View Full Version : Junkyard Wars XXIV: VoPe + S - DC

2019-04-11, 03:34 PM
Welcome to Junkyard Stadium! It is in this hallowed pile of miscellaneous parts that we will hold a competition of Practical Optimization with three components. The catch? Competitors may not use the third item in their builds!

Goal: Create a build that showcases the selected ingredients while steering clear of the Forbidden Ingredient.

This competition has two Necessary Components and one Forbidden Component. This round's components are...

Necessary: Vow of Peace feat (from The Book of Exalted Deeds p.48)
Necessary: Saint template (from The Book of Exalted Deeds p.185 [see also p. 29])
Forbidden: Divine casting (from the SRD, as well as several other sources)

Creation: 32 point-buy is the presumed creation method. You may assume that you will have enough exp to reach ECL 20, and that the occasional bit of crafting, use of spells with exp components, or the like won't prevent you from doing so. However, LA buyoff is an alternate rule which is not in play.
Workshop: Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon Magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. If you use web material, please link it. Dragon Magazine Compendium is allowed, as are Oriental Adventures and the Dragonlance Campaign Setting. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt and fractional saves are not allowed, as they create a different playing field.
Speculation: Please don't post or speculate on possible builds until after the reveal in order to avoid spoiling the surprise if a particular competitor is producing a build along those lines.
Disputes: Any scoring disputes should be sent to the Chair via PM. Valid disputes include RAW misreadings, arithmetic errors, things missed that are present in the entry, and inconsistently applied criteria. Invalid disputes include disagreements on matters of opinion, a judge not catching something not explicitly presented in the entry, and the like. Invalid disputes will be responded to via PM by the Chair, but valid disputes will be posted in-thread for the judge to review. When disputing, please indicate the judge the dispute is intended for and provide a quote of the disputed comment or comments. Note: the Chair may edit or paraphrase any disputes in presenting them to the judges.
Leadership is banned: We're creating one thing, not all of the things. If your entry includes a prestige class or ACF that grants Leadership or a Leadership-like ability as a bonus feat, the feat should be ignored and is not eligible to be traded away for another feat or ACF through any means.
Presentation: You will need to present a write-up of your build at at least one of the following points: 5th level, 10th level, 15th, 20th, and a "sweet spot" that you feel is the high point of the build, as well as presenting a fully-fleshed out 20-level build in the table below. Please give a rundown of the build's abilities and playability throughout its life. Builds will be posted anonymously, in order to avoid the potential of bias towards a particular competitor. For this reason, please don't put your name in the build as I'm likely to miss it when reviewing the entries. Also for this reason, PLEASE do not include any material that may or may not offend any potential viewers/judges/competitors OR break forum rules. Any builds which violate forum rules WILL be withheld from posting.

Due to concerns about standardizing entry format, please use the following table for their entry.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code immediately below (spoiler).

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage)
Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Code immediately below (spoiler)Spells per Day/Spells Known






















For other systems (Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, etc.) keep track of PP/maneuvers/essentia separately, preferably in a nice neat list.

Scoring: Each judge is required to provide the criteria by which they are judging the builds. By "criteria," we mean a simple explanation of what the judge is looking for in each of the below categories and what kind of scoring we can expect. If a judge deems a build to be illegal, they may provide a 0 in Elegance but may not refuse to judge any build presented by the Chairman.
The Categories: Judging will be based on the following criteria, with each build rated from 1 (very poor) to 5 (exemplary) in each area: Originality, Power, Elegance, Use of Components.

Originality: Is the build unique? Does it deviate from the obvious? Does it forge its own path, or does it fall back on common, established optimization tricks? Some judges score entries for the quality of their concept & backstory as well, though not all do. Providing at least some backstory is heavily encouraged, as it helps the judges figure out who the entry is. Note that the purpose of this category is not to penalize entries that independently came up with the same idea as another entry, but rather to reward entries that explore underutilized and non-obvious areas of optimization, so, judges, try not to base your judging in this category too heavily on what other builds are doing. Multiple entries using the same element may certainly be evidence that the element is unoriginal, but you shouldn't impose anything like a "-1 for each other build using the same class" penalty.
Power: Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. In the words of one of my predecessors, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue.
Elegance: This category was formerly titled "Build Stability." Here, we're essentially measuring how skillfully you put your build together and how you balanced flavor with power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well-presented it is. Use of flaws is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category. Other things that will cause lost points here are excessive multiclassing (meaning any multiclassing that results in an xp penalty), and classes that don't fit the concept - using Cloistered Cleric in a front-line melee fighter, for example, may lose you points. Rule adherence and legality of sources is scored under this category; additionally, reliance on a questionable, controversial, or ambiguous ruling can and should result in a deduction. Neither the number of sources nor their relative obscurity should be penalized--contestants should feel free to use any books they like. Dipping should not be penalized unless it results in a multiclass xp penalty; if the system won't penalize it, neither should judges.
Use of Components: Was the Forbidden Component avoided? Were the Necessary Components showcased, or simply used because they were necessary?

Disputes: Any scoring disputes will be posted by the Chairman in-thread after reviewing them privately. Valid disputes include
RAW misreadings,
arithmetic errors,
things missed that are present in the entry,
and inconsistently applied criteria.
Invalid disputes include
disagreements on matters of opinion,
a judge not catching something not explicitly presented in the entry,
and the like.
Invalid disputes will be responded to via PM by the Chair, but valid disputes should be responded to by each individual judge. Judges are obligated to respond to disputes to ensure that everyone gets a fair shake. A judge's scores will only be recognized if they have recognized all disputes. In the absence of any other judges, the entries will be judged by the chairman.

Completion Time:

Contestants will have until 20:59 PM CDT Monday May 6, 2019 to create their builds and PM them to the chairman.
Builds will then be posted simultaneously to avoid copying.
Judges will have until 20:59 PM CDT Tuesday May 14, 2019 to judge the builds and submit their scores. Judging deadline is subject to extension as required.
As the precedent has been set from Episode 2, should all prospective judges have posted their rulings in a neat, timely fashion and all disputes have been settled satisfactorily (to either judges, contestants, or the Chairperson), the judging period may end prematurely to give way to a new episode. No reason to keep working on a finished building and avoid moving onto the next one.

Looking for as many contestants and judges as feel like playing! We will award 1st through 3rd places, as well as a shout-out for honorable mention. The honorable mention prize is given to the most daring or unexpected build that doesn't gain a medal. Contestants are invited to vote for honorable mention via PM. Everyone else can vote in-thread. Ready? Set? Get to the junkyard and start building!

Junkyard Wars in the Playground I: Shadowdancer + Sneak Attack - Rogue (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?337864)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground II: Healing Spells + Ruby Knight Vindicator - Cleric (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?342896)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground III: Dragons + Theurges - Kobolds (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?347412)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground IV: BoED + Undead Type - Completes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?355278)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground V: Dread Witch + Reaping Mauler - Fighter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?360271)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground VI: Wonderworker + Profession Skill - Factotum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?369604)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground VII: Metamagic Feats + LA - Metamagic Reducers! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?374504)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground VIII: Pounce+Small Size-Barbarian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?388151)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground IX: Earth Dreamer + Ordained Champion - Cleric (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?395791)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground X: Meldshaping + Natural Attacks - Totemist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?403880)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XI: Magical Darkness + Improved Familiar - Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?409650)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XII: Dragonmark Heirs + Touchstones - Martial Weapons (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?430214)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XIII: Mulhorandi Divine Minion + Monk - Any Other Wildshaping (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?465901)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XIV: Racial Paragon Classes + Spellcasting - Base Classes (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479427)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XV: Ruathar + Stoneblessed - Human (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?497904)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XVI: Trapsmith + Combat Trapsmith - Rogue (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?540521)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XVII: Elemental Warrior + Jaunter - Fighter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?552569)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XVIII: Argent Savant + Holy Scourge - Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?555404)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XIX: Incarnum Blade + Exotic Weapon Master - Spiked Chain (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?562523-Junkyard-Wars-XIX-IB-EWM-SC)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XX: Xorvintaal Exarch + The Pact-Bound Adept - Sorcerer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?568541-Junkyard-Wars-XX-XE-PBA(a)-S)
Junkyard Wars in the Playground XXI: Rebuke Undead + Teamwork Benefits - [Divine] feats (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?572680-Junkyard-Wars-XXI-Halloween-Round!)
Junkyard Wars XXII: Battle Trickster + Magical Trickster - Uncanny Trickster (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?577512-Junkyard-Wars-XXII-Show-Me-Your-Skillz)
Junkyard Wars XXIII: Spellwarp Sniper + Silever Pyromancer - Energy Substitution (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?581736-Junkyard-Wars-XXIII-Ready-Aim-Fire)

2019-04-11, 03:35 PM
I feel it pertinent to point out here that the Book of Exalted Deeds (the source material for both of our necessary components this round) includes, in its introduction, this:

There is one other reason this book is intended for mature audiences: it deals with certain aspects of real-world religion that might make some people uncomfortable. .... To many of us with deeply held convictions about such matters, the subject is touch at best. This book carries a warning because we're relying on you to deal with your own reactions to this material in a mature manner.... We've tried to present the material with sensitivity and appropriate gravity, and we trust you to use it in the same way.

It is with no mere coincidence that this contest straddles in its time-frame what Christians refer to as Holy Week. Some may wish to explore such a connection as they create their entry/ies. Others might hold no such interest. We here in this contest will require no such connection be made, though we will, of course, expect all who enter here to hold themselves to the maturity intended by the creators of the source material.


Vow of Peace, huh? Doesn't that kinda change the game?
Vow of Peace does change the play-style of what many consider to be a 'typical' game of d&d. Judges: it is highly recommended that you view the characters presented as being approved and appropriate for the campaign they'd find themselves in. That doesn't mean that the campaign so designed for them will be without hardship or sacrifice; to the contrary, sacrifices may very well be necessary for them. But your judgements should not include penalties for any perceived disruptions to a campaign due to the exalted nature of the character.

2019-04-11, 03:47 PM
No Apostle of Peace then? aww.

2019-04-11, 03:49 PM
No Apostle of Peace then? aww.

Yup. Such is the nature of this competition's format. ;)

2019-04-11, 04:07 PM
This is a very interesting one: I'm going to wrack my brain for some inspiration here. :smallsmile:

2019-04-11, 04:14 PM
How exactly do we account for the Saint's LA? Upon qualification, or....?

