View Full Version : Coffee

2007-10-01, 06:06 AM
Just had a cup of coffee, and I liked it. I really, really liked it. *is waiting for the caffeine to kick in*

2007-10-01, 06:11 AM
Hooray! Welcome to manhood, your beard and sideburns are in the mail.

2007-10-01, 06:15 AM
:smalltongue: You haven't seen me in the morning at school, have you? I'm sitting there, listen to my science teacher go 'blahblahblah' for an hour, and I can't understand a word she's saying because I'm so tired.

2007-10-01, 06:19 AM
Ugh, I don't really care for coffee much myself, I'd rther have some kind of specialty coffee, like a mocha. Mmmmm.... Mocha....

2007-10-01, 06:26 AM
I'm not a coffee lover either, I go for Relentless/Red Bull if I'm tired, but hey anything that wakes you up and gets you ready for the day must be good, right?

2007-10-01, 06:30 AM
Ah coffee, the holiest of drinks. I love to add the milk and watch as the coffee turns from brown to... a lighter shade of brown.
As you can poorly see by my avatar, I like coffee, I like to bask in the caffeinated smell.

The Prince of Cats
2007-10-01, 06:39 AM
Milk? MILK?!?

Bah, ignorant northerner... Good coffee must be enjoyed black, black as my soul, black as my heart, black as my humour...

Bad coffee cannot be enjoyed...

(an exception is made for Irish coffee, but only if you float the cream on top rather than stirring it in...)

2007-10-01, 06:47 AM
Just had a cup of coffee, and I liked it. I really, really liked it. *is waiting for the caffeine to kick in*

Now if only you had had a really bad cup of Coffee then you would remember ever good cup you ever had because your trying to so hard to not thing about the sludge your drinking.:smallcool:

2007-10-01, 06:53 AM
Congratulations Blackout on your first cup o' the stuff you'll be drinking for the rest of your life. * raises mug of coffee (which is empty) *

I remember my first cup of coffee. I was six years old at the time and I was bugging my mum if I could have a sip of it. She let me. Ever since then I've been drinking coffee.


I've been drinking coffee for 12 years now....

2007-10-01, 07:18 AM

I've been drinking coffee for 12 years now....

Didn't you just graduate? You've been drinking coffee since age 6 !? :smallconfused:

I tip my hat to you sir.

Oh, and welcome to the club blackout. No more Mt Dew for gaming night... it's java or nothing... except maybe a beer...

2007-10-01, 07:25 AM
Didn't you just graduate? You've been drinking coffee since age 6 !? :smallconfused:

I tip my hat to you sir.

Yessirree! On all counts. I've proven that coffee doesn't stunt your growth. :smalltongue: (as I'm a good 5'10" at the moment)

Coffee is mana for college students. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-01, 07:27 AM
Milk is a must for coffee. But not sugar, it takes away the bitterness. The bitterness of life. Melodrama for coffee. If you were drinking mellow birds, would it be mellowdrama?

2007-10-01, 07:31 AM
Hooray! Welcome to manhood, your beard and sideburns are in the mail.

Perhaps that's why I can't really grow facial hair. I always though it was genetic...

Stupid me for not drinking caffeine... :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-01, 07:33 AM
I don't drink Coffee.

but I (can) have a beard.

Where does that put me?

2007-10-01, 09:10 AM
The beautiful liquid of the gods. Not starbucks though; tastes like boiled water with overtones of paper cup.

2007-10-01, 09:12 AM
I love a good cup of coffee -- but only decaffeinated. I react so strongly to caffeine that just a small amount in the morning can cause me problems sleeping that night.

Green Bean
2007-10-01, 09:19 AM
I'm more of a tea man myself, but I've always enjoyed the smell of coffee.

2007-10-01, 09:24 AM
OH coffee, How I love thee, let me counts the ways...

(some time later)

OK, thats taking too long, let me just apreciate briefly the ways, kind of all at once...


God, I do love that little black drink, in all it's many forms. except decaf, which is an unholy affront to everything good and pure in the world.

2007-10-01, 10:05 AM
Coffee. Bleh :smallyuk:

Prefer tea myself. Though if I must have coffee, I have it black

2007-10-01, 10:09 AM
Yuck. I hate cofee. The very smell of it gives me headache. But I do grow facial hair.

2007-10-01, 10:16 AM
Ahhhhh Java. Good stuff. Drink it black. Adding all that other stuff just adds calories and dilutes the flavor. Fresh ground is best and let no one tell you different. *Hugs coffee grinder*

2007-10-01, 10:18 AM
I don't drink Coffee.

but I (can) have a beard.

