View Full Version : O_Z's Birthday

The Orange Zergling
2007-10-02, 02:09 AM
So.... yay, 13 today. I have yet to open gifts, but I have a hunch some form of Photoshop will be in there. *fingers crossed*

I don't feel any older though. :smallconfused: :smalltongue:

Aaand just for the heck of it (http://explosm.net/comics/402/).

Death, your friend the Reaper
2007-10-02, 02:25 AM

Happy Birthday ol' Zergy.

Baboon Army
2007-10-02, 02:28 AM
Happy Birthday! Mazal Tov!

Death, your friend the Reaper
2007-10-02, 02:48 AM
Happy Birthday Mazal Tov!

His names actually The Orange Zergling , not Mazal Tov, whoever he is.

*rolls eyes*

Some people.

Lord Herman
2007-10-02, 02:51 AM
Happy AFONAL day!

2007-10-02, 03:38 AM
Happy birthday to the returning Zergling!

Now I'm going to go and cry in a corner, I haven't seen 13 for 9 years! :smalleek:

2007-10-02, 03:45 AM
Happy Birthday.

Yay now your a teenager!

2007-10-02, 05:53 AM
Happy Birthday Zergling!

13 Years Old? ........oh my god. :smalleek:

Almighty Salmon
2007-10-02, 05:56 AM
Happy Birthday! :smallbiggrin:

And welcome to the teenage years.

2007-10-02, 06:01 AM
Welcome! The next two years will be hell. :smalltongue:

2007-10-02, 06:12 AM
Happy Birthday! But seriously, early teenage years suck. Be sure to update us on the status of your gifts.

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-10-02, 06:24 AM

Good to see ya again.

Archonic Energy
2007-10-02, 06:44 AM
So.... yay, 13 today. I have yet to open gifts, but I have a hunch some form of Photoshop will be in there. *fingers crossed*

hides a Dark Templar in with the presents...

"For Aiur"

2007-10-02, 08:01 AM
Welcome! The next two years will be hell. :smalltongue:

seconded by me.

The Orange Zergling
2007-10-02, 11:31 AM
Be sure to update us on the status of your gifts.

Okay, in total, I got 25 bucks, Supreme Commander (PC), it's strategy guide, Photoshop CS3 Extended, and two blind guardian albums.

Pretty good haul this year.

Thanks everyone, btw.

Ego Slayer
2007-10-02, 11:36 AM
Happy Birthday, O_Z! Welcome to being a teenager. Behave! :smalltongue: I don't remember being 13...

*big birthday hug*

And glad to see you've come back!

2007-10-02, 12:08 PM
Happy birthday, kiddo!

Thes Hunter
2007-10-02, 12:21 PM
Welcome! The next two years will be hell. :smalltongue:

2? Try the next 63! :smallbiggrin:

HAPPY B-Day Mate.

2007-10-02, 12:46 PM
*Trog wanders in wearing a graduation cap he obviously stole off of someone. In masking tape on top it crudely spells: "PAR-TAY". He sets up an easel and a film strip projector. He presses a button and some warbley sounding music emits from the projector. An over-happy 50's style announcer begins to speak*

Hello. And welcome to "Surviving Your Teenage Years" with your host Trog.

*Trog waves nervously* :smallredface:

Surviving being a Teenager can be rough. So we here at GitP have prepared this handy presentation to help out. :smallsmile:

Firstly you need to know about hygiene. No one likes a stinky teen. So remember to take regular baths or showers and pay special attention to any oily areas so as to minimize acne spots.

*arrows on the next slide point to various spots on Trog's face*

:smallannoyed: Trog TOLD you that these are perfectly natural for Trog's race and not -

Should you discover any the first thing you should do is make sure to pop them. We've brought in a little help for our poor friend Trog's acne problem.

