View Full Version : Help me name a lady Triton Fighter

2019-04-06, 12:34 PM
I'm going back to basics for an upcoming home-brew setting campaign and will be playing a female Triton champion fighter, but I'd like help coming up with a name. She's a former bodyguard of a sea princess of undersea triton town, who exiled herself to the surface world because 'shenanigans' and now drowns her sorrows in alcohol, bar fights and pit tournaments, and going on reckless adventures and her self punishment is reflected in her outward disdain for the surface-but she's got a heart of gold I swear. She's also not meant to be that serious or tragic of a character, as it isn't a serious campaign, the angst and tragedy is more akin to Calhoun's "tragic backstory" in Wreck it Ralph now that I think about it.

Anyway, I always try to incorporate a variety of hops into a character name. Fuggles, Galena, Stickelbract, and Bramling have all been used in the past, but I may retire that, because the most maritime names of hops are Pacifica or Perle. I'm entertained by the gimmick enough, but I'm not sure if it really has legs.

I guess my real request is ocean, fish, and aquatic words and pun names. Right now all I got is something like Breena Piexces (I'll pronounce that like pikes zees.) or Victoria Seabrass. Any help or feedback would be appreciated, if just to help me get inspired, get my feet wet as it were.


2019-04-06, 12:41 PM
Dali Telmer Maed

2019-04-06, 12:45 PM
I see the mermaid in there, but I'm having a hard time parsing "Dolly tell?"...oh...I just got it.

2019-04-06, 12:46 PM
Fatima Al' Toonah (Borrowed pun of Altoona Pennsylvania)
Charlene Altoona (Spoof on Charlie Tuna)
Sal Monchamp (Salmon Champ) or Sally Monchamp

She is a champion fighter, we need something along the lines of swordfish, maybe a girl's name like Priscilla ...

Piescilla Saberia

From Gorton's Fish Fillet we get something like Gortona Feelé or Gortona Feelaize

2019-04-06, 12:49 PM
I like these just for the halibut, but I'm hoping to make even a bigger splash.

Grog Logs
2019-04-06, 01:20 PM
Maybe something involving "Barracuda." You have the "Bar(r)" pun. You reference the awesome"Heart" song. Barracudas are scavengers. Or, you could use the genus name of "Sphyraena," which could be pronounced "Suffering-na."

I don't know much about hops, but a quick Google search revealed "Hersbrucker" which vaguely sounds like "Her Buckler" which would fit a sword and board approach.

2019-04-06, 01:30 PM
Good ideas! I can sneak a barracuda and or heart insignia on a shield , and maybe play with the names Ann, Nancy, or Wilson. I like the ideas of genus and other taxonomy names too, as cliche' or not, I get a definite greek or latin vibe for Tritons as a culture.

I'm also playing around with different combinations of the names Roe (as in fish eggs), Starbuck, Skipper, and Gilligan

2019-04-06, 03:18 PM
My first thought was this character was designed to fight "Lady Tritons", which I thought was oddly specific... so I clicked on the link.



Meris Teuthis Megara... as I guess I should at least try and contribute.

so some hop names

Sauvain the Magnificent
Elris Golding
Thalia, hunter of the mosaic isles
Kamara, Champion of the Deep
Elafra, master of the centennial hunt

2019-04-06, 03:33 PM
Oooh, I really like those hop names. I'm gonna keep those in my hat . I dm too, though not this campaign, and am always on the lookout for names for basically everybody. The more the better. Also... the hyper specific character who fights exclusively lady tritons is too hilarious an idea to not use in some capacity down the line.

2019-04-06, 03:48 PM
I hate to see a good gimmick go to waste. There are some other varieties of hops you might be overlooking. Boadicea, not maritime but gives you a nice lady fighter reference. Calypso has a nice maritime ring, particularly for one given to shenanigans. Chinook--it's not just a helicopter. Meridian could work. Wai-iti means small river.

And how can you pass up a change to use HBC 342 Experimental as a name? Maybe save that one for a Warforged.

Maybe Barracudicae?

2019-04-06, 04:22 PM

2019-04-06, 04:33 PM
But you'd have to play a spore druid.:smallbiggrin:

2019-04-06, 04:44 PM

Remember to make her a redhead.

2019-04-06, 06:54 PM
But you'd have to play a spore druid.:smallbiggrin:

Not necessarily. Just don't try to eat her.

Guy Lombard-O
2019-04-06, 07:55 PM

Remember to make her a redhead.

I think you meant "Meranda"

2019-04-06, 11:06 PM
Ok, there is a lot of gold here. Meranda is a great bad pun. And I appreciate the encouragement to stick to the hops theme. Boadicea or Calypso are pretty good names, and while I remembered Calypso lived on an island, I forgot she was a sea nymph. Also HBC 342 is totally going to the next war forged I name. Thanks!

2019-04-06, 11:56 PM
Tritania or bust. Always go with the puns.