2019-04-11, 04:27 PM
How exactly do we account for the Saint's LA? Upon qualification, or....?

Good question. I would say, yes.
When filling out the build table (see OP: Handy-dandy Tables You Can Use), simply include "Saint" as two lines. Thus, if you were to make a 10th level character who became a Saint, fill out the first 10 levels of the table as normal, leave levels 11 and 12 blank (perhaps with the simple note of "Saint") for a placeholder, then continue filling the remaining table at level 13 and beyond as normal.
Clear as mud, yes?

2019-04-11, 04:30 PM
Welp, I've figured out something that works. It's just a bit obvious, though I can definitely make this pretty flavorful.

2019-04-11, 05:36 PM
Neat. I probably won’t have time to compete, but should be more free come judgment time.

2019-04-12, 12:45 PM
I am down to bake. I have a single question that I'm going to send to the chair however

2019-04-13, 08:19 AM
i have a cleric/saint build in the wings, but thats out... have to look at this more in depth

**edit **

I dunno what it is lately, but i seem to be having to many feat slots and no ideas for them... it's an interesting problem to have!

2019-04-24, 01:05 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Chairman speaking. You have approximately one week left to build your entries. That's one week.
Thank you.

2019-04-29, 06:03 PM
We've reached the other side of the last weekend before the deadline. One entry is in. How are the rest of you faring?

2019-04-29, 06:28 PM
I have a concept. I forgot to actually do a write-up... I'll try to do it on Wednesday, but if I haven't submit it by Saturday it will be another week at the earliest
And that's if there were extensions

2019-04-29, 07:36 PM
Time crept up on me, again. Easter break was pretty busy doing stuff.

2019-04-30, 10:37 AM
I haven't really done much with my idea. It was just too mechanically uninteresting to work out.

2019-05-01, 03:53 PM
Okay, I'm going to officially push the deadline back to Monday the 6th. That'll give another weekend for people to play with. Hopefully, we'll be able to add a few more entries to the mix.

2019-05-01, 04:03 PM
Excellent, that'll give me time to actually finish my write-up! I found this round surprisingly entertaining!

2019-05-02, 08:29 PM
Okay, I'm going to officially push the deadline back to Monday the 6th. That'll give another weekend for people to play with. Hopefully, we'll be able to add a few more entries to the mix.

Great stuff - I really hope to get an entry in this time around, it's been a while.

2019-05-05, 05:02 PM
Great stuff - I really hope to get an entry in this time around, it's been a while.

Suffice to say I won't be getting an entry in, but I will commit to judge...

2019-05-06, 07:24 AM
Couldn't think of anything that would not be a tack-on myself, nor could I figure out a way to showcase the absence of the forbidden ingredient - if you know what I mean.

2019-05-06, 06:20 PM
Trying to come up with some fluff, otherwise this build is written! Will be submitting shortly (I believe I still have ~2 hours?)

#Edit: Build Submitted!

2019-05-07, 04:20 AM
Thank you for your builds, ladies and gentlemen.
Pencils down, please.
I ask that you refrain from posting until all builds are up.

2019-05-07, 04:22 AM
St. Collam, Oathsworn Paragon

Jemmy was terrified. The boiled leather cuirass bearing the sigil of the Mother Abbey he’d been so proud to wear seemed no more secure than a hempen shirt and the stout spear clutched in his hand was barely enough to keep him upright behind the castellations on the outer wall that had once seemed so secure. The vast host of heretics approaching the Abbey had rendered the formidable defenses of the edifice seemingly insignificant, and Jemmy was terrified. Prayers fell from numb lips, and he could hear his fellows along the walls offering their voices alongside him. For all their faith however, it was clear that hope had abandoned the defenders of the Church’s heart.

A stir went through the defenders and residents gathered before the Abbey as the main doors opened fully for the first time in years and out stepped a man in ancient regalia, turning without pause towards the stairs to the ramparts. As the man approached calm spread in his wake, soldiers stood taller, shoulders squared, and the prayers they spoke now held a fierce joy, the previous hopelessness gone in the presence of the man. Jemmy’s fear changed to awe as the man came to stand beside him with a smile and Jemmy’s mouth fell open in shocked awe as he realized he recognized the face and accoutrement of the man from within the Abbey; it was as if he’d walked bodily out of the depiction of St. Collam, First Defender of the Faith.

Before Jemmy could collect himself and say something - what does one say to a legend? – St. Collam turned out to survey the assembled host before the walls and spoke.

“Long ago this place was dedicated to be a place of refuge and safety for all those who came seeking it” he murmured, the soft tones carrying to all the defenders despite that such soft speech should not have been able to reach them all. “I swore that none here should suffer harm at the hands of another.” St. Collam’s face hardened and steel entered his voice as he stated “Today is not the day that I shall be foresworn.”

At this the aura of soothing energy swirling around the Saint surged, growing near to blinding. Through the light the Paragon could be seen reaching a hand out towards the advancing host before brilliant spears of holy light arced towards the assembled attackers in uncountable numbers. Wherever they struck light bloomed searingly bright before fading, leaving bodies strewn in their wake.
The display was achingly beautiful, humbling, and to Jemmy’s awestruck surprise surprisingly quiet. There was no screaming as the enemy was felled, and once it was over the field was eerily silent.

As the last spear of holy light faded out the Saint turned to the defenders and residents of the Abbey, saying “Come. Our work is just beginning; they will need tending to.”

“They’re not dead?” a shocked voice blurted out, and Jemmy only realized it was his as St. Collam turned a bemused face to him.”

“I swore that all who came here would find safety,” he answered. “And I keep my promises.”








Build Stub: Fighter 2/Monk 1/Soulknife 2/Warblade 1/Soulbow 5/Kensai 5/Saint Template 2/Kensai +2

Human (Outsider)
Lawful Good

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features
Alternate Class Features

Balance 2(4cc), Climb 4, Ride 4, Tumble 2(4cc)
Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty (H), Weapon Focus (Longsword) (B), Zen Archer (F), Combat Expertise (F)
Bonus Feat
Hit and Run Fighter (DotU p58) : +2 Initiative, DEX to damage vs Flat-Footed w/in 30’
+2 Perfection Bonus to Diplomacy (SV); AC Bonus +4 (VoP)

Climb 5(1), Ride 5(1), Swim 3, Balance 2, Tumble 2
Point Blank Shot (B), Nymph’s Kiss (VoP)
Bonus Feat
Bonus Exalted Feat (VoP)

Balance 5(3), Concentration 2, Diplomacy 2, Climb 5, Ride 5, Swim 3, Tumble 2
Pharaoh’s Fist, Stunning Fist (B), Improved Unarmed Strike
Bonus Feat, Unarmed Strike (1d6), WIS to AC
Decisive Strike (PHB2 p 51) : Lose Flurry of Blow, Gain ability to make a single attack as a full round action that deals double damage
AC Bonus +5, Endure Elements (VoP)

Autohypnosis 4, Concentration 4(2), Tumble 3(1), Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 2, Ride 5, Swim 3
Weapon Focus (Mindblade) (B), Hidden Talent (Dimension Hop) (B), Intuitive Attack (VoP),
Mind Blade, Weapon Focus (Mind Blade), Hidden Talent
Mind’s Eye (Web) : Replace Wild Talent with Hidden Talent
Exalted Strike +1 (Magic), Bonus Exalted Feat (VoP)

Autohypnosis 8(4), Concentration 5(1), Tumble 5(2), Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 2, Ride 5, Swim 3
Throw Mind Blade
Sustenance (VoP)

Diplomacy 5(3), Tumble 9(4), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Concentration 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Whirling Steel Strike, Knight of Stars (VoP)
Battle Clarity (Reflex Saves), Weapon Aptitude, Martial Maneuvers: Action Before Thought (Counter), Moment of Perfect Mind (Counter), Mountain Hammer (Strike), Hunter’s Sense (Stance)
AC Bonus +6, Deflection Bonus +1, Bonus Exalted Feat (Vop)

Concentration 7(2), Listen 2, Spot 2, Tumble 10(1), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Precise Shot (B)
Mind Arrow, Bonus Feat
Resistance +1, Ability Score Enhancement +2 (WIS) (VoP)

Concentration 9(2), Listen 4(2), Spot 4(2), Tumble 11(1), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Gift of Faith (VoP)
Mind Arrow Enhancement (+1 Bonus Equivalent – Lucky)
Natural Armor +1, Mind Shielding, Bonus Exalted Feat (VoP)

Concentration 11(2), Listen 6(2), Spot 6(2), Tumble 12(1), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Stunning Master, Rapid Shot (B)
+1 Mind Arrow, Bonus Feat
AC Bonus +7 (VoP)

Concentration 13(2), Listen 8(2), Spot 8(2), Tumble 13(1), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Nimbus of Light (VoP)
Close Combat Shot
Exalted Strike +2 (Good), Damage Reduction 5/Magic, Bonus Exalted Feat (VoP)

Concentration 14(1), Listen 11(3), Spot 10(2), Tumble 14(1), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Manyshot (B)
Bonus Feat
Ability Score Enhancement +4/+2 (WIS/DEX) (VoP)

Concentration 15(1), Listen 12(2cc), Spot 11(2cc), Tumble 15(2cc), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Paralyzing Fists, Vow of Obedience (VoP)
Signature Weapon (Mind Arrows), +1 Equivalent (Merciful)
AC Bonus +8, Deflection +2, Greater Sustenance, Bonus Exalted Feat (VoP)
+4 Perfection Bonus to Will Saves vs Compulsion (VoO)

Concentration 16(1), Listen 13(2cc), Spot 12(2cc), Tumble 16(2cc), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Power Surge
Resistance +2, Energy Resistance 5 (VoP)

Concentration 17(1), Listen 14(2cc), Spot 13(2cc), Tumble 17(2cc), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Vow of Nonviolence (VoP)
Exalted Strike +3, Freedom of Movement, Bonus Exalted Feat (VoP)
+4 to Special Attack DCs (Stunning Fist, etc.) (VoNv)

Concentration 18(1), Listen 15(2cc), Spot 14(2cc), Tumble 18(2cc), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Extra Stunning
Ki Projection, Signature Weapon (Mind Arrows), +4 Equivalent (Merciful, Splitting)
AC Bonus +9, Ability Score Enhancement +6/+4/+2 (WIS/DEX/CON), Damage Reduction 5/Evil (VoP)

