View Full Version : Player Help Warforged Bard: What sort of personality?

2019-04-03, 02:27 PM
So I'm bringing back an old Warforged Bard that I had. He was a blast to play, and I'm wondering how I can make him better.

Not optimization wise. He's full on support, helping the party. Turning misses into hits, paralyzing enemies so my allies can crit, etc.

But how can I make his personality better? I won't lie, it's been quite awhile since I played him. He was a pathological liar, I remember that. But he didn't have a voice, so to speak. No particular accent or anything.

And so, I come before the Playground, looking for answers.

For Gent L'eman, the Warforged Bard who wears a monocle and top hat, (and because the name Optimus Rhyme was taken by a Seattle indie band), what should his personality be modeled after? I was thinking of a British accent, very posh demeanor, while being encouraging in a... horrific way.

For example... "Ah, yes, you see, we're here because the last guard who stopped us from gaining entrance was suddenly beset with a ghastly case of illness. And by illness, I mean he was maimed repeatedly by my cohorts until all the pieces could fit into a wonderful thing called a 'bag of holding'. So, as you might imagine, we'd like to gain access in the most rapid fashion without repeating such a terrible event. That would be most amenable, don't you agree?"

2019-04-03, 02:37 PM
So I'm bringing back an old Warforged Bard that I had. He was a blast to play, and I'm wondering how I can make him better.

Not optimization wise. He's full on support, helping the party. Turning misses into hits, paralyzing enemies so my allies can crit, etc.

But how can I make his personality better? I won't lie, it's been quite awhile since I played him. He was a pathological liar, I remember that. But he didn't have a voice, so to speak. No particular accent or anything.

And so, I come before the Playground, looking for answers.

For Gent L'eman, the Warforged Bard who wears a monocle and top hat, (and because the name Optimus Rhyme was taken by a Seattle indie band), what should his personality be modeled after? I was thinking of a British accent, very posh demeanor, while being encouraging in a... horrific way.

For example... "Ah, yes, you see, we're here because the last guard who stopped us from gaining entrance was suddenly beset with a ghastly case of illness. And by illness, I mean he was maimed repeatedly by my cohorts until all the pieces could fit into a wonderful thing called a 'bag of holding'. So, as you might imagine, we'd like to gain access in the most rapid fashion without repeating such a terrible event. That would be most amenable, don't you agree?"

Warforged probably wouldn't have the same social experiences that a living humanoid would. To match your description, I'd just make it a blanket solution that he always considers himself, and his ideals, as kind and forthright, but alternatives are much, much less so. He is not dangerous, but disagreeing with him is.

"Please reconsider. I wouldn't take any joy in the harm that may come from this conflict. However, my friend here absolutely would, and I can only guess as to why he is salivating at the thought."

"We did acquire those things, but they did not stake their claim for the items in question when we were acquiring them" (Because the party murdered them all).

A charismatic Warforged is less of a liar, but more narcissistic. They aren't doing anything wrong, because nothing they can do is wrong. It's fine to steal from dead people, because they aren't using it. It's find to make people dead if they're attacking you. It's fine to encourage people to attack you (from trying to steal their stuff), because if they were worth living then they would show self restraint. It's fine to steal from people who don't care about their possessions enough to keep them from being stolen.

In the end, it's just a long-winded way of saying "Yes, I murder and pillage, and what's the matter with that?"

2019-04-03, 02:41 PM
You could go for a Soundwave(as in Transformers) vibe. Terse functional speech, like a single noun and verb in a mechanized voice. Subsonic vocalizations adds extra layers to his speech and lets him convey complex thought with only few words. Uses drum beats to build up a mental cadence in ally's minds to synchronize their actions. Enemies get assaulted with discordant beats which confuse them.

2019-04-03, 02:44 PM
So I'm bringing back an old Warforged Bard that I had. He was a blast to play, and I'm wondering how I can make him better.

