View Full Version : Magic dagger ideas needed, +1's just don't cut it

2019-04-06, 12:01 AM
I need a pair of +1 type power daggers which do interesting things. They'll initially belong to a morally questionable mother / daughter team. Mom's a warlock with a military background, daughter is a draconic sorcerer who has had things handed to her. The party I'm DMing for will likely acquire them through some kind of blackmail or something just this side of murder/hoboism.

Then never use them if they're not +3 somethings lol. But oh do they like loot.

They're level 8 and 9 and I really want something more interesting than powerful but am drawing blanks.





2019-04-06, 12:09 AM
Give them EK's weapon bond.

Or make it a ring with which you can BA-summon a dagger and then attack/throw it.

Or a ghost dagger that ignores wood, allowing you to use it as thieves tools.

2019-04-06, 12:12 AM
Dagger that casts etherealness on you when you use it (bonus action) but the effect only lasts until the end of your turn.

Dagger of false death. Kill someone by stabbing it in their heart, and when the dagger is removed (even if its days later) the person will be restored back to life with one hitpoint. Obviously anything that completely destroys the body (like disintegrate) will stop the dagger from working, but otherwise... nope. introduce the dagger by having it stabbed into the chest of a skeleton. They pull it out, and... bam, the skeleton is restored to its original, human form.

Dagger of throwing/returning. Self-explanatory. Lots of monks etc. love to have a weapon like this.

Dagger of the Bloodstealer. Stab someone with this, and it casts magic jar on them.

Thirsty Knife. If you're holding this dagger and you drop someone to 0 hit points, you can dash as a bonus action.

2019-04-06, 12:59 AM
I like warlock invocations for magical items.

I once made a short sword that allowed the user devil’s sight while they touched any part of it with a bare hand (clenched in teeth worked too)

The downside (upside?) was that a demonic patron could whisper directly into the mind of anyone with a CHA over 13 who held the blade in this way.

I can see how that might be relevant here...

2019-04-06, 01:57 AM
I homebrewed a magic dagger that had a +1 attack bonus, and basically had the Absorb Elements spell. As long as you were holding it, you had resistance to acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, and the dagger stored however much damage it prevented. The next time you hit something with it, it dealt all stored damage to whatever you hit. You could easily stop there and have it only be capable of holding one charge at a time, but I don't mind complicated. My version would hold as many charges as you were willing to attempt. If it was already holding a charge, and it absorbed another charge, you roll a d20 and on a 1, it explodes and every creature in a 20ft radius has to make a Dex save(DC15) or take all the damage that it was storing, save for half damage. The wielder auto-fails the save. If it's already holding 2 charges, and it absorbs a third, you roll a d20 and on a 1 or 2, it explodes. If it's holding 3 charges, and absorbs another, roll a d20 and on a 1-3, it explodes, etc...

The players loved it. The Rogue carried it around in his offhand and only attacked with it when it was holding a charge. I think the most charges it ever had was 3, and sadly, it never exploded :( lol

A separate time, I did a similar thing with a dagger that didn't have an attack bonus, but as long as you were holding it, you were immune to fire damage, and vulnerable to cold damage. It would absorb all fire damage, and hold as many charges as you were willing to attempt. This time the d20 roll to see if it exploded started with a 2, and went up by 2 each time since unlike the first one, this would could be charged up on purpose. Everything else was the same. This one did explode and dealt quite a bit of damage to the good guys and the bad guys lol. The players loved it.

2019-04-06, 02:26 AM
Chris Perkins gave a cool dagger to Diath.
- +1 to attack/damage
- You can pull it to your hand no matter where it is as a bonus action as long as you're on the same plane
- If it's in your hand you can misty step as a bonus action, gaining 5 temporary hitpoints which act like Armor of Agythis

Also you could:
-The dagger offers +2 AC when wielded in the off hand
- Player can attack as a reaction when an attack misses while you're using the dodge action

-dagger applies an extra 2d4 of lightning, frost, fire or acid (your choice) on hit once a turn. Changes to 3d6 on a crit, and damages the user on a crit fail

