View Full Version : Iron Chef Optimization Challenge: E6 Appetizer Edition (Round XVI)

2019-04-05, 09:04 PM
Welcome back to the Iron Chef Optimization Challenge E6 Appetizer Edition! I hope everyone had their fill of good classes last round, because we're back into the stuff that's a little bit undertuned. I'm sure you can handle it!

The form of this challenge is to take a particular D&D 3.5 base class (our "secret ingredient," or SI) and turn it into a functional E6 (https://esix.pbworks.com/f/E6v041.pdf) build, which must feature the SI as heavily as possible. (The only hard rule about this is that you must take at least one level in the SI, though judges are encouraged to look favorably on builds that take as many levels as possible in said SI.) Your final build submission should consist of your 6 regular levels and your first 10 epic bonus feats, though providing a snapshot at earlier points through the progression is heartily encouraged. Entries are to be PM'd to the Chair (that would be me!), and they will be posted anonymously; our volunteer judges will then grade each build on a 1-5 point scale in four categories: Originality, Power, Elegance, and Use of the Secret Ingredient. The builds with the highest three scores will be awarded medals, with the Honorable Mention award going to the non-medaling build that the Chair likes best and/or that receives the most votes for HM in this thread. (HM may not always be awarded, particularly if the number of builds is very small.) And then we all have cake!*

*Note: You must provide your own cake.

This is basically like the regular Iron Chef, and let's be brutally honest with ourselves here: this isn't a gargantuan community, and we basically all know what we're talking about at this point. Make the builds, send 'em in, post some scores, and have fun. If you've got questions, lemme know. Still, let's lay out a few rules!

Cooking Time: Builds must be submitted via PM to the Chair by 4:59 PM GMT - 9 on Thursday, Apr 25, 2019 (1:59 AM GMT on Friday, Apr 26). The reveal shall be on the first evening the Chair has free following the cooking deadline, which is hoped to be that evening or the immediately subsequent one—I'll do my best, anyway. Judging is then encouraged to go as quickly as possible; if multiple judges volunteer, we'll set about a two-week window, but if we only get one judge, we'll try to wrap up as soon as possible after that judge presents scores. (I will admit that the deadline time may not be an exact science, but don't hide from me and we'll probably be cool.)
Kitchen: Let's break this one down a bit.

ALLOWED: Almost all D&D 3.5 material published by WotC: Core, Completes, monster books, Races Of books, alternate power source books (Expanded Psionics Handbook, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Battle, Tome of Magic, etc.), Spell Compendium, Book of Exalted Deeds, Book of Vile Darkness, Eberron material, Forgotten Realms material, and other WotC-published 3.5 material. (This list is NOT exhaustive and there are many other legal books that I did not mention by name!)
ALLOWED: Material from the 3.5 archives of the Wizards of the Coast website (including, but not limited to, the Mind's Eye articles). If you use it, link it.
ALLOWED: Official errata from WotC. If you're relying on this in a material fashion, it's a good idea to link it and to discuss it.
NOT ALLOWED: Unofficial errata, including "class fixes" (regardless of the source, including from the original author if not published in a WotC book) or fan-created content.
ALLOWED: Unupdated WotC-published 3.0 material (e.g., Sword and Fist, Masters of the Wild, etc.) except for 3.0 psionics. No 3.0 psionics allowed. If you are using 3.0 material, use the general-purpose skill updates (Wilderness Lore becomes Survival, Innuendo becomes Bluff, etc.) and the general-purpose rules updates (spells with a casting time of "1 action" become "1 standard action," etc.) when appropriate.
NOT ALLOWED: 3.0 material for which a direct 3.5 update exists. Use the updated material instead.
ALLOWED: Dragon Compendium and its errata (http://paizo.com/download/dragon/compendium/DragonCompendiumVolumeIErrata.pdf).
NOT ALLOWED: Content from Dragon Magazine and/or Dungeon Magazine unless said content appears in an otherwise allowed source.
ALLOWED: Oriental Adventures, including the 3.5 update to Oriental Adventures from Dragon Magazine #318. This is a specific exception to the "no Dragon" rule!
NOT ALLOWED: Pathfinder content, regardless of whether it is "D&D 3.5 OGL" or not. If it didn't come from WotC, we don't want it.
ALLOWED: From Unearthed Arcana: racial paragon classes, alternate class features/variant classes, spelltouched feats, and variant races. (Traits and flaws are technically legal, but traits warrant a -0.5 point penalty in Elegance, and flaws warrant a -1 penalty in Elegance.)
NOT ALLOWED: Other Unearthed Arcana content, including (but not limited to) bloodlines, LA buyoff, fractional BAB/saves, alternate casting systems, alternate skill systems, item familiars, prestigious character classes, generic classes, gestalt, etc. When you're wondering if UA content is allowed, err on the side of caution and don't mess around with it.
NOT ALLOWED: Leadership, regardless of source. Game elements functionally equivalent to Leadership (including, but not limited to, Dragon Cohort, Undead Leadership, and Thrallherd) are similarly banned. (Familiars, Improved Familiar, animal companions, Wild Cohort, psicrystals, elemental envoys, and similar game elements are allowed, and they are not considered to be "Leadership." If the difference isn't obvious, feel free to contact the Chair with specific questions.)
NOT ALLOWED: Third-party content, homebrew, or other non-WotC content.
NOT ALLOWED: Epic feats from the Epic Level Handbook. Just because you're "epic" in E6 after 6th level doesn't mean that you're that kind of epic.
NOT ALLOWED: Any race or template with a level adjustment other than +0. (Or any other source of LA other than a race or template, if any such things exist.)
NOT ALLOWED: For our judges: penalizing solely based on legal sources used, regardless of whether those sources are plentiful, sparse, common, obscure, or something in between. If the material is legal, then it doesn't matter how many or how few books it came out of.
ALLOWED: Also for our judges: penalizing for using a source (other than material in Core; don't be vindictive about genuinely obvious stuff) that isn't listed in the build writeup. The chef may choose to present the sources in-line with the text, in a consolidated source list, or somewhere else, but if the source is listed (and is otherwise legal), it counts. If the source is not listed, you may choose to penalize for that.

If you have questions about anything in this section (or hell, in this ruleset), feel free to ask the Chair.

Character Creation: 32 point buy is assumed. For the purposes of this contest, Level Adjustment greater than +0 is banned. (This may be revised at a later point, but I don't feel that the E6 LA rules are conducive to fun in the context of this contest.) No more than two entries per chef per contest, please; if you submit two builds and somehow are so overcome with inspiration for a third that you can't help yourself, PM me and tell me which two you care about the most.
Speculation: Please do not post any form of speculation before the reveal. Just don't do it, guys. It's not cool. This means NOT posting any of the following or anything substantially similar: what you think is going to be common, significant elements of your planned build or of other potential builds, or anything else that could directly influence someone else's build choices for good or for ill. (It's acceptable to ask for rules clarifications as appropriate, but try to avoid tipping your hand too much.) Speculation is bad because it can discourage people from posting builds and can also "taint the judging pool" when it comes to Originality, so please just try to be aware of how other people might react to your speculation.
E6: Here's how E6 works for the purposes of this contest. Build your character normally for the first six levels. After you reach level 6, you stop gaining levels and start gaining bonus feats every time you would gain 5,000 XP. Since we aren't actually tracking XP, you'll basically list your first ten epic bonus feats in the order that you take them, and we think of them as being kind of like levels. We will not use the LA-equals-reduced-point-buy rules, instead preferring to just ban races with LA, at least for now. We will not use the "capstone feats"; all feats that you take must be normal legal 3.5 feats, not homebrew E6 ones. You may not use the Epic feats from the Epic Level Handbook, though if for some reason there are non-Epic feats from the ELH that you qualify for, you may take those. (I don't think there are any, but I'm sure someone will prove me wrong.) It is up to the discretion of each judge whether this is a "hard E6" (magic above 3rd level spells is simply beyond mortal reach, items that have a listed CL above 6th are just plain not available, etc.) or a "soft E6" (if you can somehow get the magic on your character, it's yours, regardless of level), though I honestly don't expect it to come up. Don't go crazy with making assumptions about items and we probably won't have to find out.
Presentation: Please use the table found below in the spoiler. List your epic bonus feats (in clear order) after the table. If you find a clever way of formatting that that isn't annoying and that doesn't break anything, have fun; if it's portable, I may steal it for the next round. When sending your build or any disputes to the Chair, clearly include your build's name in the subject of the PM, and please present your build exactly as you want the Chair to copy and paste it into the thread.
If you're using a picture, cite the source and follow any relevant citation rules. Because we have had issues with this in the past, when listing your skills, please make it very clear how many ranks you have at each level. There are multiple ways to do this and we do not wish to cramp anyone's individual style by dictating exactly how this must look, but make sure that somewhere in your entry there's an explanation of how many actual skill ranks you have. It's still fine to list total skill bonuses, if that's your style, but don't only list bonuses; make sure that there is a clear listing somewhere of your ranks alone.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code for the table:

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Contest houserules: Nearly the same as the main contest's rules here: all creatures are proficient with natural weapons they have or may acquire, bonus feats that are explicitly granted without meeting prereqs are usable even without those prereqs, and feats that affect which skills are class skills for you and/or how you spend your skill points (Able Learner, Martial Study, Truename Training, Apprentice, etc.) apply immediately at the level at which you take them (even though you normally spend skill points before taking a feat).
Judging guidelines: The minimum score in a category is 1, and the maximum is 5. Judges are expected to be fair, consistent, and open-minded, and they are expected to make a good-faith effort to engage with any reasonable disputes that arise, especially when RAW is in question. That said, contestants are asked to not dispute more than necessary; let's do everything in good faith and really only dispute when a judge is being inconsistent, being unfair, or is otherwise grossly misinterpreting a build.
Judges may not penalize Originality solely because a build is a tribute or homage to an existing creative work (in or out of D&D canon; note that this is not the same thing as penalizing Originality for using well-known optimization tactics), nor may judges penalize based solely on sources used (whether those sources are plentiful, sparse, common, obscure, or something in between, you should judge the build elements and how they work together rather than what book or what books they came out of, as long as those books are legal for this contest and are cited in the entry).
As with the main contest, we will follow the "One Mistake, One Penalty" guideline, and it is very important that the judges adhere to it. I'm going to directly copy and paste this from the main thread, and hopefully the original author won't mind too much:
Judges are only allowed to penalise once for a given mistake. If someone messes up their skills and doesn't qualify for a PrC, ding them as hard as you like. Once. In one category. You don't then get to declare that because they didn't qualify for that PrC, they don't get those levels, and thus don't qualify for anything else. If Ranger is a common ingredient, ding them for Originality. Once. Don't also take off points for Two-Weapon-Fighting being a common ingredient.

Non-exhaustive list of examples:


Giving a penalty for miscalculating the number of skill points gained
Giving a penalty for not having enough ranks to meet a prerequisite
Increasing the harshness of a skill miscalculation penalty if it affects critical skills including prereqs

Not allowed:

Giving separate penalties for miscalculating skill points and for non-qualification where the non-qualification is solely caused by the miscalculation


Giving a penalty for not meeting prereqs
Scaling the penalty depending on how important the item that the build failed to qualify for is
Giving minimum score in UotSI for not qualifying for the SI
Not giving credit for (note: not the same as penalising for) tactics using feats or classes other than the SI that were not qualified for (but see below)

Not Allowed:

"Cascading" failures to qualify - declaring that because a build doesn't qualify for a feat, for example, it also doesn't qualify for anything using that feat as a prereq
Treating a build as having fewer levels than it does because of FtQ for classes

Other general things that are no longer allowed:

Penalising because someone has chosen to build a tribute to an existing creative work
Deciding that a backstory has not met a fluff prerequisite well enough, or because its method of meeting it is "unrealistic". You may penalise if a fluff prereq is not addressed at all, but not for how well it is addressed.

Note that these are protections, not licenses. Deliberately taking a feat that you know you don't qualify for hoping to just suck up the judging penalty for a feat that you couldn't normally take is not okay, and may lead to your build being disqualified.
Other bits and bobs: If there's something major and relevant I haven't mentioned, assume that the way I handle it will probably be the same as the main contest unless stated otherwise or unless doing so would be an obviously absurd result. If you've got questions, I'll give you answers.

This round's secret ingredient:
the DRAGON SHAMAN, from Player's Handbook II!
Allez Optimizer!

The Builds:
Dragon Color

Rhomian Firegullet (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23869528&postcount=27)
NE Duskling
Dragonfire Adept 1 / Cloistered Cleric 1 / Dragon Shaman 4

Black Wing (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23869529&postcount=28)
NE Sparrow Hengeyokai
Dragon Shaman 6

Osborn Goodbarrel ("Festerbreath") (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23869532&postcount=29)
NG Glimmerskin Halfling
Sorcerer 1 / Dragonfire Adept 1 / Dragon Shaman 4

Dagg'on Clawsome (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23869535&postcount=30)
NG Dragonborn Duskling
Marshal 1 / Incarnate 1 / Dragon Shaman 4

The Blue-Tongued Warbler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23869536&postcount=31)
LN Kenku
Rogue 1 / Dragon Shaman 5

Marya Bluescale (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23869540&postcount=32)
LE Desert Half-Orc
Dragon Shaman 6

Round 4: Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?542333-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(IV))
Round 5: Ninja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?548763-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-V))
Round 6: Racial Paragon Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?551174-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VI))
Round 7: Hexblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?553767-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VII))
Round 8: Shugenja (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?555626-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-VIII))
Round 9: Swashbuckler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?559135-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-IX)")
Round 10: Crusader (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562183-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-X))
Round 11: Soulknife (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?565669-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XI))
Round 12: Factotum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?569723-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XII))
Round 13: Prestige Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572441-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIII))
Round 14: Mountebank (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?576318-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XIV))
Round 15: Sorcerer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?582751-Iron-Chef-Optimization-Challenge-E6-Appetizer-Edition-(Round-XV))

Round 1: Divine Mind (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?197000-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6))
Round 2: Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?201548-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition!-(e6)-II)
Round 3: Marshal (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?235221-Iron-Chef-Appetizer-Edition-(E6)-III)

2019-04-05, 09:12 PM
Here's a few gentle recommendations that are intended to improve scores and make things easier for the judges. As always, THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS POST ARE NOT RULES. Judges and contestants are free to honor them or ignore them; my intent here is only to help, and NONE of what I'm saying here is required.

Double-check ALL of your prereqs. Every. Single. One. Feats, PrCs, whatever. You might even go so far as to spell out when you meet each one, but again, that's not a requirement. But one of the single biggest causes of point loss is failure to meet prereqs.
Tell the judges what's cool about your build! You spent hours or days on this (y'know, probably) and know it inside and out, but the judges are getting a whole bunch of these dishes all at once and don't know the build history of each one. You're significantly more likely to score well if you spell out exactly what makes you awesome than if you try to just let it stand on its own.
Make it easy to read! Skill tables are awful, though they're an incredibly necessary evil. Full Monster Manual-style statblocks are occasionally useful but are also insanely dense if not formatted well. Judges are very likely to miss something if you aren't careful with how you present your info. Remember that judging takes a lot of time, energy, and focus, so don't rely on the judge being willing/able to decode something in order to see what makes you interesting!
Be memorable. Remember that we're all using the same ingredient here. What makes you different?

I totally lovehate the dragon shaman. It's a really confusing class that feels like it comes so close to having a purpose, but no one seems to know what that purpose is. It wasn't so much designed by committee—more like designed by anonymous suggestion box. I find it downright comical how awkwardly designed it is. But now it's up to you to show us all what the real purpose of the dragon shaman truly is!

