View Full Version : Help with AMFES tiefling horns?

2019-04-15, 01:51 AM
Hey ya all.

Lately my group has been using the AMFES figs when playing and it has worked great. I have also taken to drawing the PCs in the AMFES style and it has been easy, fun and good enough. However, I cant seem to get the curved horns for our teifling right. However I do it it just does not match the style and I also cant seem to get that angle right. It is those curved ram-like horns that start by the temple and curves back around the ears and and back again.

Would anyone be interested in helping me out? I actually only need help with the horns. Ideally would be a AMFES style circle head with the horns on them.

please? pretty please?

Bastian Weaver
2019-04-15, 05:59 AM
Maybe there'll be tieflings in the second series of AMFES?

2019-04-15, 06:38 AM
There probably will be, and it might have that style of horns. I just try to draw it myself but couldnt get it right, and I would be happy to see how someone else approached it.

2019-05-06, 04:05 PM
Here's a video that helped me draw the horns on a Tiefling OC drawing I did.
Works for limbs and stuff too, but the horns showed a pretty vast improvement following along with this.

2019-05-20, 12:25 PM
Hey Trash, I just wanted to say thank you for that video. I actually managed to get some ok-ish horns done before reading your post, but that video guide and the technique showed is awesome. I am totally redoing the horns now. A big thank you!