-if the attack roll exceeded the targets AC by 5, cripple the target with excruciating pain, causing them to suffer disadvantage on attack throws or saving throws until the next turn

-can sacrifice the attack bonus to add it to your AC

-can throw the dagger into the air. It will float 5' from your body, attacking enemies that come within range

-killing a creature with the dagger grant's you 5 temp HP,

-throw the dagger once per rest, it turns into a lightning bolt. The target takes 1d10 lightning damage on hit. The target and everyone in a 10ft radius makes a dexterity saving throw, and take 2d thunder damage on a failed save, and half as much on a successful save. (You could change to a different damage type)

- you can cast thunderstep once a day evolve holding this weapon

-you can throw the dagger, making 2 (or 3) attack roles. Each hit adds 1d4 damage, and if all 3 hit, stagger the target

-once a day as a reaction to being hit, your dagger casts darkness for 1 round (no concentration) and you teleport to any location within the darkness. You can see through the darkness, and may make 1 attack before or after teleporting applying sneak attack damage on a hit.

-if a creature within 5 ft attacks you, as a reaction, the dagger produces a flash of light and the attack has disadvantage. This can be used as many times a day as your DeX modifier.

-once a day, you can cast catapult on this dagger as a bonus action. You can pull it back to your hand as a bonus action.

-when in posession on this dagger you can cast disguise self at will

-you can cast alter self at will

-you can cast charm person at a second level once/day

-when in posession of this dagger you can cast absorb elements once/day. In addition to the normal effects, you gain 10 temp HP after taking the damage. If a creature hits you while you have these hitpoints they take 5 damage.

-you can throw this dagger anywhere within 30ft, and use it to cast cloud of daggers. It returns to your hand once the effect ends.

-the dagger applies the effects of chill touch on hit.

-the dagger thirsts for blood. Once/day at the DM's discretion (may happen during fights) it attempts to overpower you if it hasn't fed. Upon failing a DC 10 charisma throw you use the next turn to stab yourself, sating the dagger's hunger. Once the hunger is sated you can turn all of the damage of an attack you choose to temporary HP, and the target must succeed on a DC 15 saving throw or suffer from the effects of crown of madness for 1 turn.

-this dagger is a baby mimic. When in your hand you cannot be disarmed. As an action you can throw it an enemy, and on a hit, it will stick to them, and automatically apply 2d6 bludgeoning damage per turn. It can only be removed with a successful DC15 strength check, or by killing it. It has 15AC and 10HP, resistance to nonmagical sldamage, and damage done to it is transferred to its current victim. Once it's dead, it reverts to a mundane dagger until you complete a long rest.

-this is a +1 dagger doing an extra 2d4 fire damage on hit. You can gain resistance to fire damage as a reaction 1/day. If you crit with this dagger, every creature within 15ft (including you) must make a dexterity saving throw taking 6d8 fire damage on a fail (you have advantage in this roll) and half that on a success. On a crit fail, you still miss but the dagger casts burning hands infront of you and heat metal on its self until the end of your next turn. This is out of your control, and may catch the room or creatures/objects on fire.

-While holding this dagger, you have the mage-slayer feat.

-this dagger can turn into a tiny servant on command.

-once/day while at full hitpoints while weilding this dagger, you can cast mirror image on yourself

-once/day you can throw this dagger at an enemy, turning it into an ethereal mind spike. It returns to your hand once the spell ends.

-if you hit a creature with this dagger, once a day, a shard will break off and lodge into their skin. They must make a wisdom saving throw of 15 or fall under your control for 1 minute. This control can be cancelled only if someone removes the shard, or if an ally of theirs forces a new saving throw by dealing damage to them. (Or instead of leaving a shard, you could have to leave the dagger in their body after a hit to control them)

-1/day this dagger injects a truth serum (cha DC 15) into the target. On a fail, they are under the effect of a zone of truth.

- while holding this dagger you have advantage on initiative rolls, and cannot be surprised

- you can whistle, and the blade seeks up to 3 separate targets on a turn. Roll separate damage for each one. Only apply sneak attack on the first hit. The thrown range increases by 60ft, and the dagger can move around corners. Targets to not benefit from cover. The dagger returns to your hand once this is complete.

