View Full Version : Starvation

2019-04-14, 05:30 PM
Our group is in a situation where we will likely need to do some ritual purification and fasting to be able to find the path to the final destination and the BBBEG (Final Boss).

According to a few NPCs we will need to fast for 3 days and travel during a full moon. So, a few questions

1) What will be the effect of fasting for 3 days for PCs?
2) Giving that effect, what can be done to mitigate/cure it (besides eating), since I'm sure we will need to not eat until we get there.

In the party we have a
Stone Sorcerer 16
Fighter 5+/Valor Bard something
EK 11/Rogue 5
Moon Druid 11/Ranger 3/Light Cleric 1 (me)
As a group the EK and Sorcerer have killer Con saves, and I have a decent one.

The Sorcerer has teleport, so we should be able to easily get back and forth to the city if we need costly spell components. I currently have 4 diamonds for Greater Restoration, and the cash to buy as many more as is needed.

We also have a magical item that grants free, no side effects, no components casting of Divination and Contact other Plane (1 of each).


2019-04-14, 05:31 PM
Exhaustion is the most likely effect.
Greater Restoration can fix that.

2019-04-14, 07:42 PM
the rules are on page 185 of the PHB, normally you can go 3+con mod days without food before making con save so 3 days should be easy enough as long as you get plenty of water

2019-04-14, 07:49 PM
the rules are on page 185 of the PHB, normally you can go 3+con mod days without food before making con save so 3 days should be easy enough as long as you get plenty of water

Thanks, I've got a level in Cleric. So, water won't be an issue.