Concentration 19(1), Listen 16(2cc), Spot 15(2cc), Tumble 19(2cc), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Vow of Peace
Natural Armor +2, Bonus Exalted Feat (VoP)
Calming Aura: 20' Radius Will Save vs Calm Emotions Spell (DC 10 + 1/5 Lvl + CHA), Mind-Effecting Supernatural (VoPe)
Natural Armor +2, Deflection +2, Exalted +2, Stacks with VoP (VoPe)
Manufactured Weapons Fortitude Save Shatter on Hit (DC 10 + 1/5 Lvl + CON) (VoPe)
Diplomacy +4 Exalted Bonus (VoPe)

Saint Template
Type Change to Outsider
Add WIS to AC (Insight)
Holy Power (Su): +2 to Save DC for all special attacks (including Sp, Su, Ex)
Holy Touch (Su): +1d6 vs evil, +1d8 vs undead
Spell-Like Abilities: At Will - Guidance, Resistance, Virtue, Bless (CL = HD, DCs based on CHA)
Damage Reduction: - (HD1-3), 5/magic (HD4-7), 5/evil (HD8-11), 10/evil (HD12+)
Fast Healing (Ex): HD/2 to a maximum of 10
Immunities (Ex): Acid, Cold, Electricity, Petrification
Keen Vision (Ex): Low-Light, 60' Darkvision
Protective Aura (Su): 20' radius light as double-strength Magic Circle Against Evil and Lesser Globe of Invulnerability (CL HD/2)
Resistances (Ex): Fire (10), +4 to Fortitude vs Poison (Racial)
Tongues (Su): Continuous Tongues spell (CL 14)
Abilities: CON +2, WIS +2, CHA +4

Saint Template

Concentration 20(1), Listen 17(2cc), Spot 16(2cc), Tumble 20(2cc), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Exalted Strike +4, Resistance +3, Regeneration (VoP)

Concentration 21(1), Listen 18(2cc), Spot 17(2cc), Tumble 21(2cc), Autohypnosis 8, Balance 5, Climb 5, Diplomacy 5, Ride 5, Swim 3
Extra Stunning, Llira’s Blessing (VoP)
Ki Projection, Signature Weapon (Mind Arrows), +7 Equivalent (Merciful, Splitting, Seeking, Collision)
AC Bonus +10, Deflection +3, True Seeing, Bonus Exalted Feat (VoP)

Before this competition was posted I had been playing around with trying to make Stunning Fist more relevant (I stumbled across Emperor Tippy’s monk challenge and it got me thinking) which led to a bunch of builds trying to make Stunning Fist ranged. Turns out there’s a couple of different ways to do that. This is the version that seemed most viable in the context of this competition’s requirements.

Alright, let’s talk about this. These first five levels are largely foundational, hitting prereqs and setting up to be a Wisdom focused Soulbow. Unfortunately we’re going to be dropping a lot of BAB throughout, and that starts here, with a Monk dip and the two levels of Soulknife leaving us at only BAB +3 at ECL5. What were trading for is completing all of our prereqs for both Prestige classes as well as all feats, both those we’re required by the round to get and those we want to pick up for ourselves. I’m expecting hits in both Originality (Vow of Poverty) and Elegance (Flaws), but the former saves us two feats overall as well as synergizes well with the rest of the build, and the latter we can’t really avoid if we want to hit our stride before ECL20. Enough excuses; what do we actually have here? We start out our habit of taking oaths right off the bat with Sacred Vow and Vow of Poverty. We’re all pretty familiar with VoP at this point, so I’m not going to spend a whole lot of time on this, aside from stating that the bonus exalted feats mean we’re actually better off by two meaningful feats than we would have been without it (VoP gives us Vow of Nonviolence, Vow of Peace, and Intuitive Attack for free). For feats were sitting pretty with support for WIS focused melee combat where we’ll start (Weapon Focus (Longsword), Weapon Focus (Mind Blade), Intuitive Attack) and WIS Focused regular archery (Zen Archery, Rapid Shot), and the addition of Pharaoh’s Fist to make our Stunning Fist attacks 5’ radius AoEs means that the 2x attempts we have at this point might actually do something in a pinch. At this point VoP’s offensive (+1 Exalted Strike) and defensive (AC Bonus +5) is actually not too shabby, and with DEX 14, WIS 16 we have an unarmored AC of 20. Nothing particularly complex is going on here; we’re a mundane combatant either melee or ranged. Skill wise not much going on, but with Nymph’s Kiss and Sacred Vow you can do some decent Diplomacy if needed.
These levels are where it’s all happening. We’re transitioning into a ranged champion primarily during these levels with Soulbow, but it’s the single level of Warblade that’s really key, as it let’s us pick up Weapon Aptitude. This little gem lets us reassign the target weapon of any feat; in this case that’s going to be our sixth level feat Whirling Steel Strike, which allows us to make the Longsword be treated as a monk weapon. With Weapon Aptitude we can reassign this to Mind Arrows, and with the ninth level feat Stunning Master we can now deliver Stunning Fist (and related feats) attacks through any Monk Weapon…So now we can deliver Stunning Fist attacks at the range of a Composite Longbow. Granted we still only have 3/day, but that will change. Speaking of level nine, there’s something weird going on here with our BAB. The Soulbow has a fairly oddly worded passage when explaining the enhancement bonus of Mind Arrows achieved at Soulbow 3, wherein it states that this enhancement bonus improves the BAB of the character in addition to being an enhancement bonus. A permissive reading of this would imply that ANY enhancement bonus the Mind Arrows has increases the character’s BAB, so the VoP Exalted Strike ability would apply, but I chose to interpret it only as the Class Ability enhancement bonus, but I’ll leave final adjudication to the DM. Regardless, by level ten with Soulbow and VoP we’re toting a +2 Lucky Mind Arrow at BAB +8 using WIS to hit and damage through which we can deliver AoE stunning attacks at a DC of 19. With both Precise Shot and Rapid Shot we can now act as an archer fully. Skill wise we’ve picked up enough Tumble to be pretty happy about our chances to avoid the first AoO, Concentration can give us a much better alternative to Reflex and Will saves with our Warblade Manuevers, and we’ve started to accumulate some Listen and Spot to not be useless. The Warblade level also afforded us the Mountain Hammer Strike for unlimited lockpicking, and Hunter’s Sense gives us Scent so only those creatures with Darkstalker can sneak up on us, and we can help with tracking.
Here’s where we hone our ranged stunning style; if this build has a sweet spot it’s probably at level fifteen, the reasons for which I will go over now. The final level of Soulbow gives us Manyshot as a bonus feat, which we actually like. One of the many issues with Stunning Fist is the severely limited uses coupled with the facts that a missed attack or a successful save completely invalidates the use. Manyshot actually helps with all of these issues. If you read the Stunning Fist feat closely you’ll notice the following statement: ‘You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll.’ Manyshot uses a single attack roll, and thus Stunning Fist should apply to all arrows fired this way (three at BAB 11+). Not sure quite how Manyshot interacts with the Lucky enchantment, but this should give a very high chance that you hit with at least one Stunning Fist attack each time you try. At level twelve we pick up another two oaths: the flavor oath to be a Kensai, and the Oath of Obedience feat (seemed appropriately timed and we’ve run out of actually useful Exalted feats to take). The Kensai class let’s us enchant our Mind Arrows without using WBL and thus getting around the VoP restriction, as well as letting us add the Merciful enchantment which will set us up for the Vow of Nonviolence at level fourteen. We’ve also picked up Paralyzing Fists so that if we succeed with more than one Stunning Fist in a turn the target has to make an additional saving throw or be paralyzed for 1d2 rounds. When we put all this together with Manyshot and the Splitting Property (which explicitly applies on-hit effects to both arrows) added at level 15, a single Stunning Fist use creates six arrows from our +3 Lucky, Merciful, Splitting Mind Arrows with to-hit of +22/+22/+22/+22/+20/+20 (+11 BAB + 11 WIS +3 Enhance +1 Weapon Focus -4 Manyshot) all using the same roll, which is a best of two d20 from Lucky, all of which are 5’ AoE as well. Stunning Fist DC at this point is 32 (10 + .5*15HD + 11 WIS + 4 VoNv), and Paralyzing Fists has DC 32 + Number of Successful Stunning Fists (2-6). With the pickup of Extra Stunning at level fifteen, we have seven attempts per day. Our regular damage is actually pretty bad, but still contributes with 1d8+3+11 (nonlethal) damage per arrow.
These levels are mostly about finishing up the Ingredients, picking up the Vow of Peace at 16, and taking the Saint Template for ECL 17 and 18. With three more levels of Kensai thrown in the mix, what do we gain from these levels. Vow of Peace doesn’t really synergize with this build, but does help with our defenses pretty well, increasing our Natural Armor, Deflection Bonus, and Exalted Armor Bonus by +2 each, as well as giving a chance of shattering any manufactured weapon that hits us. Normally we’d be sad about our loot breaking, but as a VoP character we’re a-okay with it. The Calming Aura is potentially an issue, but as ranged character we can maneuver around our allies, and it gives a chance of foiling any chargers attempting to get to you, which is always appreciated. The Saint template gives us a whole bunch of goodies, of which we’re most interested in the WIS to AC, +2 to special ability DCs, and the +2 to WIS, the latter two of which conspire to increase our Stunning Fist DC by an additional 3 points, though the fact that Protective Aura’s glow overlaps and indicates the VoPe aura can come in useful for allies avoiding it. By the time we hit ECL 20 we have an AC of 61 (10 + 4 DEX + 13 WIS (Monk) + 13 WIS (Saint) + 10 Bonus (VoP) +5 Deflection (VoP + VoPe) + 4 Natural Armor (VoP + VoPe) + 2 Exalted (VoPe)) along with a host of immunities and resistances. Stunning Fist DC has increased to 38 and we have 11 uses per day. While our BAB hasn’t increased much, we’re still getting six arrows from a single Manyshot, and we’re doing it with an Epic +12 equivalent +4 Lucky (+1), Merciful (+1), Splitting (+3), Seeking (+1), Collision (+2) Mind Arrow which is considered Good Aligned.
There are a number of pieces of this build that could be swapped around depending on taste or DM. Of these I’m going to touch on some of the feat selections, as well as the Kensai Signature Weapon ability selections. The final two feat selections were chosen to have more uses of Stunning Fist, but if you find it to be less useful in your campaign (undead heavy for instance), then you can swap those out for other uses such as Improved Precise Shot or Woodland Archer (IPS frees up the Seeking enchantment to take a damage choice instead), or perhaps Knowledge Devotion for more damage as well (though skills would need to be rearranged). Another potentially entertaining option is taking Penetrating Shot to get AoE Stunning Fist attempts on everyone in a line. If the DM allows you to take the Explosive enchantment (+2) for your Mind Arrows, you can not take Pharaoh’s Fist, as you would now be doing damage in a 10’ radius instead, freeing up a feat slot. If you need to increase the save DC there’s always Ability Focus, as well as Sapphire Fist (A version of this build using Totemist and Manticore Belt instead of Soulbow could be interesting) or Falling Sun Attack.

