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2019-04-10, 02:23 AM
RC's The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

https://i.ibb.co/cQt4Pwp/20190407-101355.jpg (https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=q6O8wu06U8k&feature=share)

"In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule... Long have I served as the guardian spirit...

I am known as the Deku Tree...

The children of the forest, the Kokiri, live here with me. Each Kokiri has his or her own guardian fairy. However, there are some who do not have a fairy...

Navi... Navi, where art thou? Come hither....

Oh, Navi the fairy... Listen to my words, the words of the Deku Tree... Dost thou sense it? The climate of evil descending upon this realm... Malevolent forces even now are mustering to attack our land of Hyrule...

For so long, the Kokiri Forest, the source of life, has stood as a barrier, deterring outsiders and maintaining the order of the world... But...before this tremendous evil power, even my power is as nothing.

It seems the time has come for the ones without a fairy to begin their journey... The youths whose destiny it is to lead Hyrule to the path of justice and truth...

Navi...go now! Find our young friends and guide them to me... I do not have much time left. Fly, Navi, fly! The fate of the forest, nay, the world, depends upon thee!"

You are standing in a storm, dark and violent. Ahead of you perhaps 50ft of high stone wall is illuminated by twin flames sputtering in their sconces either side of a great wooden drawbridge over a wide water filled moat. Beyond the range of the lights there is only darkness.

With a great clanking the drawbridge begins to descend on massive chains, slamming down with a boom that shakes the ground. Hoofbeats muffled by the rain approach and out of the fortress gallops a white horse carrying a woman and a girl, both in fine clothes. The girl looks desperately back at you until the horse carries her beyond your sight.

As you turn back towards the drawbridge you are startled by the presence of a dark skinned man with red hair in black armour and riding a large black warhorse. He raises his left hand indifferently towards you and a yellow-white glow forms in his palm. The light quickly builds until it is all you can see.

"Hey! Wake Up! The Great Deku Tree wants to talk to you all!"

You become aware of a pulsing tingling sensation.

"Hey! C'mon! Can Hyrule's destiny really depend on such lazy kids?"

You awaken. Mid-morning light shines through the shutters of the house you share with three others inside the trunk of a large tree. Four beds are spaced around the circumference of the round room, about 40ft across, personal areas arranged around a large communal table in the centre where you all share your meals. A doorway to outside is in the middle of the north wall. All is as it usually is, except for the four inch excitable blue ball of light flying from bed to bed and bouncing on each of your friends in turn. Whenever it touches you it tingles. The ball of light stops and floats in the middle of the room as it realises you're all waking up. The ball appears to have tiny diaphonous wings, and on close inspection you can just make out a tiny humanoid figure within the light.


"You finally woke up! I'm Navi the fairy! The Great Deku Tree asked me to be your partner from now on! Nice to meet you all! The Great Deku Tree has summoned you! So let's get going, right now!"

Forum Explorer
2019-04-10, 02:34 PM
Fritter slept curled around her pillow. She twitched and shifted in her sleep before Navi's voice jolted her awake. Immediately forgetting about the dream, she yawned and stretched out, kicking her blankets off the bed.

A fairy? We get a fairy? That's great! But why do we get one fairy for all four of us? And to be summoned by the Great Deku Tree? Is that normal? Is it to congratulate us? To explain why you are our partner fairy? Or is it something else? Does he want us to sing him a song? Tell him a story? Fritter yawned again, and rubbed her eyes.

Oh, and good morning Navi! Good morning everyone! she finished cheerfully, apparently fully awake already.

2019-04-11, 09:03 AM
Kami shifted in his bed, he could hear something in his semi-awake state. The repetitive sound of wings moving, the light made his eyes closer tighter as he fought the stimuli that sought to wake him. He grumbled as he tried to turn his head away from it, not recognizing the sounds also carried words with them.

At least till the tiny thing began to bounce on them causing him to realize someone was actually trying to wake him. This errant thought caused him to turn his head back and pay just a bit more attention. The voice was new, and it seemed to be coming from the light that had been trying to wake him earlier. As he blinked his eyes opened to the new light in the room he realized there was a fairy flying around in their room.

He slowly sat up, stretching his arms over his head twisting his hands together to stretch them as far as he could before dropping them to his sides. Thankfully he didn't need to ask much as Fritter was already asking a barrage of questions, only a few that Kami himself wanted to ask. He looked around to see the other kids getting woken up by this as well. “Morning” He said softly stiffing a yawn.

2019-04-11, 10:07 AM
Xo'Chi still had his eyes closed, she waved a hand against the fairy and babbled: "Go away insect...or I will add you to my hair...", she started to fell asleep again until she hear someone said something about getting faeries, a bit of adrenaline ran thru her body and immediately open her eyes and turn the head to see what was happening, she cannot believe there was a faerie flying inside the room, she rubbed his eyes an peek again, yes, that was a faerie.

2019-04-11, 12:23 PM

Jade's eyes opened from his dream and he sat up. He watched and listened to the faerie without much reaction and instead immediately began to get dressed. When he was done, he grimaced at those who had not taken Navi's words as seriously as he had.