And hey, at least in E6 they haven't run out of new class features before you run out of levels.

Side note: that opening post is getting really bulky, and I feel like it's impossible for folks to find the necessary information in it. Anyone got any easy suggestions for making it simpler to parse? I don't want to cut out anything that I don't have to, since it's actually pretty important information and it's so top-heavy because I keep needing to add stuff to it, but it's not an elegant presentation in the slightest.

2019-04-06, 02:52 AM
I'm interested. Question, does the breath weapon function in an Alternate Form? Looking at the class and [thing I'm looking at] doesn't specify, so I assume it does, but I want to be sure.

2019-04-06, 05:50 AM
I'm interested. Question, does the breath weapon function in an Alternate Form? Looking at the class and [thing I'm looking at] doesn't specify, so I assume it does, but I want to be sure.

Class features usually persist through Polymorph spells, though the changed shape may make they unusable.

For example, I doubt you'd be able to use a breath weapon as an Ooze. No mouth and all that.

2019-04-06, 08:39 AM
I'd like to compete, feel like I ought to judge instead, and may not actually have time for either. We'll see.

2019-04-06, 01:06 PM
I'd like to compete, feel like I ought to judge instead, and may not actually have time for either. We'll see.

I you feel like competing, compete. I haven't gotten a particularly bright spark of inspiration yet. I know of some things this class can do that others can't, but none of that feels particularly original to me.

2019-04-08, 11:52 PM
I’m genuinely curious to see if we get more chromatics or more metallics.

I don’t think it’s speculation for people to simply guess which side is going to be more populous. Let’s stop short of saying why or of predicting specific flavors, of course...

2019-04-09, 01:26 AM
I’m genuinely curious to see if we get more chromatics or more metallics.

I don’t think it’s speculation for people to simply guess which side is going to be more populous. Let’s stop short of saying why or of predicting specific flavors, of course...

More chromatics, but the most common single type will be a metallic

2019-04-09, 02:47 AM
I'm feeling dicey. I'll bet on a perfect tie!

2019-04-13, 02:19 PM
I'm in the unusual position of having to many feat slots and nothing to fill them with lol

2019-04-13, 05:05 PM
Five days left and I've just noticed this competition

2019-04-13, 08:29 PM
Five days left and I've just noticed this competition

I have no entries yet. Would an extension help? Quoting Falontani, but directing the question at the group...

2019-04-13, 09:04 PM
I have no entries yet. Would an extension help? Quoting Falontani, but directing the question at the group...

I'll see what I can think up, and if I do I'll let you know. I've done an entire e6 write up in an hour before, so I may not need one even if I do join.

2019-04-14, 08:27 AM
i did a rework, and should be done today

041519 - submitted

2019-04-16, 08:15 PM
I don't have enough builds and I don't have enough time/energy. You've all got another week. Get out there and make me proud.

The Kool
2019-04-16, 08:24 PM
I... missed this. Well I've got a lot going on, but if I find my mind drifting this way with a few hours to spare, I'll cook again.

2019-04-17, 11:19 AM
I don't have enough builds and I don't have enough time/energy. You've all got another week. Get out there and make me proud.
Hang in there, Zaq. We appreciate your efforts.

2019-04-19, 11:14 AM
Happy Friday, everyone! As a reminder, the deadline is next week, but you’ve got a weekend to build if you’re still interested!

2019-04-22, 04:19 PM
Thanks for the extension, I should be able to have something in by the new submission date.

2019-04-22, 06:06 PM
Approximately 72 hours remain!

2019-04-25, 08:51 AM
Deadline’s this evening! I’d really like one or two more entries, though. Who’s still working?

2019-04-25, 01:08 PM
Deadline’s this evening! I’d really like one or two more entries, though. Who’s still working?

Trying to get mine done by this evening. Hopefully shoukd have it in on time.

2019-04-25, 03:44 PM
I managed to whip up a little something. It should be in your inbox, Zaq.

2019-04-25, 06:39 PM
Ok, think I got it done just in time! Can't wait to see everyone's builds!

2019-04-25, 09:42 PM
Good luck to all! Do we have a judge that has volunteered yet?

2019-04-25, 11:03 PM
i sent mine in right?

if i was dumb, please hold till Sunday morning when i go into work so i can submit!

2019-04-26, 12:33 AM
Red! length

Rhomian Firegullet the Neutral Evil Duskling Dragonfire Adept 1/Cloistered Cleric 1/Dragon Shaman 4
























Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Dragonfire Adept





Search +4, Disable Device +2, Intimidate +4, Spellcraft +4, Knowledge Arcana +4

Dragon Tail, Dragontouched(B)

Breath Weapon 1d6


Cloistered Cleric





Search +5, Disable Device +5, Intimidate +5, Spellcraft +4, Knowledge Arcana +5

Knowledge Devotion(B)

Kobold Domain, Scalykind Domain


Dragon Shaman





Search +6, Disable Device +5.5, Intimidate +6, Spellcraft +4, Knowledge Arcana +5

Shape Soulmeld: Claws of the Wyrm

Draconic Aura +1, Red Totem Dragon


Dragon Shaman





Search +7, Disable Device +6, Intimidate +7, Spellcraft +4, Knowledge Arcana +5

Skill Focus: Appraise(B)


Dragon Shaman





Appraise +8, Search +13, Disable Device +6.5, Intimidate +8, Spellcraft +4, Knowledge Arcana +5

Draconic Adaption: Treasure Seeker


Dragon Shaman





Appraise +8, Search +14, Disable Device +7, Intimidate +9, Spellcraft +4, Knowledge Arcana +5

Practiced Spellcaster: Dragonfire Adept

Breath Weapon 2d6 (15 ft cone), Breath Weapon 3d6 (15 ft cone or 30 ft line), Draconic Resolve



Frightful Presence



Willing Deformity



Deformity: Teeth






Quicken Breath



Clinging Breath



Lingering Breath



Shape Breath



Ability Focus: Breath Weapon



Open Least Chakra: Hands

Size/Type: Medium Fey (Dragonblood, Incarnum, Extraplanar)
Hit Dice: 4d10 plus 1d8 plus 1d6+30 (67 hp)
Initiative: -1
Speed: 30* ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (10 -1 dex, +5 Breastplate), touch 9, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +3/+5
Attack: Claw +5 (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 Claws +5 (1d8+4), 1 Bite +3 (1d4+2), 1 Tail Slap +3 (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Invocation, Breath Weapons, Spells, Frightful Presence
Special Qualities: Draconic Resolve, Draconic Aura
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +0, Will +8
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 8, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 12
Skills: Appraise +9, Search +15, Disable Device +8, Intimidate +14, Spellcraft +11, Knowledge Arcana +12, Knowledge (all others) +7
Feats: Dragontouched, Dragon Tail, Knowledge Devotion, Shape Soulmeld: Claws of the Wyrm, Skill Focus: Appraise, Practiced Spellcaster: Dragonfire Adept, Frightful Presence, Willing Deformity, Deformity: Teeth, Multiattack, Quicken Breath, Clinging Breath, Lingering Breath, Shape Breath, Ability Focus: Breath, Open Least Chakra: Hands

Breath Weapon (Su): As a Dragonfire Adept, Rhomian Firegullet may initiate a breath attack which does 3d6 points of fire damage. This breath weapon deals 3d6 points of fire damage (Ref Save DC 19 for half). This breath weapon manifests in any of 3 ways: 15’ cone, 30’ line, or 15’ radius spread (+1 round cooldown). Rhomian Firegullet may choose to apply Lingering Breath to cause the breath weapon to linger for an amount of time (+2 round cooldown per round). Any creature within the burning cloud takes half or 3d6 damage (ref for half again). Rhomian Firegullet may choose to apply Clinging Breath to cause the breath weapon to deal diminishing damage in rounds following the initial breath (+1 round cooldown per round of diminishing damage).

Breath Weapon (Su): As a Dragon Shaman, Rhomian Firegullet may initiate a breath attack which does 2d6 points of fire damage. This breath weapon deals 3d6 points of fire damage (Ref Save DC 19 for half). This breath weapon manifests in any of 3 ways: 15’ cone, 30’ line, or 15’ radius spread (+1 round cooldown). Rhomian Firegullet may choose to apply Lingering Breath to cause the breath weapon to linger for an amount of time (+2 round cooldown per round). Any creature within the burning cloud takes half or 2d6 damage (ref for half again). Rhomian Firegullet may choose to apply Clinging Breath to cause the breath weapon to deal diminishing damage in rounds following the initial breath (+1 round cooldown per round of diminishing damage).

Frightful Presence (Ex): Whenever Rhomian Firegullet attacks or charges, all opponents within a radius of 30 feet who have fewer levels or Hit Dice than 6 become shaken for 1d6+1 rounds. The effect is negated by a Will save (DC 14 will save). A successful save indicates that the opponent is immune to your frightful presence for 24 hours. This ability can't affect creatures with an Intelligence of 3 or lower, nor does it have any effect on dragons.

Draconic Auras (Su):
(Currently Active)Power: All allies (including Rhomian Firegullet) gain a unique bonus of +1 to all damage rolls.
Vigor: All allies (including Rhomian Firegullet) gain fast healing 1 if they are under 50% hp.
Presence: All allies (including Rhomian Firegullet) gain a +1 unique bonus to diplomacy, intimidate, and bluff.
Energy Shield: All allies (including Rhomian Firegullet) struck by a nonreach melee strike deals 2 points of fire damage back to its source.

Typical Spells Prepared: Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Slash Tongue, Bloodwind, Create Trap

Incarnum: 1 essentia is invested into Claws of the Wyrm, often swapped to movement speed if maneuverability is needed

Rhomian Firegullet is your standard kick in the door natural attack build that you would expect, with a slight twist. He comes with battlefield control. In the form of burning clouds of fire. Rhomian Firegullet is immune to his Dragonfire Adept breath weapon (which deals 3d6 fire damage). So a common strategy of his is:
Round 1: (move action) close to within 15’, (standard action) throw out a Dragon Shaman breath weapon, and then (free action) fire off a 15’ radius cloud of fire that does 3d6 points of fire damage immediately, then lasts for 3 rounds thereafter dealing half the initial damage. Anyone hit by the initial blast takes half the damage they took on Rhomian Firegullet’s next turn. (Swift) Adjust essentia to Claws of the Wyrm. *Dragonfire Adept weapon on cooldown, 13 rounds remaining
Round 2: if anyone is within melee range (with a 5 ft step) full attack, otherwise (Swift) cast Blood Wind, advertising the fact that your using it, then (Full round) full attack someone within 20 ft. Make them think you can continue to do this. They won’t want to let you live so they will close (even if they have to enter the cloud) (Free action) Dragon Shaman breath weapon anyone within 15’. *Dragonfire Adept weapon on cooldown 12 rounds remaining, Dragon Shaman weapon on cooldown 4 rounds remaining.
Round 3: if anyone is within melee range full attack, otherwise intimidate and fight defensively.
Round 4: if anyone is within melee range full attack, otherwise intimidate and fight defensively.
Round 5: Our cloud has ended, head to any still living creatures if we’re still healthy, and work on just regular attacks. *Dragonfire Adept weapon on cooldown 9 rounds remaining, Dragon Shaman weapon on cooldown 1 round remaining.
Round 6: This is the round you decide whether you continue fighting or if you flee. If the fight has gone poorly then grab who you can, and begin to retreat. You want a small corridor for retreat, an alley or some other aspect. Maneuver party past the mouth of the alley. *Dragonfire Adept weapon on cooldown 8 rounds remaining, Dragon Shaman weapon ready.

Round 7 (if retreating only): Hit your breath weapon, aim it so that there isn’t a way to enter the corridor. If the mouth of corridor is only 5’ or less then make this a line, otherwise cone the entrance. Pour as many rounds as is feasible into your lingering breath and if the entrance is flammable your clinging breath. Blast it with a free action breath weapon (cooldown could be anywhere from 2 minutes all the way up to an hour+, if you really want). Run.
Rhomian Firegullet is trying to become a dragon. He attempts in every way to emulate a red dragon. Greed and power is his motto. He is proud to a fault, but knows that only ancient reds are famous, so he must grow to become famous, meaning retreat is sometimes necessary.

Holy crap I splurged on sources!

All breath weapon stuff + Frightful Presence: draconimonicon
Race + shape soulmeld: Magic of Incarnum
Knowledge devotion + practiced spellcaster : complete divine? Complete champion?
Cloistered Cleric : UA
Deformity stuff: HoH
Multiattack + Ability Focus: MM
Dragon Tail : RotD
Dragonfire adept + claws of the wyrm: Dragon Magic

2019-04-26, 12:34 AM
Orange! (Black is the new orange, you see.)

Black Wing

The harbor had been quiet that night, but Captain Heidos of the ship The Red Death had not let his crew rest in their watch. Heidos seemed certain something would happen that night. His crewmen were less concerned, eager to either be at sea or on shore leave once their cargo had been dropped off. A dwarf, notably rotund, leaned against the railing of the vessel, casually gazing around and chatting with his shipmates.

"You lads heard stories of the Black Wing?"

They had not and the dwarf grinned eagerly as he told the story

"They say in these Eastern lands there's a dragon, soul as black as its scales. And it's got this... creature, a servant no bigger than a mouse. But it's a shapeshifter, ya see. And it serves its master's interests in keepin' people from its home and bringing riches. It takes jobs from folk to dispose of their enemies. And sometimes it sets its own eye on a particular treasure, say, a ship smuggling magic weapons"

That got their attention, of course. Something flitted across the dwarf's vision, too small to be important, and he eagerly continued

"Now, not only can the shapeshifter grow to the size of a man, but it learned its tricks from the dragon itself. Its breath chokes the life from you, melts flesh from bone. It can darken the sky and if you should be unlucky enough to see its fullsized form, a winged monstrosity that heals every injury and fights like a demon, you'd best pray it has its sight on someone else and run the other way. It's said the creature leaves no one it sees alive."

As the fat dwarf spoke, the moon seemed to pass behind the clouds, suitably darkening the atmosphere.

"I've seen the beast, first time I was here with Captain Heidos. A run like this one, the Captain had me and some of the other lads transporting the goods to the estate of some nobleman. The Black Wing was finishing up its work when we came upon it. On every god there is, I was lucky I made it back to the ship. Captain had me flogged for abandoning the loot, but I was just glad to make it out of this harbor alive. Asked about it the next time we were here. Turns out the noble had made a deal with that dragon master some time ago and failed to live up to his demands. I guess we were lucky we weren't its targets."

The crew seemed to ponder his story for a moment, as the grin spread across the dwarf's face. Another saw him and punched his arm

"You all should have seen the looks you gave each other! The Black Wing's just an Eastern myth!"

The sky had gotten even darker than before and was becoming difficult for even a dwarf to see. And then, nothing could be seen. A crewman let out a cry that was suddenly choked out. The sound of sizzling accompanied a chemical smell as the crew drew arms and tried to rush out of the darkness. The dwarven storyteller pulled himself over the side of the ship to escape the choking air. A creature, birdlike but about the size and shape of a man, flew up and landed on the mast, turning its head until it spotted him under the now clear night sky. In one hand, it held what seemed to be a mace or heavy club. It leaped from its perch and dove after the fleeing dwarf, its beak opening to unleash an acidic mist.

The Red Death was full of beaten and half melted corpses when it was found in the morning. Something had torn through the board in the lower decks and seemed to have found what it was looking for, judging from the emptied containers and chests. A dingy was missing from The Red Death's compliment. It was found week later, floating down the river from deep within Dragon's Forest.

