View Full Version : Where Can I Get the World of Prime Worldbook?

2019-04-14, 11:57 PM
I heard about a setting called the World of Prime whose core book contains some stuff that I think sounds cool. I looked it up, and saw that it was available for free on DriveThruRPG! I was elated!
...Turns out that the past-tense of was was more extreme than I'd realized. Poking around briefly on this review page (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product_reviews.php?manufacturers_id=2849) let me add other setting supplements from that setting to my cart, but not the core worldbook.

Poking around on Google got me nowhere; no legal sites, just a brief mention on a torrent of a gazillion random RPG books. No thanks, from a legal, technical, security, and interested-in-less-than-0.2%-of-that-download perspective. I was wondering if anyone on GitP could help me out; I'm curious why that one book doesn't seem to be available, and also want to know if it's available anywhere else. Can anyone shed some light on this?