View Full Version : Alternative Alter Self

2019-04-11, 12:19 PM
What are some ways you'd allow players to use Alter Self other than the ones listed?

Would you let a player give themself Flying Squirrel like skin flaps that enabled them to glide for example? Or maybe chameleon skin to gain advantage on stealth checks?

If left open to a creative but reasonable player, I think this spell could be really cool.

2019-04-11, 02:10 PM
Oh, 100%. Some ideas:

Spines that deal 1d6 piercing damage to people in melee range that strike them or are grappled by them
Toxic Skin (or blood) that deals 1d8 poison damage to anyone doing a slashing or piercing attack on them
The Squirrel Suit that gives a guided feather fall effect that acts like a small flying speed
Ability to Dash across water
Ability to just get a Climbing speed of walking speed minus 5 ft, not nearly as good as Spider Climb
Burrow speed of 5 ft.
Suckers to give advantage on all grapple checks, generating THP each round they are grappling a target
Ability to rearrange internal organs to turn critical hits of B/P/S damage into normal hits, and auto-stabilize if they hit 0 hp
Ability to take a catnap - able to take a 1-hour short rest in 20 minutes. However, if they lose concentration on the spell before the 1-hour duration is up, they take a level of exhaustion