NE Sparrow Hengeyokai, Black Dragon Shaman 6

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Dragon Shaman
Hide 4, Listen 1, Move Silently 4, Spot 1, Swim 4
Hidden Talent (Distract)
Totem Dragon (Black), Draconic Aura +1 (Vigor, Power, Senses)

Dragon Shaman
Hide 5, Listen 2, Move Silently 5, Spot 1, Swim 4
Bonus Feat: Skill Focus (Move Silently)
Skill Focus

Dragon Shaman
Hide 6, Listen 2 , Move Silently 6, Spot 2, Swim 4
Power Attack
Draconic Adaptation (Water Breathing), New Aura (Swiftness)

Dragon Shaman
Hide 7, Listen 3, Move Silently 7, Spot 2, Swim 4

Breath Weapon (Acid; 30 ft line; 2d6), Draconic Resolve

Dragon Shaman
Hide 8, Listen 3, Move Silently 8, Spot 3, Swim 4

Shamanic Invocation (Darkness), Draconic Aura +2

Dragon Shaman
Hide 9, Listen 4, Move Silently 9, Spot 3, Swim 4
Breath Weapon (3d6), Touch of Vitality (24 points)

Epic Bonus Feats
Shape Breath
Maximize Breath
Clinging Breath
Psionic Weapon
Psionic Talent
Lingering Breath
Draconic Senses
Dragonfire Assault
Draconic Heritage (Black)

Hengeyokai are humanoid shapechangers with three forms. These forms affect their physical stats. Additionally, in Animal and Hybrid form, Black Wing has low-light vision, can speak with animals of his kind, and has fly speeds (50ft for Animal, 20 ft for Hybrid, both average). In Animal form his land speed is 1ft and in Hybrid form it is 20ft. He can't wear more than medium armor in Hybrid form and all held or carried equipment melds into his Animal form, causing magic items to cease functioning as long as he is in that form. In Animal form his size is Fine and his AC is 24. They can change form a number of times each day equal to their Character Level +1

Human Form
Hybrid Form
Sparrow Form



16 (17)
16 (17)




Sparrow Hengeyokai have -2 to Wisdom in all forms, a +2 to Dex in Hybrid form, and set physical stats in their animal form. +1 to Con at 4th level

The Darkness invocation functions exactly like Darkness when used. It is treated as cast by a Dragonfire Adept four levels lower than the Dragon Shaman's class levels.

Distract gives a single target a -4 on Listen, Spot, Search, and Sense Motive checks.

Power gives a bonus = to the aura bonus on melee damage rolls

Vigor: Gives fast healing for each point of aura bonus, but only on creatures at or below half HP

Senses: gives a bonus on Listen, Spot, and Initiative checks = to the aura bonus

Swiftness: gives a bonus to Climb, Jump, and Swim (presumably equal to the aura bonus). Also increases
Swim, Climb, and Fly speeds by 5x the aura bonus, but does not give a Swim or Fly speed if you don't already have one

Touch of Vitality gives a pool of points each day that heals HP (if we got to higher levels it could do more, but in this case it doesn't do too much)

Water Breathing is an Ex ability, which is always active, and allows breathing underwater, as well as the use of spells and other abilities freely underwater.

Breath Weapon works like a dragon's breath weapon except the save is a Reflex save with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your dragon shaman level + your Con modifier.

How to use Black Wing:

Level 1-3: As Black Wing steps out from his master's cave for the first time in many years, he is largely a magic thug. His best tactics are to sneak past enemies or sneak up on them after using Distract and unleash a Power Attack from hiding with the heaviest weapon he can find. He can run and hide effectively thanks to having wings and a changing form. Ideally he keeps to his Hybrid or Animal forms while working. The human form is only used when he needs to be completely incognito. 3rd level gets him Power Attack, Water Breathing, and a slightly faster flight speed (as well as a climb speed, for what that's worth). He is now capable of approaching from any terrain, which is probably his best feature at this point: Even if a foe expects him, they don't know how he'll approach. In Sparrow form, he is exceptionally hard to hit or even see, making this his ideal approach tactic, but he can use other means if necessary.

In a group, Black Wing can support a rogue in scouting or warriors by providing a little extra damage, better initiative, or keeping them at least at half.

Levels 4-5: Gaining a breath weapon and a few immunities, Black Wing can now rain acid on his foes from the air. He becomes a far better skirmisher at this point: His high AC as a sparrow coupled with his fast movement and ranged breath weapon means he has little to fear in being followed. At level 5 his auras improve and rather than learn a new one, he takes the Darkness invocation as an ACF. This helps him hide, gives a little BFC (important especially when on his own), and makes it even easier to escape pursuers after a skirmish.

Level 6: Now with more damage from his breath weapon and a direct healing ability, Black Wing has a better chance in surviving on his own. The Dragontouched feat is gained as he is finally accepted as his master's most loyal and capable servant. Tactics are largely the same, he can just fight longer now.

Epic Feats: These work best all together, I think. With his draconic feats, Black Wing now has darkvision and low-light vision in all forms, as well as getting to change his bonus damage from Power attack to acid and some resistance to acid itself. Breath feats + Darkness let him set up some decent BFC now, especially if he can trap enemies in tight spaces. Darkstalker and being able to use Distract more often make it harder to find him on night assaults, which would be his preferred time to strike what with having Darkvision and low-light vision all the time now. Between fights he would psionically focus, which in tandem with Power Attack, gives him a lot more damage, as a sort of one use Sneak Attack (albeit a weaker one).

So, Black Wing goes from magic thug to decent skirmisher to ambush predator over his career.

Thanks to everyone judging this round! This was really fun to put together.

Power Attack, Skills, Skill Focus

Player's Handbook II
Dragon Shaman, Power, Vigor, Senses Auras

Oriental Adventures (and 3.5 update)

Dragon Magic
Shamanic Invocation ACF, Darkness Invocation
Swiftness Aura
Draconic Senses
Dragonfire Assault
Draconic Heritage (Black)

Lords of Madness
Darkstalker Feat

Expanded Psionics Handbook
Hidden Talent (Distract)
Psionic Weapon
Psionic Talent

Shape Breath
Clinging Breath
Lingering Breath
Maximize Breath

2019-04-26, 12:36 AM
Yellow! length

Osborn Goodbarrel, called Festerbreath.

Mountain Glen is an awesome place to grow up as a halfling child. The communities are tight-knit and friendly. There's plenty of land providing for agricultural and hunting needs. The surrounding forests, rivers, lakes, fields, and valleys provide any entertainment a child could wish.

And there are dragons.

A family of gold dragons has mingled with the halfling clans in Mountain Glen for generations. The dragons provide guidance to the halfling and protection from threats beyond the halflings' capabilities. In return, the halflings provide the dragons companionship, entertainment, and a window into the mortal world. The two races are family, in all the positive connotations that term.

Osborn Goodbarrel is member of one of those families. He's tall, broad, and handsome for a halfling, standing 3' and weighing 35#. Osborn's black hair is often pulled back in a ponytail while his brown eyes seem to sparkle in sunlight. His tanned skin speaks of a life outdoors, but its hue hints at a more spectacular ancestry than might be guessed.

In his veins runs the blood of dragons, and for his crime, Osborn Goodbarrel has been christened Festerbreath. Given his breath can literally set things on fire, Festerbreath takes this in good cheer.

Festerbreath manifested his sorcerous abilities as a teenager. But he didn't want to pursue magical studies; he wanted to be a healer. A local village militia saw his powers and skills as the perfect squad medic. In this environment, Festerbreath turned from magical studies to invoking the power of this draconic blood. He developed a draconic breath weapon, draconic social wiles, and draconic aura. He also became a confidant and chaplain to his fellow soldiers.

Festerbreath mustered out after two years. Being a shaman seemed a solid career choice following his chaplain duties, so he continued on that path. Festerbreath now serves a spiritual leader for his community in addition to intermittent adventuring.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features
Spells per Day
Spells Known
Invocations Known
Draconic Auras Known

Dragonblood Sorcerer 1
(Skill ranks, 12/1st level sorcerer)
Heal/4, Knowledge (arcana)/4, Use Magic Device/4
Draconic Heritage (Gold), Precocious Apprentice (1st)
Arcane insight +2, Draconic Heritage (bonus feat for familiar)
Level 0 - 5
1 - 3
2 - 1
Detect Magic, Ghost Light, Prestidigitation, Resistance
Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor
Gust of Wind

Dragonfire Adept 1
(Skill ranks, 5/1st level dragonfire adept)
Concentration/1, Heal/5, Knowledge (arcana)/4, Knowledge (religion)/1, Knowledge (the planes)/1, Use Magic Device/5
DFA Breath weapon 1d6, Dragontouched (bonus feat), least invocations
Level 0 - 5
1 - 3
2 - 1
Detect Magic, Ghost Light, Prestidigitation, Resistance
Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor
Gust of Wind
Beguiling Influence

Dragon Shaman 1
(Skill ranks, 3/1st level dragon shaman)
Concentration/1, Heal/5, Knowledge (arcana)/4, Knowledge (nature)/1, Knowledge (religion)/1, Knowledge (the planes)/1, Use Magic Device/5
Healing Hands skill trick[/td]
Gold Dragon Lineage (3rd)
Draconic aura +1, totem dragon (gold)
Level 0 - 5
1 - 3
2 - 1
Detect Magic, Ghost Light, Prestidigitation, Resistance
Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor
Gust of Wind
Beguiling Influence
Resistance, Toughness, Vigor

Dragon Shaman 2
(Skill ranks, 3/2nd level dragon shaman)
Concentration/1, Craft (carpentry)/1, Heal/5, Knowledge (arcana)/5, Knowledge (nature)/2, Knowledge (religion)/1, Knowledge (the planes)/1, Use Magic Device/5
Healing Hands skill trick[/td]
Skill Focus (Heal)
Skill Focus (bonus feat)
Level 0 - 5
1 - 3
2 - 1
Detect Magic, Ghost Light, Prestidigitation, Resistance
Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor
Gust of Wind
Beguiling Influence
Resistance, Toughness, Vigor

Dragon Shaman 3
+7(Skill ranks, 3/3rd level dragon shaman)
Concentration/1, Craft (carpentry)/1, Heal/5, Knowledge (arcana)/6, Knowledge (nature)/2, Knowledge (religion)/1, Knowledge (the planes)/1, Use Magic Device/5
Collector of Stories skill trick, Healing Hands skill trick[/td]
Draconic adaptation (Water Breathing)
Level 0 - 5
1 - 3
2 - 1
Detect Magic, Ghost Light, Prestidigitation, Resistance
Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor
Gust of Wind
Beguiling Influence
Resistance, Senses, Toughness, Vigor

Dragon Shaman 4
(Skill ranks, 3/4th level dragon shaman)
Concentration/1, Craft (carpentry)/1, Heal/6, Knowledge (arcana)/7, Knowledge (nature)/3, Knowledge (religion)/1, Knowledge (the planes)/1, Use Magic Device/5
Collector of Stories skill trick, Healing Hands skill trick[/td]
Shape Breath (6th)
DSH Breath weapon (2d6), draconic resolve
Level 0 - 5
1 - 3
2 - 1
Detect Magic, Ghost Light, Prestidigitation, Resistance
Expeditious Retreat, Mage Armor
Gust of Wind
Beguiling Influence
Resistance, Senses, Toughness, Vigor

Male Glimmerskin Halfling Dragonblood Sorcerer 1/Dragonfire Adept 1/Dragon Shaman (gold) 4
NG Small humanoid (hafling, dragonblooded)
S-10 (-2 at 1st level)
D-14 (+2 at 1st level)
C-16 (+1 at 4th level)

HP: 50 (4 + 4.5 (DFA) (5.5 * 4 (DSH) + 18 (Con) + 1 (Dragontouched feat))
AC: 17, flat-footed 15, touch 13 (+1 size, +2 Dex, + 4 armor (mage armor))
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Damage: 1d4/1d4 (claw/claw)

BAB: +4 (0 + 0 + 3 (DSH) +1 (small))
Fort: +10 (6 (base) + 3 (Con) + 1 (luck))
Reflex: +4 (1 (base) + 2 (Dex) +1 (luck))
Will: +10 (8 (base) + 1 (Wis) + 1 (luck))

Skills: (Skill points, ability bonuses, feat bonuses, and racial bonuses)
Bluff/8, Climb/2, Concentration/4, Craft (carpentry)/2, Diplomacy/8, Heal/10, Hide/6, Intimidate/8, Jump/2, Knowledge (arcana)/15, Knowledge (nature)/9, Knowledge (religion)/7, Knowledge (the planes)/7, Listen/9, Search/7, Spot/7, Use Magic Device/7

Skill Tricks: Collector of Stories, Healing Hands.

Languages: Common, Halfling, Draconic.

Special Qualities: Dragonblooded, touch of luck, arcane insight +2, DFA breath weapon (1d6 fire, 15-foot cone or 30-foot line, at will), least invocation (Beguiling Influence), Healing Hands skill trick, draconic aura +1 (resistance, senses, toughness, vigor), totem dragon (gold), Collector of Stories skill trick, draconic adaptation (water breathing), DSH breath weapon (2d6 fire, 15-foot cone, at will with 1d4 round recharge), draconic resolve (immunity to paralysis, sleep, and dragons' frightful presence), draconic save bonus (+6 to magic sleep, paralysis, +5 to fire), lucky aura, lowlight vision, darkvision 60-feet, blindsense 20-feet, Shape Soulmeld (Airstep Sandals), Hurricane Breath.

Festerbreath is a support and battlefield control character. I decided to go all in on the dragon part of dragon shaman.

First Level: Festerbreath is a pure support character. He's a backup medic (heal skill), personal and general defense (resistance, mage armor, touch of luck), a backup utility caster (read magic, ghost light, prestidigitation), one-shot battlefield control (gust of wind), and minor skill monkey (arcane knowledge, UMD).

Second Level: Festerbreath is now a support, battlefield control, and a face character. DFA breath weapon gives minor damage, but can be shaped as necessary. Beguiling Influence covers the majority of social interactions. Dragontouched gives a slight edge to sense, so he can backup a scout. And all the first-level trick are still available.

Third Level: Festerbreath was a versatile character, but the first level of dragon shaman doubles that versatility. Dragonic aura allows rotating ranged support to augment saves, senses, or healing, complementing the DFA breath weapon. Gold Dragon Lineage allows more and ranged luck for other characters, expanding beyond touch of luck. Healing Hands enhances the medic role. Knowledge continues to expand.

Fourth Level: Festerbreath versatility slows here. The heal skill gets enhanced, and he finallys gets an attack bonus. But all his previous tricks remain competative. He provides close in support for other melee characters, striking opportunistically and buffing any faltering characters.

Fifth Level: Festerbreath gains a little more versatility here. A new aura becomes available. BAB increases again. Collector of Stories pays off on the Knowledge investments. He gains a new function as a secondary sage for the group. Draconic adaptation keeps him functioning underwater.

Sixth Level: Festerbreath achieves his final form! DSH breath weapon comes online. It does more damage than DFA breath weapon, but has more limited area of effect and a recharge time. But Shape Breath give it more versatility. A final BAB increase means he isn't hopeless in melee. And all his prior tricks still scale well.

Epic Levels: Epic feats are used to enhance Festerbreath's draconic powers.

Ability Focus, [Breath], and [Metabreath] feats make his breath weapons more potent and versatile. They are harder to save against, enemies become entangled and take more damage, and multiple breath weapons can be used.