If more severe rebuilding is on the table, doing away with the Vow feats makes this build a little easier to be relevant outside of Stunning Fist attacks, and also opens up Dark Chaos Shuffling to help with the feat heavy nature of the build.

Anywhoo, that’s it! Hope you enjoyed!

2019-05-07, 04:23 AM
Ser Willem, The Gentle

CG Silverbrow Human Psion (Kineticist/Psychokinesis) 5/Pyro 1/Saint 2/ Pyro +3/Wonderworker 3/Pyro +6

As a boy, I was most fortunate to go on a Pilgrimage to Lunia, in Celestia. We were met upon our arrival by a host of what my papa called Hound Archons. Into their midst arrived the great Lord Barachiel, and my heart swelled with hope at his arrival. As his gaze flew across our humble group, I thought for a moment that it lingered for just the briefest moment upon me.

Many years later when I was a grown man, I felt that presence again, and it forever changed the course of my life. I had just sworn my sword and soul to the Legion di Vigilae when I received a message in my mind. I was to continue my path, to be a Warrior of Peace. I would meet a teacher to instruct me in the ways of the Gentle Flame. One of the fabled Fey.

With this in my arsenal, I would hunt evil wherever it may tread. However, even those with the blackest souls could reach redemption, so capture was preferred over death. To this end I made a series of Vow’s which helped to further shape my future.

In time, my deed’s again brought the attention of the celestial upon me and my order. I was granted the Gift, and attained a level of divinity I thought not possible in this life. Eventually, I learned how to emulate in my own way, Lord Barachiel’s way. And here, my story begins anew.


This build makes heavy use of the psionics-magic transparency.

Silverbrow (Dragon Magic 6): featherfall 1/day +1 for every 5 hd total (4x at 18), bonus feat at 1, dragonblood subtype)

Point Buy:
S 12, D 10, C 12, I 14, W 14, C 16
S 12, D 10, C 14, I 14, W 16, C 20
4 – STR, 10/14/18 – CHA

5d4+5+10d8+3d6+26 HPs

Psion (Kineticist/Psychokinesis) XPH 21, D4 HD, 2+INT skills, 3 1st lvl powers at lvl 1
at lvls 1,5,10,15,20 gain a bonus feat, any psionic/metapsionic/psionic item creation feat
Add Autohypnosis, Balance, Heal to skill list

Pyrokineticist: XPH 153: Req-chaotic, Conc 8, Craft – Alch 1, Know – Psionics 2
D8, 2+INT

Saint requires: 6th lvl, 3 exalted feats, no elemental or outsider type
Type becomes Outsider, WIS to AC (Insight bonus) CON/WIS +2, CHA +4
Gains Holy Power (Su) save dc’s of any special attack, Su/Ex/SLA increase by +2
Holy Touch (Su) all melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 holy against evil, and 1d8 against evil outsiders/undead. Any evil creature that strikes saint w/ a nat weapon takes damage as if hit by saint’s attack.
SLA’s/will: Guidance (+1 comp bonus to any attack/save/skill for 1 min or til used), Resistance (+1 to saves for 1 min), Virtue (1 min, gain 1 temp HP), Bless (50ft radius, 1min/lvl, +1 morale bonus to attack, and saves vs fear, counter and dispels Bane) CL=HD, saves CHA based
DR by HD(Ex): 4-7= 5/magic, 8-11= 5/evil, 12+=10/evil
Fast Healing (Ex): half HD/round (max 10)
Immunities (Ex): acid/cold/electricity/petrification
Keen Vision (Ex): lowlight and Darkvision 60ft
Protective Aura (Su): free action nimbus of light 20ft, as double strength magic circle against evil, and lesser globe of invulnerability as Cleric CL = HD
Resistances (Ex): fire 10, +4 on FORT vs Poison
Tongues (Su): speak w/ anything that has a language, always active

Vow of Peace:
REQ: Sacred Vow, Vow of non-Violence
SV: +2 sacred on Diplomacy
VoNV: REQ SV: increase DC’s of spells or special abilities against humanoid/monstrous targets by +4

Calming aura 20ft, creatures within aura WILL DC 10+half Char Level+CHA or as Calm Emotions.
+2 NA, +2 deflection to AC, +2 Exalted to AC, any manufactured weapon hitting you requires attacker make FORT DC 10+half char lvl+CON or weapon shatters and you take no damage.
+4 exalted to Diplomacy

Wonderworker (BoED 83): REQ: Base WILL +5, 1 exalted Feat, Servant/Heavens, Manifest 3rd lvl powers.
D6, 4+INT
gain a bonus exalted feat at every level. With Psion entry, add Class and Psion levels together and divide by 2 for bonus PP/day. (34 PP/day total)

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Balance 1, Conc 4, Craft Alchemy 1, Heal 4, Know Arc 4, Know Psion 2
Sacred Vow, (B)Vow of Nonviolence, (B)Twin Power
Discipline, Powers

Psion 2
Balance 2, Conc 5, Heal 5, Know Arc 5

Psion 3
Balance 3, Conc 6, cc-Diplo 1
Nonlethal Substitution -Fire

Psion 4
Balance 4, Conc 7, cc-Diplo 2

Psion 5
Balance 5, Conc 8, cc-Diplo 3
(B)Privileged Energy - Fire

Conc 9, Craft 2, cc-Diplo 4
Vow of Peace
Fire Lash


Outsider type, CON/WIS+2, CHA +4, Holy Power, Holy Touch, SLA's/will, DR/HD, Fast Healing, Acid/Cold/Electricity/Petrification immunities, Lowlight and Darkvision 60ft, Protective Aura, Fire resist 10, +4 saves/poison, Tongues


Pyro 2
Conc 10, Craft 3, cc-Diplo 5

Fire Adaptation, Hand Afire

Pyro 3
Conc 11, Craft 4, cc-Heal 6

Bolt of Fire

Pyro 4
Conc 12, Craft 5, cc-Heal 7
Servant of the Heavens
Weapon Afire

Conc 13, Craft 6, Diplo 7, Heal 8, Sense 1
(B)Defender of the Homeland
Bonus PP/day

Wonderworker 2
Conc 13, Craft 7, Diplo 8, Heal 9, Sense 3, Swift Concentration

(B)Nymph's Kiss

Wonderworker 3
Conc 15, Craft 8, Diplo 9, Heal 10, Sense 5
Power Attack, (B)Vow of Obedience

Pyro 5
cc-Diplo 10, cc-Heal 11, Psicraft 1


Pyro 6
cc-Diplo 11, cc-Heal 12, Psicraft 2


Pyro 7
cc-Sense 7, Psicraft 3

Ability Focus - Psionics
Fear no Fire

Pyro 8
cc-Diplo 12, cc-Sense 8, Psicraft 4

Greater Weapon Afire

Pyro 9
cc-Sense 10, Psicraft 5

Heat Death

Pyro 10
cc-Diplo 13, cc-Heal 13, Psicraft 6

Bonus Mode – Mind Blast

1-Sacred Vow - +2 Diplomacy
1 VoNV – increase DC’s of spells (psionics) or special abilities/humanoid or monstrous H’s by +4
1-Twin Power – fire 2 powers off
3- Nonlethal Substitution – Fire: any fire effect does non-lethal damage instead
5-(B) Privileged Energy – Fire – add 1/die in damage to fire effects
6-VoPe – 20ft calm emotions aura, +6 AC, +4 Diplo
11-Servant of the Heavens - +1 luck bonus to 1 roll/day
14-Power Attack – minus to hit, plus to damage
12- (B) Defender of the Homeland - +1 sacred to AC and immunity to fear
13- (B) Nymph’s Kiss - +2 CHA checks and 1 skill pt/lvl
14- (B) Vow of Obedience - +4 perfection bonus to WILL vs compulsions
17-Ability Focus – Psionics - +2 to DC’s of psionics/PLA’s
20-Bonus Mode – Mind Blast – 60ft cone of stun

(+1 more somewhere)
1-Attraction, Channel the Psychic Dragon, Control Flames, Energy Ray
2-Control Sound, Detect Hostile Intent, Mass Missive, Energy Missile
3-Dispel Psionics, Time Hop

Ways to do non-lethal damage:
-you can do non-lethal damage instead of lethal w/ any melee weapon at -4 to hit.

-There is a +1 weapon enhancement in the DMG p225: Merciful – deal 1d6 extra damage, and all damage is non-lethal, ranged weapons bestow this on their ammunition.

-BoED p34 lists several non-lethal weapons that can be used w/o the -4 to hit

Psionic Combat: Bonus Mode: Mind Blast (9pp WILL DC D20+CHA+X)
X depends on the defenses of the target: A psionic character would get anything between -3 to +4, a non psionic creature gets +4, and anyone flat footed or out of PP gets +8.

Attacking non-psionic creatures with a psionic attack: instead of ability damage, you stun them for a number of rounds on a 1 for 1 ratio. Mind Blast however stuns in a 60ft cone for 3d4 rounds. A stunned creature drops everything they hold, can’t take actions, gets -2 to AC, and loses DEX to AC. Since we can’t make it easier for our party to kill them, some judiciously placed Manacles could be handed out instead.

Psionic Combat Modes are 3.0 Material, but weren’t included in 3.5, which means they weren’t updated, which makes them legal. Further, Bonus Mode is broken because it doesn’t require you to know anything prior to taking it in the first place, it just grants you the ability flat out.

