View Full Version : Vera - Light Finds a Way - IC I

The Kool
2019-04-15, 12:54 PM
Giving the city of Marina a wide berth wasn't easy, thanks to the forest. Alexis had to travel down the mountain range itself to stay clear of both, and Garm had been sent along as a guide for her and Dolf. The views were breathtaking, but being out in the open this much really drove home how widespread the darkness really was. King Battlehammer had requested that she act as envoy to whomever might still be out there, and last he knew there was a port city or two out on the Grin, the archipelago that ran to the west. Perhaps one of them would be willing to strike up trade. The day was drawing on when the trio caught sight of the signs of a small cluster of fields in the hills below. A faint outline of a wagon trail led south, but the north end of it was hidden in a vale. They were a few days past Marina at this point, but well within the kingdom's claimed borders. Perhaps there might be a farmhouse that could provide shelter for the night?

Arskel, Tikk, and Massarin were an odd bunch, that's for sure. How they wound up together still wasn't quite certain, companions of circumstance perhaps. They had met here in this small cluster of homes over the past fortnight, the catfolk from the fields to the north, the human from the road to the west, and the gnome from the east where necessity had dictated he leave the tyrannical confines of Marina with some urgency. The rest here had been unease, constantly feeling as if they were being watched, and at night it felt like voices whispered on the cold wind. There was a faint trail to the north, but none had yet ventured to see where it led.

OOC thread is here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?584809-Vera-Light-Finds-a-Way-OOC)
And here we are, guys. Let's get this rolling. If you have any questions, fire away. Feel free to engage in some scene setting and meet-and-greet while everyone catches up.

2019-04-15, 01:15 PM
"Oy, when do ya be a tinkin we might be eatin supper?" Tikk asks to no one in particular. It was near supper time and his stomach was reminding him of that fact quite often. "Mayhaps we could be a findin a different farm house dat be less spooky when we be a sleepin." He pauses a moment or two before looking up the northern trail but shakes his head in a rare moment of quiet and decides not to say anything.

Tikk often used this sort of communication tactic we he wasn't just being a blunt hammer within the conversations. Which seemed to be all too often. The small gnome had a big personality albeit a grating one to most folks that didn't know him. And admittedly to those that did. He was however loyal to a fault with those he named friend.

Alucard 109
2019-04-15, 01:41 PM
Garm turns to his comrades.
I have the tent for myself, vat of you?

this is my first attempt at writing a Russian-ish accent, so apologies if it's not very good

The Kool
2019-04-15, 01:53 PM
To clarify: Garm, Dolf, and Alexis are currently in the hills looking down on the small cluster of farmhouses, though they can't see the buildings just yet. Tikk, Massarin, and Arskel are already there and have been for a bit. There's about an hour of sunlight left, easily enough to reach the homes.

2019-04-16, 09:47 AM
Massarin walked along the road with the others. Arskel and Tikk couldn't help that he walked a bit less graceful today then yesterday, and his fur seemed... ruffled. He had slept terribly, noises constantly keeping him awake as he was still a bit uncertain of his new traveling companions. They seemed decent enough on the surface but he was leery of trusting them, having been burned before.
"Well, if we hustle, we should make those homes. Perhaps we can get lucky and find a warm and dry place with some food?"

2019-04-16, 10:55 AM

"I prefer stars overhead to a tent - but a real roof might just beat both." Dolf motions towards the fields.
"Fields mean barns. If we're lucky we can sleep with the cows tonight!" Dolf actually sounded excited.

Character name = Dolf :smallsmile: who is a dorf, I mean dwarf.

Alucard 109
2019-04-16, 11:27 AM
Da. Maybe soon ve vill find the houses if we search. I vould take first watch if you vish.

The Kool
2019-04-16, 12:32 PM
Character name = Dolf :smallsmile: who is a dorf, I mean dwarf.