Dragonic feats increase his knowledge and sense skills, making Festerbreath a sage and scout on his own as well as giving him a natural melee attack.

Shape Soulmeld increases maneuverability. Hurricane Breath increases battlefield control. Dialate Aura allows more allies to be affected if necessary.

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength: Halflings are quick, agile, and good with ranged weapons, but they are small and therefore not as strong as other humanoids.
Dragonblood Subtype: Glimmerskin halflings are of the dragonblood subtype.
Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
Touch of Luck: Once per day, a glimmerskin halfling can grant himself or any ally within 30 feet a +2 luck bonus on a single saving throw. Using this ability is an immediate action and must be announced before the roll is made.
Class Skills: Heal is a class skill for glimmerskin halflings.
Halfling base land speed is 20 feet.
+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, and Listen checks: Halflings are agile, surefooted, and athletic.
+1 racial bonus on all saving throws: Halflings are surprisingly capable of avoiding mishaps.
+2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the halfling's +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings: Throwing and slinging stones is a universal sport among halflings, and they develop especially good aim.
Automatic Languages: Common and Halfling. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, and Orc. Smart halflings learn the languages of their friends and enemies.

Dragonblood Sorcerer Substitution Level
Arcane Insight (Ex): A 1st-level dragonblood sorcerer's racial talent with magic grants him keen insights into arcane mysteries. Each time he selects a dragonblood sorcerer substitution level, he gains a cumulative +2 insight bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks.
Draconic Heritage: A 1st-level dragonblood sorcerer gains Draconic Heritage as a bonus feat. This substitution feature replaces the standard sorcerer's familiar class feature.

Dragonfire Adept
Invocations: A dragonfire adept has a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and other abilities known as draconic invocations, which allow her to focus the draconic energy that suffuses her soul. A dragonfire adept can use any invocation she knows at will.
A dragonfire adept's invocations are spell-like abilities; using an invocation is therefore a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. To avoid provoking such attacks, a dragonfire adept can use an invocation defensively by making a successful Concentration check. An invocation can be disrupted, just as a spell can be ruined during casting. If a dragonfire adept is hit by an attack while invoking, she is entitled to a Concentration check to successfully use the invocation, just as a spellcaster would be. Her invocations are subject to spell resistance unless an invocation's description specifically states otherwise. A dragonfire adept's caster level with her invocations is equal to her class level. She can dismiss any invocation as a standard action, just as a wizard can dismiss a spell.
If an invocation allows a saving throw, its DC is 10 + the equivalent spell level + the dragonfire adept's Cha modifier. Since spell-like abilities are not spells, a dragonfire adept cannot benefit from the Spell Focus feat or from draconic feats that let her convert or spend an arcane spell slot to produce some other effect. She can, however, benefit from the Ability Focus feat, as well as from feats that emulate metamagic effects for spell-like abilities.
The four grades of draconic invocations, in order of their relative power, are least, lesser, greater, and dark. A 1st-level dragonfire adept begins with knowledge of one least invocation, gaining access to more invocations and higher grades as she attains levels. At any level when a dragonfire adept learns a new invocation, she can also replace an invocation she already knows with another invocation of the same or lower grade. See Draconic Invocations, below, for a list of available invocations.
Unlike other spell-like abilities, draconic invocations are subject to arcane spell failure chance as described under Weapon and Armor Proficiency, above.
Finally, just like warlocks, dragonfire adepts can qualify for some prestige classes usually intended for spellcasters. For details, see the Dragonfire Adepts and Prestige Classes sidebar.
Breath Weapon (Su): At 1st level, you gain a breath weapon that you can use at will as a standard action. Each time you use your breath weapon, you can choose whether it takes the form of a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of fire damage; a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Con modifier) halves the damage. As you gain levels, your breath weapon's damage increases, as shown on Table: The Dragonfire Adept.
You are immune to the effect of your own breath weapon (but not to other breath weapons that produce similar effects, even those of other dragonfire adepts).
At 10th level, your cone-shaped breath weapon's range doubles to 30 feet, and your line-shaped breath weapon's range doubles to 60 feet.
Dragontouched: At 1st level, you gain Dragontouched as a bonus feat.

Dragon Shaman
Bonus Languages: A dragon shaman's bonus language options include Draconic.
Draconic Aura (Su): You can channel the mighty powers of dragonkind to project an aura that grants you and nearby allies a special benefit.
Projecting an aura is a swift action, and you can only project one draconic aura at a time. An aura remains in effect until you use a free action to dismiss it or you activate another aura in its place. You can have a draconic aura active continually; thus, an aura can be in effect at the start of an encounter even before you take your first turn.
Unless otherwise noted, your draconic aura affects all allies within 30 feet (including yourself) with line of effect to you. Your aura is dismissed if you become unconscious or are slain, but otherwise it remains in effect even if you are incapable of acting.
The bonus granted by your aura begins at +1 and increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 10th level, +4 at 15th level, and +5 at 20th level. As a 1st-level dragon shaman, you know how to project three auras chosen from the list below. At every oddnumbered level after that, you learn one additional draconic aura of your choice, until all seven auras are known at 9th level. Each time you activate a draconic aura, you can choose from any of the auras that you know.
Resistance: Resistance to your totem dragon's energy type equal to 5 × your aura bonus.
Senses: Bonus on Listen and Spot checks, as well as on initiative checks, equal to your aura bonus.
Toughness: DR 1/magic for each point of your aura bonus (up to 5/magic at 20th level).
Vigor: Fast healing 1 for each point of your aura bonus, but only affects characters at or below one-half their full normal hit points.
Totem Dragon: You must choose a totem dragon from among the true dragons appearing in the Monster Manual (gold).
You must choose a dragon whose alignment is within one step of yours, as described in the following table. You gain additional class skills and a particular sort of breath weapon based on the dragon you select as your totem.
Skill Focus: At 2nd level, you gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat. You must apply the feat to one of the three class skills granted by your chosen totem dragon. For example, a blue dragon shaman can select Skill Focus (Bluff), Skill Focus (Hide), or Skill Focus (Spellcraft).
Draconic Adaptation (Ex or Sp): At 3rd level, you take on an aspect of your totem dragon. Some adaptations are extraordinary abilities that are always active; others are spelllike abilities that you can activate at will. Spell-like abilities have a caster level equal to your class level and a save DC equal to 10 + spell level + Cha modifier.
Gold - Water Breathing (Ex): You can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use spells and other abilities underwater (always active).
Breath Weapon (Su): At 4th level, you gain a breath weapon corresponding to your totem dragon. Regardless of the area one affects or the type of energy damage it deals, all breath weapons deal 2d6 points of damage, plus an extra 1d6 points of damage for every two additional class levels (3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 8th level, and so forth). A successful Reflex save halves the damage dealt; the save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 your dragon shaman level + your Con modifier. Just like a true dragon, once you breathe you must wait 1d4 rounds before you can use your breath weapon again.
Draconic Resolve (Ex): At 4th level, you gain immunity to paralysis and sleep effects. You also become immune to the frightful presence of dragons.

Draconic Heritage (DM) [Draconic] - 1st, ACF for familiar
You have a greater connection with your draconic bloodline than others of your kind.
Prerequisite: Sorcerer level 1.
Benefit: You gain the dragonblood subtype. Choose one kind of dragon from the list in the table below. This is your draconic heritage, which cannot later be changed unless you undergo the Rite of Draconic Affinity (see page 59 of Races of the Dragon). Half-dragons must choose the same dragon kind as their dragon parent. When you declare your draconic heritage, you gain a bonus on saving throws against magic sleep and paralysis effects, as well as on saves against spells and abilities with a descriptor that matches the corresponding energy type. This bonus equals the number of draconic feats you have. In addition, you gain the corresponding skill as a sorcerer class skill.
Dragon Energy Skill
Gold Fire Heal

Precocious Apprentice (Gust of Wind) (CA) [General] - 1st
Your master has shown you the basics of a spell beyond the normal limits of your experience and training.
Prerequisite: Spellcasting ability (Int or Cha) 15, arcane caster level 1st.
Benefit: Choose one 2nd-level spell from a school of magic you have access to. You gain an extra 2nd-level spell slot that must be used initially to cast only the chosen spell. Until your level is high enough to allow you to cast 2nd-level spells, you must succeed on a DC 8 caster level check to successfully cast this spell; if you fail, the spell is miscast to no effect. Your caster level with the chosen spell is your normal caster level, even if this level is insufficient to cast the spell under normal circumstances.
When you become able to cast 2nd-level spells, you lose the benefit described above but retain the extra 2nd-level spell slot, which you can use to prepare or spontaneously cast a spell of 2nd level or lower as you normally would.
Finally, you gain a +2 bonus on all Spellcraft checks.
Special: You can take this feat only as a 1st level character.

Dragontouched (DM) [General] 2nd, dragonfire adept bonus feat
You have a trace of draconic power, a result of dragons in your ancestry or a spiritual connection between you and the forces of dragonkind.
Prerequisite: CHA 11
Benefit: You gain the dragonblood subtype. You gain 1 hit point, a +1 bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks, and a +1 bonus on saving throws against paralysis and sleep effects. In addition, you can select draconic feats as if you were a sorcerer of your character level.

Gold Dragon Lineage (DM) [Draconic] - 3rd
You can harness the legacy of your gold dragon ancestry to protect your allies.
Prerequisite: Draconic Heritage (Dragon Magic) (gold) , sorcerer level 3rd.
Benefit: As a swift action, you can spend an arcane spell slot to create a lucky aura that protects your allies. All allies within 30 feet (including you) gain a luck bonus equal to the spell slots level that they can apply on any one saving throw as an immediate action. This bonus must be used within a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus (minimum 1 round), or it is lost. An affected ally need not remain within 30 feet of you to use this bonus. No character can have more than one luck bonus from this feat at a time. If the feat is used a second time while the first use is still active, the new duration replaces the previous one unless the character chooses to retain the previous duration (for instance, if it were from a higher-level spell slot).

Skill Focus (Heal) (PH) [General] - 4th, dragon shaman bonus feat
Choose a skill.
Benefit: You get a +3 bonus on all checks involving that skill.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new skill.

Shape Breath (Draco)[Metabreath] - 6th
You can make the area of your breath weapon a cone or a line, as you see fit.
Prerequisites: Con 13, breath weapon, size Small or larger.
Benefit: If you have a line-shaped breath weapon, you can opt to shape it into a cone. Likewise, if you have a cone-shaped breath weapon, you can shape it into a line. When you use this feat, add +1 to the number of rounds you must wait before using your breath weapon again.
Normal: Without this feat, the shape of your breath weapon is fixed.

Epic Feats:
Ability Focus (DFA breath) (MM1) [General]
Choose one of the creature’s special attacks.
Prerequisite: Special attack.
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against the special attack on which the creature focuses.
Special: A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the creature takes the feat it applies to a different special attack.

Ability Focus (DSH breath) (MM1) [General]
Choose one of the creature’s special attacks.
Prerequisite: Special attack.
Benefit: Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws against the special attack on which the creature focuses.
Special: A creature can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time the creature takes the feat it applies to a different special attack.

Draconic Knowledge (DM) [Draconic]
Your draconic blood lets you access ancient draconic knowledge.
Prerequisite: Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st.
Benefit: You gain a bonus on Knowledge checks equal to the number of draconic feats you have. All Knowledge skills are class skills for all your classes.

Draconic Claw (RofD) [Draconic]
You develop natural weapons like those of your draconic ancestors.
Prerequisite: Draconic Heritage, sorcerer level 1st.
Benefit: You gain a claw attack. You can make a natural attack with two claws, dealing damage based on your size as if you were truly a dragon (Small 1d4, Medium 1d6, Large 1d8). In any round when you cast a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action, you can make a single claw attack at your full attack bonus as a swift action (see page 122) against an opponent you threaten.

Draconic Senses (DM) [Draconic]
Your draconic blood grants you great sensory powers.
Prerequisite: Cha 11, dragonblood subtype.
Benefit: You gain low-light vision and a bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks equal to the number of draconic feats you have. If you have three or more draconic feats, you also gain darkvision out to 60 feet. If you have four or more draconic feats, you also gain blindsense out to 20 feet.

Shape Soulmeld (Airstep Sandals) (MoI) [Genera]
You gain the ability to shape a single soulmeld.
Prerequisite: Con 13.
Benefit: When this feat is selected, choose a soulmeld from any class's soulmeld list. You can shape that soulmeld using the normal meldshaping rules (see page 49, Magic of Incarnum). Once chosen, the soulmeld granted by this feat can never be changed. Your meldshaper level for this soulmeld is equal to one-half your character level.
If you have essentia, you can invest essentia in the soulmeld as normal. See Table 2-1: Essentia Capacity on page 19, Magic of Incarnum to determine the soulmeld's essentia capacity.
If you have the ability to bind a soulmeld to a chakra, you can bind this soulmeld to any chakra available to you (as long as the soulmeld can be bound to that chakra).
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, choose a new soulmeld.

Hurricane Breath (CM) [Reserve]
The power of elemental air you hold in your mind allows you to exhale the wind.
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells.
Benefit: As long as you have an air spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can attempt to knock a single creature within 30 feet back with a blast of wind.
This requires a standard action and functions much like a bull rush; roll 1d20 + the level of the highest-level air spell you have available to cast opposed by your opponent’s Strength check.
If you succeed, you push the creature back 5 feet. As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting air spells.

Dialate Aura (FC2) [General]
You can extend the range of your aura.
Prerequisite: Aura ability.
Benefit: Once per encounter, you can double the range of your aura. The expanded aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).

Entangling Exhalation (RofD) [Breath]
You can use your breath weapon to create an entangling mesh of energy.
Prerequisites: Dragonblood subtype, breath weapon.
Benefit: When you use your breath weapon, you can choose to enmesh all creatures in its area instead of producing its normal effect. Your breath weapon deals only half its normal damage; however, any creature that takes damage from your breath weapon becomes entangled and takes an extra 1d6 points of damage, of the same energy type as normally dealt by your breath weapon, each round at the start of your turn. This effect lasts for 1d4 rounds.
If your breath weapon doesn’t deal energy damage, creatures damaged by the initial breath are still entangled but don’t take additional damage on later rounds.

Split Breath (Draco) [Metabreath]
You can split your breath weapon into a pair of weaker effects.
Prerequisites: Con 13, breath weapon, Shape Breath, size Small or larger.
Benefit: Your breath weapon retains its size and shape, but splits into two areas that you aim separately. Each portion deals half the damage the breath weapon normally deals or lasts half as long as the effect normally lasts.
For example, an old silver dragon that uses this feat on its cold breath weapon produces two 50-foot cones of cold that deal 8d8 points of cold damage each. If the same dragon used this feat on its paralyzing gas breath weapon, it would produce two cones of gas, each of which could paralyze a creature for 1d3+4 rounds. You can aim the split breath effects so that their areas overlap.
Creatures caught in the area of overlap are struck by both weapons and are affected twice, subject to all the normal rules for stacking magical effects.
When you use this feat, add +1 to the number of rounds you must wait before using your breath weapon again.

Beguiling Influence
Least; 2nd
You can invoke this ability to beguile and bewitch your foes. You gain a +6 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks for 24 hours.

Airstep Sandals
Descriptors: None
Chakra: Feet
Saving Throw: None
You shape incarnum into a pair of sky-blue sandals. They surround your feet without quite touching them, fitting over any boots or shoes you wear. When you use the flight ability of the sandals, you leave a faint trail of blue vapor behind you, which disperses after a few seconds.
Many creatures have the gift of flight, and with this soulmeld, you channel soul energy derived from such creatures to borrow that gift. The rilkan incarnate Davi the Trickster was rarely seen without this soulmeld shaped, and she claimed that she could communicate with the djinn whose soul energy she borrowed to form it.
While worn, the airstep sandals allow you to fly up to 10 feet (good maneuverability) as a move action once per round. You must end the flight solidly supported or you fall.

