View Full Version : So what games of 2019 are you looking forward to?

2019-04-13, 09:51 PM
Title pretty much says it all. What new games coming out in 2019 are you looking forward to? DLC can count to. For me it's Indivisible, Shantae 5, King of Cards DLC for Shovel Knight, and the DLC for Cuphead. Hopefully none of these get delayed until 2020. Indivisible's been delayed a lot and King of Cards was supposed to come out the 9th of April so we'll see.

2019-04-13, 10:01 PM
Sekiro, definitely. Probably won't get around to it till at least next year, though; I still haven't started Dark Souls 3. :smallfrown:

The Glyphstone
2019-04-13, 10:37 PM
Mechwarrior 5 and Borderlands 3 both come out in September. Gonna be a busy month for me.

2019-04-13, 10:38 PM
I would say I'm looking forward to Borderlands 3, but probably not in 2019, likely won't actually buy it until 2020 when it hit Steam, and even then probably not until a sale (don't play anything enough to justify full price)

2019-04-14, 12:55 AM
What new games coming out in 2019 are you looking forward to?

Don't know. Ask me in 4 years :smalltongue:

More useful answer:

Life is Strange 2 will get finished this year, right? That definitely counts.

I'm always very exited about Warhammer: Total War 2 DLCs. One is coming just next week but there is more in store this year :smallsmile:

Knight of the Chalice 2 should be released this year, a game which I very much look forward to.

2019-04-14, 01:06 AM
Imperator which is a couple of weeks away, Mechwarrior 5, Borderlands 3, and Outer Worlds for me. Looks like the end of the year is going to be piled up with games to play heh.

2019-04-14, 01:23 AM
If you'd asked earlier in the year, Devil May Cry 5 would have been right at the top of the list, but that's been out for a month now, and is awesome.

For games that are still upcoming, the biggest two are Persona Q2 and Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Love those series, especially Persona. Speaking of, possibly also Persona 5: The Royal - still need details about what exactly that adds, but I might well grab it, especially if the rumors/speculation that it'll add an alternate female main character like Persona 3 Portable did turn out to be true.

On that same note, Smash Ultimate DLC. Definitely Joker as the first, who should be coming soon, I will play the hell out of him, and I'm at least looking forward to learning who the others are, though whether I buy them will depend on who they are and whether they look sufficiently fun to play. Also hopefully BlazBlue Cross Tag DLC - the next wave of that doesn't have anyone I'm interested in, but it's strongly implied more will be coming, so I'm hoping to see my favorite Persona characters who aren't already playable added, particularly Rise. And possibly also more RWBY characters, though that may be a long shot hope.

Besides those, I'm actually thinking of picking up Samurai Shodown. It's not exactly what is usually my favorite type of fighting game, but it looks interesting enough that I think it may be worth giving a try. And possibly/probably Astral Chain, that new Platinum Games title. I really want to see more of that before deciding for sure, but I'm pretty willing to trust Platinum when it comes to action games, so I'll most likely be getting that.

Lord Lemming
2019-04-14, 01:41 AM
Considering the trailer for it came out just today...


I don't usually feel this level of hype for games these days... but this is exactly the game I've been wanting for about a decade. Let's just hope EA doesn't mess with it, and Respawn can pull it off.

2019-04-14, 03:14 AM
Got my copy of Super Dragonball Heroes World Mission Hero Edition a few days earlier then expected. having fun with it for now, but still VERY early in the game so I can't comment on difficulty.

Game I'm currently waiting with baited breath for? Mario Maker 2. I never got to play the first, but I love watching it and the crazy levels people make.

One they send out the backer codes Indivisible will be played quite a bit. Only project I ever backed and it was 100% due to the Skullgirls-fostered goodwill.

I would say Borderlands 3, but the Epic Store exclusive thing deflated my excitement, and i own multiple copies of the game. Just because as a person I understand why the developer would do so doesn't mean as a gamer I like that choice. Might pick it up later on steam.

2019-04-14, 05:32 AM
I'm currently hoping that Darkest Dungeon 2 hits Early Access by the end of the year. From what little I know it sounds like they've correctly identified what was weak in the first game (the estate and the grind) and are experimenting with new mechanics there while keeping what worked (the combat and the atmosphere).

They've done a pretty consistent job of improving the game with each DLC, and part of the problem the original game wound up with was that some of the newer mechanics weren't able to be fully implemented. I'm really looking forward to seeing what they come up with.