Mind Blast:
60 ft cone, instantaneous duration, Will negates, PR=no, PP=9. 1d4 temporary CHA, or 3d4 rounds stunned (VoNV means we can’t do ability damage, so would never use this on a psionic foe)

near misses:

Song and Silence: Multicultural Feat: as long as you speak a language (Tongues) you get +4 to CHA to influence someone of that race, but only ONE race :(

Bloodhound could be a good 3 level substitution for Wonderworker, but requires 2 more bad feats and so would further restrict this build.

All Psion, all setting up for the meat of the build. Sacred Vow, Vow of Nonviolence and Twin Power all at 1st level, followed by Nonlethal Substitution and Privileged Energy by 5th. Now, all fire effects do non-lethal damage, and all do an extra damage per die. With 30 pp to spend on up to 3rd level powers, it’s looking pretty decent so far. All psionic DC’s are increased by +4 against humanoid/monstrous humanoids.

3 ranks of Pyro and 2 spent on Saint. Now up to +6 to Diplomacy, and +6 to psionic/psi-like DC’s. pick up +6 to AC and a further +3 to AC from our WIS modifier. At Fast Healing 4 and DR 5/evil. Pyro gives us Fire Lash and Bolt of Fire as primary attack modes. Lash of fire (1d8+1) can be used 2h’d for a little bonus damage, and Hand Afire (2d6+2) allows you to let go w/ your offhand and use that for AoO’s. Bolt of Fire will do 1d6/pyro level, so at 10th, 3d6+3 nonlethal. Holy Touch adds 1d6 or 1d8 vs evil, and can be applied to fire lash, but also might clash with vow of non-violence meaning it would have to be handwaved.

2 more ranks in Pyro, 3 in wonderworker. Picking up a slew of exalted feats, and fear immunity, as well as Power Attack and Bonus PP. Power Attack applies to Fire Lash, so now you can dump your entire bonus for lots of extra damage since it acts like a ranged touch attack. Weapon Afire can be added onto the Fire Lash, so now that’s doing 1d8+2d6+3+power attack. Nimbus can be used 1/day for 5 minutes which boosts your CHA by +4, and gives you that same 2d6+2 as a touch attack. Bolt of Fire now does 5d6+5, at Fast Healing 6 and DR 10/evil.

Finishing off w/ pure pyro gets you up to 34 rounds of flying/day with Firewalk, a big bonus to saves vs fire effects, Doubles your Weapon Afire and Nimbus damage to 4d6+4 each. This class was clearly never meant to do nonlethal damage, and as such you’d have to have a chat with your DM about the 9th level ability, Heat Death. Simply by taking a full attack action and expending your psionic focus, you can force a DC 14+CHA FORT save or the target dies outright. Succeeding on this save still does 4d8+4 fire (non-lethal) damage for this build. Conflagration at 20th is a 1/day 15d6+15 30ft radius burst fire (nonlethal) attack with REF DC 15+CHA for half. Failing the REF also forces a FORT check at same DC or die outright from the heat. So, since you’re doing non-lethal instead of fire damage, maybe that could be ruled as they fall unconscious instead. Ability Focus brings DC’s up to +8, and Bonus Mode is a little funsies that also ties back into Barachiel by stunning the wicked. If you don’t like 3.0 material, you could try Thickened Skin in it’s place to bump your DR up another 2/x instead or Practiced Manifester to boost that another +4). Bolt of Fire now does 6d10+10, and Fire Lash/Greater Afire combine for 1d8+4d6+5+power attack. Fast Healing 9.

level 12 and 14 are a great sweet spot.

Book of Exalted Deeds: Nonlethal Substitution p44, Nymph’s Kiss p44, Sacred Vow p45, Saint p29/145, Servant of the Heavens p46, Vow of Nonviolence p47, Vow of Obedience p48, Vow of Peace p48, Wonderworker p82
Complete Scoundrel: Swift Concentration p90
Complete Psionic: Privileged Energy p57
Dragon Magic: Silverbrow Human p6
Expanded Psionics Handbook: Psion 19, Pyro 151, Twin Power 51
Monster Manual: Ability Focus p303 (and 299-300)
Psionics Handbook (3.0): Mind Blast

http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pse/20030207a Bonus Mode

2019-05-07, 04:27 AM


Ability Score Improvements

















4, 8, 16







Base Attack Bonus

Fort Save

Ref Save

Will Save



Class Features


Passive Way Kalashtar Monk





Concentration +4, Diplomacy +4, Autohypnosis +4, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4, Profession (Priest) +4

Combat Expertise(B), Sacred Vow, Improved Unarmed Strike(B)

Unarmored Defense, Unarmed Strike, Psychic Insight







Concentration +5, Diplomacy +5, Autohypnosis +4, Psicraft +1, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4, Profession (Priest) +5

Guardian Mantle, Life Mantle







Concentration +6, Diplomacy +6, Autohypnosis +4, Psicraft +2, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4, Profession (Priest) +6

Vow of Poverty

Mental Power Mantle, +5 Exalted AC, Endure Elements







Concentration +7, Diplomacy +7, Autohypnosis +4, Psicraft +3, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4, Profession (Priest) +7

Vow of Nonviolence(B)

Exalted Strike +1







Concentration +8, Diplomacy +8, Autohypnosis +4, Psicraft +4, Sense Motive +4, Spot +4, Profession (Priest) +8








Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Autohypnosis +4, Psicraft +5, Sense Motive +9, Spot +4, Profession (Priest) +9

Monastic Training: Ardent, Vow of Peace(B)

Repose Mantle, +8 Exalted AC, +3 Deflection bonus to AC, +2 Natural Armor


Kalashtar Monk





Concentration +10, Diplomacy +10, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +5, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +10

Practiced Manifester: Ardent(B)

Evasion, +1 to all saves, +2 wisdom







Concentration +11, Diplomacy +11, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +6, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +11

Touch of Golden Ice(B)

+3 Natural Armor, Mind Shielding







Concentration +12, Diplomacy +12, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +7, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +12

Tashalatora: Ardent

+9 Exalted AC, Unarmored Defense +1, Unarmed Attack (1d10)







Concentration +13, Diplomacy +13, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +8, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +13

Intuitive Attack(B)

Exalted Strike +2 (Good), DR 5/Magic, Unarmored Defense +2,







Concentration +14, Diplomacy +14, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +9, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +14

+2 Wisdom(+4), +2 Dexterity







Concentration +15, Diplomacy +15, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +10, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +15

Nimbus of Light(B), Eagle Claw Attack

Destruction Mantle, +10 Exalted AC, +4 Deflection bonus to AC, Greater Sustenance, Unarmed Attack (2d6)







Concentration +16, Diplomacy +16, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +11, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +10, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +1

+1 to all saves(+2), Resistance to Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic 5







Concentration +17, Diplomacy +16, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +12, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +10, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +1

Improved Disarm(B), Favored of the Companions(B)

Exalted Strike +3, Freedom of Movement


Psychic Warrior





Concentration +18, Diplomacy +16, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +13, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +12, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +1

Bind Vestige: Aym, Combat Reflexes(B)

+11 Exalted AC, +2 Wisdom(+6), +2 Dexterity(+4), +2 Constitution, DR 5/Evil, Ruinous Attack


Psychic Warrior





Concentration +19, Diplomacy +16, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +14, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +14, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +1

Deflect Arrows(B), Knight of the Stars(B)

+4 Natural Armor







Concentration +20, Diplomacy +17, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +15, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +15, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +1

+1 to all saves(+3), Regeneration (17/hour)







Concentration +21, Diplomacy +18, Autohypnosis +5, Psicraft +16, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5, Profession (Priest) +16, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +1

Grappling Block, Defender of the Homeland(B)

+12 Exalted AC, +5 Deflection bonus to AC, True Seeing, Unarmored Defense +3



Type becomes Outsider, +Wis mod to Insight bonus to AC, Holy Power, Holy Touch, Spell Like Abilities



DR 10/evil, Fast Healing 9, Immunities, Keen Vision, Protective Aura, Resistances, Tongues, +2 con, +2 Wis, +4 Cha

Powers Known:
1: -
2: Touch of Health, Deaden Blow
3: Thicken Skin
4: Mental Disruption
5: Id Insinuation
6: Body Purification
7: -
8: Serenity
9: Psionic Revivify
10: Steadfast Perception
11: Mend Wounds
12: Psionic Disintegrate
13: Personal Mind Blank
14: -
15: Inertial Armor
16: Force Screen
17: Hypercognition
18: Dissipating Touch

Power Points per level
1: 1 Race = 1
2: 2 Race + 2 Ardent + 1 Wis Mod = 5
3: 3 Race + 6 Ardent + 4 Wis Mod = 13
4: 4 Race + 11 Ardent + 6 Wis Mod = 21
5: 5 Race + 17 Ardent + 8 Wis Mod = 30
6: 6 Race + 25 Ardent + 10 Wis Mod = 41
7: 7 Race + 25 Ardent + 12 Wis Mod = 44
8: 8 Race + 35 Ardent + 18 Wis Mod = 61
9: 9 Race + 43 Ardent + 21 Wis Mod = 73
10: 10 Race + 58 Ardent + 24 Wis Mod = 92
11: 11 Race + 72 Ardent + 31 Wis Mod = 114
12: 12 Race + 88 Ardent + 35 Wis Mod = 135
13: 13 Race + 106 Ardent + 38 Wis Mod = 157
14: 14 Race + 106 Ardent + 38 Wis Mod = 158
15: 15 Race + 106 Ardent + 44 Wis Mod + 0 Psychic Warrior + 3 Wis Mod = 168
16: 16 Race + 106 Ardent + 44 Wis Mod + 1 Psychic Warrior + 7 Wis Mod = 174
17: 17 Race + 126 Ardent + 48 Wis Mod + 1 Psychic Warrior + 7 Wis Mod = 199
18: 18 Race + 147 Ardent + 52 Wis Mod + 1 Psychic Warrior + 7 Wis Mod = 225
20: 18 Race + 147 Ardent + 58 Wis Mod + 1 Psychic Warrior + 8 Wis Mod = 232