Breath Weapon (DFA)
Usable at will; standard action; 15-foot cone or 30-foot line; 1d6 points of fire damage; DC 15 Reflex save (10 + 0.5 DFA + 3 + 2 (Ability Focus)); you are immune to the effect of your own breath weapon (but not to other breath weapons that produce similar effects, even those of other dragonfire adepts).
As a breath weapon without a recharge time, it can be modified with [Breath] feats. But it can't be modified [Metabreath] by feats.

Breath Weapon (DSH)
Usable at will, with a 1d4 round recharge; standard action; 15-foot cone; 2d6 points of fire damage; DC 17 Reflex save (10 + 2 DSH + 3 + 2 (Ability Focus)).
As a breath weapon with a recharge time, it can be modified with [Metabreath] feats, which affect the recharge time. But it can't be modified by [Breath] feats.

2019-04-26, 12:37 AM
Green! (Well, until you polish off the patina, at least.)

Dagg’on Clawsome
NG Dragonborn Duskling Marshal 1/Incarnate 1/Dragon Shaman 4

Dragonborn template – RoTD 8: +2 CON, -2 DEX, gain dragonblood subtype, +2 dodge to ac vs dragons, immunity to frightful presence, Wings aspect - +10 to Jump, can glide (negate falling damage from any height, move 20’ forward for every 5’ falling at speed 30/avg. At 6hd, can fly at 30/avg for CON rounds consecutively for up to 10 mins day, but can combine w/ glide to extend. While flying, can make a dive (charge attack at +2 to hit), if wielding a piercing weapon, deal double damage. Gain Draconic as a bonus language.

Duskling – MoI 10: +2 CON, -2 INT Medium, speed 30, gain 1 essentia, Fey (extraplanar) making them immune to effects that target humanoids, like charm person. Lowlight (lost to dragonborn)

32 Point Buy:
STR 14, DEX 12, CON 13, INT 12, WIS 8, CHA 17
STR 14, DEX 10, CON 17, INT 10, WIS 8, CHA 17
Level 4 into CHA


I am brain dead from RL, and for once have no creative energy left for fluff.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Intimidate +4, Listen +4, Sense Motive +4, Speak Language 1 (draconic), Spot 4
Nymph's Kiss (B)Skill Focus Diplomacy
Minor Aura - Motivate Charisma, Dragonborn

Knowledge Arcana 3
2 soulmelds, 1 essentia, Detect Opposition

Dragon Shaman
Intimidate 6, Hide 1
Flyby Attack
Draconic Aura +1, Totem Dragon - Copper, 3 Auras

Dragon Shaman 2
Hide 2, Intimidate 7
(B)Skill Focus Hide

Dragon Shaman 3
Hide 3, Intimidate 8
Draconic Adaptation - Spider Climb/will, 4 Auras

Dragon Shaman 4
Hide 4, Never Outnumbered
Open Least Chakra - Hands (Lucky Dice)
Breath Weapon 2d6 Line of Acid, Draconic Resolve

Epic Feats:
1-Exotic Weapon Proficiency –Harpoon
2-Imperious Command
3-Powerful Charge
4-Shape Soulmeld – Brass Mane
5-Shape Soulmeld – Dissolving Spittle
6-Bonus Essentia
7-Shape Soulmeld – Fearsome Mask
8-Shape Soulmeld – Vitality Belt
9-Lightning Reflexes
10-Daunting Presence (DC 23)

Draconic Auras:
(Healing) Vigor – Fast Healing 1 to all at less than half health
(Face) Presence +1 to Bluff/Diplo/Intim
(Scouting) Senses +1 Spot/Listen and Initiative
(Combat) Energy- anyone striking you or allies takes 2 points acid damage

Incarnate Soulmelds:
(1 essentia) (Bound to Hands @6th) Lucky Dice - +1 luck bonus to attack and damage OR saves OR skills and abitlity checks. If roll 7 on 2d6, bonus applies to all until next round. When bound to hands, all allies in 30ft gain same bonus. Each essentia invested adds 1 round to the duration (2 rounds total, meaning you’re always going to have 2 separate bonus’s at +1). Swift action activation, usable every round.
(1 essentia) Soulspark Familiar – Least, +1 to attack and damage. MoI 87, 197
Brass Mane -+4 to intimidate
(1 essentia) Dissolving Spittle – 2d6/round ranged touch acid attack
(1 essentia) Fearsome Mask - +4 more to Intimidate
Vitality Belt - +4 to CON checks, but not FORT

-Harpoon: Frostburn 76, Ranged, 1d10 piercing, and REF DC 10+damage dealt or be impaled, can only move half speed, and can’t charge or run. If impaled DC 15 concentration check or fail any spell attempted. Creature can pull harpoon from itself as a full round action requiring 2 hands, and causing the initial damage again. A DC 15 Heal check negates this damage. As a ranged weapon, you can either throw this, or as this build will do, use it as a spear.

--- Optional, but highly beneficial equipment suggestion ---
Inspiration, shield enhancement +1 (CL 5), Forge of War Web Article, doubles beneficial aura range: all auras ranges are doubled, and 1/day cast Prayer as a free action (40ft radius burst, centered on you, for 5 rounds, all allies gain +1 luck bonus to attacks, weapon damage, saves, skills, and all enemies get -1 to all of those)

Frightful Crest Graft – RotD 128: when you attack or charge, all nondragon creatures w/in 30 feet of you who have less HD are panicked for 1 round, if equal or more HD shaken for 1 round, WILL to negate 10+half HD+CHA (DC 23), this is a mind affecting fear effect.

Skill Tricks:
Never Outnumbered – Csco 87– REQ INTIM 8: when using intimidate to demoralize, all opponents w/in 10 ft are affected

Level 1: We take Marshall first for more skill points, ditch the Skill Focus to Dragonborn, and take Nymph’s Kiss for even more ++CHA CHA goodies. CHA+CHA+Nymph for +8 to CHA things. The only Skills that use CHA that can’t be used untrained are UMD and Gather Info.
Level 2: Incarnate gives you another essentia, 2 soulmelds, and Detect Evil/will. The familiar is just a little extra ranged damage every round, and like all others, gives you Alertness as well.
Level 3-6: All Dragon Shaman. Get the Inspiration shield enchancement ASAP as it will double the range of all your auras, Marshall’s is now 120ft, and all others are 60ft. Going with the Copper dragon here will give a Line of acid breath weapon (DC 15 REF), and Spider Climb/will. Skill Focus Hide, and immunity to sleep/paralysis effects as well. Spider Climb in particular is used to scale the heights, to which you can then jump off from and glide or dive attack your enemies from, using the Wings aspect of Dragonborn to even greater effect. At 4th, our CHA CHA is +10.

Epic Feats:
1-Exotic Weapon Proficiency –Harpoon
2-Imperious Command
3-Powerful Charge
4-Shape Soulmeld – Brass Mane
5-Shape Soulmeld – Dissolving Spittle
6-Bonus Essentia
7-Shape Soulmeld – Fearsome Mask
8-Shape Soulmeld – Vitality Belt
9-Lightning Reflexes
10-Daunting Presence (DC 23)

You CAN use a harpoon earlier in the build, albeit at a -4 penalty to hit. There are plenty of other Piercing weapons usable that do decent damage, especially when that damage is doubled due to a dive attack. A trident is a 1h martial weapon doing 1d8. If not using your shield, a Lance/Spear is a 2h’r doing 1d8, a simple short spear does 1d6. You have options, although you want the harpoon most of the time. Strength isn’t high enough for a 2h weapon to make a difference, and since the harpoon isn’t specifically listed as a 2h’r, it’s not. Best hit on a Harpoon dive attack (not counting a critical) is then 1d10x2 (20) + STRx2 (2) + Lucky Dice (1) + Masterwork (1), + Powerful Charge (8) at the very least, meaning a DC 42 REF save or be impaled, and dealing another 32 damage when it’s removed.

Imperious Command takes your Intimidate Check, applied w/ Never Outnumbered for a 10ft AOE cowering effect. Cowered opponents take no actions and suffer -2 to AC, and also lose DEX to AC. The following round they’re Shaken for -2 to attacks/saves/skills/ability checks. Intimidate check is 8 ranks + 10 CHA CHA +d20. Of course there’s Lucky Dice for another +1, Presence for +1. Demoralize to cower, fly, dive attack (especially painful as they can’t make a REF save against the damage) and impale your foe w/ flyby attack. Of course if you rule that you can’t cower and attack in the same round, there’s still -2 on the save the following round, and of course cowering helps your allies out.

Powerful Charge adds 1d8 damage to your charge (dive) attack. MOAR DAMAGE!!! /rawr
(Fun thought, is this damage then doubled when used w/ the dragonborn’s wings aspect as well? That’d be 2d10+2d8+misc bonus’s…)

Brass Mane grants +4 to intimidate (+24 total). Dissoliving Spittle starts w/ 1d6 acid as a touch attack, then gets an essentia added in at 6th for 2d6 every round. Fearsome Mask gets the other floating essentia for another +4 to Intimidate (+28 total), and Vitality Belt grants +4 to CON checks (but not FORT saves) to increase the DC of our breath weapons (DC 19 REF).

It’s questionable whether grafts are available in an e6 world. To take the graft feats requires 10 ranks in a skill. Obviously if you can get a graft, the fearsome presence of a dragon can be emulated w/ the one above. Since its probably not something you can do, the build takes Daunting Presence at 10th for nearly the same effect. The big difference is that it’s a standard action to activate vs an automatic 30ft radius on an attack/charge, but the duration is MUCH longer.

If grafts are a thing that are possible, drop DP at 10th and take almost anything else, even Weapon Focus or Improved Initiative.

Be a support player, but also be able to jump into the mix and smack stuff around. You have 4 draconic aura’s, 1 marshall’s aura, a Lucky Dice Aura. Plus prayer as an AoE burst for 5 rounds 1/day. You can melt faces with an astronomical Intimidate check, and contribute heavily in melee combat with diving charges. You have a 2d6 acid breath weapon, a 2d6 ranged touch acid attack, as well as a Familiar doing 1d4+2 every round as a ranged attack. At lvl 6 and into the epics, you can pull the essential invested in your familiar and add it to anything else, if into Spittle that becomes 3d6. Cowering your enemies grants all your allies a better chance to hit them as well for 2 rounds.

The Tier System (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?523449-Retiering-the-Classes-Divine-Mind-Dragon-Shaman-and-Marshal) ranks Dragon Shaman as Tier 5, but I think in the context of e6 and this build, that you are solidly in the Tier 3 realm.

Book of Exalted Deeds: Nymph’s Kiss p44
Complete Scoundrel: Never Outnumbered p87
Drow of the Underdark: Imperious Command p50
Frostburn: Harpoon p76
Magic of Incarnum: Brass Mane p62, Dissolving Spittle p64, Fearsome Mask p66, Incarnate p20, Lucky Dice p77, Soulspark Familiar p86, Open Least Chakra p39, Vitality Belt p92
Miniatures Handbook: Marshall p11, Powerful Charge p27
Player’s Handbook: Feats p90-91
Player’s Handbook II: Dragon Shaman p11
http://www.archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20070618a&page=4 Inspiration

Not included, but possible for this build:
Commander Auras – Heroes of Battle 77 (Free based on teamplay and DM fiat)
Healing Commander – rank 3, any good: any spell/effect used to heal an ally also grants you a free action rally check to improve morale.

Taking a 5th level in Dragon Shaman would allow for the ACF in Dragon Magic – Shamanic Invocation. This drops 1 aura and instead gives you any invocation. Beguiling Influence would be the goto for +6 to intimidate. I chose not to take this which would necessitate not taking Marshall first off for a few reasons. Marshall gives you that bonus feat you don’t need to sacrifice to Dragonborn, and the Motivate Charisma bonus applies to all your allies unlike the Invocation. You would net a further +2 to Intimidate w/ the invocation, but it’s not needed in this build. The other option would be Endure Exposure, to give all in your party acid immunity. In the end, not having Nymph’s Kiss, is more of a detriment than having an invocation is a bonus.

About the only metabreath feat worth it would be Clinging Breath. It does half the damage of the initial breath in the following round, but also allows another save. It adds another round to the reload time of your breath weapon. There’s not a huge difference between 1d4 and 1d4+1 rounds, but it’s just not worth it in the long run. A feat for half of 2d6 damage isn’t worth it on a 2-5 round delay.

2019-04-26, 12:38 AM
Blue! length

The Blue-Tongued Warbler
Kenku Rogue 1/Dragon Shaman 5
Rogue Mimic ACF 1st level (Exemplars of Evil)
Dragon Shaman Shamanic Invocation ACF 5th level (Dragon Magic)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Str 12 -2 10
Con 14 -- 14
Dex 11 +2 13
Int 14 -- 14
Wis 08 -- 08
Cha 17 -- 17

Stat increase at 4th: Cha

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features
Auras Known

Rogue 1

4 Bluff
4 Diplomacy
4 Disguise
4 Forgery
4 Gather Information
4 Intimidate
4 Listen
1 Open Lock
4 Sense Motive
4 Sleight of Hand
4 Spot

1st: Nymph's Kiss
Mimic; Sneak Attack +1d6

Dragon Shaman 1

5 Bluff
4 Diplomacy
4 Disguise
4 Forgery
4 Gather Information
5 Intimidate
1 K: arcana
5 Listen
1 Open Lock
4 Sense Motive
4 Sleight of Hand
4 Spot

Draconic Aura +1; Totem Dragon (Blue)
Presence; Senses; Vigor

Dragon Shaman 2

6 Bluff
4 Diplomacy
4 Disguise
4 Forgery
4 Gather Information
6 Intimidate
2 K: arcana
5 Listen
1 Open Lock
4 Sense Motive
4 Sleight of Hand
4 Spot
2 Skill Trick: Listen To This

3rd: Combat Expertise; B: Skill Focus (Bluff)

Dragon Shaman 3

7 Bluff
5 Diplomacy
4 Disguise
4 Forgery
4 Gather Information
7 Intimidate
3 K: arcana
5 Listen
1 Open Lock
4 Sense Motive
4 Sleight of Hand
4 Spot
- Skill Trick: Listen To This

Draconic Adaptation

Dragon Shaman 4

8 Bluff
5 Diplomacy
4 Disguise
4 Forgery
4 Gather Information
8 Intimidate
4 K: arcana
5 Listen
1 Open Lock
4 Sense Motive
4 Sleight of Hand
4 Spot
- Skill Trick: Listen To This
2 Skill Trick: Never Outnumbered

Breath Weapon; Draconic Resolve

Dragon Shaman 5

9 Bluff
5 Diplomacy
5 Disguise
4 Forgery
4 Gather Information
9 Intimidate
4 K: arcana
5 Listen
1 Open Lock
5 Sense Motive
4 Sleight of Hand
1 Spellcraft
4 Spot
- Skill Trick: Listen To This
- Skill Trick: Never Outnumbered

6th: Improved Feint
Draconic Aura +2; Invocation: Beguiling Influence


Imperious Command
Obtain Familiar
Frightful Presence
Sweet Talker
Deadly Defense
Dragonfire Strike
Entangling Exhalation

This character is a party face. The rogue level here is mainly for the skill points. Nymph's Kiss pulls its weight for the Cha-based skills. And the Mimic ACF falls in line easily with the flavor of a Party Face.
In combat, look to get into flanking position against weaker foes. Both Kenku and Rogue enjoy a food flank. But you are on the squishy side of combat, really. Remember, when neccessary, there's no shame in firing a crossbow or throwing a dagger from range.