"Get Dressed. Let's get a move on." Jade said with some unjustified authority.

You know Jade as somewhat of a downer. He had trained and studied hard and when asked "Why?" by the children of the village he would always answer the same: "To be ready when I'm needed." Jade never had an answer for what he was getting ready for, but it had always been his response. Of all the children, Jade rarely smiled nor played.

2019-04-11, 03:14 PM

Navi seems quite impatient with Fritter's questioning, flitting back and forth in the direction of the door.

"Look, the Great Deku Tree only summoned me to find you all! I don't know anything about why you don't all have fairy partners. The Great Deku Tree has important matters to tell you. He said it was about evil forces, and your destiny! We should go at once!"

At Jade's words the fairy practically bounces in place.

"Yes! Yes! He's got the right idea! We have to go at once!"

Forum Explorer
2019-04-14, 02:58 PM
Navi seems quite impatient with Fritter's questioning, flitting back and forth in the direction of the door.

"Look, the Great Deku Tree only summoned me to find you all! I don't know anything about why you don't all have fairy partners. The Great Deku Tree has important matters to tell you. He said it was about evil forces, and your destiny! We should go at once!"

At Jade's words the fairy practically bounces in place.

"Yes! Yes! He's got the right idea! We have to go at once!"

Right, right. Fritter said, before walking out the door. She promptly rentered the room. Forgot my cloak! she announced grabbing the garmet in question. Oh, but if we have destinies, doesn't that mean our lives our preordained? So we don't need to rush, cause we were never meant to rush. But I guess you'd still rush us because you were meant to rush us. Fritter paused. Well that's really confusing and complicated, so I'm just going to ignore it! With that, Fritter left the room again, this time for good.

2019-04-15, 04:36 PM
"What?!?!? Great Deku Tree wants us to see him?!?!?!", Her eyes filled with happiness, Xo'Chi speed up changing clothes, she stumbled to the door while putting the second shoe, "Let's go, this sounds exiting!!"

2019-04-16, 06:20 PM

Jade waits impatiently at the door, his impatience clear on his face. He seems to be waiting for something as the other three children get ready.

After all three of the other children go through the door he looks at the faerie as if to ask her a question. He hesitates slightly and then, for a moment, he seems to show an expression of doubt. He turns abruptly and follows the other three out the door.

2019-04-16, 07:03 PM
Kami would busy himself getting his things and found he had very little he really needed. He was nervous about this meeting and remained mostly silent as he waited for the others to get ready and begin heading out. He chewed his bottom lip thoughtfully as he followed Navi to the site of their meeting.

2019-04-20, 01:53 PM
Kokiri Forest

Following Navi and Jade's lead, you emerge onto a platform on the side of your tree, somewhat above the forest floor. A ladder leads down to the path below and as you descend a girl runs towards you, her fairy partner in tow.

"Yahoo! Hi, guys!"


It is Saria! Of all the kokiri Saria isthe most kind and inclusive, sticking up for you all when some of the others have had a go about your lack of fairies. To Fritter and Xo'Chi she's probably your best friend outside the group, but even to the more reserved Kami and Jade she's unfailingly friendly. When she spots Navi her smile of greeting becomes one of pure delight!

"Wow! A fairy!! That's great news! I'm so happy for you!" she exclaims. She doesn't seem remotely interested in who your new fairy partner belongs to. "Is it true that the Great Deku Tree has summoned you? It's quite an honor to talk to the Great Deku Tree! Go on! I'll wait for you here. Don't let me keep you! Go see the Great Deku Tree!"

At Saria and Navi's urging, and leaving Saria leaning against the ladder to your house, you make your way through the village. That's right at the T junction, under the rope bridge, and east over the branching stream towards the Great Deku Tree's meadow. Unfortunately this is as far as you get. A figure stands across the path, barring your way!


It is Mido! Mido fancies himself the unofficial village chief and is a bit of a bully, particularly to Fritter and Kami, but he also never fails to remind any of you that you don't have fairies. Speaking of which:

"Hey you! 'Little no-fairies!' What's your business with the Great Deku Tree? Without fairies you're not even real kokiri!"

The trees, anticlockwise from the Southernmost tree contain the following:
Your house.
Saria's house.
The house of the twins.
The village shop.
Mido's house.
The house of the know-it-all-brothers.
(Each of these is the home of more than just those named, but it's how you know them. There are about 40 kokiri in the village.)

There are three paths out of the village:
To the North, the main path to The Lost Woods.
To the West, Hyrule Field.
To the East, the Great Deku Tree's Meadow.

In the Southwest is the Activity Centre, a common space where the Kokiri can pursue hobbies and activities.

Visit the Great Deku Tree

Forum Explorer
2019-04-20, 08:24 PM
Yay, Saria! It's going to be great! I promise to tell you all about it! Fritter promised spinning around Saria before running off, slamming straight into Mido when he blocks her way.

You're not real! Fritter said with all the maturity her eight years have given her. That is to say, basically none. She rubbed her head and pouted at the bully.

2019-04-20, 09:22 PM

Jade takes a disinterest in Mido, like he usually does. But he does respond as he continues moving without slowing down.