Not optimization wise. He's full on support, helping the party. Turning misses into hits, paralyzing enemies so my allies can crit, etc.

But how can I make his personality better? I won't lie, it's been quite awhile since I played him. He was a pathological liar, I remember that. But he didn't have a voice, so to speak. No particular accent or anything.

And so, I come before the Playground, looking for answers.

For Gent L'eman, the Warforged Bard who wears a monocle and top hat, (and because the name Optimus Rhyme was taken by a Seattle indie band), what should his personality be modeled after? I was thinking of a British accent, very posh demeanor, while being encouraging in a... horrific way.

For example... "Ah, yes, you see, we're here because the last guard who stopped us from gaining entrance was suddenly beset with a ghastly case of illness. And by illness, I mean he was maimed repeatedly by my cohorts until all the pieces could fit into a wonderful thing called a 'bag of holding'. So, as you might imagine, we'd like to gain access in the most rapid fashion without repeating such a terrible event. That would be most amenable, don't you agree?"

When I saw Warforged Bard, my immediate thought was Soundwave, the little Transformer who could.

But the way you're describing it is a mix of Batman's Alfred (or Merlin, from Kingsman: Secret Service) and a Danger Room training construct. Maybe its original purpose was as a bodyguard and training partner for a young noble - That would explain why it's zipping around in the midst of a melee with a cheery demeanor.

Some dips that it may do:

1 level of fighter for shield proficiency and the Protection fighting style
3 levels of Mastermind Rogue for tossing around Ranged Advantage as bonus actions in addition to/lieu of Bardic inspiration.
1 level of Order Cleric to allow your support spells to inspire reaction attacks.

2019-04-03, 02:51 PM
It sounds a lot like how Anthony Daniels played his iconic character mixed with the way he dismisses his creepy behavior towards children at conventions. (Witnessed firsthand)

2019-04-03, 03:09 PM
Lots of wails and powerful shouts, as Warforged Bard is SO METAL.

2019-04-03, 03:24 PM
You could go for a Soundwave(as in Transformers) vibe. Terse functional speech, like a single noun and verb is a mechanized voice. Subsonic vocalizations adds extra layers to his speech and lets him convey complex thought with only few words. Uses drum beats to build up a mental cadence in ally's minds to synchronize their actions. Enemies get assaulted with discordant beats which confuse them.

Soundwave is a hilariously awesome idea.

Also, HK27 is always a funny roleplay choice.

Also, all his music is dubstep.

"Let me enhance your rest with some phat beats, meatbag."


2019-04-03, 05:31 PM
If you're going with a warforged bard, Dare to be Stupid. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrMbkbTPrPA)

2019-04-03, 05:58 PM
This thread is amazing xD
I suggest Cogman from transformers

2019-04-03, 06:49 PM
I'd think a warforged bard would sound more like this...


2019-04-03, 08:25 PM
install a washboard into your chest please and thankyou

2019-04-03, 09:10 PM
From how you say he speaks it sounds more intelligence based than charisma.

Warforged envoy is perfect, get a built in instrument of whatever type you want to use.

Blades and valor are not the right style, but lore sounds like it could be.

He could be the kind of person who just wants to live so much life they have missed that he is excited to do everything but still has a deadpan voice think like Steven Wright talking about, “I can not wait to be able to shmooze it up with these high society upstarts.”

Walks into the room and and shakes hands with someone, “hello, your mother is rich enough that I should be cordial with you.”

I can really see his personality being int based.

2019-04-03, 10:34 PM
From how you say he speaks it sounds more intelligence based than charisma.

Warforged envoy is perfect, get a built in instrument of whatever type you want to use.

Blades and valor are not the right style, but lore sounds like it could be.

He could be the kind of person who just wants to live so much life they have missed that he is excited to do everything but still has a deadpan voice think like Steven Wright talking about, “I can not wait to be able to shmooze it up with these high society upstarts.”

Walks into the room and and shakes hands with someone, “hello, your mother is rich enough that I should be cordial with you.”