Into Dragon Shaman.
Note: Knowledge (arcana) is a class skill, as per the errata of the Player's Handbook II.

With this level, some tactics come into play. The Draconic Auras can be changed with a swift action. Three are taken here at this level. In town, Presence should be used to help out the social skills. In a dungeon, Senses boosts initiative for when the party needs it. In a fight (and afterward), Vigor keeps the party breathing. Switch between them, as needed.

More of the social stuff at this level, really. Skill Focus (Bluff) as a freebie doesn't hurt. And the skill trick (Listen to This), which is interesting on most any character, will become all the more interesting in another level.

Draconic Adaptation is where things can get really fun. For DS of Blue totems, Ventriloquism is available at will. Add in the Listen to This skill trick and the ability of Kenku to mimic sounds with the bonuses we have here to Bluff, and social options open up wide. From the guards who suddenly hear their leader call out to "Hold yer fire!" to the store clerk who just heard the store owner tell her to 'give this group a discount' to the princess who suddenly (and mysteriously) calls out from the castle window to the guards to "let these people in". The limit of this combination is bound only by your imagination.
The Power Aura comes into play during combat. Switch from Senses after initiative is rolled and use Power until there's a need for Vigor.

The Never Outnumbered skill trick comes along here which will be helpful for a bit of battlefield control. The breath weapon is another option (good for distance, but you'll have to be careful of friendly fire). Neither should be considered your go-to option.

The Dragon Shaman ACF gives access to Beguiling Influence (far better than another aura option).
9 ranks of Bluff + 4 Cha + 2 Nymph's Kiss + 6 Beguiling Influence + 3 Skill Focus + 2 Presense aura = 26 Add 1d20 to that. How's that enemy's Sense Motive, do you think?

On the combat side of things, Improved Feint comes online here. A move action to Bluff, a standard to attack means sneak attack on most every attack even without a flanking buddy around.

This is the reason you took Never Outnumbered. Use a spear for the reach. You'll still have a claw available if someone closes in.

A snake grants a +3 bonus to Bluff. Kenku get a +3 (instead of +2) when being Aided by Another.

Gonna sneak attack every round? Might as well add 6 points of damage. Use a rapier to increase your odds of doubling that.

Battlefield control with draconic fluff? Yes please.

You didn't even know this was a feat, did you? You qualify for all the Interaction skill tricks. Personally, I like Second Impression. Social Recovery or Group-Fake Out have their uses. As does Timely Misdirection. Depending on how your campaign is going, you'll have to determine which tricks will be most useful.

You've got the Combat Expertise feat already, you're using it often. That rapier in your hand qualifies. Why not double your sneak attack damage?

Purely a pre-req feat.

Add a little lightning to your sneak attacks.

Your breath weapon isn't your bread-and-butter, but its good to add an element of battlefield control to it when it lines up to be used.

Yeah, well, ya know...why not?

Nymph's Kiss feat: Book of Exhalted Deeds
Dragon Shaman class: Player's Handbook II
Skill Tricks: Complete Scoundrel
Imperious Command feat: Drow of the Underdark
Obtain Familiar feat: Complete Arcane
Craven feat: Champions of Ruin
Frightful Presence feat: Draconomicon
Sweet Talker feat: Complete Scoundrel
Deadly Defense feat: Complete Scoundrel
Dragontouched feat: Dragon Magic
Dragonfire Strike: Dragon Magic
Entangling Exhalation: Races of the Dragon

2019-04-26, 12:40 AM
Indigo! (We all know indigo is just Blue II: Electric Bluegaloo.)

Marya Bluescale, the voice of Tezzar

The council chamber echoed with shouts from the merchants and priests, each trying to overpower their fellows in expressing their displeasure. The half-orc Marya looked up at the tiered benches on which the city’s powerful reclined and let their anger wash over her.

Once they had finally calmed down, she spoke once again. “Have you forgotten how Tezzar protected this city during the siege by the Mozan empire? Have you forgotten how he drove out the peasant armies led by the oracle of the False God? It was by his power that the desert raiders where pacified and trade became possible. And all he asks in return is that you pay him tribute. Tribute that your ancestors vowed to pay in return for his protection. Will you…”

Her words where cut off by one of the merchants. “Your master extorted that agreements from our ancestors, and we are not bound by it. It had been decades since Tezzar last did something for this city, so why should we pay him in herds and gold when he does nothing in return? You and every emissary that has gone before you has raged at us for reneging on a deal we didn’t make, but I say we’ve paid enough!” The other merchants voiced their assent.

“Mistake not..” Marya didn’t get a chance to say more as one of the priests cut her off.

“The prophet of the Seven has proclaimed that the gods will not allow for tribute and worship to be directed to mortals. Your scaly master’s demands risk their wrath! Tell him that we will not bow to his demands of tribute and heresy!” The corpulent man gestured weakly for the guards. “Take her away!”

Marya had just about had enough. She whirled around, and let her master’s power flow through her. A ball of lightning roared from her throat and struck in the middle of the guards approaching her, tossing them aside, and killing more than a few instantly.

“Mistake not my current rage for the awesome and terrible majesty of the towering seas of ire that are themselves the mere milquetoast shallows fringing the vast oceans of my master’s Wrath. You will deliver the tribute in the agreed upon amount to the appointed place, or he himself will come to take it tenfold out of your hides!” She turned around and stormed out of the council chambers before they had a chance to recover. They would pay up, at least for the next couple of years. After that, well, rebellion was brewing in their domain, and if they wanted her master’s help putting it down, a new agreement would have to be reached…

She grinned. She would see those worms crawl yet, either before her and her master, or before those that would rise up soon.

LE desert half-orc dragon Shaman 6
Ability scores
str 10
dex 16
con 17 (includes +1 at level 4)
int 12
wis 10
cha 14

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Dragon shaman 1
bluff 4, intimidate 4, diplomacy 4
run(racial bonus), martial study (douse the flames)
Draconic aura +1(presence, vigor, resistance), totem dragon (blue)

Dragon shaman 2
bluff 5, intimidate 5, diplomacy 5

skill focus (bluff)

Dragon shaman 3
bluff 6, intimidate 6, diplomacy 6

rapid reload(light crossbow)
draconic adaptation (ventriloquism), new aura: energy shield

Dragon shaman 4
bluff 7, intimidate 7, diplomacy 7

breath weapon(2d6, 30ft. Line of electricity), draconic resolve

Dragon shaman 5
bluff 8, intimidate 8, diplomacy 8

Draconic aura +2, shamanic invocaton (ACF, taking beguiling influence)

Dragon shaman 6
bluff 9, intimidate 9, diplomacy 9

maximize breath

breath weapon(3d6), touch of vitality

shape breath
clinging breath
lingering breath
heighthen breath
spreading breath
extend spreading breath
precise shot
point blank shot
rapid shot

level 1-4
During the early levels, Marya doesn't really stand out much from other Dragon shamans. Her focus on Dexterity means she'll be suing a light crossbow for offence, while she's got a mix of defensive and utility auras to help out her party. Martial study has been picked up first and foremost to add diplomacy to her list of class skills. Her draconic adaptation can be applied in creative ways to confuse enemies or just to talk to someone without being in harms way.

level 5
At this level, she picks up the shamanic invocation acf to pick up the beguiling influence invocation in place a of a new aura. This is a bit of a game-changer, as it means she goes from 'pretty good' to 'amazing' in social skills.

level 6 and epic feats
In addition to being pretty good at social skills the feats gained at level 6 and the first batch of epic feats turns her breath weapon pretty lethal. All stacked together, her breath weapon is a 15 feet radius sphere that she can spit up to 60 feet far, doing 18 points of damage with a dc 19 safe for half, with an additional 9 damage to everyone hit and everyone that remains in or enters the breath's radius on the next turn. This does increase the breath's recharge to be long enough that it'll only be a once-per-encounter thing, which immediately brings up a use for the bluff skill: convincing the surviving enemies that she can do that again, should they not surrender.

The last couple of epic feats help shore up her backup crossbow weapon, though shooting stuff will never be her main contribution to a fight. If a fight does continue after the first alpha-strike and threats, her main contribution will be her defensive auras and pool of healing from her touch of healing.

bluff:+24 (including presence aura)
diplomacy: +19 (including presence aura)
intimidate: +21 (including presence aura)

HP: 28+5d10 (55 average)
AC:18 (wearing a normal breastplate)

unearthed arcana: desert half-orc
dragon magic: shamanic invocation, vigor aura
draconomicon: maximize breath, shape breath, clinging breath, lingering breath, heighthen breath, spreading breath, extend spreading breath

2019-04-26, 12:41 AM
And there you have it! A rainbow of dragon shamans, somewhat color-coded for your convenience! I've added a table to the OP.

On your marks, get set, JUDGE!

2019-04-26, 06:21 AM
Heh, there's greater variety here than I had expected. I did eventually manage to come up with a build for this one, so I won't be able to judge.

2019-04-26, 09:15 AM
And there you have it! A rainbow of dragon shamans, somewhat color-coded for your convenience! I've added a table to the OP.

On your marks, get set, JUDGE!
Some nice variety. I'm looking forward to this one.

2019-05-01, 11:56 AM
I don't know if this is overstepping, but when can we usually expect judges? Is there a general time frame it takes people to volunteer or is it pretty much different for each competition?

2019-05-01, 12:04 PM
I don't know if this is overstepping, but when can we usually expect judges? Is there a general time frame it takes people to volunteer or is it pretty much different for each competition?

It differs a lot per round. Sometimes someone has pre-indicated they might judge, sometimes no one has. The judging itself can take anywhere from 1 day or two to a week or three. It might be worth checking whether anyone is currently working on judging this round though.

2019-05-05, 12:33 PM
Weekend bump! Anyone interested in judging yet?

2019-05-05, 07:14 PM
Given there seems to be a lack of judges, I might have a go at it. Fair warning, though - it's the first time I've tried this, and I'm kind of a noob in this whole area.

2019-05-05, 07:24 PM
Given there seems to be a lack of judges, I might have a go at it. Fair warning, though - it's the first time I've tried this, and I'm kind of a noob in this whole area.

sometimes, a fresh perspective is exactly what's best!

please do take a stab at it :)

The Kool
2019-05-06, 07:36 AM
I would judge again but free time is exactly what I don't have right now. Maybe next time!

2019-05-06, 09:21 AM
Didn't end up with a ton of time tonight, but I made it through everyone's stats and skills, so that's a start.

Update: I had to take a sick day, so I've spent a lot of today on this. 4/6 builds done, so with 2 builds, a final look over everything, and formatting, it should be tomorrow night or the night after.

2019-05-11, 11:52 AM
Any progress, judge(s)? Please don’t feel guilt or anxiety if you’re not done—it’s legitimately hard work, and we all understand how schedules get in the way!

2019-05-11, 09:59 PM
Sorry, I've gotten all 6 entries judged, I just need to do a final check for consistency and format for the forum.

2019-05-12, 07:12 AM
Well, I didn't spend as much time on checking consistency as I hoped to. But it's probably better to have it posted so that other people can point out my mistakes instead of me wasting time trying to spot them.

Using feats to turn yourself into a natural attacker isn't exactly a new idea, but sitting inside a lingering breath weapon and using blood wind to attack people outside of it is pretty cool. (+1)

Cloistered Cleric and DFA dips are pretty standard, especially the DFA dip to get an extra breath and double the use of your breath feats. (-0.5)

Your skill choices are unusual, though, and Duskling isn't the obvious choice for an Incarnum race. (+0.5)

Overall: 4

Your natural attack lineup is pretty good, especially with Knowledge Devotion. Frightful Presence is a nice add-on, too. (+0.75)

As a primary melee attacker who's heavily reliant on full attacks, you're likely to have issues with any enemy who doesn't feel the need to stand next to you in melee. You can't use blood wind enough to rely on it, and while luring people into the cloud with you is a cool idea, you don't have the Bluff modifier to make it stick. (-0.5)

Your Fort and Will are pretty nice, and although you're going to fail a lot of Reflex saves, you have the hit points to back it up. As a frontliner, you're going to have AC problems, but again, with your hit points it should be okay. (+0)

You have a mix of skills that you're reasonably good at, with the auras as well it should be enough to make you somewhat useful to a party outside of combat. Although trapfinding without Trapfinding is of questionable value. (+0.75)

Overall: 4

First and foremost, I'll quote from the contest rules: “make sure that there is a clear listing somewhere of your ranks alone“. You mixed in the bonuses from Skill Focus and Treasure Seeker. That isn't something I'd penalise, personally, but Zaq was very explicit about this – he put it in bold and everything. (-0.25)

You've listed Frightful Presence as a feat from Draconomicon. I'm assuming you mean Awaken Frightful Presence, since it's the closest thing I can find. Unfortunately, it requires the dragon type as a prereq, and you don't have it. The dragonblood subtype doesn't give you the ability to take feats that require the dragon type, and the Dragontouched feat only lets you take Draconic feats. (-0.25)

Note: there were 2 entries that listed Frightful Presence from Draconomicon, neither of which appeared to have the prereq, so I suspect I'm missing something and won't be surprised by any disputes.

Frightful Presence requires Cha 15. (-0.25)

You've taken Practiced Spellcaster (Dragonfire Adept), and used it to advance the DC and damage of your breath weapon. As far as I can tell, there's no reason why Practiced Spellcaster would actually do that – the breath weapon is a Su ability. (-0.25)

You've taken the Ability Focus feat, and applied it to to both breath weapons – they're separate special attacks that happen to share a name. (-0.25)

Based on your listing of a +7 modifier to all Knowledge skills, you took Draconic Knowledge as your DFA invocation, but you didn't say that anywhere. I don't feel it's worth a penalty, but it was confusing.

