View Full Version : World of Warcraft backstory rewriting

2007-10-02, 11:27 AM
*Warning Warcraft-related details inside. Newbies might not make any sense out of this*

I really don't understand the set-up of the Alliance and Horde races in WOW. As a fan that played the whole warcraft series (and recently played Warcraft 3 before WOW came out) I come away with the impression that Blizzard just threw the Undead in with the Horde because every other race is "monstrous" and the reason they had Night Elves join the Alliance is because they were too well showcased in WC3 to leave until an expansion (and they couldn't have them join the Horde because Zombies go with Orcs and Trolls like ..... something that very sterotypical combination. And they had to have those radical -radical I say!- Blood Elves join in with the Zombie's faction in the expansion.) And the Blood Elves have a language barrier raised between their former comrades (Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes) AND their cousins with whom they share a base civilization (Night Elves) when they do join the Horde:smallannoyed: .

Personally, I would have preferred that Blood Elves be part of the Alliance, and Night Elves be part of the Horde, and have them (the Elves) share a common language (Btw, if we agreed that a language barrier is an annoying, pointless artifice in WOW that actually takes away from the game, and therefore instate some kind of universal language like they had in WC3, that might make the game better by itself, but moving on.) Here are reasons why.

NE matches Horde because:
-Predatory mount, just like other hordes (Kodos swallow units whole in WC3)
-The males are actually big and masculine (However that Ear-bobbing thing they do is just wrong. It doesn't happen with the NE females.)
-So you can rub in the alliances face that you have sluttier dancers than they do because those pansy, prude Paladins wouldn't have it. (Sadly, I've never actually played Burning Crusade and the only BE female dance I know is one kind of tame one they did in a pre-release demo. They might have changed it.)
-Especially when you consider all the different skin tones (including the drow-like ones) they really do seem to fit in the horde
-Shamanism goes hand-in-hand with Druidism, and besides, Tauren are already part of the Cenarian circle, and they were taught druidism by Cenarius AND Malfurion.
-Look, they fought together to stop the demons. True, they fought with the humans too, but they fought with refugees from the ruined nation of Lordaeron, not with the Stormwind guard. They fought with the Dwarves, too, however. Though I doubt very much that the Night Elves would allow King Bronzebeard to defile Mulgore in search of his precious "ancestral secrets." Respect for nature and all that.
-Its not really known how much Diplomacy the Nation of Azeroth (Stormwind) could do with a people who live on the other side of the world. My guess: Very little to none. But then again this problem exists with the horde and the forsaken.
-Do we know whether or not the second troll empire that the Highborne NEs destroyed (the other one was Zul'Aman, populated by Forest Trolls) was populated by Dark or Jungle trolls? Also, the Highborne became Blood Elves eventually, as explored below.

BE Doesn't match Horde because:
-Look, if you think your Obese Rhino/Dinosaur/Giant Dog is lame, do you really want a chicken to shrink your viable options for a cooler mount?
-Do you really want a Paladin on your side that much? Don't do it! He'll put a stop to all your slutty dancers with his prudish prudeness!
-So as not to boil the issue down to a choice between giant chickens and slutty dancers, I will also point out that the Trolls lost their empires to Night Elf MAGES, but those same mages would later be banished from Kalimdor and become High Elves and later on, Blood Elves.
-I personally think they overdid it with the haunched soldiers on every male in the horde, but I must say that the BEs really, really, don't fit in. They are just not weird enough. The NEs may not be ugly, but they fit in several other criteria (Weird skin, Tall-as-hell, Men are MEN, shadowy and potentially misunderstood, Nature-based mysticism, menacing history of mysterious, unstudied culture 'cuz they killed any invaders for ten thousand years, etc.)

BE matches Alliance because:
-Dude, they ride giant chickens, just like the gnomes! XD
-They were in the Alliance, they got mad that the humans let the old horde destroy so much of Quel'thalas in WC2. However, THE HORDE WERE THE ONES WHO INVADED QUEL'THALAS AND DID THE DAMAGE!! Really, they should have just as much to be mad at the Orcs for as the humans or the drenai. Actually, isn't hatred for the orcs (even though they've changed their ways) is supposedly one of the major things that kepts the alliance together (even though they really should worry more about the undead scrouge)
-They worship the light, starting from worshipping the sun, mostly because they turned their back on the moon (which the Night Elves worship). But somewhere along the way they picked up on the humans' beliefs. (Priests in WC3 are High/Blood Elves)
-Mad that FF XI sucked so much and now you'll never see your Hume ride a chocobo again? Well, just make a human and raise your rep with the BEs, and voila! Chocobo-esque mount!
-The expected norm for a Tolkenesque Forgotten Realms collection of "good" races made up entirely of "normal," human-like, white guys. ....on Second thought, this a terrible point, can we scratch this one?
-They taught magery to humans, and I assume, to Gnomes as well. Heck, mage could be an alliance-only class... but I really do hate how Warlocks are a horde class (I even think it should be considered an "evil" NPC class, like the Necromancer. Necromancer=loyal to Lich King, Warlock=loyal to Burning Legion).
-They should be able to speak common, because they were part of the alliance to begin with. This only makes SENSE.

But what about the Forsaken?
-What about the Naga? They are still hostile NPCs, despite how important they were to the story of TFT. A newb who never played WC3 never understands their significance. And OMG how I'd like to have an amphibious character who never drowns over some boring old zombie. *Is mauled by every goth kid in the horde* I REGRET NOTHI-umgfhhzhle *face is melted by undead shadow priests*

2007-10-02, 11:29 AM
Hmmm....Now that I think on it, this might have fit better in the Other Games forum.

The Linker
2007-10-05, 08:11 AM
Yikes, the only part I actually agreed with in there was that it was weird how blood elves lost the ability to speak common.

I just honestly don't think that the type of mount, skin color, or other physical characteristics of a race should have any bearing on what faction you join. That's like what that Garithos guy from the WC:3 expansion did (I think that was his name.) He judged the blood elves, blood elves got pissed, now blood elves are killing his fellow humans. Sucker.

And if night elves joined the horde, there'd be no druid class for the alliance. That's just too awesome and intricately-designed of a class to limit to one faction.

2007-10-05, 09:12 AM
The Night Elves may well be more appropriate for the Horde. But an Orc killed one of their gods (Cenarius), and there's way too much bad blood between them for them to band together at the moment.

As for the Blood Elves, well, the High Elves are still largely a part of the Alliance, but there are few of them left. The Blood Elves are defined by a philosophy founded by Illidan, and as such they don't mesh too well with the Night Elves, who were already an established member of the Alliance. Toss in Kael'Thas' abandonment of the Alliance, and you have yourself a recipe for isolation... until, that is, the Forsaken, always desiring of new tools with which to help combat the Scourge, step in.

But, yeah, there's a lot of awkwardness with these two races. It's a good theme to explore in a WoW-based campaign (or in WoW if you have cross-faction friends to RP with).

The Linker
2007-10-05, 04:46 PM
-So as not to boil the issue down to a choice between giant chickens and slutty dancers, I will also point out that the Trolls lost their empires to Night Elf MAGES, but those same mages would later be banished from Kalimdor and become High Elves and later on, Blood Elves.

I would also like to point out that the trolls that the elves wiped out were FOREST trolls, which are completely different and not allied with the trolls currently in the Horde. I mean, there are still forest trolls hanging around the blood elf lands in WoW, and I'm sure Darkspear troll players could come and kill them. Plus, the forest trolls were aligned with the horde, but I think the forest trolls betrayed the horde, and as they were also attacking the high elves, this gives the rest of the horde a common enemy with the blood elves. I'm not sure about that. I'll have to check.

2007-10-05, 04:52 PM
well my opinion of WoW is quite low, but yes, there were like 10 different factions by the end of TFT. WoW doesnt really have a story, so i say it doesnt count. there. done. play it if you like it (have the mind altering drugs to last long enough for a dungeon) but dont try to make sense of it. its all for game balance purposes. there is no story. the only relation to the earlier games are the names.

2007-10-05, 04:59 PM
I dunno if the forest trolls BETRAYED the Horde, but they were allied with the Horde at the time of WC2, but at the time of WC3 they did not rejoin forces. Instead, Thrall allied with the Darkspear island trolls. BUT there is still one tribe of Forest trolls allied with the Horde, the Revantusk tribe, which the troll hero of the Second War is supposed to be a member of. But the Revantusk trolls are not a player race. The other forest troll tribes are hostile to the Horde and Alliance alike.

I do think that the alliance between the Horde and Forsaken is a bit dubious, but they DO have common enemies and it wouldn't be advantageous to either of them to have more enemies at this point, so the truce is "convenient"...and there is no way the Forsaken can join the Alliance, as bigoted as the humans are against undead, and the Blood Elves don't get along with the Alliance either because of Garithos and their addiction and their utter resentment of the Night Elves. The Night Elves and Blood Elves will never get along.

I do agree though that it's strange that the Night Elves are suddenly opposed to the Horde and on the side of the Alliance, and the Draenei are kind of random.

The Linker
2007-10-05, 05:13 PM
I dunno if the forest trolls BETRAYED the Horde, but they were allied with the Horde at the time of WC2, but at the time of WC3 they did not rejoin forces. Instead, Thrall allied with the Darkspear island trolls. BUT there is still one tribe of Forest trolls allied with the Horde, the Revantusk tribe, which the troll hero of the Second War is supposed to be a member of. But the Revantusk trolls are not a player race. The other forest troll tribes are hostile to the Horde and Alliance alike.

Yeah, I just looked it up on Wowwiki. So I guess I can't really say that the blood elves have a common enemy with the horde in the forest trolls, because while it is true, it's pretty much the same with the alliance.

I do think that the alliance between the Horde and Forsaken is a bit dubious, but they DO have common enemies and it wouldn't be advantageous to either of them to have more enemies at this point, so the truce is "convenient"...

From the horde's point of view, Thrall was reluctant, but he realized it would be unfair to not help the Forsaken climb out of their old reputation and become better people, because that's exactly what the orcs are trying to do. From the Forsaken's point of view... yeah, it's just convenient. As soon as it becomes a bit more advantageous to break away from the horde, they're gonna do it, I think.

I do agree though that it's strange that the Night Elves are suddenly opposed to the Horde and on the side of the Alliance, and the Draenei are kind of random.
Well, as stated above, the horde did kill one of their gods. Granted, it was just one orc tribe that did it and didn't really meet the approval of the rest of the Horde, but still. The Alliance haven't REALLY done anything to especially hurt the night elves.

The dranei, yes, are kind of random. Woulda been nice if there was some kind of thing leading up to it, but there was no story time between the dranei crashing on Azeroth and them joining the Alliance. Yeesh.

2007-10-05, 06:06 PM
It's true that the Horde did kill one of the Night Elves' gods, but afterwards they teamed up against the Burning Legion at the Battle of Hyjal along with the Alliance, and afterwards they were pretty much completely separated from the Alliance in general, since for the most part the Alliance is in the Eastern Kingdoms while the Night Elves are in Kalimdor. I kinda figured they were equally neutral to the Horde and Alliance following WC3, and them taking sides seems odd to me, since last we knew they treated both sides as allies. In any case, the Night Elves' interaction with the Alliance prior to WoW was limited only to Jaina's group of Lordaeron refugees, and they had no encounters with Stormwind or Ironforge prior. So yeah, it seemed a big stretch to me.

2007-10-05, 07:52 PM
I dunno if the forest trolls BETRAYED the Horde, but they were allied with the Horde at the time of WC2, but at the time of WC3 they did not rejoin forces. Instead, Thrall allied with the Darkspear island trolls. BUT there is still one tribe of Forest trolls allied with the Horde, the Revantusk tribe, which the troll hero of the Second War is supposed to be a member of. But the Revantusk trolls are not a player race. The other forest troll tribes are hostile to the Horde and Alliance alike.It always irritated me how in the training missions of WarCraft III Thrall comments on how he can hardly believe forest trolls used to be part of the Horde, yet every troll headhunter you build appears with the words "Avenge Zul'jin!" (who was that forest troll hero in the Second War). It just doesn't fit together.