Where does that put me?

right next to Barnum, on the poster, I'd say...:smallbiggrin:
(me too though...I actually have a beard)

I don't drink coffee (never liked it)...but I think most of you people do neither...what you sip is brownish watery stuff... from huge -ing mugs... real coffe should be tasted in small quantity, with definitely less water than you guys put in it...

2007-10-01, 10:33 AM
Caffeine Intoxication: 305.90 (as per the DSM IV-tr)

A. Recent Consumption of caffeine, usually in excess of 250 mg (e.g., more than 2-3 cups of brewed coffee).

B. Five (or more) of the following signs, developing during, or shortly after, caffeine use:
1. restlessness
2. nervousness
3. excitement
4. insomnia
5. flushed face
6. diuresis
7. gastrointestinal disturbance
8. muscle twitching
9. rambling flow of thoughts and speech
10. tachycardia or cardiac arrythmia
11. periods of inexhaustability
12. psychomotor agitation

C. The symptoms in Criterion B cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

D. The symptomns are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., an Anxiety Disorder)

Have fun checking yourselves! :biggrin:

2007-10-01, 10:48 AM
Err... what's that last thing mean, Hippie? :smallconfused:

2007-10-01, 10:58 AM
While I'm more prone to a nice cup of tea in the morning, coffee actually does have some healthy benefits.
I was watching the news recently, and they did a story about how it can prevent colon cancer.
But only in woman...

2007-10-01, 11:09 AM
Err... what's that last thing mean, Hippie? :smallconfused:

It means that if you posses any of the above symptoms that are better accounted for by having a diagnosis of anxiety, than that's probably the case. If you have no anxiety issues, but meet the other criteria, you're proobably having a moment of caffeine intoxication.

On another health related topic in regards to coffee (which some of you have heard me mention before)...
Coffee reduces the risks/damage to the liver caused by alcohol.
Alcohol reduces the risks/damage to the prostate gland caused by coffee.
Drink equal parts coffee and alcohol, and you'll live forever!

2007-10-01, 11:09 AM
Cofffeeeeee.... *grin* I used to HATE the taste of coffee. I thought it was way too bitter. I drank tea all the time, and only black teas. None of that yicky herbal stuff. Then, I married hubby. *laffs* He only buys the good stuff.. not the icky stuff in the cans... we buy Millstone and then store it in air tight containers... Foglifter... if yer interested. GOOD stuff! We also have an espresso machine... which we're too lazy to use in any frequency. I'll drink coffee straight black, but I also like buying the mocha powder you're supposed to add to water (which always tastes icky to me in water) and add it to my coffee... more caffeine, but it tastes SOOO much better that way!

Being a naturally bouncy and good natured person, I don't really need too much caffeine in my life, except when I'm silly and stay up till 1am and then have to be up at 8am when kidlet wakes up. THEN I need my coffees. Or Monster Kaos... which is 70% juice. HUbby on the other hand, needs at least one cup before he's even semi alert and cognizant in the mornings. I learned VERY fast to NEVER EVER move the coffee stuffs cuz he won't find them in the morning if I do.

I even got Jennie Breeden's (writer of Devil's Panties webcomic) permission to use her coffee pixies for avs in my chat room... *grin* for some reason, everyone says they suit me perfectly. Can't imagine why... *innocent look*

2007-10-01, 02:09 PM
Has no-one linked the Banter Latte article on coffee as a gift of the gods (http://banter-latte.annotations.com/2007/06/25/mythology-of-the-modern-world-introduction-and-coffee/#more-10)? :smallconfused:

I quote:

"Coffee is a remarkable thing, if you think about it. It’s largely made of various oils, but it blends perfectly with water without separation, which is utterly unlike any oil I’ve ever used in the kitchen or poured onto the surface of a lake.

Don’t ask about the lake thing.

Anyway. It stimulates us and gives us energy, but it contains essentially no calories when drunk black. It works well with cream, with milk, with soy milks, with “non-dairy creamer,” with sugar, with artificial sweeteners, and tastes good when made into ice cream. It is the basis of espresso, of lattes, of mochas, of frappucinos, of coolatas, and of most Swedish social gatherings. It is one of the top three liquids drunk in the world, and one of the other two is water for Christ’s sake. It is an economic powerhouse, often a religious sacrement, the object of early morning worship by a majority of the people reading these words right now, and an economic powerhouse that so vastly beats out hamburger on the worldwide market it’s not even funny. What’s more, you can add anything to it and it just plain works. Roasters add nuts, add vanilla, add chocolate, add cinnamon, add dried blueberries — look, I have a K-Cup for my Keurig right here in my office that’s called “German Chocolate Cake,” and I swear to Christ they’re not kidding! That’s what it is! Except it’s also completely, perfectly coffee.