I don't know what you're talking about... :smalltongue:

Alucard 109
2019-04-16, 01:54 PM
I don't know what you're talking about... :smalltongue:

>dwarf named dorf battlehammer
>Isn't fighter, barbarian, paladin, or cleric

Seriously though, you should make him either the most or least dwarfy dwarf ever. There is no in between with a name like that

2019-04-16, 02:12 PM
Well Dolf was named/raised by a human. So he won't be very dwarf-y at all.

You think a dwarf choose to call himself "Dolf Winterbottom?" (aka whitebottom. aka whitebum)

Definitely a name a druid gave to a Dwarf.

The Kool
2019-04-18, 08:26 AM
Alright, to keep things moving, I would like the three on the ridge to roll spot and listen checks.

The three in the cluster of homes can look around, or ask for details on the place if they've already been here.

Alucard 109
2019-04-18, 09:02 AM
Spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2019-04-19, 11:12 AM
Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2019-04-19, 11:56 AM
Massarin looks at Arskel and Tikk. "Never been here. Maybe there is an in or something. If not, might be best if you" he says as he points at Arskel "talk to a farmer. Some might find me... a bit scary looking, though I'm not."

2019-04-22, 08:18 AM
Arskel regards you with the deeply scarred half of his face and flashes a smile, showing the two over-large silver teeth he had willingly deformed himself with.

"Not to worry, I'll butter 'em up for us. 's just as well, really. Scary means they won't cross you unless they can be very far away af'erwards."

With that he 'hmm's and 'humm's, making a show of carefully selecting a home before simply settling on the nearest one. He gives the door a rough knock and announces himself more than asks, loudly enough to be heard from within: "PARDON, SIR OR MADAM. MIGHT YOU HAVE ROOMS FOR A FEW STRANGERS WITH COIN?"

The Kool
2019-04-22, 08:28 AM
The knocking echoes in a hollow fashion. Silence reigns in the cluster of buildings for a moment. Somewhere, a hinge creaks, and something wooden bumps against a frame. The small 'town' has a name, as you found when traveling up the road. Back where to road to it split off from the main highway, there was a sign indicating 'Ghost Town' in this direction, and it looks fitting. The homes themselves stand in a close grouping, three low buildings on each side of the road and a larger one at the end of the street. No response is heard.

Up on the ridge, Dolf and Garm can hear sounds of footsteps echoing theirs. It seems like they aren't alone, yet they haven't seen anyone yet.

Alucard 109
2019-04-22, 08:35 AM
Garm quietly preps the Peppy Wyrmling just in case it's needed(It most likely takes about two rounds to set up. free action to draw it, standard or fill round action to fill it with oil, full round to light a candle with flint&steel, and either free or move action to attach the candle)

2019-04-22, 08:46 AM
"Shame, they mus' be ski'dish. Wouldn't be the firs' time I slept in an alley..."

He looks around pointedly at the seemingly-deserted town.

"... Or we could make ourselves welcome? The gov'ner has worse problems, I suspec', and I don' mind payin' for damages if there's anyone to pay."

2019-04-22, 09:36 AM
Tikk looks around in wonder as the others try to gain entry into the random home. He reaches out and tries the handle to see if the door is open. "I don a be a tinkin anyones home..."

The Kool
2019-04-22, 09:45 AM
The door appears to be latched, or barred, or something.

2019-04-22, 10:32 AM
Feeling the resistance Tikk frowns a bit, "Or dey dun locked demselves inside and died."

2019-04-23, 08:31 AM
"I suppose there's only one way to know."

With a nod of his head Arskel indicates to back away from the door, and lines up his shoulder before attempting to batter through it.

[roll0] to see if I get it on the first try and look super cool
otherwise I take a 20 for a 24, if the noise doesn't attract something first.

The Kool
2019-04-23, 08:55 AM
The door gives quite suddenly, an old board that had barred it splintering from age under the force of the strike. The room is empty, but looks like it was closed up with deliberation. Table and chairs neatly stacked in the corner, nothing small and portable still lying around unless it holds little value, that sort of thing.

