View Full Version : In the Shadows of the Soul IC

2007-10-01, 08:54 PM
The small town of Stoneglen lay spread below. The houses, made from wood or hewn stone, lay along a single narrow, muddy track that led north and east, skirting the borders of the wood that lay to the north and west. The forest itself, vast, dark, and foreboding pressed close to the wooden palisade that surrounded the town, a barrier against the encroachment of the wilds. Why the villagers had not cleared a wider space in that direction was unclear. Perhaps they had tried, but some feeling from the primordial forest had halted their encroachment. To the south and to the east, the village's fields and pastures ran. Corn and wheat grew in long, straight rows, though only the empty stalks and stems remained now, the harvest having passed but recently. The animals cropped at the grass in their pens, mostly goats, sheep, and cattle. Here, on the edge of what the Empire considered civilization, it seemed as if the domestic creatures man had brought with him were skittish. The animals looked up often from their grazing, and perhaps it was merely a trick of the mind, but it seemed that even their dumb gazes traveled towards the forest more than mere random chance would dictate.

Inside the palisade itself stood enough homes for perhaps two hundred folk, all told. A single inn was the second largest structure in the village, with the modest chapel being the greatest. This latter was one of the few building crafted entirely out of stone, with only the inn and one or two of the houses bearing that same distinction. It appeared that the most prosperous and well-appointed houses were set close to the part of the road that ran through the town, furthest from the wall. The Inn stood southernmost along the road, a pair of green glass lanterns burning in front, while the chapel stood northernmost of all the town's buildings.

Inside the inn was where the travelers had been directed to meet their contact. Inside was an eclectic mix of travelers and villagers. Most of the former were merchants, and they occupied a few tables along one wall, all pulled together and swapping news from different corners of the vast empire. One of them was even a man from the Caliph states, and he listened silently, only occasionally grunting or spouting a few monosyllabic phrases in broken Imperial. Scattered throughout the rest of the bar were a few groups of locals. Men of ages ranging from young teenagers just sprouting beards to a trio of grizzled graybeards sat drinking, speaking of various topics of local interest. Most of them were either farmers, or else somehow made their living from the forest, be it as hunters, trappers, woodcutters or the like. The barkeep, a tall, heavily muscled woman with raven hair and a handsome but fierce face, poured drinks to those at the bar. A trio of younger girls moved through the bar, serving drinks to those seated at the tables. A fire burned in the hearth, over which a large stag roasted slowly, dripping sizzling fat into the fire. She seemed to have been given prior instructions by the informant, for each person who arrived to see him was directed to a small, curtained-off section in the back. She gave the same short instructions to each of them, accompanied by a curt gesture.

"Aye, I was told you'd be coming. Your employer said you were to meet one another, and you'll be served food and drink. He'll fill you in on the rest of the details after you've had a bit of comfort. Some of you've traveled long, I expect."

2007-10-01, 09:26 PM

He waved his hand, his fingers fluttered from out of his cloak, but quickly drifted back into the cloth. Lou stood at the not-so-impressive height of five-seven,but he was still fairly attractive. His blond hair lay lazily in front of his bright violet eyes, but did not hinder their beauty. In fact, the seemed to only emphasize their brilliant color.

He said not a single word while he traveled to his seat. His violet eyes scanned the scenery. It was worn in, that was the nice way to put it. Homey, if you were in a good mood. He was the first, then? Well, that much was expecting seeing as how he lived only a few miles away. Hopefully the others would come soon...

2007-10-02, 12:19 AM
Rhiannon Novala

Several minutes pass and the door opens again, this time to admit a waifish looking woman. Her blonde hair is limp and damp, plastered against her head. Her eyes are sunken, and surrounded by dark circles, as if she's neither eaten nor slept well in months. The ice blue irises stare out of her face with a haunted look, and she never seems to look someone in the eye for long. He face is thin and pinched, although it's hard to tell precisely how thin she is, due to the polished and well-kept armor of an acolyte of the Church of Light and Flame that encases her body. Apparently in her early twenties, she seems a bit old to be ranked so lowly. The emblem of her service as an acolyte of the Blessed Flame hangs prominently around her neck, the enameled silver polished to within an inch of its life. A longsword rides at one hip, looking well-used, if the hilt is to be any indication. She enters the room, looking about with a sigh, and settles herself in a corner, looking to the only other occupant. "The others are not here yet, then?" she asks. "Or is it to be simply two?"

2007-10-02, 12:38 AM

The third to arrive is a rarity in the Empire's lands, or indeed almost anywhere: a dwarf. He (presumably) is clad in thick plates of armor, heavier than anything most humans would wear. The armor is clearly of fine make, coated in bronze and engraved with simple, runic patterns. The helm covers most of his face, leaving only the eyes and mouth really visible. And the beard, which hangs down the armor in front of a bronzed pattern that seems to resemble a long, ornate beard, every line straight as dwarven carving usually is. On his back is slung a large hammer, too big to easily wield in one hand, and several more hammers hang from his belt.

The burnished bronze armor gleams in the firelight as the dwarf moves to the bar, evoking feelings and thoughts of feast-halls under the mountains, lit by great fires. He gives his purpose in a few grunted words, as if reluctant to speak more than he has to, and enters the curtained area. He surveys the other two, mouth shaped in a dour frown, then gives an ambiguous grunt and seats himself, dark eyes impossible to read behind the helmet.

2007-10-02, 06:46 AM
Seven Kronish

Seven opens the door gently and closes it equally gently behind herself. No point in using unnecessary force on inanimate objects. She runs a hand through unruly brown hair that hangs just past her shoulders to get it out of her face. Her 5 foot, eight inch frame is covered with a shimmery suit of breastplate armor that has either never seen action or been meticulously cared for. The skin of her face has a light cast to it, but is tanned, probably from spending a great deal of time outdoors. Over the armor, she wears a cloak lined with some kind of brown-grey-mottled white fur, probably pieced together from several different animals. The outside of the cloak is just a plain brown cloth.

The more pertinent detail is probably the rather large sword she is carrying. She has it in a completely plain scabbard and is about as long as she is tall. The hilt is not terribly exceptional - just a plain, leather wrapped grip large enough for two hands - but has clearly seen use if the stains on the leather are to be trusted. The end of a longbow sticks out under the cloak.

She scans the room with skeptical brown eyes as the barkeep directs her. With a wordless nod, she completes her scan before moving with a purposeful stride to the indicated table and taking the closest available seat. I wonder if Master Lytton knew there would be others. He certainly didn't tell me if he did. She leans her sword against the table, fully aware that it will probably get in the way and not caring one iota. She puts her right hand, covered in a studded leather gauntlet that matches the one on her left, on the table and stifles the urge to drum her fingers. Then she leans back into the chair a little, relaxing into what is probably a deceptively lazy pose.

Wearing a short-sleeved shirt under her armor means that the flesh of her elbows show, and her right elbow has curving black line tattoos across it. "Hello," she nods her head to the rest of the people at the table politely. No point in starting off on the wrong foot with anyone. Who knows who they'll turn out to be?

2007-10-02, 08:44 AM

"Apparently not, eh?" He says to Novala, his hair falling to the side of his face with a quick snap of his neck. It was now that one could see his whole face, and in this moment any teeny-booper would probably die knowing their life was fulfilled. Lou looked like any teen aged girl's fantasy. Well, if it wasn't for his small stature. You know the look. The one where the guy looks more like a woman than a man? Lou was almost the epitome of that look.

"But really, I've got to say, I didn't expect this much. I mean, they already got me." he says, his brilliant teeth flashing through with a smirk. "I kid, I kid. So... Let's not have this be awkward. Maybe we should go around the room saying our name and describe ourselves in one word." He says, grinning even more while balancing his chair on the two back pegs.

2007-10-02, 10:09 AM

"Silien. Superior."

The rather dry an heartless voice had come from the doorway as the next person to receive this job offer arrived to meet with her fellow workers. Already she was in a foul mood just from having to come to this man-ape infested building, most likely to meet with more men-apes. If Silien listened carefully, she was sure she could still hear the dark comments and questions coming from the common room and it almost made her growl in disgust.

It didn't take much for someone to notice why the xenophobic humans had taken to muttering behind her back. The lithe figure and gently tapering ears all but screamed that she was one of the fair elves but even then, something just screamed that she was...different. A slender longsword was belted at her waist seemed of similar design to her rich blue cloak and the circlet atop the crown of her head. Plain brown hair had been woven into multiple braids before being pulled back into one large ponytail that went through the circlet. Silien was dressed only in a plain leather jerkin with the sleeves and most of the bottom part tastefully removed from it. A bracer on her right arm seemed oddly out of place when compared to the two golden bracelets on the other side. Other then that she had on a pair of matching leather pants. What most drew the eye...were her tattoos. The elven woman's body seemed to be covered with them. Graceful and flowing designs of diagrams and objects, almost arcane in their perplexity. Up along her arms, bottom of her neck and all the way down if the presence of more at her navel were any indication. Those weren't all the things she had done either, at least four earrings had been place in her ear, two in her right eyebrow, a stud through the right side of her nose, another ring through her bottom lip, and the last one actually in her navel.

With a groan, she dropped her pack by the door and took one of the empty seats furthest away from the others. Silien was smaller then most of the others, fragile looking almost, but something smoldered in her amber eyes. Indignity almost, but also a healthy sense of caution as she saw the various people associated with the church...and also a dwarf.

2007-10-02, 10:12 AM

Of a height with Lou, although it's hard to be certain when they're both seated, the acolyte replies politely enough to the other woman's greeting, "Hello to you." One eyebrow arches at the presence of the dwarf, unsure what to make of the silent and surly appearing non-human.

When Lou finishes his speech, she looks at him briefly before her eyes return to study the table. "Are you not going to start, since it was your suggestion?" She starts at the comment from the doorway, and gives the elf woman an appraising glance before again returning her attention to the table before her.

2007-10-02, 10:39 AM

"Heh." Seven snorts at the elf's response, but it comes out as more of a chuckle. "I'm not the kind to look for a one-word answer to a question as complex as that. I'm Seven, and well met to you all."

She looks over each person critically, avoiding staring at any of them while assessing their likely skills based upon their appearances. It's almost like a game on one level. Because she knows that appearances can be deceiving, and it's always entertaining to learn that someone is something completely different from what their appearance presents. Still, accouterments are often revealing enough to get an impression. Mages don't wear armor, and sellswords don't carry spellbooks, after all. Well, most of them don't, anyway.

2007-10-02, 10:54 AM

"Seven?" she asks with surprise, looking to the armored woman briefly. "Is that your birth name or some sort of alias? I'm Rhiannon, incidentally."

2007-10-02, 11:30 AM

How many damn times will I have to answer that kind of question? Is that your real name? Is it some kind of codename? Are there One through Six? Is there an Eight? She suppresses memories of some of the more unpleasant ways in which people had queried about her name and just nods.

"It's my birth name. Very normal type of name where I come from. Yours'd be out of place there."

2007-10-02, 12:47 PM

"Not from the Empire then?" she asks. Her question holds no malice or the usual arrogance members of the church hierarchy take when addressing those from outside the fold, just simple curiosity.

2007-10-02, 02:43 PM

The dwarf glances up briefly at each new arrival, his helm making it difficult to see what he thinks of them. His frown is not quite so sour, and he seems almost to be inspecting each person's possessions; judging their make and how well they are maintained. What he thinks of the people is difficult to tell. Except, perhaps predictably, for the elf; his frown deepens noticeably at her entrance. And at her claim to superiority.

"Azathul," he says in deep tones as names are given, offering nothing further than that. He does not sound terribly interested in giving more about himself. Having given each of the others as much inspection as he cares to, he begins studying the table and other innocuous objects.

2007-10-02, 04:35 PM

Seven shrugs. "Not originally, no. Of late, yes." Her left hand moves up to rub the back of her neck lightly for a moment. It is possible that the movement may be subconscious, as she stops rather abruptly after a few seconds and drops the hand back into her lap. Then she grins a bit. "Are transplants acceptable in the eyes of the Church?"

2007-10-02, 05:02 PM

The acolyte nods, "Of course, all who wish to embrace the Radiant Light and Blessed Flame are welcome, if their hearts are pure. Even dwarves and elves." She gestures briefly at the two in the room, although she sounds almost bitter as she speaks of pure hearts.

2007-10-02, 05:30 PM

The dwarf snorts at those last words, breaking his silence. "We would not, human. The World-Maker made us, and he made the world, and our reverence goes to him," he rumbles, the slight scorn of his first words replaced with a reverent dignity for the spacr of a sentence. "No dwarf would forsake that." Apparently done with speech, he examines Seven for a moment, particularly her fur cloak.

2007-10-02, 06:05 PM

Seven begins by grinning broadly. By the time Azathul is finished speaking, though, she is unable to continue containing a throaty laugh. "I don't think anyone has ever entertained the notion I might be 'pure' in any sense of the word ever before, miss." She returns to the grin, obviously finding the subject very amusing. If she picks up on the bitterness in Rhiannon's words, it isn't apparent. "You can keep your lights and fires all to yourself. I will refrain from sullying them."

2007-10-02, 06:13 PM

The words of the others fly over Lou's pointed, but hidden ears without him even realizing that he was still in the conversation. At the moment he seemed quite more interested in balancing perfectly on the back two pegs of his chair, and for the most part he was quite successful. As the words drone on, he looks up, his hair falling back into his face.

"Interesting, really it is. So yeah, you can call me Lou, and I'd say that to best describe me in one word is difficult, but if I had to choose just one? I'd go with "useful". Whaddya think?" he says, to no one in particular. In fact, he hadn't even caught the names of the others. He simply asked for them.

2007-10-02, 06:22 PM

"As you wish," she says quietly, not looking at either dwarf or human woman. Instead she turns her attention to Lou. "I would say that whether or not useful is an apt description remains to be seen."

2007-10-02, 06:23 PM
It is, in the midst of these conversations, that a jaunty tune begins to arise as the last of the party makes an approach towards the tavern. A pair of sapphire eyes happily shift and contort amidst a wonderfully featured face, as long, black hair dances with it. Under this head is, unsurprisingly, a body that follows it elegantly and gracefully. Were one to look at this creature for long enough, the proper word might be impish, especially considering its character. His character. Iacchus's character. "Early one morning before the sun did rise, and the birds sang their sweat song, the mountain troll proposed to the fair squire, and she had a false, deceitful tongue. Sir Maaannelig, Sir Mannelig, won't you marry me, for that I'll gladly give yo-Oh!" A drunkard, who had stumbled outside to pour his well-paid for drinks on the ground as to taste them twice, caused the strange little man to pause, his words audible to those outside.

"Well well... What have we here... Old lout, binged his drink. Can't handle it, eh? Can't say I blame you. Liquids. Foul stuff. Never know what they're going to do. Personally, I think they're out to get us all." And with a wicked smirk, he kicks over a bucket nearby that had sat out and collected rainwater a few days earlier, letting it clang on the man's head as it emptied its contents. "Oh my, my! That nasty, cruel bucket of water attacked you! Quick! Hide your face!" And swiftly, before the man can respond, Iacchus jumps and pushes his meager body weight down on the bucket, pushing the man face-first into a mixture of mud, grass, and his own vomit. The devious little creature just laughs excessively and loudly, before walking towards the door, reaching up to click the handle and step inside, still hooting by the time he gets in.

Iacchus, having missed the introductions, ignores the others and walks up to the barkeep. An odd mix of finery and jesting, he is clad in a few pieces of jewelery and a bright golden vest, but under which is a red fool's shirt, with purple sleeves that extend to his hands, which are covered in black leather gloves. His pants are of a like color, and his feet are wrapped in canvas with thick wooden soles on them. "I-Innkeeper! Ha ha ha! A pint and some cinnamon! And a cloth for my friend out there! Bwahahah!" Soon, the strange sprite is nearly falling off his chair with laughter at his own wicked humor.

((This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68L1HyRdoVs) song is one of the inspirations for his behaviour. And just so you know, the song he was singing was Herr Mannelig))

2007-10-02, 06:26 PM

Ignoring the newcomer, except for the small twitch in his left eye, he spun on the two back legs of chair so that he was facing Rhiannon. The twitch was either gone, or very well hidden because his face was smooth and attractive just as it had been when he walked in.

He wasn't quite sure which way he turned, but he new that he was, in fact, facing her. With a playful smile and a wink, "Okay, well my next one would've been "pretty". That's a safe bet, am I right? Or am I right?"

2007-10-02, 07:02 PM
The elf's lip twitched with disgust at the mention of possibly subverting the worship of a being who gave her life, to that of the idealistic dribble of the humans was revolting. "I have to agree with Master Azathul in this manner, no true pure-blooded elf would forsake Valena or Valorus for the...corrupted shambles of religion that you humans have set up."

At the word human her lip began to curl again but this time she supressed her feelings on the subject and resolved to simply...relax until this other had joined them and spoke his peace. "I have to wonder why a clergywoman such as yourself is traveling the country though, I would think you'd be hidden away until such a time that the 'darkness' could no longer sway your heart."

2007-10-02, 07:52 PM

The last bit made Lou's ears perk up. Just a bit, anyways. He had changed from not caring about the situation in the slightest to just not caring. If you could call that a change. They were talking about Valena and Valorus? And it was in that moment that Lou realized their were non-humans at the table. It had been awhile since he had actually dealt with them, and Silien's soft features brought back kind memories. Memories back when his life was different. A kind smile washed over his face and he interjected.

"Let's put away the claws, but really, you just met these people. Save the converting for when we're drunk and vulnerable."

2007-10-02, 07:55 PM

"My reasons for traveling are my own," she replies to the arrogant elf, inwardly relieved at a chance to avoid answering the question of attractiveness. "Suffice to say, I find it unlikely that any darkness greater than that which I already carry will afflict me." Addressing Lou again, she offers a wry, weak, smile. "I'm no good at converting anyone, I'm afraid. I simply answered a question."

2007-10-02, 08:03 PM

"Great! We shouldn't have a problem them. I told that Rainard to only bring people that would get along, you know inner conflict is bad for business. That's what I tells him, but what does he do? Bring a church offical, of all people, to work with a couple of elves and dwarf? Not that I got anything against the church, let that be known that I'm all for tolerance. But really, this is just gonna stew, and it's a darn good start ain't it?" he rambles, not sure whether people are listening or not.

2007-10-02, 08:13 PM

She seems surprised at Lou's commentary. "I assure you, I shall cause no problems. And I'm not an 'official'. I'm only an acolyte and not a very good one at that."

2007-10-02, 08:17 PM

"You are very gregarious, aren't you? Is it the love of the sound of your voice or some deeper compulsion that drives you to make noise?" Silien asked calmly, closing her eyes and tilting her head back to stare up at the ceiling. The elf hadn't caught the look that Lou had given her or seem very interested in the response she had gotten from the priestess...but then again she was extraordinarily gifted at looking un-caring these days.