I’ve seen recipes that call for coffee to be added to casseroles and used as part of a marinade for meat.

And the spent beans and grounds? Are ideal fertilizer.

You can’t tell me you believe this stuff doesn’t have some kind of spiritual or mystical connotations."

Not bad for burnt nut water. :smallwink:

2007-10-01, 02:11 PM
Took you long enough mate, but better late than never.

You've got to love coffee!

2007-10-01, 02:48 PM
Today had to be my most productive day at school. Ever. Just got home, and I realized that when I got to school, everything seemed more clear than it usually does. :smallbiggrin: I'm going to demand my parents pick up more coffee on their next grocery run.

2007-10-01, 03:50 PM
It is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion,
It is by the beans of java that thoughts acquire speed,
The hands acquire trembling,
The trembling becomes a warning.
It is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion

Yeah, I drink a fair bit. Filter coffee (or rather, cafetiere made), black with no sugar, although a bit of cream's a nice change if I've got some left over from cooking.

Turkish coffee (ridiculously strong and sweet) is also good, although I believe that excessive amounts of it can mess with your insides.

Chocolate coated espresso beans are a nice treat, too.

Skinny decaf lattes can take a running jump. though - if you don't like coffee, don't drink it.

Don Julio Anejo
2007-10-01, 03:54 PM
Vanilla latte with a heart in it. Or French roast run through an espresso machine.... And NO STARBUCKS.

Em Blackleaf
2007-10-01, 04:35 PM
Well, I had a small cup of coffee this morning because I was reeeaaallly tired.
But it wasn't very much, it was about one part coffee, one part milk and some sugar.
I didn't need the sugar, believe me. :smalltongue:

2007-10-01, 05:14 PM
I'm more of a tea man myself, but I've always enjoyed the smell of coffee.

You're a tea man? In the sense that you are part man part tea? Tea-man, with the proportionate strength of a tea leaf.

2007-10-01, 05:24 PM
Um...I've had six cups of coffee in the last hour. Is that bad?

2007-10-01, 05:39 PM
Um...I've had six cups of coffee in the last hour. Is that bad?

Only for your prostate and anyone who has to put up with you. :smalltongue:

Em Blackleaf
2007-10-01, 05:42 PM
Um...I've had six cups of coffee in the last hour. Is that bad?

I wouldn't expect to sleep at night.
And, just curious, how do you have your coffee?

2007-10-01, 05:44 PM
Black. With a little sugar to make the taste bearable.

2007-10-01, 05:45 PM
Orzel drinks his coffee with coconut milk and Orzel powder (sugar, ground orange peel, nutmeg, and cinnamon)

2007-10-01, 05:48 PM
Coffee at its best: Freshly ground, add Bailey's Irish Cream, drink.

I prefer tea, grow facial hair and have never appears in a Barnum and Bailey poster. However Coffee is still the one drink that I reach for first thing in the morning.

There was a news report recently about a girl who drank many (I think it was 18) esspressos in about 3 hours, she was addmitted to a hospital suffering all the symptoms that Hippie mentioned...

maybe i'll not have that pint of bean juice before i go into the meeting in the morning.

2007-10-01, 05:52 PM
Yuck. I hate cofee. The very smell of it gives me headache. But I do grow facial hair.

Quoted for Agreement....in all four statements.

BTW caffine is stronger than cocaine by weight. Think about that with you next cup of joe. (as I realize I've been de-sensitized to the stuff and have a green tea)

And I've never needed caffine as a pick-me-up. I'm far too hyper as it is-stimulants can't help, except maybe at the end of day three of wakefullness.

2007-10-01, 05:52 PM
There's no life without coffee. :smallsmile:

2007-10-01, 07:32 PM
Caffeine Intoxication: 305.90 (as per the DSM IV-tr)


Have fun checking yourselves! :biggrin:

hippie, this was just cruel. You know what posting stuff out of the DSM does to people! :smallwink:

2007-10-01, 07:51 PM
*Ties a rubber band around his bicep and takes out a hypodermic needle, thrusting it into a cup of black coffee. Puts it up to the light and flicks it a few times like he's seen in the movies. He doesn't really know what he's looking for, but knows he looks damn cool doing it. He then flicks his vein a few time (also seen in the movies) before putting the syringe in his mouth pressing the plunger down.*

Mmmm... 44 milligrams of coffee.