2019-04-14, 05:37 AM
Unless Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't come this year, then only the Hearthstone expansions.
Was looking forward to Phoenix Point, but after their d**k move to the Epig (pun intended) Game Store, I'll gladly wait for the steam release + 75% price reduction. There's always Longwar to play, anyway.

2019-04-14, 05:48 AM
Fire Emblem: Highschool edition 3 Houses.

2019-04-14, 06:14 AM
Apparently (just checked my wishlist), Godhood, a new title by the peeps that made Renowned Explorers. I already got OOTP 20.

Obviously Bannerlord, but if that's coming out in 2019 I'm going to start a business selling ice skating equipment in Hell.

2019-04-14, 07:59 AM
I was going to say Borderlands 3, Phoenix Point and the Outer Worlds, but they're all gonna be 2020 games for me at least. Other than those, probably Age of Wonders: Planetfall.

Apparently (just checked my wishlist), Godhood, a new title by the peeps that made Renowned Explorers.

Thanks, I didn't know this existed and I really liked Renowned Explorers. I'll add it to the List.

2019-04-14, 11:49 PM
Phoenix Point. By far most hype.

2019-04-15, 05:22 AM
I've resolved not to buy any games this year because I'm trying to save money, but I might just put Spelunky 2 on my birthday wish list if it arrives in time. Absolutely love the first one, even though I'm terrible at it and still haven't beaten it.

2019-04-15, 05:40 AM
Fire Emblem Three Houses, Pokemon Sword/Shield, the Smash DLCs and maybe the FF X/X2 and XII remakes/ports for Switch.

Are Rune Factory 4* and 5 coming out this year?
Definitely looking forward to those.


2019-04-15, 07:44 AM
Silksong is the only thing I can think of, but that's enough hype for a year all by itself. Even though I never beat the Radiance yet.

2019-04-15, 08:08 AM
Silksong is the only thing I can think of, but that's enough hype for a year all by itself. Even though I never beat the Radiance yet.

Wait, there's a Hollow Knight sequel coming? And you're playing as Best Girl?



So um..yeah. I'm hyped.

Hunter Noventa
2019-04-15, 09:29 AM
Fire Emblem : Not!Hogwarts, Pokemon Sword/Shield, FFXIV: Shadowbringers, Indivisible and Bloodstained top my list.

I'm also curious about Mechwarrior 5, but given the issues I have playing anything with a first-person camera that might not be doable for me.

I was looking forward to Super Robot Wars T, but that finally arrived a couple weeks ago and it is awesome.

2019-04-15, 01:14 PM
I've resolved not to buy any games this year because I'm trying to save money, but I might just put Spelunky 2 on my birthday wish list if it arrives in time. Absolutely love the first one, even though I'm terrible at it and still haven't beaten it.

I'm so pumped for Spelunky 2. I never managed to get past the City of Gold but man you don't even need to be good at the game to enjoy it. I think they're introducing online multiplayer as well so I'm looking forwards to forcing all my friends to play with me.

2019-04-16, 02:45 PM
I'm looking forward to the Bloodstained game (from the Symphony of the Night guy) this summer, but my not recalling the subtitle shows how out of the loop I am.

2019-04-16, 02:50 PM
I never preordered a game before, but I jumped on Borderlands 3 as soon as I could. I'm REALLY looking forward to my guns-with-legs and my Titanfall Bear Suits. Practically vibrating by this point.

2019-04-16, 04:57 PM
I'm looking forward to the Bloodstained game (from the Symphony of the Night guy) this summer, but my not recalling the subtitle shows how out of the loop I am.

I believe it's Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon. Is it confirmed to come this year? If so, it's also an expected one for me.

Archpaladin Zousha
2019-04-16, 05:03 PM
Total War: Three Kingdoms, without question! The empire, long divided, must unite. The empire, long united, must divide!

warty goblin
2019-04-16, 05:54 PM
Age of Wonders: Planetfall. Age of Wonders 3 basically perfected medium-complexity fantasy TBS. I'm expecting Planetfall to do the same for medium-complexity sci-fi TBS; which will finally mean I can get my moving dudes to cover and shooting aliens fix in a non-XCOM form. Which sounds great, because there's so many irritating things about XCOM.

2019-04-17, 01:36 AM
MechWarrior 5
Wasteland 3
Necromunda: Underhive Wars
Cyberpunk 2077

Hunter Noventa
2019-04-17, 07:01 AM
I believe it's Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon. Is it confirmed to come this year? If so, it's also an expected one for me.

Curse of the Moon was the retro 8-bit style platformer they put out as a sort of prequel. The actual game is subtitled 'Ritual of the Night', I think.

