View Full Version : Optimization Need opinions on Sneaky Caster / Maneuver User

2019-04-07, 02:06 PM
So, the group im in recruited me to fill the niche of "rogue/bard/beguiler-ish niche" Now, this is a relatively high optimization group, so im trying to plan out a concept. Current Group is a Binder / Swordsage who with ridiculous AC and to Hit ( focused around Paimon and shadowhand utility maneuvers.. yes the Summon Monster vestige is getting used by him later on) going AoO CC route, a pretty standard Ranged Archivist with Knowledge Devotion headed for divine metamagic, A Wizard/ Sorcerer going Ultimate magus using early entry tricks, and a Warblade. We are only level 6, but Im trying to plan this out for level 20 progression.

Current idea and build:

Spellthief 1 / Wizard 4 / Unseen Seer 3 / Warblade 1
Abjurant Champion 5 / Unseen Seer+1 / Jade Phoenix Mage 5

Using Master Spellthief (GM allows it to stack for spell levels stored)

This gets me BAB 16 (we use Fractional BAB), spell access as a level 17 Wizard, Initiator Level 13 (With the entry point being IL 5 for Warblade stances and maneuvers known) , Sneak Attack +3d6, and the ability to steal 9th level spells.

Looking for recommendations on a BETTER way to build this concept, including feats.Not looking for races suggestions, unless its integral to the build.
Are the maneuvers I would have access to with this build (Mostly devoted spirit and desert wind, With Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Stone Dragon, Tiger Claw, and White Raven at Warblade entry.. thus gaining Iron Heart Surge) worth using over a different prestige class that I could get 6 levels of?

Homebrew Rules:
Linked Skills
Certain skills are Linked. Whenever you put ranks in one skill, you gain an equal number of ranks in any skills that it's Linked to. You cannot exceed the normal cap on skill ranks using Linked skills; however, if you have a skill as a class skill, any skill it's Linked to also counts as a class skill. (Basically, it merges the skills, only without overwriting the assumptions the rest of the game is built on). This replaces Skill Synergies.

The various Linked skills are:
Balance, Tumble, and Escape artist
Bluff and Disguise
Climb, Jump, and Swim
Disable Device and Open Lock
Hide and Move Silently
Listen, and spot
Use rope, and sleight of hand
Classes grant a minimum of 4+Int skill points/level.

Skill Ranks
All skills cost 1 point/rank, be they class or cross-class.
Your maximum number of ranks in a class skill is your level+3, and your maximum number of ranks in a cross-class skill is your level.
Once a class skill, always a class skill
Your Intelligence modifier never gives a penalty to your skill points/level

Banned Feats and sources:
Incarnum CLASSES (Feats are allowed)

Assume Supernatural Ability
Craft Contingent Spell
Greenbound Summoning
Lightning Mace
Mercantile Background
Reserves of Strength
Sanctum Spell
Uncanny Forethought

2019-04-07, 03:52 PM
Desert Wind is Swordsage-only.

Aside from that, I'd recommend Wu-Jen over Wizard. Wu-Jen is notoriously effective when used as the caster portion of a Jade Phoenix Mage, because of the ridiculous body buffs it has access to. Also, Transcend Mortality has a huge sinergy with Emerald Immolation.

Now, there's a problem here: if you take Spellthief and Warblade, the 10 levels of JPM would leave you at Wu-Jen 16 at level 20, which is just a single level short of being able to cast Transcend Mortality to be able to cheese an encounter per week. Your choice to make; I can only give suggestions.

Remember you don't quite need Sneak Attack for a stealthy build.

2019-04-07, 04:11 PM
Maneuvers: At each odd-numbered level, you gain a new maneuver known from the Desert Wind or Devoted Spirit disciplines.

The build as is, only is taking 5 levels of Jade Phoenix Mage. In fact, those 5 levels + 1 level Warblade are the parts Im looking for advice the most on, to replace them with something else or not.

The core of the build is spellthief / wizard/ unseen seer / abjurant champion

The JPM is tacked on at the end, and not even sure if thats what I should do.