2019-04-23, 11:55 AM
As Arskel smashes the door in, Massarin quickly follows him in, dagger handy but hidden. "Well, I don't see any bodies but someone had to have barred that door from this side. By the look of the dust, its been a while since something has tread here. Best to shut the door, check it out for... company, before we just bed down for the night is my thinking." Once Arskel and Tikk agree, he moves out, silently stalking through the rooms, keeping an eye out for danger.

Move silently

Alucard 109
2019-04-23, 07:21 PM
should my group make a listen check to hear the door break, or were they too far away?

The Kool
2019-04-23, 10:11 PM
Too far away. I'll be poking things forward tomorrow.

The Kool
2019-04-24, 01:22 PM
Consolidation and status update post...

Arskel, Massarin, and Tikk are in the town. They have broken into one of the buildings, and found things left like the occupants moved out and locked the door behind them. There is furniture, some useful bits and bobs, but nothing perishable.

Alexis, Garm, and Dolf are on the ridge. They have heard footsteps following, but seen nothing. They are about half an hour from the town. As they pass over the next hill, they find that turning left (South) here will be a good way to head towards the town. The sun is getting real low, presumably. You estimate about an hour left of daylight.

Ino hasn't been active in 12 days. Hope they're alright, but until they return we will NPC Alexis.

2019-04-25, 09:33 AM
Tikk looks through the rest of the little home for things of interest and for a place to bed down. If it has a fireplace he will look for old furniture and the like to make a fire. Other than that finding a suitable spot to bed down for the evening seems like a good plan.

The Kool
2019-04-25, 09:52 AM
There are two beds, wooden platforms with no mattresses, in each of two rooms at the back of the house. There is some old furniture and a hearth, but there's also some wood in the firebox next to it that may be preferable.

2019-04-26, 12:44 PM
Massarin continues to stalk around until he is convinced they are alone, then goes back to set up the door to make sure it's at least partially secure.
"Alright, how's it look?" he says as he looks at Tikk.

2019-04-27, 06:51 PM

"Someone is following us. Run ? Fight? Hide?" Dolf notices the huge man loading his weapon. Dolf shrugs. He concentrates for a moment and slowly morphs into a wolf.

Dolf takes cover behind some underbrush for the time being.

Shapeshift into predator/wolf form:

AC: 16
HP: 45/45

Hide: [roll0]

Alucard 109
2019-04-27, 07:39 PM
Dorf! The veapon is messy! Voods are bad place to stand!

Garm tries to pinpoint the source of the sound

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]
whichever would apply in this case

The Kool
2019-04-27, 10:29 PM
Listen, actually, but spot can help.

Alucard 109
2019-04-27, 10:39 PM
Listen, actually, but spot can help.

The checks have the same modifier

2019-04-29, 06:49 AM
Massarin continues to stalk around until he is convinced they are alone, then goes back to set up the door to make sure it's at least partially secure.
"Alright, how's it look?" he says as he looks at Tikk.

"It be lookin like we kin have plenty o fire tanight." Tikk says as he stacks the wood carefully in the fireplace.

The Kool
2019-04-29, 05:25 PM
After some examination, those on the ridge find humanoid tracks following them, but the source of them appears to have fled.

2019-04-30, 01:03 AM

"Let's keep moving. I think you scared him off with that uuhmm weapon of yours." Dolf suggests hopefully. Dolf begins to lead the way towards the farms. He glances over his shoulder a few times to make sure no one is following him that shouldn't be.

Alucard 109
2019-04-30, 08:57 AM
Da. Should find tonight a safe place to sleep. Maybe they come back...

The Kool
2019-04-30, 09:02 AM
Given that those in the house are actually starting a fire in said fireplace, you'll soon see smoke from the cluster of homes to lead you in that direction.

2019-04-30, 12:17 PM
Massarin, helping, Tikk, gets the fire started and warms himself as soon as it gets going. Moving towards the back of the room once it starts to heat up, he looks at his companions. "So, what's are next move? Should we scout out this little burg and see if there is anyone around or move on?"

