View Full Version : [Psionic Power] Larval Flayers

2019-04-18, 02:51 PM
Hi there.

Larval Flayers is a 2nd-level power with a 1-round manifestation time:

This power calls 1d3 psionic creates known as larval flayers. The larval flayers appear where you designate and act immediately, on your turn. (As Tiny creatures, they initially appear together in the same square.) They attack your opponents to the best of their ability. If you can communicate with the creatures, you can direct them not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.

Augment: You can augment this power in one or both of the following ways:

For every 2 additional power points you spend, you can call one additional larval flayer.
For every 2 additional power points you spend, one of the larval flayers you call appears already attached to a foe in range that you specify and can use its brain sap ability unless the selected foe succeeds on a Reflex saving throw.

Larval Flayers have 2 Hit Dice and the following abilities:

Attach (Ex): If a larval flayer hits a Small or larger creature with a touch attack, it uses its four proto-tentacles to latch onto the opponent's body (usually the head). An attached larval flayer is effectively grappling its prey. Larval flayers have a +12 racial bonus on grapple checks. An attached larval flayer can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached larval flayer through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the larval flayer.

Brain Sap (Ex): A larval flayer eats gray matter, dealing 1d4 points of Intelligence damage each round it remains attached. Once it has dealt 4 points of Intelligence damage, it detaches and slithers off to digest the meal. A larval flayer can reduce its victim to 0 Intelligence in this fashion, killing the victim. If its victim reaches 0 Intelligence before the larval flayer's appetite has been sated, the larval flayer detaches and seeks a new target.

If I'm reading it correctly, the power lets you summon 1d3+8 larval flayers onto whatever creature for 19PPs, and should they attach successfully, it would result in a 9d4 damage to INT with no save or PR. That's not bad, is it?

2019-04-18, 03:04 PM
Alas, no, the augments don't both take effect with a single expenditure. For 19 pp you could get 1d3+4 larval flayers with 4 already attached.

Other psi powers specifically call out augments as overlapping, so these definitely do not. Psionic charm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/charmPsionic.htm) is a good example of that wording.

2019-04-18, 03:15 PM
Also remember that to augment a power and spend 19 PP on it, you need a manifester level of 19 or more. So the fact that it's 2nd level power is really irrelevant.

2019-04-18, 03:20 PM
Alas, no, the augments don't both take effect with a single expenditure. For 19 pp you could get 1d3+4 larval flayers with 4 already attached.

Other psi powers specifically call out augments as overlapping, so these definitely do not. Psionic charm (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/charmPsionic.htm) is a good example of that wording.
I wasn't using the second augmentation though, that's why I added "should they attach successfully."

Also remember that to augment a power and spend 19 PP on it, you need a manifester level of 19 or more. So the fact that it's 2nd level power is really irrelevant.
But it is relevant, it explains the PP amount in the example I gave at the end of the OP.

2019-04-18, 03:33 PM
Ah, I see. Yes, potentially as much as 11d4 Int damage with a single use of the power. I misinterpreted

summon 1d3+8 larval flayers onto whatever creature for 19PPs

as being attached.

2019-04-18, 04:52 PM
There’s totally a saving throw.

For every 2 additional power points you spend, one of the larval flayers you call appears already attached to a foe in range that you specify and can use its brain sap ability unless the selected foe succeeds on a Reflex saving throw.

And unlike many (not all) powers, augmenting it doesn’t increase the save DC. You won’t get your instant kill shot QUITE that easily.

2019-04-18, 07:22 PM
No, that's the same mistake I made -- he's not talking about having them arrive attached, he's having them make touch attacks in the round they arrive, then one round later the foe starts taking the Int damage. That strategy does have weaknesses itself, of course, but notably the larval flayers automatically grapple upon making the touch attack, rather than rolling a grapple check.