Nor was she trying to be rude to Lou with her comment, it had come with a sort of...latent curiousty to it. Like someone who had discovered a curious plant and wanted to know one of it's many secrets.

2007-10-02, 08:19 PM

Still incredibly amused by the situation, Seven sits back and laces her fingers together, putting her hands behind her head and watching as the personalities show. There is some talk about this being a 'group', which perks her interest, for sure. She didn't know she was coming here to work with a group of people. But as the man of the hour hadn't made his presence known yet, there is hardly any reason to rush with the gathering of mission parameters here. Especially as it's all likely to be second hand or hearsay until this mysterious Rainard spills his beans all over them.

She just keeps grinning. This group of people are likely to be an endless source of entertainment. And not a one of them seems like anything she'd call a 'threat'. Which just makes it all the better. If she's actually going to be guarding at least some of these people (which is the only possible arrangement that seems likely to her), then her employer had chosen a pretty darn good assignment for her, or so it seems.

2007-10-02, 08:24 PM

"Ahhh, cheer up girl. This world was made for people to work. And for those of us smart enough to slip by undetected. So religion isn't you're thing. Don't worry, don't tell nobody, but if you ask me, religion should be the last thing anyone is worried about. Causes too much trouble. Let me be burned like a martyr if you disagree, but it's the truth. Remember it." And as the last word left his lips, he pushed off the ground, and leaned back into the two legs in perfect balance. What a weird character.


"Oh, you're a clever one. Really, that hurt me to the core." He says, his eyes darting to Silien. He noted to not assume that because you're the same race people would be any nicer to you. Lord knows they should, but they won't. This damn world needs more kindness.

2007-10-02, 09:00 PM
The evening tavern noises continue as the group gets acquainted. Perhaps an hour passes. Outside, night falls fully. After the plates have been cleared away, the barkeep slips behind the curtain. She nods at all of you, her face still set in a tough, no-nonsense expression. She speaks in a gruff voice, low enough that those in the rest of the tavern can't hear. You notice that she carries a short, heavy club at her belt, made of polished oak, an item many call the barkeep's best friend. She's dressed in long, tight-fitting trousers, a rough wool shirt, and a leather vest, all in brown, save for the vest, which is black.

"All right. The fella who told you to meet here... well, he isn't here right now, per se. Seems he's real concerned about privacy. I don't ask questions. That's not good for business around here. But I was paid well to see to you and see that you got a certain message. He wanted me to tell you that you're to meet him in the forest. He said that there's a certain cave a few miles inside the woods. He wants you to slip out the north gate, nice and quiet-like, and meet him there. If you follow the edge of the forest, you'll find a small trail. Hard to see, but it's there. You follow that, it will take you right to the cave. He'll be waiting for you there.

You'd best be careful. That Rainard fellow looked like he could handle himself, but there's a reason the wall's there, and there's a reason most folk's don't leave the forest after nightfall. Strange things turn up every now and then from out of the wood. and most of them aren't friendly. Be wary when you go in."

2007-10-02, 09:16 PM

Huh. Interesting. Seven stands up and nods to the woman. No sense waiting here when the meet had been changed to out there someplace. She picks up her sword and puts her chair back as she found it. "I'll take point. Azathul, you seem like a rearguard kinda guy. The rest of you best arrange yourselves in some fashion in the middle. I have a horse, and she can carry two if need be. Does anyone else have one?"

2007-10-02, 09:21 PM

"Ahh, best news I heard all day. I would love to ride with a lady as beautiful as yourself." He winks, his violet eyes beaming as he stands up and stretches his arms out.

2007-10-02, 09:31 PM

Azathul grunts slightly as the woman mentioned the danger. He'd come from the north, and knew very well what it was like. If these folk thought the woods on the borders of their empire perilous... bah. Still, a small mistake in the forging could ruin a work as completely as a large one. He clears his throat. "Can you see in the dark under the trees, Seven? A vanguard must be able to see her foe."

2007-10-02, 09:53 PM

"I can provide light," the acolyte says timidly. "And I have a horse."

2007-10-03, 09:50 AM

The woman grins at Azathul. If he thinks to ask a question like that, then he probably knows what the heck he's talking about, which is good. Nothing puts a damper on the day like working with rookies. "Nope. But I know how to be point. If you do, too, well, you want the job, then go for it. I'll take the rear. And," she looks to Rhiannon, "you save your lights for a fight. If we actually come across something, we'll want to see it. Until then, if we have light, then they can see us. Perfect if you like being archery targets."

She turns to go, waving Lou with her as she heads for the door. And she is still grinning. "C'mon, Lou. I'll introduce you to my horse. Her name is Gingersnap."

2007-10-03, 12:03 PM

She nods understanding to the warrior woman, who appears eager and capable of taking control of the situation. An expression of relief crosses her face as she stands, and follows the others outside, to where a dapple grey horse is tethered. A crossbow hangs from the saddle-horn and the saddlebags appear well supplied. She pats the animal's neck briefly before mounting. "Windstorm can carry another," she offers, "if any wish to ride."

2007-10-03, 12:04 PM

"Hmph...Rhiannon perhaps I can ride with you on the way to our meeting." Silien said softly raising from her chair and shouldering her pack. After checking to make sure that her sword was belted on securely, the elf woman rolled her eyes at Lou. Humans were so touchy...

But then again she had to admit that her own attitude towards the slave-races was less then forgiving. Without too much warning she approached the dappled horse and delicately clambered up behind the acolyte on the beast. Just how she sat in the saddle was a clear indicator that she didn't have a good idea of how to ride.

I thought Lou was hiding his ears and other signs of elfness...

2007-10-03, 06:00 PM

"I know you guys can't see it, but at the moment, I'm really excited for this. Like actually..." He says, looking for Gingersnap and retrieving his bow and saber. He didn't like to drink with them around. However judgmental the people around here were, his weapons were twice that. And they had actually seen the atrocities of Lou's past.

"And really, it's a cute name. Much better than some others I can think of off the top of my head." He glances over to Rhiannon with a sly grin. I mean really, Windstorm? For a pet? How serious can you get?

I read that spoiler just after I PMed you, sorry CdT

2007-10-03, 06:13 PM

The acolyte shrugs. "I didn't name her, I only paid for her. Didn't seem a point in changing the name she came with." She is mildly surprised that the elf will choose to ride with her after the discussion in the tavern, but accepts gracefully enough. "If you shift a bit more to your right, you might feel a little more secure, Silien."

2007-10-03, 06:33 PM

Figures that she would have gotten into the saddle wrong. Following the gracefully offered help she shifted a bit to the right and glance to the one 'driving' the horse.

"Is this the proper technique? The last thing I wish is to plummet off a horse because I can't secure myself in a saddle...And I apologize for my rudeness towards your religion...you most likely didn't chose it, much like you didn't chose to be human." The words offered where...kindly enough even though a bit off-seating, but one could tell that Silien meant well with it. With a glance towards Lou she began to reassess her opinion of the elf...at first she had merely considered him a half-elf at best but he seemed to be the real deal...but what court did he fall under? It could be a dangerous topic...

2007-10-03, 07:51 PM

Gingersnap turns out to be a very large, very tall horse. No wonder Seven said she could carry two. The beast could probably carry three or four. Obviously built for strength and endurance, the sorrel warhorse stamps and snorts as a greeting. "Gingersnap, this is Lou." Seven puts hand on the horse's nose and rubs it a couple of times. "Sorry, no time for treats now. We're on a mission." She nods to Lou, a gesture to indicate he should approach.

"She's a sweetheart, really. Just because she's crushed the skulls of more men than I can count, that's no reason to be afraid of her." Seven grins impishly at Lou and moves around to swing herself up into the saddle. She offers Lou a hand to help him up if he wants. "'Course, can't say how much that really means. I can only count so high. There's one, two, three, a bunch, and a whole lot." As she's still grinning, it's possible that she's joking.

2007-10-03, 07:58 PM

His attention snaps to the monstrosity before him and he stares in wonder up at the beast. It was definitely larger than him, and he had a strong urge to ride a different horse... or even walk. Yet he resisted, and thankfully grabbed Seven's hand and hoisted himself up.

His elbows cracked as he lifted his body weight, obviously a sign that he was "useful" for other reasons than physical brawn, but it probably went unnoticed. Climbing aboard, he wiped his hand across his forehead pretending to be tired and strained. After the act, he looked up with a sheepish grin and said, "You know, under normal circumstances, I'd think you were jokin', but I got a good look at that sword back at the tavern. Not too sure anymore." His grin was large and friendly, emphasized by his massive twinkling eyes. Damn, why was this guy so friendly? Definitely had some kinda problem.

2007-10-03, 08:14 PM

Shrugging again she replies to the elf at her back, "You should be fine now, just hold on to me and you won't fall. And it's all right. I didn't take offense. And as to whether or not I chose my religion-- that's complicated. Maybe I'll tell you sometime. You're bound to find out eventually. Just-- not right now. Although that reminds me-- I know this will sound very strange, but if I tell you to let go, you'll want to let go of me. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

2007-10-04, 06:19 AM
Iacchus, who, in the meantime, had been drinking down a mixture of ale and cinnamon at first but then switch to cider after his first pint, is curious as to what's going on. He isn't certain the declaration earlier was directed at him, but his curiousity would never be satisfied if he didn't find out. Spinning rapidly on his bar stool for a moment, he eventually jumps off and throws a silver piece to the bartender for his services. On silent toes, he follows the others outside, and watches the horses with a curious glint in his amethyst eyes. Unable to resist getting the group's attention, he directs a glance towards the next horse in the stable and frowns at it momentarily, as if it were a painting and he was trying to divine from it some fine detail that others so commonly missed. With this done, he then picks up a small stone, takes aim, and whips it accurately so that it skips off the horse's backside.

Using Inspire Fear on the horse next to them to make it go nuts. All a part of being a professional pain-in-the-butt

2007-10-04, 10:31 PM
As the group rides northward, you can hear the horse behind you begin to kick at the walls of its stalls, neighing in panic. The sound of wood splintering is accompanied by shouts from the tavern as a knot of several merchants scrambles out to look at the trouble, and you can hear their cries of consternation as you travel out of the north gate, heading to the northwest, towards the eaves of the forest.

A deep, thick mist swirls about the feet of your horses, the eddying as they walk through it. Your beasts seem skittish as you approach the eaves of the forest. Before you is a wall of darkness. The shadows pool thickly beneath the branches, and the forest is oddly silent of the usual night-noises. The trees here are mostly tall, towering oaks, though ashes and other species also rise here and there. No moonlight penetrates more than a few feet into the forest, and the interior is completely black. Or perhaps more than that. The darkness is not simple, normal absence of light... it seems to be the opposite, a darkness which swallows light, which gnaws hungrily at the edges of illumination. Even those of you with the ability to see in pitch darkness can only see half as far, and even then the darkness seems to be attempting to encroach on your vision, to swathe you in blackness. You can hear the occasional rustle of the underbrush as some small, furtive creature moves through the thick growth, and now and again a small shape will dart across the path. The flitting shadows suggest nothing out of the ordinary, but something in the proportions, or perhaps the movements of the creatures strikes you as unwholesome. Every now and then, a heavier crashing comes from within the deeper parts of the forest, as some unseen creature moves heavily through the thick woods.

The path is here, and as you approach, you notice that a small arrow has been carved into one of the trees. The mark looks fresh, no more than a few hours old. It points down the path. You enter the forest warily, but all seems well, aside from the deep shadows that obscure your sight. You travel further and further into the shadowy forest, and you can almost feel the woods watching you. The heavy rustlings in the underbrush grow more and more pronounced. In the distance, you hear a wolf howl, and then another, and another, all taking up the hunting call of the pack. It would be almost cliche, if the sound weren't so chilling. However, nothing more waylays you, and you continue your travels without any other problems, though your horses still seem nervous. The track is rough and uneven, and red eyes watch you from the undergrowth, only to disappear suddenly, to be replaced by others. Soft chittering speaks of small rodents moving. The canopy above you continues to blot out all light of the moon and stars, and the blackness is oppressive. At last, as it seems you can take no more, you see a light up ahead. A cave entrance, illuminated from within by firelight. You cannot see in very far, as the tunnel makes a sharp turn, but the light of the flame seems welcoming after the darkness of the wood.

2007-10-04, 11:02 PM

The dwarf mutters something in his own tongue as they enter the woods, sitting uncomfortable on his newly purchased horse, a black beast that looks as though it could have served as a draft horse. Clearly, the dwarf is not used to riding, and the horse is not used to having such a concentrated weight on its back. But it is the dark that seems to disturb the dwarf most; as the light fades under the trees, he mutters back to the others, "Beware. The shadows are too thick. I do not trust the dark tonight." He keeps a watchful eye out, wondering if the light-eyed folk could even see the trees; elves had better night-eyes than humans, but still not as good as dwarven eyes in dark places.

As they reach the outside of the cave, he halts. He was more comfortable with stone over his head than trees or the open sky, but that did not mean that all underground places could be trusted. Odd things made their homes in holes under the earth. Still, the cave is where they were told to meet the human who had called them here, and there was no sense delaying. Dismounting, he moves for the cave entrance.

2007-10-05, 06:41 AM

Riding at the back, Seven spends much of the journey with one hand on her horse's neck, patting it gently and making soothing noises. She didn't usually ride in the dark, and the attempts at calming the horse have a mildly beneficial effect on her own nerves. She grips her sword despite the scabbard being lashed securely to the saddle, but does not unsheathe the blade itself, anyway. Were they merely walking, the blade would be free and she might well be jumping at every sound. I do not trust the dark any night.

Darkness is the bastion of things that enjoy eating humans, of creatures with an advantage. It is rarely a friend, and even when it is, treachery is rampant. Her people built great fires on the darkest nights to ward off the creatures and spirits of the night. Which is why the sight of the fire has an instant effect on her: she relaxes visibly and lets go of her sword. Briefly, anyway. She waits until last to dismount, offering Lou a hand down if he needs it. After untying her sword, she follows behind the rest warily, maintaining her rearguard position.

2007-10-05, 08:39 AM

Even good ol' Lou had some jitters... and he lived here for awhile. Bad part of his life, and he never again would make the assumption that just because you're an elf, all forests will be you're home. You know, like with bambi and Mrs. White? Dwarves and little forest critters dancing and singing around you? No. That's a myth. Get over it.

When the light glinted in the distance, Lou let out a sigh of relief that seemed to be caught in his throat the entire trip. He was definitely shaking for a good part of the ride, and for some reason he had his bow out. Now, you'd think bow equals good? Well... yeah, normally, except when you can't see right in front of you and you're surrounded by allies. But when he saw the light, he relaxed, though he still kept his weapon secure.

"Well let's get goin'. Cave equals good, no?"

2007-10-05, 10:41 AM

Rhiannon rides through the dark lost in her own thoughts, worried about possible danger and what may happen to the others. When the reach the cave, she dismounts easily, helping her elf rider down as well then says, "I'll go first. If anything's going to happen I'd rather it happen to me than the rest of you." She does take her crossbow with her this time, instead of leaving it slung on the saddle. Although she inspects it as she holds it in her hands, she doesn't load it.

2007-10-05, 02:39 PM

Silien would have very much have asked just why she'd have to let go and quickly when told, but the horse started moving and it seemed far more prudent and wise to keep a grip on the one directing the horse. For one who had been around for a long time, Silien didn't exactly seem comfortable with horses and clung tightly to Rhiannon but unlike Lou she felt much more at home once they entered into the forest's dark depths.

Instead one hand dropped to the sword on her belt before they came to the halt before the cave. Graciously taking the offered hand, Silien almost fell to the ground climbing down...yet somehow managed to make it look as if she had done it on purpose. "You sure it is wise to just...rush inside? Perhaps we should call from the entrance..." Was all she said as the sheathed weapon at the elf's side was pulled from it's sheath.

2007-10-05, 03:34 PM

"If this Rainard wants to hire us, I'm sure he won't cause us harm. If he's in there of course. If he's not in there, do you really wish to announce our presence to whatever may be?" She seems mostly willing to take the situation at face value for now.

2007-10-05, 06:07 PM
With a chuckle, the small fey behind the group makes himself known, finally speaking up after having followed in the shadow of the horses for so long and having kept his distance. He laughs a little, and plants his hands on his hips, adopting a dismissive, ready-to-move pose typical to a holier-than-thou faerie.

"And what if he's some malevolent monster or demon that has the local population under his sway? Some malevolent, marauding monster or grotesque ghoul that charms the town or threatens them to do its bidding, luring some adventurers under false pretenses so it can gobble them up? Certainly easier things to do, but if I said all monsters were smart, I'd be a liar. 'Course, this could be an especially SMART one. Waiting not with flashing fang but splendorous spell, wreaking its terrible designs on you, luring you into a trap. Wouldn't be the first of your kind to fall for such things. No sir, not at all."

Iacchus chuckles, and raises a brow to see how Rhiannon would respond to his jibes and mockery.

2007-10-05, 07:51 PM

Seven stand, parsing all this. These people are wasting time and making their presence known, regardless of their intent. "Whatever," she hisses in response to the...little-man-person-thing. "Listen, girl, no one does a martyr act on my watch." She continues to speak quietly so her voice doesn't carry very far. "Point is not a position into which you put the person who thinks they are most expendable."

Unless Azathul walks into the cave right away, Seven does, taking the front to prevent some daft girl with self-esteem problems from doing it.

2007-10-05, 09:02 PM

The young woman shrugs at the fey. "Then it's a trap, and we'd deal with it when it happens, I expect." The acolyte sighs at Seven's diatribe. "I wouldn't expect you to understand, but expendability and martyrdom have nothing to do with it. It's about pain. There's less of it if I get hurt than if you do."

2007-10-05, 09:34 PM

"Yeah, well it's a bit chilly out here. So I say we come up with a plan. That would be the best option I can see. Just my opinion." Lou shrugs as if he was to say "Just throwing that out there".

2007-10-06, 02:00 AM

"Either we enter," opines the dwarf sourly, "or we do not, and we have wasted this evening." It would be the act of a fool or a coward to come this far, then turn back on the off chance that there was something else in the cave they had been told to come to. His tone makes that perfectly clear, and he moves into the cave with Seven.

2007-10-06, 06:34 AM

Holding up a hand in the face of Rhiannon's...whatever she's saying, Seven files the information away for later. As she steps into the cave with the dwarf, she mutters, "Still not taking point, kid." Her use of the word 'kid' doesn't sound derogatory. Then, to the dwarf she says, "Rookies," with a tone that clearly conveys a tinge of bemusement.

