invade the woods. We've suspended our assignment to warn everybody about what's coming, and then we're going to try to block the monsters' tunnels off. What do you make of all of that?"

2019-06-21, 09:00 AM
Patting Adarata on the shoulder, the lone girl of the group walks up, addressing the brothers.

"Hardly. We stomped our own ants."

Kotetsu looks between the pair Benjiro and Tatsuya, their cronies, and Nezu.

" But we also encountered the offspring of a dangerous monster, but while we were able to dispatch it --thanks to Nezu's help leading it into a corner -- that leaves its siblings and parent lurking around here. We're trying to gather the students together for their safety."

She doesn't describe how hard the task was, but purposely paints Nezu's "help" as a positive rather than imply he was being chased by it. However, as Kotetsu is ever cautious, she carefully reads the brothers' expressions, hoping they have other plans...

[roll0] Diplomacy

[roll1] Sense motive on these guys. She isn't sure if they'll believe her, attack, or just laugh and walk away or otherwise antagonize them.

2019-06-21, 08:59 PM
"At the limit, can't add more, can't protect-- too many already--I'm at--"

Shiori is muttering quietly to himself, walking slightly behind the rest of the group. He seems mostly unaware of the area around them, casting nervous glances around that seem to see nothing before staring back down at his wringing hands. When they run into the second group of people, Shiori continues chattering very quietly, his words becoming slowly more spaced out and distracted.

"Here it is, another group--too, too many, and group that didn't like main people... don't like... attitudes... hostile. Group is of noble status, considers main group of lesser status. Alliance only needs to be temporary, but hurt feelings could complicate later transactions. Secondary group is expendable. Okay."

Shiori nods to himself and steps forward, raising his voice. "As my teammate said--we're looking to ally ourselves with strong members of our class," he begins, his voice suddenly calm and confident--far calmer and far more confident than he has ever sounded before. "These monsters are dangerous--all Demon Beasts are, after all--but their Soul Gems are much more valuable as a result. And from what Nezu said about them, they're both numerous and probably wounded from fighting the Ants--plenty to go around, but still a worthy fight and definitely a way to distinguish ourselves as new Warriors."

Dangle the chance of glory and power in front of them, and imply that we can't handle it without their oh-so-generous help. Make our terms have a hint of servility, and they'll accept them as their due--without altering them or realizing the loopholes in them. Leave the grand nobles their honor--a diplomat seeks results first and foremost. Our honor is in coming out the best in every negotiation, whether our 'partners' realize it or not. It was one of many similar lessons taught to the young Shiori when he was still a part of the Ishikawa family, one lesson that remains burned in his brain despite all that came to break it afterwards.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Hyperbolic sine
2019-06-22, 04:50 AM
Oh, great.

Figures that the first they'd meet would be the most troublesome bunch.

Tsugiharu had receded to the back of the group as soon as the other students had come in sight, and there remained, leaving to the others the task of persuading Benjiro & Co; he knew he wasn't particularly charismatic, but, more importantly, it would be much easier to just keep silent than joining the conversation and the trying to stop himself before saying something bad for the diplomatic effort.

And even though he didn't engage them in conversation, he observed them, reaching out his ki to probe theirs.

Perception [roll0] and Sense Motives (@+4 from Ki) [roll1]

Ki 4/5.

2019-06-27, 11:26 PM
"I see. And so you sought me out for help fighting off these demon beasts," Benjiro nodded as Kotetsu and Izuka finished their explanations. "That was very wise of you. I and my companions will be glad to sweep aside these dangerous beasts that threaten our inexperienced classmates. And just as we carry out our obligation to destroy these monsters, I think its only fair that you show your gratitude for the danger we face on your behalf. But I am generous. I will only ask for half of the soul gems you carry. Surely such a small compensation is a small price to pay for your lives."

Tatsuya grounded the end of his tetsubo in the dirt and nodded along with his elder brother. "That's very noble of you, brother. I agree."

Another burly boy in their group - Nanba Daizu, you recall from classes - uneasily shifted his grip on the long mancatcher he carried. The leather armor he wore was much lighter and worn than the matching heavy lacquered armor that Benjiro and Tatsuya wore, but it well maintained and colored to match. He simply grunted in agreement to the proposal.

The two remaining members of Benjiro's group had busied themselves with the aftermath of ant battle. Asako Genji had dropped his worn greathammer and was busy harvesting soul gems from the fallen ants while whispering with Nanba Akiko. Her crossbow had been reloaded and placed at her side within easy reach while she was dressing a different ant.

"Hey, what's a hanyangi? I've never heard of them before. Are they something we can handle?" whispered Genji.

"Quiet Genji, the boss knows what he's doing," hissed Akiko. "You know he doesn't like being questioned and you already screwed up once today. Just do whatever he says for now."
...He really believes himself.

There are several insults in his response, not all of which you believe he's aware of. First, his comments about 'inexperienced' classmates include you, ie, he and his band are better than you. Second, he clearly believes in a version of noblesse oblige in which his group are nobles carrying out a responsibility to protect their social inferiors, and those social inferiors are in turn obligated to support those who would protect them. Not only is he calling you inferiors, he believes what he's asking is righteous and not extortion. Third, his comments about 'small compensation' indicate that he doubts you've collected many gems so far, which is a reflection of his perception of your skills.

All of which is to say, he's clearly willing to help for the right price and also seems to think the hanyangi, while beyond you, are no match for such an awesome warrior as himself (and his group). That perception will color his tactics appropriately.
Its really easy to figure out the group's tactics from their positioning and equipment alone. Benjiro, Tatsuya, and Genji all wield big, heavy 2 handed weapons that can inflict tremendous damage if they can connect. Daizu's equipment is more worn than either of the brothers', but the mancatcher he carries would be perfect for grabbing on to enemies from a distance and forcing them to the ground where the others can swing freely. Akiko has her crossbow beside her, but she seems rather fluent with the knife she's using on the ant. You also note a pair of tanglefoot bags hanging from her belt. It would be fair to say these tactics - disabling the enemy and letting the heavy hitters lay into them - could be brutally effective. It could also be fair to say that these tactics make Benjiro and Tatsuya stand out and look awesome.

2019-06-28, 07:09 AM
Izuka looked deadpan at Benjiro. For a second he was hesitating, but then he spoke, this time a lot less quietly than usual.

"Oh, you lot are a blasted pack of snakes! We've all had the same sorts of lessons, and we're all carrying the same kind of spark. Each group has about even chances of defeating the monsters. If we worked together, we could count them double. This is all the simple facts of the day. But you're asking us to risk being benighted - that's a doomed fate - as if we are hopeless without you."

"And you know all that business fully well, classmate. I'd thought to myself that maybe I was some sort of fool who disgraced myself in front of you. That I should make amends. But you're just a bad man, aren't you? If you and your brother 'are the wall' of this city, then I'm afraid we have a rotten foundation."

His gaze went to the rest of the opposed group.

"Are these Kaiu boys your champions? Do you all represent the same stance or not?"

Hyperbolic sine
2019-06-28, 11:05 AM
Tsugiharu advanced a step, putting a hand on Izuka's shoulder to hold him back (figuratevely speaking, of course, he wasn't putting any actual strength in it).

"Don't bother."

Benjiro was full of himself, and the people who followed someone like that, well, he didn't think they'd dare oppose him right in the open...a suspicion confirmed when he used his ki to heighten his hearing and eavesdrop on Asako and Nanba.

"We're wasting time, and we've still got a lot of other people to warn." he said, trying to dismantle at once both notions that they sought Benjiro out specifically and that they needed him at all. "Let them try their luck, it's not like there'll be anyone to see them flee if things get bad."

2019-06-28, 08:21 PM
"Yeah, you're right. Good man. You wouldn't believe what we do to folk who act like this in the fields, though."

Adarata took a step back.

"Forget it all. You have the information. The lot of you should go well against the monsters. We will not compensate you and we don't need your protection."

2019-06-29, 08:27 AM
Shiori narrows his eyes as the opposing party counters with an obviously outrageous proposal, followed by his party abandoning all pretense towards diplomacy. This transaction is ruined, but there is still the possibility of salvaging things for a later transaction. Smile sympathetically as you leave, and seem reluctant--

Shiori abruptly realizes that he doesn't care that much about the other group. He turns back to the others, settling his wooden shield more firmly onto his arm. Yes, we should keep moving--or is staying still better? No, moving is better; moving means you're already running when they come for you.

2019-07-04, 12:34 PM
Benjiro's face went increasingly red at the rebuttals, unable to believe such a reasonable request was being rejected. "Why you! You come to me for help and when I pledge it you mock me for it? Fine! But even so, I'll carry out my duty! Tell me where the Hanyangi are and I'll deal with them myself." Benjiro stabbed the end of his tetsubo into the earth to punctuate his declaration.

"We'll carry out our duty, bother!" Tatsuya echoed, slamming his own tetsubo in echo of his brother. His eyes swept the assembly, but settled Izuka. "But when this is over, I won't forget how you mock our clan. You best learn your place before I teach it to you, peasant."

"Do not quarrel while the wall is breached" Daizu offered humbly. It sounded like he was quoting a proverb.

Benjiro glared at Daizu, but the big youth only waited respectfully. Benjiro returned his glare to you instead. "I ask again. Where can we find the hanyangi?"

2019-07-04, 12:51 PM
Kotetsu looks between her own entourage and Benjiro's, looking entirely nonplussed about all of this. Hand not leaving her sword, she then gives Benjiro an even, silvery stare.

"Clans and status have no meaning as long as we're students, and the lot of you know it. Interpret all of this as you want, I can't stop you from being such a fool. But consider this: are the spoils my friends and I hold really comparable to the credit and accolades all of us together would get from defeating the mother hanayagi? You keep looking at the short term, and you'll miss the big picture. Quite the stage you'd be setting yourself up for in the future when school and learning are over."

She lets her words settle, wondering if any sense lies in their heads, looking ready to depart with the others.

She's shifting into her Iagoshi stance, treated as having quick draw.

[roll0] This diplomacy is just a shot in the dark; I doubt it will help.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-07-04, 01:17 PM
Tsugiharu was on the verge of letting out a venomous remark, but Kotetsu was quicker to reply...which was proably good, since she at least attempted to be diplomatic.

He shot the Kaiju b(r)others a blank look. "The young are roaming the forest. They'll find you, don't worry."

2019-07-05, 03:48 AM
"Aye, you're warned, and there's not any more to tell."

Adarata turned to walk away, slipping past Kotetsu as he did.

"Look now, they're bad men, and you should get out of market with them. If we connect fences with them, things will just be for the worse."

2019-07-09, 09:11 AM
Shiori looks back, unsurprised at their anger. "Oh, it was last seen that way," he responds, pointing in the vague direction of the Giant Ant hill. "Go that way until you hear screams, then follow those... probably." He goes to follow the others.

2019-07-10, 03:40 PM
Benjiro glared at Kotetsu as she started speaking and softened a bit as she continued. At least some of what she said seemed like it was getting through to him, although his gaze lingered on her sword as he replied with mildly more respect than he'd offered Izuka and Tsugiharu. "The academy may call us equal and give the peasants face, but when facing the demon beasts strength is all that matters. You well know that the beasts don't care about their prey's lineage. Play along with them if you like, but beware that a wall is only as strong as its weakest point. I hope your group does not collapse when it counts."

"Fear not, the only screams will be our victory shouts once these monsters are dealt with!" Tatsuya answered Shiori. "They don't stand a chance against us."

"Yeah, let's not waste any time. Genji!" Benjiro called over his shoulder. "Have you finished with the ants?"

"Yeah boss, we've got the gems. We're ready."

"Then we have hanyangi to kill." Benjiro gathered his group while the members of your group started to leave. You could hear them loudly tramping off in the direction Shiori had indicated while making your own way towards your classmates.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-07-11, 02:40 PM
"I'm not sure you should have pointed them in the right direction." Tsugiharu said to Shiori, once they were far enough from the other group, glancing back at the direction they went in.

Hope they don't die. They didn't really deserve that.

2019-07-11, 05:23 PM
Adarata shrugged.

"As much as they're a nasty collection, they were speaking just now like men with convictions. I don't think they'll do anything that's so terrible with the information."

2019-07-11, 06:06 PM
"They might die," Shiori replies with a shrug. "Then again, they probably won't. They don't seem terribly smart, but they might be smart enough to run away when the monsters come." Shiori keeps walking, then stops. "Or... if. If, right? Monsters don't always--Wait, wait, they're actually going to find monsters, so... when. When is right." Nodding happily to himself, Shiori begins walking again.

2019-07-16, 10:22 PM
"If you ask me, the Hanyangi might be doing us a favor," muttered Nezu. "Only reason he's so full of himself is he hasn't seen what those things can do. I bet that once he lays eyes on the thing he'll turn tail and run. Once we deal with it we'll see if he keeps spouting his nonsense."

The team had little more time to worry about the fate of Benjiro's party. Once more they wound their way through the forest in their bid to locate their classmates before the hanyangi did. This time it didn't take too long.

"Hello!" rang an elegant voice from ahead of them. The voice was matched by a young woman stepping from behind a tree out onto the trail. You immediately recognize her as your classmate Miya Saori. Over the last week she'd seemingly made a goal out of trying to introduce herself and have a conversation with everyone in the class, for better or worse. Today she wore a armor that covered her upper body completely, but made no effort to cover her arms or the light pink long sleeve shirt she wore underneath. The lower section of the chestplate gave way to a thick leather skirt with metal plates sewn in which ended just above the knee, exposing her red pants and sturdy boots. The longsword and shield she carried likewise had bright colors worked in.

"Its good to see you all! And Nezu, what a surprise! I thought we agreed to split up. Whats going on?"

"Don't tell me you ran into trouble? I thought Nezu the Great could handle half a dozen ants all on his own," The tall girl flanking Saori added drolly. In contrast to Saori, Asako Yumi had mostly kept to herself the first few days of class. Today she wore heavy, earthen colors that wouldn't have been all that out of place in the fields, although you could see a light chain armor peaking out from the collar. There was no mistaking the heavy scythe she carried for a field tool though - the weapon was visibly sturdier than any harvesting tool and the way she handled it spoke to a level of familiarity even at a glance.