I can really see his personality being int based.

Yeah that is the thing. How do you RP a party face character as a somewhat autistic robot. You have the skill bonus but that isn’t how your character acts.

For the soundwave idea, I liked the thought of a subvocal charm effect that he would naturally have. It makes people intuitively know the true meaning(or what he wants them to think is true) behind his short sentences. Then you can RP the rude robot and still be able to be the party face.

2019-04-03, 11:23 PM
If you're going with a warforged bard, Dare to be Stupid. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrMbkbTPrPA)

It's super weird to realize that that guy and Bravely Brave Sir Robin are the same guy.

2019-04-03, 11:37 PM
Am I the only one reminded of Gato the Singing Robot from Chrono Trigger?

2019-04-04, 04:48 AM
Am I the only one reminded of Gato the Singing Robot from Chrono Trigger?

They call me Gato
I have metal joints
Beat me up and earn
Fifteen silver points

2019-04-04, 12:06 PM
It's super weird to realize that that guy and Bravely Brave Sir Robin are the same guy.

Galvatron was played by Mr. Spock.

Unicron was Orson ****ING Wells.

2019-04-04, 01:52 PM
Unicron was Orson ****ING Wells.

hah, oh yeah. I heard a story somewhere that Orson welles had no idea what was going on in the movie, and on his deathbed talked about his last role being about "robots killing each other" or something.

2019-04-04, 02:21 PM
Another candidate for Warforged Bard. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI1Naz9THmo)

And, on Welles and playing Unicron,

Shortly before he died, he told his biographer, Barbara Leaming, "You know what I did this morning? I played the voice of a toy." He elaborated, "I play a planet. I menace somebody called Something-or-other. Then I'm destroyed. My plan to destroy Whoever-it-is is thwarted and I tear myself apart on the screen."[12] According to director Nelson Shin, Welles had been pleased to accept the role after reading the script and had expressed an admiration for animated films.[3] The voicework for The Transformers: The Movie was the last film project he worked on; his last voice session was on October 5, 1985, and five days later, Welles died of a heart attack.[13]

2019-04-04, 02:36 PM
For Gent L'eman, the Warforged Bard who wears a monocle and top hat Aw, man, you didn't name him Moog? :smallfrown:

2019-04-04, 02:38 PM
Aw, man, you didn't name him Moog? :smallfrown:

I actually don't understand this reference.

2019-04-04, 02:48 PM
I actually don't understand this reference. The Moog Synthersizer was one of the first machines that made music synthetically.
You can google Switched on Bach (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switched-On_Bach) for a reference.
It was a big deal in the late 1960's/early 70's. Electronic keyboards and synthesizer/keyboards in the 70's went leaps and bounds ahead of it.
And the stuff they have these days is nuts.

My dad once recorded me playing the Two-Part Invention in F major by Johann Sebastian Bach, and then he taped from that album the Moog Version.
Let's say the Moog one went a bit faster.

A bit of history from that wiki link that I remember somewhat: I was in junior high at the time.

In 1968, shortly before the release of Switched-On Bach, Moog spoke at the annual Audio Engineering Society conference and played one of Carlos' recordings from the album. Moog recalled: "I walked off the stage and went to the back of the auditorium while people were listening, and I could feel it in the air. They were jumping out of their skins. These technical people were involved in so much flim-flam, so much shoddy, opportunistic stuff, and here was something that was just impeccably done and had obvious musical content and was totally innovative. The tape got a standing ovation."[10]

Switched-On Bach was released in October 1968 and was a commercial success which contributed to the public's interest in the use of synthesizers in popular music.

2019-04-04, 02:50 PM
The clear choice is Futurama's Calculon. He can display every emotion...

Bender would be fun if you want him CE :p

2019-04-04, 03:29 PM
When I attempt to conjure up images of Warforged Bards, the same glorious figure comes to mind each and every time: the Warhammer 40k Noise Marine. :smallcool:

2019-04-04, 03:32 PM
The clear choice is Futurama's Calculon. He can display every emotion...

