View Full Version : Warforged Lycanthropes.

2019-04-14, 05:43 PM
G'day all.

I'm DMing a new Ebberon campaign and my party is all Warforged. How do people handle Warforged and Lycanthropy?
I can't find any RAW that says if Warforged are Humanoids or Living Constructs in 5e. As a curse, not a disease they aren't immune, but a half metal werewolf seems weird to me.
I'm thinking maybe advantage on the save, but any help would be appreciated.


2019-04-14, 05:48 PM
G'day all.

I'm DMing a new Ebberon campaign and my party is all Warforged. How do people handle Warforged and Lycanthropy?
I can't find any RAW that says if Warforged are Humanoids or Living Constructs in 5e. As a curse, not a disease they aren't immune, but a half metal werewolf seems weird to me.
I'm thinking maybe advantage on the save, but any help would be appreciated.


Do whatever would be most fun for you and your group.

Do metallic and livingwood lycanthropes break your suspension of disbelief? Don't include them.
Does that just scream awesome to you and seems the height of cool? Include them.

2019-04-14, 05:48 PM
That would be awesome. A robot gone feral and insane and making synthesized howling noises.

Edit: I was imagining their shape would stay the same but if they're made of magical "livingwood" like JNA says (I don't know Eberron), the wood could contort into a wolflike shape. Hell metal could too, they're magic constructs after all, not mundane machines. This could be partial, or you could go full Transformers.

Maybe after transforming back, the character's external metal parts are crumpled and need repair or repair spells.

2019-04-14, 06:22 PM
There's no living construct creature type in 5e, so warforged are humanoids like everyone else. However, the half-ass centaurs from GGtR have fey type, so when official version of warforged gets released, things may be different.

That said, in 3.5, lycanthropy was a disease, not curse, and warforged were immune to disease back then, just like they are now.

2019-04-15, 01:00 AM
G'day all.

I'm DMing a new Ebberon campaign and my party is all Warforged. How do people handle Warforged and Lycanthropy?
I can't find any RAW that says if Warforged are Humanoids or Living Constructs in 5e. As a curse, not a disease they aren't immune, but a half metal werewolf seems weird to me.
I'm thinking maybe advantage on the save, but any help would be appreciated.


I'd pick one of two options - the curse aspect sends them crazy - it can't modify their body, but it can modify their minds, sending them howling, ferociously attacking others, snarling, etc. The psychological definition of lycanthropy. It has the potential to make for interesting character development, especially if they're normally a very rational or cautious individual. How do they feel about losing control to some other aspect a warforged shouldn't even really *have*?

The alternate is, yeah, robot-werewolves, which is also pretty awesome. *throws up the horns*

2019-04-15, 01:24 AM
Did you just mention one of the damn coolest things i've ever heard of?
That sounds aboutly amazing as far as an idea goes!

2019-04-15, 01:27 AM
It could be a cute spin on a werewolf adventure. Generic werewolf murder mystery, presumably no one suspects the robot, but surprise, it's the robot. There are probably cooler ways to do it too, I like the image of a pack of robo-wolves running through the Mournland under a full moon.

2019-04-15, 07:50 AM
Did you say Eberron or Cybertron (https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Wolfang_(Maximal))?
Or maybe I heard Digimon (https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/MetalGarurumon)?

2019-04-15, 08:04 AM
I was totally against the idea of werewolf warforged until Imbalance mentioned Cybertron.

Now, the idea of human-form warforged transforming into wolf-form warforged has me on board.

"Meet Garou Prime, leader of the Lycanbots."

2019-04-15, 08:31 AM
G'day all.

I'm DMing a new Ebberon campaign and my party is all Warforged. How do people handle Warforged and Lycanthropy?
I can't find any RAW that says if Warforged are Humanoids or Living Constructs in 5e. As a curse, not a disease they aren't immune, but a half metal werewolf seems weird to me.
I'm thinking maybe advantage on the save, but any help would be appreciated.


It's magic. So it can be whatever you want to happen as a DM. You could rule it as a disease and just have the warforged ignore it. Much more fun to have it affect them though in an odd an unusual way. Magic does that all the time. Go Mech-Wolf Volton Force!

2019-04-15, 09:16 AM
I am disappointed that no one has made this reference yet:


2019-04-15, 09:26 AM
I am disappointed that no one has made this reference yet:


The only reference worth making

2019-04-15, 10:10 AM
There's no living construct creature type in 5e, so warforged are humanoids like everyone else. However, the half-ass centaurs from GGtR have fey type, so when official version of warforged gets released, things may be different.

That said, in 3.5, lycanthropy was a disease, not curse, and warforged were immune to disease back then, just like they are now.

I'm going to second this. Lycanthropy changed & warforged are different (but still wf are fitting a similar feeling niche in the different landscape of the 5e ruleset imo) WGtE is still not in a finalized state (PoD is still off) & it is anybody's guess how things could change by the time WotC publishes them in physical 5e books. Like others said, do what you think fits your game/story best.

With that said, the lycanthropy curse in the 5e mm207 is massively broken if applied to players. Until they put out something reasonable within 5e (ie make it a PrC type thing akin to deadlands & the harrowed class).

2019-04-19, 05:04 AM
Despite giving my player advantage on his save, and the wereboars swinging terribly, the cleric failed his save.
Would a simple remove curse cure him? That seems a bit easy, and I'm after any ideas to add coolness to the situation.
He doesn't know he is infected yet.

2019-04-19, 07:12 AM
If we get together 5 warforges weretigers, can they form Voltron?

2019-04-19, 07:13 AM
I am disappointed that no one has made this reference yet:


I would have if I had gotten here sooner.

2019-04-19, 09:09 AM
If we get together 5 warforges weretigers, can they form Voltron?

Lions, Sigreid. :-)

Or, alternatively, perhaps rhinos. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMgsAD3D948)

2019-04-19, 09:14 AM
Lions, Sigreid. :-)

Or, alternatively, perhaps rhinos. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMgsAD3D948)

I know it's lions, but it's were tigers in the MM. Went for close as I could get without homebrew. 😜

2019-04-19, 09:18 AM
Despite giving my player advantage on his save, and the wereboars swinging terribly, the cleric failed his save.
Would a simple remove curse cure him? That seems a bit easy, and I'm after any ideas to add coolness to the situation.
He doesn't know he is infected yet.

Shapeshifters are often resistant/immune to body changing effects. Warforged are a bit like a shapeshifter. They can shift their armor and tools around as desired. Perhaps the curse affects that in some way. Their plating shifts starts growing tufts of boar hair and tusks. As the disease progresses it can start having mechanical effects. Remove curse does indeed fix it but perhaps the warforged could figure out a way to purge it from his own system due to their innate disease resistance and shapeshifting skills.

2019-04-19, 09:58 AM
If the videos linked earlier (which I can't see right now) are referencing this, then I'm sorry for being late to the party, but clearly, it turns them into angry horseless carriages that hunt down and run-over other warforged, passing along the curse.

2019-04-19, 10:33 AM
If the videos linked earlier (which I can't see right now) are referencing this, then I'm sorry for being late to the party, but clearly, it turns them into angry horseless carriages that hunt down and run-over other warforged, passing along the curse.

They are, but your support of the reference and idea, even the translation into marginally accepted d&d language is appreciated!

2019-04-19, 12:40 PM
This is an awesome concept.