View Full Version : RP lycanthrope Help (WereRat)

2019-04-09, 02:19 PM
I am now turning in to a wererat. I got bit and I think my fellow players didn’t catch on. My character is rather young. So it is fair for him to not be fully aware of what to do. Or to even think about being bit. I saw that they are “lawful evil.” Id perceive them as being...well...ratlike. Selfish. Not like mustache twirling evil. A paranoid pack mentality.

So my plan? I am going to start taking on certain behaviors. Silver being bad (including coins). Like not touching them and that kind of thing. I will get a bit more paranoid. I will look to maybe try and find a “den” or spending more time below ground (we have a basement). I will try to horde things too. It will be a slow process. Get a bit twitchy. Kick a few cats.

Once I keep going if my character fails to notice the problems (because he is likely to check to see what is happening but only for himself and self preservation) and the others too, I will slowly become a bit more selfish and sneaky. Still lawful evil. But a bit more conniving and greedy within limits. Willing to screw the party maybe? My fellow players are more experienced. So I expect them to catch on. One has even been a wererat before but he wasn’t present for the game where I got bit. But does all of this sound fair? I’ve been talking to the DM and he wants me to RP as I see fit. But he did state that I should RP some ratlike behavior.

So what do y’all think?

2019-04-09, 03:38 PM
The MM says you could be any alignment in human form but that you approach the respective lycanthrope alignment during the full moon and/or when you shift. You can certainly decide to make a broader change if it's more fun.

2019-04-09, 03:48 PM
The MM says you could be any alignment in human form but that you approach the respective lycanthrope alignment during the full moon and/or when you shift. You can certainly decide to make a broader change if it's more fun.

I have more reading to do. So then during the full moon I’d be 100% LE then? That would be my understanding.

2019-04-09, 04:19 PM
I have more reading to do. So then during the full moon I’d be 100% LE then? That would be my understanding.

The character will also fall under the GM's control. Don't expect the curse stay secret after the first full moon, as the wererat will likely try to infect other characters.