View Full Version : complete shenanigan ideas

2019-04-01, 11:26 PM
Well once the campaign I am running is over I am going to be playing with a few friends in a level 21 3.5 game. We are planning and just ignoring kick down the door and kill them all and going for troll troll troll the dm.

So looking for a few ideas.

So far leaning towards a wizard/thief that uses his familiar while both invisible to pickpocket the field. No intent of damage just I pants them after I steal their coin purse and any magic item not nailed down and run away. Also great at using diplomacy, bluff and sleight of hand to con the monsters into 3 dragon ante games to rob them blind. Then for really big stuff just time stop persist with a rod, loot the hoard and walk away. Use polymorph or shape change so I wander through as a monster so they believe I am one of them for the con game. I might see if I can get a deck of many things so I can get people to draw from it for fun we run across.

Need to figure out a few other builds and ideas to troll with.