Bender would be fun if you want him CE :p

What about Hedonism bot? :smallbiggrin:

2019-04-04, 03:59 PM
What about Hedonism bot? :smallbiggrin:

The clear choice is Futurama's Calculon. He can display every emotion...

Bender would be fun if you want him CE :p

I hate you both for thinking of Futurama before me.

Been playing Borderlands 2 again as well, there's one mission with a disembodied AI that requests you find it a suitable chassis. Naturally, every time you stick it in one, it tries to kill you with it.

Pretty hilarious dialogue. Actually, the whole game had hilarious dialogue.

2019-04-04, 07:13 PM
I hate you both for thinking of Futurama before me.

Been playing Borderlands 2 again as well, there's one mission with a disembodied AI that requests you find it a suitable chassis. Naturally, every time you stick it in one, it tries to kill you with it.

Pretty hilarious dialogue. Actually, the whole game had hilarious dialogue.

Giving serious consideration to Loaderbot from Tales from the Borderlands.

2019-04-04, 07:17 PM
Giving serious consideration to Loaderbot from Tales from the Borderlands.

Didn't play TftB, worth it?

Also, I just realized that Claptrap beatboxes when he's in sanctuary.

2019-04-04, 07:24 PM
Didn't play TftB, worth it?

Also, I just realized that Claptrap beatboxes when he's in sanctuary.

I’ve played and beat every BL title so far.

TftB is my favorite and it’s not close whatsoever. Think of it like Borderlands: The Movie. AMAZINGLY well voiced acted and incredibly well written.

2019-04-04, 07:26 PM
I’ve played and beat every BL title so far.

TftB is my favorite and it’s not close whatsoever. Think of it like Borderlands: The Movie. AMAZINGLY well voiced acted and incredibly well written.

even better than the B2 Tiny Tina expansion?

I find that hard to believe.



2019-04-04, 07:42 PM
I would suggest either
1. Robot from Lost in Space (original) lol up the quote and sound
2. Robby the robot forbidden planet. Is probably better
3. Top Hat Cho’Gath league of legends

2019-04-04, 09:26 PM
I had a Warforged Bard named Lutebox who had an integrated musical instrument. He pretty good. He was a Lore Bard & had a ton of knowledge stored in him with accompanied music that you hear in elevators.

2019-04-04, 09:45 PM
Giving serious consideration to Loaderbot from Tales from the Borderlands.

Alternate Bard. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP1HHmQ1i4I)

2019-04-04, 10:55 PM
Soundwave is a hilariously awesome idea.

Doubly so if you can use Find Familiar to get a condor, panther, baby Stegosaurus or Ceratosaurus, an ape or a falcon.

2019-04-04, 11:00 PM
If you're going with a warforged bard, Dare to be Stupid. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrMbkbTPrPA)

Bah wheep grannah wheep nini bong?

2019-04-04, 11:04 PM
Galvatron was played by Mr. Spock.

Unicron was Orson ****ING Wells.

And let's not forget that *Robert Stack*, the Unsolved Mysteries guy, was Ultra Magnus, forever giving TF fans the meme of "Open, damnit, OPEN."

(side fun fact - when they did Transformers Animated, they couldn't get Eric Idle to voice the new Wreck-Gar, as he was busy with Spam-a-lot, the musical. So they decided to get Weird Al Yankovic, and in Wreck-Gar's premiere episode, he gets to pull out his original motor-cycle mode, and say "I am Wreck-Gar, and I dare to be stupid!")

2019-04-04, 11:04 PM
Alternatively, there are other inspirations for Warforged Bards. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbSSjjRU7XA)

2019-04-04, 11:05 PM
Bah wheep grannah wheep nini bong?

Bah wheep grannah wheep nini bong!

Now where is my energon goodie?

Yeah I know they are expensive.

