View Full Version : How fast can you go?

2019-04-03, 08:10 AM
I thought it would be fun to make a character, and to maximize their movement speed.

The only rules are
- No Homebrew
- No Magazines
- No Pathfinder
- Nothing higher than LA +1

I understand that monk gets unarmored movement speed bonuses, and the barbarian gets one at first level as well, but besides that, I don't know if any other classes get bonuses.

2019-04-03, 08:41 AM
A lvl 1 elan barbarian (+10) with speed of thought feat (+10) the Quick trait (+10) and a flaw so he can get the Dash feat (+5)
for a nice 65 at lvl 1.

2019-04-03, 08:55 AM
Blade Dancer from Oriental Adventures. The speed bonus table is very basic, but you can work out the formula easily enough; 10 levels in that at 30 ft base speed will give you the bonus speed from 1 levels of Monk, but there is a gray area on whether they stack: the abilities share the same name and provide the same bonus, but the Monk version is (Ex) while the Blade Dancer is (Su). If they do not, definitely consider Blade Dancer, since the bonus scales with increased base speed that you can pick up elsewhere.

If you start at a base speed of 40, like just a human with the speed of thought feat, you would hit 120 ft base speed at Blade Dancer 10.

Blue Jay
2019-04-03, 08:56 AM
A lvl 1 elan barbarian (+10) with speed of thought feat (+10) the Quick trait (+10) and a flaw so he can get the Dash feat (+5)
for a nice 65 at lvl 1.

You could do the same with a duskling who takes Wild Talent or Hidden Talent instead of Dash, and the extra 5 feet could be enhanced with essentia investment, and then I think there are some soulmelds that can improve speed further.

Also, you can get both the barbarian and monk speed boosts on a druid with the avenger and hunter variants from UA. So maybe being a duskling, using your feats to invest in incarnum and psionics while continuing to advance druid would be a good option for getting a really high speed?

2019-04-03, 10:41 AM
Zahnik Bhoom (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17943699&postcount=115) can get up around Mach 2 on foot. That's without footsteps of the divine or fly like an arrow, and there are probably some other spells that can provide a few more incremental speed buffs.

This build stub (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19702230&postcount=20) can get up to Mach 4 in the air. OP wanted something that could be done in 10 levels, so I didn't flesh it out much.

This post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=15535646&postcount=34) goes over most of what can be done with feats.

2019-04-04, 08:51 PM
I found this build in the April Fools day thread on hilarious builds. It's called The Jumplomancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?444052-The-Jumplomancer-are-you-serious), and is noteworthy for reaching 900ft per round, jumping, landing a minute later, and thus turning any bystanders into fanatical followers.

Side note: I don't think the landing a minute later thing is accurate, since you can take two movement actions per turn... unless you have some means of restricting your actions per turn. I'd recommend a friendly fighter with the Boomerang Daze feat.

2019-04-05, 01:28 AM

This post went over a "lighter" version of the old Chuck E cheese build that I think is rules legal(this version, not original Chuck), but possibly uses third party books.

Only gave it a quick glance.

Someone in it mentioned the speed looking to be in the ballpark of only 21% the speed of light. Which is probably still more than fast enough for most purposes.


And why not, here is an edited(fixed?) Post of Chuck E cheese.

2019-04-05, 01:39 AM
Have the horseshoes of speed added to a pair of boots, and UMD your race on them for a +30' enhancement bonus to speed. There's also more feats than you can shake a stick at to boost yourself further. Then there's the horned helm (A&EG) for x2 movement, the rapid wrath weapon enhancement (another x2), and the paragon creature's speed boost (x3).

Remember that distance and speed are real-world values, so they use regular multiplication rules instead of D&D-specific rules.