View Full Version : April Fool's Releases

2019-04-02, 05:53 PM
In recent years, there have been some spectacular April 1st releases from notable OGL publishers. Who made it to the table this year, and did you enjoy their offerings? What are some of your favourite releases from April Fools past?

2019-04-02, 05:57 PM
I still have this "errata (https://www.schadenfreudestudios.com/dnd/books/3e%20errata%20april%20fools.pdf)" from… 2008, I presume? It was released just prior to 4e.

I honestly used the "chainmail bikini" for a succubus character, once. :smalltongue: I figured her damage reduction would negate the "chafing."

2019-04-02, 06:09 PM
I still have this "errata (http://dnd.schadenfreudestudios.com/books/3e%20errata%20april%20fools.pdf)" from… 2008, I presume? It was released just prior to 4e.

I honestly used the "chainmail bikini" for a succubus character, once. :smalltongue: I figured her damage reduction would negate the "chafing."

The 'Alignment system' in the 'errata' looks sound to me:


Page 108 – The Nine Alignments
Names like “Lawful Good” and
“Chaotic Neutral” are so generic
and boring. Strike all alignment
names and replace accordingly:
Lawful Good: Superman
Neutral Good: Picard
Chaotic Good: Indiana
Lawful Neutral: Adama
Neutral: Unaligned (you’re still
Chaotic Neutral: Jayne
Lawful Evil: Vader
Neutral Evil: Bender
Chaotic Evil: Mearls
New Alignment: Batman
Thus, a character would now say, “I
am of the Mearls aligment” or
“Batman alignment.”"

2019-04-02, 07:08 PM
Dreamscarred Press has released the following:

April Augmented 2016 (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/179672/April-Augmented?cPath=1779_20064)
April Augmented 2017 (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/208752/April-Augmented--2017?cPath=1779_20064)
April Augmented 2018 (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/238574/April-Augmented--2018)

Drop Dead Studios has released the Bear Sphere (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/271539/The-Bear-Sphere?src=fp_u5)

Forrestfire Studios published the Avowed April 2017 Edition (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/208753/The-Avowed-April-2017-Edition).

Sadly I haven't used any of the material but it does look good for Pathfinder purposes!

2019-04-02, 07:23 PM
I still have this "errata (http://dnd.schadenfreudestudios.com/books/3e%20errata%20april%20fools.pdf)" from… 2008, I presume? It was released just prior to 4e.

Frankly, Vin Diesel would have made a better iconic character than Regdar. You hear about how the D&D crew at the time absolutely hated the guy?

2019-04-02, 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Âmesang
I still have this "errata" from… 2008, I presume?

I was enjoying this up until the entry for “Brown Coat,” after which I’m seriously considering having this framed. Take my love, take my land....

Originally Posted by Metool
You hear about how the D&D crew at the time absolutely hated the guy?

Do you mean they hated Vin Diesel, or Regdar?

2019-04-02, 08:00 PM
Do you mean they hated Vin Diesel, or Regdar?

Regdar. The creative team picked on him a lot in the illustrations ordered because he symbolized the management's intrusion in the name of The Brand. (http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/viewtopic.php?p=183922&sid=4c1a0ff9e6e72b450f4c86dd7d3ee327#p183922)

2019-04-02, 08:05 PM
It is 16 years old now, but I like this wizards.com one

April Fools
Fabulous Cats!
By Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel

2019-04-03, 01:10 AM
I like the Avenger (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070401a). It's an assassin that doesn't have to be evil, although it can't be chaotic.