View Full Version : Stonechild GSA - outsider, construct or both?

2019-04-17, 10:37 PM
What happens if a Stonechild (an outsider) takes 10 levels of Green Star Adept? Do the become a construct, losing their con score? Do they remain an outsider, keeping their con score but not gaining various construct abilities? Do they become both outsider and construct?

2019-04-18, 01:04 AM
Going off of inevitables, if it was a person of the material plane, who then became an outsider, that then became a construct, I would get rid of the outsider type. Only in rare circumstances would I add more subtypes, and one of them would be native.

Which doesn't really mean alot since every creature from the material technically has that subtype. This is mostly so that if you give it another subtype (elemental or alignment) it would just be an extra indicator that they are from the material plane and can't be banished from it(normally).

2019-04-18, 01:06 AM
What happens if a Stonechild (an outsider) takes 10 levels of Green Star Adept? Do the become a construct, losing their con score? Do they remain an outsider, keeping their con score but not gaining various construct abilities? Do they become both outsider and construct?
At least based on this (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20041105a) version, it says the type changes to construct. No ifs, no butts, no coconuts. You could be an outsider. You could be undead. You could be an ooze. Your type changes to construct.