View Full Version : Sundering Magic Weapons

2019-04-12, 07:49 PM
I swear I read somewhere once that magic items and weapons are indestructible, but I'm also certain they can still be sundered.

Suppose the weapon I want to sunder is an anarchic glaive (+2), and the weapon doing the sundering is a thundering warhammer (+1). Does the glaive get any special bonuses against the sunder for being +2? (Extra HP? Extra hardness?)

Also, what does a glaive fall under in terms of hardness and hit points? Is it a two-handed hafted weapon?

Thank you for your help in advance. I'm new to the rules for sunder.

2019-04-12, 07:52 PM
It only gets extra hp and hardness for it's actual enhancement bonus, so special abilities don't improve it at all. Each +X gives 2 hardness and 10 hit points, and yes, a glaive would fall under a two handed hafted weapon. Note that if the glaive is anarchic it must also be at least +1, so while it won't get any bonuses from anarchic, it will get at least +2 hardness/+10 hp from being +1.

2019-04-12, 08:49 PM
I think you may be thinking of artifacts. Major artifacts cannot be destroyed by normal means. Like the One Ring, "Each should have only a single, specific means of destruction."


Ordinary magic items are exactly as Crake said, harder to destroy than normal weapons but definitely not indestructible. "Each +1 of enhancement bonus adds 2 to a weapon’s or shield’s hardness and +10 to its hit points."