Size/Type: Medium Outsider [Augmented Humanoid, Psionic]
Hit Dice: 3d8 +13d6 + 1d10 + 72 (148 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 63 (+1 Sacred +11 Unarmored Defense +12 Exalted + 5 Deflection + 8 Insight + 4 Inertial Armor + 4 Force Screen + 4 Dexterity +4 Natural), touch 39, flat-footed 59
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+13 (Freedom of Movement)
Attack: Unarmed Strike +23 (2d6+4) OR Ruinous Attack (2d6+12)x2
Full Attack: +23/+18/+13 (2d6+4)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Ruinous Attack, Exalted Strike +3 (Good), Grappling Block, Improved Disarm, Improved Sunder, Psionics, Holy Power, Holy Touch, Spell-Like Abilities, Psi-Like Abilities, Touch of Golden Ice
Special Qualities: Unarmored Defense, Fast Healing 9, Regeneration, DR 10/evil, Immunities, Keen Vision, Resistances, Protective Aura, Tongues, True Seeing, Freedom of Movement, Greater Sustenance, Mind Shielding, Evasion
Saves: Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +22
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 27, Cha 12
Skills: Concentration +25, Diplomacy +27, Autohypnosis +13, Psicraft +18, Sense Motive +15, Spot +13, Profession (Priest) +24, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) +3
Feats: Combat Expertise(B), Improved Unarmed Strike(B), Vow of Nonviolence(B), Vow of Peace(B), Practiced Manifester: Ardent(B), Touch of Golden Ice(B), Intuitive Attack(B), Nimbus of Light(B), Improved Disarm(B), Favored of the Companions(B), Combat Reflexes(B), Deflect Arrows(B), Knight of the Stars(B), Defender of the Homeland(B), Sacred Vow, Vow of Poverty, Monastic Training: Ardent, Tashalatora: Ardent, Eagle Claw Attack, Bind Vestige: Aym, Grappling Block

Ruinous Attack (Ex): Your melee attacks deal double damage to objects.

Grappling Block (Ex): You must have both hands free or be holding weapons designed to catch other weapons (such as the sai or jitte) to use this feat. Once per round when you would normally be hit by a melee weapon, you may make a special disarm attempt against your opponent. This attempt counts against your allowed attacks of opportunity this round. You make an opposed attack roll (with your unarmed strike, sai, or jitte) against the attack roll that hit you. The opponent's attack roll is not modified by the size of the weapon. If you succeed, you grab the weapon away from your opponent (if you are unarmed) or knock the weapon to the ground (if you are armed). You may only use this feat against weapons up to two sizes larger than you.

Psionics (Ps): Psionic Powers: Xx manifests powers as an Ardent of 17th level and as a Psychic Warrior of 2nd level. The save DCs are Wisdom-Based. Ardent Powers Known (power points 232, save DC 20 + power level): 1st—Touch of Health* (DC 21), Deaden Blow* (DC 21), Thicken Skin*, Inertial Armor (PsW), Force Screen (PsW), Dissipating Touch* (DC 21); 2nd—mental disruption* (DC 22), Id Insinuation* (DC 22), Body Purification (NOTE: The Ardent Power listed in the Life Mantle states that it is used to heal 1d12 hit points, however the description of the power everywhere else restores stat damage. Either Way the power would be taken at this level.), Serenity* (DC 22); 4th—Steadfast Perception; 5th—Psionic Revivify; 6th—Mend Wounds* (DC 26), Psionic Disintegrate* (DC 26); 7th—Personal Mind Blank; 8th—Hypercognition
*Power can be augmented.

Holy Power (Su): The save DCs of any and all of the saint’s special attacks, including spells as well as spell-like, supernatural, and extraordinary abilities, increase by +2. (Note: Psionics are classified as a Special Attack, and also considered Spell Like Abilities on how they work. It’s weird, but they count.)

Holy Touch (Su): A saint’s entire being is suffused with holy power, which likewise flows into any weapon the saint wields. A saint’s melee attacks with any weapon (or unarmed) deal an additional 1d6 points of holy damage against evil creatures, and 1d8 points against evil undead and evil outsiders. Any evil creature that strikes a saint with a natural weapon takes holy damage as if hit by the saint’s attack.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—guidance, resistance, virtue, and bless. Caster Level 18.
Psi-Like Abilities: 1/day Mind Link: Manifester Level 9.

Touch of Golden Ice (Ex): Any evil creature you touch with your bare hand, fist, or natural weapon is ravaged by golden ice: This crystalline substance is cold to the touch, though it doesn't melt except at infernally high temperatures. Evil creatures subjected to it feel its cold spreading throughout their bodies. Contact DC 16 Primary/Secondary 1d6 Dex/2d6 Dex.

Immunities: A saint is immune to acid, cold, electricity, and petrification attacks.

Keen Vision: Saints have low-light vision and 60-foot darkvision.

Resistances: Saints have resistance to fire 10 and receive a +4 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against poison. Xx is also possesses Resistance to Sonic 5.

Protective Aura (Su): As a free action, a saint can surround herself with a nimbus of light having a radius of 20 feet. This acts as a double-strength magic circle against evil and as a lesser globe of invulnerability, both as cast by a cleric of level 18.

Tongues (Su): A saint can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level cleric. This ability is always active.

True Seeing (Ex): Xx sees through normal and magical darkness, notices secret doors hidden by magic, sees the exact locations of creatures or objects under blur or displacement effects, sees invisible creatures or objects normally, sees through illusions, and sees the true form of polymorphed, changed, or transmuted things. Further, Xx can focus its vision to see into the Ethereal Plane (but not into extradimensional spaces). The range of true seeing conferred is 120 feet.

Freedom of Movement (Ex): This allows Xx to move and attack normally, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. Xx automatically succeeds on any grapple check made to resist a grapple attempt, as well as on grapple checks or Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.
Xx may also move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled.

Greater Sustenance (Ex): Xx doesn't need to eat, drink, or breathe.

Mind Shielding (Ex): Xx is immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and any attempt to discern his alignment.

Xx has the Vow of Peace. So this means we don’t hurt living creatures. (heyyyy I think that’s like the theme!) Some common tactics:
Stealing is illegal. Sheathing a weapon is a free action. Disarm your opponent, manifest Deaden Blow on their weapon (which now gets no saving throw since its in your possession) and then sheathe their weapon in their hilt. Or just hand the weapon back to them. At level 17 we gain Regeneration, causing us to be immune to the nonlethal damage that the enemy will be doing with their weapon. Regardless of that, it is a good power to have to help the party abide by your vow.

When we perform a sunder we deal 2x damage thanks to Ruinous Attack from binding Aym. Continuing with that we have Improved Sunder from the Destruction Domain, and Eagle Claw Attack to add our wisdom modifier (8) to damage against objects. This means a normal sunder does unarmed damage +8 x 2 against objects. This gets very strong when we add in the power Dissipating Touch, which deals 1d6 damage per power point invested (up to 17d6) to any one creature, or object that we hit with the touch attack. Fort for half. So now we can manifest Dissipating Touch with 17 power points, perform an unarmed strike against an object and deal: 2(19d6+12) or an average of 157 points of damage to a single object. To put that into perspective 1 inch of solid adamantine has 40 HP. So a single punch is enough to destroy a 5’x5’x3” section of adamantine. A +5 Colossal Adamantine Goliath Greathammer (one of the most durable weapons in the game) has Hardness 30, 897 HP. That is on average 6 hits, with as few as 4 hits to destroy. Even a normal punch without Dissipating Touch deals on average 38 points of damage, which is enough to break any medium creature’s nonmagical weapon, shield, or other item. It is 2 points shy of destroying an inch of steel on an average roll (through the hardness).

Against constructs and undead without power resistance we have psionic disintegrate the normal Go-To for destroying them (since they both have low fort saves and no con to boost their already low fort saves) and we’re allowed to hurt nonliving creatures (like constructs and undead).

This is all measuring the combat abilities of a person that is so against combat that they have vowed never to hurt another living creature. Xx is focused on being good at ending a combat nonviolently. Powers such as Serenity, Mental Disruption, Id Insinuation are all chosen specifically to end a combat, allow you to talk it out, or make Subdual an option. Taking a wizard’s spellbook and destroying their component pouch may not put them into submission, but will definitely cause them to be much more willing to talk things out. Ripping a barbarian’s greataxe from them and handing it back to them won’t end their rage, but it will definitely give the barbarian pause.


But no seriously Xx was a disciple at a Psionic Monastery. He grew up at this monastery, learning their ways. When he came of age he decided to be initiated into the priesthood, where they taught him the ways of the Ardent. He continued as a priest there for many years in peace. He took his oaths seriously. After a time the kingdom that his monastery was a part of went to war. He was drafted into their military as a healer. He served his time, and learned how to defend himself if need be. But he always stood by his oath of not injuring another. He would help prepare the fortifications, and go out only to save the dying, friend or foe it didn’t matter.

Xx’s defining moment was when his abbey was under attack. He told his disciples to flee for their lives, as he stood in front of the enemy. He showed them that he was no easy kill, with just a thought disintegrating the leader’s weapon. He took them on, with no help, no hope to win unless he abandoned his oaths. Yet still he did not abandon them. His disciples were able to flee due to his actions. He held them at bay for hours it is said. As the story spreads it is said that the enemy had an army at their back and he kept the whole army at bay single-handedly with an arm tied behind his back, or while holding a tea kettle. The true story is lost to time now.

It is said that if you go to the abbey you can still find Xx, however he should long since be dead.

Sorry, running out of time to submit, incredibly busy and needing to sleep.
All sources should be spread out amongst: Book of Exalted Deeds, Complete Psion, Expanded Psionic Handbook, Races of Eberron, Eberron Campaign Setting, Secrets of Sarlona, Oriental Adventures, Complete Warrior, Tome of Magic. Ya… thats a lot of books, I’ll see about sending Macabaret an updated source list after the entries are posted if I get time.

2019-05-07, 04:34 AM
And that's them.

Two people upthread have mentioned an interest in judging. If you're one of those people and interest/time is still on your side, know that the judging deadline in the OP did not get adjusted when the cooking time was extended. Use it more as a guideline than a rule.

If you haven't expressed intent to judge but would still like to, please do feel free to do so. Dive in and have a go!

2019-05-07, 06:25 AM
I like these builds. They're definitely more interesting than saint 2/beguiler 18, which is what I'd gotten stuck on. It played fairly well with the beguiler's strengths, but it just wasn't particularly interesting as a build.

