View Full Version : Dwarf pirate?

2019-04-01, 12:17 PM
I need help for a 10th level pirate build...
mething like cutlass and crossbow... Suggestionss?
Thank you!

2019-04-01, 12:22 PM
At 10th level, your dwarf pirate is probably a notorious buccaneer with a ship of his own, so I would suggest you build accordingly. The Dread Pirate and Legendary Captain PrCs might be worth a look, depending on your sources allowed.

Also, is Leadership allowed at your table? That could get you shipful of followers and a loyal first mate.

2019-04-01, 12:25 PM
I can use every manual

2019-04-01, 12:37 PM
Basically any class can be a pirate (okay, LG paladins who follow the as-written Code might have a hard time actually pirating instead of just sailing, but that’s a special case). What do you want your character to do, and how do you want to do it?

2019-04-01, 01:21 PM
My problem is: I like the Dread Pirate and Legendary Captain PrCs... But they are not that good... And the character wouldn't be useful enough...
I would like to fight with a cutlass (and maybe a crossbow) sailing skills, maybe something useful for stealth/looting...
I'm imagining the classic pirate capitan with a wooden leg and a parrot... Is it possible?
I really like the Storm Sentry... Can be done?

2019-04-02, 09:35 AM
Aye, me washie, any class can be a pirate, for a pirate is as varied as the sea, and ye want to be a pirate!

For your parrot, just get the feat Acquire Familiar or ask your DM if you can pay to have a trained parrot if you're tight on feats. As a familiar, it progresses as per your character level, so use a raven's stats including its ability to speak and consider it a pirate. I can't remember the price of a parrot (I think it was in Stormwrack? I know one of the books has prices on pets and non-familiar animals, could be Cityscape for all I know), but it can't be much.

Dread Pirate is fine, but I'm fond of Scarlet Corsair. Your sneak attack adds to rogue ones, plus you can feint as a free action as part of a bluff check, meaning every attack is a sneak attack potentially.

It never got updated to 3.5 afaik (might be in a Dragon magazine), but Outlaw of the Crimson Road might be fun for a shooty pirate, from Song and Silence. The main thing it gets that's fun from what I can see is the ability to disarm someone at range (so a pirate with a crossbow could shoot a swordsman and make them drop their sword), and they can do a reflex save to get half damage on any damage that would normally reduce them below 0 hitpoints. Plus they've got stuff for famous pirates whose reputation preceeds them (that said I think you lose all abilities from this prc if you get pardoned by the authorities since it requires that you be an outlaw so that's mildly terrifying)

Storm Sentry looks cool, I've never played with Dragonmarks before, on a ship it looks like the later on ability to knock small creatures ("Ye gads! savage gnomes are boarding us! FUS RO DAH!") off the ship sounds hillarious.