2019-04-17, 08:16 AM
^This! Thank you, Hunter.

2019-04-18, 12:12 AM
People already mentioned Sekiro and Silksong, but no-one's said Ori 2 yet, and I'm pretty excited for that.

Edit: Also, Halo 3.

2019-04-23, 11:53 PM
I keep seeing Sekiro. Is it good? What's it like? I've been on the steam page for it, and it looks like a samurai hack 'n' slash game. Is that an accurate statement? Not that those are bad. I love God of War. Just want to know more about it if I even buy it.

Not sure when I'll buy it if I do. Steam just released a bunch of old Konami arcade games (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1018000/Anniversary_Collection_Arcade_Classics/). I've seen some bad reviews of this, but I'm still tempted to at some point buy it.

2019-04-24, 01:15 AM
If you've played a Soulsborne game, or are familiar with the concepts, it's the latest. It focuses on tight, precise, extremely difficult combat. Expect to die upwards of 20 times to a single boss before beating them. Calling it a hack and slash is a little misleading; the kind of button mashing you can get away with in a classic hack and slash won't work here.

It also includes some RPG elements: character progression, exploration, quests, NPCs, etc. Unlike the other games of this kind from FromSoft, it's also a stealth game. 3D movement that makes heavy use of the vertical axis, stealth kills, and so on.

If you haven't played a Soulsborne game, I definitely recommend trying at least one at some point - it's hard to explain why, but to those who enjoy them, they're incredibly satisfying. They're certainly not for everyone, so if you can try without buying it might be a good idea.

As for "is it good" - yes. It's an amazing game, and even though it's incredibly difficult (moreso than the Soulsborne games that came before, I think) and I really suck at it, I'm having a blast.

2019-04-24, 03:00 AM
Age of Wonders: Planetfall and Silksong are the only ones so far for me. Metroid Prime 4 might be on that list as well, but if it sees any delay it's 2020 or later.

2019-04-26, 10:56 PM
For me, it's a shortish list so far. Octopath Traveler Steam Edition (because no Switch), Hazelnut Bastille, and the new King Knight DLC whenever it drops.

I'm sure I'll spot more as the year goes on, but my backlog is so long that it doesn't make sense to look for upcoming titles.

2019-04-27, 12:23 AM
I keep seeing Sekiro. Is it good? What's it like? I've been on the steam page for it, and it looks like a samurai hack 'n' slash game. Is that an accurate statement? Not that those are bad. I love God of War. Just want to know more about it if I even buy it.

Not sure when I'll buy it if I do. Steam just released a bunch of old Konami arcade games (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1018000/Anniversary_Collection_Arcade_Classics/). I've seen some bad reviews of this, but I'm still tempted to at some point buy it.

Sekiro is very good. Combat basically plays like a rhythm game. It's based around parrying and countering enemy attacks, which involve learning strict timings and recognizing visual and audio cues. It's one of the few games where they've made combat feel like it's actually responsive to your actions instead of just swinging your weapon at an unresponsive enemy sprite until they fall over.

I don't know if I agree with the other poster who said it's so difficult you should expect to die 20 times on every boss though. There's a few extremely difficult fights in the game, but for the most part you can beat things on the first or second try if you're paying attention. I only really felt stuck twice in the game. On the first boss, where you're still learning the mechanics, and then on the last boss where he's just much more difficult than anything else in the game. It's very satisfying to finally beat them though.

2019-04-27, 01:54 AM
The current count is:

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw
Phoenix Point
Borderlands 3
Age of Wonders: Planetfall
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Hollow Knight Silksong (May not be 2019)
Persona 5 S (May not be 2019)

Other things I'm looking forward to are probably not 2019 games.

2019-04-27, 02:59 AM
I don't know if I agree with the other poster who said it's so difficult you should expect to die 20 times on every boss though. There's a few extremely difficult fights in the game, but for the most part you can beat things on the first or second try if you're paying attention. I only really felt stuck twice in the game. On the first boss, where you're still learning the mechanics, and then on the last boss where he's just much more difficult than anything else in the game. It's very satisfying to finally beat them though.

You must be very skilled then. Dying a dozen times to a boss was absolutely standard for me on my first playthrough, as it usually is for me with Souls games until I've learned the boss patterns and generally "gotten gud". There were definitely several bosses where I blew right past 20 attempts and kept going. Even going back to the game on a third playthrough I still often die to bosses 3-4 times while I get the hang of the fight again, and some bosses were actually harder because of the order I did them in. Taking on the Corrupted Monk early was a freaking nightmare fight.