This past week you've gotten a sense of unease any time you've been around Yumi. Its nothing you've been able to put your finger on and she certainly doesn't show the signs of a possession by them, but nonetheless it reminds you of the feeling you get while witnessing a nightmare in the dream realm, if 100x less potent.
The third girl, a bit farther back than the other two, just smiled impishly in Yumi's direction. Asako Nari's leathers bore the rising firebird emblem of the academy from which she'd borrowed them. The straight-sword that hung at her side had likely come from the same place. Nari had been plenty friendly with anyone who approached her the past week and excitedly volunteered answers in class, but each time the class broke out into weapon groups she'd joined a different group, each time giving an explanation about trying to find a style that fit her.

2019-07-16, 10:36 PM
When Yumi appears in front of the group, Shiori, who had been walking more or less in the middle of the group, immediately drops to the back, partially hiding behind the rest of the group. His pale grey eyes never leave Yumi, even as he cringes away from her, and he blinks... significantly less than a normal person usually does. Honestly, his eyes are stinging and drying out from the constant stare without blinking, but that's much better than looking away from anyone who has even the slightest chance of being related to one of them.

For fun, Knowledge (the Planes) Check to make a guess as to the possible source of his unease: [roll0]

Also for fun, Sense Motive Check because Shiori doesn't trust Yumi one solitary inch: [roll1]

Hyperbolic sine
2019-07-17, 03:41 AM
Tsugiharu smirked at Nezu's comment. It was nice to see Benjiro wasn't garnering much support.

He smirked again, though in a different way, once it became clear that the three girls were Nezu's hunting companions, since it shed a different light on exactly why he'd chosen to split up with them...

He briefly glanced at the retreating Shiori, then immediately decided that worrying about the guy's weird antics would be pointless, and returned his attention on the girls. "Great Nezu here..." he said, lightly patting the boy in question's back twice, "helped us defeat a hanyangi." He had no particular simpathy for Nezu's foolish decision, especially if it was made in order to impress the girls, so he probably deserved to be embarassed...but he decided to cut him some slack. "There's more roaming the forest, so we're going around to warn everyone, and maybe get everyone together to deal with the adult."

2019-07-17, 03:56 AM
Adarata automatically opened his mouth to negotiate, but happily shut up when Tsugiharu beat him to it. The second thing he went to do was to raise his foot and turn his head, like he was going to meet Shiori at the back of the group. That task didn't get completed either, as he stopped still and muttered an "ah, wait on."

Shiori, what's got about you? Is there another one here that's not worth alliance?

2019-07-17, 09:07 PM
"As Tsugiharu said, Nezu aided us in killing a young but brutal hanayagi. And while we were capable in dispatching it, the mother will take the combined skill of many students to bring down.... Benjiro and his bully retinue weren't keen on helping. I imagine we'll have to save them as well if they find the mother before an alliance of students do.

Rather than appear too threatening or standoff-ish, Kotetsu just tells the truth but she also purposely looks around. Presumably any of them would notice if another creature came crashing out of the woods, but following the Kaiu's ridiculous offer, she's letting herself be paranoid.

perception check to look/listen out for any skulkers:


2019-07-17, 10:06 PM
Shiori let out a giggle which he quickly strangled, his pained and wary expression at odds with the noise. Pot calling kettle. Maybe. Maybe? I don't know, he thinks to himself, keeping his thoughts from spilling over into the Collective thorough force of will. She might be, but I'm not sure. I'll need to report--maybe check her dreamscape to be safe, because she might be--but if she isn't, then it's pot calling kettle. Ha.

Izuku's question provokes a strained glance aside to him from Shiori, followed quickly by a rush of mental communication. No. Probably no. Definitely, probably, maybe? I mean no. Or--I can't. I can't, I can't, I can't I can'tIcan'tIcan't-- The mental communication breaks as Shiori takes a deep breath. Something. Okay? Something, something, something... is. Something is, and I can't, and, and, andand-- the answer is no. Probably no. Almost definitely maybe no.

2019-07-19, 04:14 PM
"Hey, don't look at me. Splitting up wasn't my idea in the first place. But yeah, we took down a hanyangi! That thing has count for like a hundred ants. You should join up with us so we can take the big one. Once we show Sensi it's gem, I bet she'll pass us on the spot!"

Nari raised one eyebrow. "Um. What's a hangyani?" she asked, both her and Saori glancing over at Yumi.

"Its hanyangi. Its a bat-like demon beast, but they're supposed to be 8 or 9 ft tall."

"So if its a young one..."

"Yeah, that might match the tracks we're following."


"Hard to say for sure. I've never seen one myself - they're supposed to live deep underground. They're more a problem for miners if the tunnels don't get cleared right."

"Interesting." Saori turned back to the group of you. "But that just raises the question: what are the they doing up here in the valley? This place is supposed to be protected by the academy. And let's say that we join up with you. You said there was an adult? Do you know how many there are or where to find them?"

You don't spot anyone eavesdropping, but you do spot a flash of movement in the trees ~120ft away. One of the hanyangi is hiding in the branches, waiting. It doesn't seem to have noticed you noticing it yet.
Actually, there are two of them. The second is a bit further back, but its also waiting quietly.

2019-07-19, 07:55 PM
"Nezu gave us his testimony. There was only one adult, and it sent off its young so that it could feed." Adarata stepped to the front with his information.

"A beast like that will feed for a while, and we know where it is. It is indeed a viable target of hunting, but it also doesn't represent as much immediate danger as the three patrolling young that we haven't encountered. That's why we haven't gone to encounter it yet, and in fact, Benjiro and his lads have gone ahead of us and they might have a good go at it without our hands in. We're making sure that all of our classmates are aware of the threat. The possibility of alliance is so that, if we have to face the adult, we will be especially well-prepared - the more time we spend looking for everybody, the fuller it gets, and the more likely that others from its colony will join it by crawling through the tunnels. But in your case, with an incomplete group, it's also very much for your safety. A group of five students has good odds to a young Hanyangi, but only three? It's not so safe."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-07-20, 03:33 AM
Tsugiharu didn't really know what to think of the girls being eager to follow the track of an unidentified beast. Though at this point maybe he was the overly cautious, odd one out.

He nodded along Adarata's words, then he caught movement with the corner of his eye; turning his head as little as possible, he focused in that direction and expanded his ki. What he found was much worse than he anticipated.

"Alright, listen." he said, a note of urgency in his tone. "They are strong with sharp claws, but they also can emit a screech powerful enough to batter and stun those in front of the beast. Multiple people engaging in melee shoould try for a cross or triangle encriclement, never stay too close to one another. Now, there are two young waiting to ambush us. Don't turn around, they'll probably attack as soon as they notice we've noticed. Get ready first."

2019-07-20, 09:05 AM
Shiori, watching the interaction between the two groups warily, hears something large moving stealthily nearby and believes Sugimoto when he says there are two. He takes in a deep breath, and his demeanor changes. "If you can, try to say within... about 60 feet of me," he says quietly, the words not matching the movement of his lips. He straightens up and crouches down at the same time, moving slightly back into the middle of the group while obviously staying in place. "I can help there. I can help a little bit more if you stay next to me."

Switching my stance to Unnatural Presence: Allies adjacent to me get +2 to AC, -1 to Will Saves.

Maneuvers Readied:
Body of Delusion (Sleeping Goddess)
Drowned Aggression (Infinite Shore)
Fear the Reaper (Eternal Guardian)
Harmony-Shattering Strike (Sleeping Goddess)

2019-07-21, 01:54 PM
"Yes... We should... Stick together. Very nearly. Prepared for everything."

Koutetsu's voice sounds rather stilted, to the point of being out of character but she hopes her body's poise gives it away. She's twisted her sword up to be held in place easier when she runs and if anyone gives her a look, she darts her eyes into the vague, general direction of what she saw.

"Like the subject of our alliance, just out of view." she grits her teeth.

Preparing an action of running like hell and trying to skirmish the monster if if comes crashing down on us.

Phantasmal Blade Stance

Mizuchi x3
Crawling Ivy Strike
Aerial leap

2019-07-24, 11:17 PM
Yumi broke out into an anticipatory, almost predatory smile at the warning while Nari was somewhere between skeptical and worried. She started to turn her head to look behind her but caught herself, snapping back to look rigidly ahead, take a deep breath, and look to Saori.

Saori had reacted to the news that there were hanyangis just out of sight by narrowing her eyes and furrowing her brow. "I agree, sticking together sounds like the best plan." She sounded like she was discussing a puzzle, not a pair of deadly demon beasts. "If they're that strong alone then they'll have the advantage if we split up."

"So we'll need to draw them in. Nezu, I know how great you are with that bow. Can you handle that part?"

"Sure! Easy enough."

"Quieter, please. You need to be natural."


"So that'll draw them in. You said they had some kind of screech pulse? We'll need to deal with that. Nari, can you shield us from that?"

"I... think so. Yeah, it should work as long as we stay together."

"Good. So Nezu draws them in, Nari shields us from any screeches, then we scatter and surround them... Yumi, do you think you can hold one of them off while the rest of us gang up on the other?"

"Yeah, I can bloody that monster up good. I'll buy you the time you need." She looked over at the rest of you. "Don't waste it."

"Good." She likewise looked to the rest of you. "Your team have fought one of these before. Anything you'd add?"

You catch a slight tremble from Saori - she's definitely nervous about fighting a pair of monsters that powerful, but she's doing an expert job of tamping down that nervousness and evaluating the situation calmly. Her interest in the situation as a strategy puzzle is totally genuine.
In fact, you're certain her calmness is an act for everyone's benefit. She's trying to diffuse any tension the group may be feeling by setting an example.

You're welcome to continue discussing or do other things before combat, but everyone give me your choice of a Bluff or Stealth check against [roll0] in order to not give away that you've noticed the hanyangi.

2019-07-24, 11:54 PM
"They can swoop on you, if you let them approach on their own terms." Looking at Tsugiharu to take notes from his body language, Adarata seamlessly pulled out his staff and stuck it in the dirt, leaning on it.

"A single blow could have put me in the grave if my guard was not up, and Nezu had not blessed me with his marksman's work. Once they're close, make sure they stay close, or they'll dash you against the stones and trees."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-07-25, 03:17 AM
Most of Tsugiharu's mental focus was dedicated to keep tabs on the hanyangis with his peripheral vision, yet he could not help but be impressed by Saori's attitude and leadership. She'd make for a good commander one day, for sure.

...he wasn't entirely sure about letting Yumi take on one of the beasts all by herself, but it didn't sound like they were underestimating the threat, and surely they'd know better then him their own capabilities. He couldn't care less about people who thought themselves above others like the Kaiju brothers, but this group he should probably endeavor to keep friendly ties with. Should anything happen in the future, it would certainly be a boon having them on his side.

"Well, there's no hiding from them if you get too close, but that's not relevant now." Not to the others, at least. "What else...they have a pretty tough skin, breastplate level I'd say, and they're not bad at dodging."

His fingers slowly crawled inside his weaveblade's knuckleguard.

I'll ready an action to move out of the way if they attack...just in case. Also activating Veiled Moon Style (unless doing so automatically invalidates the Stealth roll, obviously).

2019-07-26, 06:01 PM
Shiori tries to slowly and carefully ready his shield and flail, but his movements are jerky and disjointed--and only in part because of his stance. She is sent to fight one by herself? he thinks in surprise and no small amount of fear, struggling to keep the thought to himself. He glances again at Yumi, then quickly away, accidentally glancing over at the hanyangi in the trees as well. Need to find out, soon--soon. Or else this is the least of our worries.

2019-07-28, 02:30 PM
"They could kill you with a single swipe? Then we'll definitely need to stick together and support each other." Now, Saori had the kind of pretty voice that belonged onstage, not engaging in a life or death struggle in the wilds, but something changed about it. It became measured and assured. The kind of tone that inspired courage and confidence in anyone who could hear it.

"Nezu, can-" The temperature in the gathering abruptly plummeted. Seconds before it had been a warm day and now it felt something closer to winter. A layer of frost formed on the ground and crept up the trees, and the frozen ground already crunched beneath your feet. And the cold was centered on Nari.

"Nari! What are you doing!?" Yumi rounded on an embarrassed Nari. "You've given us away for sure!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Its just, all this talk of monsters, and danger, and they're right behind me but I can't even turn to look for them, and they almost killed him in a single swipe, and I felt my anima rising and I couldn't control it and it just came out!"

A terrifying screech cut through the forest as the Hanyangi burst into view, now clearly aware that they'd been spotted.

"What's done is done! Here they come!"

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)

Tsugiharu: [roll0]
Itzuka: [roll1]
Kotetsu: [roll2]
Shiori: [roll3]

NPC Students: [roll4]
Hanyangi: [roll5]

Nezu default stance; Stance of Piercing Rays
Saori default stance: Font of Inspiration. Allies within 30ft of Saori gain a +1 sacred bonus to all saves against Fear and Enchantment effects, strength checks, and attack and damage rolls.
Yumi's default stance Black Heron's Stance
Nari's default stance: Frozen Earth

I'm trying something new. Rather than me including Knowledge (Martial) data for each discipline the moment it gets used and reposting that information each round, I'm going to try something new. I'll post just the disciplines that are being used IC and post the lore in the OOC. Anyone who rolls Knowledge (Martial) may open the corresponding Discipline spoiler in the OOC.

Also, Nari brings a new environmental mechanic into play: Frozen Ground. Frozen Ground hinders movement through it. Every 15ft of movement through Frozen Ground costs an additional 5ft of movement. Frozen Ground melts away after 2 rounds under normal circumstances. Fire damage directed at Frozen Ground speeds this up by 1 round.

Kotetsu, Tsugiharu are on Turn

Hyperbolic sine
2019-07-29, 11:46 AM

Well, wasn't it just full of weird powers? Shiori's spectral projection came to mind. Though I guess I'm not one to talk.

Briefly flickering out of the Material Plane to pass the slippery ice, he ran behind a tree, ready to throw a chakram as soon as the creatures closed in too much.

Move: G3 > F4 > F5 [T>] F7 > F9. Draw chakram.
Standard: Ready to attack with Sting of the Asp if one of them comes within 30' (and in sight, clearly).

2019-08-01, 08:58 PM
Oh, great. Two of them.

Kotetsu's solution to the ice problem is to try to leap away from it. She crouches and then launches herself upwards towards the tree branches, getting some unusually good air with her leap.