Em Blackleaf
2007-10-01, 07:53 PM
I think it's time to go to rehab, Semidi. :smalltongue:

2007-10-01, 09:33 PM
God bless whoever invented coffee, as it's truly a wonder among wonders. Anything that can help my eyes pop open early in the morning is a beautiful thing. A Dunkin Donuts extra-large coffee is one of my favorite things in the world.

2007-10-01, 09:48 PM
I'm wired on high strength coffee right now! My heart rate is ultra high! WOOOOOOOOO! :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin: :smallbiggrin:

Jack Squat
2007-10-01, 10:09 PM
I knew I was forgetting something down here...*starts cleaning to make room for coffee maker*

I'll remember it sooner or later.

2007-10-02, 06:14 AM
Only for your prostate and anyone who has to put up with you. :smalltongue:

But I pointed out earlier, that equal parts of alcohol will help reduce the problems to the prostate... uh..... he's a minor, isn't he? :smallredface: nevermind

Green Bean
2007-10-02, 06:21 AM
You're a tea man? In the sense that you are part man part tea? Tea-man, with the proportionate strength of a tea leaf.

Yes, actually. I fight crime, alongside my sidekick, Small-Cucumber-Sandwich-That-Doesn't-Really-Fill-You-Up Boy.

Swedish chef
2007-10-02, 06:29 AM
Yessssss you're walking on the darkside now. Sooon sweet lady caffeine will have you firmly in her grasp :D

Jokes aside. Coffee rocks and no day starts well without it. I am one of those people who does'nt get a big kick out of caffeine so I actually drink it for good taste and the little buzz i get. When I get skippityjumpy from caffeine it's on the brink of too much caffeine.

Enjoy you'r new vice :D

2007-10-02, 10:43 AM
Ive taken to maybe a cup at night... I work hidiously late, you see... And I just take a cup of hot-n-black when I want... Fun thing is that my machine also brews tea... I like the thing.

2007-10-02, 11:22 AM
6 cups when you're just starting to drink coffee is a little excessive... maybe try to gradually work your way up? That way you don't get a caffeine overdose. I get those occasionally. My brain feels like it's percolating and I can't really focus on anything.

As for the decaf comments. Yes, decaf tastes awful. HOWEVER, it serves a purpose. I had to drink it for a year and a half while I was pregnant and nursing. Too many studies show that caffeine can seriously affect an unborn child and can cause ADD. So, because of course Hubby was still drinking coffee, and the smell would make me crave, I drank decaf. And believe me, I tried a lot of different brands. Strangely enough, Starbucks Houseblend was the best tasting decaf I found. We own one of those double coffee pots... basically a "his and hers" system, so my pot never got contaminated with caffeine, which was nice. I would indulge in the OCCASIONAL decaf latte... couldn't have mocha's cuz I had gestational diabetes. bleah.

Ego Slayer
2007-10-02, 11:30 AM
Um...I've had six cups of coffee in the last hour. Is that bad?
For the love of the gods, don't get yourself a caffeine addiction... also, y'know, it's probably best if get some sleep once in a while. Caffeine can stay in your system for a while, depending, so if you ever plan on sleeping again, be careful. Don't kill your nervous system. :smallyuk:

2007-10-02, 12:20 PM
I believe I had heard once that caffeine has a "half-life" in your system of about 8 hours. So If you had... er... six? Six cups of coffee will be 3 cups in 8 hours, 1.5 in 16 hours, etc. So... yeah. Definitely gunning for a caffeine addiction at that rate.

I fully admit that I am addicted to caffeine. Coffee, soda, energy drinks, doesn't matter. It's not the worst thing in the world but I do get headaches if I go without for a day. Only time I never felt the effects of withdrawal was when I was visiting Thes in Cincinatti. I think I was too distracted at the time to notice a headache, mealtimes, the sun rising and setting - little things like that. :smallredface:

Thes Hunter
2007-10-02, 12:31 PM
What's the half-life of coffee flavored kisses, I wonder. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-02, 12:42 PM
Coffee: the solution to all life's problems.

Yes, actually. I fight crime, alongside my sidekick, Small-Cucumber-Sandwich-That-Doesn't-Really-Fill-You-Up Boy.

I think I've seen that show...

SCSTDRFYU Boy was much better than Donut Lad. He behaved as if he had a hole in his head.

2007-10-02, 11:10 PM
8oz cold black coffee
6oz bourbon

greatest way to start the day.
assuming you don't need to drive anywhere :(