2019-05-07, 07:31 AM
If it wasn’t because i only noticed this last Friday, I’d probably have looked into some sort of Paladin/Monk/Argent Fist

2019-05-07, 10:37 AM
I had another build I was working on with Force Missile Mage, Fell Frighten, and Dread Witch for a fear escalation build (Vow of Peace says nothing about being terrifying), but it ended up basically just being a wizard so I let it go.

2019-05-07, 10:50 AM
3 Psionic builds, nothing about the ingredients scream psionic, and they are all different psionics even.

2019-05-07, 01:58 PM
Only build I was working on was for an entirely non combat game. A Cathedral Builder.

2019-05-07, 04:11 PM
Congrats to all entrants. I'll try to get judging done, after my VC entry is wrapped up.

This was my stub. Full Sorcerer casting (18), picked up some auras, use the Dilate Aura feat. Just wasn't overly happy with it:

Saematus Rechtmanen

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Sorcerer 1
Axiomatic BloodlineB, Sacred Vow
Summon Familiar Divine Companion

Sorcerer 2

Sorcerer 3
Vow of Peace

Sorcerer 4

Sorcerer 5

Sorcerer 6
Vow of Nonviolence

Saint Template (LA +2)
DR, fast healing, holy power, holy touch, immunties, keen vision, protective aura, resistances, SLAs, tongues, Wis to AC

Ruathar 1
Word of friendship, gift of the elves

Ruathar 2
Low-light vision, elfwise

Ruathar 3
Dilate Aura
Star blessing, Arvandor's grace

Paragnostic Apostle 1
Holy texts, knowledge is power (Penetrating Insight), lore

Sacred Exorcist 1
Exorcism, turn undead

Sacred Exorcist 2
Protection Devotion
Detect evil, resist possession

Sacred Exorcist 3
Chosen foe +1 (undead)

Sacred Exorcist 4
Dispel evil 1/week

Sacred Exorcist 5
Rapid Metamagic
Consecrated presence

Sacred Exorcist 6
Chosen foe +2 (undead)

Sacred Exorcist 7
Dispel evil 2/week

Sacred Exorcist 8
Quicken Spell
Holy aura 1/day

2019-05-17, 01:02 PM
How go the judgings, judges?

2019-05-17, 04:32 PM
How go the judgings, judges?

I'll be honest, I've not touched it. Still frantically trying to get a VC entry in...

2019-05-19, 04:43 PM
I'll be honest, I've not touched it. Still frantically trying to get a VC entry in...

I've got some real life stuff going on meaning my time I can dedicate to this forum and D&D is a bit limited right now.

I may may taking a leave of absence from these forums for a bit.

Sorry, but I'm going to have to withdraw my offer at this time.

2019-05-21, 04:05 PM
I've got some real life stuff going on meaning my time I can dedicate to this forum and D&D is a bit limited right now.

I may may taking a leave of absence from these forums for a bit.

Sorry, but I'm going to have to withdraw my offer at this time.

That's unfortunate, but understandable. Real life has to come first. Good luck to you in taking care of what needs taking care of. We'll keep the forums open until you can make it back.

Until then.....

...anyone else out there with an interest/willingness/ability to judge? No experience necessary; rookies and veterans of the cause are equally encouraged to apply!

2019-05-21, 04:10 PM
I might be able to. I've got disputes to lodge in the Villainous Competion and judging to do in Gamewarpers, but after that I remember thinking this one would be interesting to judge.

2019-05-22, 08:58 AM
I do not think I could even though I would like to. The builds presented do not really feel like they embody the vow of peace the way I see it, so there is ground zero disagreement.

2019-05-22, 11:01 AM
I do not think I could even though I would like to. The builds presented do not really feel like they embody the vow of peace the way I see it, so there is ground zero disagreement.

That's a perfectly valid reason to recuse yourself. It also seems like an interesting discussion point - I know I had issues making a build that really embodied/thematically showcased the Vow of Peace (I did not follow through on my gut instinct to make a straight up merchant character, or build a stronghold and hang out in a personal demi-plane for all time), and I agree that the other submissions didn't necessarily do so either. I'm curious what you think might actually embody the Vow of Peace.

2019-05-22, 04:08 PM
Yeah. To me the one taking the vow of peace - as an extension of the vow of nonviolence, I may add - should never seek out combat, and philosophically should not even prepare for the eventuality of encountering it (violence on an imaginary level and all that). This runs exactly counter to the idea of high-level character building, so I am still quite impressed the entrants got as close as they did. Somehow, however, I feel a true vow of peace character should spend all available power and levels on things that either aid others or enlighten the self - whether that is healing, scholarship, construction or art.

2019-05-25, 12:12 PM
Huh, just came back to take a look.

Funny thing is I also thought of a Psionic build: Hobo-Gamesh, a Gilgamesh rip-off made using one of the many ways of getting thousands of weapons and buffing them to hell with VoP plus Subdual Strike to shoot them at people with Telekinetic Thrust.

Oh well, Finals are coming. Afterwards I'll be able to actually try something.

2019-05-31, 03:03 PM
Until then.....

...anyone else out there with an interest/willingness/ability to judge? No experience necessary; rookies and veterans of the cause are equally encouraged to apply!

I might be able to. I've got disputes to lodge in the Villainous Competion and judging to do in Gamewarpers, but after that I remember thinking this one would be interesting to judge.

Thanks for the interest, PP. Any updates?

Anyone else wanting to make it a multiple-judge round?

2019-05-31, 09:27 PM
Might have some free time this weekend. I'll see what I can do.

2019-05-31, 10:40 PM
Might have some free time this weekend. I'll see what I can do.

That would be lovely, thank you!

2019-06-08, 11:39 AM
Hello again, all. I hope everyone is well.

Are there any updates for prospective judges?

2019-06-08, 12:02 PM
Not to sound like a broken record, but why are we so adamantly sticking to a judge based system when it slows literally every round down by weeks? It's not like we have a panel of expert/celebrity judges to justify the practice...

2019-06-08, 02:27 PM
i've said it before, I'll say it again. unless you have folks step up ahead of time to judge, then judging takes awhile. unless folks sign up a few rounds out and stay accountable to that, it'll never get better. sometimes judging gets done quickly, but more often than not it just takes awhile.

2019-06-08, 04:47 PM
Or, and I have said this before, too: Switch to a judge-less system.

2019-06-09, 03:46 AM
I've started judging.

2019-06-09, 09:18 AM
Well then, I'm done judging this round. There's a couple of things I want to say before I get to the judgements themselves though. First of all, I've got to admit I'm not exactly a expert on psionics, so if I missed some obvious interaction somewhere, I do apologize.
Second of all, I'd like to quickly go over my way of scoring things. Every score starts at 3/5 points and is adjust ed up or down depending on the build. For originality, you generally lose points if you follow a well-know optimization trick, and you gain points for doings something truly unique. I generally award a 0.5 point bonus here as well if there's something of a backstory of fluff for the character. For power, I look at both in-combat and out-of-combat power. You don't need to do perfectly on both counts to get a perfect score, but you won't get a 5/5 if you're all in on one or the other. In the elegance category I generally penalize building mistakes. penalties range from 0.5 point for something that's fairly easily corrected without heavily changing the build, to 1.5 points for something that the build depends on but can't be corrected. As I penalize these things here, I'll generally assume they work as advertised in the power category. In elegance you can also get rewarded for particularly elegant and clean ways of making your build. Lastly for use of secret ingredient I'll be looking at how your build makes use of the ingredients. In this particular case, I'll also award up to one bonus point if your build adheres to the spirit of the vows, and not just the letter.

Soulbow into Kensai for splitting arrow fun is a pretty well-known optimization trick. (-1) Having something of a background is always nice though, and this one was very evocative of your character’s main trick(0.5)

That stunning volley hits very hard and you’ve got enough uses that you can do it a couple of times per fight but I haven’t seen much suggestions for how you or your allies would capitalize on the conditions inflicted by these arrows(+0.5), given that the stun has a fairly short duration. Your AC is completely bonkers.(+0.5) You also don’t have much in the way of out-of-combat utility.

Remember to include a list of your sources. I don’t know about junkyard wars, but in the appetizer you’ll get penalized for forgetting it.
You should list the flaws you took to get those additional feats(-0.5 for not listing the flaws, -1 for taking flaws).
You’ve also traded away the flurry of blows class feature, which is a pre-requisite for the whirling steel strike(-0.5).
Lastly, I’d say that applying stunning to all your arrows is a tricky proposition. Yes, stunning strike specifies that you have to specify before making an attack roll, but it also only ever refers to a singular attack. If I was the DM, I’d rule it the same way as crit and precision damage, applying it only to one arrow in the volley. I didn’t penalize further here, nor did I rule it this way for power, but I did want to point out you’re on very shaky ground, RAW-wise here.

Use of ingredients
It is rather telling that you consider your sweet spot to occur before you’ve taken any of the ingredients. None of the ingredients contribute much to the build beyond some extra numbers either (-0.5), and they all come online very late in the build(-0.5).
edited: my math was off here, but it didn't change the total. Seems like two mistakes make something that works out?

This seems like a fairly standard pyromancer, all things considered. I appreciate a background fitting the various more fluff-heavy bits of your build together, however (+0.5).

You can sling some decent fireworks down-range, but as far as I can tell none of it is particularly big or impressive. You’ve got a decent diplomacy score, but given how much skill points you ‘lost’(having invested 13 in diplomacy over your career), you’re not all that much better than someone that only put full ranks into diplomacy.

Nonlethal substitution is a metamagic effect, which means you can’t apply it to things that are not spells, such as psionics or class abilities like fire lash. This is true even when magic-psionics transparency is in effect. (-1.5)
Ability focus is for creature special attacks. Since the monster manual mentions that special attacks can be Ex, Su or spell-like, I can see an argument that it could be applied to a psi-llike ability, but even then you have to specify which one as you get to pick only one (-1)
AFAIK, psionics where updated to 3.5 with the XPH, so anything not included is no longer valid. This competition also does not specify that 3.0 materials are still allowed, unlike the main iron chef competition, or the appetizer (which specifies that 3.0 psionics is out in its entirety). A quick check of the psionics handbook reveals that the psionic modes are part of the overall psionics subsystem, which got replaced in the XPH as a whole.(-0.5)

Use of ingredients
Your vows make it a bit more difficult to dodge a couple of your psionic powers, and the saint template makes you a bit tougher, but I don’t think your build does much to show-case what makes these ingredients good, as most of your all-day attack modes require attack rolls, not saves(-0.5)

Nothing really stands out here, in positive or negative sense.