"Hit them with whatever you can until they clear the distance and then I'll do what I can from there!" she says as she hopefully makes it into the tree branches..

I am probably gonna have to double jump with aerial leap up into the tree unless I roll stupid well:


If the above roll is high enough, please disregard this following acro check unless by necessity I have to roll it in order to clear this kind of distance: [roll1]

Kotetsu will ready an attack from her position--she'll just drop and lay down the law with a mizuchi/skirmish attack.

2019-08-02, 12:13 PM
With their ambush foiled, the bat monsters abandoned their plan leapt from hiding, taking to the air. While they didn't prove to be the fastest fliers, they flew seemingly unhindered by the reaching branches of the ancient forest, deftly avoiding one after another as they drew nearer. The beasts let out a steady stream of yelps and clicks as they flew. What they were calling to each other became immediately clear - the more distant of the beasts barreled towards the students while the nearer beast took a more circular approach, approaching the students from the side.

"Here they come! Get ready, we can do this!" Saori's call wasn't especially loud, but it came with such confidence that you couldn't help but believe it.

Nari recovered from her embarrassment with a deep breath. She clapped her hands together and the cold that had been pulsing from her subsided. It was still cold - the frosted ground remained - but the waves stopped rolling off her. Instead, a frosty sheen passed along the length of her blade as she drew it. "They're splitting up! I can't block both of them. I'll block the one dead ahead."

"Good. I'll keep it busy once you do." Yumi lifted her scythe and took a step forward. She crouched low, seemingly eager to rush the oncoming beast.

Nezu's head whipped around at the sounds of the charging demon beasts. He spotted the circling beast but had to run down the path to get sight on the beast that had been hidden by a nearby tree trunk."Fine by me." He replied, nocking an arrow. "Ca'mon ugly! Come get some!" He taunted as he let the arrow fly.

Hanyangi 1
Double-Move: to T8

Hanyangi 2
Double-Move: Dive to J22, then Fly back into trees in K18

Move: draw sword.
Standard: Inspire Courage. Allies gain a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.

Swift: Change Stance to Nerves of Cold Steel
Move: draw Sword
Standard: Ready an Action: Initiate Snow Ledge in response to a Hanyangi's Sonic Screech

Move: to H6, draw scythe
Standard: Ready an Action: Claim the first Hanyangi to enter range.

Move: to H1, draw bow
Standard: Attack Hanyangi 1 with Distant Gale: [roll0]. On hit, [roll1]+[roll2]+7 damage. Misses due to Cover
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)
PCs are On Turn

2019-08-02, 06:31 PM
Izuka's eyes scrolled over the great collection of targets covering behind the tree, and then he nodded to himself, taking his stick from the dirt and deftly moving around the thick trunk to where he could see the Hanyangi.

Flourishing his staff without breaking eyes from the monster, he went into a low protective stance.


Free Action: Prepare Discouraging Strike.
Swift Action: Change stance to Momentum.
Move Action: Move 30 feet to L6.
Standard Action: I use the mighty Total Defence. I use Dodge on H1.

Current Stance: Momentum (+1).
Manoeuvres Readied: Discouraging Strike.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-08-03, 09:35 AM
"Then I'll stop the other."

Letting his ki flow on the chakram in disruptive patterns, Tsugiharu trained his gaze on the second hanyangi and drew his arm back, ready to throw; as soon as the creature would be about to attack, he'd flicker between dimensions and let the circular blade fly in a deadly arc - and should it connect, the ki induced dizziness would stop the attack altoghether.

Move: F9 > G9.
Swift: Use Dizzying Venom Prana.
Standard: Ready to attack the other hanyangi with Dimensional Strike as soon as it ends its movement (or when it's at a distance of 10' from its target if it's charging/moving into melee). It counts as flat-footed, attack at (+4 from BotN, +1 from Inspire Courage) +12*; on a hit: 1d6+7 (base) +1d6 (DS) +1d6 (BotN) slashing damage, plus staggered for 1 round, plus 2 Wis damage (Fort DC 19 negates).
*minus range penalties (range increment 30').

Active effects
Body of the Night, Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-08-04, 10:54 PM
Shiori considers for a long moment before slowly shifting towards the cluster of the other group, forcing himself not to wince and pull back as he nears Yumi. I'm not very fast, and my reach isn't great; I should work on that, he thinks idly to himself, settling his shield more firmly on his arm and gripping his flail tightly.

Move Action: shift to H5; Saori, Yumi, and Nari all have +2 to AC, -1 to Will Saves.

Standard Action: Nothing to do at the moment.

Stance: Unnatural Presence (Adjacent Allies gain +2 to AC, -1 to Will saves.

Maneuvers Readied:
Body of Delusion (Sleeping Goddess)
Drowned Aggression (Infinite Shore)
Fear the Reaper (Eternal Guardian)
Harmony-Shattering Strike (Sleeping Goddess)

2019-08-05, 06:52 PM
The sight of the human children readying weapons and preparing for the Hanyangi didn't slow the monsters one bit. What did they need to fear? Within the caves even mighty demon beasts avoiding antagonizing their colony. They were hunters! Prey that fled was fun to chase. Prey only turned to fight must know it was cornered. That prey was even more fun to kill. This prey simply hadn't lived long enough to learn to flee when they approached.

Or maybe the beasts hadn't lived long enough to learn to fear humans.

The circling hanyangi launched itself from its perch and dove from the trees, barreling towards Izuka! It closed the distance between them, coming straight for the farm boy and raised its claws to pounce - when Tsugiharu's chakram came out of nowhere in the creature's path.

Meanwhile, that hanyangi's partner charged the mass of students head on. This bat-monster dropped like a rock and pulled up just above the forest floor, harnessing the speed of its fall to rocket forward. The beast touched down just in front of the students and its chest swelled as it inhaled...

Which the girls took as her cue. Yumi raised one hand towards the beast and launched a small bolt of energy at the beast. It struck the beast and seemed to sink into the monster, but otherwise the creature took no notice of it. Meanwhile, Nari released the cold energy she'd gathered and swept both hands upward in front of her like a wave. The frozen earth before her swelled and snow swept up, forming a huge mound between the students and the beast.

The hanyangi released its ear-piercing shriek and the sound waves slammed into the snow bank. Snow flew everywhere, briefly turning the battlefield into something like the inside of a snow-globe. But as powerful as the sound waves were, the snow bank absorbed it and held, protecting the students.

Hanyangi 1
Full Round: Dive Attack Izuka with claw at [roll0], on hit [roll1] damage
Triggers Tsugiharu's Readed Action. Attack H1 with Demensional Strike when it is 10' from Izuka at [roll2], on hit [roll3] damage, Hanyangi 1 is Staggered and movement stops in N7, and Fort [roll4] vs DC 19 or 2 Wis damage. Crit. Staggered. Save Succeeds.
If that fails and Hanyangi hits, Nezu will initiate Intercepting Shade. [roll5] vs Hanyangi's attack result. If success, attack is negated.

Hanyangi 2
Move: Dive to I9
Standard: Sonic Screech. Yumi, Nari, Saori, Shiori, Kotetsu are within affected area. Deals [roll6] Damage and Fort 17 or be Stunned for 1 round.
Triggers Yumi's Readied Action. Yumi Claims Hanyangi 2. Gain 1 Vitae
Triggers Nari's Readied Action. Nari initiates Snow Ledge, creating 5ft x 5ft Snow piles in H7 & I7. Snow mound blocks line of effect of Sonic Screech. Snow pile has hardness 0 and 1hp / inch thickness; 60hp. Snow pile is an object and immune to Fort saves.

2019-08-05, 08:42 PM
"That's it! Yumi, go now!" Saori called just as the monster's shriek slammed into the snow bank. Spurred to action, the scythe-wielder charged through the falling snow and lept over the corner of the bank and over the still frozen ground nearby. Before the snow had even settled she'd closed on the beast's flank, intent on walling it off from coming to its companion's side. The girl's scythe took on a reddish sheen as she harried the monster with big, sweeping strikes.

To your eyes, there is a thin, ethereal crimson chain connecting Yumi to the Hanyangi. The chain doesn't move, but parts of it are more crimson than others. The waves of denser crimson are pulsing from the demon beast's end toward Yumi's. It takes you only a split second to realize they're pulsing in time with a heartbeat.

You finally recognize why Yumi has that unsettling aura. She's a Crimson Countess (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/path-of-war/classes/harbinger/archetypes/crimson-countess/). The Crimson Countess is a rare individual - someone whose spark was awoken by an intense rage or fury. That emotion has suffused itself into their power, turning it into something almost vampiric that can drain the very life force from their foes. Its that twisted spark that creates that unnerving aura - your dreamwalker senses are sensing that power drawn from rage as something similar but weaker than the dark emotions that power nightmares in the dream world, like a negative background noise.

Using this Crimson Countess power doesn't come naturally. Some hold that the techniques for making use of it were first developed by adepts who took inspiration from battling vampires themselves. Or maybe the vampires taught them the techniques. Or they were developed by an adept who became a vampire. Or perhaps it was some Other monster who could draw power from an unguarded psyche. The exact origins are really unclear, even to you, but what is known is that it can be quite powerful. The techniques were too useful to abandon and have been passed down within the academy. The academy's teachings stress the need for Crimson Countesses to learn to harness their rage. Most do. But not all.

On the flip side, a Crimson Countess could be viewed as a tragedy. What must have happened to her, or her life been like, to make her so?

"Great work! And see Nari? That snow mound worked perfectly!" Saori called as she ran towards the other monster. "You didn't need to be so worried about losing control, you've totally got this! Heck, I bet you don't even need to get hung up on choosing a weapon, you could just freeze the hanyangi."

Nari smiled and drew confidence at the praise. The last remaining traces of her earlier anxiety melted away. "Ok. Um. I'll give it a try." She summoned up more cold energy as she looped around the tree, skating effortlessly across the frozen ground. She lashed out like she was splashing someone - and launched a barrage of frozen icicles at the hanyangi.

"Yeah Nari, that was awesome! Everyone will want to team up with you once they hear about this." Nezu joined in the encouragement as he loosed another arrow.

Start of turn: Gain 1 Tempo
Swift: Initiate Pride Movement. Yumi gains an immediate move action. Yumi moves to J9 (H6 > I6 > J7 > K8 > J9)
Move: To L5
Standard: Initiate Pep Talk on Nari. Nari gains +7 on her next attack.

Start of Turn: Gain 1 Animus, Frozen Ground thaws.
Swift: Initiate Energy Spark.
Move: To L7
Standard: Attack Hanyangi 1 with Frost Fang at [roll0]. On touch, [roll1]+[roll2] cold damage. Hit
Energy Spark launches 2 Rays at Hanyangi 1. Ray 1: [roll3], on touch [roll4] cold damage. Hit Ray 2: [roll5], on touch [roll6] cold damage.
End of turn: Gain 1 Animus

Start of Turn: Gain 1 Vitae
Swift: -
Move: Use Drain. Hanyangi 2 takes 3 damage. Yumi is undamaged and cannot heal.
Standard: Attack Hanyangi. [roll7]. On hit, [roll8] damage. Hit

Move: to K3
Standard: Attack Hanyangi 1 with Called Shot. Use Deadly Aim. [roll9]. On hit, [roll10]+[roll11] fireMap (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)
PCs are on turn

2019-08-05, 09:11 PM

Izuka took off as soon as Tsugiharu brought the Hanyangi down. Circling the monster at sprinting speed, he took advantage of its recovery time to get a run at it from behind. As the rest of the team struck from the front, he drew upon the rear of the beast and brought his staff down upon its awful hide.

Free Action: Prepare Static Strike. Momentum hits +2.
Move Action: Go my full 50 feet, moving inefficiently to use all of it, ending in O8.
Standard Action: Static Strike on Hanyangi 1. Attack [roll0] for [roll1] bludgeoning damage. On a hit, Adarata also Bull Rushes at [roll2]. Intended route for the Bull Rush is into M6 and then L6 to give attacks of opportunity to the girls. If the Bull Rush is successful, the Hanyangi takes an additional 10 Electric damage, plus 1 for every 5 feet of Bull Rush distance.

Current Stance: Momentum (+2).
Manoeuvres Readied: Discouraging Strike, Static Strike.

2019-08-05, 09:35 PM
Shiori looks from Yumi to the chain, and then back to Yumi. The expression in his eyes has changed. The fear is still there, but it is tempered by sympathy, maybe even pity. Another one. Still, still another one.

He comes out of himself a moment later, glancing over the battlefield. One enemy was heavily wounded, the other foe less so; go for the kill, or even out the battlefield? After a moment's hesitation, Shiori decides on the latter. He sprints across the battlefield, shifting up to Yumi without seeming to notice that she is there. He brings his flail up and smashes down in an uncomplicated strike, the weapon humming and vibrating in his hand.

Move Action: Shift to J8. Yumi has +2 to AC, -1 to Will saves.

Standard Action: Attack Hanyangi 2 with Harmony-Shattering Strike: [roll0] 24 due to Saori On a hit, [roll1] 10 due to Saori damage, and everyone in the Collective (all PCs and Nezu) gain +1 on Attack Rolls for one round (because of Zeal). In addition, Hanyangi 2 must make a Will Save against DC 15 or take an additional 1d6 damage from Shiori's allies for one round.

Stance: Unnatural Presence (Adjacent Allies gain +2 to AC, -1 to Will saves.)

Maneuvers Readied:
Body of Delusion (Sleeping Goddess)
Drowned Aggression (Infinite Shore)
Fear the Reaper (Eternal Guardian)
Harmony-Shattering Strike (Sleeping Goddess)

Hyperbolic sine
2019-08-05, 09:49 PM
Wasting no time in admiring the fallen hanyangi (though it had been a fantastic display of teamwork), Tsugiharu drew his waveblade and closed in on the creature in front of him, lunging at the beast with steel and strength-sapping ki.

Move: G9 > G10. Draw waveblade.
Standard: Attack H2 with Sting of the Asp at (+2 from Saori, +2 flanking) [roll0]. On a hit: 1d6+7 (base) +1d6 (Sting) piercing damage (13, OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24072289&postcount=114)), plus 2 Str damage (Fort DC 20 half). If save fails, 1d6 damage plus 2 Str damage next round.

Active effects
Body of the Night, Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-08-08, 11:15 PM
Speaking of falling...

