View Full Version : Low magic world and Hail of Thorns/Entangle

2019-04-07, 09:18 AM
So I have a ranger that wants to use this spell but it doesn't jive with the world setting of low magic.

My fix is that he can just shoot a volley of arrows for the same save. Damage is equal to arrow damage plus stat mod. No bump up for casting up. I may tell him he can add a target per level.

Example 1st level is original target plus 2 within 5 feet. 2nd level cast would add 1 more target. 3rd add a target and add 10 feet. Still all doing arrow plus stat mod damage.

Entangle would turn to pinning and have the same effect. Pinning a shoe or piece of clothing to the ground or wall.

Do you think the above is fair and if not my suggestions to keep it low magic.

2019-04-07, 09:46 AM
I'd say it depends on how you pitched the campaign to the players when they made their PCs. Did you say 'we will refluff your spells as mundane talents' or 'your classes work as normal but I'm just deleting your spellcasting' or...?

Whether it's 'fair' depends on whether he was led to expect he could use the spell.

2019-04-07, 11:12 AM
If it's low magic, how did the Ranger get spellcasting?

2019-04-07, 11:18 AM
Depends on how you want low magic to work

Me personally id just allow then to work as normal and have the "low magic" mean that no spells higher than 2nd level exist

So once they hit that cap just give them martial adept dice instead of 3rd or higher spell slots and have them still come back on a long rest

2019-04-07, 12:23 PM
I would say that 5E is much better balanced than previous editions. So when you go to low magic, the casting classes even the half casters lose some from their balance.

I would also say that many of the Ranger spells are easily refluffed to mundane or nearly mundane.

I also think that it would be hard strip the classes of their non-mundane abilities. Would you consider the Paladin aura magic? My advice in low magic is to make easy changes like just keep all full casters out of the campaign or only allow full casters to multiclass every other level so they never outpace the half casters.

Its best to have these conversations and set the rules before you start the campaign. But I absolutely like the idea of refluffing things, to make them seem more mundane, but I see no reason to nerf the spells, just refluff them. Whether its steam punk tech or low magic or just talent. The spells should be used without rebalancing. Just refluff.

2019-04-08, 06:18 AM
I would say that 5E is much better balanced than previous editions. So when you go to low magic, the casting classes even the half casters lose some from their balance.

I would also say that many of the Ranger spells are easily refluffed to mundane or nearly mundane.

I also think that it would be hard strip the classes of their non-mundane abilities. Would you consider the Paladin aura magic? My advice in low magic is to make easy changes like just keep all full casters out of the campaign or only allow full casters to multiclass every other level so they never outpace the half casters.

Its best to have these conversations and set the rules before you start the campaign. But I absolutely like the idea of refluffing things, to make them seem more mundane, but I see no reason to nerf the spells, just refluff them. Whether its steam punk tech or low magic or just talent. The spells should be used without rebalancing. Just refluff.

Let me give you an example.

Poison Spray works the same but it is a hollowed out gourd that has poison inside it. Only the spell caster can make it work.

Hunter Mark works like it should because no visual cue that it is used.

Low magic in this case is visual effects but fireball would not be used.

Hex would be giving the person the evil eye.

However there is no way of doing Hail of Thorns as it happens. A volley of arrows is better w/ doing arrow damage plus stat mod. On Average you do better with damage thus way.

2019-04-08, 02:50 PM
Hail of Thorns is basically Buckshot. You could also have it be an explosive arrow, a la Hawkeye.

Entangle is effectively a launched net, thrown Bola or Chain Shot (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_shot).

2019-04-09, 04:16 AM
Hail of Thorns is basically Buckshot. You could also have it be an explosive arrow, a la Hawkeye.

Entangle is effectively a launched net, thrown Bola or Chain Shot (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_shot).

Gunpowder hasnt been invented yet.

2019-04-09, 08:02 AM
Gunpowder hasnt been invented yet.

Hopefully imagination and innovation has, though. The desire for area of effect weaponry has only been preceded by the desire for weaponry, and likely whatever world you're in has also had that technological bent. Obviously a world being "low-magic" doesn't automatically include "has a Cabela's on the corner".

So, if it isn't actual buckshot or actual explosives, perhaps it's maybe... other materials that emulate those effects?
Hail of Thorns may be an arrow made of obsidian or narrow strips of wood that explode in a cloud of shards or splinters, respectively. Or something like the Termites that explode (https://www.nature.com/news/termites-explode-to-defend-their-colonies-1.11074). Or an arrow with a 1st Edition Porcupine or Land Urchin on the shaft.. Depending on the levels of ridiculousness allowed in the campaign... or just the campaign. DarkSun has Spider Cacti, Spelljammer has Zurchins. If you want to find it, it'll be there.

2019-04-09, 08:29 AM
Hopefully imagination and innovation has, though. The desire for area of effect weaponry has only been preceded by the desire for weaponry, and likely whatever world you're in has also had that technological bent. Obviously a world being "low-magic" doesn't automatically include "has a Cabela's on the corner".

So, if it isn't actual buckshot or actual explosives, perhaps it's maybe... other materials that emulate those effects?
Hail of Thorns may be an arrow made of obsidian or narrow strips of wood that explode in a cloud of shards or splinters, respectively. Or something like the Termites that explode (https://www.nature.com/news/termites-explode-to-defend-their-colonies-1.11074). Or an arrow with a 1st Edition Porcupine or Land Urchin on the shaft.. Depending on the levels of ridiculousness allowed in the campaign... or just the campaign. DarkSun has Spider Cacti, Spelljammer has Zurchins. If you want to find it, it'll be there.

Or it simply can be a volley of arrows shot repeatedly. Which would work also.