- while holding this dagger you can counterspell 1/day

- while holding this dagger your speed increases by 10ft, and enemies you attack have disadvantage on opportunity attacks. You can make an opportunity attack when someone comes within 5ft of you for the first time (this will proc sneak attack)

-you can throw this dagger on the ground, breaking the crystal in its handle, and creating an antimagic field with a diameter of 15ft until the end of your next turn.

-the handle on this dagger contains a ring. If the ring and dagger are attuned to different creatures, they each have +1 to ac and saving throws while within 10ft of each other, and the ringbearer can use a reaction to take damage done to the dagger wielder.

-this dagger has a brother. While dual wielding, you gain an extra attack, and 1AC. They suffer a -1 to hit when not dual wielded.

-if you hit a creature while they're at full health and haven't acted during this combat, you automatically crit.

- while holding this dagger, once/day -you can cast the reduce part of enlarge reduce spell on yourself, gaining advantage on sneak checks, +2 ac, and doubling the damage of your next sneak attack.

- while holding this dagger you can jump twice as far and your speed increases by 5ft. If you move 10ft and hit a creature with an attack, they must succeed on a contested strength check vs your acrobatics skill or fall prone, allowing you to make an additional attack as a bonus action.

- while wielding this dagger in your off hand you can use it similarly to a monk's flurry of blows as a bonus action, making 2 attacks instead of one. You are proficient in this attack.

-this dagger adds 1d4 cold damage you can pull this dagger to you as a bonus action. If you hit a creature you can leave it in their body. They can pull it out as an action. While it's in their body they take 1d4 cold damage at the start of every turn and have disadvantage on attack rolls.

-you can use this dagger to make separate attacks on everyone within 5 feet as an action. Sneak attack only procks on the first hit, and you cannot disengage on a turn when you use this ability

- while wielding this dagger as a bonus action you can take -5 to your next attack roll, adding 10 damage if it hits.

- while wielding this dagger you can see through magical darkness, gain dark vision up to 60ft, and have advantage on sneak checks while in shadow.

- while wielding this dagger you can summon magehand that also wields a similar dagger as a bonus action. When you summon it and as a bonus action, the mage-hand will attack someone you choose within 30ft of you. If you attack the same target as an action and bonus action on the same turn, and the first attack hits, the second attack has advantage.

-you can make a performance check while wielding this dagger as an action. Until your next turn creatures who saw your dance must succeed on an insight check vs your performance check to attack you. If they fail they waste their turn on a success they have disadvantage on the attack.

- you can sacrifice your attack bonus on this weapon until the end of your next turn as a reaction to apply that bonus to your AC.

-once a day you can use a bonus action to make a 5ft tall, 5ft wide 1inch thick wall of stone rise out of the ground in front of you. The wall has 15 AC and 15 HP.

2019-04-06, 02:28 AM
Deals all poison damage, ignoring resistance but not immunity. Critical hits also force a con save or be poisoned for one minute

Upon killing a creature makes the corpse invisible for one minute and casts disguise self on you to look like the victim

When you score critical hit or kill a creature your speed increases by 15 feet and you do not provoke opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn

Throwing the dagger causes it to shatter on inpact for an additional 2d4 cold damage, ‘regrowing’ in your possession over the course of one minute

3 charges, when attacked with a melee weapon you can use your reaction and one charge to break the weapon. Does not work on magic weapons, recharge 1d2 charges after a long rest

2019-04-06, 02:32 AM
Soul Gnawer: (Requires Attunement)

This dagger was crafted from the teeth of a Barghest killed ritually by a Gnoll Warlock of Yeenoghu, retaining part of the killed Barghest's essence.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the following additional properties.

Soul Gnawing: When an enemy is hit by Soul Gnawer it is under the effects of Bane until the end of your next turn.

Sentience: Soul Gnawer is a sentient neutral evil weapon with an Intelligence of 3, a Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 16. The weapon is incapable of speech or thoughts beyond those of a Hyena, and it "communicates" by having its wielder feel its strong animal impulses.