2019-05-01, 08:29 AM
"Well, if we wan' to se'el in for the night, anyone around'll see the smoke. 'D be nice to take measures so'at whatever made people leave doesn' get us in our sleep."

He runs his tongue nervously along the gaudy overlarge teeth in his mouth, their silver sheen turned to an orange glint in the firelight.

2019-05-02, 03:22 AM

"Smoke means fire. Fire means warm bed. Follow me and watch our backs!" Dolf says.

Alucard 109
2019-05-02, 09:25 AM
lead the vay

Garm follows him towards the smoke

2019-05-02, 12:09 PM
"Well, if we wan' to se'el in for the night, anyone around'll see the smoke. 'D be nice to take measures so'at whatever made people leave doesn' get us in our sleep."

"Hmmm... true enough. Don't know if we want all the prying eyes that might be out here, though." he says with a grin, half meaning what he says.
"But, we can bolt the door just in case." Massarin says as he does just that, then, for good measure, moves a couple of heavy items he can find into the way.

The Kool
2019-05-02, 12:27 PM
"But, we can bolt the door just in case." Massarin says as he does just that, then, for good measure, moves a couple of heavy items he can find into the way.

The issue with this is that the bar that was across the door splintered when you broke the door down. You'll need to find a replacement for it. Movable pieces of furniture include the two beds (no mattresses), the table and chairs, and a large chest (big enough to need a wagon for travel, and require two average humans to lift).

It's worth mentioning that the other buildings had different purposes. A cursory glance on your way through showed that one of them seemed to have a storefront of some sort, and two appeared to be craftsmen's homes/workshops. The building on the end was bigger, and appeared to likely have several rooms. All in all I think there are 7 buildings (I can't remember, sadly).

2019-05-03, 09:18 AM
It's easy enough for Arskel to move the chest. It's enough to only partially block the doorway with it; such that it would not be hard for someone with lesser physique to budge aside, or for someone outside to simply break the door down. The point was less to block egress than to make passage noisy, so that they would not be caught slumbering.

Alucard 109
2019-05-04, 11:55 PM
So, are we jumping to when our half of the group arrives, or does the other half have something they want to do before that?

2019-05-05, 12:18 AM
Do we want to jump to the part where Dolf knocks on the door. Or is something else going to happen between now and then? I think that is our next course of action but I think we are like 20-30 minutes out.

2019-05-05, 01:58 PM
"Alright, I feel a bit more safe. Do we take turns from here?" Massarin asks his companions. "Because feeling more safe ain't the same is being safe, right?"

The Kool
2019-05-14, 02:41 PM
Over the course of the next hour, the three in town take their time getting comfortable. The heavy chest is dragged in front of the door to block it, or at least slow down anyone trying to enter. The residents start up a fire, and begin cooking dinner, as well as discussing sleeping arrangements and watch schedule. The three on the ridge make their way down into the valley with the dwindling light, catching signs of the sea far to the south as they descend, following the smoke from the chimney. Eventually they too reach the town, with no further sign of their pursuers. For now, all is quiet, though you can't shake the feeling that peaceful wouldn't be the right word. Light is beginning to fade for the day, and despite the fact that all manner of nasties can walk in the day now, they still prefer the night, so it wouldn't be amiss to be on your guard.

2019-05-15, 02:19 PM
"Well, if'n you all don't have a preference, then I will take last watch. Just give me a shake when it's my turn." Massarin says as he reaches into his pack and pulls out a bit of the venison he keeps for such occasions before lying down in the corner and rolling up into a ball.

Alucard 109
2019-05-15, 02:24 PM
Garm chooses this moment to loudly knock on the door (the house they're in is the only one with smoke coming out, I'm assuming)

2019-05-16, 03:37 PM
Arskel had just begun to let the stress leave his shoulders when a visitor's knuckles sound upon the door. Perhaps the owner had returned? Or perhaps other travelers like themselves had arrived? Anything frightening enough to lead a village to evacuate would likely not have the courtesy of knocking.

