View Full Version : Infocom source uploaded to githup

2019-04-17, 02:39 PM
The repository (https://github.com/historicalsource?tab=repositories) and the Twitter announcement thereof (https://twitter.com/textfiles/status/1118002533908340736). Infocom's Zork and Enchanter series were a significant part of my childhood, I'll be delighted to dig into their source. Even if it DOES require learning a different programming language.


Brian P.

2019-04-17, 02:40 PM
The repository (https://github.com/historicalsource?tab=repositories) and the Twitter announcement thereof (https://twitter.com/textfiles/status/1118002533908340736). Infocom's Zork and Enchanter series were a significant part of my childhood, I'll be delighted to dig into their source. Even if it DOES require learning a different programming language.


Brian P.

With the age of those games, I'd expect some gnarly procedural code, probably in C or FORTRAN. Or (gulp) COBOL.

Edit: even worse. It's in a home-brewed version of MDL, which is a dialect of LISP. Fun.