View Full Version : Tinkering With The Artificer

2019-04-17, 05:37 PM
I’ve been messing around with the Artificer and have decided to remove their spellcasting ability at first level and give it back to them at second level, like a normal half-caster. I’ve decided to give them two new features on top of magical tinkering that will give them the ability to cast spells. I’m still working on the wording of them, so I’m hoping to grab some opinions on my ideas. I’m just looking at first level right now, other class features will be moved around.

Enchanted Tools
At 1st level after a long rest, you imbue one set of artisan tools with magic. Choose one cantrip from the Artificer’s spell list, while you are wielding tools from the artisan set, you may cast the chosen cantrip. These artisan tools also count as a spell focus for the cantrip. You use your Intelligence whenever the cantrip refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for the cantrip you cast and when making an attack roll with it.
•Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
•Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
At 9th level, you may add two cantrips to the set of artisan tools.
If you use this feature on another set of artisan tools the previous set loses its magic.

Arcane Artisan
With a set of artisan’s tools in hand, you create up to two tiny items each containing a magic spell chosen from the Artificer’s spell list. It takes one minute to create the item and the spell you choose must be a 1st level spell that doesn’t require a spell attack or saving throw. Treat the item as a spellcasting focus for the spell. If the spell requires a costly consumable component, the component must be contained within the item. The item holds on to the spell for 24 hours or until the Artificer takes a long rest.

With the item in hand, a creature can cast the spell contain in the item, using your Intelligence modifier for the spellcasting ability. At which point the item and spell is consumed.

You regain all spent uses of this ability after completing a long rest.
After reaching 5th level in this class the chosen spell can be a 2nd level spell, at 9th level the chosen spell can be 3rd level, at 13th level the chosen spell can be 4th level, and at 17th level the chosen spell can be 5th level.

2019-04-18, 11:14 AM
Is no one interested in discussing alternate ways for the Artificer to get magic?

2019-04-18, 11:32 AM
If you want to move spells to level two, why not just move the immitation magic item bit to level one? That way from level 2 on they're the same.

Cantrips can stay at level one. They're not part of notmal spell slot progression anyway.

2019-04-18, 11:46 AM
If you want to move spells to level two, why not just move the immitation magic item bit to level one? That way from level 2 on they're the same.

Cantrips can stay at level one. They're not part of notmal spell slot progression anyway.
Well the plan is to give them spellcasting at second level and also access to their archetype, which will give them an additional cantrip.
The Artificer scrolls are going to be designed to allow allies to also use them. So level one and two they can make scrolls that their allies can use and level three they get their item infusion ability.

I feel that the Artificer wand and scroll features are more thematic for the class. They also help with the multiclassing issue.

2019-04-18, 12:18 PM
I guess I just don't get the point of this. Players spend a total of 1 adventure at level 1 for the most part. Why monkey around with it except to prevent multiclass dips? UA material is notorious for being not balanced for multiclass. I'd generally not allow it if someone REALLY wants to play a reasonable balanced UA class.

Are you looking at replacing the current spellcasting and cantrip features of the class altogether with the wand/scroll proposal?

2019-04-18, 12:42 PM
I guess I just don't get the point of this. Players spend a total of 1 adventure at level 1 for the most part. Why monkey around with it except to prevent multiclass dips? UA material is notorious for being not balanced for multiclass. I'd generally not allow it if someone REALLY wants to play a reasonable balanced UA class.
I’m just thinking of alternate solutions to the Artificer to give the Devs more ideas on how to create it.

Are you looking at replacing the current spellcasting and cantrip features of the class altogether with the wand/scroll proposal?

My version will still give them spellcasting like a paladin or ranger. The wand feature is to give the artificer access to cantrips while the scroll feature gives them access to spells at level one (without having to break the standard spellcasting mold).

2019-04-18, 01:04 PM
I’m just thinking of alternate solutions to the Artificer to give the Devs more ideas on how to create it.

My version will still give them spellcasting like a paladin or ranger. The wand feature is to give the artificer access to cantrips while the scroll feature gives them access to spells at level one (without having to break the standard spellcasting mold).

Ok I get the concept. Essentially make the spellcasting of the class mechanically linked to things he makes. OK I guess. Just be careful. Artificer does not have enough base martial power(IMO) to be equivalent to Ranger or Paladins. The Half+ caster in the class is there to compensate a bit for the loss of fighting style and HP.

2019-04-18, 03:35 PM
I guess I just don't get the point of this. Players spend a total of 1 adventure at level 1 for the most part. Why monkey around with it except to prevent multiclass dips? UA material is notorious for being not balanced for multiclass. I'd generally not allow it if someone REALLY wants to play a reasonable balanced UA class.

Are you looking at replacing the current spellcasting and cantrip features of the class altogether with the wand/scroll proposal?

Artificer specifically includes multiclass builds, seemingly inviting playtesting and feedback on those grounds, and I personally don't see how UA material is any /less/ balanced for multiclass than printed material. I mean, look at the Hexblade.

Anyway, I have neither played the artificer nor seen it played by others enough to have strong opinions on how it should be changed in and of itself, but in terms of multiclassing my issue is less trying to discourage it and more that its non-standard spell slot progression (half caster, but unlike other half casters has slots at first level) doesn't interact smoothly with the existing rules for multiclass spellcasters, which only account for three spell slot progressions - full, half, and third.

For instance, by the current rules a first level artificer can cast first level spells, but a first level fighter that multiclasses into artificer cannot, and it could be argued that a first level artificer who multiclasses into fighter loses the ability to do so. On those grounds, I would approve of any move to shift first level slots/casting to level two, and in exchange either bump a level two feature down to level one - maybe give them one of their imitation magic items, perhaps restricting magic weapons specifically to level 2+.

Beyond that... again, I haven't had enough time with the new artificer to have good feedback on other potential changes.

2019-04-18, 03:55 PM
I’ve made a lot of changes to my original post. Mostly the Artificer Scroll(now Arcane Artisan) feature.

2019-04-18, 07:46 PM
The new changes make the casting abilities of the class pretty awful. Like a half progression warlock who only gets spell slots back on a long rest.

The idea is neat, but to be honest I would just add the cast a spell into an item as a class feature on top of the regular artificer. Can have a number of items active equal to your infusions. Cast some spells, hand them around. Fun and fits the enchanting items theme. Or is that the intent. They get the casting as listed in the class but just at 2nd level plus these two abilities at 1st.

2019-04-18, 09:29 PM
Or is that the intent. They get the casting as listed in the class but just at 2nd level plus these two abilities at 1st.
That is correct. At first level they get magical tinkering, enchanted tools, and arcane artisan. At 2nd level they get spellcasting(half-caster) and their archetype(which I’ll be changing a bit). At 3rd level they get infuse item.