Soul Hunter: Soul Gnawer can smell souls out to 5 feet.

Satiable Hunger:

After 24 hours of going unsated Soul Gnawer gains its bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +2, its Soul Hunter trait increases in range to 15 ft. If an attack with the dagger kills or reduces a humanoid to 0 hp, it casts Soul Cage on it with a duration of 24 hs, absorbing the soul for that time. After consuming a soul the dagger is Sated for 24 hours, and can't absorb any more souls. The wielder can attempt a DC 10 Charisma saving throw to prevent it from absorbing the soul, but the DC increases by 1 each time, until it successfully absorbs one.

After 48 hours of being unsated its bonus to attack and damage increases to +3, its Soul Hunter trait increases in range to 30 ft, and it grants its owner the Soul Hunter trait, as its hunger starts being felt by the owner too.

After 72 hours of being unsated its Soul Hunter trait increases in range to 60 ft. Soul Gnawer gains the Fire Banishment trait, and its owner gains the Fiendish Hunger and Rampage traits.

Fire Banishment: If Soul Gnawer starts its turn engulfed in flames that are at least 10 feet high or wide, it must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or the essence in it is instantly banished to Gehenna. Instantaneous bursts of flame (such as a red dragon's breath or a fireball spell) don't have this effect on the barghest. If the wielder's Charisma save modifier is higher than Soul Gnawer's use that modifier instead. If the essence is banished, Soul Gnawer loses all its additional properties except for Soul Gnawing.

Rampage:When Soul Gnawer reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it's wielder can take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make an attack with Soul Gnawer.

Fiendish Hunger: The dagger's hunger grows in you too and must make a DC 10 Chrasima saving throw every hour or be compelled to hunt the easiest consumable soul it can smell, the DC increases by 1 every time its made until a soul is absorbed, The wielder has disadvantage on saves to prevent the dagger from absorbing a soul."


I thought to do the second dagger be the one used in the ritual killing of the Barghest and have it be more of caster item, planning to give it an ability that allowed a caster to take damage in order to recover slots, 1d8 per slot level, with an additional d8 for each time the ability was used since the last long rest.

But got tired writting Soul Gnawer.

2019-04-06, 04:49 AM
I gave my party Overkill, a nonmagical dagger with a d12 damage die. They don't know it yet, but every magical enchantment on the dagger, for instance by casting Magic Weapon on it, instead increases the damage die by 1d12.

2019-04-06, 05:39 AM
Simple ideas-

1. +1 Dagger of returning. Appears back in hand after you throw it.

2. +1 Dagger of speed. Can make an extra attack as bonus action.

3. +1 Dagger that either deals 1d4 poison or inflicts the poison condition on a failed save.(DC15?) (DC10?)

4. +1 Brutal Dagger. Reroll 1s

5. +1 High Crit Dagger. Crits on 18-20

6. +1 Vicious Dagger. Deals extra 1d12 on crit

7. +1 Parrying Dagger. If you didn't attack with it, it gives a +1 to AC

8. +1 Dagger of Sharpness. Ignores armor completely.

9. +1 Dagger of Fire(or ice, or thunder, or lightning, etc...). Has 10 charges, regains 1d6+4 charges each day. Deals extra 2d4 damage of whatever element you choose per charge. Option to spend more than one charge at once maybe.

2019-04-06, 06:23 AM
Given who originally owned these daggers?

I'd start with +1 hit/damage with weapon attacks, and functions as a spellcasting focus for warlock/sorcerer spells. The wielder can prick themselves with the dagger while casting a sorcerer or warlock spell, drawing blood and dealing 1 point of damage to themselves (this damage cannot be reduced & ignores temporary hp). If they do so, apply the dagger's +1 bonus to any spell attacks, spell damage rolls, or save DCs of the spell cast.

Also, while two different creatures are each carrying one of the daggers on the same plane, they have a sense of the distance and direction to each other, as well as each other's general physical and emotional state. While within 90 feet of each other, they can communicate telepathically.