*Three huge ogres surround Trog and do their job* Hey! Watch it! :smalleek: OW! That's NOT a AHHH!! :smalleek: Ooo! GAH! :smallfurious: OWIE!* :smallfrown:

*The ogre retreat leaving a bleeding Trog behind. He sways a bit on his feet. The filmstrip happily continues*

Next, you need to be sure to put some peroxide on those spots to further help them along :smallsmile:

*A large flumplf stamped with a popular Peroxide logo latches onto Trog face with a sizzling sound. There is a muffled scream.*

Finally be sure to conceal them if you can with a small bit of foundation or the like, if that is your thing.

*The flump hops off and a Throbbing Trog is then heavily spackled in peach colored make up*

Make sure to try and match your skin's natural tone or this will look out of place.

* The ogres surround Trog and douse him with spray paint. He now is a nice bright lime green*

There! And now you're ready to face the day and your peers. We here at GitP hopes this chapter has been helpful to you. Until Next time! :smallsmile:

*Trog waves feebly and falls forward and off stage*

((Happy Birthday, Zerg!))

2007-10-02, 12:47 PM
たんじょうび おまでとう
जन्मदिनं ते शुभं भूयात्।
عيد ميلاد سعي
Среќен роденден
Ales Gute zum Geburtstag
Feliz Aniversário
Bon anniversaire
Feliz cumpleaños
Hamingjusamur fæðingardagur

Oh and happy birthday :smallwink:.

2007-10-02, 12:51 PM
His names actually The Orange Zergling , not Mazal Tov, whoever he is.

*rolls eyes*

Some people.

I see what you did there. Of course, you might not, after the incident with the Sun and all...

Happy Birthday, Zergling! Happy AFONAL day, too.

Bor the Barbarian Monk
2007-10-02, 12:52 PM
You're 13? Excellent!

*runs off to get a Rabbi to make OZ's "manhood" official*

Em Blackleaf
2007-10-02, 07:15 PM

Uhmm... okayokayokay... I think I've got a song...

It's your birthday...
Uhm... Happy birthday!
Uhhh... The Orange Zergling!

No, no, that was terrible.

You're finally a teenager!
And you'll start smelling funny any minute now!
Uhhhh... What rhymes with teenager?
Uhhmm... Happy Birthday?

I'm not too good at this. :smalltongue:

2007-10-02, 07:23 PM
Happy Birthday Zergling!

welcome to being a teenage. your next few years will be hell, as they involve any part of puberty you haven't hit. hope your face isn't that oily, and stock up in acne meds.

2007-10-02, 07:47 PM
Hey, your thirteen now, good for you. Welcome To Hell My Child!(:smallamused: )

2007-10-02, 07:54 PM
Happy birthday, Orange Zergling! May the Psi Storms be few in number, the Siege Tanks always target everyone else around you, and your allies as numerous as possible!

2007-10-02, 07:58 PM
Happy birthday, Orange Zergling! May the Psi Storms be few in number, the Siege Tanks always target everyone else around you, and your allies as numerous as possible!

Alternatively, may you always have an Ultralisk to get beat up for you.

Edit @v: Swordchucks, yo!

2007-10-02, 08:06 PM
Happy birthday man! Have some sword-chucks!


2007-10-02, 09:22 PM
Happy Birthday!!

*throws the cake*


(what? Ego didn't do it...)

Midnight Son
2007-10-02, 10:51 PM
Feliz AFONAL. Hope the lootz were all good.

2007-10-02, 11:46 PM
Happy birthday. And don't listen to them. These last two years have worked out just fine.:smallwink:

Saithis Bladewing
2007-10-02, 11:47 PM

2007-10-02, 11:48 PM
I hope you have a good year and following. And don't worry, it gets better when you grow up, whatever it is you have to complain about right now.

2007-10-02, 11:56 PM
Dammit Saithis, I was gonna post that.

Happy Birthday, OZ! Have fun being a teenager.

Thes Hunter
2007-10-03, 10:19 AM

I <3 PBF comics (http://pbfcomics.com/)!

2007-10-03, 11:12 AM
Belated happay burfday!

2007-10-03, 07:49 PM
Welcome! The next two years will be hell. :smalltongue:

Ummm fifth-ed...sorta

Anyway Feliz Cumpleanos!

BTW I know theres a tilde over the n....