View Full Version : Vampires

2019-04-10, 03:09 PM
Has anyone run a by-the-book vampire? Are they actually really good?

They are rated as CR 13, and it looks like they have great saves (with LR), some regeneration, and mobility. Damage output looks pretty non-threatening though. Hit at +9 for about 8 damage twice, OR hit to grapple, then bite for about 16 damage. They can do this twice per round through use of their legendary actions. 32 damage per round is...unimpressive.

Yes, I know that they can heal about 10 points from the bite (3d6) and reduce their target's hp maximum by the same amount... but that's sustain, not threat to the rest of the party.

Do they need to be buffed?
Or, on the other hand, can I throw a by-the-book vampire at a group of 5-6 level 6 characters and expect them to drive her off?

2019-04-10, 03:15 PM
I don't like to run single monsters in 5e. I'd have at least a Vampire Spawn or two as well.

However I do think they are strong from a hit and run angle. The can even flee the scene and be a recurring villain very easily so a vampire should be good for a few encounters not just one.

2019-04-10, 03:18 PM
If they use multiattack to bite and unarmed strike on their turn, that's ~25 damage. With the legendary actions they can do it twice, or ~50 damage per round, which is a bit better. They also regenerate 20 hp per round, and can summon some minions to get in the way.

Don't forget that the vampire can charm one of the players. At the very least, that takes one of them out of the fight.

In an empty room, I think a group of 5-6 6th level characters will definitely be able to beat a vampire (or at least turn it into mist), but it seems pretty likely that one of them will die, especially if the vampire is focusing their bite on that target.

2019-04-10, 03:21 PM
If they use multiattack to bite and unarmed strike on their turn, that's ~25 damage. With the legendary actions they can do it twice, or ~50 damage per round, which is a bit better. They also regenerate 20 hp per round, and can summon some minions to get in the way.

Don't forget that the vampire can charm one of the players. At the very least, that takes one of them out of the fight.

In an empty room, I think a group of 5-6 6th level characters will definitely be able to beat a vampire (or at least turn it into mist), but it seems pretty likely that one of them will die, especially if the vampire is focusing their bite on that target.

The vampire can only bite a target that is willing, grappled, or restrained - and they have to give up the damage from their unarmed strike to turn it into a grapple... so it's bite only. Of course, if the vampire is not dislodged, they can grab-bite/wait until someone takes a turn, then LR bite, then wait, then LR unarmed strike, for some pretty decent burst damage.

2019-04-10, 04:27 PM
Depends. In general, the party Paladin is just going to smite the ever loving F*** out of it. The party cleric will do likewise. So the vampire can't be expected to survive all that long.

So take a Buffy approach, and have more than one of the darn things!

2019-04-10, 04:53 PM
They are ok. Not remarkably overpowered but if they can get away after a skirmish they can be brutal. A war of attrition on the party's resources is quite scary.

Raw stats are not really a threat but charm, children of the night and regeneration do tip the balance.

I nearly TPKed a party at level 9 with a vampire. The dungeon required a few levers to be pulled simultaneously in different parts of the dungeon. The few rounds of the party being split made a huge difference. Charm the barbarian and eat the wizard whilst the bard and cleric dash over to help... Flee and then use the charmed barbarian to hold shut the door to keep the cleric out whilst you eat the bard...

2019-04-10, 05:18 PM
Themonstersknow has an excellent vamp writeup.

Worth noting that vamps have spider climb so just yoinking a PC with grapple and dashing while repeatedly LA biting as they drag that hapless soul up a wall is vicious as hell. More so if our vamp opens with a social encounter to charm the lowsave PC's out of the fight.

2019-04-10, 05:56 PM
If you run it like a brick, it won't be that much of threat probably. With 120 ft of Darkvision, stealth +9, legendary action move, and regenerating 20 hp/round, they are awesome skirmishers.

The summons shouldn not be underestimated, 3d6 wolves can range from useful to extremely dangerous at lvl 6. If the fight is indoors, the feature is much tamer, those swarms may be a nuisance, but their DPR is extremely low, so more useful to try and break concetrations than for actually doing damage.

Also remember they don't need to grapple in order to bite if the target is under its charming gaze's effect.

TBH, I think vampires make for better long term antagonists than for one-time bosses. Creating spawns, charming gaze, misty escape, and their vulnerabilities (running water, sunlight, etc.) are largely gonna go unnoticed in a simple encounter.

2019-04-10, 07:29 PM
This is for a Castlevania dungeon-crawl-ish campaign I am plotting out.... aside from Vlad there are two supporting vampires that I'm planning on as early semi-random or surprise boss encounters. Thanks!

2019-04-10, 07:46 PM
Just remember too that a vampire doesn't need to have a vampire's stats. You can easily reskin a lich as a vampire, changing a few traits to make them similar enough that nobody will notice/care.

Kurt Kurageous
2019-04-12, 10:36 AM
Themonstersknow has an excellent vamp writeup.

Worth noting that vamps have spider climb so just yoinking a PC with grapple and dashing while repeatedly LA biting as they drag that hapless soul up a wall is vicious as hell. More so if our vamp opens with a social encounter to charm the lowsave PC's out of the fight.

I endorse themonstersknow for this and any other monster. Vampires are not stand and fight, they are 1 on 1 killers.

The charm ability is the opening salvo.

Action economy is an issue. A vampire is just not going to want to get into it with a party. They go misty. Out of bright light, that might as well be invisible, not to mention silent.

If you haven't read the introduction to Curse of Strahd, understand that, at least once, a DM putting a so and so many hit dice stat block vampire in a game produced incredibly dissatisfied players.

2019-04-12, 10:47 PM
What's the problem with CoS? Too many HP to kill?

2019-04-13, 03:51 AM
Turn it around! Have the players be vampires and attack a group of CR 6 heroes!

See vampire race in my description, based on creating an accurate representation of the MM vampire.