If the same creature wields both daggers simultaneously, they experience a disorienting thought echo that confers disadvantage on attack rolls & ability checks.

2019-04-06, 06:34 AM
Dagger of life steal:

A +1 dagger. On hit roll an extra 1d6 of necrotic damage, heal for half(minimum of 1).

Shocking Dagger:
A +1 dagger. On hit roll an extra 1d6 of lightning damage, if the target wear a metal armor roll the attack with advantage.

2019-04-06, 06:47 AM
One thing I've been wanting to do for a while is to adapt the All Blades from Red Hood & The Outlaws (an amazing comic series by DC). They're a pair of bronze short swords forged by an ancient order of monks called the All Caste. They have the following properties:

1) They can only be drawn in the presence of evil.

2) The wielder must prove they are willing to sacrifice in order to use them, by drawing their own blood first.

3) If those conditions are met, each dagger deals additional radiant damage on a hit (I'd probably use a d6).

Here's a picture for reference: http://i.imgur.com/5cUr60D.jpg

2019-04-06, 06:53 AM
Dagger of Coagulation and the Dagger of Wounding

One dagger creates a wound that does 1 point of damage every round until a healing spell is used upon the wound (ordinary healing does not work, potions work though)

The other will seal up any wound created by the former, barring the damage done by the otherwise ordinary blade.

Once experimental torturer’s tools, these daggers thrum with energy, one is necromantic in aura, the other is conjuration. Life and death.

2019-04-06, 07:42 AM
Spider's Fang dagger
This dagger is made from the carved fang of some sort of huge spider, and the pommel is set with an emerald surrounded by mithril filligree. It grants +1 to hit and damage, and does 1d4 extra poison damage on hit.

Obsidian Edge
This dagger is made of obsidian, magically hardened to be less brittle. Twice per day, it can cast Blindness on-hit, save DC 12. (Make it a +1 or a +0 at your discretion).

This +1 dagger can be used once per week to cast Locate Object, keyed towards the largest concentration of gold pieces within a 5' radius within 2 miles. It also gives the bearer advantage on Perception checks to detect pickpocketing attempts.

Fire Tooth
This +2 dagger appears to be just a hilt until it is drawn and the command word spoken. A bright flame then springs out of the hilt, coming out straight but always curving slightly upwards. It deals fire damage instead of piercing damage. Once per day, the magic of the blade can be invoked while held to cause a Fire spell to do 2d6 bonus damage.

2019-04-06, 08:23 AM
Blade of Levistus (or any other supernatural entity entombed in ice)/ Stasis Blade
Every time that blade hits, it reduces the speed of the target by the amount of damage taken (in feet). The speed reduction can be removed by moving around, with every ten feet moved returning five feet of movement to the target at the end of the target's turn.
When a creature reaches 0 speed, they are restrained and incapacitated by 5 feet of magical ice which fits their form perfectly. While in this form, the creature does not need air, food, or drink. The ice can only be melted by a magical fire (reduces the ice thickness by a number of inches equal to the spell damage given to the ice).

Oh, and the dagger looks like a sharpened shard of ice, and has a leather and cloth grip. Contact with the blade (yes, getting cut counts) deals 1d4 cold damage. (I'll leave it to your table whether that cold damage counts for the speed reduction.)

Been thinking this one up for my table as an option for a hag deal.

2019-04-06, 08:46 AM
Porsha's Pitons:
A dagger pair that allows the user a climb speed by jamming the daggers into the surface meant to be climbed. They character cannot make attacks when using the daggers this way.

Flynn's Flinger:
A dagger that, when thrown, takes the thrower with it. Great for getting adjacent to a target, or getting to that ledge over there.

The Lantanese Army Knife:
A dagger that can be used as both a dagger and a specific tool kit, as determined at the time of creation.

The Omni-Tool:
A dagger that can be used as both a dagger and any tool kit.

A dagger that will, when placed on the ground, always point north, providing advantage on checks against getting lost.

The Magic Marker:
Against animate objects, it leaves a mark the same way any dagger would. For inanimate objects, it leaves a distinct phosphorescent stain across anything it is drawn across. This stain lasts for a week before fading.