But it would not do to take chances. Arskel pulls his longsword loudly from its sheathe, such that the threatening scrape of steel can be heard through the door.
"Who's there, and wha's your business?"

Alucard 109
2019-05-16, 03:54 PM
Garm pushes the door open.

HELLO! he says cheerfully. Sorry of the bother, but very are in need of the place to stay. Vould you mind eef ve shared of the fire?

2019-05-16, 05:24 PM

Dolf panics a bit as he shifts into Dwarf form. "uhmm Hello there. We come in peace. Damn Garm, next time wait to be invited in. Might scare these poor people half to death. Sorry for my friend, we're just eager for a safe place to rest."

2019-05-17, 03:40 PM
Massarin, startled awake to see his companions standing, stands quickly as he pulls his net and gets ready to throw it, groggy from being awakened so suddenly.

Alucard 109
2019-05-17, 03:45 PM
Garm continues smiling, seemingly uncaring about the fact that a sword was drawn on him.

Ve vant none of the harm. Just a place tonight to stay. Eef you vish, I should feeks the door for you. Make very sturdy.

2019-05-22, 10:13 AM
Arskel opens the door slowly, ready to dodge out of the way of an unexpected attack. But though he holds a weapon in hand he does not yet brandish it, examining the newcomers.

"Odd for odd, I s'pose... A' this rate i' won' be a ghost town for much longer."

He opens the door wider, so that his current travelling companions can have a better look.

Alucard 109
2019-05-24, 10:58 PM
I vill find now the tools, feeks the door.

Search check [roll0]

Edit: maybe I should just take 20

The Kool
2019-05-24, 11:55 PM
You can take 10, which will be enough. Taking 20 would be overkill, and you don't have that time. One of the buildings is indeed a carpenter's workshop, and the wood and tools are there aplenty. With about an hour of work, if you have sufficient lighting, you could take 10 and have a fixed door.

Alucard 109
2019-05-25, 12:03 AM
I have an Angel Radiance orb, which I use as a torch as I work

2019-05-26, 01:58 AM

"So where are all the people? Did you eat them? Should we be worried that something else ate them?" Dolf asks the 'strangers'.

Dolf helps hold a board up during the repairs.

2019-05-28, 07:00 AM
Massarin looks a bit put off by the accusation but says nothing about it. "No, this place was a ghost town when we got here. As if everyone just picked up and left what they were doing. Very odd, it would seem." though he seems a bit cautious of the newcomers. "Since you aren't from here and, it would seem, just passer throughs like us, where you headed?"

Alucard 109
2019-06-04, 12:15 AM
"Ve Vere sent to find trade. She," he gestures at alexis, "negotiates, vhile ve protect. Ve are to travel towards the Grin"

The Kool
2019-06-13, 04:01 PM
Peace settles over the originally tense meeting, and the two groups agree to share the same space for the evening. With a roof over their heads and no one chasing them, it may even be prudent to rest up for a day before moving on. The three that were here first had no specific plans for where to go, except for away from troubles and oppression, and in that sense westward towards the grin is one of the better directions to travel. From there, perhaps a ship can be found traveling north, away from this corrupted country.

In the meantime though, the next day passes peacefully.

Consider this a check-in. I apologize for my intermittent access, I don't have regular access to a computer this summer like I did in the spring. As a result, updates are slow on my end. I'm doing my best to get at least something out every week, but if you guys are still here and willing to move on, then keep on posting. From this point forward, everyone who doesn't post for a whole week will be NPC'd. My next big post will move things back into action.

Alucard 109
2019-06-13, 04:13 PM
Before we move on to somewhere else, Garm is going to check the house he found the supplies for repairing the door in, to see if there was anything else worth keeping
Search: [roll0]

still here, and ready to go

The Kool
2019-06-13, 04:32 PM
With a full day, you make more than enough time to examine the entire town. The aforementioned building seems to have been a carpenter's home and workshop, with some basic and bulkier tools remaining (anything valuable and portable has been taken), while another building is that of a blacksmith in a similar condition. Other seem to have been simple homes for farmers, two with small barns, while the largest building on the end of the street appears to have been in use as a tavern, inn, and town hall. Basic supplies such as blankets and bowls can be found, but anything of value is long since gone.