Once more Kotetsu tumbles out into free space, hoping she learned from the last time in order to get even better at literally getting the drop on monsters. She spins as she draws her sword, creating more momentum into the cut's arc that hopefully bites once, then twice through hanyangi hide.

Acrobatics check to nail the landing: [roll0]

Using Mizuchi to get a second attack:

Attack 1 [roll1] Damage 1: [roll2] Skirmish 1: [roll3]
Attack 2 [roll4] Damage 2: [roll5] Skirmish 2: [roll6]

2019-08-12, 11:41 AM
Tsugiharu's chakram bit deep into the base of the hanyangi's wing-arm, sending it crashing to the ground just short of Izuka. Nari and Nezu, supported by Saori, were on the monster before it could regain its feet. Nezu's arrow flew true and buried itself in the bat-monster's belly while Nari's icicle barrage all but shredded the creature's and chest while it struggled to its feet. Then Izuka struck the creature from behind, having circled the hanyangi. He drove his staff forward and shoved the creature off its feet again and into Saori and Nari's waiting blades. The monster gave one more cry, this one more of pain than rage, and slumped to the ground.

In mere seconds the hanyangi ambush became a route.

The remaining hanyangi, already beset on all sides by Yumi, Shiroi, Kotetsu and Tsugiharu, gave one more swipe of its claws to force the students back and used the breathing space for a quick hop away - before turning and galloping back into the forest. Once it got clear of the students it spread its wings and took to the air. Whatever grace the creature may have had in flight to weave between the trees didn't extend to takeoff, and it struggled to gain altitude as it fled.

Hanyangi 2
Full Round: Withdraw to I22. Take flight to 15ft. Provokes Attacks of Opportunity from Yumi and Tsugiharu.

Yumi AoO: [roll0], on hit [roll1] Hit

2019-08-12, 12:51 PM
Yumi's scythe drew a bloody line down the hanyangi's back as it fled, but once it cleared her reach she didn't pursue. Instead she ground the butt of her scythe into the ground and held it upright with one hand. She extended her other hand towards the fleeing creature and clenched her fist with grim determination. Nothing seemed to happen, but the fleeing hanyangi abruptly howled in pain. Yumi's eyes briefly unfocused and her lips parted in an almost euphoric smile.

To your eyes, the crimson chain connecting Yumi to the hanyangi starts to pulse faster and brighter, with more and more crimson flowing down the chain and into Yumi
"Quick, don't let it escape!" Saori called. Her words weren't meant for anyone in particular, but standing so close to her Izuka felt an energy in them spurring him onward. Nari was already in motion, closing her eyes and taking a breath. The chilling cold emitted from her blade vanished, replaced with occasional arcs of lightning. She opened her eyes and with her free hand wove a symbol in the air that looked like nothing so much as a gust of wind. The symbol faded and Izuka, Tsugiharu, and Kotetsu would look down to see tiny whirwinds attending their feet.

Nezu raced around the tree and hopped up on the snowbank, drawing his bow and taking aim at the fleeing creature. "Take it down, Nezu! I know you can do it! You're an amazing shot!" Nezu positively glowed under the praise, lapping it up as he loosed his arrow.

Start of Turn: Gain 1 Vitae. H2 takes [roll0] damage.
Move: Drain. H2 takes 3 damage. Yumi is at full health and cannot heal.
Standard: Drain. H2 takes 3 damage. Yumi is at full health and cannot heal.

Start of Turn: Gain 1 Animus, maintain Inspire Courage
Standard: Change active element to Air
Move: Spend 1 Animus to apply Elemental Glyph to Izuka, Tsugiharu, and Kotetsu. All movement speeds possessed by each ally under the effect of the glyph gain a +10-foot enhancement bonus to speed. In addition affected allies may choose to make one turn of up to 90 degrees while making charge attacks.
Standard: Ready attack if H2 enters range

Start of turn: Gain 1 Tempo
Free: Spend 3 Tempo to recover Pride Movement.
Swift: Initiate Pride Movement. Izuka gains an immediate Move Action.
Move: to K9
Standard: Initiate Pep Talk on Nezu. Nezu gains +7 on his next attack.

Move: to I7
Standard: Attack H2, Deadly Aim at [roll1]. On hit, [roll2] damage + [roll3] fire damage. Crit Threat

2019-08-12, 01:01 PM
Nezu's arrow was placed expertly, slamming into the base of the fleeing hanyangi's head, the arrowhead emerging out the creature's mouth. The monster immediately fell like a stone, crashing to the ground. It didn't take an expert to see the creature had died before it had hit the ground.

"Yes! Did you see that? I'm totally awesome!" Nezu hollered, thrusting his bow high in the air in a victory pose

Behind Nezu, Saori's face betrayed the faintest flicker of 'what have I done?'

Battle over. All PCs gain 1 VP.

2019-08-13, 10:36 AM
Shiori looks between the two dead hanyangi, his flail hanging limply at his side. "Huh," he says, his disbelief evident. Unconsciously, he takes a few steps away from Yumi, rubbing his upper arms as though chilled. "That went... well."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-08-13, 11:44 AM
Unfortunately for the hanyangi, Tsugiharu had dodged the claw swipe by rolling sideways, instead of jumping back - after it turned to flee, it exposed its vulnerable flank, and Tsugiharu's blade was quick to exploit the opening, with the creature's forward momentum doing most of the work for him. He then prepared to give chase, but the beast was felled before he could move.

Well. We might actually manage to kill the adult. he thought to himself, as he turned to give a thumbs up to Nezu, then curved his lips in an amused smirk at Saori's regrets.

He then noticed Shiori stepping away from Yumi, which, paired with his initial reaction, the general weirdness of the boy's techniques, and Yumi's own expression a few moments before...well, it kind of piqued his curiosity (though it could just have been adrenaline rush. of course). Besides, it had been hard to get a read on her because she had mostly kept to herself in class and he wasn't really god at approaching people himself; since right now he had a way to "naturally" start a conversation, though, it would be a waste to let an opportunity to get a grasp of her personality go to waste, so on his way to retrieve the chakram he stopped by her.

"Er...Asako, right? That was an interesting technique! I wish I could do something like that, recovering the chakrams after the battle is always a pain. Especially if I miss." he said, with a humbling laugh.

2019-08-14, 08:37 PM
"Classmate, your weapon."

Adarata appeared beside Tsugiharu with the collected Chakram in his extended grip. He also nodded to Yumi.

"Interesting skills, Yumi."

Sliding on by, he walked up to Saori, waving over as many other disciples as would come to join them.

"There's one more beast. Is it the case that there's one more student group as well, or more than that? We crossed paths with Benjiro and his lads before."

2019-08-16, 08:30 AM
As before, Koutetsu ambles over to the dead beasts and tries to cut out their stones. She DOES however clap Nezu on the shoulder with a modicum of solidarity for that killing shot.

"If only the parent is left, we need to find it fast... We may not have any more time to ally up with any other students and Benjiro's crew may go do something really stupid if we waste more time..."

I...think I make a survival role again?

2019-08-16, 08:53 AM
"Pardon me? No, there's another young beast. I'm trying to recall how many more students there are. Remember, the reasonable possibilities that could lead to an accident are that several Hanyangi get the drop on one student group, or a single Hanyangi finds a separated student like Nezu. The first possibility is now prevented, but the second possibility is unsure. If we recall how many groups are left and whether or not we could expect them to break rank, we can probably come to a good conclusion about everybody's safety."

"And don't worry about Benjiro. I'm sure his group handles themselves as well as any other group."

2019-08-17, 11:48 AM
Yumi tipped her head back and let escape a slow, indulgent breath and her outstretched hand dropped back to her side. Then the girl gave herself a quick shake that might have also been a shudder, dispelling whatever it was that had come over her, and met Tsugiharu's words with a sharp glare. "No."

The sharp word hung in the air long enough for chagrin to soften her glare. "No, I might not be throwing away my weapon, but the grass isn't always greener on the other side. It wouldn't have been able to stop that charging demon-beast. That was well-done."

"And just call me Yumi. What name do you prefer?"

You get the sense that being unable to halt a charging hanyangi wasn't the only or even the main reason she's referring to that her power might not be desirable.

Saori looked the slightest bit grateful at Izuka's approach. "So Benjiro's team has been warned. What about Jiyuna's team? They're the only other team, did you happen to run into them? We've also got one more member of our team who went off on his own. Nezu, do you know what direction Lash went?"

"Lash? He said he was going to follow the river a bit. He wanted to find an anthill so he could fight some soldier ants. He didn't think the worker ants were more than a warm-up and wanted a real fight."

Your character may-or-may-not recognize the name Jiyuna, but she tends to stand out thanks to the giant eagle demon-beast that follows her around. It may still be an adolescent, but its stands nearly as tall as Jiyuna herself. Anyone who has approached would know the eagle is fiercely protective of Jiyuna and she it. When Jiyuna is nearby it remains calm enough for you to pet.

If your character took note of the teams that formed up earlier, they may recall that Jiyuna teamed up with Satomi, Kaede, Hitomi, and Reiko, a girl who wears the robe of a shrine maiden.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-08-17, 04:12 PM
Tsugiharu quickly realised that he had touched a sensitive spot, and his expression briefly turned apologetic before he got it under control again. He was even more curious than before, to be honest, but...well, he wasn't that socially inept.

"Ah, well, I suppose you're right. We all have our own circumstances, I guess." he said; he didn't want to draw attention on the matter, so he avoided a verbal apology, but he shot Yumi an "I'm sorry, guess that was insensitive of me" look.

"Name's Ts-" he started replying, before Adarata approached with his chakram. "Thanks." he said, giving him a shoulder pat as he grabbed the weapon, then turned back to Yumi.

"Er...name's Tsugiharu, but it's a bit long, so Haru's also fine."

Hardly anyone back home called him by his full name. Having it become commonplace would just feel strange.

"I go by 'classmate' as well." he added with an amused smile and a glance back at Adarata.

2019-08-17, 05:36 PM
"We haven't met Jiyuna. You say Lash goes by the river?"

Izuka fetched a look-around.

"Could we make haste, partners?!"

Setting out on his way, he gestured for Saori to follow him.

"Sooner or later the beast will seek the waters. It would be best to get after him."

2019-08-18, 04:32 PM
"Um. Are you ok?" Nari had noticed Shiori shrinking away from the group and tentatively approached the boy. "I... I'm nervous too. Those... hanyangi? They're a lot bigger than the ants we're supposed to be fighting. And um, those claws look really sharp. And I know we're not supposed to be fighting 'real' demon beasts yet, but that fight went really well. Everyone was so great. I think we'll be alright." The girl offered, trying her best to be encouraging while misinterpreting Shiori's unease.

Meanwhile, if Yumi remained upset she didn't show it, instead muttering "Haru. Haru." and committing his name to memory.

She glanced after Izuka. "Does he use titles with everyone? Or is he just bad with names?" She asked quietly. At the boy's call though, she stowed her scythe over her shoulder and moved over to his circle.

"So we're chasing down Lash next?"

"Yes, that seems to be the plan. Nezu says that Lash was going to follow the river for a bit, so if we head towards the river do you think you can pick up his trail?"

"Yeah, once we pick up his trail I'll be able to find him. He won't be able to hide from me," she answered.

While answering, Yumi changed her Stance to Running Hunter's Stance (Primal Fury)
"Hey guys, now that there's only one hanyangi roaming around, maybe we want to split up? One group chases down Lash while another tries to find Jiyuna's team?"

"Again with the splitting up? Isn't that what got us into this mess?"

"Hey, it was just an idea! And you should be grateful we split up, or I wouldn't have discovered the hanyangi until it was too late."

2019-08-21, 05:56 PM
Shiori turns to Nari in bafflement and dawning horror, only to spin and stare at Nezu just as he suggests splitting up. "Two! Two, at the same time... No, no, three; I started it, I started it... oooooh no, oh no, now we're in trouble," he moans, hunching down as though expecting an attack at any moment.

"...I'd like to go and help Hitomi after this, if by some miracle wemanage to survive," he adds in a small voice, seemingly to himself, a few moments later.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-08-22, 03:15 AM
"Neither, it's just a c- quirk of his, I guess." Tsugiharu replied to Yumi, before following her to join the circle as well.

He wouldn't have said "commoner thing" with any negative nuance, it would just have been stating a fact, but he didn't want to be misunderstood and cause unnecessary strife, so he changed phrasing at the last moment.

"I think the hanyangi would follow the sounds of a lone prey rather than a group, so...it's likely we'll encounter it while searching for Lash. Let's not split.

...and yeah, we should hurry."

2019-08-25, 12:10 AM
“Agreed. Splitting up might have made sense when it was just the ants, but not now.”

Nezu looked between the teams. “But that’s why we’d do it! We’ve already shown we can destroy these chumps with just a small team. So we split up, find Lash and Jiyuna, then meet up again. And if a group finds the last hanyangi instead, we show it that we’re the bosses! We’ll have this dealt with in no time!” Nezu finished by pumping a fist.

“And what if one of those teams is attacked by the adult hanyangi that Tsugiharu mentioned? The one that we don’t know where it is right now for certain?” Saori asked archly.

“We.. uh…” Nezu trailed off, fist still in the air. “We…”

“That’s what I thought. We stick together. Now let’s move out.”


Tracking down Lash went smoother than expected. Nezu walked sullenly in the back for a time, but eventually moved up to the front next to Izuka and Yumi to help guide the teams to where he and Lash had parted ways, back to his usual enthusiasm. It wasn’t long before the team found the nearby river and the trail that followed it. Trails branched out from it regularly, but Nezu kept the team on the river trail.

At one such branch, Yumi held up a hand to call a stop. She slowed down and scanned the trail wordlessly, periodically taking deep breaths as she went. It didn’t take long before chuckling. “Its him. Follow me.”

She took the lead and led the team further down the trail, briefly slowing up at the first few trail branches before continuing her pace with a shake of her head. But it wasn’t long before she turned off the river trail. “He went this way. Not long now.”

That proved to be an understatement, as not more than a few dozen yards further down the branch you could hear noises coming from the clearing. Those noises very quickly resolved into din and screams of battle.

The team bursts into the clearing to see a battle already nearly over. Ant lay dead in a huge pile outside the cave-like entrance to the anthill. Several of your fellow students stood among them, attacking those that remained.

Immediately noticeable among them was Jiyuna. Mounted on the back of an eagle twice as tall as she, the pair towered over the ants that surrounded them. Her leather armor was decorated with feathers at the shoulders, chest, waist and elbows. Her spear flashed down, impaling one of the ants surrounding the eand pinning it down. Sunwing followed up the opportunity Jiyuna had created immediately, beak flashing down to crush the ant’s head. An ant snapped at Sunwing while its beak was occupied but the bird of prey lashed out with its taloned foot. Its talons sunk into the ant and this time it was Jiyuna’s turn to exploit the opportunity and finish the ant.

Shiori picked out Hitmoi at Sunwing’s side, steadily cutting down ants with her oversized glaive. The nearest of the students to the anthill, she lay surrounded by dead ants. But she didn’t stand unscathed, and even from this distance you could see a few places where her outfit had been torn and blood flowed. Undeterred, she raised her glaive and you could see it wreathed in a thin black energy that looked… wrong was the best word. Undeterred, she plunged it into the nearest ant and you could see a wound on her cheek close and vanish.

Standing a short distance behind that pair was a girl wearing the distinctive robe of a priestess. She looked out of place in the battle, as she wore no visible armor. In one hand she held a large fan while the other held a flame - which she promptly threw at Hitomi. She flicked her fan and the flame grew to engulf Hitmoi!

But far from being in pain, Hitomi didn’t seem to mind the flames at all. The flame abruptly returned to hover over the priestess’ palm just as quickly as she’d thrown it. Far from leaving Hitomi charred, the remainder of her wounds had vanished completely.

“Oh hey, everyone’s here!” You heard a cheerful call from the further down the edge of the clearing. Kaede stood next to one dead ant while another fled past her towards the big scrum. Kaede lifted one hand and pointed it toward the ant, palm out. You had a split second to see a ball of light gather at her palm before she fired it at the ant’s back. The beam struck the ant cleanly and burned right through the creature’s chest. Kaede waited for the ant to collapse before racing over towards your team.

“You might want to sit this one out. You see-”


The shouting was coming from Satomi. She whirled her naginata like it was a quarterstaff and moved in her mountain armor (https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/yc4AAOSwtilb2vPq/s-l1600.jpg) with practiced ease. “AND SHOW SOME THANKS! IF NOT FOR US YOU’D ALREADY BE DEAD!”

Kaede's attack wasn't just any energy bolt. That was a ki blast.

That would mean she has trained Ginken clan, the exclusive practitioners of the Ki Fist discipline. While other adepts make use of ki, the Ginken clan are the city's undisputed masters of it. They've been a staunch ally of the City Lord for generations.
You recognize the priestess' technique. The Keepers of the Divine Flame are known for, well, the Divine Flames they keep. They can use the flame to burn their foes, yes, but at their will the flames can also protect, empower, or heal others. The last function makes them valued allies on the battlefield, as well as bringing those who are injured to their shrine.

PCs are on turn
Lash has joined the party.
Lash gains 1VP for his Hot-Headed Complication
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)

2019-08-25, 01:02 AM
Wulfric lashes out towards one of the soldier ants with his chain in a huge overhead arc, the metal flickering oddly as it swings through the air. He roars over the din of battle as he does so, in the general direction of Satomi. Those with keen eyes will notice that he's holding his weapon with a white-knuckle grip.


Bam, first round of combat! Let's gooooo

Stance: Body of the Night(Steel Serpent)

Relevant effects are a +4 competence bonus to attack rolls and +1d6 damage against flat-footed opponents.

Standard Action: Dimensional Strike(Veiled Moon), targeted at ant S1.

This is a regular attack, except my target is automatically flat-footed. I'll also power attack with a -2 penalty.

Attack Roll: [roll0] vs flat-footed AC

My deadly Strike damage also applies to flat-footed opponents.

Damage Roll: [roll1] + [roll2] + 4 from Power Attack

Move: nothing this turn

Swift: nothing this turn

2019-08-25, 12:09 PM
Shiori remains silent during the walk, his eyes everywhere at once. When the sounds of battle become clear, he actually relaxes slightly, happy that the battle has actually begun.

When he sees the battle, however, Shiori stops for a long moment, staring over the sea of dead ants. He sees the giant eagle flash over the battlefield, Kaede with her beams of light, the girl with the naginata yelling at the boy with the spiked chain (and him yelling back). His heart constricted slightly as he saw Hitomi, bleeding ,in the midst of the battle, and his head whipped over to stare at the woman who engulfed his cousin in flames, his entire form radiating pure rage. A moment later, he understood her power and her purpose, and the rage was gone, replaced by wary thankfulness. He turned back to watch Hitomi, now healed, standing in... in...


It strikes him all at once, and he speaks into the Collective without meaning to, voicing his thoughts. The Hanyangi came up to eat the Ants. They came up into this hive. And we've piled up a feast right in front of them.

A moment later, Nezu fidns himself shunted out of the Collective, released by a trivial effort of will from Shiori. Shiori himself takes off running, weaving through the group he is with and making a beeline for Hitomi. He concentrates, roping Hitomi's mind into the Collective the moment he is within her range. In his haste, he broadcasts the message somewhat more loudly than he intended; Wulfric would hear the tell-tale mental 'knock' that accompanies a call to join the Collective, if he wishes to.

Shiori doesn't send a greeting to Hitomi, or announce his presence there out loud; he couldn't pull her away from her battle at the moment even if he wanted to. Instead, he just sends her an image: the hanyangi as he first saw it, swooping down on Nezu with its mouth open and its claws outstretched. That's a child, he sends quickly afterwords, maintaining his dead run towards her. The adult came up through the hive, after the Ants. It is hungry. Hitomi is smarter than Shiori is--a lot smarter. She'd figure it out.

Free Action: Remove Nezu from the Collective.

Move Action: Shift to P8.

Standard Action: Add Hitomi and Wulfric to the Collective.

Free Action x2: Inform Hitomi of possible impending danger.

Stance: Unbroken Stride (Sleeping Goddess)

Harmony-Shattering Strike
Drowned Aggression
Body of Delusion
Fear the Reaper

Hyperbolic sine
2019-08-25, 12:18 PM
Well, looks like we found everyone...oh, is she a ki user too?

After witnessing the Divine Flame heal Hitomi, Tsugiharu's gaze ended up on Kaede and her ki blast. "That's...so she's from...mmm...nope, no idea." The answer was eluding him. Probably unsurprising, since politics had never been his favourite subject, though now he regretted tuning out during those lessons a bit.

His attention then shifted on the two quarrelling students...of which one was using his same techniques. He had somewhat mixed feelings about it, but it was mostly because a bit of pride got in the way; from the standpoint of obfuscating his clan of origin, it was an excellent coincidence.

"...maybe we should." he agreed with Kaede. Didn't seem like they were in trouble, and arguing over a few gemstones wasn't worth the hassle. They'd better -

The Hanyangi came up to eat the Ants. They came up into this hive. And we've piled up a feast right in front of them.

~ Nezu said it's not the same hive. ~ But still... "Stay sharp, guys. The last hanyangi must have heard all the racket."

Swift: Activate Veiled Moon Style.
Move: P4 > R4. Draw waveblade.
Standard: Perception [roll0].

Active effects
Body of the Night, Veiled Moon Style.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-08-25, 04:26 PM
"Right, watch the perimeter."

He went to circle around the conflict, spinning around to address Kaede as he went.

"And why all this argument between the fighters? What's got into them?"

Move Action: Draw staff, walk to H10.
Swift Action: Switch to Momentum.
Standard Action: Total Defence.

Current Stance: Momentum (+1)
Manoeuvres Readied: Discouraging Strike.

2019-08-27, 02:50 PM
"We can figure that out after the other ants are dead--they're a bit of a liability for us right now!"

Kotetsu just seems intent on wanting to join the battle, sword loosened in its sheath as she hustles, her rust orange scarf billowing over her shoulder. She takes her steps in bounds, moving faster than a human aught, though it's likely one of her abilities...

She skids to a halt in front of an ant, sword drawn, pinning it between her and Lash.

Double movement with Swift Stride to get to L20 and flank the soldier ant.

2019-08-28, 04:37 PM
"Jealous of your kill count!? If not for us you'd be ant food right now!!" Satomi spat back. She took a step to the side and deftly changed her grip on her Naginata. No longer holding it across her body like a quarterstaff, she thrust it over a dead ant to strike another worker ant that had been focused on Sunwing.

"Next time I should just let you die!"

"What? You can't mean that!" Reiko sounded shocked. She raised her hand and even from that distance you could see the flames that smouldered along the team's weapons, mirroring the flame that danced above her palm. She flicked her hand forward and the flame darted past her allies, coming to a hovering stop just behind the enemy ants. She swung her war fan in a motion that brought to mind working a bellow. Her flame responded by flaring up, consuming one of the ants.

"He's a classmate! You wouldn't just leave a classmate to die, would you?"

"Its better than getting ourselves killed trying to save a nutcase who tried to fight an entire hive on his own!"

"Focus, people!" Jiyuna called, spear darting down from her perch on eagleback toward another ant. She leaned hard into the stab, putting all of her weight behind hit. The swing might have left her open to a counter, but Sunwing moved in perfect time his rider and attacked in a frenzy.

"We're not done with these ants yet."

Hitomi seemed to agree. She looped around the edge of the ant lines and got behind them, pinning them between herself and the eagle. Dark energy rolled off her glaive, splashing off her target to the ant nearby.

~How many? Do they die?~ She shot back.

Free: 5ft-step to O21
Standard: Attack W2 with Enraging Strike: [roll0]. On hit, [roll1] damage + 3 Fire damage. DC 15 Will [roll2] or target must attack Satomi with its next available action. Miss
Move: TBD
Stance: Iron Pikeman's Attitude

Standard: Attack W2 (W3 if W2 is dead) with Primal Wrath: [roll3]. On hit, [roll4] + 3 Fire damage. Hit
Move: TBD
Stance: Ride The Wind

Full Attack W2 > W3 > W4. [roll5].
Claw: [roll6], On hit [roll7] + 3 Fire damage. Hit
Claw: [roll8], On hit [roll9] + 3 Fire damage. Hit
Bite: [roll10], On hit [roll11] + 3 Fire damage. Miss
Stance: Ride The Wind
Two As One: Primal Wrath

Move: To Q26. Acrobatics to avoid AoO: [roll12] Crit
Standard: Attack W4 > W3 with Panic Assault: [roll13] and Concentration [roll14]. On hit, [roll15] damage + 3 Fire damage. On successful Concentration check, [roll16] negative energy damage. Also +2 from Flanking. Hit, Bonus damage
If attack hit, 2 damage to W3 & W4 from Pale Horseman's Reckless Harvest
Stance: Pale Horseman's Reckless Harvest

Start of Turn: All Allies within LoS gain 6 Temporary HP from Bolstering Presence
Free: Move Soul Candle to P25
Move: None
Standard: Attack W4 > W3 with Torch Raising Strike: [roll17]. On hit, [roll18] damage + [roll19] Fire damage Hit
Stance: Bolstering Presence

"Basically that," Kaede answered Izuka, indicating toward the battle with one bandage-wrapped hand. Her arms bore no wounds and her gi was undamaged; those wraps were to protect her hands rather than cover a wound. "We found this anthill and hey, we needed to collect some gems. Satomi thought it would be a good idea to weaken the hive rather than take it head on. Reduce their numbers before charging in, ya know? So that's what we did. We waited in the forest and ambushed ants as they were coming or going from the hive. And it went great!"

"But then all of a sudden this guy charges the hive out of nowhere. So we all rush in to help and he starts screaming that this is his fight. And yeah, its not fair of him to jump in like that after we already did so much work, but its rude to interrupt someone else's fight after they've started."

"The others ignored him and kept fighting since he's so outnumbered, but I just thought 'Hey, if he's picking the fight and he doesn't want the help then if he loses that's kinda on him, isn't it?' I wouldn't want someone else interrupting my fight like that."

Saori just let out a suffering sigh. "I should have known Lash would find trouble. Great. Hey team, why don't we sit this one out. We'd only make things worse."

"Fine by me." She eyed Nezu smugly. "Hey, I seem to recall you saying something about splitting up earlier?"

"Oh come on! There's no way I could have known Lash already ran into them!"

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)

2019-08-28, 05:31 PM
Though outnumbered, the remaining ants didn't break. They fought on, fearlessly defending the hive. The soldier ants surrounding Lash pressed in, one of them spitting acid while the remaining soldier and worker lunged forward from opposite sides with gnashing mandibles.

The lone ant facing down Sunwing charged forward as well, as if determined to take the giant eagle with it.

Soldier Ant 1
Standard: Attack Lash with Bite: [roll0]. On hit [roll1] damage Hit

Soldier Ant 2
Standard: Attack Lash with Acid: [roll2]. On hit [roll3] acid damage Miss

Worker Ant 1
Standard: Attack Lash with Bite: [roll4]. On hit [roll5] damage Miss

Worker Ant 3
Standard: Attack Sunwing with Bite: [roll6]. On hit [roll7] damage Miss
Jiyuna defends Sunwing with Mounted Combat: [roll8] Unneeded but awesome

PCs are On Turn

2019-08-28, 05:40 PM
Shiori pauses in his headlong rush towards Hitomi for a single step, his eyes flickering over towards Lash as the boy is attacked by the Ants. For a brief second, Shiori's form is doubled over that of Lash, and then Shiori keeps running, stumbling slightly and putting one hand to the new bruise on his chest.

Three children so far. Only one adult, but most of the time there have to be two adults in order for there to be children... at least, I think so. The children have died so far. He continues running, crunching over one dead Ant body and brushing past Reiko as he aims for Hitomi. It seems like the people I came with might stay out of this, so... I'll run Shield right now, he suggests, looking around wildly and trying to understand which things are allies and which are enemies.

Free Action: Use Martyrdom to take all 8 points of damage from Lash onto himself; spending 2 Power Points to lower the damage by 6 to 2.

Full Round: Double move to R20.

Stance: Unbroken Stride (Sleeping Goddess)

Harmony-Shattering Strike
Drowned Aggression
Body of Delusion
Fear the Reaper

Power Points: 8/12.

2019-08-28, 06:38 PM
Wulfric startles slightly at the "mental knock", though not enough to break his concentration on the fight at hand.

"Who's in my head?!"

Wulfric momentarily studies the soldier ant, before swinging his chain out again, this time attempting a slightly more delicate maneuver. He takes careful aim to try and wrap it around the ant's neck, in an effort to take a bit more control of the fight.

"I was doing just fine on my own! Had 'em all lined up, they were just walking into my blows. Hell, I hadn't even taken a hit until just-"

Here, Wulfric realizes he doesn't have any wounds from the ant's bite.


Stance: Body of the Night(Steel Serpent)

Standard: use Binding Constrictor on ant S1

Regular attack, on a success, I get a free grapple attempt.

Attack: [roll0]19
Damage: [roll1]
Grapple: [roll2]

Move: nothing

Swift: nothing

This grapple follows special rules, which I've copied into the spoiler

When a grapple is begun in this way, the weapon used for it may be used to attack your opponent without penalty even if it is not a light weapon for you. You may also make attacks with a weapon in another hand, and if so armed you may threaten squares around you and take attacks of opportunity, though you take a -4 penalty on all attacks against any opponent beside the one you have bound. Alternatively, if the weapon in your other hand is also one of the discipline's associated weapons and can reach your foe, you may wrap both around him, which adds +4 to your Grapple check.

You may also maintain the grapple without moving into your opponent's space. Doing so prevents your opponent from damaging you by grappling or from pinning you. However, it also allows him to use non-light weapons to attack you, though he still takes the -4 penalty and may not use more than one. You cannot pin him without entering his space as normal, nor can you take items from him or prevent him from speaking. You are not treated as grappled for the sake of casting spells or other actions that require concentration, though at least one hand is occupied with the task.

2019-08-28, 06:44 PM
Oh, that's me. And... everyone else, I guess. Now's not the time for introductions, I think, because one of these-- Shiori throws the picture of the Hanyangi into Lash's mind----might show up at any moment, so we should be planning around that. Though with all of us, we should be okay unless it's the big one--oh no. Oh nonononono. Now I've said it. Now I've said it. We're doomed now. I'm sorry. We're doomed, and it's my fault.

2019-08-28, 07:32 PM
Izuka nodded, continuing to eye over his shoulder for anything out of the ordinary. Minding his distance from Shiori, he broke only a little way's more from the group and practically strolled up the side of a tree as if it were nothing. From the peak, he surveyed the horizon for trouble.

Move Action: Parkour to the top of a tree.
Standard Action?: Scan the surrounding area. Perception [roll0].

Stance: Momentum (+2)
Manoeuvres Readied: Discouraging Strike.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-08-29, 04:07 AM
Tsugiharu groaned at the quarrelling. It didn't seem like it was affecting their performance, but...regardless of who was in the right, shouldn't it be left for after the fight?

Well, as long as they don't drag me in...

Resolving again to stay out of it, he kept watch for incoming hanyangis (or whatever else, really).

Move: Twiddle thumbs.
Standard: Moar Perception [roll0].

2019-09-01, 09:45 AM
Kotetsu just lays into the ant across from Lash, her blade arcing once, twice; she's getting the rhythm down for her double swings.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]

Just another case of Mizuchi going off...But with flanking!

2019-09-01, 11:54 PM
You don't spot anything hostile in the forest
You don't spot anything hostile in the forest

~Not your fault. We were Doomed before the book, the book changed our doom. That~ Hitomi sends back the image of the Hanyangi - ~is not in a page~ dozens of glaives appear out of the darkness in the mental image and impale the hanyangi. Blood bursts from the creature... and you get the impression of a strong dismissive emotion attached to all that blood.

Hitmoi punctuated the image by bringing her massive glaive down on the remaining ant in front of her. Where not long before had been a confusing melee of students and ants, the students were overwhelming the remaining ants. Despite Lash's anger, Satomi took advantage of his presence to attack the ants who'd focused on him from behind. Sunwing and Jiyuna became a frenzy of claw and spear, while Reiko directed her flame to Satomi where it engulfed her and mended wounds.

When Reiko's divine flame drew near Shiori, the boy could feel a warmth radiating from it that didn't match its size - but it wasn't a harsh, scalding heat. Rather, it was a warmth that radiated vigor, and embers danced along the head of Shiori's flail.

Oh look! Flanking everywhere!
Take a pass

Standard: Attack S2 with Naginata: [roll0], on hit [roll1] damage + 3 fire damage Miss
Move: -
Stance: Iron Pikeman's Attitude

Free: Claim W3
Move: -
Standard: Attack W3 with Glaive: [roll2], on hit [roll3] + 3 fire damage Hit
Stance: Pale Horseman's Reckless Harvest

Free: 5ft step to O22
Full Attack W3 > S2 > W1
Claw: [roll4], On hit [roll5] + 3 Fire damage. Miss
Claw: [roll6], On hit [roll7] + 3 Fire damage. Miss
Bite: [roll8], On hit [roll9] + 3 Fire damage. Miss
Stance: Ride The Wind
Two As One: Primal Wrath

Standard: Attack W3 > S2 > W1 with Lance: [roll10], on hit [roll11] Miss
Move: -
Stance: Ride The Wind

Start of Turn: All Allies within LoS gain 6 Temporary HP from Bolstering Presence
Free: Move Soul Candle to P21. Shiori, Reiko, Satomi, Sunwing, Jiyuna are within range of Soul Candle's Votive effect. Gain +5 to resist mind-affecting affects and +3 fire damage on attacks.
Move: -
Standard: Heal Satomi with Soothing Touch. Satomi recovers [roll12] hp
Stance: Bolstering Presence

2019-09-02, 12:11 AM
The arrival of the newcomers to the fray made the ants' already difficult situation into a bleak one. Kotetsu's blade flashed and parted an Ant's head from its abdomen, Hitomi's way-too-big-for-her glaive crushed another ant more than sliced it, and the two ants who remained found themselves surrounded by a small army of the students.

Despite being beset by the students on all sides, the remaining ants fought on with desperate strength. The remaining soldier and worker both snapped at Lash, trying to bite the boy and take at least one invader with them.

Soldier Ant 2
Standard: Attack Lash with Bite: [roll]1d20+4[/roll, on hit [roll0] damage. Miss (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24122920&postcount=132)

Worker Ant 1
Standard: Attack Lash with Bite: [roll1], on hit [roll2] damage. Miss

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit?usp=sharing)
PCs are on Turn

2019-09-06, 07:53 AM
Koutetsu leaps away from the corpse of the dead ant, spinning further south away from the other students until she gets in range of the soldier ant, bringing her sword up in a swift, abrupt thrust at its carapace.

Acrobatics-ing towards N21, unless I can stand on a dead ant corpse at N22 and get flanking again: [roll0]

Attack w/ Skirmish: [roll1] Add +2 to this if she can get into flanking position [roll2] [roll3]

2019-09-06, 01:09 PM
Shiori relaxes slightly; after so long around others, it is nice to finally be around someone who knows how the world really is. Oh, you're right, he concedes, anticipating Hitomi's actions and moving diagonally to get closer to the last visible enemies on the battlefield. At worst, the Hanyangi things can only kill us.

Move Action: Shift to O25.

Standard Action: N/A.

2019-09-07, 04:07 PM
Wulfric narrowly dodges the ants' bites, turning to face them.

"Gah! Dumb things..."

Having used most of his special techniques, he resorts to making a basic attack, simply lashing with his chain towards the remaining soldier ant.

Just a regular attack this time, with some power attack:

Attack Roll: [roll0] (-2 PA penalty already applied)

Damage Roll: [roll1] (+4 damage bonus applied)

2019-09-08, 05:26 PM
Kotetsu nimbly hopped over over dead ants to close in on the remaining soldier, but whether it was the crowded footing or just errant execution her thrust lacked the instantaneous speed that would have made it a deadly attack. The soldier ant swayed and evaded the strike.

Lash's chains fared better, striking true. They wrapped around the ant and Lash ripped them back, drawing the chains across the ant. But while the chains would have drawn deep lacerations in a human foe, the spikes embedded in the chains failed to penetrate the Ant's carapace.

The ants only got a brief respite. The giant ants might be more than capable of dominating the local ecosystem, but the academy let loose their students in the valley precisely because the ants they were no match for trained adepts working in groups. The ants could sometimes be dangerous when they held the advantage of numbers, but these two remaining ants had long since lost that advantage here and themselves were surrounded by the young adepts. Satomi, Jiyuna, Sunwing and Hitomi closed in and, under the invigorating light of Reiko's flame, made short work of the remaining ants.

With the final ant dead, Satomi turned on Kotetsu and Shiori. She puffed up like she was going to start yelling again, but she stopped short with a realization. "You two weren't part of that jerk's team." It wasn't a question. She turned and finally noticed the double-sized group that was waiting at the edge of the clearing with Kaede.

"What happened?" she demanded.

"What makes you think something happened?"

"Two other groups teamed up and arrived together. They sought us out. They could be hunting ants right now, but they're here. So something happened to bring them here."

These ants are outnumbered 8:2, and there are even more students watching. Its all over but for clean-up, so I'm going to fiat the end of the battle.
Battle Over

2019-09-08, 07:15 PM
"Right, now look here!"

Adarata came down from his tree with a thud.

"Wild and dangerous beasts, the Hanyangi, have infiltrated the hunting grounds from their underground tunnels. There were four younglings, and collectively we've finished off three of them. Now that we're all together, the last one isn't such a worry. However, there is also a great big adult Hanyangi, which was last seen feeding from the ant hill where they all originated. By now its last young might have returned to it, or worse, more might have come through the tunnels - the path is open for them. Benjiro and his group have gone to assault the adult, and we're gathering the rest of the folk to go on after him. You should join in on our initiative!"

2019-09-08, 09:02 PM
Shiori blinks in surprise as yet another battle goes by with minor injuries for him (and no injuries for the people he was defending). Luckily, Hitomi is a steadying force, so this time he doesn't forget himself and doom them... even more than they already were doomed.

Squinting at the girl with the giant pole-sword, Shiori considers who he can shuffle out of his Collective for a moment so that he can send the girl information on the threat quickly--and then Izuka drops out of a tree to explain the situation better. Oh, there's another anthill? And they're not all connected. Right. Not like--The one who might not exist said that earlier. Right. Shiori nods to himself. "As long as we're all together, we might be able to kill it at the same time as it kills us," he adds brightly to the end of Izuka's statement.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-09-10, 12:24 PM
"Er...no, I think we stand a much better chance than that." Tsugiharu immediately added, somewhat awkwardly.

If we can lure it out of the tunnels, at least.

"...but I can't say the same for just five students, so if you want to come we'd better hurry."

2019-09-15, 02:47 PM
Wulfric's face splits with a toothy grin.

"You've found something more exciting than the ants? Count me in! Was getting tired of these things - not much of a fight once you've seen a couple."

2019-09-18, 06:56 PM
Reactions to the news of hanyangi were mixed.

Satomi eyed Adarata suspiciously. Reiko's eyes went wide in alarm. Jiyuna reached down to stroke Sunwing's neck protectively. And Kaede...

"Yeah, they sound really strong!" 3 children being offered new toys could maybe match Kaede's excitement. Maybe. "I could really use a good fight. What can they do? Are they far away? What order do we want to fight in? Is your team going in first?"

"Order? Its a demon beast! Why would we take turns? We should fight it together"

"All of us ganging up on it? That wouldn't be fair!"

"But if it is really that strong, fighting it would be really dangerous. I've seen adepts come back wounded even when they were well prepared. I don't want to see any of you get crippled."

"Well, no. It just seems like such a waste..."

"Yeah, lets waste it."

"I agree. If it is such a powerful beast we should work together. To do otherwise and charge in alone would be foolish and unworthy of a warrior pledged to protect the city." Satomi absolutely did not look at Lash while weighing in. She had in fact taken out a cloth and started cleaning off her naginata's blade with almost absentminded efficiency. "But I still have a question. How do we know that there are hangyangis in the valley? I had heard they only live in caves deep underground."

"Forgive me, but are you suggesting we are lying to you?"

"No, no. I have no doubts as to your sincerity, but it is possible to speak the truth as you know it and still be incorrect."

2019-09-18, 07:45 PM
Adarata shrugged.

"Ant hills go underground. The caves are underground. Territory isn't only a human problem."

He idly gazed over the pack of children. He was beginning to speak as if this Hanyangi problem wasn't exactly a new situation for him.

"Now there's all plenty of us. You'd send not nearly this many folk where I come from to take care of, say, a wee bear. And those folk aren't adepts. As long as nobody does anything foolish it should all work out."

2019-09-19, 08:05 PM
Shiori shrugs, shrinking in on himself. "The Ants delved too greedily and too deep. We know what they awoke in those tunnels," he replies quietly, looking away from the group.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-09-21, 01:23 PM
"Yes, well, perhaps they forgot to inform these particular hanyangis about that." Tsugiharu replied, trying to sound joking but unable to entirely conceal the sarcasm in his tone. That comment somewhat rubbed him the wrong way. "We fought giant-bat-like creatures with sharp claws and stunning screeches. Don't know how else to call those."

"And anyway, any moment we spend in pointless arguments is another moment that fool Benjiro could get someone killed. Just sayin'."

2019-09-29, 07:49 PM
"Yeah, that sounds like a hanyangi to me! We'd be happy to help!"

"Hold on Lady Kaede, we don't know if-"

"-our classmates are asking us for help defeating a powerful opponent, and it sounds like Benjiro and his friends went off ahead and might be in danger. You're being too cautious."
"I agree. There's caution and there's paranoia. We should help them.

"I don't like the thought of standing by doing nothing while my classmates get hurt when I can do something about it. Please, lets help them."

"Fine." Satomi let out a big frustrated sigh, but she looked back towards the newcomers. "We'll help. Lead on."

There isn't anything that you can quite put a finger on, but you get the sense that this isn't a new exchange for Kaede and Satomi, and although Satomi is being excessively cautious you don't get the sense that she lacks for courage. Its more like caution on principle, or professional caution for Kaede. Its unlikely that she'd develop that concern for Kaede if they'd just met in class this week - they must know each other from outside the academy. Given all that, you get the sense that Satomi is acting as a yojimbo for Kaede.

A noble having one or more yojimbos is quite common, but its a rare thing for someone to have a yojimbo while attending the academy. If Satomi isn't just being excessively protective, that would suggest that Kaede is someone of extremely high station.

2019-09-29, 10:31 PM
Almost unconsciously, Shiori noted the power dynamic between Kaede and Satomi and briefly entertained its significance before dismissing it to consider more important matters.

That one, Shiori sends privately to Hitomi, outlining Yumi in his mind's eye. She... feels like THEM, but she isn't THEM. I think... she might have read a different Book. If she doesn't know... I will try to find out if she does. Keep an eye on me? It was an old joke between them; they always had an eye on each other, for one reason or another.

As the group begins to head towards the anthill containing the adult Hanyangi, Shiori finds his way near to Yumi. "Do you sleep?" He asks her abruptly, though quietly. It was dangerous to get so close to the matter, he knew, but to anyone without the knowledge it should be an innocent question. And to people who knew... well, they knew already, so their Doom was already upon them. Just like Shiori and Hitomi.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-09-30, 03:22 PM
Lady Kaede, huh?

Just respect or a master-attendant relationship? Hard to say from a single exchange, so Tsugiharu stored the matter in a corner of his mind for future reference.

"Good. Right behind you, Great Nezu." he said, then his keen ears picked up on the exchange between Shiori and Yumi and he focused on the pair, trying to figure out the significance of the question. Why wouldn't she sleep? It would be pretty interesting if there was some technique that allowed you to do that.

Taking 10 for 25 Stealth to eavesdrop unnoticed :smalltongue:.

2019-10-06, 05:47 PM
Yumi blinked at the question. "Most of the night. I'm still new to this power. But I'm definitely going to make it mine."

"Yeah, I know the way! Everyone follow me!" Nezu took the lead again, walking to the edge of the clearing but then picking up the pace to a light jog once all the other students had started following. The band made good time through the forest, encountering no resistance. Perhaps they got lucky, but more than a dozen warriors in full armor also made raised quite a din as they traveled. Any ants in their path would have been wise to lay low until they'd passed.

At last, Nezu slowed up. "Alright everyone, we're getting close. The anthill I first saw the hanyangi at is just ahead. The-"

"-I smell blood." cut in Yumi. "Lots of it."

"What? Didn't you say Benjiro went here ahead of us? It could be Benjiro! Come on!" Kaede called as she started running for the clearing. The rest of her group took off after her, although Satomi growled as she did. Dragged along, the other parties followed Kaede's band.

The clearing was something of a nightmare. Blood and ant parts covered the clearing, torn apart.

Although there are ant parts scattered in a bloody mess all over, there aren't actually that many dead ants. You count even fewer than Lash and Kaede's team fought outside the last anthill. It just appears so because of how completely and violently the ants were torn apart. You also don't see any human bodies among the carnage.
Based on where the bloodstains and bodies are thickest, you get the sense that the ants here were killed while they were approaching the anthill. These ants weren't fleeing the anthill when they were killed - they were returning to it.
These ants clearly weren't killed for sustenance - hanyangi might be unusually violent among demon beasts, but this kind of dismemberment is still unusual even by those standards. Unless what the attacker was after wasn't meat but soul stones - Demon Beasts that were close to advancing sometimes could grow unusually aggressive in pursuit of the last soul stones they needed.

2019-10-06, 05:59 PM
Wulfric rushes into the clearing with the others, coming to a stuttering halt at the sight of the massacre.

"Serpent's Poison... what happened here?"

2019-10-06, 06:50 PM
Adarata barely stopped as he got into the clearing, quickly eyeing over the bodies.

"We learnt about all this! Demon beasts can act quite strangely when they only need a few more soul stones to grow stronger. That big Hanyangi was on the verge of expanding."

Looking around to the now rather large group, he waved a hand to advance.

"Come on! It might be big enough for all of us now, and Benjiro's men are in there alone!"

2019-10-06, 07:59 PM
Shiori lives in a world of worst-case scenarios; the fact that Yumi connects his question of sleep to her power immediately is as good as confirmation for him. He falls back, watching Yumi's back warily as she strides ahead. "No, oh no," he says softly. "If you continue to sleep, all unknowing, you will soon be its."

Upon seeing the gory, nightmarish scene before the anthill, Shiori visibly relaxes. He catches Hitomi's eye, and begins scanning the trees above and the dirt directly below them, confident that Hitomi will cover the most direct paths of nightmarish attack. "We may as well meet it head on," he agrees with Izuka, though reluctantly. "At this point, it's too late to run." He walks forward, still looking everywhere except the most obvious locations of danger.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-10-07, 12:18 PM
Yeah, of course she sleeps most of the - wait, what power? So it was a valid question? Hmm.

How curious. Well, if anthing, it was clear Shiori's wierdness wasn't just, well, weirdness. Tsugiharu's interest in the matter spiked once more. Should I actually pursue the matter, though? he wondered idly. He'd already kind of burned bridges with Benjiro&Co, it wouldn't do to earn the ires of even more classmates.

Taking 10 for 20 Perception.

Tsugiharu made to follow the others, but as he looked at the slaughtered ants he came to a sudden realisation.

"Stop!" he cried out, trying to not be too loud but unable to completely suppress that people potentially running to their deaths caused. "It's already out! These ants were coming back!"

His eyes darted around the clearing, looking for the hanyangi. If something that dangerous managed to ambush them, it could end up very badly.

Perception [roll0]. :smallmad:

2019-10-08, 10:05 PM
Kotetsu seems a bit slow for a moment, contemplating utilizing the one way she knows how to draw out anything that could still be in the ant hill at the cost of anonymity, to the point of losing focus.

However, when the others voice their concerns, she drops into a guarded stance, shifting her sword in the sash, preparing for... well, damn near anything.

Prepping x3 Mizuchi's, Crawling Ivy Strike, and Aerial Strike. Staying in Phantasmal blade stance

Also, perception: [roll0]

2019-10-13, 11:33 AM
The class responded at once to the warning - classmates hefted weapons and started scanning the trees for the beast about to leap from the shadows and ambush them. Nari's face went white and the temperature around her dropped. Satomi and Yumi wore looks of grim determination. Nezu nocked an arrow and started scanning the trees, although he moved towards the center of the clearing as he did. Reiko summoned her flame and raised it. The golden glow enveloped Kaede, who scanned the trees eagerly, and Hitomi, who looked unimpressed by the suddenly ominous cave mouth of the anthill. Jiyuna gave a sharp whistle and raised her hand, pointing two fingers skyward and making a circling motion. Her Giant Eagle Sunwing shrieked in answer and took to the sky in a fluffy of feathers, rapidly rising a hundred feet in the air and circling the clearing. Even if the monster was hidden from the ground, few could hide from a sharp-eyed eagle on the wing.

Any pretense to stealth was lost - surely any monster waiting in hiding would see they were on their guard and give up on stealth.

Seconds ticked by.

Then more seconds.

Nothing jumped out of the shadows.

"Hey Tsugiharu, Sunwing doesn't see anything. Are you sure we're under attack?"

Yumi warily studied the ground while taking a deep breath through her nose. "The scent is... newish. More than an hour, but not much more. I think. The tracks are muddled but I think the largest hanyangi to come out of the anthill went back in."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-10-13, 11:50 AM
"Well, I never said we were under attack. Tsugiharu muttered, releasing some tension from his muscles. He was somewhat embarassed by what had effectively been a false alarm, but ultimately he was more relieved than anything. They still had a chance to engage the hanyangi on their own terms (and, you know, no sonic screech taking out half the party before the fight had even begun).

"Er, sorry. Assuming the worst case has kind of been drilled into me. But better safe than sorry...right?" he said, with a weak smile. "Let's keep going, then."

2019-10-13, 03:41 PM
Spinning around on all points with his staff, Adarata nodded.

"They are tunnel beasts, so surely it would retreat into the hill again. It was still a good assessment, friend. Let's advance!"

2019-10-19, 12:54 PM
The sudden alarm went out of the group. Weapons were lowered with a collective murmer. "No harm, no foul. I think we'd all rather be on-alert than let one of those beasts get the jump on us."




"So it looks like we're going into the tunnels. How do we want to do this?"

What followed was a cacophony of the students trying to figure out just that. Reiko's flames gave off some light, but not enough for the entire group to see by. Staying out till nightfall had never been part of the plan, so few of the students had bothered carrying lanterns or torches. Fortunately, "few" didn't mean "none", and the group was lucky enough to scrounge up enough light sources between them for each group to have one.

Then there was the haggling over what order everyone would move in. The ants built their tunnels wide enough for two of them to pass at a time. While that meant the students could travel in double-file if they needed to, not all of the students could realistically fight in such tight confines. Those with larger weapons would need to travel single file. Hitomi's over-sized glaive in particular had been devastating in the earlier battle in the field, but was clearly unsuited to cramped fighting underground. She would prove to need to short-haft the weapon just to maneuver in the tunnels' confines.

Then there was Sunwing, who balked at following the gaggle underground. Jiyuna tried soothing and coaxing the eagle, but Sunwing wasn't moved. The standoff resolved itself at the suggestion that Sunwing be allowed to stay out of the tunnels. After all, there was still a hanyangi that was maybe still somewhere in the forest. If Sunwing stood guard and spotted it returning to the nest, Jiyuna assured everyone she'd be able to sense the alarm through her bond with Sunwing. It should be enough warning so they could avoid being taken unawares.

With that settled, the class was at last ready to descend into the anthill. The going proved slow - the ants weren't supernatural climbers but they were more than capable of scaling just about anything they could hook their clawed feet into. As such, while the walls and floor of the tunnels were rough with plenty of handholds, the ants hadn't dug their tunnels with anything resembling a regard for keeping tunnels level or gentle descents. So even as the class moved slowly and kept on alert for possible hanyangi, more than once the line of students needed to slow down to navigate the terrain. And as they traveled deeper, the smell worsened. The students regularly passed ant corpses in the tunnels - or rather, pieces of ant corpses in the tunnels. They'd been torn apart much like the ants just outside the mouth of the anthill had. There were several places where the tunnels opened up into rooms, sometimes fairly large ones. In most of these rooms the students were able to make out piles of food the ants had stashed away, but all too frequently the rooms were also coated with blood. It seemed like the hanyangi had come across packs of ants in the rooms, or maybe the ants had tried to make stands in them where they could more readily bring their numbers to bear. It hadn't worked in their favor.

Yumi seemed to go white as the class advanced and the stench of gore got thicker. She'd remained in her Running Hunter's Stance trying to do her part to be on watch hoping she could catch the hanyangi's scent, but finally gave up. When Nari asked if she was ok Yumi responded that between the ant smell and the stench it was impossible to pick out any one scent anymore.

The class descended deeper into the anthill. The frequent splitting of the tunnels made it all but impossible to search every nook and cranny, but the main tunnel was always just a bit larger and the footing easier even as it wound deeper. There was little discussion of breaking off to follow the side tunnels - if they had to fight a hanyangi, no one wanted to do it on uneven footing in single file.

Despite being on high alert, none of the students spotted the monster as they descended. It was eerie - to see the gore of the ants and the ocasional gouges in the wall carved out by a large claw, but not hear any sign of the monster itself. At last, the tunnel opened up into what could only be the Queen's chamber - a large open, high-ceiling room. Tunnels connected to the chamber from all directions and heights. The walls of the chamber were hewn into a kind of honeycomb, each little alcove at one point having been filled with an egg. If they were all full, the chamber should have housed dozens upon dozens of larval ants.

Now it was impossible to tell as the eggs were were smashed, membranes torn and the fluid inside instead dripped from the walls. The ants hadn't surrendered the room without a fight - the ant corpses were everywhere, with quite a few being the slightly large frames of the soldier ants. The soldier ants lay thickest in one corner of the room where another ant body lay. Despite now being headless, this ant was half again as large as the soldier ants with shredded wings jutting out from its back - the queen.

And as if to greet you all, an eerie howl echoed from somewhere distant down the tunnels.

2019-10-19, 01:10 PM
"Alright everyone, here we go. This should be good."

The cocky smile appears on his face again as he gives his chain a few test swings with a flourish. He doesn't appear nervous, but those watching closely will notice that he changes from his typical aggressive stance to a more defensive one.

Stance changes from Body of the Night to Leaping Spirit Dance

2019-10-20, 01:26 AM
Adarata nodded along.

"We might not find another good chamber like this. Perhaps we should wait for it to come - if we press up against all the walls, with ambushers and archers in the corridors, it won't get many with its screech."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-10-20, 12:44 PM
"Yes. We have to attack all toghether, so we need all the space we can get." Tsugiharu agreed with Adarata, warming up his joints, then scanned the studens to look for Nari. "That snow wall you summoned before, it blocked the brunt of the screech, right? We'll need some of us to be bait to lure the beast to the center of the chamber, and you'll need to protect them. And on that matter..."

"...who's going to be bait?" he asked, somewhat apologetically since he wouldn't be stepping forward for the role.

2019-10-20, 04:49 PM
Adarata's hand shot up.

"Right, yes, I'll make a go of it! It won't be so dangerous with all these extra fighters anyway."

2019-10-20, 06:35 PM
"I'm up for it, too. Got a technique that could let me tangle it up when it attacks me. If I can keep it grounded, this should be easy."

2019-10-20, 07:13 PM
"So, the plan is to split up and try to get the giant creature to hunt for us," Shiori says slowly. He has been mostly silent throughout the haggling and movement through the tunnels, sticking close to Hitomi and gazing about in seemingly random directions. "That may be as good of a plan as we can get. It was pleasant enough to know you both for the short time I did," he finishes, gazing at Izuka and Lash solemnly. There's too many, too many, and look--LOOK--where we've gone! It must be too late for some of us, even here, he frets silently in his own mind.

2019-10-20, 07:37 PM
"...well, don't split up! Nobody should leave the chamber unless they absolutely must not be engaged. And even those people should only go a few extra paces. The rest of us spread around the walls."

Hyperbolic sine
2019-10-21, 03:09 AM
"No, no, no one's splitting up." Tsugiharu hurried to say. "We just need to give the hanyangi an obvious target when it gets here. We have to fight it on our own terms. Control the flow of battle. And come on, no one's going to die."

If we don't screw up. he added, in the privacy of his own mind. He was starting to think that maybe they should have left Benjiro to his fate. ... Actually, they hadn't met him yet. It could have been all for nothing.

"Right?" he added, looking at Saori for help. She, unlike him, was good at pep talks.