2019-04-05, 09:51 AM
I'm actually really coming around on the idea of playing it like Claptrap.

-cheery, enthusiastic voice-
"So, the vampires killed everyone here!"

"Why are you happy about that?!"

"I'm not! This is my only tone of voice. It's incredibly depressing! MINIONS, let's get going! We've murder to commit!"

2019-04-05, 10:29 AM
Ford: They make a big thing of the ship’s cybernetics. “A new generation of Sirius Cybernetics Corporation robots and computers, with the new GPP feature.”

Arthur: GPP? What’s that?

Ford: Er… It says Genuine People Personalities.

Arthur: Sounds ghastly.


Marvin: It is.

Arthur: W… What?

Marvin: Ghastly. It all is — absolutely ghastly. Just don’t even talk about it. Look at this door. “All the doors on this spacecraft have a cheerful and sunny disposition. It is their pleasure to open for you, and their satisfaction to close again with the knowledge of a job well done!”


Marvin: Hateful, isn't it?

2019-04-05, 01:13 PM
I'm actually really coming around on the idea of playing it like Claptrap.

-cheery, enthusiastic voice-
"So, the vampires killed everyone here!"

"Why are you happy about that?!"

"I'm not! This is my only tone of voice. It's incredibly depressing! MINIONS, let's get going! We've murder to commit!"




2019-04-05, 01:58 PM
dissociative identity disorder, like a Jukebox :D

2019-04-06, 12:49 AM
Not really fitting to your idea, but i think itd be fun if it was designed to be as part of a life size music. Like that stereotypical attitude or arabesque pose that rotates. Either have it be obssessed with being prim and proper or being begrudging disdain for its beauty and grace

2019-04-06, 02:34 AM
Warforged bard plus all the mentions about soundwave made me think of this http://www.d20monkey.com/comic/all-the-kings-horses-part-seventeen/

also personality wise, for some reason Fraiser or Niles from Cheers/Fraiser popped into my head

2019-04-06, 10:49 AM
I apparently lost the full version of this... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Joo90ZWrUkU)

Some people say a man is made outta mud
A warforged's got oil for blood
Metal and wood and steel and bronze
A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day's orders and ya ain't free yet
Sweet Maker don't you scrap me 'cause I don't know....
What happens to a warforged when he ain't no mo'

If you see me coming
Better step aside
Lotta men didn't, lotta men died
Got one fist of iron, the other of steel
If the left one don't get you
Then the right one will

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day's orders and ya ain't free yet
Sweet Maker don't you scrap me 'cause I don't know....
What happens to a warforged when he ain't no mo'

I was made by the Cannith, I was rune-forged
Given a sword and sent to the wars
I was raised by a sergeant on the front line
Though it's made of stone, got a heart like a lion

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day's orders and ya ain't free yet
Sweet Maker don't you scrap me 'cause I don't know....
What happens to a warforged when he ain't no mo'

2019-04-06, 12:20 PM
I apparently lost the full version of this... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Joo90ZWrUkU)

Some people say a man is made outta mud
A warforged's got oil for blood
Metal and wood and steel and bronze
A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day's orders and ya ain't free yet
Sweet Maker don't you scrap me 'cause I don't know....
What happens to a warforged when he ain't no mo'

If you see me coming
Better step aside
Lotta men didn't, lotta men died
Got one fist of iron, the other of steel
If the left one don't get you
Then the right one will

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day's orders and ya ain't free yet
Sweet Maker don't you scrap me 'cause I don't know....
What happens to a warforged when he ain't no mo'

I was made by the Cannith, I was rune-forged
Given a sword and sent to the wars
I was raised by a sergeant on the front line
Though it's made of stone, got a heart like a lion

You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day's orders and ya ain't free yet
Sweet Maker don't you scrap me 'cause I don't know....
What happens to a warforged when he ain't no mo'

Truly fantastic. I applaud the author

2019-04-06, 04:46 PM
Truly fantastic. I applaud the author