2019-06-18, 07:08 PM
As they search the burg, Massarin is skittish of both the newcomers and the town itself. Slowly he relaxes the their new companions, after speaking at some length with them, but the town still sets him on edge. Something wasn't right. Killers... disease... magic... something drove the people off and he liked it not a hair.
Once they were all convinced there was no one nor nothing to find, they all hunkered down and he began to eat at his rations. "This place has an ill feel to it. I think it best, maybe today while there is still sunlight or, at worst, at first light, but I would be glad to have many leagues between me and it." he says moodily.

Alucard 109
2019-06-18, 08:00 PM
Vill give no complaints. There ees nothing good here.

2019-06-23, 12:07 PM
" 'right, one more night, then, before making out in the morning? Watches?"

The Kool
2019-06-24, 09:49 PM
The group having agreed to wait one more night, they settle in, though they remain on edge.

Please provide spot and listen checks for those on watch, along with when you're on watch.

Alucard 109
2019-06-24, 10:09 PM
I vill be of the first vatch

2019-06-25, 10:18 AM

"I can take second watch." Dolf offers.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

2019-06-27, 12:39 PM
Not trusting the newcomers too far yet, Massarin chimes in "I'll join you on first watch. Company is always welcomed, eh?"


The Kool
2019-06-27, 01:35 PM
The others present offer to take 3rd and 4th watches, and the newly met companions settle in for the night. The sense of unease grows as the light fades, however, and as the darkness settles closer to that of a moonless night, Massarin picks up the sound of footsteps in the dark. It's faint, and his fellow watchman can't hear it, but it sounds to be coming from the mountains, and to be fairly close. A quick glance around shows nothing, but with how dark it is that isn't surprising. Still, a few moments later, the sound is repeated: a soft footfall, quiet as a cat.

2019-06-28, 05:48 PM
The night is long but it has just started as Massarin begins his watch with Garm. They chat a bit, getting more familiar with each other, but the conversation slowly dies off. In the still of the night, as he keeps himself alert, shrugging off the drowsiness, he hears the sound. Little by little his ears twitch as he tries to figure out if its real or his imagination. Finally figuring if its not real its still worth investigating, he looks at Garm to catch his attention as he brings his finger to his lips, letting him know to keep silent. Touching his ears then point outside, he stands with an eerie silence as he pulls out his net and his mace.

Alucard 109
2019-06-28, 10:45 PM
Garm readies a club and waits where he is. Keeping one eye on his partner, and one on his surroundings.
ps: 20 wasn't high enough?

The Kool
2019-06-29, 10:23 PM
Against a +16? You're doing good that the -- oh, I thought the 25 was Massarin's listen. My bad. Still standing by what I said though.

With Massarin calling his attention to it, Garm soon hears the sound as well. A footfall, and close. Very close. Close enough that you feel like you should have heard breathing or rustling by now, but none. A chill runs up your spines, and you aren't sure whether the temperature has settled or it's just a light fear brushing against you. A sudden scraping sound catches your ears from the doorway. Glancing that direction, you see a slim blade of metal slid in between the door and the doorframe, attempting to lift the bar that's securing the door!

Alucard 109
2019-06-29, 10:30 PM
Garm quietly moves beside the door, so that the intruder wouldn't imediately see them when they open it

Move silently

2019-07-03, 01:14 PM
Massarin, seeing Garm move, quietly moves to Arskel then Tikk as he covers their mouth as he wakes them to silence, each in turn, before moving to the others.

Alucard 109
2019-07-03, 01:55 PM
Garm gets an idea, and puts away his club, then readies to grab the intruder as soon as they open the door, hopefully catching them flat footed
readied grapple
Touch Attack: [roll0]
Grapple check [roll1](plus an additional 4 if opponent is medium, plus an additional 8 if opponent is small)