2019-10-21, 07:14 PM
Shiori looks at Tsugiharu, his head tilted slightly to one side. Gently, as though explaining to a child, he says, "Everyone is going to die. That's why every morning is so surprising."

He blinks a little as the plan is explained in more detail to him. "Oh, so we are staying to fight in here, not running out to find the monster and trying to lure it here? In that case, I will be the bait. I--" he stops himself from continuing aloud, but says to Hitomi mentally as an aside, I have certainly been bait before.

2019-10-22, 11:40 PM
Nari blinked in surprise when Tsugiharu singled her out. "Well... yes. I can try blocking the screech again. But I won't be able to protect you if we're all spread out. I mean- I can only make a snow mound appear within arms's reach. And this far underground maybe I should try an earth wall instead? I... might be able to clog up some of the tunnels at least. Would that help?"

"Shiori, no!" Hitomi interjected immediately. Any of them can bait this meaningless beast. Only we can fight them.

"Tsugi's is right, no one's going to die today." Saori's declaration was filled with reassuring confidence. "There are many of us and one of it. The wolf may fear a bear, but the bear fears a wolf pack. As long as we work together we'll win!" Coming from another the declaration might have sounded hollow, but Saori's charisma was downright infectious. All around the room students raised their heads or nodded in agreement as morale steadied.

"If someone needs to be bait, let me do it. I can probably handle anything the monster throws at me better than any of you can."

"ooo! I-"

"With all due respect to your skills," Satomi cut in as Kaede was opening her mouth, "this adult should be larger than the young beasts we faced before. You'll have to get inside its claws before you can fight back. I have a reach advantage. I can hold the beast in place while the rest of you move into position."

2019-10-23, 08:16 AM
His head constantly swivelling over to the direction where he presumed the monster would come from, Adarata appeared unusually frustrated.

"Not so many of you! Look, now when the monster bears down on some poor soul, it will bear down with all its tooth and claw. So, if we're worried about our safety, it makes no difference if there's one person in the middle or ten - either way, somebody's armour will be tested."

"But the point is to fool it into using its screeching attack on only a few of us. Three at the most, or else it defeats the purpose, because it will be able to get many of us in one blast. I say three fighters!"

Whipping out his staff, he spun it around a few times in one hand before planting the haft on the earthy floor, positioning himself at the dead centre of the room.

"Myself, Shiori, and one other. It doesn't matter who. The rest of you, scatter to the walls. We will all swarm around this thing and bring it down, but wait for a moment before you do! If it uses its screech, you can all attack. But even if it doesn't, attack anyway! As long as we surround it properly, it won't be able to use it very well anyway."

2019-10-23, 12:41 PM
"I call it. I'll try and ground it once it gets close. Can't guarantee it'll work, though - I'm good, but I haven't seen one of these things yet, so no promises."

2019-10-24, 11:46 AM
Shiori smiles at Hitomi. Why do we fight THEM? Because everyone else can't. If I let them fall to this meaningless beast, how can I say I'm defending them? Besides-- He sends across an image: a larger hanyangi, roaring into the chamber only to be stopped cold by a circle of Shiori's wooden shields. A moment later, several glaives shoot out from the shields, impaling the hanyangi multiple times. --you are here to keep me alive, and I am here to keep you alive.

Hyperbolic sine
2019-10-27, 11:42 AM
"Well... yes. I can try blocking the screech again. But I won't be able to protect you if we're all spread out. I mean- I can only make a snow mound appear within arms's reach. And this far underground maybe I should try an earth wall instead? I... might be able to clog up some of the tunnels at least. Would that help?"

"You'd only need to protect the bait...but only within arm's reach? Mmm. Forget it, then. They'll have to endure it." Tsugiharu replied, waving his hand. "And no, leave the tunnels be, they're our escape routes. But...hmm. Can you make a pillar to give Nezu high ground?"

2019-10-30, 03:31 PM
Kotetsu sighs as she doesn't draw her sword.

"I... am relatively fast. Perhaps faster than the rest of you." she seems to be holding some snippet of information back, a terrible liar/witholder it would seem, but she doesn't go further, I have neither bow nor reach but if I can get the thing to chase me in a full on run I imagine that I can outpace it. And I have a trick to save myself if I cannot. And since the bait isn't going to be all by themselves fighting this thing, but leading it back to the 'pack', then speed and agility are all that matter. Also I'm tired of having to run at these monsters; for once I'd rather be in striking reach much sooner than having to bound through a copse of trees to hit something while the rest of your prepare something to smash at it.

I absolutely love how everyone's volunteered.

But still:

[roll0] Abysmal diplomacy check ahead.

2019-10-31, 02:26 AM
Adarata jammed the end of his weapon against the stone - he seemed about ready to fling it across the room, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Kotetsu, it's...twelve paces from the centre of the room to the edge. If you have the spark, that distance will not be enough to hinder you. You do not need to run anywhere or draw anything out, we are squatting in this small cramped space because it is an advantage to us to fight here. We...actually, in fact?"

His eyes glanced over the various paths and openings around the room.

"Nobody leaves this chamber. Nobody goes into the corridors. It is no bother to me if you are an archer or something of the sort; do not step out of the room. I believe I confused some of us when I suggested shooting from the corridors, so just forget it and stay in the chamber. This should not be difficult to get a grip on, it's a short-form circle-and-clinch assault. Truly, I was taught this strategy when I was nine years old, by my father and his brothers. Peasants understand this manoeuvre and can perform it adequately under threat of death. We are Phoenix students. There is no excuse for not understanding this plot. The beast will appear, hopefully it will use its shriek, and then everybody advances and attacks. That's it. That's the strategy. Please do not put your friends' lives at risk with needless over-complication."

2019-11-03, 06:55 PM
"Ye- Yeah, I can do that," Nari answered Tsugiharu.

"He may be indelicate, but Izuka is right," Saori agreed quickly, before the other students could respond. The room had gone quiet at the unexpected command. Satomi's eyes had narrowed angrily at being compared less favorably to a peasant child.

"I'm sure many of you have prior training at this, but we're not used to working together in a team this size yet. We should keep our strategy simple. We draw the Hanyangi in this room and encircle it. Be careful when it focuses on you and attack when focuses on someone else. Circle and Cinch. Its simple and effective. We can do this." One by one the rest of the class started to nod in agreement.

"So who's going to be the third man in the middle?"

"I think-"
"I will do it." Hitomi's declaration allowed no room for dissent.

"Hitomi, was it? Are you sure that-"

"Yes. Just another eyeless one."


That settled, the rest of the class started to spread out around chamber. Satomi herself looked like she had something to say, but after a moment let it go and stalked to the edge of the chamber near Kaede. But just as the students were settling into position, a thought slid across Shiori's mental link. No echos.

Indeed, at some point during the strategy discussion the eerie howls echo from the tunnels had stopped. It comes.

Just as the thought slid across your conscious, there was a flash of movement. Not from the tunnels - but from above them. And then an ear splitting shriek that was almost physical filled the cavern, echoing off the walls of the enclosed chamber and sparing no one. Splitting pain filled your ears feeling like someone had taken a knife to them and the vibrations could be felt deep in your bones.

Weapons clattered to the floor as your classmates slumped to the ground, but you somehow managed to keep your feet. After what seemed like eternity the assault abated.

The Hanyangi hadn't approached from one of the tunnels along the chamber's floor. It stood at the lip of one of the tunnels connected halfway up the chamber's height. The beast dwarfed the hanyangi you had battled earlier, standing nearly twice the height of a man had it been standing. This was not merely a larger version of the beasts battled earlier. It had evolved. This beast was hunched over and so thick and muscled it looked like it had more in common with a bear than those younglings. The second set of limbs had grown, becoming as thick and strong as its main arms and ending in the same wicked claws.

The beast had its eyeless head cocked to one side as its ears swiveled, surveying the effect of its attack on the fledgling warriors below. Evidently it liked what it saw, because its lips pealed back from its fangs in an expression that was unmistakable. The monster bounded off the ledge, guided by its 4 wings to its prey below.

Here we go!

There will be no surprise round. By GM Fiat, the monster will go first this encounter and will spend its turn doing the above. Also by GM Fiat, only one of your classmates will start the encounter not being Paralyzed by the monster. That ally is: [roll0] Saori Also Also by GM Fiat, all PCs managed endure and be unaffected by the opening attack. These effects will cancel out and the team gains 1 floating Victory Point.

1: Kaede
2: Satomi
3: Hitomi
4: Reiko
5: Jiyuna
6: Nezu
7: Nari
8: Saori

There will be some Special Rules in play.

Shake it Off: As a Standard Action, you may attempt to encourage, sooth, or otherwise induce an ally to shake off the effects of the Hanyangi Pack Lord's Paralysis. You may choose 1 ally currently affected by the Pack Lord's Sonic Screech. That ally receives a new save. You may spend a VP as part of this action to skip the Save and have the ally automatically recover from the Paralysis. The ally will act on the players' initiative next turn.

Evolved Demon Beast: The Hanyangi Pack Lord has absorbed so many soul stones that it has evolved to a new level. It may act twice on its initiative. However, its total movement may not exceed its normal total movement. It may double-move with 2 move actions, but it may not trade a standard action for movement and triple-move if it does so. It may not Run twice. If it is affected by a movement-impairing effect that effect applies across all its movement modes. The Evolved Demon Beast may not focus all of its attacks on a single target: if there are multiple valid targets that are within its reach and threaten the Evolved Demon Beast, it must spread its attacks among at least two targets. If there is only one such target within its reach, it may use all of its attacks against that target as normal. (DM Note: Translation - you will not get full-attacked twice or similarly focus fired unless you're the only available reasonable target.)

Easy Prey: The Hanyangi Pack Lord's shriek is capable of Paralyzing targets, making them easy prey. In any round in which there are no characters which threaten the Hanyangi, it will seek out a paralyzed target. You may spend a HP on the character's behalf to use the Heroic Resolve effect to reduce damage for an attack. This will have the additional effect of disallowing the Pack Lord from using Coup de Grace attacks for that turn. If instead the Pack Lord manages to slay an NPC, the PCs will gain a floating VP as a Complication.

This is the final battle of this adventure. Victory Points will reset after this.
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14ZObHY9RXenTF8odgNDGr6rBwHHfuuuuf8rjLYiRfNs/edit#gid=0)
All PCs are on Turn

Hyperbolic sine
2019-11-04, 09:40 AM
[I]Ah, of course. From above.[I] Tsugiharu thought, feeling weirdly detached as the screech crashed on the students and he recalled an oft recited maxim of the Kuroda instructors - assumption is the mother of all f**k ups.

Fortunately, he was in a position where the screech didn't quite reach, or perhaps where its echoes destructively interfered; either way, he managed to endure...but the same couldn't be said for most of the others, and worse, they seemed pretty out of it. They didn't seem entirely unconscious, but who to wake first? They needed to hit hard, and have staying power, and...

"Wake Yumi!" he yelled at Saori, as time seemed to return to its normal speed and he dashed forward; from what he had seen, it would be best to let her join the fight from the start, but he couldn't yet do it himself - he had to buy Adarata and Shiori some breathing room while anyone who could closed in to engage.

His chakram glinted at the light of the torches as he drew it, only to disappear immediately leaving his hand - and reappearing when it was but mere inches from its target, with its load of corrupted ki.

Move: R11>Q12>P13>O14>O16 + draw chakram.
Swift: Dizzying Venom Prana.
Standard: Attack with Dimensional Strike at (@+4 from BotN, hanyangi is flat-footed) [roll0]. On a hit:

Chakram [roll1] damage;
BotN [roll2] damage;
DS [roll3] damage;
DVP: Staggered for 1 round (no save). 2 Wis damage (Fort DC 19 negates).

Active effects
Body of the Night.

Dimensional Strike
Disturbing Blow
Dizzying Venom Prana
Hunting Serpent Blow
Sting of the Asp

2019-11-04, 05:26 PM
"All of our advantage!" Adarata looked around for a second in dismay before steeling himself, and staring dead-on at the Hanyangi.

"Right then. I'll flank this monstrosity!"

With a nod to Shiori, he darted around the beast's reach, going for the corners behind it. When he arrived, he found the unconscious Satomi and Kaede, who he could not help but to stop by. "Are you wounded, classmates? Come on, on your feet!"

Making up for the lost time, he leaped upwards and backwards, spinning around to land in a low crouch at the very rear of the monster.

Free Action: Prepare Leaping Dragon.
Move Action: To J26.
Standard Action: Revive Kaede, spending a VP to auto-succeed.
Swift Action: Leaping Dragon into K24.

Current Stance: Momentum (+1).
Manoeuvres Readied: Leaping Dragon.

2019-11-07, 09:21 PM
Shiori lets out his breath in a slow sigh after the scream fades. Now, finally, all makes sense.

He turns to Hitomi, frozen next to him, and lays a hand on her shoulder. It is not the time to become as statues, 'Mi. Wake."

Moving past his slowly-awakening cousin, Shiori walks calmly up to the massive monster, drawing his flail and settling his shield in place.

Standard Action: Awaken Hitomi, spending 1 VP to auto-succeed.

Move Action: Shift to N21.

If anyone within 60 feet of Shiori is attacked by the Hanyangi Pack Lord, Shiori will activate Fear the Reaper as a reaction.

Default Stance: Unbroken Stride

Readied Maneuvers:
Harmony-Shattering Strike
Drowned Aggression
Body of Delusion
Fear the Reaper

2019-11-08, 10:51 PM
"Now this is gonna be a good one!"

By all appearances, Wulfric seems to be excited, despite several of his classmates being paralyzed by the creature's shriek. He deftly bounds the small distance between the beast and him, coming up on Shiori's right. Wulfric flashes a quick cocky grin before lashing out with his chain, aiming to wrap it around the hanyangi's limbs.

Move Action: move to m21
This moves Wulfric 10 feet, so he gains a +2 dodge to AC, and a +2 competence to reflexes this turn

Standard Action: Maneuver: Binding Constrictor
This lets Wulfric make a normal attack. On a successful hit, he gets a free grapple attempt, which he adds half of his initiator level to(just +1 for now)

Attack Roll: [roll0](flanking bonus already added)
Damage Roll: [roll1]
Grapple Attempt if Successful Hit: [roll2] used VP to reroll, now a 19