So yeah, the game is hard, but ultimately rewarding once it finally clicks. How long it takes to click depends on personal skill level.

2019-04-27, 03:25 AM
Oh yeah, Outer Worlds as well.

2019-05-02, 12:31 AM
Apparently Battletoads is coming back this year.

2019-05-02, 07:00 AM
You must be very skilled then. Dying a dozen times to a boss was absolutely standard for me on my first playthrough, as it usually is for me with Souls games until I've learned the boss patterns and generally "gotten gud". There were definitely several bosses where I blew right past 20 attempts and kept going. Even going back to the game on a third playthrough I still often die to bosses 3-4 times while I get the hang of the fight again, and some bosses were actually harder because of the order I did them in. Taking on the Corrupted Monk early was a freaking nightmare fight.

So yeah, the game is hard, but ultimately rewarding once it finally clicks. How long it takes to click depends on personal skill level.

I don't think I'm very skilled at all. It's just in how you approach the gameplay. Things like "I know when the boss moves his hand like this, he's about to do this attack" or "I know I can attack twice before he'll deflect me and then he'll do this attack" Sekiro is good about giving you those cues if you're looking for them and the bosses follow certain patterns. You go into the fight without even planning to win, just trying to drag things out to learn all the tells and patterns and then beat them after you have them down.

It's a lot easier if you're trying to actively watch for these things instead of just playing it over and over until you pick it up subconsciously, which I think a lot of players do.

2019-05-02, 11:59 AM
Depends on whether or not The Last of us 2 comes out at the end of this year, or next. If this year, it. If not...nothing's really pinged my radar to be honest.

2019-05-03, 02:19 AM
Apparently Battletoads is coming back this year.

Let's hope it does better than that recent Bubsy game.

2019-05-12, 11:28 PM
Just saw an indie that has caught my interest immediately: Blazing Chrome (https://store.steampowered.com/app/609110/Blazing_Chrome/). Here's a video with some footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh_Ur5OKhmQ

It has got this awesome combination of contra the hard corps and metal slug. Go check it out! Insta-wishlisted! :D

Saw it thanks to this video, which might contain more games of interest to the people here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzNMXMVAGRE

2019-05-13, 07:11 AM
I'm looking forward to the new Subnautica and the new Darkest Dungeon, although I'm not sure either will drop this year. Nothing else I can really think of right now.

2019-05-13, 07:59 AM
I'm a little surprised no one's mentioned Ultimate Alliance 3 so far. That and Bloodstained are probably my two biggest ones I'm looking forward to. If Borderlands was coming to Steam in 2019, it'd be on the list, too.

2019-05-13, 12:26 PM
if they ever release it, Cyberpunk by far.

2019-05-13, 02:38 PM
if they ever release it, Cyberpunk by far.

Isn't that a genre?:smallconfused:

2019-05-13, 03:09 PM
Isn't that a genre?:smallconfused:

He means Cyberpunk 2077 (https://www.google.com/search?ei=687ZXNmNAoTM_AbnxLGYAQ&q=cyberpunk+2077&oq=cyberpunk+2077&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i67l5j0l5.3607.4154..6300...0.0..0.162.611. 0j4......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71.AWzCccoThNs)

Aotrs Commander
2019-05-13, 05:11 PM

Nope, I think I'm out.

Imperator was already released (though it might be a while before I actually play it) and there isn't anything on the horizon I'm bothered about - most of what is will come from expansions.

Maybe MechWarrior 5, though I'm a little dubious (and to some extent on a practical level, if I can't use joystick controls, that's a big nope).

I played long chunk of Age of Wonders 3, but it got a bit too samey and I got bored, so I'm dubious about Planetfall. Cyberpunk I'm doubly-dubious over, since I'm not a shooter person (but if true to form with Witcher games I won't get it until the game of the year version comes out)...


Actually, the only one now on my possible future list, never mind year, but period (since I don't have any current kickstarters now (okay Star Citizen/Squadron 42, but I've more or less given up on getting anything out that at this point) is X-Com 3 (and THAT will probably be like the previous two "not until the big expansion").

Maybe Age of Empires 4 if there is actually anything TO that, Microsoft, other than one not-very interesting teaser trailer which told me nothing about the game.

Even Pokémon has abandoned me, since I would have to buy a Switch and as a hand-held, I'm just really dubious about something that WON'T fit in my pocket (like my 3DS XL just barely does)...

So, thankful for Paradox, since at least the various GSG, BATTLETECH and to a lesser degree, Cities Skylines and Surviving Mars will at least give me something to look forward to.

