View Full Version : Roleplaying faustian pacts

2019-04-09, 09:40 PM
Anyone have any faustian pacts already written up, im playing a warlock with an imp familar who tries to get people to sell their souls and i want to have a contract to do it

2019-04-09, 10:07 PM
"Valid for a soul to be collected upon death"

I don't think that's what you are looking for, but I've no idea what that is.

2019-04-09, 10:22 PM
I think the exact wording of the contract you present to NPCs matters less than how you describe the pitch. "A scroll rolls down to the ground when I open it. Very tiny writing in what seems to be red ink fills every inch of the parchment, but not in a linear fashion. It swirls and creates both geometric and non-Euclidean patterns."

When plied to explain what it means, answer with "A lot of legal jargon. You know, the party of the first party shall disclose to the principal party of the second party but not the principal party of the first party except in the circumstances specifically named herein by the secondary party of the principal party to the first party or recognized parties named in subclass 37 of item 653 in article 12 of this document. You know, boring stuff. Just sign here and the deal is made."

Talk with your DM to work out how it actually plays out. Now if is your own contract with your patron and you are looking for a loophole, that is a very different matter.

2019-04-09, 10:54 PM
The most important part in coming up with a pact, if you're set on the actual wording being written out and not just 'it's a contract', I think is your ability (or your patrons) to actually fulfill the bargain. Are you trying to pull one over on people? Or do they actually get X super awesome power/knowledge/amount of wealth?