View Full Version : Glamour Bard Spell Synergies

2019-04-16, 10:54 PM
In a different thread, I was trying to determine if I should multiclass a Glamour Bard with Sorcerer in order to get some metamagic, with the idea that I could cast things like Hypnotic Pattern using Careful Spell with abandon. It was pointed out to me that it would be a waste to do it that way since I could just bonus action Mantle of Inspiration to get allies out of the blast zone while also giving them temp HP and battlefield positioning.

While thinking about what magical secrets to get, I was trying to decide between Aura of Vitality and Healing Spirit for support healing, and it occurred to me that Healing Spirit could make a pretty potent combat heal simply due to me being able to use Mantle of Inspiration to essentially allow everyone a free walkthrough into the spirit on my turn (plus temp HP), which would allow them to double dip by then walking back through on their turn.

Are there any other hidden synergies like this that Glamour Bards, or Bards in general, could make use of, with either their own spells or certain magical secrets picks?

2019-04-17, 10:55 AM
Close-ranged spells would be helpful, as you can run in, blast the spell, then Mantle yourself out of danger. Thunderwave is the best example I can think of.

To copy off of your Careful Spell effect, you can also cast Sleep, Fear, or Confusion to do similar things.

2019-04-17, 11:35 AM
You can combine it with an aggressive monk. They can go flurry/stun the big bad and you can mantle them back out. Normally they would have to lose their flurry or be forced to tank the enemy counterattack. Since monks can run up walls and have extra movement, they can get a lot more out of that free movement.

Totem barbarians have lots of options for bonus movement, and they can drag their victim around with that bonus movement. It could help them position their grappled target into a hazard, or create distance so its friends can't help. It's possible for a glamour bard and a eagle/elk barbarian to drag an opponent away from the fight and leave the remaining combatants in the dust. When eagle barbarians gain flight they can use the free movement to throw the opponent into the air for fall damage.

Any fight where there is a natural chokepoint, like a doorway. Opponents can't move through your teammates, so one mantle could get your tank on the choke and everyone else behind him. It can also be used to bust a chokepoint on the other side before the enemy gets a chance to take point.

Any hazardous effect that reads "On the start of your turn." Can be circumvented if you move your teammate before their turn begins.

Mr. Crowbar
2019-04-17, 11:52 AM
I've found that my Glamour Bard always has something to do with her bonus action without any multiclassing, so IMHO 3 levels of Sorc wouldn't be worth it just for a bit of metamagic. I just pop Mantle to get others out of the way of Hypnotic Pattern and the like. I used feats to grab better damage cantrips and that was that.

2019-04-17, 04:02 PM
I've found that my Glamour Bard always has something to do with her bonus action without any multiclassing, so IMHO 3 levels of Sorc wouldn't be worth it just for a bit of metamagic. I just pop Mantle to get others out of the way of Hypnotic Pattern and the like. I used feats to grab better damage cantrips and that was that.
Its a nice pickup for subtle spell. Subtle spell beefs up spells like suggestion, charm person, hypnotic pattern, enemies abound, illusions, etc. It allows the bard to cast them in public without consequence.

Sorcerer 3 / Glamour Bard is a strong runner in the "Ultimate Party Face" title.

2019-04-18, 02:19 AM
Its a nice pickup for subtle spell. Subtle spell beefs up spells like suggestion, charm person, hypnotic pattern, enemies abound, illusions, etc. It allows the bard to cast them in public without consequence.

Sorcerer 3 / Glamour Bard is a strong runner in the "Ultimate Party Face" title.

I still have that option in my back pocket just in case, but so far I've been finding that throwing out heals, support spells, and inspiration have kept me pretty busy in combat. We kind of started in a combat heavy scenario, so once we get back to Exploration/Socialization, I'll get the chance to see how the DM treats casting those spells in the open. If it's treated as being slyly hidden in music, or if they have me do a sleight of hand check (I'd just grab that as my next expertise), then I think I could safely skip metamagic in favor of Bard progression. Otherwise, I always have the option of putting the levels into it, but I don't have the option of taking them away.

Close-ranged spells would be helpful, as you can run in, blast the spell, then Mantle yourself out of danger. Thunderwave is the best example I can think of.

I actually never thought of using my Mantle on myself. I just assumed I wasn't a target. That and I have 5 party members and a +5 CHA mod, so the numbers always worked out to just have everyone else take it. I'll have to keep that in mind the next time I want to move after a spell and get some Temp HP. So far I've been using the Storm Sorcerer's 10 feet of OA free movement after casting a spell to try to pull those shenanigans.

Totem barbarians have lots of options for bonus movement, and they can drag their victim around with that bonus movement. It could help them position their grappled target into a hazard, or create distance so its friends can't help. It's possible for a glamour bard and a eagle/elk barbarian to drag an opponent away from the fight and leave the remaining combatants in the dust. When eagle barbarians gain flight they can use the free movement to throw the opponent into the air for fall damage.

I like this idea! Makes me wish there was a grappler in my current party. We only have two melee guys and they're more hit and run types anyway (Dex Bloodhunter and a Bladesinger).

For ones I thought of: I know throwing haste/fly on someone followed by a mantle is a good "GTFO" card. Maybe something like throwing down a bubble of silence, then mantling to get the spellcasters out of the area and the martials into the bubble to really ruin a wizard's day.

If I was the kind of Bard that went for undead, it would be an interesting way to pseudo-heal them and get them into formations. Might also make Conjuring creatures more interesting. I was considering grabbing Conjure Woodland Creatures for my 10th level magical secrets, so the option to summon them, then immediately give them some temp HP and let them get into position is appealing. Polymorph someone into a T-Rex or an Ape and let them stomp over to someone on the same turn before they can flee. Maybe make a familiar be able to survive being sneezed on.

Make a wall of force funnel, then position everyone at the entrance of it.

I'm sure there are more synergies. I haven't even thought about the other two Glamour Bard abilities, either, or just the Bard abilities in general.

2019-04-18, 02:37 AM
The bonus movement is also helpful for allied archers (or less likely casters) that do not have good options for when enemies engage them.

2019-04-18, 09:17 AM
I'd consider picking up Tongues so that you can cast that and ensure that your Command spam will work.