2019-05-13, 05:29 PM
I'm a little surprised no one's mentioned Ultimate Alliance 3 so far. That and Bloodstained are probably my two biggest ones I'm looking forward to. If Borderlands was coming to Steam in 2019, it'd be on the list, too.

I'm cautiously hopeful for UA3, but it's being made by totally different people years and years after the last one and so anything could happen.

Hopefully Spider-Woman will be playable. She was one of my regular characters in the first two.

if they ever release it, Cyberpunk by far.

Doubt that's coming out this year.

I expect they'd be targeting 2020 anyway, given that the second edition of the P&P game was released as Cyberpunk 2020.

2019-05-13, 10:21 PM

Nope, I think I'm out.

Imperator was already released (though it might be a while before I actually play it) and there isn't anything on the horizon I'm bothered about - most of what is will come from expansions.

Maybe MechWarrior 5, though I'm a little dubious (and to some extent on a practical level, if I can't use joystick controls, that's a big nope).

I played long chunk of Age of Wonders 3, but it got a bit too samey and I got bored, so I'm dubious about Planetfall. Cyberpunk I'm doubly-dubious over, since I'm not a shooter person (but if true to form with Witcher games I won't get it until the game of the year version comes out)...


Actually, the only one now on my possible future list, never mind year, but period (since I don't have any current kickstarters now (okay Star Citizen/Squadron 42, but I've more or less given up on getting anything out that at this point) is X-Com 3 (and THAT will probably be like the previous two "not until the big expansion").

Maybe Age of Empires 4 if there is actually anything TO that, Microsoft, other than one not-very interesting teaser trailer which told me nothing about the game.

Even Pokémon has abandoned me, since I would have to buy a Switch and as a hand-held, I'm just really dubious about something that WON'T fit in my pocket (like my 3DS XL just barely does)...

So, thankful for Paradox, since at least the various GSG, BATTLETECH and to a lesser degree, Cities Skylines and Surviving Mars will at least give me something to look forward to.

Age of Wonders is a great game that's shackled by an absolutely awful AI. You have dozens if not hundreds of tactical decisions to make...but every game plays out the same way because the AI always makes the exact same stupid decisions.

It's much better against other humans, but you run into the typical multiplayer problem that most people still playing it are going to absolutely destroy anyone who isn't an expert. It can be very fun with friends though.

2019-05-14, 03:15 PM
What game am I looking forward to? Void Bast***s!

2019-05-15, 08:26 AM
Holy guacamole, batman! I just realized the new Samurai Showdown is going to be released next month! o.O

New trailer:

Now my list for this year is starting to look decent. Cyberpunk 2077, Blazing Chrome, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, and Samurai Showdown.

2019-05-15, 05:31 PM
Holy guacamole, batman! I just realized the new Samurai Showdown is going to be released next month! o.O

New trailer:

Now my list for this year is starting to look decent. Cyberpunk 2077, Blazing Chrome, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, and Samurai Showdown.
I was actually thinking about posting about that after I saw that trailer yesterday. I'm still not totally sure whether I'll wind up liking Samurai Shodown as much as other fighting games, but the fact that anyone who pre-orders or buys it within the first week gets the whole first season of DLC free is a pretty darn impressive offer on their part, one I've not seen anyone else ever do. And the whole "Ghost Fighters" idea is actually a really good one, a rare case of a surprising, innovative idea that could probably do exactly what it's setting out to do, so kudos to them on that. Maybe we'll see something like that make its way into other fighting games in the future.

2019-05-15, 06:49 PM
I'll tentatively add another one to the list: Aurora C#.

Aurora is a space 4X game that's essentially the Dwarf Fortress of the genre - developed by a singular programmer, impossibly detailed simulation (you individually design missiles, and fire controls for each weapon system you use), perpetually in development. A point in its favor is that it has an interface developed for mouse control and is (if only barely) easier to navigate as a result, though I do hope you enjoy looking at spreadsheets. A point against it is that it was developed in VisualBasic and arguably unplayable; it's difficult to get to run and it gets slowdowns and crashes that make Dwarf Fortress look rock solid. It's the best unplayable game I've ever played, though.

Right now it's being redone entirely in C#, and a release in 2019 is not completely out of the question. It could be the space 4X to end them all... after a couple of patches, or maybe one hundred. Hope springs eternal.

2019-05-19, 12:11 AM
Really looking forward to Transport Fever 2 late this year. The first is pretty fantastic already, and by the looks of the trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zaV9Up9g6w) and the first dev diary (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQ-j30eACeY), it looks like they're stepping up the game even more.