You get a decent spread of defensive powers(+0.5), and a number of useful skills for out-of-combat use(+0.5). Your damage isn’t particularly high, but touch of golden ice could land you some surprise kills, or at least get you some debuffs going(+0.5).

Please actually list what things are from which source. Just a list of books isn’t particularly useful if there’s more than 4 sources on the list.
Eagle claw attack requires taking the improved sunder feat first. (-0.5)
You’re taking bind vestige, of a non-good vestige, that manifests its influence in ways that go directly counter to your vow of poverty. RAW it might all work out on paper, but actually at a table this’ll get the rules for falling from your exalted state brought up pretty quickly. (-0.5)
I am fairly certain touch of golden ice still falls foul of the requirements from vow of peace to not cause ability damage to a living creature. (-1)

Use of ingredients
Being built around being in melee with the enemy means you’re getting plenty of use out of the vow of peace aura, while your power selection means you’re getting some use out of the vow of nonviolence prerequisite as well. Saint mostly gives you higher numbers, but you’re also once again getting a bit more use out of its defensive tricks because you’re planning on fighting in melee for your disarming tricks. More importantly, your fighting style seems to be focused on taking away the enemies of your weapons to render them incapable of hurting you, which fits pretty well wit the fluff of the vows(+1). That having been said, you take saint way later in the build than you have to meaning that for most of the build you’re not using that half of the ingredients(-0.5)

2019-06-09, 08:57 PM
Thank you Randuir, for stepping up and judging! Much appreciated. No disputes - all of your notes on my build are spot on (sadly :P ).

2019-06-11, 02:25 AM
A great many thanks for your time and efforts in judging, Randuir! Such efforts are always appreciated, and this is no exception.

Well then, I'm done judging this round. There's a couple of things I want to say before I get to the judgements themselves though. First of all, I've got to admit I'm not exactly a expert on psionics, so if I missed some obvious interaction somewhere, I do apologize. Don't feel bad about that, I had to learn Ardent, Mantles, and a slew of powers to accomplish my build.

Second of all, I'd like to quickly go over my way of scoring things. Every score starts at 3/5 points and is adjust ed up or down depending on the build. For originality, you generally lose points if you follow a well-know optimization trick, and you gain points for doings something truly unique. I generally award a 0.5 point bonus here as well if there's something of a backstory of fluff for the character. For power, I look at both in-combat and out-of-combat power. You don't need to do perfectly on both counts to get a perfect score, but you won't get a 5/5 if you're all in on one or the other. In the elegance category I generally penalize building mistakes. penalties range from 0.5 point for something that's fairly easily corrected without heavily changing the build, to 1.5 points for something that the build depends on but can't be corrected. As I penalize these things here, I'll generally assume they work as advertised in the power category. In elegance you can also get rewarded for particularly elegant and clean ways of making your build. Lastly for use of secret ingredient I'll be looking at how your build makes use of the ingredients. In this particular case, I'll also award up to one bonus point if your build adheres to the spirit of the vows, and not just the letter. This makes sense, and thank you for posting how you do it!

Please actually list what things are from which source. Just a list of books isn’t particularly useful if there’s more than 4 sources on the list. Understood. I believe I was running out of time when I sent the build in, either IRL or for the competition. I should have done better at time management.

Eagle claw attack requires taking the improved sunder feat first. (-0.5) I gain Improved Sunder from my class feature (Destruction Mantle) at the same time that I take Eagle Claw Attack. Since you take your level in whatever way is most advantageous I believe I do meet the prerequisites for Eagle Claw Attack when I take it; however I could see it being shaky RAW that depends on a DM.

You’re taking bind vestige, of a non-good vestige, that manifests its influence in ways that go directly counter to your vow of poverty. RAW it might all work out on paper, but actually at a table this’ll get the rules for falling from your exalted state brought up pretty quickly. (-0.5) Aym is very directly against the Vow of Poverty. Yes, however I do not see vestiges as inherently evil, nor Aym as being portrayed as evil, just greedy. It states that even when under the sign of Aym I am just begrudgingly giving my coin/items, not that I can't. I see it more as Frodo, hesitating to toss the ring into Mount Doom, not as Isildur deciding not to toss the ring and keep it for himself. In the end Xx will give the item up every single time. Nowhere in Vow of Poverty do you have to be happy to give up your loot, just that you do. If I were to play a Dwarf with the Vow of Poverty I would be roleplaying my dwarf saying, "But Moradin, its so shiny... No your right, I gave me oath, and me oath I be bound to." before handing over the magic hammer.

I am fairly certain touch of golden ice still falls foul of the requirements from vow of peace to not cause ability damage to a living creature. (-1) You know what. I'll give the same argument that I would give to my DM with this type of character, weak as it may be. Vow of Peace states that I may not deal ability drain/damage through the use of a weapon or spell. Touch of Golden Ice is neither a weapon nor a spell. It is a ravage that turns an evil creature's corruption against them. It is the evil creature's corruption dealing damage to the evil creature.

Use of ingredients
Being built around being in melee with the enemy means you’re getting plenty of use out of the vow of peace aura, while your power selection means you’re getting some use out of the vow of nonviolence prerequisite as well. Saint mostly gives you higher numbers, but you’re also once again getting a bit more use out of its defensive tricks because you’re planning on fighting in melee for your disarming tricks. More importantly, your fighting style seems to be focused on taking away the enemies of your weapons to render them incapable of hurting you, which fits pretty well wit the fluff of the vows(+1). That having been said, you take saint way later in the build than you have to meaning that for most of the build you’re not using hat half of the ingredients(-0.5)
The only reason that I took saint so late, is because to me a saint needs to represent something. It is akin to transcending your mortal coil. It just didn't feel right applying it sooner; however I'll admit that you could easily apply it wherever makes the most sense in game. After some specific deed or sacrifice.

2019-06-11, 03:56 AM
I gain Improved Sunder from my class feature (Destruction Mantle) at the same time that I take Eagle Claw Attack. Since you take your level in whatever way is most advantageous I believe I do meet the prerequisites for Eagle Claw Attack when I take it; however I could see it being shaky RAW that depends on a DM.

Why do people think this? No you don't. You level up in a specific way outlined in the PHB, and class features are the last thing on the list. You don't qualify. PHB pages 58-59. Level Advancement.

2019-06-11, 04:47 AM
I gain Improved Sunder from my class feature (Destruction Mantle) at the same time that I take Eagle Claw Attack. Since you take your level in whatever way is most advantageous I believe I do meet the prerequisites for Eagle Claw Attack when I take it; however I could see it being shaky RAW that depends on a DM.

Hmmm, if the mantle directly gave you the feat I'd agree. However, the mantle specifies that you need to be psionically focused to have the feat, which makes this a bit more tricky. It seems to me we're in the same territory as using spells or similar to qualify for a feat at level-up. If I'd docked you a full point here I'd have reduced it to -0.5 points, but as it is I'm going to let the penalty stand.

Aym is very directly against the Vow of Poverty. Yes, however I do not see vestiges as inherently evil, nor Aym as being portrayed as evil, just greedy. It states that even when under the sign of Aym I am just begrudgingly giving my coin/items, not that I can't. I see it more as Frodo, hesitating to toss the ring into Mount Doom, not as Isildur deciding not to toss the ring and keep it for himself. In the end Xx will give the item up every single time. Nowhere in Vow of Poverty do you have to be happy to give up your loot, just that you do. If I were to play a Dwarf with the Vow of Poverty I would be roleplaying my dwarf saying, "But Moradin, its so shiny... No your right, I gave me oath, and me oath I be bound to." before handing over the magic hammer.

Unfortunately, it's not quite that easy to ignore your vestige's influence unless you manage to make a good pact. The binding check is 1d20+CHA mod+your effective binder level, which in your case means you're making a 1d20+2 check against DC15, which means you've got a bad pact more than half the time. While under a bad pact, the vestige actively influences your demeanour and actions. You will be extremely stingy and you will be giving money to dwarves.
All of this wouldn't be much of an issue if you where merely a good character. However, as an exalted character such influence can cause you serious trouble. Maybe this penalty would have been more in place in the 'use of secret ingredient' category though.
(also, Frodo too decided to keep the ring, so that analogy doesn't really work here :P)

You know what. I'll give the same argument that I would give to my DM with this type of character, weak as it may be. Vow of Peace states that I may not deal ability drain/damage through the use of a weapon or spell. Touch of Golden Ice is neither a weapon nor a spell. It is a ravage that turns an evil creature's corruption against them. It is the evil creature's corruption dealing damage to the evil creature.

By that same reasoning, a lot of creatures that inflict some kind of deadly condition through a touch attack or breath weapon or other effect not specifically called out here could take those oaths and continue using that ability to inflict harm(Imagine a golden dragon swearing these oaths, and then happily roasting all evil-doers with their breath-weapon because it isn't a weapon or spell). As a counter, I'd like to point out that 'don't cause suffering to living creatures' is also part of the vows of nonviolence and peace, and the touch of golden ice definitely falls foul of that.

The only reason that I took saint so late, is because to me a saint needs to represent something. It is akin to transcending your mortal coil. It just didn't feel right applying it sooner; however I'll admit that you could easily apply it wherever makes the most sense in game. After some specific deed or sacrifice.

I can respect the RP reasons, but from the PoV of the competition it just means you took one ingredient at the last possible moment, so I'm going to let the penalty stand here as well.

2019-06-11, 01:17 PM
Thank you Randuir, for stepping up and judging! Much appreciated. No disputes - all of your notes on my build are spot on (sadly :P ).

Maybe shouldn't have said this, as we now know what build is not yours

2019-06-11, 01:19 PM
Maybe shouldn't have said this, as we now know what build is not yours

If he's not planning on sending in a dispute, I don't think it matters at this point. If there where others still waiting to judge or something like that, it'd be a different case.

2019-06-11, 03:26 PM
No disputes from me.

2019-06-12, 10:36 AM
I have a general item that can wait til after, no disputes from me.

2019-06-15, 06:54 PM


Ser Willem

St. Collam

Congratulations to our medalists. And thank you again to our judge.

The next round will be up shortly.