View Full Version : Player Help Creative Eldritch Knight Reflavours

2019-04-15, 06:41 AM
I'm currently in love with the Eldritch Knight.

I feel like it is the perfect way of giving a martial class limited spell power, without adding too much flavor specific mechanics or features, such as channel divinity, divine Smite and Arcane trickery. The EK plays exactly as I want it to play. This allows me to have mechanics that I love, and create a character that doesn't have to adhere to any class-specific flavor.

That being said, it has its limitations in terms of flavor, since it's a subclass and not a class.

You see, many classes have a subclass that is essentially "If you're a player who loves the mechanics of a specific class, here are some alternate flavors for your characters in the form of a subclass".

What interesting themes, character concepts and reflavors can you think of if we change two things.

Allow the Eldritch Knight to pick spells from a different list.
Allow the Eldritch Knight to be limited to two different schools

We are looking at levels 3-7, first and foremost.
I want to focus on flavor, more that mechanics, although I understand they are sometimes one and the same.

2019-04-15, 07:00 AM
He can command and talk to plants!

List and School:
Druid List: Transmutation

Speak with Plants, Entangle, Goodberry, Druidcraft and other plant-themed spells.

2019-04-15, 07:03 AM
Thorn Whip could be reflavored as the weapon briefly transforming into some kind of flail (Like Ivy or Renji).

Shillelagh could be thematic for some kind of “speak softly and carry a big stick” monkish character, combine with Greenflame Blade if you want to do a weird Druid Bladelock impersonation, or elemental master thing.

Zephy Strike is like a poor man Haste, but it seems competitive.

Divine Favor is a spell I have seen no one use (well, once ever), but I imagine it’d be handy for an Eldritch Knight.

Armor Of Agathys, Hex, and Spiritual Weapon are also probably worth considering. All the Bard Magical secrets really...

Edit: Like the Druid Knight theme so far.

2019-04-15, 07:29 AM
A Death Knight: He came back from the dead, with a terrible new power. He no longer has a life force to sustain himself, so he must use yours.

List and School:
Wizard List: Necromancy, Conjuration

Ice Knife, Ray of Enfeeblement, Blindness/Deafness, Vampiric Touch.

2019-04-15, 07:43 AM
Combat medic/commander. He fights against the scourge that plague his homeland, to uphold the law and keep his lands safe. He fights on the front lines with his elite team, having made a vow to never lose a friend in battle again.

List and School:
Cleric List: Evocation, Abjuration

Aid, Cure Wounds, sanctuary, prayer of healing.

2019-04-15, 07:50 AM
A level headed, calm-as-the-sea Psion, he sees your mind and far beyond the scope of the physical world.

List and School:
Bard List: Divination, Enchantment, Ritual Caster Feat.

Friends, Detect Magic, Detect Thoughts, Calm Emotions, Clairvoyance, Hold Person

Sparky McDibben
2019-04-15, 09:21 AM
These are really cool!

This Eldritch Knight might be physically weak - until they seize the Weave, channel arcane power into their physical form, and become greater than their mortal limitations.

List and School:
Wizard Abjuration and Transmutation

Alter Self, Darkvision, Dragon's Breath, Enlarge, Blink, Haste, etc...

To be clear, the physically weak bit would be flavor, or perhaps a low Constitution score. Or maybe they have a problem with self-esteem - having been the subject of a haste spell, maybe they see their human form as fundamentally weak!

2019-04-15, 09:53 AM
The player only plays Eldritch Knight, but his party is all melee.

List and School:
Ranger List: Transmutation, any other
Archery Fighting Style, Dex main stat, Sharpshooter

Hunter's Mark as the one off-school spell EK allows, then pick the usual hunter list.

Surprise the party by never revealing your heavy armor AC, then when your barbarian dies you pick up the shield and the rapier and go ham!