"From the ancient texts I've read, you're not a real kokiri until you have business with the Great Deku Tree." Jade says with a serious look on his face. "By the way, we have a faerie now so you might need some new insult material."

2019-04-23, 06:59 AM

"Your face isn't real!" Mido quips back, unperturbed by Fritter's insult. Then he catches sight of Navi hovering next to Kami.

"What?! You've got a fairy?!" Mido appears flabbergasted, but he still moves to block Jade's way (albeit with a momentary look of uncertainty). The path isn't that wide here between dense bushes either side and it isn't difficult for Mido to totally obstruct it. "Well that doesn't change anything! Nobody sees the Great Deku Tree without an invitation!"

"Actually The Great Deku Tree did send me to summon them," Navi interjects helpfully.

"Say what?! The Great Deku Tree actually summoned you? Whaaaaaaat?! Why would he summon you and not the great Mido? This isn't funny!" Mido huffs angrily, crossing his arms and tapping his foot. "I don't believe it! You aren't even fully equipped yet! How do think you're going to help the Great Deku Tree without both a sword and shield ready? I'm not letting you past until you prove you're taking this seriously!"

It may be that Mido has a point that you're currently under equipped. Kami and Jade are aware that the local shop sells shields, although not much in the way of proper weapons. They're also aware that The Activity Centre in the West of the village has wooden practice swords. Or maybe someone in the village will know where to get your hands on some proper weapons.

Alternatively, though Mido is both strong and tough, there are four of you and only one of him. It might be possible to force him to let you past and take your chances.

Visit the Great Deku Tree

Get Past Mido

The trees, anticlockwise from the Southernmost tree contain the following:
Your house.
Saria's house.
The house of the twins.
The village shop.
Mido's house.
The house of the know-it-all-brothers.
(Each of these is the home of more than just those named, but it's how you know them. There are about 40 kokiri in the village.)

There are three paths out of the village:
To the North, the main path to The Lost Woods.
To the West, Hyrule Field.
To the East, the Great Deku Tree's Meadow.

In the Southwest is the Activity Centre, a common space where the Kokiri can pursue hobbies and activities.

2019-04-23, 11:20 AM
"Sariaaaaaaa!!!!!", Xo'Chi, who was the last of the caravan, surprised Saria jumping over her with an effusive strong hug, "I missed you!", Xho'Chi released Saria' "Sure, I will let you know the outcomes with Deku's", Xo'Chi keep walking trying to pass over Mido but he blocked the way, after all of his buzzing Xo'Chi Shifted into a big and angry Bear and growled intimidatingly at Midos face letting him know she doesn't need a sword.


Forum Explorer
2019-04-24, 04:11 AM
Why would we need a weapon to talk to the Great Deku Tree anyways? Fritter asked, looking up at Navi.

2019-04-25, 06:15 AM

Jade also look to Navi waiting to hear her answer before making an actions towards Mido.

2019-04-28, 10:14 AM

Xo'Chi's fearsome aspect has the desired result! Mido reels back in fright as through Xo'Chi might actually bite him!

"Sheesh! I didn't mean you Xo'Chi, obviously! You know what?! If the rest of you wanna go and see The Great Deku Tree without being properly equipped it's your funeral!" He stands aside to let the party past, then shuffles off in the direction of his house.

"Last time I try and help," he grumbles darkly as he goes, as if everyone didn't know he'd just been on a petty power trip.

The party turns to Navi for guidance and the little fairy is clearly conflicted.

"The Great Deku Tree tasked me with summoning you as soon as possible! But... He did speak of Evil Forces and Destiny. Perhaps equipping yourselves might save time later..."

Visit the Great Deku Tree

Get Past Mido
Equip yourselves (optional)

The trees, anticlockwise from the Southernmost tree contain the following:
Your house.
Saria's house.
The house of the twins.
The village shop.
Mido's house.
The house of the know-it-all-brothers.
(Each of these is the home of more than just those named, but it's how you know them. There are about 40 kokiri in the village.)

There are three paths out of the village:
To the North, the main path to The Lost Woods.
To the West, Hyrule Field.
To the East, the Great Deku Tree's Meadow.

In the Southwest is the Activity Centre, a common space where the Kokiri can pursue hobbies and activities.

Forum Explorer
2019-04-29, 12:24 AM
Daggers, swords, shields, sticks, staves, where where where? Fritter muttered to herself before brightening and running to the nearest tree. She grabbed a branch bigger then herself and swung it around. I've got a stick! she said, grinning proudly.

Improvised weapon for a staff if that's okay?

2019-04-30, 10:47 AM

The boy looks at the other two (Xo'Chi and Kami), "Do any of you want to get equipment first?"

2019-05-03, 11:53 AM

The boy looks at the other two (Xo'Chi and Kami), "Do any of you want to get equipment first?"

Bear Xo'Chi growled at Jade Trying to speak "Grhrrrrhrhrhhrr", she immediately shift back to a humanoid form "Sorry for that, yeah, let's see what can be useful", she smiled ashamed :smallbiggrin: