View Full Version : Kind of a generic rant about computer games, namely fps types.

2019-04-06, 02:33 PM
So recently I felt nostalgic, started going through my various CoD games starting from modern warfare 1-3 Now im playing black ops 2. There is one thing thats been bothering me that seems to be cropping up more and more the further I get. QTE stuff. You go from the standard two mouse buttons, run around with wasd along with crouching and going prone when needed, then suddenly they go "Quick! Press the f key to not die!" Usually a full half second before its too late to fight off the enemy with a knife/deploy a parachute/pull the knife from your body/grab the cliff face/etc. Or the v key, or whatever random collection of button presses they want. I dont mind them so much as a concept, but to me it feels like an artificial death forcing mechanism as you are probably going to die the first time these events come up because they tell you too late to react to them. This came up because, as I said, im playing black ops 2, and im at the early mission where you use your magical tech to grip rock faces, swing your buddy across and so on, then get to deploy a wingsuit steer the flight, then deploy a chute. And at every single stage it tells you at the last possible moment how to do any of these things. At every stage except for the cliff swinging part, I failed and had to go again. "Gee thanks for telling me how to steer, a half second before I smash into a tree. Oh deploy chutes? How? Oh thanks for telling me now that ive dropped too far down to land in the right spot"

2019-04-10, 04:00 AM
Oh I hate that. IMO blame consoles.

On a console you got all the buttons of a controller only and can grip them all so the sudden press X is much easier.

The Far Cry and Assassins Creed series use it all the frickin time and it is super annoying. My "favourite" so far was Deploy Parachute on spacebar, except it didn't say I needed to press and hold space. Splat.

The learning by doing thing is a tutorial gone wild type of thing. I get what they are trying. You try and seamlessly insert teaching which buttons are used. But yeah the developers like to think they are creative with the jump scares.