While grasping this dagger, your darkvision is in full color instead of black and white.

While attuned to this dagger, you have advantage on saving throws vs illusion effects. Further, you may attack an illusion to dispel it as dispel magic.

2019-04-06, 09:12 AM
Keep this up! It's got years of games' worth of ideas

2019-04-06, 05:31 PM
Names are great stuff! :smallsmile: Keep it up!

As for how? Grab any Ability or Feature and substitute it for a +1. Want a +2 but too strong for the party right now... use a cool combo of 2 ability/features. Feel free to invent stuff too for the mix!

Widow's Fang (instead of Dagger +3)
Long, curved, tapering bone, like a fang?, with blackened marrow within.

Poison damage, high potency -- ignores poison resistance
Cast Web, 3 charges (recharge 1d3 at dawn).
Cast Spider Climb, 1 charge (recharge 1 at dawn).

2019-04-06, 06:34 PM
This is REALLY neat. Thank you all.

2019-04-06, 06:39 PM
Try this web site. It's got some great ideas for minor attributes to +1 weapons.


2019-04-06, 07:35 PM
Try this web site. It's got some great ideas for minor attributes to +1 weapons.


This site is fantastic, because it generates weapons that... don't particularly make sense on that specific weapon - but it makes sense for another one. It really expands your mind to new ideas.

2019-04-06, 07:49 PM
Dungeon of the Mad Mage has a dagger of blindsight.

It does exactly what it says on the tin.

Yuroch Kern
2019-04-06, 07:59 PM
In the world I'm in, Cold Iron was a special material, not a process. It is also treated just like lead and my rogue ran around with a +1 CI dagger that didn't register on any spell that was stopped by lead (Detect Magic).

Also had a Fighter with a couple of permanently Ironwood daggers made from Darkwood that would allow an attack from the other one as part of the same attack action as the other, but only if they were dual-wielded. They would also leave a splinter behind as part of a critical, mostly done to perma-stake vampires.

2019-04-06, 11:33 PM
Corvid Dagger

This magical dagger returns to your hand after it is thrown.

You may cast Speak With Animals (crows and ravens only) as a ritual while you hold this dagger.

Once per short rest, you may summon a murder of crows when throwing this dagger. After the attack roll but before you know whether it has hit your target, you may call the murder forth. Each creature within 10 feet of (and including) your target suffers an attack from 1d3 crows. Each crow uses the original attack roll and does 1d4 magical piercing damage.

2019-04-06, 11:51 PM
Twinning daggers: whenever a spell is cast on one of the daggers, it also affects the other.
This encourages synergistic spells between the villainous duo and later the party.

your darkness spell can cover you and an ally, your elemental weapon spell gets double milage and your polymorph spell is double stupid, just hope your enemy doesn't target a dagger with some area magic or heat metal.

2019-04-07, 12:42 AM
Ok, this is just a wacky idea. How about they don't have a bonus to hit or damage but they do one die of damage for each pip by which the attack roll was made? For example, attacking a ac 15 opponent, the player gets a 15 to hit, so it does 1 die of damage. Next round the player rolls a 19 to hit, so it does 5 dice of damage.

2019-04-07, 12:58 AM
Make it a +1 Bloodhound Dagger.

Whenever the dagger does damage to a creature, it attunes to the creature's blood, giving the dagger's user Advantage on attacks with the dagger against the last creature it did damage to. If you damage a different creature, the Advantage switches to that creature.

If you want to add additional properties, or want the dagger to be used by a ranged attacker, add the following: If the dagger is thrown at the creature whose blood it is currently attuned to, treat long range as short range, ignore 1/2 and 3/4ths cover and the dagger will return to the user's hand after being thrown.

And if you want to take it one step further, add this: Once the dagger has attuned to the blood of a creature, the dagger's user gains Truesight for the purposes of spotting the creature to whose blood the dagger is attuned. This ability remains until the creature is dead, on a different plane or the user damages a different creature.