Overall: 2

You have the majority (4/6) of your levels in the SI, so it's fair to say you're primarily a Dragon Shaman. (+0)

You are first and foremost a natural attacker, which didn't come from the SI, but is deriving as much benefit as possible from the Power aura. (-0.25)

You're leaning heavily on your breath weapons, one of which came from the SI, and metabreath feats which you access through the SI. (+0.25)

You've doubled down on your Draconic Adaptation to become a reasonable trapfinder, which is cool. (+0.25)

Overall: 3.25

Total: 13.25

Fire-breathing sparrow hengeyokai have appeared in a few previous competitions, but you're making use of all 3 forms in different capacities, and you've got a nice writeup. (+0.25)

Thuggery isn't a widely used strategy in D&D – there's lots of ambushers, but Power Attack isn't the usual choice, and I don't think I've seen anyone take Psionic Weapon before. The “approach from any terrain” thing is cool too, although it's missing a burrow speed. (+0.75)

Overall: 4

This is a tough one to judge. Your melee abilities aren't going to be great in a standup fight, and your BFC isn't particularly impressive. On the other hand, your stealth is pretty good, especially in sparrow form. Your ambush is reasonably dangerous, but if it doesn't kill something, you're going to have to leave, hide, and try to catch them off guard. Acid damage is nice, since it's so rarely resisted. You're kind of a one trick pony, though. Also, this is really a solo combat strategy, which is fine, but it makes it hard to judge the value of your auras and healing, since you don't work well with a party.
As I said, I find this one hard to judge, but in terms of combat strategy, I'm going to say you're a bit weak. If you're going to rely on ambushing, you need to do a lot of damage in one round, and I don't think you're doing enough. One final note – for this strategy to really work, you'd need to be shapeshifting a lot, and you can only do it 7 times per day. (-0.5)

Your defenses are pretty weak – your Fort is okay when you're not a sparrow, your Ref is okay when you are a sparrow, and your Will is always low. Your AC is great when you're a sparrow, but low in your other forms. Your hit points are pretty good in your non-sparrow forms, but low as a sparrow. That said, it matters a lot less for you since you're relying on stealth. (-0.5)

In terms of out of combat utility, you're sneaky, you can fly and swim, and that's about it. Your senses aren't amazing, but they're okay, so you'll make a passable scout. (-0.5)

Overall: 1.5

I'll be honest, I really don't like hengeyokai, but it's not something I'm going to penalise for. Also, I really like the formatting of your sources (not worth points, I just wanted to mention it). (+0)

You're single-classed, there's no weird or complicated stuff, it's all very straightforward. (+1)

Overall: 4

All 6 levels in the SI. (+1)

You've gone pretty hard on the Black Dragon theme. Your skills are primarily the ones you got from your totem, and your feats are arranged around enhancing your breath weapon and ambushing. The only part that doesn't quite fit is the psionic stuff, but even that is all about making you a better ambusher. (+0.5)

Overall: 4.5

Total: 14.25

Another DFA dip, no surprises there. Dragonblood Sorcerer isn't exactly surprising here either. (-0.25)

I was expecting to see dragonblooded races, but Glimmerskin Halfling isn't a usual choice. (+0)

Support is a natural role for a Dragon Shaman, but your skills and spell choices aren't predictable, and you've got some rather unusual feats in there. (+1)

Overall: 3.75

It's always difficult to gauge the power of a support character, and you've got a ton of stuff going on. Auras, breath weapons, BFC with Gust of Wind and Hurricane Breath, a bit of melee, some healing. That said, you're not exactly great at any of it. Your melee attacks are pretty anemic, your auras are small bonuses, and your breath weapons aren't anything to write home about. Your BFC has problems, too. Your bonus for bullrushing with Hurricane Breath is only +2. You can only Gust of Wind once, and the moment you do you lose access to Hurricane Breath. Healing is what you're best at – you're pretty good at keeping a party alive. Overall, you're remarkably versatile in combat, but not especially effective. (-0.25)

In terms of defenses, you've got good Fort and Will. Your Ref isn't great, but Ref is the least important. Your AC is okay when you have Mage Armour up, but that's only 1 hour per day. Your hit points are also okay, but only okay - overall, I don't think you have what it takes to survive on the frontlines. (-0.5)

Out of combat, you're also pretty versatile – you've got face skills, knowledge skills, senses, some utility cantrips, and some other miscellaneous skills. No stealth to speak of, so you'll have problems truly filling a scout role, but still, you should generally always be able to make yourself useful. Lack of focus means you're not amazing at any of it, but you should be good enough to get by. (+1)

Overall: 3.25

The only place you've mentioned your skill tricks is in your tactics section. I'm not going to penalise for it, but it caused me some confusion when I was going over your skill ranks. (+0)

I'm not a fan of Precocious Apprentice, but you're not doing anything weird with it. (+0)

In general, you don't have anything particularly complicated or weird going on, although you do have a ton of different stuff. (+0)

Overall: 3

You have the majority (4/6) of your levels in the SI, so it's fair to say you're primarily a Dragon Shaman. (+0)

You've gone all in on the Gold Dragon theme. Your race, your focus on the Heal skill, the Heritage and Lineage feats. Even your focus on wind is somewhat reminiscent of the gold dragon's Weakening Breath. (+0.75)

Overall: 3.75

Total: 13.25

Dipping Marshal for Motivate Charisma is reasonably popular, and incarnum shows up a lot in E6 Iron Chef. That said, dipping Incarnate is a lot less common than just using the feats. (+0)

Duskling isn't the most obvious choice, but Dragonborn is pretty popular, and I expected it given the SI. (+0)

Using Spider Climb to get more use out of glide/limited flight is a cool idea I haven't seen before, and harpoons are massively underused for how powerful they are. (+1)

Overall: 4

You're pretty versatile in combat. You've got the dive attack thing going, you've got flyby attack (note that these two don't work together), you've got decent ranged attack options with your breath weapon, spittle, and familiar, as well as the movement options to go into melee or stay at range as necessary. You've got Imperious Command, which works well with Flyby Attack (although I should note that you can't do that and attack in the same round, I'm not sure why you suggested this required a ruling), and you've got the Intimidate to back it up. Harpoons are a great way to mess people up. (+1)

In terms of defenses, you've got good Fort and pretty good Will. Your Ref isn't great, but Ref is the least important. Your AC is probably pretty reasonable – you mentioned a shield, and although you didn't say anything about armour, you have the proficiencies (although you have to watch out for your flight).Your hit points are okay but not great, but your movement options should help you avoid a lot of damage. (+0)

Outside of combat, you're a pretty great face – your Diplomacy and Bluff aren't in the same league as your Intimidate, but they're definitely good enough to be effective. Aside from that, you've got a little bit of Hide, and decent senses, plus your auras and Lucky Dice to help out your allies. (+0.75)

Overall: 4.75

I personally find Dragonborn inelegant, but not to the point of penalising it. (+0)

Your essentia point from Duskling is a racial trait, so you'd lose it when you became a Dragonborn. (-0.25)

Harpoons are ranged weapons, but your primary strategy revolves around using them for dive attacks, which are based on the charge rules, and therefore require a melee attack. You mention that, and say that you'll “use it as a spear”, but I'm not aware of any rules that allow that. If I've missed something, feel free to dispute. (-0.5)

Vitality Belt gives you a bonus to Constitution checks – that doesn't affect the DC of your breath weapon, since it doesn't involve a Constitution check.(-0.25)

You mentioned swapping Skill Focus out as part of becoming a Dragonborn, but you didn't actually replace it with anything. Not something I'd give a penalty for, since you didn't get anything out of it. (+0)

I'm not going to give or take points for graft/magical item suggestions – if you were relying on them, I would have penalised, but as it is, I'm just going to ignore them. (+0)

You're not doing anything particularly weird, other than a heavy reliance on incarnum feats. (+0)

Overall: 2

You have the majority (4/6) of your levels in the SI, so it's fair to say you're primarily a Dragon Shaman. (+0)

You're making heavy use of your Draconic Adaptation, which is cool. (+0.25)
You've enhanced some of the strengths of the SI, even if in some places you're outshining it. (+0.5)

You put some ranks into the Hide skill you got from your totem, but you don't seem to be using it for anything. Aside from that, you don't really seem to be making much use of the SI. Most of your stuff comes from incarnum or feats. (-0.5)
The SI isn't your main source of power - most of your best stuff comes from your dips or your feats. (-0.25)

Overall: 3.25

Total: 14

A Rogue dip isn't particularly unusual in general, but it's not something I was expecting to see in this particular contest. (+0.25)

Kenku isn't something you see often, and you've got some pretty unpopular skills in your lineup, too. (+0.5)

A lot of your feats are standard sneak attacker stuff, but it's not like sneak attacking is an obvious choice for a Dragon Shaman anyway. And then you've got some really weird feats in there – I've never seen anyone use Sweet Talker or Deadly Defense. Combat Expertise is pretty unpopular as well, and generally only taken as a prereq feat, where you're actually going to use it. (+0.75)

Overall: 4.5

Your strong Bluff, with Improved Feint, should just about guarantee you Sneak Attack against the majority of foes. That said, your damage isn't that great, and even with feinting, your attack bonus is going to be worryingly low when you're fighting defensively. Imperious Command, your breath weapon, and your auras do give you a few more options, though. (-0.5)

In terms of defenses, your saving throws are all pretty mediocre. Assuming you use medium armour and a shield, your AC should be respectable, especially when fighting defensively. Your hit points are a little on the low side – overall, I have doubts about your ability to survive in melee. (-0.5)

Outside of combat, you've got good face skills, especially Bluff (which in my experience is generally the most useful), and some of the less used social skills like Disguise, Forgery, and Gather Information. The ventriloquism/mimicry tricks should definitely come in handy too. Your senses are okay, and you've got the oft-neglected but very important Sense Motive skill. Overall, while you're primarily a social character, you're pretty great at it. (+0.75)

Overall: 2.75

Nymph's Kiss is an Exalted feat, and therefore requires you to be good-aligned. I wouldn't normally penalise that, but as a Blue Dragon Shaman you aren't allowed to be good-aligned. (-0.25)

You've listed Frightful Presence as a feat from Draconomicon. I'm assuming you mean Awaken Frightful Presence, since it's the closest thing I can find. Unfortunately, it requires the dragon type as a prereq, and you don't have it. The dragonblood subtype doesn't give you the ability to take feats that require the dragon type, and the Dragontouched feat only lets you take Draconic feats. (-0.25)

Note: there were 2 entries that listed Frightful Presence from Draconomicon, neither of which appeared to have the prereq, so I suspect I'm missing something and won't be surprised by any disputes.

You've taken the Obtain Familiar feat, but it requires arcane caster level 3rd. I'm assuming your argument is that Mimic fulfils this requirement. I'm not at all convinced that works, but even if it does, I'd consider it pretty dodgy. (-0.25) (-0.1)

You took the Sweet Talker feat, which requires you to have 2 interaction skill tricks as a prereq. Unfortunately, you have one interaction skill trick and one manipulation skill trick. (-0.25)

You're a multiclass build, but even if multiclassing experience penalties were being used, you would have avoided them. That's something I always like to see. (+0.5)

The formatting on your skill ranks is really nice. You have the most skills of any of the builds, including some cross-class skills and skill tricks, but your skills are still the easiest to read. I haven't given or taken points for formatting, but I really wanted to in this case. (+0)

Overall: 2.9

You have 5 of your 6 levels in the SI, making you a Dragon Shaman with a dip. (+0.5)

Dragon Shaman is doing a ton for your Bluff skill, and I like the way you've boosted the power of your Draconic Adaptation. (+0.25)

That said, outside of that, you're primarily a Rogue Rogue is a major source of your abilities. Dragon Shaman is boosting your Rogue abilities rather than the other way around. In terms of where you get your power from, your Rogue level is doing a ton of work. (-0.5) (-0.25)

Overall: 3.5

Total: 13.65

Focusing on being a face and on a powerful breath weapon are two of the most obvious choices for a Dragon Shaman. (-1)

That said, Extend Spreading Breath is a cool feat that I haven't seen used before, trying to bluff opponents into believing you can use your breath weapon more than once is quite clever, and your writeup is pretty good. (+0.25)

Desert half-orc isn't a particularly unusual race in general, but it's not an obvious pick for this contest at all. (+0.25)

Overall: 2.5

Your breath weapon is pretty strong, and Extend Spreading Breath makes it a much more flexible tool than a regular breath weapon. That said, it's pretty much a once per combat ability, and it's not an encounter ending move. While your Touch of Vitality, auras, and crossbow will mean you'll always have something to do, it definitely seems like you'll struggle to contribute once you've used your breath weapon. I feel compelled to point out that you could probably have done a lot more with 4 feats than becoming average with a crossbow. (-0.5)

Your saving throws are all okay, though not great. Your AC is likewise okay – not great, but it's not like you're going into melee if you can help it. You've got a solid pool of hit points, too, which should make up for the minor deficiencies in your defenses. (+0)

Outside of combat, you've got great numbers in the 3 core face skills, and you've got your auras. You'll do well in social situations, but your hyper-focus on those 3 mean you'll find yourself with nothing to do in any situation where they aren't applicable. (+0)

Overall: 2.5

Precise Shot requires Point Blank Shot as a prereq, but you listed Precise Shot first. I'm not going to penalise you for it, since swapping them in the list makes no difference whatsoever. (+0)

You're single-classed, you've put all your skill points into 3 class skills, and all of your feats towards either those skills, your breath weapon, or your crossbow. The only thing in your build that isn't completely elegant is using Martial Study to pick up Diplomacy as a class skill (+1.5)

Overall: 4.5

All 6 levels in the SI. (+1)

You're all about being a Dragon Shaman. Your whole build is focused on your breath weapon, and on being a face. The only things in your build that aren't centred on the SI are your use of Martial Study, and your crossbow stuff. (+0.75)

Overall: 4.75

Total: 14.25

2019-05-12, 10:20 AM
My sincere thanks for judging, Miniman! We’ve got one dispute here:


I generally dislike comparing my build to another, but I'm the only Dragonborn in this round, so somewhat original in that context.

You gave another entry a bonus for choosing duskling, but none here.


you have to sacrifice a feat when you take dragonborn as part of the cost, skill focus is dumped to that, you don't get to gain another feat in it's place.

Rules exist for using melee weapons as a ranged option at -4, I was sure the same could be done w/ ranged as melee, but I'm AFB for the weekend and may have to revisit this in a rebuttal..


a full dragon shaman would get flight at 19th level, I'm doing it at 6th.

I take skill focus hide, and combine it w/ my ranks in hide. arguably hide is useful when using spider climb, which is then combo'd into flight/glide/dive attack. even if using a harpoon isn't feasable, any of the other items I mentioned would still do significant damage (trident), just not force the concentration check on casters, nor the secondary damage from pulling the harpoon out.

the feats and soulmelds are all taken to enhance d. shaman. replicating acid attacks, utilizing the class skills: intimidate maxing, spider climb instead of ranks in climb, aura's and marshal dip to enhance the face ability of the SI, i add even more auras to build upon that aspect as well.

Is anyone else judging? If not, I’m hoping we can get any disputes wrapped up by Tuesday or Wednesday.

Now’s a good time to put in votes for HM if you have any strong opinions there!

I’ve got the next round narrowed down to two or three options. Anyone feel like weighing in on whether you’d rather cook with something skillful, something with full BAB, or something that has a little bit of non-mundane mojo? No promises, but I’ll take your opinions into consideration...

2019-05-12, 07:45 PM
One more dispute:

Thank you for judging, fairly quickly even!

First and foremost, I'll quote from the contest rules: “make sure that there is a clear listing somewhere of your ranks alone“. You mixed in the bonuses from Skill Focus and Treasure Seeker. That isn't something I'd penalise, personally, but Zaq was very explicit about this – he put it in bold and everything. (-0.25)
I've never made this mistake in the past, I think because it was bolded I must have thought I'd been doing it wrong beforehand. Regardless, sorry about that.

You've listed Frightful Presence as a feat from Draconomicon. I'm assuming you mean Awaken Frightful Presence, since it's the closest thing I can find. Unfortunately, it requires the dragon type as a prereq, and you don't have it. The dragonblood subtype doesn't give you the ability to take feats that require the dragon type, and the Dragontouched feat only lets you take Draconic feats. (-0.25)

Note: there were 2 entries that listed Frightful Presence from Draconomicon, neither of which appeared to have the prereq, so I suspect I'm missing something and won't be surprised by any disputes. there are two feat sections in draconimonicon. One with Dragon, monstrous, and metabreath feats, the other with general feats. They are fairly separated as well. Awaken Frightful Presence grants a Dragon a frightful presence based on their racial hit dice, which would be worthless for us. Frightful Presence the feat is listed in the player's portion of the book, and is a fair bit different.

You've taken Practiced Spellcaster (Dragonfire Adept), and used it to advance the DC and damage of your breath weapon. As far as I can tell, there's no reason why Practiced Spellcaster would actually do that – the breath weapon is a Su ability. (-0.25)
Page 24 of Dragon Magic specifies that increases to caster level increases the breath weapon damage and invocations.

