View Full Version : Pathfinder What does this party need?

2019-04-16, 11:59 AM
I've got a player looking to fill a slot in a gestalt 12th level game and obviously gestalt is already a broad concept but I'm wondering if there's a weak point in this party I'm not seeing.

Half-Elf Fighter//Rogue - Cad Thug archetypes with dips in barbarian, deep sea pirate and continuing in low templar because they want to dirty trick and trip everyone

Goblin Barbarian//Brawler - grappler type, bites and grapples everything. Continuing into Sleepless Detective . . . because lols I guess

Halfling Witch//Magus - item crafter, gingerbread witch and kensai, heavily focused on Int boosting, old age

Dwarf Rogue//Gunslinger - trapfinding and disarming, bolt ace archetype so dual wielding crossbows. Dip in witch to get a prehensile beard to load the weapons, other magic items to do that if need be

Gnome Bard//Oracle - boosting charisma, using starknives and divine fighting technique, I think mystery of nature

Now obviously gestalt means they've got a lot of bases covered as is, but I'm sure someone can see a gap in the abilities.

2019-04-16, 12:19 PM
Now obviously gestalt means they've got a lot of bases covered as is, but I'm sure someone can see a gap in the abilities.
Certainly, but what that gap is might differ greatly from table to table, or level of importance from one group or another. A question I have is how long has this party been adventuring together and what kind of issues have they struggled with so far? If this group is a well oiled machine, then play whatever you want going in.

That all said, my preference is to always have someone in the group that is able to provide a mass 'burst' of healing as well as tie the hit points together for the entire group so that no one person can be entirely overwhelmed through single targeting tactics by the enemy. What fills that role? A channel focused character, whether that is a cleric, oracle, shaman, or whatever else you can find that gets access to channel energy.

My general go-to tactics are to make use of Life Link, Shield Other, Healing Token, and Imbue with Spell Ability to make sure that damage is shared across the board and healing is evenly spread across the party. A quick Lay on Hands (or similar) for the person using Life Link if necessary, and then use your standard/move actions remaining to participate in combat. If you add Gestalt on top of this, well, things get complicated (and fun).

2019-04-16, 12:53 PM
I don't see any weak points; the party seems well-rounded and able to handle anything that's thrown at it. I don't think there are any gaps in their abilities.
There's nothing the party needs per se; so playing anything would be fine. Or just try to pick something as different as possible to avoid stepping on toes.

2019-04-16, 01:19 PM
I don't see a lot of the following in what you have outlined:

Knowledge(s) checks (maybe the bard?)
Battlefield control
Standard wizardry
Any wild/nature related abilities and knowhow.

So maybe I would go for Arcanist\\Druid or Wizard\\Druid concentrating on Battlefield Control spells, buff spells and filling gap spells mostly from the Arcanist\wizard side and concentrating on shape-changing\animal companion shenanigans for combat utility on the Druid side as well as nature related needs.

Really you are using Druid as the "melee" side of the gestalt. So feel free to replace with Ranger or something else.

But you have some really complicated builds there, so its really hard to say what isn't covered. Also, it depends a lot on the game. Maybe they are only doing urban adventures, so they don't need any nature related know-how for example.

2019-04-18, 08:52 AM
I'm considering druid definitely. The healing part I might do as well though the oracle//bard seems happy healing and using UMD to get a ring of revelation for the life link thing

Initially when I was considering healing I was thinking druid//paladin using grey paladin . . . then I thought about doing life channeler because it sounded like a healer. Turns out it's a sacrificial cult leader that doesn't actually prevent me from being a grey paladin as well (LN) but I think that might be on the backburner for "if it turns out things are covered"

Otherwise creating an arcane heirophant wizard//druid sounds really fun too

Any other suggestions people have?

2019-04-18, 09:09 AM
There seems to be a dearth of extra muscle. As such, I definitely would consider a summoner of some kind. Since it's PF Wizards are better at it than Druids but either would work. The group certainly lacks a wilderness specialist (Ranger doesn't really go far enough) anyways so a Druid would be more than fine in that sense as well. Wizard//Druid isn't necessarily a bad way to go about it, though the MAD would be annoying. It would be an immaculate caster and you can synergise the abilities of both the sides with regards to summons specifically, giving you access to both SM and SNA (SM is generally better but SNA again has a few standouts: the Kami in particular but also some sweet beatsticks á la Manticore, Ettin, Giants).

2019-04-19, 09:22 AM
I could see druid, or maybe even druid/summoner. Prepared divine casting is never not useful, and druids can fill tons of roles. To make it less mad, the druid could go feyspeaker (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/archetypes/paizo-druid-archetypes/feyspeaker-druid-archetype/)to key off CHA. They could really drown the field in muscle with summons+eidolon or summons+animal companion or summons+more summons.

2019-04-19, 02:51 PM
Hmmm, how about a Feyspeaker Druid / Sunsinger Skald, with a dip into Bloodrager? At 12th level, you could already have high enough Skald spells in order to have two performances going on at once (Rage Song + MAsterpiece to share Amplified Rage) and have summoned creatures pop in to swamp the enemy? You share the right rage powers with the creatures and they end up debuffing the enemies simply by being near them or even when they get struck down.

2019-04-20, 10:11 AM
Here is my idea... Play a kwisatz haderach/mentat from Dune. Not really, but essentially just a walking Super computer. It synergizes with some of the other peeps you have in the party. Rather than being the random furry in the group, instead go in DEEP with your mentalism.

Empiricist Investigator 20//Blood Arcanist (Psychic Bloodline) 20

Feats are for investigator talents and or meta magic. You cast off the whole sorcerer/wizard list at 9th level as an arcanist, AND you cast as a psychic caster.
With the investigator you get all that sweet inspiration, as well as being heavily skill proficient. With focus on the charisma skills becoming intelligence, this guy is like robert downey junior. Part iron man, part sherlock holmes.

Preparing tons of divination spells, and buffs with your extracts make you pretty dangerous.

make sure you work towards getting enchantments that make you immune to mind affecting, because, well...
Fear is the Mind-Killer:smallcool:

I would play the hell out of this myself [Plan too really]