View Full Version : Player Help Need some clarification on the Articer's lvl 1 infusion "Spell Storing Item"

2019-04-18, 08:41 AM
Been a long time lurker of this forum, but never felt the necessity to post seeing as any question I might have, had already been asked and answered. (Thanks for that, you guys are amazing!)
I got into the Artificer class because many had noted it was to be one of the more difficult classes and I was looking forward to a challenge.
I can honestly say I'm not disappointing trough the level ups (level 8 currently) I've had several "AH-moments" and have adjusted accordingly.

My following question is more of check up, I am rather positive I understand how the "Spell Storing Item" Infusion is intended I just want to make sure I haven't glossed over some basics and/or possible tweaks made by the errata.
As I see it "Spell Storing Item" creates a temporary spell trigger, this spell trigger will have the caster level of my current Artificer level. I assume seeing as it's a spell trigger, it uses the minimum ability modifier, which is typical with spell trigger items. Is this true? Or am perhaps missing a critical element?

I'm asking because this makes several spells with save elements connected to them rather inefficient. Not complaining tho, the Artificer is a true beast of a class.

That's it really, quite sure I know the answer to my question, just felt like checking.

Thanks in advance and thank you all for contributing to what has always been my go to forum for any D&D related questions.

2019-04-18, 08:53 AM
Yeah, that seems correct. I think they missed that when making it.

There are some feats that let you use your modifiers in place of the wand's, but they usually take extra wand charges... and a Spell-toring Item has only a single charge.

It's still a pretty good infusion if you take the right spells, mainly buffs and the no-save spells affected by caster level.