She could now consider what Rhiannon said and what it actually means, and various other things she's seen and heard from these people so far, but she doesn't. Instead, she focuses on the here and now. Feet move, eyes look, arms ready. And she's ready for one of her favorite maneuvers - bashing someone with the scabbarded blade before pulling off the sheath. Intelligent opponents always seem to find it a little unsettling. Which is funny as hell.

2007-10-06, 10:40 AM

Following along behind Seven a touch glumly, she simply shakes her head at the other woman's lack of understanding.

2007-10-06, 12:14 PM
Iacchus just smiles and rolls his eyes. Still, he cannot resist his curiousity, and trails behind the column, moving towards somewhere in the middle of what will eventually form a line.

"Well, bold bunch, you are. Bold indeed. That, or stupid. Then again, I AM following you, so I'm not in much of a position to talk, now am I?" And with a chuckle, a smirk, and a click of his heels, Iacchus follows.

2007-10-06, 06:52 PM
The group of you proceed into the cave, leaving your horses outside, out of necessity. The beasts appear nervous, rolling their eyes, though this is not unusual. Horses, after all, are bred for the open plains, and traveling under the dark earth is not their way. You enter the cave, and as you turn the corner, you see that the firelight comes from a torch set into the wall. The tunnel twists and turns, sloping gently downward. The torches, however, do not seem to so much banish the shadows as cast them in relief, making the darkness deeper and the shadows stronger. The floor below is rough stone, but it is clear and the walk is easy enough.

Finally, you turn a final bend and enter a large, subterranean chamber. Torches have been set along the wall, providing more illumination, but the effect is no less sinister than in the tunnels above. The real shock, however, comes from the chamber's occupants.

On the wall to your right, three children, two boys and a girl, the girl being the eldest, are tied to the wall by means of what appears to be living vine. Each of them bear numerous bruises, scrapes, and cuts accross their body, but what's worst is their eyes. Each of them has a haunted, hunted look. They shrink into a huddle together, staring at you fearfully. They appear momentarily relieved when they see who you are, or perhaps who you are not, but terror appears so ingrained into their features that they are unsure what other emotion to show. They are dressed in rags, though they do not appear malnourished. They say nothing, only follow your movements with their eyes, holding each other for comfort or protection. Their bindings are wrapped around their necks, and they can only move perhaps ten feet in any direction. They lay on a small pile of leaves which seems to serve them as a bed.

Attached to the opposite wall by similar means is a man of middle years and a medium build. His hair and eyes are brown, and he is dressed in shades of green and brown. Unlike the children, his expression is one of defiance, and when he sees you he sighs with relief. You recognize him as Rainard, your contact. When he sees you, he begins to speak urgently, his voice low, and he beckons you over.

Took you bloody well long enough to get here. You've been set up. Not much time to explain, they'll be back at any moment. I was captured a few days ago... I think they'd been laying in wait for me... those three wretches have certainly been here long enough... Look, I get this damned thing off me and get us out of here, I'll tell you everything.

In one corner of the cave, there is a small pool, which seems to serve as a water source

2007-10-06, 07:11 PM

As soon as she sees the bound children, Rhiannon's sword is in her hand. The edges gleam faintly with fire and she crosses the room over any objections from her companions to hack at the vine holding the eldest of them. Her face looks anguished at their plight and she speaks to reassure them, "We'll soon have you out of here."

(No idea what attack, if any, I should be trying for, but you have the sheet.)

2007-10-06, 07:12 PM

At sight of the children, Lou grows stiff. He had been uneasy enough now that he was under an estimated weight of it-will-kill-you-if-it-falls of rock, but the grotesque display of inhuman cruelty seemed to slice through the elf's flesh deeper than any blade could. His pupil's widen and his mouth falls open. He blinks twice, as if he is actually trying to register what is going on, but once it hits him, he's got it.

Without much more than a glance at Rainard, he strides over to the threesome. A quick flick of his wrist, and his rapier is out. It's blade glinted malevolently in the poor lighting of the cave, and the reflections of the horrified children flashed across the steel. His brilliant violet eyes seemed to plead with the children to not be afraid as he raised his sword and gouged it into the vine.

I suppose I'll be freeing the youngest one. That would make the most sense to Lou, anyway. Also...with the attacking, yeah. You have the sheets.

2007-10-06, 07:57 PM

The whole scene makes Seven's lip curl in disgust. She leaves freeing the apparent prisoners to the others - that's not her job. Never has been, never will be. Instead, she walks the cavern, checking the ground for anything that might give a hint to the nature of the enemy. There is hardly any point to looking along the path they just traveled down, as traces - if any existed in the first place - were probably obliterated by said passage. Beginning in the middle of the chamber, she moves slowly in a spiral.

"Freeing you all will take a little bit, Rainard, if that is who you are, anyway. Tell us of your captors, and your fellow prisoners, in the meantime." She addresses the man, but does not look at him, her attention directed at the floor.

Survival for tracking: 22 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=2271)

2007-10-06, 08:29 PM

"Stop! You mustn't touch them yet! It may cause more harm then good!" Silien called out to the two as they moved at once to free the children before thinking about the possibility of an illusion or trap. Sticking the point of her sword into the ground, the elfess's fingers swiftly moved through the practiced motions of a simple spell and intoned the words underneath her breath.

"Discierna la Magia." A soft blue glow came to her eyes and to a tattoo of an eye encased in a triangle, able to pick up the subtle hints of magical auras that normal vision could not easily detect. Sweeping her gaze from first Rainard and then to the captive children and moving into range when she needed to. Eventually her eyes went to the 'watering hole' at the far end and her eyes narrowed. Perhaps there was more to it...Taking up her blade once more, Silien slowly stalked across the cave to about five paces from the water and observed it silently.

Using detect magic and sweeping the entirety of the cave, pausing long enough on individual auras to try and decipher their school and strength.

2007-10-06, 09:05 PM
Iacchus wanders his way towards the children, ignoring the old man, him instead making his own magical notions and searching the vines to see if there is anything poisonous or dangerous about them. He makes no overt show, and in fact tries to stay as unnoticed as possible, even by the children he now stands near.

Using Detect Poison

2007-10-06, 10:32 PM
For Iacchus
Nothing that you can detect is poisonous.

For Sillien
The vines all have traces of magic about them, but they do not seem to have any magical powers in and of themselves, save for being tougher and more resilient than normal vines. The magic seems to be their origin, however, and there does seem to be some other component which you cannot quite identify. This is not aided by the fact that the entire cavern is saturated with subtle but pervasive magical emanations. It seems heavy and dark to your magical sight, settling to the bottom like silt in a river. It seems to be natural in origin. It looks as though anyone staying for a prolonged period of time in the cave would find themselves progressively weaker in both body and spirit.

For Seven
You find no signs of anyone passing this way, either in or out.

The vines prove annoyingly resilient, and it takes several moments to hack through them, even with magically enhanced blades. Your efforts are not aided by the fact that the children flinch when you draw your weapons, huddling and scrabbling to stay as far away from you as possible. They whisper softly to each other, and the eldest holds the two younger boys protectively close to her, as all three stare at you with wide, frightened eyes. The girl is young and rather pretty, despite her disheveled appearance. The two boys look as though they are brothers. Both have the same blue eyes and sandy blonde hair, while the girl has fair skin and long, dark hair. She strokes the boy's heads, as if to comfort them, all the while watching you for any signs of threat, though what her reaction would be you cannot guess.

Rainard appears more and more agitated. He keeps glancing back up the tunnel, pointing for you to cut his bonds.

Damnit, we have very little time... I'm sure they'll be here soon. This was a trap. Our captors, they're working for someone... I don't know who. They captured me a little while ago. The young ones have been here quite a while.... I have a feeling they were using them as hostages to get the villagers to send you here.. someone is setting us up... they wanted to eliminate you, because they knew you'd be a loose end... and after they got rid of you, they were going to send me on to whoever they're working for... for interrogation. I assume their employer is looking for... well, my employer, and, ultimately, yours.

I don't know much about them. I wasn't captured all that long ago... There's two of them... One, the greater of the two, I think... she's an elf. A witch of some kind... she can make the forest do her bidding. She commands the trees and the beasts... and she put these vines on our necks, to keep us here. There's another, a great hairy brute of a man.. some heathen barbarian, all covered in scars and tattoos... He's just a blood-mad monster, at least so far as I've seen. The children seem to fear him more. He's not smart, but he's cunning, like an animal.. don't underestimate him. We'd be better to get clear of here as fast as we may... no doubt they'll be back soon. I'm surprised they didn't ambush you already.

2007-10-06, 11:37 PM

At the sight of the vine-bound captives, Azathul makes what might be grunt of disgust. He readies his hammer, glancing about as if expecting enemies to spring fully formed from the cave floor. He leaves the freeing of the prisoners and their questioning to the others; their weapons and words are better suited to it than his blunt ones.

At Rainard's description of his captors, the dwarf grunts again, this time in contempt. It was typical elven arrogance to command something else to do their bidding, rather than taking the time to do it correctly. Dwarven prisoners would be bound in steel chains. He moves to the cavern entrance, positioning himself beside it so that he is not visible until one has entered the cavern, and plants himself firmly there, taking up a watch.

Listen [roll0]. Shouldn't need Spot, I don't think.

2007-10-06, 11:46 PM

(Is the adamantine of her blade, or the flaming enchantment, speeding matters at all?)

Rhiannon ignores the pleas of Rainard until the children are free, and turns immediately to cut the man loose. "We won't hurt you," she says to the children, attempting to reassure them.

2007-10-07, 05:50 AM

Whatever she sees, it makes Seven scowl. "If this is a trap, then I fully expect that you are part of it. I'd wager you only saw and heard what they wanted you to, or maybe you're in on it with them." Looking to Azathul, she says, "No traces of anyone coming through here aside from us. If we choose to believe this man, we should free him quickly and be gone with haste."

Getting the idea of what the dwarf is doing, Seven moves up to stand in her own vigilance on the other side of the cave entrance and speaks quietly to him. "I don't much care for being boxed in against my will. A cave with only one way out isn't my idea of a good place to be when the enemy is unknown."

2007-10-07, 10:10 AM

"We mustn't tarry here for other reasons. This...entire cave is magical, not just the vines holding people prisoner. The longer we stay, the weaker we shall become in the body, and if what he says is true then an elf who is one with nature and beserker are on their way..."

Silien said off hand as she squatted down to examine the pool of water. Shaking her head when nothing truly seemed to be extraordinarily off about it, the elf woman turned and approached Rainard. Much like the others were, she started to saw at the vine holding him captive.

2007-10-07, 10:30 AM

"I'm all for getting out of here, but let's get our priorities in check first. These kids? They need to get somewhere safe, and we're not goin' to be able to fight off some unknown evil very well with them with us. Can any of you cast illusions? Maybe we could get a distraction to lead whoever, if anyone, away." He says sternly. The silliness of his attitude had completely slipped away, and his eyes were cold and hard. Once he had hacked at the vine enough to cut the youngest loose, he hold out his hand.

"Child, I need you to be brave. We're the good guys." He smiles pleasantly, before winking. They were the number one priority.

2007-10-08, 01:57 PM
(Your blade cuts better, yes, but the vines are magically enhanced and still quite tough.)

You finally manage to free the children and Rainard from the vines, which immediately shrivel and blacken as they are severed, twisting up like brittle black snakes. From down the tunnel, you can hear, as if from a great distance, the long, drawn out hall of the wolf. This call, however, seems somewhat different from the one you heard earlier... it feels more purposeful... hungry. Rainard appears even more agitated, and the children look at each other and shiver. At last, the eldest one speaks in a voice barely above a whisper.

Please... please get us out of here before they come back.

Rainard, glancing around rapidly like a caged animals, bursts out.

Please, we need to move. Every moment we tarry here our death draws closer. You'll have to lead the way. I'm unarmed, and the children can't be expected to fight.

2007-10-08, 02:22 PM

"Good plan. Kids? Stick with me, just stay behind me and when I say close your eyes do it. Okay?" Lou says, kneeling so that he is at eye level with the children. He puts his hand on the youngest boy's shoulder before saying, "Be strong for us."

2007-10-08, 02:39 PM

Giving a nod to Azathul, Seven growls, "I've got your back." Feeling like maybe this isn't the best time for playing with her prey, Seven pulls the scabbard off her sword, intending to drop it should it become necessary to fight. She'd lost more than one this way, but that's okay. Scabbards are cheap. Lives are not. Especially her own.

The blade gleams in the minimal light, etched with a rather large butterfly on both sides at the business end and flowing script lettering up the middle that is impossible to read while it's moving in her hand.

2007-10-08, 02:59 PM

"Then let us leave," Azathul mutters, moving back the way they came with hammer at the ready. He has no desire to stay in a a cursed cavern. Tales and memories of strange things found far under the earth spring to mind; things which the dwarves speak of only in the light of the fires. This was not such a cave, he thinks. Merely an elf-witch and her magic. "Follow closely."

He keeps a wary eye forward, the torchlight flickering faintly off his burnished armor.

Spot [roll0], Listen [roll1]

2007-10-08, 11:31 PM

Not entirely sure it's a good idea, Rhiannon nevertheless hands her crossbow off to Rainard before picking up the youngest child, carrying him out with her. "I'll need it back once we're out of here," she says to their contact. She apparently doesn't feel the need to waste any further time once the captives are free, and moves with the others as soon as the group gets moving again.

2007-10-09, 05:28 AM
Iacchus picks up a piece of the fallen, binding vine and tries to take a bite out of it, his needle-teeth sinking into it as he tries to test the flavour of it. Once this is done, good or bad, he spits it out into a corner.

"Stop being so scared, kids. The worst thing anything can do is kill you. Well, that's not true, I suppose. There are fiends out there who take such joy in torturing good creatures, they can turn your entire body inside out and let you scream for days. And they do worse too, for years at a time, until you go mad with pain, rip out your own bones, and then go and kill all the people you used to love. Imagine that, the worst pain you ever felt, times a million, while you kill your own mother." Iacchus just grins, and mixes two uses in this story. One is for the sheer fun that comes with hearing the screams of children, and the other is to make sure they get out of there, whether helped or not. As much as he hates to feel soft, he has no wish to see them hurt.

2007-10-09, 09:23 AM

Lou turns around, his face fierce and his rapier at the ready. He knew he didn't like that guy, just the second he saw him skipping into the bar and singing some ridiculous tune.

"Ya know? That doesn't sound like half a bad idea... keep talkin' and maybe we can arrange that for you." The icy cold stare of Lou's brilliant eyes make it obvious for even a blind man that he is dead serious.

2007-10-09, 05:31 PM
However, Iacchus is unfazed. It seems that nothing can unnerve the little man, who retains his smile and shrugs the threat off nonchalantly.

"Sorry. Not very goods at keeping dateses. Charmed for the offer though." And he gives the toothiest grin he can muster, showing the needle-fangs; like those of a piranha, threatening to flay alive its prey. Then, he simply skips away, laughing maniacally the whole way.

2007-10-09, 05:39 PM
You gather up the children, with Rainard moving along behind you. The children glance fearfully at Iacchus' comment, and the youngest clutches tight to Rhiannon, burying his head in her neck, glancing fearfully at the fae. All three huddle close to Rhiannon, and you make your way back up the tunnel. As you leave, the torches that before illuminated the subterrenean chamber wink out one by one, leaving the room covered in an inky blackness even more opressive than that in the forest above. As you move through the tunnel, carrying torches, the darkness seems to creep along hungrily behind you, closing in slowly but steadily. As you see the exit up ahead, you can almost see a wall of blackness inching steadily closer to you. As the last of the group exits the tunnel, you can look back and see nothing inside of the cave, and the feeling of oppressive watchfulness intensifies. Your horses are even more skittish now, and they dance nervously on the ends of their leads. You have to calm them before you are even able to mount, and not all of you are able to ride, forcing you to slow your pace so that the walkers can keep up.

However, as you ready yourselves to leave, you look about you for the path. With a sinking feeling in your stomachs, you realize that it has vanished, leaving only an unfriendly wall of trees before you. The forest seems to loom over you, every tree a grim, silent sentinel. In the distance, you can here something or somethings moving through the woods. The youngest child begins to cry silent tears of terror into Rhiannon's neck, and Rainard curses softly, under his breath.

2007-10-09, 05:51 PM

"What sort of devilry is this?" the acolyte mutters as she notices the lack of a trail. She will set all of the children on her horse with her. (Heavy warhorse should be okay with the weight.) She whispers reassurances to the children, promising them she will look after them until they're returned to their homes. She repeats the admonition to the children that she had previously told the elf-- that they should let go if she tells them to-- promising yet again that she will keep them safe.

2007-10-09, 06:26 PM

"Okay, I realize that we need to get moving, but I'm pretty sure Rainard said something about the evil elf being able to control trees. And now, coincidentally the path is gone. Anyone else think it maybe be a bad idea to go in there?" His words were quiet, as it seemed he was using most of his energy to hid his own fear from the children. His hands were shaking just slightly, and he seemed to be gripping the hilt of his sword rather tightly.

2007-10-09, 06:54 PM

"Ruhl-karnulun!" Azathul spits in his own tongue; it has the sound of a curse. "Either we go to the wolves, or the wolves will come to us," he growls. "Seven. Can you find our trail? If not, we should await the dawn." The dark did not normally bother him at all, but tonight was different, and whatever beasts roamed the night would like less the light of day. He leads his horse rather than riding it; he does not trust the untested beast not to bolt in the darkness.

2007-10-09, 08:07 PM

"I can look. What I find after this witchcraft has taken place is another matter entirely." With that, she sheathes her sword and crouches near the horses, moving around near them and trying to deduce the trail back the way the group came.

Survival for Tracking: 23 (http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=2288)

2007-10-09, 08:17 PM

The elf woman was quick to leave the cave once all of the people kept prisoner were free, she had no desire to experience the cave's draining properties herself. But the problem came when Silien saw the crowded horse that had been her previous mode of transportation and heard the ominous noises coming from the woods around them.

"It is my belief that the beserker may be approaching us. That or perhaps the druid is using his or her magic to bend the trees out of their way. In either case we should leave this area post haste, the territory surrounding us is not beneficial to our escape and would actively aid our foes." Silien said calmly, not betraying the worry that was just beginning to fester in her mind about what could happen in the near future. Naked steel gleamed in her grasp as the tattooed elf approached the animal that Lou and Seven had ridden to this spot with and looked up expectantly. "Can someone give me a hand up?"

2007-10-09, 08:23 PM

Though it couldn't be seen thanks to the darkness of... well... the night, Lou rolls his eyes and resists the urge to twirl his finger. Like we haven't been talking about that for the last few minutes, huh? he thought, as he reached out his hand and grasped Silien's.

