View Full Version : Pathfinder A Question about the Shapechanger Subtype

2019-04-08, 04:46 PM
So I've got a BBEG that is in possession of the Demonic Book of the Damned. One of the abilities granted through the Book is the option to choose any Demon Lord Boon as a free ability without having to take the Demonic Obedience feat.

If this BBEG takes Haagenti's Master of Shapes Boon, he gains the Shapechanger Subtype. Now, the Shapechanger Subtype doesn't actual state that it grants the Change Shape ability. Just that the subtype includes creatures who can change their form.

So if the BBEG takes the Master of Shapes Boon and gains the Shapechanger Subtype, does he gain the Change Shape ability or not? Because if he can't Change Shape while he has the subtype, then what is the point of having the subtype?

2019-04-08, 05:20 PM
Strictly RAW, he gains the subtype even if he doesn't have a change shape ability. The point is that there are a few things aside from the ability related to the subtype, such as a few magic weapons, spells, feats, etc.

And if you'd like to pimp up your BBEG even further, the subtype grants him access to the really cool and potentially very powerful shifting feats (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/dreamscarred-press/shifting-feats/) from DSP (which are sure to surprise your players as well)...

2019-04-08, 05:29 PM
Strictly RAW, he gains the subtype even if he doesn't have a change shape ability. The point is that there are a few things aside from the ability related to the subtype, such as a few magic weapons, spells, feats, etc.

And if you'd like to pimp up your BBEG even further, the subtype grants him access to the really cool and potentially very powerful shifting feats (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/dreamscarred-press/shifting-feats/) from DSP (which are sure to surprise your players as well)...

Intriguing, but not necessary. He's already a lvl. 20 Antipaladin that is going to transform into a Half-Balor about halfway through the campaign. He's also got an Intimidation build, so there's little room for edits at this point. On top of which, Nocticula's Tempting Flesh Boon does what I thought I could get through Haagenti's Master of Shapes Boon.

Thanks for your input, though.

2019-04-09, 08:07 PM
Because if he can't Change Shape while he has the subtype, then what is the point of having the subtype?

It gives you proficiency with simple weapons and the ability to shake off Baleful Polymorph and most other form-changing effects as a standard action.