View Full Version : New build for dead char

2019-04-10, 10:44 AM
So my beloved beguiler was murdered so I know have to remake a new char so this is what I have gone with

Strongheart Halfling
Rogue 1 Cleric 5 Spellwarp Sniper 5
Domains: Elf, and Time

This gives me the Pre for spellwarped and improved initiative. As well spellwarp gives me precise shot.

I just need to know where I should go with my feats
Lv 1 3 6 9

Reach spell I am sure is one of them

2019-04-10, 11:36 AM
Replace the Rogue level with a Spellthief level, it allows you to use wands of any sorcerer/wizard spell from the abjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, and transmutation schools.

Use the Cloistered Cleric (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#clericVariantCloistere dCleric) variant if possible, you'll get tons more skill points and you can trade the free knowledge domain for Knowledge Devotion.

Consider making your character a Human instead, so you can take Able Learner and easily keep up your ranks in your Rogue or Spellthief class skills.

You don't really need to get the Elf domain for a feat, you have plenty of feats to spare. Replace that with a domain that has useful damage spells you can turn into rays, like Weather in ECS. That gets Call Lightning and Call Lightning Storm, one spell gets you ten shots! However, a domain with more direct damage may be better in the long run if you get the spontaneous domain casting ACF in PH2 for it. Spontaneously casting a spell with Split Ray takes a full round action, and per the Rules Compendium if a full round action makes multiple attacks, each of those attacks get to add sneak attack and other precision damage. The Sun domain has Searing Light and Flame Strike, both excellent candidates for that.

Consider taking Craft Rod, since you're better off using rods to maximize or empower your spells instead of using conventional metamagic. Consider Divine Metamagic: Split Ray, although I don't know if that would increase the casting time for a spontaneously cast domain spell. You could just Rod of Maximize it on top of that which will make it take a full round action if you spontaneously cast it.

Maybe take the Acidic Splatter reserve feat for ranged touch attacks if you can find enough acid spells to use it, or Storm Bolt as the Weather domain with spontaneous domain casting will enable you to use that all day.

Consider dipping a level of Ardent with Practiced Manifester, an Ardent learns a new level of powers based on your manifester level instead of your class level, so by only spending one level you can learn 3rd level powers. Use Psychic Theurge (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040925b) to advance both that and Cleric at the same time. Take the Energy and either Time or Freedom mantles, and be sure to use Substitute Powers (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a) to fill out your list. In this case you could start out Spellthief 1/ Ardent 1/ Cloistered Cleric 3/ Psychic Theurge 2/ Spellwarp Sniper 4, and after one more level of Spellwarp Sniper finish out the build with Psychic Theurge. This gets 18/20 Cleric spellcasting and 8th level Ardent powers by 20th level.

2019-04-10, 11:41 AM
^^^ is a well thought out response. love it.

i was just gonna be snarky and say to write Jr. next to the name of your dead character and bring it back to life :p
or have it be a twin...

2019-04-12, 02:03 PM
Thanks for the ideas but I think I will come close to staying the course but not 100% yet. There are a few questions I have, the biggest one I think I that the time domain gives you Permanency but almost all if not all spells that are accompanied with this spell are arcane spells. So what divine spells can have this effect used on them.

Things like divine favour and divine power would both be fantastic spell to use this on if possible but there is no list or no rule about it except the ones that are listed and like I said most of them are arcane

2019-04-12, 02:27 PM
Mastery of Day and Night gives you free maximize on all cure and inflict spells you cast. Boost your sneak attack further if you can, preferably without losing more spellcasting. With enough sneak attack even an inflict minor wounds spell can deal a large amount of damage since you get to maximize it for free. 3d6 + craven + 1 damage maximized at level 10 is 29 damage from a cantrip.

2019-04-13, 04:48 PM
How would this work, stone wall + spell warp

since my build has 5 levels in spellwarp sniper can warp 5 level spells which stone wall is. It has a duration of instant and a range greater than touch. So if I hit with this they would be locked in stone I take it as the spell says you can trap a mobile opponent under the wall?