"I gotcha, sweetheart. Just watch were you point that thing.." he smiles, weakly and turns his gaze back to the trees.

2007-10-10, 06:10 AM
Standing in the midst of the group, Iacchus takes caution, and a few arcane gestures later, he is surrounded by a glowing, multicoloured field. With this upon him, he... Doesn't change. The fearless little creature still stands just where he was before with the same unchanging, unflinching smile on his face. Periodically, he glances up at the children, and gives the same toothy grin he always has towards them.

"Don't worries, the only thing that biteses out heres is me." He grins, and playfully bites at air near one of the children's feet. Outwardly, this would seem to be tormenting them, but it also means they focus more on him and not on whatever might be out there.

Cast Shield on himself

2007-10-11, 07:06 AM

The woman frowns as she checks the ground. Then she looks up. If you cannot find your trail one way, there is usually another. She points off in a direction that seems somewhat random. "That way." Then she paces back and takes the reins of her horse. "There is no path, but we came from that way. I'd better go near the front to keep us on course."

She begins walking her horse, now carrying Lou and Silien, with a firm grip on the reins. If the horse tries to bolt, she's ready to deal with it. Though she has ridden much over the past few years, her legs and feet remember well all the years of stalking, marching, and running. She clucks at the horse and breaks into a light jog.

Seven's move is 40. A heavy warhorse is 50. So she's doing a light jog to not slow anyone down, thus moving at 50 for now. Should nothing happen by the time an hour passes, she'll slow everyone down to 40. Oh, and she pointed southwest.

2007-10-11, 09:03 AM

"You needn't worry, I shall try and refrain from accidentally prodding you." Came the subdued promise as Silien took the hand up and hoisted herself into the saddle behind the other elf. Following the directions that she had received from Rhiannon before, the elf woman wrapped her arms around Lou's waist and hung on...tightly, with her sword pointed out to the side and chin on his shoulder so she could see ahead of them.

2007-10-11, 10:52 AM

The acolyte glares at the whatever-it-is making such fear-inducing comments to the children. "Don't worry, children. I won't let it-- or anything else in these woods-- harm you while I have breath to prevent it. Do you live in Stoneglen?"

2007-10-13, 12:55 AM

He pretended not to notice Silien's hold on him, just in case he was reading the signals wrong. It's happened before, and believe me, it definitely makes the entire journey, or even adventure, awkward. He simply cocked his head to the side and looked up at Seven.

"I don't like this. Feels like even the damn trees are against us...."

2007-10-13, 12:54 PM
Seven begins to lead the group back in what you hope is the direction from which you came. The trees press close about you, and the shadows are clustered thickly beneath them, seeming to grow more oppressive and impenetrable with each passing moment. Rustlings in the undergrowth seem to grow now closer, and now farther away... stealthy paddings just out of sight sound like they are dogging your trail. Every now and then, a wolf's howl echoes eerily through the wood. They seem to be getting closer, but perhaps that is just a trick of the woods and your own fears? you hope that is the case, anyway.

Suddenly, as you come around a bend in the trail, there are two figures before you. Your horses begin to rear and buck at the sight, or perhaps the smell of them, or maybe it is something more primal... something that their animal brains can detect, but a sense that has been atrophied in more civilized beings such as yourselves. One of them is a tall, luminous female elf, with hair that falls to her waist in green, vinelike tendrils. She is beautiful, but it is a cold, unearthly beauty, and her entire stance speaks disdain for all of you. Beside her is a man even taller than she, but he is hunched over, hiding his true height. His form is filthy and wrapped in ragged, untanned hides, and the smell coming from him is rank and rotten. His mouth and hands are soaked with blood, and he grins a savage, evil smile, revealing the chunks of raw flesh still caught between his teeth. The children shrink and clutch at you as they appear, and Rainard's eyes grow wide. The woman speaks first, her voice seeming to come from the trees, from the air, from everywhere and nowhere at once.

It took you long enough to get here. Your amusement are not more important than your duties.

The man's head whips around, and he snarls at her.

You're not my mistress, witch. No one is. I do as I please.

The woman's brow furrows, and her voice grows colder and sharp, filled with icy imperiousness.

Nevertheless... you are being rewarded handsomely by the one who has... comissioned our aid. You will attend to your duties in a satisfactory manner, unless you wish to explain yourself to him

At this, the tall man flinches, and the woman gives a small, cold smile of satisfaction.

I thought not. Now, you know what must be done. Eliminate the interlopers. Save only the contact... everyone else you may... play with as you wish.

The man's expression changes to another wide, evil smile, and he licks the blood from his chops with gusto as he takes a step towards you. The woman disappears into the trees, and all around you can hear rustling in the underbrush. Great black wolves begin to step forth, growling savagely at you as they close about you in a circle...

(Rolls thread is here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=3341160). Please use it to avoid cluttering the IC thread.)

2007-10-13, 02:41 PM

As the pair comes into view, Azathul drops from his horse, releasing its reins in favor of a better grip on his hammer. He is not accustomed to fighting from horseback, and will not become so now. He ignores, for the most part, the words as the elf-witch reprimands her savage servant, taking their delay as an opportunity to work himself towards the forefront of the group; the doings of foul elves are little concern to him.

The circling wolves are another matter. Moving to one flank, so as not to allow the wolves at the more fragile folk within, he orders, "Stay together. Form a circle; do not be drawn out." He suits deeds to words, taking up one of the sides and watching the wolves come nearer. Methodically, he adjusts his grip on the hammer as if at the forge; in his mind, the rustlings of the leaves and other forest sounds become the familiar sounds of the bellows. He begins to speak in a low tone, in slow, rhythmic Dwarven. "Menu serul ul-nal tulkhur-ul Khuruzaman..."

Move to cover one of the flanks, and ready an action to attack the first wolf that comes in range. Power attacking for 5.

2007-10-13, 08:19 PM

As soon as she sees the two people, Seven pulls her blade free of the sheath and actually takes the time to quietly strap it to her horse. Then she silently offers a hand to Lou and Silien to help either of them off the horse if they want it. Once one of them is down or both refuse the help, she steps up to stand with Azathul.

She makes a short, sharp hand gesture in her horse's line of sight and says "Gingersnap, defend." Her blade then is held in both hands, just enough to the side of her head to prevent it from obstructing vision, as she stands rock steady, awaiting the assault that she knows will come. Waiting is the least fun part. At least this wait will be short. "If any of you have defensive magics to lend, this is the time. Defense first, then offense after."

Seven eyes the feral man, giving him a snarl of her own in an attempt to draw his attention to her. With a subtle twist of her foot, and a near-growl escaping from her lips, she projects how very unafraid she is of him, and how easily she could beat him into submission with a mere flick of her wrist.

2007-10-14, 12:34 AM

When the two appear, Rhiannon shelters the children a little more closely. Her sword comes into her hand and she looks somehow afraid-- not of the enemy in front of her, but of something else. "Try not to get injured, please," she says to her companions.

She then begins to pray over the children, wincing visibly as she touches each child, an edge of pain or stress overlaying her voice as she continues to call down the power of the Blessed Flame to shield them from the approaching danger. After each prayer that edge becomes more pronounced.

(Casting Protection from Evil on each of the children, and dealing with the resultant backlash. I don't know how many spells she can get off before we enter rounds, so she may have additional action, depending.

+0 init.)

2007-10-14, 01:38 PM

If there was one thing you could count on, probably the only thing reliable when it came to Lou, was his speed. With the fluidity of rolling waves, and the confidence that only comes from years of experience, Lou held his bowstring tightly within his fingers and let loose two arrows into the massive black shape of one of the wolves. The projectiles hissed as they pierced the night air, the sound only halted by the soft plunge into the thick flesh of the beast... well, at least that's what Lou thought.

"Normally, I'd vote that we talk this all through... but I really hate wolves. And it's always wolves. I would much rather get attacked by bears, or something exotic... like a lion. Yeah, seriously, I've never even seen a lion." he said to no one in particular. His words seemed to calm him, and it looked like much more of a self-meditation technique than anything else.

Damage per arrow: [roll0]+[roll1]

2007-10-16, 01:46 AM
The wolves continue to slowly circle, something deep and powerful and predatory resonating in their red-tinged eyes as they slowly circle about you. You can feel the primal, animal nature of their stares. No remorse, no mercy, just the desire for the kill... and yet, this is more than the desire for food or security that drives a natural predator... this is something with a capacity for malice that only the civilized races posses. Whether these creatures are inherently capable of such malice, or whether it is an outside will guiding them, you cannot say. One of the beast lunges forward, then another. They seem to be aiming for your horses, and in short order all of the mounts but Gingersnap have been hamstrung and lie squealing on the ground, spilling their riders to the ground. The beasts do not have it all their own way, however. Seven's blade slays one of them. Lew's arrow wounds another, and Azathul's swift and deadly axe cuts down another of the fearsome creatures. But on they come, still circling you. The barbaric man seems to move with the same evil, predatory grace, pacing around the edge of your defensive cluster, looking for a way to attack the weaker members of the party. He leers wickedly at you, his face contorted in as he stares you up and down, moving ever closer... across his back he carries a massive battleaxe, a wicked looking, serrated weapon which he draws, even as he circles, crouching, watching, waiting for a weakness... He appears to be truly enjoying this, licking his lips hungrily as he surveys you. Meanwhile, the elven woman watches coldly for a moment, then disappears into the trees.

(Those riders with dead horses need to make reflex saves to keep from being crushed under their mounts)

2007-10-16, 03:00 AM

"Khura arzun calag-sulak..." Azathul's rhythmic Dwarven chant never ceases. The armored dwarf meets the gaze of the wolves steadily, hammer rising and falling as if working a forge. He holds his position; with the horses and some of his fellows down, a strong shield-wall was vital. "... tulkhur-ul Khurazaman..." Of all fine crafts, battle was the one in which precision mattered the surest. A lesser warrior struck wildly, relying on luck to guide his blows. With tools he did not know, he could do no better. Azathul knew the hammer and its strokes like his hand. "Bundhak nasul il-menu..." Perhaps better, for he had made the hammer, and not his hand. He meets the predatory eyes of the savage man as he circles around, too. "Am Khurazaman sartulnla..."

Full attack, hitting the man if he comes in range and the wolves if he doesn't, and making sure he can attack any wolves that try to get past from his direction. Power attacking for 3; anyone struck must make a DC 16 Fort save or be sickened for a round.

2007-10-16, 06:02 AM

Gingersnap lands heavily from lashing out and trumpets a challenge to these wolves that would harm her kind. Seven, though, remains quiet, adjusting her stance and keeping within a few steps of the dwarf. With her concentration on the fight at hand, the names of these people she has only lately met have left her.

She tracks the berserker with a small part of her consciousness. When he attacks, she and the dwarf will have to fight him together. Ergo, he will wait until they are separated to launch his assault. Take the strong first and the weak will crumble. It usually works. Unless you misjudge who is strong and who is weak.

"Flame girl, cover our backs. Archer man and elf woman, stay in the middle. Oddling, make yourself useful somehow." These are simply the words that her mind supplies to describe each of them without wasting attention on trying to name them properly or more adequately. "Let them come to us."

Seven and Gingersnap smash!

2007-10-16, 10:28 AM
(What sort of reflex save does Rhiannon have to make to keep the kids from getting crushed under the horse as well? And is the animal still alive?)

2007-10-16, 11:40 AM

The elfess watched silently as her comrade in arms struck the first blow at the wolves and this...barbarian man who dared stand against them. Every leer that monster of a human disgusted her and she could feel the anger starting to bubble over deep in her gut. Awkwardly releasing Lou and clambering down off of the beast she had been riding, Silien eyed the two black wolves closest to the human and stuck her sword into the ground once more. The hand gestures weren't as well reherased this time but still came easily enough to her.

"Achicharrando Rayo." Came the tightly clipped words before she held out her left hand towards her sighted targets. A red light started to glow from between her shoulder blades as a tattoo of the rising soon light up...just as two bright yellow lances of burning energy leapt from her hands towards the two wolves closest to the beserker...and barring two suitable target, towardas him with the burning rays.

Dismounting then casting scorching ray. If there are two wolves within thirty feet of each other and relatively close to the beserker, she'll target them. If there only one wolf then both rays will go to the beserker.

2007-10-16, 06:29 PM

Thankfully, Gingersnap seemed to be able to handle herself just as well as any of the fighters here. Silently thanking the beast, as well as his own luck, he reached back for another two arrows and knocked them again. He had a safe spot to shoot from, and didn't see any reason of moving.

"I gotta say, though, the whole massive axe thing? Definitely over-played. I mean, I've fought the rebel who just can't seem to control his emotions, but they all carry axes? I mean, yeah, they're big and scary and blood flies everywhere when you hit things... but cliche? Chyaah..."

12 damage per arrow aimed at wounded wolf/ 27 rolled on attack

2007-10-17, 08:02 PM
Iacchus, nimble on his toes, jumps away from the carnage ensuing. Having seen this coming, at least in part, the small fey frowns as he realizes that, had he not come on this wild goose chase and listened to his instincts instead, he would be enjoying another pint of cinnamon-sprinkled cider back at the inn, and playing jokes on all the tavern patrons. Immediately, a spark of what could be called anger fills the fey-creature's eyes.

"Right! That's it! Time for wolfies to leave!" He barks, and it is followed by grandiose arcane gestures. His hands then cast out, and the wind momentarily picks up around him, tossing his hair about as he projects forth a terrible beacon of primal, almost unnatural fear.

((Casting Scare against the two closest wolves. DC 20 save or they run like madmen for 6 rounds as far away as possible. Even if they succeed, they're shaken.

Edit: Sorry if I held up the game))

2007-10-18, 03:34 PM
(Just a standard Reflex save.)

Two of the wolves yelp in fear, turning into the woods and fleeing as fast as possible, the shadows swallowing up their black-furred forms immediately. Another falls to an arrow, and a third takes one of the rays, it's fur burning bright, the reek of it filling the air. The ray of flame sent towards the man misses by a hair's breadth, his surprising agility shielding him from harm The man scowls, staring you down with pure hatred burning in his gaze... he whistles, and the wolves draw back, still circling you, but no longer attempting to break through... suddenly, he stops, as if an idea occurs to him, an he grins evily. He pulls a cluster of acorns out from a hidden pouch in one of his boots, his voice a savage snarl as he speaks.

Here's a little present... and now, let's see how well you run.

He tosses the acorns with a fast overhand throw, then slips quickly into the shadows of the wood, disappearing to your eyes. The wolves vanish with him, but you are quickly distracted as the acorns detonate into a hail of sharp needles. Most of you are protected by heavy clothing or armor, but the three children are pierced many times, despite their attempt to shield themselves. Almost immediately, their color begins to fade, and the two youngest, especially, begin to look ill.. the second youngest, one of the boys, speaks in a low whisper...

"I don't feel so good..."

2007-10-18, 03:52 PM

The acolyte puts her sword away and says a brief prayer as she bends over the children. She stops paying attention to the goings-on around her as her vision clouds over under the influence of the divine power running through her.

(Casting Detect Poison, and checking the children over for poison.)

2007-10-18, 04:18 PM
For a moment after the explosion, Iacchus covers his face with his sleeves, protected by the glowing aura of force around him. In the aftermath, he opens an eye and looks about. When he sees what has happened to the children, he frowns but shows little more concern beyond that. Then, he suddenly catches on to a likely idea.

"It's a trap! Kills the childrens! Now! Whatevers has infected thems will either slows us downses, spread to yous, or transforms thems into some greater evils!" He hisses through his needle-teeth. He is not certain of such things, but merely being prudent. No enemy would do this without a reason. Upon transmitting his warning, Iacchus steps away from them quickly, and covers his mouth with his cloak.

2007-10-18, 04:42 PM

"Don't be daft." Seven keeps her guard up for now. Relaxing at a time like this is just an invitation to be attacked again. "Can the horses be mended, or will we have to abandon them?" She only glances back to check on the rest of the group. And grins, because Gingersnap is fine.

2007-10-18, 04:44 PM

"If they're alive, I can tend to them," Rhiannon says, not looking up from the children, and sounding quite tense.

2007-10-18, 06:25 PM

"Please explain to me why you are even here?! Listen, little guy, 'cause if I need to explain this to you again, I don't know what I'll do. We. Are. The. Good. Guys.", he says through gritted teeth. Each word is given a moment to settle in before he firmly plants another one down. He was resolved on the outside, but in these strange times, one could never be so sure. Could gremlin might actually have a point? No! Of course not, these were children! He couldn't harm them even if it needed to be done! They were defenseless!

"Got it?! If I gotta say it again, the horses won't be the only thing we're abandoning in these woods."

2007-10-18, 08:56 PM
"Threaten all you wants, its makeses pointings outs that I tolds you so that much more funs later." Iacchus barks back. He clearly does not like being talked down to, something one would expect him to be used to by now. "Anyone who calls themselveses evil either is telling a jokes or the truths. Anyone callings themselves goods typically wantses to sells you snakes oils." He frowns and focuses his eyes grudgingly on Lou "I doeses what I haves to so I cans survives. If yous wantses to waste yourses on some childrens... I can'ts stops you." As Iacchus grows more agitated, his lisp becomes more pronounced, and he hisses out each statement.

2007-10-18, 09:27 PM

"If you don't want to be here, you can leave, then. But I'm not abandoning them. Not while I have breath in my body."

2007-10-18, 09:29 PM

Azathul brings his steady rhythm to a close as the wolves retreat, not flinching from the shower of needles; he has faith enough in his armor to protect him from such. Like Seven, he does not stray his gaze from the trees; a single moment of carelessness can ruin an entire day's forging even once the weapon was quenched. "Tend to the wounds quickly," he rumbles, still not taking his eyes from the trees. "We should not linger here." That should be evident to anyone, but from the sounds of quarrelling it was not so clear to his current companions.

2007-10-22, 08:15 PM
Those of you with magical senses can clearly tell that the children have been poisoned. The concoction is a unique, and is spreading throughout their bodies at a rapid pace. Curiously, it does not seem to harm the horses, though they are wounded enough. All but the mount on which Seven rides has been hamstrung, though thankfully none of you were damaged when you fell from your mounts, your horses continue to scream in pain. They are clearly unable to walk; If you cannot heal their wounds magically, they are sure to die. The children, too, are already doing poorly. The youngest is drifting in and out of consciousness, clutched close to the breast of the girl. The two elder ones are ashy-faced, looking at you imploringly. You can see shadows, weaving through the trunks of the trees on either side of the path, watching you. Deeper in the forest, you can hear numerous wolf-calls, bone-chilling sounds filled with predatory hunger.

2007-10-22, 08:52 PM

Rhiannon's face goes pale and she gives a resigned little sigh. "I'll be useless for a few moments after this," she says, a tremor in her voice. She bends over the children, starting with the youngest and praying over him. Once she finishes the prayer, she cries out in pain, her skin taking on a greyish cast. She repeats this for the other two children, looking more ill after each prayer before stumbling over to her horse and saying a prayer over it. She screams in agony as her prayer concludes, and her legs crumpled under her as the animal's wounds disappear. She drags herself across the ground to the other animal repeating the process, tears coming to her eyes from the pain she endures. After treating the second animal, she lies where she is, sobbing softly to herself.

(OOC: 3 remove poisons and 2 cure whatever-level wounds)

2007-10-22, 09:22 PM

While he didn't know exactly what she did, it was obvious that it helped them while hurting her. A selfless act if he had ever saw one, he walked over and knelt down beside her. He didn't know if it was okay to touch her, but he placed his arms around her, trying to console the crying agent.

"C'mon, girl. You did good... just hold on, and we'll get you out of there." Then, turning to the others, the fierceness back in his eyes and color returning to his face, "Let's move, she's in bad shape."

2007-10-22, 09:31 PM

"I'll be fine in a few moments," she says, gasping for breath between sobs. "See to the children."

2007-10-23, 06:09 AM

Keeping her guard up and attention directed outwards, Seven only hears a prayer, followed by a cry of pain. She spins, expecting to find a threat that has come in from behind and under their guard. Only to find...flame-girl apparently in some sort of religious throes. She lets out a light hiss between her teeth and turns away from it, intent on keeping vigilance until they are ready to go.

To ease the tension that is building up from standing around ready to spring into action at a moment's notice, Seven begins pacing around the group. Her movements are not entirely unlike the wolves that threatened before, and she almost wishes something would spring out and fight face to face. All this howling and unseen enemy crap is grating.

"Put the children on Gingersnap. She'll keep them safe. And let's get moving."

2007-10-24, 09:21 PM

A cry of startlement as the nettles were scattered among them and pierced the children...Upon finding herself, relatively, unharmed she blinked slowly only to watch as the humans bustled amongst themselves and the one elf went to help the sobbing cleric. Why had the divine magic harmed her? ...It usually didn't...and now a mystery was presented to her, and one that was at the moment more interesting then the one of the children.

However to avoid the risk of sounding heartless she moved to the side so the injured apelings could be put up on the horse and said softly, eyes almost glittering in the gathering gloom. "Whatever we do...we must do it swiftly before the giant returns and we have lost the children and the one whom we have arrived to meet."

2007-10-25, 01:31 PM

Azathul turns with less speed than Seven at the scream, hammer still raised in readiness to strike, but turns away almost as soon as he sees what has happened. The human girl was weeping atop her horse for some reason, a pathetic lack of endurance and stoicism. This was no time to give in to pain or fatigue, no matter its cause. On the other hand, she was insisting they move on. Good metal in that one, he concedes grudgingly in his thoughts. For a human, at least.

Azathul continues to stand and watch the woods with hammer at the ready, outwardly ready to stand there until the trees grow old and die but inwardly ready to leave as soon as the others were ready. The constant noise and shifting of the trees were beginning to grate on his bones; he would gladly have exchanged them for the unyielding dark of a cavern, or even daylight. "The elf speaks sense. Let us move."

2007-10-25, 01:52 PM

After a half-minute or so, Rhiannon is able to get to her feet and hobble along with the others, leading her horse for now.

2007-10-25, 01:54 PM
You begin to move, the children healed, at least for the moment, though at a terrible cost. The oppressive atmosphere of the woods closes in around you, seeming to want to impede you and slow your feet as you desperately seek to escape your pursuers. Your horses seem nervous, even with the pain gone, and they pull at their reins. You quickly break into a swift, ground-eating canter, the children barely managing to stay on the steeds as they pound across the broken forest trail. Even as you move, you can see silent, red-eyed shadows drifting through the forest, watching you. Every now and again a haunting hunting howl drifts across the forest, sometimes nearer, sometimes farther, first ahead and now behind, one side and then the other, giving you the claustrophobic feeling of entrapment. Ahead, however, perhaps half a mile, the trees begin to thin out just a little. Your hearts lift, as you realize you're approaching he edge of the forest.

Suddenly from behind, a massive wolf, clearly the leader of the back bursts through the undergrowth and onto the trail. His fur is the color of deepest midnight, his eyes crimson with rage. He moves with an effortless stride, and well over a dozen of his pack mates follow after you, pursuing your swiftly fleeing steeds with snapping jaws and flashing fangs.

2007-10-25, 07:58 PM

Irritated that they have to run in the first place, Seven finds herself almost itching for a real fight. Which wolves aren't likely to give, but maybe that big one could offer some satisfaction. "This isn't working. The horses will founder long before they give up. I say we fight them!" With that, she stops and gets ready to skewer the first one that can't arrest its forward momentum enough to avoid her.

Not sure if Seven is supposed to be mounted or not. Failed on a fast dismount attempt (what a shock), so if she's mounted, she will have to take her move to dismount, and possibly need to make a ref save or something since she isn't commanding it to stop first. Readied attack for any wolf that gets close enough, assuming such a thing is possible.

2007-10-25, 08:46 PM

As the wolves burst out behind them and give pursuit, Azathul, too, pulls his horse to a halt. The dwarf and his armor between them constitute a rather heavy load even for the sturdy beast he has been riding, and although the horse could keep up with the others at a trot, he knows the racing wolves will catch up to it. Better to meet them with hammer in hand than while fleeing. The dwarf dismounts and turns to face the wolves, hammer ready in both hands as he plants both feet solidly upon the ground.

I realized (after rolling) that Azathul probably has to draw his weapon again, so Azathul will dismount and draw his hammer, but probably doesn't have enough time to ready an attack. If for some reason he does, or if the wolves don't get into range until next turn, Azathul readies an attack against the first wolf to approach, ideally the largest. Power attack used for 3; any wolf struck must make a DC 16 Fort save or be sickened for 1 round.

2007-10-26, 11:59 PM
Iacchus, however, does nothing. His allies seem to have things under control, and so the elven creature just... Stands there. For a brief moment, he passes into the wolf's field of vision, and his eyes lock with it. One cannot be sure, but it seems as if there's some communication... And Iacchus awaits a result.

Using Inspire Fear after backing away from the wolf slowly.

2007-10-27, 01:06 AM

Whatever torment she suffered past for the moment, Rhiannon also turns to face the wolves, trusting Lou to watch over the children. Her sword comes readily to her hand as she prepares to attack.

(Also a readied action to attack the wolves when in range)

2007-10-27, 11:15 AM

He nods back at the would-be martyr and looks back to the children, signaling for them to stay behind him. Luckily, thanks to Lou's steady and increasing paranoia he had not placed his weapon across his back, but instead kept it tightly secure within his palms. Another second later, he had spotted the pack-leader and sent two more arrows into the night sky.

"Kiddies? It's gonna be okay, you just stick with Pops. Dogs never scared anyone, right? These are just big dogs. All they're gonna do is nip at our heels, but we can handle that, right?"

2007-10-27, 12:39 PM

"This creatures are beginning to make me very irate." Came the calm and un-frightened voice from the elven woman. Once more these mangy mongrels had decided upon a most unwise path. The calmness was very much a facade though to keep the fear in her gut from squirming too much.

The animals were acting too organized, efficient then others of their ilk and it was un-nerving to watch. Even if it merely was the druid directing their actions...or leading the charge. Eyes flared as she reached into a pouch on her hip, pulling out some ground micca. Holding it in one hand, she worked the over top of the component, muttering to it softly... "Orbe de la Fuerza"

Suddenly the micca was replaced by a heavy translucent orb of slowly spiraling energy. A smile coming to her fey-like features she blew on the orb, sending it shooting out of her grasp at the head of the pack faster then even the arrows Lou had fired. "Target the alpha, it may be the druid!"

2007-10-29, 09:06 PM
The wolves melt back under your barrage, slinking back to lick their wounds... it is clear that these creatures, however fierce, were not prepared for the severity of the damage you have inflicted upon them. You gallop out into the starlight. The welcome breeze blows accross your faces, a true delight after the stifling confines of the wood.

However, something nags at you... it seems all to easy. And all of you know that the world is not a kind nor easy place... and your suspicions seem to be confirmed. Seven is the first to spot it, but eventuall all of you see. From what you can see from beyond the walls, the villagers seem to be gathered in the middle of the town square, an unusual thing, to be sure, in this place where doors and windows are typically barred after nightfall. And you can hear the echoes of a deep, powerful voice, speaking to the crowd, who seem to be responding to him with fervent outcries... You can't make out what he's saying from this distance, but whoever he is, he's certainly good at working a crowd.

2007-10-30, 06:23 AM

Pulling Gingersnap to a halt before anyone gets too close, Seven glares at the town. "I'll wager a day's pay that whatever he's saying, it's something negative about at least one person present here. This damn mission has been fubar since the beginning." Stupid kids. If it weren't for them, we could just go elsewhere. I didn't sign on for this kind of...huh. Seven looks to the oldest of the three kids. "Is this the town you're from, or did they take you from someplace else?"

2007-10-30, 08:47 AM

"We could always throw them the little guy. In my experience, mob's love to gang up on small people. Especially if they're different. He fits both categories. Just a suggestion."

2007-10-30, 05:11 PM
Iacchus, surprisingly, laughs at this. Boisterously as well, not a sarcastic and hateful half-laugh common in response to such things. When he calms himself from it, he nods slowly.

"Oh, that was a good one. But seriouslies, don't tries it ifs you wants to keep alls your fingerses." He smirks and clasps his hands together behind his back, walking a few steps closer to the town confidently, pricking up his ears to try and hear what they're saying.

Listen Check - [roll0]

If that fails, he casts Invisibility and moves closer until he can hear them

2007-11-01, 06:14 PM

"It was joke, calm down.", he smiled casually, and turned his attention back to Seven.

"It has also been in my experience that unusual predicaments, such as these, are best to stay away from. The children can walk on they're own, and if they are from this town I say we let them travel the rest of the way alone. If they're not? Then they can come with us. Thoughts?"

2007-11-01, 06:31 PM

"Forge not trouble for yourself," Azathul says; it has the sound of a proverb. The open sky is almost comforting to him, although he would have preferred the surrounding presence of stone or at least wooden walls. His relief is difficult to pick out, however; he sounds as dour as ever. "One of us should see what the townsfolk listen to, first." It would be foolish to go into the night again for no reason.

It would also be foolish to simply walk in to the town, though, hence his suggestion that one of them go. His gaze rests mostly on the elf and the strange little man-thing with them; elves are known for trickery, and the little man-thing has an underhanded look about him.

2007-11-01, 10:43 PM
It's not hard to hear the disturbance from the town - at least, it's not hard to hear enough to get the gist of what's going on. This doesn't sound like an angry mob... rather, it sounds more like the speech of an impassioned man to a wary but sympathetic audience. The speaker is obviously a skilled prolyseltizer, and the rythm of the crowd seems to indicate a growing enthusiasm. You still can't make out the exact words, however, muffled as they are by the wooden walls of the town and the intervening distance.

2007-11-02, 11:18 AM

"I'll go," the acolyte says after a moment. "As a member of the Church, I'm less likely to be harmed. Anyone care to come with me?"

2007-11-02, 12:06 PM

Or more likely to be harmed. Seven scowls. If there is one thing she will not do, it's allow a woman who hasn't proven herself a capable fighter to walk into a potential deathtrap. Especially against such horribly stacked odds. "Come on, we have to deliver the kids anyway. I'm just a dumb girl guard, anyway. Not threatening."

She points to Iacchus. "If you'd do us the favor of sneaking down there and checking it out in your way, I'd appreciate it. The rest of you...Silien come with us and you two stay with him," she jerks a thumb to indicate Rainard, "and be ready to move if things go sour in there. Iacchus, report back to Azathul when you've got the gist of it." She smirks. "Pretty please."

2007-11-02, 10:12 PM
Iacchus nods, smiling kindly "I was alreadys headings in anywayses." He bows slightly, before making few overly dramatic hand gestures and disappearing. He then silently makes his way towards the town. The last trace of him are a few strangely appearing footsteps in the mud before any trace of these fades in the harder ground.

Cast Invisibility and wanders towards the speaker. I said I was going to do that anyway in my last post, so... Not sure why that didn't happen...

2007-11-03, 12:36 AM

Nathan rolls his eyes, but he doubted anyone could actually see him in the darkness. Sarcastic body language and lack of light to see were a bad mix always. They just didn't combine well. Who knew?

He nodded to Seven as they turned towards the town, and his gazed traveled from the Dwarf to Rainard. Maybe he could get a little done while he's waiting for more of the night's excitement.

"So Rainard... Looks like we got time. You can fill us in on everything so far. We'll start our whirlwind wacky adventure tomorrow."

2007-11-06, 01:44 PM
What Iacchus sees when he approaches the village proper is an unusual scene, to say the least. What looks to be most of the population of the village is gathered in the flickering firelight, looking up at a raised platform that seems to have been hastily erected in the middle of the town. Many of the townsfolk are holding torches, and a massive bonfire burns in the middle of the assembly, before the stage.

The man standing atop the makeshift platform is a singular personage indeed. Tall and lean, with a weathered, grizzled look, he is nonetheless possessed of a certain rough attractiveness. His hair is shoulder length, black as raven's wings. His eyes are green and bright, and behind them a spark dances, a brilliant emerald flame that seems to pierce to the quick any whom his gaze falls upon. His features are handsome, though his face is shadowed by a rough, half-grown black beard. His face is lined and weathered, tanned and rough, evidence of long months or even years in the wild. But it is not his physical features that draw all eyes to him... it is an indefinable personal magnetism, that draws the eye like iron filings to a lodestone. When he speaks, his voice holds power, and the ear turns automatically to listen. At the moment, he speaks in a deep, rich bass, one that rolls like thunder out into the audience. a few faces are mistrustful, but most seem to have slipped into rapt attention, and a few bear looks of open adulation.

Brothers! Sisters! You've heard what I've said tonight, and what's more you've seen the truth with your own eyes. Your children go missing in the dead of night. Nameless beasts stalk this very street at midnight, and none dare go abroad for the terror of their coming. And where is the Church in all of this? The priest cowers more than any man in the sanctity of his church, all the while growing fat on the tithes that the sweat of your brow and toil of your hands gifts to him. And in return for what? Your station does not improve. Year in and year out you toil under the promise of "tommorrow", the promise of a high station in the hereafter. But what proof do you have, other than the words of those who would exploit you as beasts of labor, then toss you away like so many discarded husks?

No, my brethren. This is not right. This is not your fate. The light only blinds you to the truth, and the flame does naught but burn. Turn away from these, and seek the embrace of that which will be your true salvation! What I offer you is a chance for safety, for a life where you can walk the night without fear, where the beasts of the darkness will no longer prey upon your children! Who will join me?

At this, most of the villagers cry out their assent. A few seem reluctant, but though their faces are troubled, they remain silent...

Meanwhile, Rainard looks at the others with a wry smile.

What I know, I'm afraid, is precious little. I was merely paid, to be a guidepost. The sage left me with certain instructions... he reaches inside his clothes, pulling a slip of parchment from a hidden fold inside. Luckily they never searched me properly. This is a map that leads to the Sage's current hiding place... He hasn't told me exactly what your mission is to be, only that it's a secret, and that he fears pursuit... you'll have to be extremely careful. From what I can tell, this map leads back into the Empire.... and my impression is that the Sage is rather insistent on avoiding any official involvement in his affairs. All I know is that he wants you to hunt down some sort of antique... probably something that other people would like to get their hands on, judging by all the secrecy.

2007-11-07, 09:42 PM

Lou's eyes emphasized the lazy smile that spread across his face as he continued to switch from looking at the crowd and back to Rainard. Finally choosing one to put his full attention towards after a moment of deliberation, his gaze was fully on the frog of an old man.

"While I am indeed grateful for your answer, I would just like to point out that it seems like you know exactly what our mission is. We're to gather some relic..." His face darkens, and he stands straight. The purple in his eyes seems to fade into red thanks to the flickering light of the torch. "The likes of which the world has never known. A page ripped from the book of time, perhaps? Forgotten over the countless centuries only to now be discovered? And it is up to us, a rag-tag team of miscreants to make sure it doesn't fall into the mighty clutches of those who wish to do harm to our world!" His eyes lit up for one last moment, before falling back into their dreamy stare. And, like all great story tellers, Lou bowed.

2007-11-08, 07:30 AM

Much slower than Iacchus, Seven begins leading both Gingersnap and Windstorm with the children and Rhiannon riding them. She purposefully moves slow to give Iacchus time to get ahead of her, then picks up speed as they get closer. She isn't even bothering to try to listen carefully to what the man is saying. All she really cares about is whether or not she or Rhiannon is going to get attacked.

Hearing what sounds mostly like religious tripe, Seven dismisses all of it. Who cares what god they want to venerate? The gods are just remote figures that push mortals around like chess pieces, and she isn't having any of that for herself. It isn't as if she knows the difference between them anyway. The gods these people worship are different from the ones she learned about in her youth, and she doesn't even venerate them.

2007-11-08, 08:22 PM
Iacchus, upon hearing the shouted words, nearly jumps. Clicking his heels, he heads back to the others, trying to stop the horse. The small imp is digging his heels into the mud in a futile attempt to halt this journey.

"No! No! Stops! Bad ideases! You don'ts want to go overs theres rights now!" He continues to yell, sinking his feet into the mud as best he can. "There'ses somes religious leaders ups there! If yous shows up with the childrens now, he wills accuses us of taking their childrens!" He growls. He certainly does not seem to want to go over to the village, carrying out a rare act of benevolence.

((Preferably, this intercedes the actions of Seven))

2007-11-08, 08:55 PM

Seven stops both horses, giving Iacchus an uplifted eyebrow. "What? Because of that crap?" She shut sher mouth, though. People do stupid things for religion. Her head turns just a bit, and she flicks her gaze to Rhiannon, then back to Iacchus. She makes an annoyed sound, but stops and gives Iacchus a thumbs-up. "Thanks." Then she helps all three kids down from the horses.

She crouches down a little bit to be closer to their eye level. "Things will be okay. Get yourselves home. It's not far from here, and we'll," she uses a hand to indicate herself and Rhainnon, but not Iacchus, "watch until you get to total safety. I have a bow, so I can protect you from a long ways away, okay?" Seven makes a show of pulling out her composite longbow made of some kind of golden wood and nocking a white-fletched arrow to it. "No one is going to hurt you as long as I'm watching." She nods her head in the direction of the town, trying to say that they should get going. "Good luck."

2007-11-10, 03:39 PM
Iacchus frowns and, were he visible, would be easily noticed with his head tilted down and his fingers rubbing his forehead. With a heavy sigh, Iacchus just waits for Seven to finish her speech.

"A sensible courses of actions I'd sayses. Howevers, you forgets that these peopleses wills be howlings for blood. Keeps your distances, lets the childrens do the talkings." Iacchus advises. All the same, however, he then moves out the way. He's invisible, after all, and will survive any encounter that Seven and the others may inevitably cause.

2007-11-10, 07:23 PM
The children, nodding, scurrying quickly for the protection of the walls. As they pass within, you can hear the crowd suddenly gasping. The powerful voice cries out once again, exultant. The tall man lifts his hands as he declaims once more.

See! By the will of the Power that I serve, your children are returned to you, out of the darkness, alive. Not by the will of Light nor Flame were they returned, but by another power. Now will you listen? Now will you heed my words?

The crowd calls out in assent. It seems that even the few dissenters have now been convinced of the man's point. Any attempts by the children to correct the false perceptions of their elders go unheard.

Rainard merely gives Lou and odd look.

Not so far as I know. The Sage merely likes to collect old things, antiquities, that sort of thing.

2007-11-10, 07:39 PM

Azathul shifts slightly at Lou's odd pronouncement. Typical excitable human. Their lives were like strings cut too soon from the loom, snapping about wildly and unpredictably. He plants the head of his hammer on the ground and continues to look toward the village lights and noises, awaiting the others' return patiently; his stance seems to say that he can wait as long as he needs, as if the dwarf were a pillar of solid rock.

2007-11-10, 07:45 PM

Seven watches the children carefully. She couldn't care less about what happens when they arrive, so long as the townsfolk don't try to hurt them. As that condition seems to be met, she turns to regard Rhiannon. If it wasn't for her, we could- well, no, probably not. That git sounded like he would have liked to have a scapegoat, and probably anyone would do. "Seems to me we should find lodgings elsewhere tonight." She stows her bow and climbs back up on Gingersnap, then nudges the horse to get back to where the others are.

"I don't much care for the tone they're using in the town. I think it'd be best to find someplace else to hole up for the night. We have a direction to go in?" She directs this question to Lou and Azathul, who hopefully had gotten something useful out of Rainard.

2007-11-10, 09:18 PM

"Did you just refer to me as a miscreant?" A finely trimmed eyebrow arched at the words her fellow elf had chosen...but her attention was much more focused on what was indeed happening below in the town. Some foolish mortal was seeking to sway and confuse the simple monkey people with honeyed words and a silver tongue...in fact he could be the reason as to why the druid and barbarian were kidnapping.

"This is foolish. I'll not remain hiding in the woods like some loathsome beast while that charlatan steals the praise that rightly belongs to us for returning the children. Not even considering the lies he speaks when he claims it shan't happen again. Neither of our foes were slain, it will most likely occur again, and soon while he continues his...rabble rousing against the rightful government." Was her final proclamation, the elfess muttering under her breath as she began to approach the town. Caution was a must considering the...hostile nature of most people towards their betters and inciting an angry mob was not her desired course of action.

Instead once she was close enough to be in the shadows of the buildings Silien whispered a quiet word to activate a minor glamer. Something to take the point off her ears and...alter her elfin features to something decidedly more human but keeping everything else, for this to work the children would need to be able to recognize her without her appearing an outsider...

When it was complete Silien stepped out to approach the outskirts of the gathering and raised her voice, hand on the pommel of her weapon, and raised her voice. "Don't listen to the words of this sly deceiver! It was by no act of his the children were returned to the village, nor has he miraculously stopped the raids that stole them away in the first place. My...comrades and I went into the forest and liberated your young and were hounded by their captors a large barbarian man and an elf who was one with nature. He does nothing but attempt to profit from your misfortune or perhaps orchestrated it himself! I do not declare the Light and Flame as the better, but I do call him a liar and fraud! " Ending her proclamation against the man by pointing directly at him, so as to leave no doubt to who she meant.

...I feel I shall regret this, but I shall attempt nonetheless. Casting disguise self, fly, and shield before approaching the ground. Anybody hostile looking starts to come close though and Silien will be very much flying into the air. Not straight back to the group, but at an angle close enough it won't be hard to veer to it once she's out of sight.

2007-11-11, 01:26 AM

"Basically, we're running errand boy for some eccentric antique shopper. Rainard knows were we find the bastard, but he's getting a little shaky with the details. I say we leave. N--- What is she doing?!" He says desperately, flailing his arms a bit too dramatically.

"I mean, we just got everyone back! 'Sides, one quick shot and I could have dealt with that problem from here." Lou muttered with a nod to his bow, an arrow twirling within his hand.

2007-11-11, 07:34 AM

Seven nods with the explanation. It is irritating, but makes sense. Why her employer would have thought this was something she should be doing is beyond her, but then, she's not the person in charge. She's just the guardsman. She is about to get Gingersnap moving again when Silien takes off.

Seven watches the elf impassively. She doesn't give a crap about this town. They aren't paying her to protect them, and what god they worship is so incredibly unimportant in every way. A good portion of her is ready to just ride off without Silien. If she wants to waste her time trying to get credit for rescuing these kids, then fine, she can. Seven knows when she's outclassed, and she clearly is by that man. Sure, she could probably beat the crap out of him, but in a war of words, she is pretty sure this fight is lost already. And she doesn't walk into losing fights if she can help it.

Of course, someone else taking credit for her work is annoying. Irritating, even.

"Yes, that would be simpler, Lou. Is there anything stopping us from doing just that? What flavor of god is he hawking, anyway? All I heard is the propaganda."

2007-11-11, 12:12 PM

"I dunno. I had to stay here in listen to another old cook rant..." his eye glancing over a Rainard quickly. That wasn't really the case, more of the opposite, but Seven didn't know that.

"But from my experience, people that drone on and on about religion either want you to do something, or want to take something from you. I don't like either to happen, if I can help it. Maybe we should go around, saying our name, the god we worship, and a skill we have that begins with the same letter as the god we worship! Won't that be fun?" He was kidding, of course, but he hated just standing around. He needed something, and his own hearing his own voice eased him.

2007-11-11, 06:35 PM
The tall man atop the stage draws himself up, his hands in the air as he stares balefully at Silien. His eye is sharp, and you have the uncomfortable feeling that he can see right through your disguise. He smiles grimly and gestures with a long wooden staff, declaiming in strident tones as he points the long blackwood staff.

You dare accuse me of lying? Falsifier! Deciever! Impious witch! I can smell your magics from here! Good people, this woman wears a form that is not her own! She comes to deceive you, to cast doubt upon the true path that you should follow! Behold, as I call upon the Children of the Night to drive this pathetic charlatan from our midst! Begone, interloper!

The man speaks a few syllables, and out of the air comes a swarm of chittering bats. they bite at Silien's exposed flesh, even as the people pull back out of the way. It seems as if this should terrify them, but somehow they are enraptured, looking at the man upon the stage as if he were a divinity. The children cry out against this, but their voices are lost amidst the awed murmur of the crowd.

Silien takes [roll0] points of damage from biting bats

2007-11-11, 06:47 PM

"Okay, well... If I need justifying before, looks like some kinda sign. Don't worry, I'm not gonna get religious, just wanna acknowledge it." He smiles, knocking an arrow. He didn't like the way that guy was so dramatic. That was his shtick.

A quick moment later, and the arrow had been sent. He wasn't trying to kill the man, maybe hurt him a bit. Give Silien enough time to get out of there.

To do non-lethal damage is -4 to attack, right? Well, that's what I'm doing. I'm just assuming that we can see over the walls, if not... then scratch this.

2007-11-11, 08:04 PM

She pulls her bow again, nocking an arrow with a fluid motion. Her arrow flies just after Lou's. Maybe she didn't really owe Silien anything yet, and maybe she did, but attacking her like that sits so poorly with Seven that she doesn't even pause to consider the act. It is simply performed.

Also assuming we can see what's going on from where we are. Rolls in dice thread. Distance unknown, so range modifiers not applied.

2007-11-11, 10:47 PM
Iacchus just sighs slowly, frowning at this. "For future references, I calleds its." And he dashes towards the stand of the proselytizing human. He growls to himself "Oh, I will never get this taste out of my mouth..." He frowns and then bites the man right in the tendons at the back of his leg, sinking his needle teeth in as deep as they'll go. Once this is done, he then pulls back to shred the skin, before repeating this motion as many times as he can, hoping and praying that he breaks the man's focus just enough to get the spell to fall apart.

Iacchus bit the guy to disrupt his concentration. Not sure how you want to handle it. He's taking the guy off guard, though he only deals 1d3 damage and his Will Sapper effect. It's a tear-out-the-tendons case thing, really, though, so I don't truly know how to resolve it.

2007-11-12, 05:32 AM

Azathul watches impassively as the elf strides towards the pavilion and gives her declaration to the mob. What an elf does is no concern of his. The man on the stage is of greater interest to him. Humans are easily swayed with words, more often false than true, and with the mention of a power in the night... The dwarves know that the dark is not evil, but it hides many things that are, and any power a human found in the darkness was likely to be foul and dangerous, like the dark gods some of the savage north-tribes gave worship to.

At the attack, though, he reacts, lifting his hammer from the ground; the elf was not his friend, but neither was she a foe, and if battle was here he would favor her over the human. He lifts his hammer from the ground and stands between his companions as they unlimber their bows and fire; not in the way of their arrows, but just far enough in front that anyone coming towards them in retaliation would have to pass him.

2007-11-14, 11:11 PM
(So sorry about the delayed response. Writing three 10-page (Non-double spaced) essays this week has been... draining on both time and creative energy)

The man atop the pedastal laughed as the arrows streaked towards him. He gestured, and a shield of shadows sprang up before him, one that disintegrated the ranged projectiles into clouds of black dust. He quickly ceased his mirthful outburst, however, when Iacchus slipped through the crowd and began masticating his leg. He cried out in pain and irritation, looking down at the bizzare sight. He began striking the strange creature atop the head with this blackwood staff, attempting to rid himself of the nuisance. Finally, a ringing blow drove Iacchus off of the stage and onto the ground.

(Iacchus takes 7 points of damage from skull-smacking)

A more serious eruption, however, was occuring at the south gate. From out of the darkness came the sound of pounding hooves, and a group of men, ten or more, sprung into the light. The one in the lead bore all the hallmarks of an inquisitor. Most of the rest of them looked like normal toughs hired by the Inquisition as bully-boys or "enforcers of the Holy Flame's sacred mission." One man, however, was dressed in the garb of a Templar, a true behemoth of a man dressed all in shining plate, astride a barded warhorse that glittered even in the dim torchlight. Another, slim figure had the look of one of the more cloistered priestly orders about him. Lastly, a small, pale girl hung at the back of the party, surrounded by a knot of burly men who kept their hands on their blades, discouraging anyone from coming too close. The leader cried out, pointing at the man atop the stage.

It's Caine! Damn your black heart, you treasonous dog. Men! Seize him! He has too long escaped rightful retribution.

The man atop the stage let forth a string of vile curses. With a crack of his staff on the wood of the stage, his body literally exploded into a cloud of ravens, each one rising into the sky. Several among the Inquisitor's party drew bows, but they could not pick out any targets among the scattering flock. The inquisitor cursed quietly, then looked around at the village's populous, who were looking mutinous, but frightened in the man's powerful prescense. He spoke, and his voice carried the weight of authority.

Go back to your homes, people. You have been decieved by the wanted criminal who calls himself Brother Caine, a scoundrel and a heretic, as well as a practicioner of forbidden magics. I will begin my investigations forthwith, meanwhile, no one may leave the village. Men, spread out and form a perimeter.

He looked hard at Iacchus, pointing with one hand.

You... creature. What are you? Let me see your nonhuman registration.

2007-11-14, 11:46 PM

The acolyte remained frozen with indecision as 'Brother Caine' spoke. She only snapped out of it when the arrows flew and prepared to aid her new companions if she could. As the inquisitor arrived and started to disperse the crowd, she had moved forward, in case her testimony should be requested. She speaks up in defense of the impish creature. "Holy one, I know not what manner of creature it is, but it has been in my company this evening, and has been helpful in thwarting the plans of the heretic. Pray, grant it clemency."

2007-11-15, 08:45 AM

Seven lifts an eyebrow at the unusual method of turning the arrows aside and is in the process of stowing her bow and nudging Gingersnap into motion when the inquisitor arrives. She stops her own motion, at first unwilling to get involved any further, but then nudges Gingersnap to follow behind Rhiannon. Somewhere in the back of her head, Seven has decided that her job includes protecting the girl. The 'why' surrounding that decision is a bit murky. It's not as if Seven sees any of herself in Rhiannon. And she certainly doesn't give a crap about this Flame stuff.

Falling into the role of bodyguard, Seven rides behind Rhiannon and stops just behind her and to her side, scowling a little and hand on her sword. The scowl is unintentional, but present nonetheless.

2007-11-15, 12:13 PM

As the inquisitors chase of the proselytizer, Azathul lowers his hammer, placing the head on the ground once more. As the others begin to ride into the village, he hesitates a moment before stowing it, and goes back to his horse, leading it after the others into the firelight.

2007-11-15, 07:10 PM

The elf noticed the symbols almost immediately, and reached back to grab the dwarf. Years of hiding among the humans he picked up a thing or to about which humans could catch a glimpse of his "unique" traits, and who shouldn't.

"Friend, I'm not about to tell you what to do, but a little advice? Someone of you're...stature should stay away for the moment. Allow the beast-woman and the priest handle this."

2007-11-16, 07:50 AM
Iacchus, who is rubbing his thoroughly bruised head and cursing in sylvan, climbs to his feet. This is the last thing he needs... With a sigh he spits out pieces of cloth and skin and wipes the blood on his mouth from his lips. When the Inquisitor speaks to him, and even after an ally speaks in his defense, he frowns and sighs. "Mights I suggests that we saves the formalities until this mans is captureds?" The small fey then drops into a spellcasting stance once more and unleashes another quick spell. Once it is cast, he grumbles "I saves some childrens lives, helps somes others people, and this is the thanks I get..." He frowns

Casting Phantasmal Injury on Caine

2007-11-17, 07:03 PM
The man looks Rhiannon up and down slowly. His gaze is distinctly... uncomfortable. It is not precisely measuring, rather, it gives the impression that one's skin is being peeled back, allowing him to read every secret, ever sin, every dark thought and urge that one has ever had. And not only to read them, but to judge them as well. For a long moment, he does nothing but look each of the party up and down slowly. He takes Azanthul's papers and examines them, nodding. As he does, the young girl rides up next to him. Her features are beautiful in an ephemeral, doll-like way, and her face bears no trace of emotion whatsoever. Her hair is long and platinum blond, and her eyes a deep lavender hue. She gently reaches over, tugging on the Inquisitor's robe. He bends at the waist, and she whispers furtively in his ear. He nods, giving her a brief smile, an expression that seems strange on his hard, lined face, before turning once more towards the group. Even as he speaks, his men continue to encircle the town, making sure no one can leave, and the townspeople filter back to their homes with looks of confusion on their faces.

Unfortunately, Caine is gone, Flame damn his eyes. That little trick is a favorite of his, and I still haven't found a way to... but this is not your bussiness in any case. That dog is a wanted criminal and a heretic. But that is for another time... you are a strange group. You, Elf, I still need to see your registration... and you... He looks hard at Iacchus
Hmph. Fae if I'm not mistaken. No doubt you're not on the register, your kind never is. What I want to know is this: Why are you here, what have you been doing, and what do you know of Caine?

2007-11-17, 07:15 PM

The harsh looking bite and cut marks marring her skin only seemed to highlight the expression of irate anger that had come to her face. The elven woman glared at the retreating swarm of bats and let out a long slow breath, as she did the illusion flowed and rippled away to leave Silien in her unaltered elven state. As she reached for her own papers it wasn't hard to see her struggling to pull her emotions back under reign.

By the time she handed them over to the inquisitor, she seemed to have accomplished the task and her tone was hollow. "I have all of the proper papers and was just assaulted by small furry mammals not unlike human children. So I would LOVE to hear more about this Cain, if such information is not to be hidden from us."

Okay, so perhaps her emotions weren't so well hidden but it is hard to hide them when her illusions had just been pierced by...by a human of all people.

2007-11-17, 07:24 PM

Azathul grunts and looks back as the human puts a hand on his shoulder. "I have dealt with the priesthood before," he says somewhat sourly, acknowledging the warning; his tone is more for the priests than for Lou. He continues forward, silently presenting his papers to the inquisitor.

"We know no more of him than we saw tonight," the dwarf adds after Sillien speaks, not volunteering anything else; there was a saying that went, "Easier to open a dwarf's treasure-vault than his mouth."

2007-11-17, 10:21 PM
He looks hard at Iacchus
Hmph. Fae if I'm not mistaken. No doubt you're not on the register, your kind never is. What I want to know is this: Why are you here, what have you been doing, and what do you know of Caine?

Iacchus, mid-cast, sighs and halts the spell, frowning and looking up at the Inquisitor speaks with what can only be called thinly veiled bile. "No doubts you're nots goings to be friendly or personables. Your kind never ises. Since yous don't seems to cares for the licenses... I'm here becauses someones sent out a calls for helps that turneds out to be a traps by this Caine fellows you speaks of. I came, I enjoyed a bits of ciders, I helps free some childrens, I scare off some wolveses, and now you'll have to forgives me for gettings the distincts feelings that I am about to be once mores feelings the loving hand of the holy Inquisitions welled into a gauntleteds fist and wrappeds firmly arounds my throats and then it shalls equally lovingly chokeses the lifes out of myselfs and my freedomses." Defiant and forthright as ever, Iacchus is not humble before the Inquisitor, but is only so because of tried and true ability to understand just how far he can push someone before they snap, and so he nudges and nudges at the Inquisitor's tolerance, curious to see which will win; his desire to capture Caine or his pride.

2007-11-18, 07:26 AM

Seven just sits impassively under the scrutiny. She's been looked at in worse ways than that and not flinched. Although she's a little uncertain what her exact purpose is here, she does know that she doesn't have anything to add to the conversation. If she keeps her damn mouth shut, which isn't a difficult task by any stretch of the imagination, she'll probably be ignored. Sellswords aren't exactly known for their brains or wit, so questioning her about anything is likely to be dismissed as pointless.

Scowling just a bit, she spends her energy towards two things: keeping Gingersnap steady, and listening to what is spoken.

2007-11-19, 05:54 PM
The Inquisitor's stare falls on Iacchus, boring into him with an intensity that would put a diamond-headed drill to shame. As he speaks, his voice is sharp, clipped, and precise.

The reason your kind merit special attention is because all to often you are decievers, tricksters, and seducers of the first order. How many mothers weep over empty cradles because of your kin, how many brides and grooms mourn over cold and empty beds? But I am not here to judge your -no doubt many- iniquities, no matter how pleasurable or righteous the task might be. I have been informed that all of you are innocent of guilt, at least in this particular matter. Since it seems you recently came into conflict with Caine, and I believe that you know nothing further, I don't see any reason to...

His words are cut off as two of the Inquisitor's bully boys approach, stony-faced as they drag the eldest girl you rescued into the circle of light cast by the Inquisitor's torches. She seems to have dressed herself in a long, concealing cloak, but has not taken the time to clean herself. she is still streaked with grime and scratches from the flight through the wood and her captivity, and her eyes are once more fearful as she casts about, pleading mutely with you. One of the guards speaks, his voice as carefully neutral as his face.

Caught her trying to leave town, yer' honor. Tried to slip through the gate while our backs were turned.

The Inquisitor turns his gaze to her, looking her over before asking

Well, girl? Speak up. Have something to hide? What is it? Why do you feel the need to flee? Only the guilty need fear me. The Flame burns away only that which is impure.

The girl's eyes are downcast, she says nothing, though tears begin to course down her grimy cheeks. The inquisitor beckons, and tiny blond girl approaches once again. Dismounting, she approaches the girl, her face strangely serious for one so young. She pushes back the older girl's hood, who makes no move to resist, lightly touching her fingertips to her forehead. Her large, violet eyes close momentarily, and a brief shudder runs through her body. Her face looks momentarily dismayed before resuming its former serious countenance. She steps back, remounting her small horse before moving up beside the Inquisitor, once again whispering in his ear. For a moment, his face is impassive, then it contorts sharply, his eyes flashing, seeming almost aflame themselves in the torchlight. For a moment his is speechless, but eventually he manages to compose himself enough to speak, thought his tone betrays a barely controlled rage. He turns to the group, his eyes sweeping over each one of them. To your relief, however, it does not seem that his anger is directed at you, at least not at the moment.

Tell me... you said you rescued this child.Tell me again who you rescued them from?

2007-11-19, 07:48 PM
Iacchus frowns and crosses his arms swiftly "And how manys of your kinds are also thieveses, liars, deceiverses, and worse? My... Peoples are capriciouses, yes, buts I don'ts seem to recalls it beings ones of my people callings on unholy powerses or worshipings demons. Whatever bads we haves caused, your kinds has done far worses." However, he sighs at this and runs his fingers through his hair, shaking his head and visibly calming himself. "It is of no matters... Whethers you considers me goods or evils is of no bearings. Alls that matters is thats this Caine fellows is brought to justices. I ams Iacchus, and I, ands these fine peoples, founds the childrens trapped in vineses. Then, we were accosteds by two shadowy figures for reasonses that are beyonds me. Then the wolveses... It growses more hazy by the moments..." And with that, Iacchus rubs his forehead into his palm, as if trying to abate some terrible headache. Truthfully, Iacchus is somewhat frustrated to even have to be around this man, but he knows his words should have some impact. This man is honourable and decent enough that he knows just how to balance his spiteful words with enough sugar-coating, flattery, indulgence, and cooperation to make sure the man has no cause to take any sort of dire interest in the small fey.

2007-11-19, 10:37 PM

"What did you do to her?" Lou says, as he pushes past Iccachus. He saw the brute snatch the child as she was attempting to leave, and he had to play his role as the charismatic hero.

"Being a great meeting of the minds, and all, I figure you should at least answer some of our questions as well." He says, brushing the hair from his eyes. He had trained for many years to hid his elven features, but he doubted it would matter against this man. He seemed experienced. And in Lou's experience, well... that meant.... something.

2007-11-19, 10:42 PM
The Inquisitor seems to ignore Iacchus entirely at this point, but he gives Lou a hard look of semi-controlled rage. He speaks from between clenched teeth as he leans down from his saddle.

No harm has come to the child from me. My men caught her trying to escape clandestinely. But something has been done to her, and I need to know what. The affair with Caine is not your worry. I am sorry that he has caused you trouble, but the Church will deal with him. Now tell me what I need to know.

2007-11-19, 11:53 PM

"She wasn't escaping, you righteous piece of---", he caught himself, and blew out all the hot air inside of his mouth. Calming himself, he shot his gaze back up at the "captain" and smiled.

"How do you know she wasn't just trying to go home? We found her trapped with her brothers in a cave. She was scared, and she wanted to get away from the commotion. So why don't you let her, sir?" Lou snorts, giving a mock salute.

2007-11-19, 11:57 PM
The Inquisitor looks at Lou as if he's a cretin for a moment before responding.

Because she, like everyone else, lives inside the village laws. Therefore, since she was trying to exit the gate, directly against my orders. And besides... His face darkens for a moment, and his eyes flash. I already have a fairly good idea of what's wrong. What I want now is an explanation, which is why you are going to tell me who - or what- you rescued her from. I need to be sure.

2007-11-20, 12:05 AM

A mouth, the dwarf feels, should be difficult to use as a shovel. And yet, the human was doing a fair job of digging himself deeper with every sentence. Finally, he speaks up. "An elf-witch," he states sourly, "and a human savage." He falls silent, having said as much as he is going to say on the matter; there is little more to relate, in his eyes.

2007-11-20, 12:08 AM

"Holy one, if I may," the acolyte says respectfully. She provides descriptions of the elf woman and the brutish man, and describes the condition of the children. She leaves out Rainard and their purpose for being there, but otherwise is forthright.

2007-11-20, 12:08 AM

He wanted to torment the ass. He wanted to make his life difficult. He wanted to stand out and make him look like an idiot, but he was also the good guy. So he had to help the cause. This guy may be a righteous prick, but he seemed like he had priorities straight. At least for the moment. With a deep sigh, Lou continued.

"We found them in a ca--" He was cut off by the Dwarf, and closed his mouth without finishing his sentence.

2007-11-20, 12:10 AM
The Inquisitor's eyes narrow for a moment, and he nods, as if confirming some unpleasant truth he had suspected. Meanwhile, the girl continues to stare at her feet, mute.

Tell me more of the captors. Of what kind were they?

2007-11-20, 12:16 AM

"They were big, mean and evil. The woman summoned wolves, and they seemed to scare the living hell out of the children. You need to be more specific with your questions if you want the right answers."

2007-11-20, 12:49 AM
The man sighed, rubbing his temples, muttering under his breath.

What species, what races were they? Was the man really a man, the woman really a woman? I detect a... taint on all three that came from that place. It might have been the darkness in the forest itself.. but in this case, I think not.

2007-11-20, 01:14 AM

Seeing that the inquisitor is ignoring her for now, Rhiannon moves to stand by the girl, offering her what comfort she can provide.

2007-11-20, 06:37 AM
And that was when Iacchus says the thing that the others probably wanted to keep from being said.

"Wells, if nones of the rest of you will say its... The childrens were hits by some sorts of explodings acorns or somethings. Skewered thems. Then the healer heres nearly killeds themselveses trying to saves them. Seems to have workeds." Iacchus says plainly. He adds, after a moment, "Seemses to." And frowns at the child. A part of Iacchus is more than a little curious to see just what these infectious explosives have done to the children. After all, it was his first assumption to kill them, and it was only the healers intervention that silenced his suspicions. At least, it had.

2007-11-21, 06:13 PM
The Inquisitor's eyes are hard as he speaks to Iacchus, and his voice carries a tone of mingled disgust and rage.

That is not what I mean.. it is not a disease.. not in the normal sense, in any case... but it is an infection. The girl is carrying a child... but one that is dark. Twisted. Subhuman.

At these words, the girl throws herself into Rhiannon's arms, weeping uncontrollably, shaking like a leaf in a storm. The guards move to restrain her again, but the Inquisitor waves them off.

That was the reason for my asking.

2007-11-21, 11:13 PM

Rhiannon holds the girl tenderly, letting her cry; she murmurs nonsense syllables at her to help calm her down.

2007-11-21, 11:27 PM

"What are you gonna do to her." Lou says, his glare hardening. One large step is all it takes to get himself between the leader and Rhiannon and the girl.

2007-11-22, 05:42 AM
Iacchus, meanwhile, walks slowly away from the Inquisitor, moving passed Lou slowly, waiting until there is no-one else in the world who could hear him, and in a very careful, very condescending, and very whispered tone, he says "I calleds it." He then snickers cruelly, and walks to the edge of the circle and watches the fun.

2007-11-22, 08:50 AM

Of course. Should have seen it. Was a little busy, though. "It isn't her fault, and you won't twist it to make it so. The girl was a prisoner and forced against her will. That much was crystal clear." Seven scowls much deeper. "She needs help, not questioning." Mindful of the power these Flame-types have, she bites off the 'you imperious ass' she wants to add onto the end. "If you have to have answers from her, at least let a woman get them in a friendly sort of circumstance. Maybe she tried to flee because she's scared. I don't suppose a man would understand that, though." I will be damned twice over if I'm going to let you bully a girl who's been raped.

2007-11-26, 06:01 PM

The dwarf gives a hard grunt as if he'd been struck at the news; it could be surprise, contempt, disgust, or all of those things. His dark eyes glitter in the torchlight as they shift back and forth from the Inquisitor to the girl and back again, expression dour (as always) but otherwise unreadable.

2007-11-28, 10:12 PM
The Inquisitor gives the group a hard look as the accusations and imprecations, both voiced and silent, fly his way.

I do not intend to do anything to her. However, there is something I will do for her, and not just for her but for the world. My companion priest has a prayer for such occasions as this... it will terminate the illness swiftly and painlessly. No shame is attached, nor any blame save for the beast that inflicted this cancer upon her.

2007-11-29, 01:13 AM

Still holding the girl, Rhiannon looks up hopefully at the Inquisitor's speech. "Please, holy one."

2007-11-29, 07:22 AM

Her scowl remains firmly in place. Arrogant sonofabitch. She well knows the amount of power such a figure wields, though, and her relative status compared to him. She is only a tool to someone like him, and one that can be discarded on a whim. Stewing in silence, she imagines how satisfying it would be to sweep the girl away from here so she can choose for herself, so she can heal in her own way, so she can come to a true understanding of what happened to her. But it is only a that - an imagined fantasy.

Seven flexes open the hand that has become a fist, wishing she could use it to deliver a right hook straight into his face. Then she nudges her horse a little farther away from the scene. There is something to be said for knowing exactly where those thoughts are leading and having the brains to prevent the bloodbath that would result.

2007-12-12, 07:00 PM

"What's inside her?!" Lou said, glancing over to the girl. He almost snickered, but kept his cool, knowing this was neither the time nor the place.

2007-12-16, 01:42 PM
The Inquisitor was already swinging down from his saddle. Similarly, the young girl and the man in priestly robes also dismounted, moving up behind him. The girl reached up, gently touching the older girl's face. Her sobs subsided, and she clung tightly to the younger girl's tiny hand as she began to lead her to an empty house.

The Inquisitor glanced at Rhiannon and gave an approving nod, before addressing Lou.

A maelific growth. A cancer. A child that will, if unleashed, be a terrible evil in the world.

With that, he turned, his broad cloak fluttering behind him as the three moved toward the abandoned house.

2007-12-16, 02:04 PM

Rhiannon will follow the inquisitor into the house, unless he forbids her from entering.

2007-12-19, 07:32 PM

"But the boys are fine? Is there now growth's in them as well? Or is it actually... like a twisted child?" The Elf said, obviously perplexed by the whole situation. How could she get pregnant by being stabbed by needles. I mean, the idea of it kind of makes sense... but not really.

2007-12-19, 07:45 PM

"Don't be daft, you-" Seven snaps at Lou, but cuts herself off and makes sure the priests are all gone, or at least out of earshot before continuing through gritted teeth. "The girl was raped, Lou. She's pregnant, and they don't approve of it, and they're going to abort it for her, whether she wants that or not. Because those bastards are in charge, and they can do whatever they damn well please. And they'd cheerfully put us to their damn fires for saying so." She mutters a few choice and dark words about the likely ancestry and sexual proclivities of the priest and his entourage.

2008-01-02, 08:04 PM
Iacchus, who has been watching this drama unfold as a Patrician watches a play, now takes out an apple from his pocket and tosses it up and down a few times before rubbing it on his sleeve and biting into it. Clearly a juicy piece of fruit, Iacchus licks his lips and gives all present a clear glance of his needle-like teeth. With his shimmering, pupiless eyes, this gives the effect of looking at some fish from the deepest parts of the sea. When Iacchus has finished chewing the morsel, he just shrugs without a care.

"Most likelies, she couldn't supports the childses anyways. Messy businesses, that. Messy." He sniggers a bit at this, but then looks over at Seven. "Mights I asks... What solutions would you proposes, hm? Have the girls suffers this burdens to term? Hm? Ands thens, let her dies from its, or let looses some demons spawns? Feh. Nots worth the troubleses." The Fey says in a churlishly dismissive manner, dusting at air to indicate to let them do whatever they wish with the child. "One bads apples spoilses the bunch." He says plainly, and with that, he takes another bite from the red fruit.

2008-01-02, 09:17 PM

Seven mutters something that sounds a lot like 'men' in a highly derogatory tone. But then she just shakes her head. Letting her anger get out of control wouldn't be beneficial here. Especially as it seems that she is supposed to be working with these people, not against them. They can't be any worse than some of the scum she's scraped off her boots before. Okay, they can be, but it's not bloody likely.

She makes the effort to dismount, as she knows this will take some time and Rhiannon is apparently going to help, or watch, or something. Then she walks her horse a little farther away so she won't be inclined to strangle Iacchus while they wait.

2008-01-02, 10:08 PM

Silently, Lou notes that children aren't his strong suit and follows Seven towards Gingersnap. Walking around it, he simply stares at the large beast of a horse before opening his mouth and then closing it again. While he wasn't a "master" babysitter, he liked to think himself a ladies man. This lady, in particular, did not seem to think highly of his own gender. However he hated silence, and it was the feminist or the demon-midget.

"So what's your story anyway? Looking for money?"

2008-01-03, 08:08 AM

"Yes." Seven nods, turning her head to regard Lou as she leads her horse a little ways away. "I'm a mercenary. Before that, I was a soldier, and before that, I was a raider. I kill people and things for money. It's what I've always done." There was a time when she wouldn't have been so blunt about. A time when she still thought she was fighting for a cause of one kind or another. But that was a long time ago.

2008-01-04, 12:30 PM

"Hey, it's better than not knowing what your doing. It's better than playing a role you can't fit. If there is one thing I've learned in my life, it's this: The best thing a man can do is the right thing. The second best thing a man can do is the wrong thing. The worst thing a man can do is nothing..." Heh, but I'm not trying to preach, it's just these religious types get me all wired up, ya'know?"

2008-01-05, 08:33 AM

Giving a snort, Seven smirks. "The best a woman can do is often not enough in the eyes of men. Especially the glare of the religious man." She shrugs, though. "These flame people are nothing like the shaman in my clan. His job was more about teaching boys how to be men than anything else."

2008-01-05, 03:32 PM

His pale checks turn slightly red, as he realized the "man" saying may not have been the smartest of things to say, but it fades as quickly as it came.

"Where you from again?"

2008-01-05, 05:38 PM

With an uplifted eyebrow, Seven shakes her head a little. "I don't believe I said. And I'm not sure it's any of your damn business." She chuckles, though, as if this is a joke. "Someplace on the Empire borders. Clan Kronish. Small clan, cave dwelling nomads of a sort. Raiders against the Empire. Or really anyone that made the elders feel threatened or had food or something else they thought we needed. I don't know where it actually is, but I'd know the land if I saw it again. Didn't exactly leave of my own free will. Or while conscious, for that matter."

2008-01-05, 05:51 PM

"And here I pictured you growing up in some kinda castle, with servants for your every whim. I guess I can't judge people like I usta." Lou sneered. The sarcasm just rolled off the tongue, and it got him into a lot of trouble usually. Especially around women. Damn them and their female ways!

2008-01-06, 09:04 AM

This brings a laugh out of Seven. "Damn! I had you fooled and I went and blew it. Ah well, I'm sure you would have figured it out eventually." Still clearly amused, Seven stops and looks back, realizing that they'd wandered off from the rest. Lou seems decent enough, the kind of person she could accept working with for a while. If he's curious about her, well, she has no reason to hide anything.

"I was part of a raiding party that managed to get some Imperial notice. We were set up, fell into the trap, and those of us that survived it were thrown into the Army. I served my time and got out." She shrugs. "Not many other sorts of jobs out there for someone like me."

2008-01-09, 08:26 PM
Iacchus just sneers at Seven, but it is the kind of sneer that says 'Wow, not bright are you' and yet still conveys the same mocking laughter sure to accompany it. However, he wisely doesn't do much more than chuckle. For the fun of it, he begins to take pieces of straw and grass that he can find and starts to weave them together to make a crude stick-figure of a person. He then picks up a rock and smashes it against another until he gets a spark and lets the dry tinder burn away slowly. As it does, he sits nearby and warms his hands on it. It's a small flame, but it's heat all the same.

2008-01-10, 08:02 PM

"You're probably the type that doesn't like to get advice, but hell, I'm the type that'd give it anyway. Learn to play an instrument. Kinda evens the playing field in the job market." He smiled playfully, before looking back at the Imp.

"Whaddya think of the lil' fella?"

2008-01-10, 09:44 PM

"An instrument?" This elicits a snort. "I think most prospective employers would rather see me naked than listen to me sing. Neither is likely to happen." She shakes her head a little, clearly amused by the idea. At the question, she looks over at Iacchus briefly, before turning her attention to her horse again.

"He's irritating, snotty, and a pain in the ass. But I can live with that. Hell, that describes roughly a quarter of the Army and about thirty percent of the men I've worked with as a merc." She gives Lou a glance before asking back, "You?"

2008-01-10, 10:47 PM
The Inquisitor does not stop Rhiannon as she follows him into the house, though he bars anyone else from following. The cleric, a thin, mousy looking fellow in glasses, bustles about, a serious look on his face. He pulls a small vial from a leather satchel, mixing a few drops of greenish liquid into a cup of water, offering it to the girl with a nervous attempt at a comforting smile.

"This will help.

The girl appears to be beyond caring, and drinks it in a single gulp... after a moment, her eyes grow heavy, and she lays on a small mat in the corner, the lines of worry and pain on her face smoothing out as she drifts into unconciousness. The young cleric kneels over her, putting his hand on her stomach... for a moment, his face screws up, an expression of prayer so earnest and somehow powerfully simple that it's almost painful to watch. For a brief moment, his body is surrounded by a strong, pure light. Shadows flee before him, and it is enough to make the heart leap in the breasts of all who watch. The glow surrounds the girl and the young man for a brief moment, but fades all too soon. The shadows return, and somehow seem darker for the fleeting illumination. The young man suddenly looks drained, removing his spectacles and pinching the bridge of his nose as he looks at the Inquisitor with a tired nod.

