View Full Version : Sorcery Cleric: Full cleric w/ metamagics

2019-04-13, 10:46 PM
DM made a homebrew class loosely based on the arcana cleric--a cleric who can channel to temporarily get metamagics.

What are some potential shenanigans? The players of divine soul sorcerers must have a ton of ideas.

2019-04-13, 10:50 PM
Off the top of my head, twinning Cleric buffs is potent, and a favorite of Divine Soul Sorcs.

2019-04-13, 10:50 PM
So how would it work? Would it take a bonus action for one spell? Or would it last a minute and effect every spell?

Maybe I would have it just cost a channel to apply it to a spell on cast.

2019-04-13, 11:05 PM
So how would it work? Would it take a bonus action for one spell? Or would it last a minute and effect every spell?

Maybe I would have it just cost a channel to apply it to a spell on cast.

I don't care to get into that too much as it's been written into stone already and the thread will go in a pointless direction. I told the DM myself that it's too good. He said "I know but I don't care about balance in this game." He's giving everyone in the party buffs. Suffice to say he can change out metamagics by channeling.

I'd just like this thread for gettiing ideas for cool things a cleric can do with metamagics.

Can you twin Ceremony to get two holy waters at once for half price? Actually, I already know the answer from a strict RAW perspective is "no".

2019-04-13, 11:25 PM
Cleric spells aren't as potent as arcane with metamagic. I'd love to hear some ideas, but unfortunately in all the divine soul discussions I didn't see many great combos.

Subtle would allow you to create true acts of god by masking your hand in it. Nice not to be counterspelled too.
Quicken is generically good, allowing you to use your action for something else.
Twinning buffs is always good.

2019-04-14, 01:54 AM
I mean, it's powerful, but its core tricks are fundamentally no better than a Divine Soul Sorcerer - it just trades wizard spell list access and the less important Sorcerer features for cleric features, prepared casting, and more spells prepared / known.

For the most part it's all about Twinned Spell; twinning a concentration buff gets you most of the contribution you'd get from two characters and is one of the few ways to cheat 5e's concentration limits even a little bit.

For the same reason, Extend is not very good; it interacts poorly with the way 5e puts Concentration on all the best buffs.

Most of the other metamagic will basically be used the same way a wizard uses it; clerics don't have quite as much that they'd want to cast subtly, carefully, empowered, maximized, heightened, etc. You can definitely find stuff to use it on, but twinning is where the real fun is.

The ability to swap out metamagic is cool but probably not as broken as you'd think, because... well, look at the list. There's really only a few you want.

2019-04-14, 01:36 PM
I mean, it's powerful, but its core tricks are fundamentally no better than a Divine Soul Sorcerer - it just trades wizard spell list access and the less important Sorcerer features for cleric features, prepared casting, and more spells prepared / known.

For the most part it's all about Twinned Spell; twinning a concentration buff gets you most of the contribution you'd get from two characters and is one of the few ways to cheat 5e's concentration limits even a little bit.

For the same reason, Extend is not very good; it interacts poorly with the way 5e puts Concentration on all the best buffs.

Most of the other metamagic will basically be used the same way a wizard uses it; clerics don't have quite as much that they'd want to cast subtly, carefully, empowered, maximized, heightened, etc. You can definitely find stuff to use it on, but twinning is where the real fun is.

The ability to swap out metamagic is cool but probably not as broken as you'd think, because... well, look at the list. There's really only a few you want.

Beg to differ. Cleric has a few very nice, non concentration, 8 hour buffs. Just before going to sleep and taking a long rest, cast an extended Aid (or more than one, if your party is larger than 3), and give everybody an extended death ward. You'll start your adventuring day with all slots available, but with some potent buff effects.

2019-04-14, 05:06 PM
Beg to differ. Cleric has a few very nice, non concentration, 8 hour buffs. Just before going to sleep and taking a long rest, cast an extended Aid (or more than one, if your party is larger than 3), and give everybody an extended death ward. You'll start your adventuring day with all slots available, but with some potent buff effects.

That's amazing, I love it.

2019-04-14, 07:48 PM
That's amazing, I love it.

Agreed. If I can short rest before the long rest, I can channel to switch to extend for those days when I have slots left for these sorts of buffs.