View Full Version : Player Help Pathfinder: Making a Barbarian

2019-04-17, 10:49 PM
HOw do i do this, I've never played a barbarian so I have no clue what things to get or what feats to take. Should i take an archetype or not, and what races should i consider? I am starting at level one

2019-04-18, 01:16 AM
What do you want to do, and how do you want to do it?

2019-04-18, 04:24 AM
The general rule is, if you're going with Chained Barbarian, you want to Rage Cycle (thus you need some way to be immune to Fatigue; Oracle 1 with the Lame curse and perhaps some Rage Prophet is a typical option; Horizon Walker or items also work). Archetypes...aren't really necessary, but there are some nice options: Titan Mauler, Invulnerable Rager, even Brutal Pugilist can be nice.

Far as Rage Powers go, Greater Beast Totem gives you Pounce down the line so it's kinda gimme. Other than that, Superstition + Spell Sunder, perhaps Eater of Magic, Strength Surge, and perhaps Unexpected Strike + Come and Get Me. Add some combat maneuvers (if you're Rage cycling and have Strength Surge, you'll be succeeding vast majority of the time), perhaps tripping like in the good old days, and wield a reach weapon and go to town as a veritable 3.5esque pouncing tripping AoOing monster that can also cut through magic.

This handbook is old (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?233032-PF-Anger-Management-A-Pathfinder-Guide-to-the-Barbarian) but still pretty solid. Unchained Barbarian, you lose out on the rage cycling goodness but you need to put even less effort into building something basic workable.

Kurald Galain
2019-04-18, 04:37 AM
Since you're starting at level one, a great choice is the Flesheater archetype; this enables you to fly at level 2.

Regardless, a barbarian is out-of-the-box a viable and powerful character; just take a high strength, the biggest weapon you can find, and Power Attack. Since it's so easy to be viable, you can spend all your traits and rage powers and such on things you consider flavorful or fun.

2019-04-18, 09:02 AM
What do you want to do, and how do you want to do it?

Well, I was looking at invurnable Rager, and That DR is pretty good. Overall I want to do the barbarian thing, bite things and hit stuff hard, I've played many int based characters, so I kinda wanna turn the brain off.

2019-04-18, 09:46 AM
There's a pretty good guide by N.Jolly. Grab it, read the section on Superstitious Rager, use the sample build, have fun. CAGM builds are generally fun to fool around with.

2019-04-18, 10:37 AM
Well, I was looking at invurnable Rager, and That DR is pretty good. Overall I want to do the barbarian thing, bite things and hit stuff hard, I've played many int based characters, so I kinda wanna turn the brain off.

For turning your brain off, Unchained Barb is slightly better since Chained Barb is all about rage cycling. That said, rage cycling isn't really that complicated: turn on rage, use per rage abilities, turn off rage, repeat. As long as you're immune to fatigue, you're good to go. N. Jolly's Guide (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1plVgdYb5KYxtXiysgd_pzdK-37PCmz2u9VzpuvNPDdo/edit#bookmark=id.8jshsls2rjc7)*is also a fine point to visit with much the same content as Nova Wurmson's plus some more recent material.

Honestly, as long as you go Superstition and get Greater Beast Totem, it's really hard to go wrong. The rest is all gravy.