You've taken the Ability Focus feat, and applied it to to both breath weapons – they're separate special attacks that happen to share a name. (-0.25)
In every instance of having multiple breath weapons they are always listed as the same special attack. From metallic dragons to the Aspect of Tiamat. I have two Breath Weapons with different effects, both of which reside under the same Special Attack. I won't argue further on this topic however, because I can't find a single creature with multiple special attacks which share a name and Ability Focus.

Based on your listing of a +7 modifier to all Knowledge skills, you took Draconic Knowledge as your DFA invocation, but you didn't say that anywhere. I don't feel it's worth a penalty, but it was confusing.
I am as surprised as you are to find that not listed. You are correct, it made the most sense what with the knowledge devotion.

Finally, I want to point you to the Kobold Domain, http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a
Which grants trapfinding. So we can do trapping effectively. And with our 1 cleric level we can activate any cleric wand without needing umd, giving us access to spells like Find Trap.

2019-05-13, 05:03 AM
My sincere thanks for judging, Miniman!
You're welcome, and thanks for all the work you put into running these!

Thank you for judging, fairly quickly even!

You're welcome! It wasn't all that fast, in the end, but thank you. And thanks for getting your disputes in quickly!

there are two feat sections in draconimonicon. One with Dragon, monstrous, and metabreath feats, the other with general feats. They are fairly separated as well. Awaken Frightful Presence grants a Dragon a frightful presence based on their racial hit dice, which would be worthless for us. Frightful Presence the feat is listed in the player's portion of the book, and is a fair bit different.

Ah, I knew I must've missed something! Unfortunately the Frightful Presence feat requires you to have Cha 15, and you don't. No change for you, +0.25 for The Blue-Tongued Warbler. Which...ouch, sorry.

Page 24 of Dragon Magic specifies that increases to caster level increases the breath weapon damage and invocations.

Actually, it doesn't. It specifies that prestige classes which grant +1 level of existing class increase breath weapon damage. That's a very different thing to +caster level. No change.

In every instance of having multiple breath weapons they are always listed as the same special attack. From metallic dragons to the Aspect of Tiamat. I have two Breath Weapons with different effects, both of which reside under the same Special Attack. I won't argue further on this topic however, because I can't find a single creature with multiple special attacks which share a name and Ability Focus.

That's actually a pretty good argument. But given that that's exactly how DFA breath weapons work (one attack which can be given multiple effects, areas, and damage types), and the two don't share a DC, I stand by my ruling. No change.

Finally, I want to point you to the Kobold Domain, http://archive.wizards.com/default.a...d/we/20060420a
Which grants trapfinding. So we can do trapping effectively. And with our 1 cleric level we can activate any cleric wand without needing umd, giving us access to spells like Find Trap.

Gah. I actually noticed that when I was checking the Kobold Domain for your skill ranks, I just lost it somewhere between then and judging your entry in full. +0.25

2019-05-13, 05:29 AM
I generally dislike comparing my build to another, but I'm the only Dragonborn in this round, so somewhat original in that context.

You gave another entry a bonus for choosing duskling, but none here.

I tried not to judge Originality based on whether multiple builds used something; that's why Duskling was worth a bonus (and Dragonborn wasn't). And the minor bonus for Duskling was counterbalanced by the minor penalty for Dragonborn.

you have to sacrifice a feat when you take dragonborn as part of the cost, skill focus is dumped to that, you don't get to gain another feat in it's place.

If your original race gives you a feat or feats, you lose them. If your original race gives you a non-specific bonus feat, you have to sacrifice a feat of your choice. There's a separate option to trade a feat of your choice for a feat that requires the dragonblood subtype. None of those apply to you, as far as I can tell. But I didn't give you a penalty for it so it really doesn't matter. No change.

Rules exist for using melee weapons as a ranged option at -4, I was sure the same could be done w/ ranged as melee, but I'm AFB for the weekend and may have to revisit this in a rebuttal..

I did spend some time looking for rules along those lines, because I assumed I'd missed something, and didn't find anything. If you can find anything, though, I'd be more than happy to be corrected here. No change.

a full dragon shaman would get flight at 19th level, I'm doing it at 6th.

I take skill focus hide, and combine it w/ my ranks in hide. arguably hide is useful when using spider climb, which is then combo'd into flight/glide/dive attack. even if using a harpoon isn't feasable, any of the other items I mentioned would still do significant damage (trident), just not force the concentration check on casters, nor the secondary damage from pulling the harpoon out.

the feats and soulmelds are all taken to enhance d. shaman. replicating acid attacks, utilizing the class skills: intimidate maxing, spider climb instead of ranks in climb, aura's and marshal dip to enhance the face ability of the SI, i add even more auras to build upon that aspect as well.

I'll admit, I completely missed that acid is on brand for you. I did mention some of this stuff (spider climb, ranks in hide), and I certainly didn't penalise you here for harpoon being problematic. (That's the rules - if you get dinged in Elegance, you don't get dinged anywhere else.)

I guess some of the things you see as enhancing Dragon Shaman, I see as replacing its features with better versions from elsewhere (flight, auras, acid). That said, looking over your entry again, comparing it to my judgements for some other entries, and looking at what you've written here, I've adjusted your score for that category from 2.75 to 3.25. +0.5

2019-05-13, 08:17 PM
Incoming response from the blue sector!

First off, thanks for judging. I am very much impressed. I appreciate your explanations of scoring -- short and sweet, but to the point and clear.

Nymph's Kiss is an Exalted feat, and therefore requires you to be good-aligned. I wouldn't normally penalize that, but as a Blue Dragon Shaman you aren't allowed to be good-aligned. (-0.25)

This is entirely wrong. On my part. I had forgotten that it was [Exalted] instead of [General]. No excuses to be made here. But what I would like to point out is that, since it has such an affect on the skill ranks, the penalty should probably be higher.

You've listed Frightful Presence as a feat from Draconomicon. I'm assuming you mean Awaken Frightful Presence, since it's the closest thing I can find. Unfortunately, it requires the dragon type as a prereq, and you don't have it. The dragonblood subtype doesn't give you the ability to take feats that require the dragon type, and the Dragontouched feat only lets you take Draconic feats. (-0.25)

Note: there were 2 entries that listed Frightful Presence from Draconomicon, neither of which appeared to have the prereq, so I suspect I'm missing something and won't be surprised by any disputes.

It's been noted already in another dispute. And you saw it coming. Awaken Frightful Presence is in the "dragon" section of Draconomicon. There's another "PC" section with more feats, including Frightful Presence. The feat can be found on page 106.

You've taken the Obtain Familiar feat, but it requires arcane caster level 3rd. I'm assuming your argument is that Mimic fulfills this requirement. I'm not at all convinced that works, but even if it does, I'd consider it pretty dodgy. (-0.25)

Nope. Mimic would only have a caster level of 1, which would be insufficient for the feat. The same goes for the Shamanic Invocation for Beguiling Influence. Draconic Adaptation for blue totems, on the other hand, grants Ventriloquism at "a caster level equal to your class level". That's clearly an arcane SLA with a caster level. (Which certainly seems to fulfill the requirement, though WotC never actually defined "arcane caster level".)
What that means, in this case, is that the requirement for the feat is covered and the feat can be taken. There are, however, no arcane spellcasting levels in the build, so the feat grants a familiar to a 0th level master (i.e. all of the normal abilities of a familiar without any of the advanced abilities of a higher level master.)

The formatting on your skill ranks is really nice. You have the most skills of any of the builds, including some cross-class skills and skill tricks, but your skills are still the easiest to read. I haven't given or taken points for formatting, but I really wanted to in this case. (+0)

(Emphasis added.)

I say, go with your gut on this one! ;)

That said, outside of that, you're primarily a Rogue. Dragon Shaman is boosting your Rogue abilities rather than the other way around. (-0.5)

I have to disagree here. There really are only two "rogue abilities" in this build: Mimic and Sneak Attack. Dragon Shaman isn't boosting either of them. As you said, "Dragon Shaman is doing a ton for your Bluff skill..." Which isn't a "rogue ability". The Bluff skill (and its advancement) is coming entirely through Dragon Shaman (with the exception of four ranks at first level). That is, as you put it yourself, "making you a Dragon Shaman with a dip."

2019-05-14, 08:42 AM
First off, thanks for judging. I am very much impressed. I appreciate your explanations of scoring -- short and sweet, but to the point and clear.

Thank you!

But what I would like to point out is that, since it has such an affect on the skill ranks, the penalty should probably be higher.

When I started, most bonuses and penalties were higher. But I quickly found that the range between 3 and 5, or 1 and 5, was just not enough to accommodate them. No change.

It's been noted already in another dispute.

Yep; your score was already adjusted to account for it.

Draconic Adaptation for blue totems, on the other hand, grants Ventriloquism at "a caster level equal to your class level". That's clearly an arcane SLA with a caster level. (Which certainly seems to fulfill the requirement, though WotC never actually defined "arcane caster level".)

As you say, WotC never defined arcane caster level. I still consider this a dodgy way of fulfilling the prereq, but, looking at it, I've given it the same penalty as I've given prereqs that weren't fulfilled at all (probably because I didn't want to go to even smaller penalty amounts), and that's not really fair. +0.15

I have to disagree here. There really are only two "rogue abilities" in this build: Mimic and Sneak Attack. Dragon Shaman isn't boosting either of them.

I mean, there's an argument to be made that Dragon Shaman is boosting Mimic - a strong Bluff is important for making full use of disguise self.

As you said, "Dragon Shaman is doing a ton for your Bluff skill..." Which isn't a "rogue ability". The Bluff skill (and its advancement) is coming entirely through Dragon Shaman (with the exception of four ranks at first level).

Well, yes. That's why you got a bonus for it.

That is, as you put it yourself, "making you a Dragon Shaman with a dip."

You got a bonus for that, too.

That said, outside of that, you're primarily a Rogue. Dragon Shaman is boosting your Rogue abilities rather than the other way around. (-0.5)

Ok, let's be clear what I'm talking about here. Your primary combat strategy is based around Sneak Attack. Outside of combat, you're a face and skillmonkey - Dragon Shaman accounts for most of the face, but the skillmonkey is basically all from the Rogue level.

With all that said, on review, I think I've been a bit harsh - you suffered from being one of the last ones I judged. Then, too, this was my favourite entry, so I may have overcompensated in trying to avoid bias. +0.25

2019-05-14, 11:21 AM
Thanks for your timely and thorough responses, Miniman! If there aren’t any other messages from our chefs, I’ll get us moving on tonight or tomorrow.

Got the next SI narrowed down to two options now. Anyone have a preference for fully mundane versus not fully mundane?

2019-05-14, 02:42 PM
not fully mundane

2019-05-14, 03:42 PM
I'm curious about the not fully mundane option, let's do that.

The Kool
2019-05-14, 05:19 PM
I did spend some time looking for rules along those lines, because I assumed I'd missed something, and didn't find anything. If you can find anything, though, I'd be more than happy to be corrected here.

Just an idle observer but... I thought that was simply considered an improvised weapon, either for using melee as ranged or ranged as melee? Hence the -4. At least that's how it always sank into my brain.

2019-05-14, 05:27 PM
Got the next SI narrowed down to two options now. Anyone have a preference for fully mundane versus not fully mundane?

not fully mundane

I'm curious about the not fully mundane option, let's do that.

Nooooo! Fully mundane for me.
But not fully mundane's cool too, of course :smallsmile:

2019-05-14, 05:52 PM
Personally, I'm fine with either mundane or not mundane as long as not mundane isn't a spellcaster. Also incidentally, my HM vote goes to the blue-tongued warbler.

2019-05-14, 05:55 PM
Sorry for the double post.

Just an idle observer but... I thought that was simply considered an improvised weapon, either for using melee as ranged or ranged as melee? Hence the -4. At least that's how it always sank into my brain.

Melee as ranged does work like that; I assumed going in that the reverse was true, but I couldn't actually find anything to support it. If anyone can come up with something, I'd be interested to see it.

2019-05-14, 06:39 PM
Well, you can always use a ranged weapon as an improvised melee weapon. I've had several characters beat someone to death with their bow. Haven't had any stab someone with an arrow yet, though.

2019-05-14, 08:14 PM
Melee as ranged does work like that; I assumed going in that the reverse was true, but I couldn't actually find anything to support it. If anyone can come up with something, I'd be interested to see it.

According to the weapons section of the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/equipment/weapons.htm)...


An arrow used as a melee weapon is treated as a light improvised weapon (-4 penalty on attack rolls) and deals damage as a dagger of its size (critical multiplier ×2). Arrows come in a leather quiver that holds 20 arrows. An arrow that hits its target is destroyed; one that misses has a 50% chance of being destroyed or lost.



A crossbow bolt used as a melee weapon is treated as a light improvised weapon (-4 penalty on attack rolls) and deals damage as a dagger of its size (crit ×2). Bolts come in a wooden case that holds 10 bolts (or 5, for a repeating crossbow). A bolt that hits its target is destroyed; one that misses has a 50% chance of being destroyed or lost.



A shuriken is a special monk weapon. This designation gives a monk wielding shuriken special options. A shuriken can’t be used as a melee weapon.
Although they are thrown weapons, shuriken are treated as ammunition for the purposes of drawing them, crafting masterwork or otherwise special versions of them and what happens to them after they are thrown.

Emphasis mine

That is specific to those weapons. I didn't see anything as a general rule for using ranged weapons for melee attacks, though. So, "punching" someone with a sling bullet may or may not be possible??

2019-05-14, 08:37 PM
So, "punching" someone with a sling bullet may or may not be possible??

Likewise for stabbing someone with a harpoon.

2019-05-14, 10:08 PM
Likewise for stabbing someone with a harpoon.

No reason, though, I suppose, that you couldn't just tie a rope to a ritiik.

2019-05-15, 05:03 AM
I'd prefer the non-mundane option if it is not a vancian spellcaster, and not a soulborn.

2019-05-15, 03:37 PM
As long as it's non-Vancian, either is fine with me. If it is Vancian, I've got a definite but not deal-breaking preference for mundane.

2019-05-15, 11:42 PM
Awright, time's up!


Black Wing
1st, Gold

Marya Bluescale
1st, Gold

Dagg'on Clawsome
3rd, Bronze

The Blue-Tongued Warbler
4th, Honorable Mention

Rhomian Firegullet


Congrats to Luccan and Randuir for the tie for gold and to jdizzlean for a very close third place! HM goes to Macabaret for taking the unusually classy step of requesting a larger penalty in a dispute—I'm not necessarily saying that I want that to become the new normal, but I was very impressed by it nonetheless. Great builds from start to finish, though, and many thanks to Miniman for stepping up and rocking the judgment!

I'll have a new contest up soon!

2019-05-26, 08:36 AM

i'm happy to have fostered a discussion on what constitutes a ranged/melee attack at the very least in addition to bronze. I was dead sure there was a rule somewhere that allowed that to happen. As stated, there are for using melee weapons as ranged, but not the reverse. The only thing i could find after the fact was the rules for improvised weapons which can be anything for any purpose at -4. I probably would've changed a few feats around, but the core build would've remained the same. I just discovered the harpoon while doing this build, and the picture in the book makes it look like just a spear. Nothing in the description has it firing from a device, and there's no reason why the rope couldn't be tied to a tree/post etc if you were going for that part of it. Or, if you invested points in STR as well to just hold onto the rope instead and use it as sort of a ranged grapple check as well, which afaik, also doesn't have any explicit rules as far as RAW goes.

thanks for a fun round, and it was surprisingly diverse too!