It is done, Holy Father.

The Inquisitor looks briefly to the young girl, who gives a barely perceptible nod, whispering low, almost too low to hear.

It's gone now.

The Inquisitor sighs a little, straightening his clothing. He looks at Rhiannon, putting one hand on her shoulder.

It had to be done, sister, both for the girl and for the world.

2008-01-11, 12:30 AM

With absolute faith in the Inquisitor, Rhiannon watches the scene, ready to offer what comfort she can to the girl. "Yes, holy one," she replies humbly as he speaks to her. "May she return to her home now?" she asks, looking to the girl to see if that's what she wishes as well.

2008-01-11, 12:34 AM
The Inquisitor looks at the young woman lying on the cot, her troubles for a moment erased by the sweet oblivion of sleep. After a pause, he nods.

She may as soon as she awakes. It will be some few hours. I was going to wait and escort her home.... but I should continue my search as soon as possible. Would you be willing, sister?

2008-01-11, 01:05 AM

"If you wish it, Holy One, of course. My companions may not be pleased, but they can wait, I expect. And I do care about what happens to her."

2008-01-11, 01:18 AM

As Rhiannon follows the Inquisitor into the house and Lou and Seven drift off to talk, Azathul plants the head of his hammer in the ground, looking sourly off into the dark and ignoring the chatter of the others. Eventually, he rouses himself to walk, moving to the nearest torch. Just under it, he sits, crossing heavily armored legs, and begins peering at the hammer in the firelight, examining it. Cleaning it, first—he'd wiped most of the blood from the wolves off once they finished, but there had been no time for a proper cleaning. Now, there was. To leave his weapon—or any tool—uncared for would be a lapse in his duty. It was as simple as that.

Pulling a rag from his belt, the dwarf rubs off the dirt and grime remaining carefully, then begins to inspect the head of the hammer. He had not matched his hammer to the savage's blade, nor had he struck an armored foe, but it was best to be certain. Even bone could scratch and dent, and then he would need to borrow whatever passed for a forge in this village to repair the weapon. Hisis fingers and eyes find no new flaws on first inspection, but he checks it over thoroughly in any case. For the moment, the rest of the world might as well not exist; only the dwarf, his creation, and the torchlight.

2008-01-11, 08:45 AM
Iacchus frowns slowly and turns his head towards Seven. "I can hears you, you know!" He says with a grumble and then goes back to warming his hands by the fire.

2008-01-11, 11:17 AM

With a grin, Seven looks over at Iacchus. "Good." She nods her satisfaction with this. Always best when people know where they stand with each other. "Let's clear the air all the way, then. I may be just a dumb sellsword, but I'm not stupid enough to think you won't try some 'fun practical jokes'. You pull any bulls--- on me, and I'll come back hard. You leave me out of it, and I'll keep the others from wringing your neck."

2008-01-11, 04:09 PM
Iacchus just chuckles a little and he smiles, but it is not malicious. He stands slowly and walks over, looking up at her. She seems to have amused him in some way.

"And what makeses you think I needs your assistances?" He tilts his head. This question, however, contains no spite. It is not made in an either-or manner, but rather seems to be asked purely for the point of amusement, as he already know what answer he plans to provide.

2008-01-11, 07:08 PM

Seven chuckles a little. The question isn't unexpected, and the little guy's attitude, of curiosity more than petulance, is refreshing. She grins broadly. "Everyone has to sleep."

2008-01-12, 12:01 AM

"Ummm... I would just like to point out, that I don't need to sleep. I just choose to. But yeah, so what is our plan after this whole ordeal? Where's Rainard? Maybe we can get back where we left off."

2008-01-12, 12:23 AM
The Inquisitor gives a brief smile in response to Rhiannon's earnest words. He turns, and his companions move with him as they exit the hut.

You're a good woman, Sister. Would that more of your order possessed your earnest spirit. I must be off. The chase beckons, and my foe will not rest, so neither must I.

With that, he and his group returned to their horses. With nary a parting word for the others, they leave town as quickly as they had entered, following their best guess of Caine's trail.

Meanwhile, Rainard looks around at the others, running his fingers nervously through his hair.

Well, now that that's mostly taken care of, I can send you on your way... When you're ready to leave, I'll give you directions to the place where the Sage is currently residing. I understand that he's keeping something of a low profile, so it'd be better if you didn't tell too many folks who you're working for. The Imperial authorities don't always take to kindly to the kinds of people who ask a lot of questions, and I KNOW the church doesn't...

2008-01-12, 06:46 PM
Iacchus chuckles and grins, actually liking that response. "Perhapses. But I doubts you could sneaks ups on me. Still, I like yours attitudes. Yous haves... Courage. It takeses a lots to stands ups to a mage. Hows did you knows I wouldn'ts just turns you to dusts? Fry yous to a crisps with lightnings? Or convinces yous that you are very specials plank of woods escaped froms a zoo?" He asks. This brazen bravery and bravado actually seems to have gotten through to the aggressive little creature.

Or, perhaps, he just wanted someone to talk to. Fey were always difficult to predict.

2008-01-13, 07:55 AM

This makes Seven laugh. She nods to Rainard and answers him first, still grinning. "Might as well stay here 'til morning. Horses would probably appreciate that."

She clucks to Gingersnap and starts walking, reins in hand, towards the inn. "Living in fear isn't living at all. And everybody dies. When I go out, I'm going to do it being who I am."

2008-01-13, 11:05 AM
Iacchus just smirks a little at this response. "Clearly, yous don'ts know muchs abouts magics. More than ones persons has endeds their lifes as a very confuseds newts beings crushed unders someone'ses boot-heel." He teases, but follows anyway. There is some accord here; another free spirit who is brazen and outspoken.

The sight of an inn makes Iacchus cautious. Like a predator looking at a watering hole and knowing the possibility of bigger predators waiting nearby, he looks it up and down with suspicion and only enters once he has seen one of the others do so, moving swiftly in their shadow.

2008-01-13, 12:19 PM

The acolyte sits beside the girl watching over her until she wakes.

2008-01-16, 04:32 PM
After a few hours sleep, the girl awakes, groggy at first. She looks up at Rhiannon, saying nothing... and then she begins to weep, her tears falling like rain, shoulders heaving gently as she sobs, laying her head in the acolyte's lap.

Outside, a grim, gray dawn begins to light the world. The village looks little better by daylight than it did last evening. Mud covers everything. The villagers begin to awake, seemingly dazed and confused by last night, but also appearing to shrug it off as a momentary madness, or some strange spell. The flare of dark hope of last night does not change the grim reality of another day. And so they leave the safety of the walls to tend their crops and cattle, and life moves on.

2008-01-16, 04:50 PM

Rhiannon holds the girl through the rest of the night, letting her cry, and offering what words of comfort she can-- even gently singing lullabies to the girl from time to time. When the dawn sends light through the windows, she says to the girl, "We should get you home. I expect your parents are worried about you."

2008-01-16, 09:03 PM

Ready to go well before dawn, Seven stands from the task of giving Gingersnap a thorough brushing to watch the sun rise. It's a sight she's seen many times, but it never fails to inspire. Just something about knowing that the world goes on, no matter what she's suffered through during the night. It puts things in perspective, makes the pain a little less, pushes her to live and breathe and suck the marrow out of life. To see the sun come up one more time.

She taps the horse's legs, one a time, to scrape the hooves clean, offering an apology with the first for not doing it properly the night before. It's not like it's never happened before, and it will certainly happen again, but an apology is only fair. Once she's done taking care of the horse, she puts all the tack back on carefully and checks the straps and buckles three times before leading the mare out to wait for everyone else. The first time she saw someone fall for lack of checking their horse's tack was the last time she ever forgot to do it herself.

2008-01-16, 10:59 PM
Iacchus, however, sleeps rather restfully. After munching on what food he can drag up and getting some good drinks in him, he heads off for a good night's rest and awakens the next morning, meditates to cleans and refresh his mind for arcane spells to be drawn anew, and then goes to get ready for the day.

With his hair messed, Iacchus doesn't look anywhere near as annoying as he normally is. He does, however, slick it back to normal and dresses himself in his overly flourished attire. He is, however, different to the others in that he has no guilts or sadnesses. To him, the world is pretty and he's content for the moment. He lingers not on sad thoughts of the past, does not let the distant memories buried in his mind haunt him, and he sits comfortably on a log, testing his boots before trying to think of where to go next.

"So, where ares yous off to?" He asked Seven as he kicked some caked-on mud off of his boots. His attitude towards her has already changed, swiftly, from one of sheer dismissive disdain to something akin to an acquaintanceship, which just speaks to the mercurial attitudes of the fey right away.

2008-01-17, 07:05 AM

"Off to earn our pay. We follow Rainard's directions to find this sage person. Likely get attacked on the way. Probable the guy has been abducted in advance of us. Possible he's dead already. Still going to make the effort. If I just didn't do something because I thought it was doomed to fail, I'd hardly ever do anything. Certainly wouldn't have gone into my line of work, that's for sure."

Seven rubs Gingernap's nose gently, reins firmly in her other hand. The horse is smart, sure, but still just a horse. "You coming along? Got something more interesting to do than watch a bunch of silly mortals ride off to their almost certain doom?"

2008-01-17, 09:33 PM
Iacchus scratches his chin, mulling these thoughts over. Well, if it gets bad, he can always just run away. He's used to roughing it, and he can always get another drink at any time from any inn he sees... Maybe he'll meet a nice farmer's daughter, show her a good time... And those heroic types always kept finding gold... Yeah...

"No, nots reallys. Thinks you coulds uses some arcane helps?" He smirks, walking over and examining the horse. He didn't have one of his own, which would be a problem. He didn't really care for walking when he had to keep pace with someone.

2008-01-21, 07:25 AM

"Well, if last night's escapade is any indication, I'd say it sure couldn't hurt." Seven grins. "We just have to wait for all the sleepyheads before we can go. Maybe we should go bang on some doors to wake them up. Day's a wastin' away. Unless you have a better idea to get them moving."

2008-01-21, 11:29 PM
The girl nods, standing, and puts her arm around Rhiannon. Still crying, she begins to lead the older woman towards her home. Once there, she slips inside. Her parents sit at the table, and wordlessly they embrace their daughter. The Father's face is a mix of impotent rage and mute horror as he clutches his child tight to him. The mother rises, gently taking Rhiannon's hand and giving it a squeeze before hugging her.

"Thank you, sister."

As this is happening, the day is still dawning. The grey light of pre-dawn turns to the grey of an overcast sky, and the peasants move about their chores, looking at you will dull, incurious eyes.

2008-01-21, 11:48 PM

As the sun rises behind grey clouds, Azathul emerges from the inn already clad in his armor, dark eyes blinking as they adjust. In the pale light, the dwarf looks somehow more human (so to speak) than he had yesterday in the dark or in the torchlight. Yesterday, his armor had glittered in the firelight, evoking talkes of legendary dwarven hoards under the mountains; today, it is merely a suit of armor. Masterfully crafted, to one who has an eye for such things, but a plain suit of armor nonetheless.

The dwarf makes his way to the stable as well, giving a grunt to Seven and the others in greeting as he makes his way to the horse he used last night. Or rather, to the saddle, bridle and tack hung by the stall door. He carefully takes each one down and looks them over, to make sure that no part of last night's ride had damaged them; from the look of it, he has little experience with such things, but he has a keen eye for flaws, and mutters in his own tongue each time he finds something that might be one.

2008-01-22, 12:33 AM

"You're welcome," the acolyte replies to the mother, ducking her head slightly in a gesture of respect. "If I can be of assistance in the future, I would be honored to do so. I'm afraid for now, I must rejoin my companions. They probably are wondering where I have gotten to, what with watching over your daughter this past night." She ducks her head once more before leaving the family and returning to the inn. The dark circles under her eyes are a bit more pronounced, but she shows no other outward signs of her lack of sleep. "What did this Rainard have to say?" she inquires, upon catching sight of her new comrades.

2008-01-22, 12:44 AM

Azathul pauses his examinations as Rhiannon returns. "He said little enough," Azathul replies, more talkative than usual this morning, "save that this sage wishes us to find something, and that he wants it kept a close secret. Rainard has a map to lead us to this sage's hiding place." The dwarf peers at Rhiannon out from under busy brows for a few moments more, as if thinking of saying—or asking—something more, but he doesn't.

2008-01-22, 04:19 PM
Iacchus chuckles at Seven's suggestion. "Well, I haves my wayses..." And, with a turn of his head, he glances in the direction of Lou's room, proceeds as close as he needs to, and waits...

Using Inspire Fear (DC 20 save or Lou wakes up screaming)

2008-01-22, 09:54 PM

Known to sleep in by those who knew him best, Lou wouldn't allow a small detail like a "child realizing her entire innocence had been stolen" keep him from getting his beauty sleep. After all, he couldn't be the dashing hero if he wasn't dashing. And normally, Lou didn't have dreams, he just kinda lulled to sleep, and if he did have them, he didn't remember them. Mostly because he didn't care, but last night? Last night was different. He had been alone in that damned forest, and the trees began to speak gibberish. "Dynamic consumption of our scripture creates illusions of phantasmagoria, emitting the morbid stench of lives lived in futility, for without a purpose that is our purpose, meaning has ceased." He reiterated every word to be precise. Yes, that simple phrase had been etched into his skull... Almost to the point that he would have shoved stakes into his own ears to get the dreaded voices out. And then he woke up... screaming. And almost naked.

"NO! I WILL NOT JOIN YOUR STUPID CULT!" He yelled to the invisible assailant.

2008-01-23, 07:07 AM

Nodding to the others as they arrive, Seven watches Iacchus trip off merrily and wonders if maybe that wasn't the wisest thing to have said to him. Then she shrugs and chuckles. As long as no one dies or gets actually hurt as a result of his 'pranks' (or whatever he wants to call them), it's all fair so far as she can see. She can always wring his little neck if he gets out of control, anyway.

"Morning. I'm ready when everyone else is." She looks both Rhiannon and Azathul over as they wait for the others. This may not be her command, but that doesn't mean she suddenly stops acting like a squad leader. Azathul looks fine, and she approves of his gear inspection wholeheartedly. Rhiannon seems okay, generally speaking, but it's worth asking after when someone has that look. "You sleep alright?"

2008-01-23, 11:45 AM

The acolyte shrugs. "I didn't sleep at all. I was watching over the girl all night. Don't worry, it won't slow me down. Isn't the first sleepless night I've had. Won't be the last."

2008-01-23, 03:32 PM

Seven nods at Rhiannon. "If you say you're okay, then you're okay. Maybe it'd be best if someone rides with you just be on on the safe side, though. I find that the pace of a horse can be almost hypnotic if you let it. Zone right out when you least expect it. Lucky us, we've got two people who don't have their own horses. I'll take Iacchus. You can take Lou."

I'm assuming that anyone who hasn't posted lately has dropped, so it's just the five of us, yes?

2008-01-23, 07:11 PM

Undoubtedly, Lou had made it to the gathering just in time to here Seven's comment. Sarcastically, he throws his fist down, and looks hurt, but he's only kidding.

"I really thought we had something...Ah, well."

His eyes seem a little droopy, as if he didn't sleep at all last night. He wasn't like Rihannon in the sense that it probably would effect him, but he wouldn't bring that up unless asked. He didn't like negative attention.

2008-01-23, 08:01 PM
Iacchus just smiles and walks proudly back towards Seven. He then looks at Lou one more time. "Evil cultses? You havves weirds dreamses..." He then hops up onto the horse, with assistance from Seven, and gives Lou another glance. "Boo!"

Another use. Sorry, but it's addictive. :smalltongue:

2008-01-23, 08:10 PM

Iacchus' face grows large and grotesque, as the word "boo" seems to continue to be at least twenty syllables long. With each passing second, his face becomes more and more intense, literally covering the horizon and gnashing at the elf. On instinct, he trips backwards, rolls, draws his bow and sends and arrow directly through the things face. Luckily for Iacchus, because of the distorted view, the arrow just skimmed the top of his head. Not enough to injury him, but enough to sting. A lot.

2008-01-23, 09:11 PM

"Oy, cut it out, Iacchus." Seven steps between the fey and the elf, facing Iacchus. "Save the juice for an enemy. You want to have your fun, keep it non-magical." She smirks then. "I'll bet you can't. It's probably so easy to just use magic to do it that you can't even think of anything you can do without it." The taunt is delivered light-heartedly. She doesn't really want to irritate him, just keep a kind of peace. If he intends to travel with them, there will have to be some lines drawn. If they are going to work as a team, there has to be some trust, at least. The kind of trust that means no one shoots each other in the back. But she doesn't expect him to stick to it without some emotional blackmail, and she sure isn't above giving a shot at delivering it.

She turns around then and offers Lou a hand up. "You okay?"

2008-01-24, 07:57 PM

He groaned slightly as he grasped Seven's hand. It had been a long while since he had to deal with someone who didn't like him and had the balls to do something about it. Figuratively, of course. He had met many women, as well. Though, not wanting to be further embarrassed, he smiled weakly and yawned.

"Just a little fun, no harm done. We weren't hurting anybody..." He said, trying to play it off like he was just playing along.

2008-01-24, 10:18 PM
Iacchus, who, in the meantime, has a look on his face somewhere between mild shock and a sheer hope his scalp is still in place, tries to close his half-open jaw as he reaches up and brushes the few strayed hairs back in place.

"For nows... I thinks I shalls lets thises go..." He said, still a bit amazed at the near-miss. Jaebrin had outstanding luck, but even for him that was a little close. However, before long, his usual demeanor has returned and he is already plotting how to get a spider into someone's bed or to have them eat something disgusting. She was right; he'd grown a bit too accustomed to toying with drunks and magical fear. He had to get back to the real thing...

2008-01-25, 12:09 AM

Climbing aboard her horse, the acolyte leaves room for Lou to climb on as well, although her expression seems to indicate she can't decide if she got the better end of the deal or not. "Where are we headed?"

2008-01-25, 12:26 AM

Azathul watches Lou and Iacchus warily from underneath his helm, brows beetling in disapproval until Seven steps in and solves the problem. Or seems to; the dwarf resolves not to let further trouble on that front surprise him. "For that," he answers Rhiannon, "you would need to ask Rainard. Who is still abed, unless he has awaken since I came out." As everyone else is mounting, he turns for the door himself and heads inside to find Rainard.