2019-04-07, 03:19 AM
I gave my party Overkill, a nonmagical dagger with a d12 damage die. They don't know it yet, but every magical enchantment on the dagger, for instance by casting Magic Weapon on it, instead increases the damage die by 1d12.

I love this idea. And I'll probably steal it as an idea for loot in my campaign idea.

2019-04-07, 09:05 AM
It the overkill dagger going to get overloaded eventually, and create something catastrophic?

2019-04-07, 09:50 AM
You could put some sort of hard cap on it, but all those spells cost concentration so there is already a soft cap. And it's only damage, nothing to really worry about.

2019-04-07, 03:24 PM
the daggers of talos (inspired by the swords of talos made by my DM)

they deal an extra 1d4 lightning damage on a hit

as a bonus action, when you hit with an attack roll using these daggers, you may 'mark' the target with electrical energy. at the beginning of they're turns for every round after you mark them they take a d4 lightning damage until they douse themselves in water or until they are over 150 feet away from the daggers.
you know exactly where any marked creature is if they are within 150 feet of you
hope this helps

2019-04-07, 04:11 PM
Corvid Dagger
This magical dagger returns to your hand after it is thrown.
You may cast Speak With Animals (crows and ravens only) as a ritual while you hold this dagger.
Once per short rest, you may summon a murder of crows when throwing this dagger. After the attack roll but before you know whether it has hit your target, you may call the murder forth. Each creature within 10 feet of (and including) your target suffers an attack from 1d3 crows. Each crow uses the original attack roll and does 1d4 magical piercing damage. Like this one a lot. A few ideas for the OP:

... a morally questionable mother / daughter team.
Mom's a warlock with a military background
Daughter is a draconic sorcerer who has had things handed to her.
All items below require attunement.

Idea 1:
Mom's dagger is a dagger, but behaves as flame tongue. (Rare weapon, see DMG).
Daughter's dagger is a dagger, but it is The Gemmed Blade

The Gemmed Blade:

This magical dagger has embedded in its hilt a ruby, a sapphire, and an emerald. As a bonus action, the wielder can choose to do 1d8 fire damage, 1d6 cold damage (and target loses 10' speed until the beginning of the wielder's next turn, 20' on a crit), or the target takes 1d8 poison damage and is subject to the poisoned condition (DC 15 Con save to avoid; no save allowed on a crit)

Idea 2:
Mom's Dagger is Dagger of Terror. (DMG Mace of Terror redone as a dagger)
Daughter's Dagger is: Dagger of Rulership (rod of Rulership reskinned as dagger)
This fits the theme of her being a bit spoiled, and having people do as she says ...

2019-04-07, 09:15 PM
* Divide and Conquor
- The blade ignores non-living matter; it cannot damage undead. All attacks with ignore armor (usually AC 10+Dex bonus), including magical armor. All damage it deals is reflected to the wielder, and cannot be resisted by the wielder.

* Blade of Death
- This blade ignores living matter; it cannot damage a living being. It ignores hardness of non-living matter, and all hits it does on non-living coporeal matter (including undead) are critical hits. It also cuts through force effects as if they where tissue. You can use it to attack the armor of a living being, reducing its AC by 1d4 on each hit.

* Immobile Blade
- This blade stays immobile relative to its last wielder when not held by the handle. Anyone can, however, simply grab it out of the air.

* Cutpurse
- If used to penetrate a container or bag, it stores the contents of the container (up to 3 cubic feet and 10 lbs) in an extra dimensional space. The items stay there for exactly 7 minutes and 13 seconds, after which they fall out of the knife. You cannot use cutpurse to store new items while it is storing things in the extra dimensional space.

* The Forceknife
- This weapon is a ring with a gem on it. When you press the gem in the right pattern as a bonus action, an invisible blade of force forms in your hand. It deals force damage, and when attacking someone who is unaware of it (hasn't seen it used, or hasn't used an action to do an insight check opposed by your bluff) you have advantage and a critical range of 18-20 with it. When the knife isn't manifested, the ring does not emit detectable magic.

2019-04-08, 02:42 PM
Widow's Fang (instead of Dagger +3)
Long, curved, tapering bone, like a fang?, with blackened marrow within.

Poison damage, high potency -- ignores poison resistance
Cast Web, 3 charges (recharge 1d3 at dawn).
Cast Spider Climb, 1 charge (recharge 1 at dawn).

This is clever, but maybe require attunement by a creature that has lost someone it cares about. Of, it you want a more evil twist, they have to kill that person

2019-04-08, 04:58 PM
Blood Stalker Dagger
Once your dagger has tasted the blood of a victim, you will know that person's location should he escape from you.
(Embedded in the blade is the essence of an Invisible Stalker.)

Dagger of Non-Detection
The person who possesses this dagger cannot be tracked or scried upon.

2019-04-08, 05:51 PM
Just FYI, I’m stealing all of these and putting them in my loot tables. You are all fantastic.

2019-04-08, 09:50 PM
I made a “time lost dagger”, +2
3 charges
-for 2 charges you can cast haste or slow
-for 1 you can cast mirror image
-3 charges reverses time letting you retake your turn

But if they’re paired weapons.” While used together, wielder gains benefits of the two weapon fighting style”

Did the character share anything in particular? Mechanically speaking.
-even narratively speaking, while attuned to it you can locate someone else attuned to the other
-if the family had dragon ties or demonic ties. Having a burning hands, or flametongue type effect works too (while near each other or wielded they can produce this effect once)

2019-04-09, 05:37 AM
I've never been one to come up with fancy names....

I've used a pair of twin magic Daggers that when separated and used by two different people, each wielder gained a +1 to attack and damage and can communicate telepathically with each other as long as they're on the same plane of existence. When both are used by the same person, the wielder gained a +2 to attack and damage and can speak telepathically to any creature that can understand his language. Only works one way though.

2019-04-09, 03:00 PM
I've never been one to come up with fancy names....

I've used a pair of twin magic Daggers that when separated and used by two different people, each wielder gained a +1 to attack and damage and can communicate telepathically with each other as long as they're on the same plane of existence. When both are used by the same person, the wielder gained a +2 to attack and damage and can speak telepathically to any creature that can understand his language. Only works one way though.

Maybe call them Caduceas Daggers? the Caduceas is the symbol of the twin snakes wrapped around a staff. You could pair this with a rod that gave control or telepathy with the wielders of the daggers, and make the blade be the sharpened fang of some large serpentine creature (Sea serpent, or the like)

2019-04-09, 03:06 PM
Maybe call them Caduceas Daggers? the Caduceas is the symbol of the twin snakes wrapped around a staff. You could pair this with a rod that gave control or telepathy with the wielders of the daggers, and make the blade be the sharpened fang of some large serpentine creature (Sea serpent, or the like)

Or, when they're combined, use the Double-bladed Scimitar stats, so it's a single 2d4 weapon.

2019-04-09, 03:23 PM
Dagger of Passage: Once per day, by slashing a surface with this dagger, you can use it to cast Passwall at touch range.

Soul-Eating Dagger: Once per day, when this dagger is used to kill a humanoid, it can trap their soul within it for the next six hours as per the Soul Cage spell.

Venom-Storing Dagger: Up to ten different poisons can be stored within this dagger; adding one requires a bonus action. Stored poisons last until used, discarded, or replaced. Whenever the dagger inflicts damage, its wielder can choose to use up a poison within it to inflict it on the victim, even if it isn't normally an injury poison. Additionally, this dagger can be used to automatically extract poison from a corpse that normally contains it in a single bonus action, without requiring a roll.

2019-04-09, 05:00 PM
Venom-Storing Dagger: Up to ten different poisons can be stored within this dagger; adding one requires a bonus action. Stored poisons last until used, discarded, or replaced. Whenever the dagger inflicts damage, its wielder can choose to use up a poison within it to inflict it on the victim, even if it isn't normally an injury poison. Additionally, this dagger can be used to automatically extract poison from a corpse that normally contains it in a single bonus action, without requiring a roll.

Kind of like a souped up Dagger of Poison. I like it. Maybe call it the Alchemist's Anlace?